The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 18, 1908, Image 2

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Columbus Journal
F. K. STROTHER, Manager.
Complete Review of Happenings of
Greatest Interest from All Parts of
the Globe Latest Home and For
.eign Items.
John H. Sanderson, contractor;
William P. Snyder, former auditor
general; W. L. Mutinies, former state
treasurer, and James M. Shumaker.
were found guilty of capitol graft at
HarrisburR. Pa.
Admiral Evans' battleship fleet,
after leaving San Francisco, will visit
Hawaii, Samoa, Melbourne and
Sydney, Australia, the Philippines and
return to New York by way of the
Suez canal.
The entire business section of the
city of Hig Timber. Mont., was wiped
out by fire. The loss was $400,000.
Thr-e bandits held up and robbed
a bank at Tyro. Kan., securing $2,500,
after which they fled towards the Okla
homa line.
Denying the charge of insanity and
praying for dismissal of the suit,
Harry K. Thaw, through his counsel
at New York, made answer to Evelyn
Nesbit Thaw's divorce suit.
Executive encroachment upon legis
lative power was the subject of a stir
ring sieech in the senate by Senator
llacon of Georgia.
A socialist demonstration in favor
of universal suffrage developed at
Budapest. There were three hours of
serious rioting, the socialists using re
volvers. Banker John R. Walsh was denied a
new trial by Judge A. B. Anderson in
the federal court at Chicago and was
sentenced to five years in the govern
ment prison at Fort Leavenworth on
the charge of misapplying funds.
The naval militia bill was reported
favorably to the house by Chairman
Foss of the naval affairs committee.
Edward Kelleher of SL Louis was
found guilty for the second time of
murder in the first degree for killing
"St. Louis Tommy" Sullivan, a pugilist,
three years ago.
Carrying the largest appropriation
in all its history S22:U 90.U92 the
post office appiopriation bill passed
the house, having been under discus
sion 14 days.
Fire in the plant of the Columbia
Conserve company at Indianapolis,
Ind., caused a loss of $125,000.
A Springfield. 111., jury Friday ac
quitted James Roberts. 73 years old,
of the charge of murdering his em
ployer. Franklin Larkin.
Rev. J. T. Orr. for 50 years a
preacher in Illinois, was found dead
in bed in Sidell. 111.
Existence of an organized campaign
in Chicago to clear the name of Laz
arus Averbuch from the taint of assas
sin was revealed. It became known
that a secret fund of $100,000 had
been raised.
David Fratt of Billings, Mont., for
mer president of the state board of
stock commissioners, and a wealthy
cattle man. pleaded guilty to the ille
gal fencing of 7.9C0 acres of public
The German torpedo boat "S 12"
was run into and sunk by an unknown
steamer at the mouth of the River
A report widely circulated that the
school attached to St. Peter's church
at McKeesport, Pa., would be blown
up caused 75 per cent, of the pupils to
remain away.
Hugh Hollis, a treasury department
clerk, who came to Washington from
Louisville, Ky., shot and killed his
An attempt made by five criminals
under sentence of death to escape
from the Orel (Russia) jail resulted in
seven men losing their lives.
Tribute to the business ability of
Mrs. Clarence H. Mackay has been
paid by the board of trade of Roslyn,
L. I., in unanimously electing her to
A deputation of lumbermen from
aorthern Ontario asked the Ontario
government to remove the embargo
against the export of tan bark, to the
United States.
John Brown's antiquated wagon in
which he made many pilgrimages dur
ing his crusade against slavery was
destroyed by fire at Iowa City, la.
Notices were posted in the mills of
the Amoskeag Manufacturing com
pany, Manchester, N. H., announcing
a wage reduction averaging ten per
A fierce forest fire raged in the
vicinity of Tomahawk. N. C. Four,
men of the community, one white and
three negroes, burned to death.
One hundred masked "night riders"
rode into Birmingham. Ky.. shot six
negroes, one of them fatally, and
whipped five others.
Several thousand unemployed men
of- Philadelphia will receive employ
ment on public works, in all probabil
ity in about a month, by the passage
of the $10,000,000 loan.
After an eisbt-day visit, the Ameri
can torpedo flotilla sailed from Lima.
Peru, for Panama.
Prince Ludwig Menelik of Abyssinia
has been expelled from Gerniaay as
an undesirable foreigner.
Testimony was adduced before the
senate investigating committee on
naval affairs showing that the loca
tion of the armor belt of American
battleships was too low.
The English government has de
cided to keep private the personal let
ter written by Emperor William to
Lord Tweedmouth, first lord of the
Capt. Daniel Stewart. 94 years of
age. died at Upper Alton. III., after
lying in bed 27 years.
Prompt and determined action on
the Fall River line steamer Provi
dence prevented a catastrophe when
fire broke out while the vessel was
In Long Island sound.
Eighteen persons have been killed
by an avalanche fn the Dukhtarminsk,
Siberia, district.
Five hundred people were poisonei
at a social given by the women of the
English Lutheran church, Upper San
dusky, O., by eating chicken and waf
fles. Shareholders petitioned directors of
the Union Pacific to make Harriman
give up $40,000,000 alleged to have
been lost through his stock specula
tions. In the Lilley probe Congressman
Hoheon testified that he was ap
prolched by a lobbyist of the subma
rine boat interests who claimed influ
ence with Speaker Cannon.
Rev. Conrad Jaeger, aged 62 years,
pastor of the First Evangelical Luther
an church of Racine. Wis., and one of
the foremost Lutherans in Wisconsin,
is dead.
Thoron Illick. aged 23, son of J. T.
Illick, prominent Burlington, la., attor
ney, was drowned by the overturning
of a sail boat.
In Indianapolis. Ind., the national
convention of the United Mine Work
en; of America went Into session to
agree upon a course of action for a
wage scale.
John G. Jenkins, the Brooklyn, N.
Y., banker who with three sons was
indicted as a result of the banking in
vestigation, died of narlysis.
The candidacy of William H. Taft
for president of the United States was
indorsed by the Republican state con
vention of Nebraska at Omaha, Neb.
The steamer Mauretania established
a .new trans-Atlantic record by beating
her own best previous eastward.
A Denver, Col., jury sentenced Gui
seppe Alia to death for the murder of
Father Leo Heinrichs.
An important conference was held
at the White House in Washington re
specting amendments to the Sherman
anti-trust law.
While hunting ducks on Reservation
lake, a few miles southwest of Sioux
City, la., Luther E. Peterson was in
stantly killed by the explosion of his
own gun.
Mme. Anna Gould, who sailed for
New York from Paris, booked her pas
sage under the name of Miller.
John Bnrry, a well-known electrical
engineer and inventor of the "Burry
printing telegraph system, died at his
home on Staten Island.
The American battleship fleet under
command of Rear Admiral Robley D.
Evans steamed into Magdalena bay
and dropped anchor.
The cruiser Yankton, that went to
Indefatigable island in search of Fred
Jeffs, an American seaman, said to be
marooned there, returned to Acapulco.
It failed to find Jeffs.
Mayor Markbreit of Cincinnati, who
said women were not capable of run
ning autos and that "the only ma
chines women ought to run are sew
ing machines," is now sorry he said it.
The women bombarded him with pro
tests until he took it back.
It is reported in London that the
regalia stolen from Dublin castle has
been found in a pawnshop and re
covered. The yachts of George Gould, Wil
liam Leeds and three of the Vander
bilts were offered for sale in New
Nat C. Goodwin writes that after his
three weeks engagement in Chicago
he will quit the stage and go into the
mining business in Nevada.
An investigation by the department
of commerce and labor into the whole
system of grain dealing on boards of
trade is expected as the result of a
resolution to that effect introduced in
An unidentified man was found at
Imlay, Nev., entangled in a barbed
wire fence. He was still alive, al
though naked, and with his head part
ly severed from his body. Mystery
surrounds the affair.
Oscar E. Gaustad of Colburn, Wis.,
found his lost son. apparently dead,
under a tree. After carrying the lad
several miles home and working over
him warmth came to the body and the
lad revived. He had fallen from the
tree and become unconscious.
President Roosevelt has directed
Herbert Knox Smith of the bureau of
corporations to investigate the meth
ods of stock trading with a view to
furnishing the basis of possible future
legislation regulating such practices.
Details of alleged frauds in the
Louisiana Democratic primary elec
tion were placed before the Demo
cratic state central committee.
John B. Lindsey, at McArthur. O..
was acquitted of the charge of having
attempted to bribe Prosecuting At
torney Miller.
Methods of meeting competition and
gaining the oil trade of a locality were
testified to in the Standard Oil ouster
suit at Clevelaud, O.
Coroner Burke rendered his de
cision in the Colllnwood (O.) school
fire. Conditions existing are blamed,
but no fault is charged to any one.
The Kansas conference of the
Methodist Episcopal church at Topeka.
Kan., exonerated Dr. J. T. McFarland
of heretical charges.
One of the buildings of the San
Francisco and county almshouse was
burned and three patients lost their
Ambassador Takahlra addressed the
Japan society in New York.
Napoleon's Union school, Toledo
O., the largest building of the kind in
the state, was destroyed by fire. A
repetition of the Colllnwood horror
was averted.
A score of New York firemen were
injured, several of them seriously,
hundreds of persons were driven from
their homes and many buildings were
threatened by a fire.
Edward Doan of Saginaw. Mich.,
and John Mihvise of Sebewaing. Mich.,
got lost on the frozen Saginaw bay
and readied shore after 50 perilous
miles en honeycombed ice. .
Officers, committeemen and friends
cf the National Immigration league
held a meeting in New York to discuss
problems of immigration in their vari
ous phases.
Five arrests were made in Newark,
N. J., of persons connected with the
presentation of "A Millionaire's Re
venge." based on the Thaw tragedy,
which the Naw Jersey officials say is
A Pittsburg judge has decided that
a teacher may chastise an unruly
pupil with a barrel stave.
Senator Clarke of Arkensas de
nounced pending currency bills in a
speech In the senate, declaring that
no currency legislation should be en
acted until an investigation is held as
to the causes of the panic.
Gov. Guild of-Massachusetts has re
ceived official notification that the
king of Italy had nominated him a
grand officer of the Crown of Italy.
Mrs. Beatrice Thomas Metcalf. who
attempted to shoot Attorney S. R.
Hamill of Terre Haute, Ind., was com
mitted to a hospital for the insane.
Butter makers from nearly every
state in the union assembled at St.
Paul, Minn., for a three days' conven
tion. Reports to the New York and New
Jersey Metal Trades association show
that 6,000 of its 12,000 members are
out of work.
Anthony J. Drcxel. Jr.. and two oth
ers were injured in Philadelphia when
their automobile was hit by a trolley
President Castro of Venezuela has
refused to arbitrate claims made by
American citizens as requested by the
United States government.
In connection with the report of the
senate committee on military affairs
on the Brownsville riot, which was
made to the senate, the president
transmitted a message.
A partial itinerary for the battleship
fleet after finishing target practice at
Magdalena bay was announced by the
navy department at Washington.
Harry Orchard, before Judge Fre
mont Wood in the Caldwell. Idaho,
district court, was allowed to with
draw his former plea of not guilty.
The Porto Rico house of delegates
by a large majority passed a bill au
thorizing the insular government to
operate a lottery under the super
vision of the insular treasurer.
Charles W. Morse and Alfred H.
Curtis pleaded not guilty in the
United States circuit court at New
York to a joint indictment of 29
Miss Sarah Chamberlin Weed of
Philadelphia shot and killed Miss
Elizabeth Daily Hardee of East Sa
vannah, Ga.. and then committed sui
cide at a fashionable Boston school.
The khediveof Egypt, accompanied
by the duke and duchess of Connaught.
were present at Heliopolis at the first
automobile races held in Egypt.
The farmhouse of John Denthitt,
near Westboro. Wis., was destroyed
by fire and three small children weie
burned to death.
China, fearing that Japan was seek
ing a pretext for trouble, apologized
for hauling down the Japanese flag
and proposes to release the Tatsu
Maru. only recognizing "force ma
jeure." Discharged section hands are
thought to have boon responsible for
an attempt to wreck a Pennsylvania
suburban train in Chicago.
Fire at Thornton. la., wiped out
seven business blocks, the greater
part of the town.
State Senator-Elect D. S. Kemp
was shot dead in a duel at Amite. La.,
by C. F. Hyde, a prominent Demo
cratic politician.
The White House at Washington
was the scene of the opening of the
first International Mothers' congress.
An ancillary hill was filed at Hous
ton. Tex., in the federal court asking
a receivership for the International
&. Great Northern railroad.
Joseph Genetti, an Italian miner,
pleaded guilty at Belleville, 111., to
murders by an infernal machine and
was sentenced to a term of 45 years
in the penitentiary.
A Swede, apparently insane, fusil
laded the royal castle at Christiania
with a Remington rifle. King Haakon
was away.
Warran McKay, a native of Canada,
killed his wife and three children at
his Tenino (Wash.) home and then
committed suicide.
Representative Jesse Overstreet of
Indianapolis was selected for tem
porary chairman of the state Repub
lican convention.
That 'there are serious defects in
the construction of American battle
ships was charged by Capt. C. McR.
Winslow and Commander A. L. Key
before the senate committee.
Mme. Anna Gould, accompanied by
her three children, sailed from Cher
bourg for New York.
Harry K. Thaw was served with di
vorce summons in the proceedings
brought by his wife, Evelyn Nesbit
Thaw, to annul their marriage. Mrs.
W. C. Thaw was also served.
Secretary of the Treasury .Cortelyou
transmitted to congress a recommend
at ion for an appropriation for the
erection of a hall of" records in Wash
ington. A bold at ten: lit was made Tuesday
to rob the Merchants' bank in Omaha,
Neb., by a man thought by the police
to be a lunatic.
James Rathbun shot and killed Mrs.
Rathbun and then committed suicide
in Omaha. Neb.
The Country club, one of the most
exclusive social associations in the
south, pleaded guilty to selling liquors
in violation of the state laws at Mont
gomery, Ala.
Evelyn Nesbit Thaw instituted pro
ceedings in New York for the annul
ment of her marriage to Harry K.
Thaw. The action was based on the
allegation that the defendant was in
sane when the union was contracted.
Mrs. Rheus . Miller, said to be the
only actual daughter of the revolu
tion In New York, died at the home
of her daughter in Mount Vernon,
N. Y.
Eight firemen were injured and
eight business houses damaged to thn
extent of $125,000 by a fire which
threatened the entire business section
of Winkinsburg, Pa.
The Democratic members of the
house committee on banking agreed
to report Williams' minority currency
bill as a substitute for the Fowler bill.
The California supreme court vir
tually released former Mayor Eugene
E. Schmitz of San Francisco, convict
ed of extortion from Trench restau
rant proprietors and sentenced to five
years in the penitentiary.
Judge Brough in the Toledo. O.,
common pleas court released tinea
ice men sentenced to six mouths' im
prisonment for violation of the anti
trust laws. The men had served 37
Many Iron and Steel Mills Are Run
ning and Money Rates Are on
the Decline.
New York The prevailing opinion
reflected in the financial district last
week was of increased confidence that
the condition of affairs was mending.
Evidences were not universal that con
traction had run its course, but from
fields that .were considered most sig
nificant the signs of betterment were
accepted as testimony that the situa
tion was shaping owards improvement.
Figures compiled by the American
Railway association of the number of
idle freight cars showed a progressive
reduction for the last two fornightly
returns. These figures were highly in
fluential in shaping opinion on the
general situation. Scattering reports
of resumption of work by factories
which had suspended or largely re
duced operations during the depth of
the depression, although mixed with
evidence of further curtailment in
other directions, were a cheering fac
tor. Especially in the iron and steel
trade the reports of reopenings were
notable. A recovery from the price
of copper, which had been failing since
the decision to reopen the Butte cop
per production, gave some reassurance
to the confidence in improvement in
that trade, which was expressed in the
reopening in Montana.
The declining money rates here and
abroad were an element in the situa
tion and the discrepancy in money
rates here and in Europe induced some
investment of foreign funds in New
York. This was mostly confined to
high-grade mortgage securities and to
some takings of mercantile paper.
Buying for foreign account was per
ceptible, however, in the stock market
and the presence in foreign capitals
of some of the most influential Ameri
can financiers revived the supposition
that foreign buying of stocks were not
unrelated to this circumstance. The
easing of the money market and the
stirring of activity in stocks brought
into consideration the subject of finan
cial needs of the great corporations
which remain unsupplicd and which
insure attempts to float new issues of
securities in the near future. The
market for existing bonds was studied
to discern a reflection of this move
ment in the general bond market, but
resulted somewhat disappointing. The
bond market lacked breadth and the
prices at which seasoned bonds arc
still selling do not mike a propitious
condition for the offering of new se
curities. Paid Game Law Violation.
Bass-ett, Neb.rHeinrich Thomsen
of Burton, Keya Paha county, is a
wiser but poorer man. Thomsen runs
a creamery and shipped butter to Chi
cago. He has been suspected for some
time of breaking the game laws and
recent shipment of nine tubs of butter
was examined and resulted in finding
in one tub a dozen prairie chickens
coiled covered with a calf hide. Eleven
more chickens were found in his
creamery. Thomsen plead guilty and
was fined $115 and costs.
Plea Made for Pure Food.
Washington An urgent plea for
pure food in the household was made
by Dr. Wiley, chief of the bureau of
chemistry of the department of agri
culture, in an address before the in
ternational congress for the welfare
of the child, which is being held un
der the auspices of the national moth
ers' congress. Dr. Wiley emphasized
the importance of the mothers of the
country being eternally vigilant as to
the source of food products that come
into their homes for use.
Will Pierce the Andes.
Santiago. Chili The minister of
public works and a committee of
American engineers attended the in
auguration ceremonies of the Chilean
section of the Trans-Andean tunnel.
in connection with the railway from
Arica, Chile, to La Paz, Bolivia. The
tunnel will pierce the summit of the
Andes and will be the highest in the
New Rifles for Militia.
Washington General Crozier. chief
of ordnance of the army, has complet
ed arrangements for the isssue of the
new Springfield rifle. 30 caliber. 1903
model, fitted for 1906 ammunition, to
tho organized militia of all the states
and territories under the law govern
ing such issue. A letter was sont to
the adjutants general of all the states
and territories that have not yet been
suppplied, stating readiness of the
department to furnish the number
needed and explaining how they may
be obtained.
Lincoln's Telegraph Operator Killed.
Binghampton, N. Y. Dewitt Ful
ler of Hancock, who. it is said, was
private telegraph operator for Presi
dent Lincoln during the civil war. was
killed on the Erie tracks at Nar
rowsbnrg. Big Steel Plant to Resume.
Sharon, Pa. Announcement was
made that the entire plant of the
Sharon Steel Hoop company will re
fume operations Tuesday. The open
hearth, blooming mill, eight, nine and
ten-inch billet mills will also start.
Orchard to Be Sentenced.
Boise'. Idaho On the morning of his
forty-second birthday, next Wednes
day, in the district court of Canyon
county. Harry Orchard, the self-confessed
murderer of former Governor
Steunenberg. who was killed by an ex
plosion of a bomb at the gate of his
residence in Caldwell on tlie evening
of December 30. 1005, will face Judge
Fremont Wood, prepared to hear the
death sentence. Harry Orchard, of
his own volition, and against tho ur
gent pleadings of his attorney, refused
to plead not guilty.
Warning to Boards of Education, Sup
erintendents and Educators.
The following circular has been sent
cut by State Superintendent McBrien
and Labor Commissioner Ryder:
Owing to the recent calamity at Col
llnwood, a suburb of Cleveland. O., we
deem it our duty to call the attention
of boards of education, city superin
tendents, high school and village prin
cipals, teachers and other officials
throughout the state who are respon
sible for the lives of the school chil
dren entrusted to their care to the law
regulating fire escapes and egress from
public buildings.
I 'lo guard against loss of life in this
state we urge upon all officials whose
duty it is to enforce the aforesaid acts
to see that the provisions of these laws
are strictly observed. We Tegret to
say that there are at least 300 public
school buildings in villages, towns and
cities in Nebraska where existing ar
rangements fail to meet the require
ments of the law. In many places the
situation is criminal.
It is the small details that arc too
often overlooked or entirely neglect
ed, which in the event of great emer
gencies would be the line between
safety and danger. All doors should
swing outward. Windows should never
be allowed to become bound or neg
lected to that extent that they will
not work with a touch of the finger.
Escapes of noncombustible material
should be erected where needed. The
need should be regarded as immediate
rather than in the distant future.
We offer the suggestion that in addi
tion to exits and fire escapes provided
for by law there should be on every
floor of a school building two or more
stories in height a supply of ropes in
every room, knotted and securely fas
tened to the walls ready for immediate
use. The boys should be required to
practice descending these ropes occa
sionally and the girls should be re
quired to watch the boys at practice.
There should be frequent fire drills
in every school, but it should be re
membered that in a fire drill it is as
important to see in how orderly a
manner the pupils can leave the build
ing, as well as how quickly it can be
Reports for Seven Months of Nebraska
The excess of operating revenues
over operating expenses has been de
creased during the last seven months,
according to the reports of seven rail
roads to the interstate commerce com
mission. The only exception is the
Burlington, which reports its operating
expenses for the last seven months as
being 68 per cent of its revenues, while
for two years before its operating ex
penses were 71.21 per cent of Its rev
enue. The following table shows the
relative percentage of income required
during the last seven months and the
two years previous:
Union Pacific 59 56.76
Burlington 6S 71.21
Milwaukee 6; 65.3U
Great Northern 77 71.15
Rock Island 75.5 69.44
Northwestern 66.27 65.2
The expenses of the Milwaukee have
been practically a constant proportion
of its income during the entire period.
The Missouri Pacific, however, has suf
fered a ver? considerable decrease in
its net revenues, fating from 28.85 per
cent of the total operating revenue to
23 per cent.
Transportation and Yards to Be Han
dled by Separate Corporations.
Lincoln After a consultation of
members of the State Railway com
mission and Frank Ransom, represent
ing the Union Stock Yards company
of South Omaha, it was decided that
the company would organize a new
company which will manage and con
trol the transportation facilities of the
old company. This new company will
then make its report, to the railway
commission in accordance with the de
cision of the suoreme court which held
the stock yards a common carrier.
The railway commission holds i: has
nothing to do with the price paid for
feed stuff by shippers because the
business of transportation ceases when
the catile are unloaded into pens and
therefore its jurisdiction ceases at the
Nebraska Car Famine.
Lincoln A car famine existed in Ne
braska for the week ending March 4.
On the Omaha division of the Union
Pacific 233 box cars were ordered and
165 provided. On the Norfolk division
of the Northwestern patrons called for
262 cars and got 115. On the Fremont
division the demand for 189 cars was
met with 160.
Will Restore the Service.
Lincoln The Union Pacific will re
store the service which has been al
most annihilated on the branch line of
the system. C. J. Lane, assistant gen
eral freight agent, informed the rail
way commission that the order re
cently issued would be complied with
and the annulled trains restored.
Lightning Starts Bad Fire.
St. Paul During a thunderstorm
lightning struck and Fct fire to the
barn and granary of Chris. Kikkelsen,
alxnit twenty miles north cf here. The
barn and granary was entirely con
sumed, with seven head of horses.
Farmer Gumble Hangs Himself.
Fairbury John Gumble. a farmer
living near Daykin. in Jefferson coun
tv. committed suicide by hanging. A
coroner's inquest was held and decid- j
ed that, the man was suffering from
temporary insanity.
Bids for Stat: Buildings.
The State Board of Public Lands
and Buildings has received bids for
construction of a building at the
Grand Island Sold'ers home and for
the cottnw at the Milford SoHliers'
home. Bids have not yet been received
for the construction of the cottage at
the latter. The beard is divided as to
whether this building should he erect
ed, but. a majority is in favor of spend
ing tho appropriation of $15,000 the
law provided. Secretary Junkin be
lieves the cottage is not needed, hut
other members do not agree with hin.
mm mm
What Is Going on Here and There That
is of Interest to the Readers
Throughout Nebraska.
Fairbury's new $50,000 hostelry is
open for business.
Baseball enthusiasts of Beatrice
met and formed a permanent organi
zation. The funeral of Fred Hedde. the old
time citizen and editor of Grand Isl
and, was very largely attended.
State Engineer Dobson has been
asked to prepare bridge plans for Sa
line and Custer counties. In both
counties the plans are to be for steel
Governor Sheldon received a formal
invitation from Mayor E. R. Taylor of
San Francisco to attend the festivities
attending the expected arrival of the
American fleet at San Francisco dur
ing the month of May.
State Game Warden Carter has
found that he has more business on
hand than he anticipated a few
months ago when he curtailed his
force, and has reappointed Deputy
Hyers for active work.
E. Haas, formerly a dry goods mer
chant of Osceola and lately of Stroms
burg. has made an assignment for the
benefit of his creditors. Business slow,
collections slow, creditors would not
wait, so Mr. Haas had to assign and
The state university is without fire
escapes. This Labor Commissioner
Ryder ascertained after a casual in
spection of the buildings on the
campus. The authorities stated that
bids have been received on the fire
escapes and they will be installed as
soon as possible.
C. A. Fulmer. for five years super
intendent of the public schools of
Beatrice, has tendered his resignation
and It has been accepted by the Board
of Education. Mr. Fulmer has accept
the position of dean of the college of
liberal arts at the Wcsleyan univer
sity at Lincoln.
Governor Sheldon announced the fol
lowing appointments of commission
ers to the national corn show which
wil be held in Omaha next December:
William Ernst of Johnson county, E.
A. Burnett of Lancaster county, R.
Hoge or Saline county and W. R. MeF
kr of Sherman county.
The case of Thomas Langdon
against Dodge county to recover dam
ages for the death of his infant child,
caused by the collapse of the North
Bend bridge across the Platte last
April, resulted in a verdict of $371.25
in favor of the plaintiff, a victory for
the defense as the county was willing
to pay a much larger sum.
About a hundred delegates repre
senting the Congregational churches
of Nebraska met in Lincoln. Lloyd
E. Harper of Chicago delivereed aa
address on "Congressional Brother
hood." The following officers were
elected: President, C. C. Smith.
Exeter: vice president. George Loom-
is. Fremont: secretary and treasurer,
G. J. Hess of Lincoln.
The Falls City Telephone company
has asked permission of the state rail
way commission to increase rates.
The present rates are at the rate of
$24 per year for business telephones
and $9 per year for residence service.
The company states that its invest
ment is $21,483.76. The assertion is
made that a telephone plant depreci
ates at the rate of 10 per cent per
The suit of A. W. Bradley of Ju
anita. for $4,500 damages was dis
missed in federal court at Hastings
because the defendant was named
as the Chicago. Burlington & Quincy
Railroad company instead of Chicago.
Burlington & Quincy Railway compa
ny. Bradley claimed damages for the
destruction of a barn and contents by
fire which was alleged to have been
started by fire brands from a Bur
lington engine.
A further reduction, says an Omaha
dispatch, was made at the Omaha
!--hops of the Union Pacific road. Or
ders for a 12 per cent cut in the
forces there were sent from General
Superintendent Park's office at head
quarters to Superintendent McKecn
and between 125 and 1C0 men were
discharged. Officials estimate that
about 145 men were let out. The
shops had 1.800 last fall before the
dull times came on. There are still
at work in these shops 1.800 men.
In answer to the charges of dis
criminatory rates made by the Fair
bury Iron Works. Attorney James E.
Kelby has filed a statement to the
effect that the rates complained of
are interstate rates, which the state
railway commission is powerless to
change. The complaint of the iron
works is the first step in a campaign
begun by the Fairbury Commercial
club to obtain better rates for the
In the district court at Plattsmouth
Homer E. Fester was found guiPy of
highway robbery.
Walter Thoi:as. who has been em
ployed in the Burlington storehouse in
Plattsmouth for twentq-three years, re
ceived a two months' vacation, and,
with his wife, has gone to California
on a visit.
Tecumseh's new Carnegie library
bttilding is now ready for occupancy.
The building is finished, the furniture
is being installed and the library is
being moved from its old location in
the city hall building to the new build
ing. If prohibition carries in the coming
election Lincoln will henceforth be a I
dry town.
The Ministerial Union of Omaha has
made a demand that the mayor clos"
up business tight on Sunday.
The agitation which has been prom
inently before the public mind for
Fom ime past in relation to 5 be build-
ins of rn auditorium in West Point
cryptalizcil in the holding of a mass
rr.'-'Otlng of the citizens, who asscm- I
blod lo cor.rifler the project and to de
vise ways and means for the accom
plishment of :his much needed public
improvement. j
TtMMands of Women Suffer in th
i Same Way.
Mrs. Thomas Dunn, 153 Viae St, Co
Iambus. Ohio, says: "For more than
ten years I was in.
misery with back
ache. The simplest
housework complete
ly exhausted me. I
bad bo strength or
ambition and suf
fered headache and
dizzy spells. After
these years of pain I was despairing,
of ever being cured when Doan's Kid
ney Pills came to my notice and their
use brought quick relief and a perraar
nent cure. I am very grateful."
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box-Foster-Milburn
Co., Buffalo. N. Y.
The Hottentot Tot.
If a Hottentot taught a Hottentot tot
To tot ere the tot could totter.
Ought the Hottentot tot
To be taught to say "ausht"
Or "naught." or what ought to be taught
If to hoot and toot a Hottentot tot
Be taught by a Hottentot tootcr.
Should the tooter get hot it the Hottentot
Hoot and toot at the Hottentot tutor"
Charles S. Putnam, In The Sunday Mag
azine. In a Pinch, Use ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE.
A powder. It cures painful, smart
ing, nervous feet and ingrowing nails.
It's the greatest comfort discovery of
the age. Makes new shoes easy. A
certain cure for sweating feet. Sold
by all Druggists. 25c. Accept no sub
stitute. Trial package. FREE. Ad
dress A. S. Olmsted. Le Roy. N. Y.
Nothing is more amiable than truo
modesty, and nothing is more con
temptible than the false. Tho one
guards virtue, the other betrays it.
Proof is inexhaustible that
Lydia E. Pimkfcava's Vegetable
Compound carries vonca safely
through the Change of Iaf e.
Read the letter Mrs. E. Hanson,
304 E. Long St., Columbus, Ohio,
writes to Mrs. Pinkbani:
"I was possinjr through the Chang
of Life, and suffered .from nervous
ness, headaches, and other annoying
symptoms. My doctor told me that
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound was good for ne, and since tak
ing it I feel so much better, and I can
again do my own work. I never forget
to tell my friends what Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound did lor mo
during this trying period,'
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills,
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down
feeling, flatulency, indiges
tion,dizziness or nervous prostration.
Why don't you try it ?
Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick
women to write her for advice.
She lias guided thousands to
health. Address, Lynn, Mats.
issenri Rivtr Ttrainals
to April 30, 1908
to San Francisco, Los
Angeles, San Diego, and
many other California
To Everett, Beilingham,
Vancouver and Victoria,
via Spokane.
To PortlandandAstoria.
To Tacoma and Seattle,
via Spokane.
To Ashland, Roseburg,
Eugene, Albany and
branch lines in Oregon.
To Spokane and inter
mediate O. K. & K.
Union Pacific
For full information inquire of
E. L. LOMAX, G. P. A.
CIcaaats asfi lm.fies th hmfr
ItoTcr Fail to Bertors Qr
Cores wtaip :mw hmir taUjr.
L acaauiir Pronto "
W A NTFIi 3len ""d to learn watr b -"
"inakiivan.1 -nniriii;. Altr tour
months will par ll jxt wck- guard t-arced wlul.
1-arnIm:. lUilnaa rare paid. Knclro starac.
lrticn:.-.rx. AV.J.Hn.i.ACo..
Cratory BMt. Wait. V. C
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