r2? . - aP & r - 5...' R1 4- - 3 j( ' ' : , w t CSnJ 4 i -- s, J f ui wt -'' . 1 .- "-. fi I ' 1 u in ti&Hl A .i ConsoUdmted with the Ctolumbw Time, pril 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argil January 1, 1906. - - - y Lfa -"v 6f 5 ' ' VOLUME XXXVIIL NUMBER 49. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1908. WHOLE NUMBER 1;895. ITt The Best Bar- i " S I gain in Town i m I i htntos. We have it, and we believe just what we any. A good house in a good location. If yon are on the market for a hone of your bwn, we will be pleased to show it to yon. Money to loan on real estate at the lowest rates of interest Becher, Hockenberger & Chambers. m p m m 9 m m m ctLimvi Muaan. kalan W SWa Byel Old Corn New Corn Barley; 43 85 63 50 50 40 Hoga.. ...S3 80 3 90 E MAMT TEABS AGO. 1 J Files of the Journal, March 11. 1874. The boads for bailding a bridge aeroM the Loan river near to and south of Jaekson, in this coanty, carried by a vote of 61 for, to 27 agaiast, being 34 of a majority in favor of the bonds. Wild geese aaade their appearance last week in the Platte valley,but they caaae down front the north, which some old settlers say indicates, cold weather, and others predict, foreshadows an early spring. A hownsstesder np on the Looking Glass, digging aronad on hisckuM, cssm pen issiner sbsk weacn, soatawea: I about thiwbwahek of gold sad silver I the coin tamed out to be bogas. - The legislature of Iowa has parsed a raiuwadtarhT bill which reduces the earning of Iowa roads aboat forty per cent d the paawager rates one-half a cant a utile. We think, front the sample af freight charges we publish elsewhere, the railroads of Nebraska need a maximum law. Two sets ef delegates from this county those appointed by the county central oommittse and those selected by the convention, attended the republican nnejgTSssional convention, .held at Nor folk, Tuesday, and the oantsst was taken before the convention and settled by the committee on credeatials ia favor of the delegates aekwteu by the cos tioa. The action of the committee, at the time the convention was called seems to be responsible for the contest. At that meeting amosgtbe matters discussed relative to the con vention was the manner of choosing delegates, and when this was brought np the committee was Informed that Stan ton county had selected their delegates by appointment, and in the discussion , that followed, the sentiment asemed to be that there would 'be a number of appointed delegations at theeonvnution. The result was a resolution intended to give the power as far. as the congres sional committee was eoneerued, to the various county committees to ap'poiat delegates to the congreseioaal conven tion and their decision was for the dele gates elected by the convention. The convention selected Editor W. N. Hues of the Norfolk News, and Frank Voter of Harting were elected delegates to the National repuUiean convention at Chicago, and J. C. Elliott of West Point and C. R. Wright of Genoa alternate. The borae races at the State Fair, the first week in September, an announced by the committee, are as follows: Stakes to dose May 1st; 235 and 2:21 trotting, for purses of $1000 each, 3-year-old; 3 yearold 2:45 for Nebraska bred colts, trotting, each for purses of 9600, and a 2-year-old trot for t25o. 2:30, :92 and 2:14 pacing, each for a purse of $1000, 3 year-old; 3-year-old. 2:40, for Nebraska bred colts, each for a purse of $50 and 2-year-old pace for fWO. The classes closing August 10th will be as follows: 2:30, 2:25 and 2:17 trotting, each for $500; 235, 235 and 2:18 and frse-for-sU pacing, each for a parse of $500. Running; 2-year-old Nebraska bred eolts, 4 f arlonga for $$00. sad a Derby 1 1-J6 miles for $900, besides seven other running races rangisg from J to! mile. We would suggest that oar horse men write to W. B. Mellor, Lineolafor Try the Victoria cigar. Wall paper at Leavyn. New Spring Silks at &'. Dm. Paul and Matsea, Deatiets. Dr. rnmhis Ooculirt and aariet. ' Use Sole Proof for floors. Leavy'a. Dr. Tatter, fTslnssIs ITuiwaTusuat Dry store wood for sale. J. W. My let .Dr. W. H. Slater, veteriaariaa, phone People who get renalta advertise ia the jourasi. New Laees aad Embroideries at Grmx's. Dr. a A. AUeebarcer. State Beak baildiag. WiUiam LaRueef this city graatetapeneisaof$8. Otto Kumpf visited with 8t. Edward friends a part of last week. MeGaU patterns 10 and 15 cents at the Fkxpatriek Dry Oooaa Store. ProtLttBritellwasat St. Edward last week doaiag ap a lead deei. L. Weatcott aad Frank Aneonof Ores ton were Columbue vhniors last week. A baby tfri arrived at the home of Mr. aad Mrs. Joe Storioek, last Friday evening; bum vydia Lunohea, of Route Na Ik is r guest thin week of Miss Mnble Douglas. Flan display of ap to date, strictly tailored hats. "Gage" models ia particu lar at wwiiiiiawwwwwwiiw .a I Doing Beats is v Promising the i m m m w 9 9 9 m 9 m m w w m m 9 9 m 9 9 m 9 9 9 I 9 9 9 9 i 1 But we've got to do some prom- f ising-so that yoa may know, f what to expect at thw stone. f When we promiee yoa that we have yaur interest at heart f ally f as machMour'owa,wecxpect f it to be believedxrbeeaaae it's ue tratn. - t When we promise you that a certain article ia so and so yoa may rely upon what we toll you. I 1 When we charge yoa a csrtaia 1 price for an article yoa tan be f at aura at aaythiog that yoa f eouldat get it for lest any i where ek it the country. . Z Yen.doing beats promieiaff bat we like to promiee aad we like to do as we promiee. J. IIEWMia. I I Jeweler & Optician I Mmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmw We noticed two young men at the en terteiauMUt the other evesiag, who wade it .a point to stamp their feet aad clap their haade at the close of every performance. We formed two opinione of them, either they had not judgement enough not to know when to applaud or that they were trying to eee how maeh noise they coaU make. In either their conduct was uabecoming. FhtfU'Ctaaty Teachers. Following ie the program for the Platte County Teachers' Association, at Crest on, Nebraska. March 14, 1906, at 1 'eieekp.m. Deft Forget the Old Folks High School Quartette Patrons' Duties to the School Anna Biedinger Sfetgatag Song Intermediate Pupils Questions and Suggestions AjOQIaW AJunWCltVaftjO Questions A. J. Patterson Laughing 8ong Intermediate Pupils The Old Oaken Backet. .Girls Quartette Physical Oultare in Rural 8caoele. . -;; William Farraad School Libraries Lizzie Knight In response to a call issued by Presi dent Kerr of" the Commercial club, the citizens of Oolnmbus met Tasaday even ing to diacuiethe proposition of the Un ion Pacific railroad to either remodel the present passenger depot in the near future, or wait a year or two and n new depot, costing in the neighborhood of $100,000 would be built. The sentiment wss in favor of waiting antil the -new depot could be built if satisfactory assurance that this would be done ws9 received from ihe com pany, as the repairiag of the old depot meant that the etrueture as remodeled would in all probability be me permanent aepos. 'me idea or a new etrueture is the right one, us when the change in the depot ia aaade one should be built that will he a credit to the city aad the railroad for many years to come. The Nebraska Biene, the German news paper owned by the late J. H. Johannes, was sold last Friday to Messrs. J. P. Siems and Henry Wilckens, the firm name being Siems & Wilckens. The new proprietors will look after the bus iness department aad employ an editor to look after that end of the paper. The policy of the paper will be independent, and the local aide will be pushed. The new proprietors have an excellent news paper property, and with ample capital at their oomninnd, will no doubt make a success of toe venture. Edison aad Victor phonographs aad records for sale by Carl' FroemelVllta atreet,' Columbue. Registrar John Schmoeksr reports eleven deaths aad fifteen births dariaa the month, of February. Fred Weetcottand family of that city toved tojUreetoe Wednesday morning, where they wjU make their future home. If the grass is thia en year lawn new is the tiate to renew it. We have all kinds of good lawn grasses. Qimy, For Salt Wsraem ahon drim md repair ehepincon aaossss FwavMun- ter, Monroe, Neb. . r A. W. Clark, who uocorapanied the delegates from hare to the democratio convention held nt Omaha. KtaiMd home Friday eveatag. Wanted, acentstomske mom Mnm ihan acting nt other ugeete. In the best organization in the world. Address M.B. O, Monroe. Nebr. J. C. Nichols it here fran Ouha u. iUag relatives. He came fertbe purpose of renting hie farm and mnkinjc some improvements about the place. ' Robert Thompson tad Miss Minnie Wenlcbotbof Oreetou, were atarried Wednesday afternoon in the parlors of the Millard hotel at Omaha, by Bev. B. L. Pardy. Lees Stock Food at Leavy'a. , Dr. Naussaaa. Dentist 13 St. ' New Sprite Drees Goode at (Brjsj's. Dr. L. P. CarsteaaoarVeteriaarinn G. B, Prieb, painting anal-paper hanging. J First-class printing done at the Jour aaloMee. - New Silk Pettiooata in plain and fancy atGraars. If yoa waat to bay or tell faraHands tttJoaaW.Mylet. Dr.D.T.Martyn.jrofieenewOolum. baUdiag. eonfaed wita a to the hones the last week attack of the grippe. Ia amtriat court Wm. Cabbisoa, who lamtt M: 9. IiOOisGosdekiavhamd at tat Louie Wilhebn hoeas Sunday. HearyKalwetdwata visitor at Gosdekia scene last Suaday. I Lewie Newman visited with I brother, O. P. Newmaa. Saturday aad Suaday. Captain Ed Boa and Herman Henae visited at Fred Kramland't Saaday af ternoon. Mitt Mary Borchera returned last Friday f rem a viit with f rienda at De naaet,Iowa. ' MimSmma Krumlaad eutertaiaeda number of the.youmr neoale nt her home last Sunder afteraooa. Bev. tad Mm. rspiahses daughter Martha, left Monday afteraooa for their new home at 8pringfield, Dl Fred tad Edward ITustimsn, from near Leigh, renewed aequaiataaces with old friends on thia route last Saaday. Some of the young- people of thit route were eatertaiaed at carda at tat home of Frank Bonk. Fraak Goedekia won themostgames. Otto Branktu retumddome Taeaday eyeaiag from a viett" to Texas. He re ports that bn purchased a quarter see tion of good land near Demmont. The basket social which was to have beta given at the school noose in Dis trict No. 77 next Friday evening has been postponed antil Friday evening, March Soth. Among those who attended the state meeting of the German Baptist chnrcnes at Ftemont last Friday to Monday were Herman and Halda Moarmaa. and Henry Kuperued Mat, Jot Krauts, re presenting the Shell Creek Baptist ohareh,and Misses Louis aad Lydia Seefield, representing the Platte Center Baptist church. WHERE AU1URN LOCKS ABOUND. Feund in Great Numbers ia North- eastern .Part f tcetlamJ. Red hair Is fount la distinct excess north of the Gnuapiaat, aad especially la the northeast of Scotland! A 'sci entist who naa made the question of pigmentation a special study, and has just been helped to conclude a color survey of the school children over 50,00 of Scotland, announced thia as one of his results. Ia most European countries, he said, there ia a distinct predominance of one type over the others. In north Germany and Sweden it hi the blonde type; in Italy the brunette. No such I predominance ia found in Scotland. I Dark hair aad fair are present in y.wyw. mw. nc HUUUIHUIl VW or among Scottish children Is brown, .and it has to be shown-how far brown la really a blend of fair and dark. The proportion of red hair through out the country is a little over 5 per cent. nigh compared with the con tinent One cannot overlook the ref erence of Tacitus to the red haired Caledonians. Some curious facta brought to light suggest that red hair Is not entirely or strictly a racial trait It may have some peculiar physiological If not pathological con nection. m m m m m $ m m m m m 5 P m m t m REX ALL Cherry Juice Cough Syrup One of the famous Rexall remediws of which there is one for each ailment VfW Pollock & Co. Tat Druggist on the Ctwmm uoiumous, Ntbrsska 1 i s i .utatantannaE P'a'eJlfM USED Hit STORED KNOWLEDGE. When High School Learning Came Handy to Business Man. in found, guilty tenet. ' and ia awaiting his sen- When Folks Come 'Round. .Grammar PupOs The ubove program will be beneficial to all interested in the advancement of the edntetioasl interests of Platte iaty. N terse in Colfax coanty. 3 west of Biehlaad. Good aad corncrib; 140 neres in caltiva- tiaa, remsisdsr meadow aad pasture. Flies M5 per ncre. Johk Hauda, 47-2p Oolumbus, Nebraska. At wt have told our lumber aad ceal yard ia Columbus tad wish to elete ap i tt possible, all those Ives to be . indebted to i call at the yard aad settle. All i can he found nt tat Hoagiaad yard. P. D. 8mtth Co. san amnmsan us sans ImtaTtw CtawVas HiatCt. tt John Cover t, Co, will iMarthltt. Highest eaah lead junk. Gall or TMaew Columbus On, Oalanwhaa, Nebr. 4 sel-4 1-18-3 of Menree. Oalloaor Mem, a R. Watts, Monroe, Nee. New SpriarDreas 8kirts at Gray'a, The Italian car ia the New York to Paria automobile race pasted through Columbus Monday evening about nix o'clock. No stop waa nude here as the party expected to make Grand Island before stopping. The party were pilot ed across the Loup bridge by Mux Gottberg, tad then took the road etraight west for Duncan. Those aboard were surprised at the roads ia Nebraska, they being quite different to the ones they were accustoaed to. Beginning with Monday morning the freight service oa the Spalding branch was put back on the six dsy schedule There wss no good reason for taking this tram off every other day, aa daring the last two weeks the old tehedula has practically been in font, when extra freightaareencluded. Instead of get tint: lighter the business on thit branch has bean getting heavier with the ap proach of epring;. The following Oaaaha dispatch tells of a suit ia which two Colambas iaterested: Arguameteea the for a decree ia taeanfrsnentssat ef eat suit ef the Alsop Process can agatast Nsyjor Gecrard, miliars, of Oolambna, were made ia the Utited States circuit court Friday nwrning be fore Judge W. H. Manger, tad tat court 8well Gut Berahard, Eugene Clark, Charlie Graves and Basil Gaitsen left here Sun day morning; for near Dancaa. where they will spend the week camping aad hunting ducks. Mrs.H. J. Brian ef south of the river, wss st Schuyler last week for a visit with her auat, Mrs. Luey Brown. Mr. Brian went down Saturday aad ed over Sunday. Charles Reinke, who has Mary's hospital the peat several aadwao has undergone two fOTSDeBdicittf, is reported as aowget muk aiong nioary. Rice's fresh bulk garden seeds at beam at St Mrs. George Lehman returned Sunday evening from California, called hereby the serious illness of her, son a n. Whaley. FOUND A Galloway fur mitten. Owner can have name by calling nt the Journal office, proving property and paying for this notice. Balph Swartsley. who has been in Columbus during the winter, left Mon day for Stoekville, Neb., where he will tpend the tummer with O. C. Burns. On account of the delegates who came through Colambua to attend the con- Riuumonai convention as Aonoix. an extra coach was added to the train to aecommodate them. During the last week Judge Batter- man married two couples, Fraak 8. Stevenson and Mary A. Hoffman,, both of Columbue, and Arthur Peterson of Monroe and Anna Mae Williamson of in R. a Palmer the tailor, dean, dyee and repairs Lsdies' and GenU' clothing. Hnto cleaned and rtblooked. Buttont nudtto order. Agent Germaait Dye Works. Nebraska Phone. HoaeCompanyNer 2 were called oat Monday afteraooa to put out nmnall fire ear the gas house of the Oolumbus Gas w 1" xwe owae waa oascoverea ia timesnd no dsmsge resulted. A letter from B . Jones, formerly of thit city, bat aow of Denver, says he expects to leave March 10 oa a six months' trip to the Pacific coast, panied by hit wife tad daaghter H. A-Davm aad Jm Browner art tat first hunters to stake a good haal tail spring, their trip last Saturday resulting in tneir bagging thirty four dacha aad John R. Latchen has tired of city life and k amoving oa to his farm southeast of Columbus. He proposes to have all the comforts of home and is fitting up bachelors quarters that will be the envy of bis acquaintaaoes. Tht Cover store building, west of the Journal office, which has been occupied ay uanaona mrniture ttore, will soon be occupied again, aa Mr. Cover expects to least it in the near future to n man from the east for a mercantile establish t. Revival meetings nt the Baptist church continue with deepening interest. No tice will be given from the pulpit Sun day regarding future meetings. Subject for Sunday morning, "A Pnnperoue Charon"; Saaday evening, "How God Loved." Frances A. Dawes, ' wife of ex- Governor James W. Dawes, died Sun day morning nt Atlanta, Georgia, where htrhutbaad it ttatioted aa paymaster hi tht regular army. She will be buried at the hosaeof her parents ia Milwaukee, Stltt Ma. f. Ed Hahn went to Columbus Monday. Idell Oieott weat to Ksasiagtoa Sat urday. Jot Jahn marketed hoga ia Coluaabus Tuesdty. M. J. findsisy waa a county seat visi tor Moadsy. ' .M. Hsaa.wan. lastMoaday. ' N. Lotekt marketed grain in Colum bus latt Mondsy. F. A. Otoott and wife visited at O. A. Church's lttt Monday. Ernest Kraeer: marketed hon at Columbus Isst Monday. Carl Plagemaan marketed hoga Oolumbut the first of the week. Frank GerbokL Paul Briggt and Roe buck Brotbert.went to town Friday IssU A new barn is being built on the Frans Jahn farm south of the east channel bridge. Bobert Bell is making preparations to move on n farm eleven auk, north of Oolumbut next Monday. - August Viergutz and daughter Anaa. went to Columbus Monday. Mies Vier gutz will remain in thencity. Frank Jarecki took hie diso to Oblam-J bus one day last week to have it pat ia condition for the spring work. There wUl be a banket social at the' Hahn school Friday evening, March 1&. Mist Maggie Torpy ia teacher. John Ksitelendn took n part of an engine out to hw pltce Tuesday. He eaya he ie going to make eewer pipe of it. Mahlon Boaner. went to York last Thursday, where he will remain all aum- raer. having secured employment at that place. .There will be a basket tapper tad entertainment at the Bill school bouee in district-No. 18 on Friday evening, March 20th. Miss Ursuls Wade, tht teacher, will have charge. 1 used for the first time today something I learned 15 years ago, said a writer In the Milwaukee SenUnel. "It was the application of a principle in geometry In relation to the irih. lag of a hexagon hi n circle, which 1 learned when at the high school. I had aa order placed for some taborets (that Is flower stands) given' me and the party that gave me the order wants the tope' 16 Inches across.' Well, that waa easy enough to fill, but be side that the sides were to be hexa gonal, so I had to sit downand figure out how much five-eighths-inch wood would have to be 'leveled off to have the parts fit exactly. Here Is where I used my geometry. "DaaJel Webster' Is quoted as saying that he once used a fact which hud lafu dormant for 14 years, so I have him beatea by a year. "You often hear people nay 'What is the use of learning this r seeing no use for -it at the .time, hat things which nt the time seem most Impracticable are often later of use. That is one of the complaints in: our public schools, but na In my cane. It may' some day prove ex Frank Blaser waa shelliag aad mark eting his old corn Monday. John Waethrieh msxketed several loads of fat hoga last week., - Fred Bean sad Julius Rndat ha b?en sawing up their wood with n pow er saw. Lena Brieidenhoft mmi from Spoaane, Wnsb., Isst Mondsy sad will visit with her parents, Mr. and Mm. John Breidenhoft for about a month. Funny tteriea Cured Him. "Having vainly tried many and vari ous remedies to restore to health a business man whom I know and who had fallen into a morbid condition .owing to years of overwork, a famous Baltimore physiclaa at last persuaded his patient to take a course of funny stories, one at each meal, with an extra two at dinner," aays a, corres pondent. "The pntient, a solemn' and gloomy fellow, at first rebelled, but finally falling In with the idea adopted the course recommended and was in the end restored to health, the effect ef laughter being entirely to change hit mental and bodily condition. Laughter, la fact, Is oae of the cheap est and most effective of medicines, breaking np stagnation of mind aad body aad sending a healthy vibration through one's system. There is very little the matter with the man who can enjoy a hearty laugh." BtattBt. L GeaSaalfield visited latt Sundav af. bwnoon at rred Willes. Mka Carrie Balder hat beta quite ill bvt ie now convalescing. Paddy Sharer of Humphrey u visitisg bit aunt, Mra. J. M. Diaeea. uoum iJubbr, who recently cam 8witserlanl, it workiag far Carl i Henry LaadWair has iast ocean! th. August Boettcher farm recently vacated by E. Eiseman. Walter Alvring nod Louma Loseke at tended the wedding of Gerhard Loseke at Leigh and report n very enjoyable time. from tl A tWaanlt aUUttStCUnatbwa, Neb, I will be prepared to give tar March 1, hi of atttatioa given ears al aot bo hLC Cassia has sold his toG.H.Besohsaaa,whowill take no. March aa Jatt want if aay, there will be made wiU known until Mr. Bnschmaa from St. Louis. ' Mr. and Mra. C. H. Besahmau left Monday for St. Leaia, ealled there by tntdtathof Mr, Busobmen's Willinm Bascamaa, who m bed. Mr. leaves a wifs The Joaraal njndta anttakt ia its latt hamt ia nonaistisa with tat salt of the John Oovar hide bwaiaeas. F. P.WU. firm, which ia net terras hatevariathe t ins it CL D. WOhkant 4 Oa. TW. latest taiaat ia Gay Benson, son of George Benton, who resided in this city several years ago, has been here, since Saturday look ing ap hm old sehoolutates. The family have httaliviagat Waterbury, Oonn for tome years, but wt understand that Mr. Benson is now on his wsy to the atate of Washiagten where they will Euul Jaltye of Schuyler succeeds at Leavy'a drugstore. 'Mr. Faltya has hsd tweaty twe years' experience in thia line, -son-ducting a bnniaees for hismelf and be ing employed in eeetf the leadiag drag stores in Schuyler. He hat a family aad will move to.Ctlumbut in the future FraakS.Steveneoa, Columbus Mary A. Hoffman, Oolumbus JametA.Edmmon. Silver Creek.... Bmflw Vender Leite, Dancaa Arthur rMtrtot, Monroe 18 18 St 18 ss SI John Iotsi shelled corn at Osceola lent week. Patrick Fuller waa a caller tt the Iot si homo Inst Sundsy. Chris Ioasitrsasacted bntuena at Co lambas latt Tuesday. L.Ensuunger shipped some fat cattle to South Ontahs Monday eight. G. M. .Keller, who lived oa route 2 has moved oa theSulKvaa farm on route 4. WUliaar Moore left latt Moaday for a trip to Baffalo county and other poiatt in the western part af tht state. Butler-brothers have moved onto tht old Stevens farm st tan lake, lately va cated by J. W. Kilboara aad family. Fraak Hilliard is getting to be a fre quent caller at tat Ed Higgiia rectaUy. Wander which one to the attraction, - Miss Anna Lambertat of Moaroehas beta visiting with her graadpareutt Mr. sndMiaJ. W.Sissle for the past two Horner Gilet tad wife of Ctaacil Bluffs, Iowa, arrived latt? week for aa indefinite stay at the borne of Mr. aad Mm. Mart Fieh. Frank Hillaer is at home from the Co- Iumbas Obaameroial college for a ttutlt of weeks. He it auttiag ia hit time breaking ia a number of colts for tht aaa 'Wm. F. Roth, ote half mils east oftbe mafbrtalt tU aisss af aim Baal iNate TraaafaTS. Becher, Hookeaherger A Chambers real estate agente, report the following real estate transfers filed for record in the office of the county clerk doting the week ending March 7, 1906. HemaaPIttaektoD JOatw,ae 31. aw Mw.wd. $310000 Madras Hoadrto Joha vea Baraga, a2 aW2t-tt.iw.wd 8000 08 John Avon Benjaa to Almavoa Bergea, aeava-ia.lw.wd l 00 Wat Bkwdora to Mary Boras, tots ia Cottat Grove add, Platte Ceater.qed 25 00 Ed Werteott to Staailaaa Skorapa. e2 w2ae42J-n-le,wd S3M01 ChMASpetoeto-MoUia Bail. lot 1 blk m, ConaibBS,'wd .t 100 00 FredCraictoB.Waltor.s7-3S-l.wd. 18200 00 M B White to M C Onsia. ae aw as, w as.awwl8-n-le.wd 1650 00 J F Siema to A M Daator. la7 and 8 but A Platte Caster, wd 1290 60 ema therapa to A F PapcoesJ. loto U andlt,atl,larBev,wd 700 00 H B Nichsls to Wm Wieaaer. sw 14-38- la, wd 12300 00 H C Bressic to G B Hacawa. aw 1240- la,WBl 10100 00 OGWalhar to Alb Browa.pt lot 5 btk ll.TlBaaar.wd ... S25 60 HyGilaalocftoHiehDohBMa aew-20- aw.wd SM0 00 By Giladact to Thoa Khuser. a aw -aO- W WQ , 0M9 vv F J Zaariia to B Zawrila, loto 1 aad 2 blk 4.Robiaaaadd,Haaphier,wd 80 00 Chaa B Milk to SelawGrab, lot 7 w J lot8bJk2.PWllip.add.Cotaaib.wd lTWOi Jeha Held to Chaa H Welch, e aa. ae ae '24-U.te.wd, .v 12000 00 Com E Hanawa to Hy Jaaaaaa, pt ae as 12-lft4w,wd 800 09 By Haakar to Fetor Koskd. tot 4 blk 7. lrnhianaa 2nd add. Hawphway wd..... tOOOO GeoWCebal toJoha M Twenk,wM0 aeNsawlS4a.iw,d 7500 00 F M Laaah to Matcaa Heaaly. aw. a sw ..taa.lw.wd, 4SS90OO OTlasa to Patar Sseleher. ot nw 28. . IMIfWaiiiMtt 185S 00 OTKoaa to Pier Speicher, pt aw 28-17- K,wd 5790 09 JMTwetakto Peter Nooasa. pi ae . aMaasFaTtTaWaV aYB9 00 MnwnsaTBealaytoFM Leaoh.aw.wae nvnwaezt-is.iw.wei anafw so M fceaea, aw as n-lt- ntt ITtSStt Walkar 0 Charles Stone ie down in Colambas serving on the jury. The young people had n ammaa ia the Sslem church Sunday evening. John Swanson was visiting his wife ton at the hospital in Columbus Satur day. Prospects are now good for aa early epring. Snow all gone and ground ia in excellent shape for spring work. John Hendrickson, Albert Anderson, Nele B. Johnson and Alfred Rivera were attending the democratic convention in Columbus Friday. The public sales are just about wound up and fnrmera are turning their atten tion to fixing up farming tools so so to be ready for spring work. Card af Thank. We wish to express thanks to our friends and neighbors who gave aa aid and sympathy on the oocsaioa of oar bereavement in the death of oar beloved mother. Mas. War. Bacxaa, Wm. Rsxsa, Geo. D. Becse,- Ctel. We have a large stock of coal, Rook Spring. Maitland, Zeigler, Trenton, Gem, Banner, Golden Ash, aad Monarch in lump aad ant Alto Peana. hard coal inaU tinea. Nawnua k Waxen. -7-JT"- I J Mahola to BH Aeehe. a as. a as 21. I J Niahola to A Baaelfc. a, a at sjl 1m. md Underwear UNION SUITS We have the agency for the famous M nosing Usderwear, the best popular priced Union Saits on the market Priest ia mean horn 81.50 to $4.50. Priest ia boys' from 50c, 75c, $1 aad $1.85. Underwe TWO-PIECE SUITS la two piece garments we have a solenoid liae ready for yoar in spection and ranging in prist from 50c to $2 50 s garment. Bay cany wnue tnt G RAY'S nl n , VJ ' mstsriahjiartht art StitsataVl'a. s: ;-.- ? kyyetJtoX f.-v La-:' -fiXr ;- JSSiK.'P . . j. -ivSiSI. Ti &&Cir!l&&r iSJ3$Ci&t&fZ .VsfcN. '-, -S'-C & '-'JTrUr , .4 .S- i-Zef- v J C--- 'Tw-'