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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1908)
CrJSXEW? . .- .- av2 a. jn A? Z Tfc-' . as- ir ?s r r P 1 : if I' i- a - BR!R5SSLUW f4hv -Hz ; sg 'r5jK3ra - - - - . , ,- , ... ' V - I- , . 'JX .f - . A. 1 k. - , P r ' P" ' F HH HHHh IHHh B, Sanaa-I n aaaa. M JV H r aal l H ' ', " ? ' BaH HL' '"Hh f Laa-H HHA HH H ananas-l naaaaaaaaaaaaanl naaasrn---a ' a-anHl araaaal Sanaa-. IHHHHHHh AH '' HHHi - aa IHp HHiV flanaaV' awaHHBaaaanl ansaW vAHHB aaaaaaB flBHIBHB -nw -I- JBBHBBH I a k. flHHHHHHHl W k. 1 .flHHHHHHHHHHBL ' B '! k H BBBBBBBBBBB ( BBBBBBBBBBbI BBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBbI HHHII ' HHIIII HHIIII ! HHHlH k ' bbbbbbbbbbbbI bbbbbbbbbbbbI bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb! bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiw ! 'w iiiiiiiiiiiIb -Iiiiiiiiiiiih iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii HHIIIIIIIIIII L r- B ! i A m B h H ' B B H B B B B L i i ! ! I BV L H H H- H Hhbbb r H i B l i H 1 r r V B H H LADI ES and CHILDREN'S Attend the last week of our White Sale. More bargains every day k- aBBBBBBBBaB B -BBBBBBbT k. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbM L bbbbbbbbbbI r bbbbbbbbbbbbbV"bbbbbbbbbbbb BB BBBBBBBBBBBM BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBb! -BBBBBBBr BBBBBBBBBBbT BBBBBBBBbI 1 H H K ft HB V BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBF -BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH BBBBBBBBBBBBV BBBBBBBBBBK BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT Attend the last week of our White Sale its a money save? for you WE HATE decided not to carry over a single garment in this department. Here is an opportunity to buy a child's or a ladies9 cloak at a ridiculously low price. Every garment this y ars styles and they will be good style for next year. GOATS AT JUST HALF MCE $7.50 Ladies' Coats v v -r 0 g- at " "& '- :- Sc3.73 $10.00 Ladies' Coats ; .f;V- " - rrv at.: :....:...:.t.-.v...-....:.-. 5.00 " $12.50 Ladies' Coats 3 . -- at ;:....,...::.'..,:.....: :. 0.50 $15.00 Ladies' Coats .' a- - at :....., 7.50 $18.50 Ladies' Coats A 0 - $20.00 Ladies' Coats ' --. -.-. at IO.OO $25.00 Ladies' Coats ' ,A .J at I2.50 HIBRP E Bllflu' rVM flV BBiEPPSrBi ur ffi r Tllli-BBrVB ES9BBbL gfffHBBBBra(BBwB X bbIbbbbbBBJ-B RL Bv- "-----wPPW-B-v-iiS-bb!. Ba-B-r----------K--------K--- khBBhBBEE K XK9bBBBBPRB9btSKK- llllllllllllBlBBBBBBlkBftBBBBBBBnB FB 4r VVl-BBBBBBBBBBKBBK-4-k XB PA . B CKjbbbbbbbK 'bbbbbbL-bbbbbbbb---L Vr,KkHSS'r'' BHk. BH AV&3BH ----aSra-BR K-------W-B- -B--M--i--BBBBBBBBBBaBBlBM!Bi IHIHIH.I!liiH.IH.HB.HB.,..HlH.H.IiHIHBBIHBIHHB LADIES' SUITS AT HALF PRICE 18 Ladies' Suits worth $10.00. $12.50, $15. and $18 50 will close out at just half price. No suit altered at these prices. LADIES' SKIRTS at Half Price One lot 19 Skirts we will close out at just half price. These are good durable tSKirts. More bargains for the last week of the White Sale. Remnants at half price. After inventory we find we have a great many remnants in dress goods, silks and table linens, which we have put on our counters and will c!ose them out at half price. This is an opportunity to get a bargain. lO yds. 15c Flannelette ' at lO yds. of Cambric Muslin at 85 G One lot Ladies Collars A An worth up to 25c at J Big values in our Muslin Underwear this week Now is the time to buy your Laces at White Sale prices Big' bargains in Embroid eries at our White Sale Bed Spreads at White Sale Prices 89c Bed Spreads at 79c $1.25 regular sized Bed Spreads at.. :98c $1.50 Bed Spreads at $1.29 $2 Bed Spreads white sale price. 1.69 $2.50 Bed Spreads white sale price. .1.98 $2.75 Bed Spreads white sale price...2.25 $3.00 Bed Spreads white sale price.. .2.48 Lace Curtains $2.00 Lace Cartaim at... ."..$1.69 3.00 Lace Curtaias at.. 2.59 3.50 Lace Cartaim at 98 4.00 Lace Curtains at... 3.25 5.00 Lace Curtains at.! 4.25 6.00 Lace Curtains at........ 5.25 7.50 Lace fcurtaias at. 6.25 8.50 Lace Cartains at 7.25 Curtain 15c Scrim white stile price 10c 20c Cartain Swiss at- 15c 25c Cartain Swiss at .. 21c 50c Saxony Net, in white and ocrae. .39c 35c Embroidered Muslin Cartain 25c 25c Nottingham Cartain goods 19c 35c Nottingham Curtain goods 25c India Linons IteladialiBOM white ale price.. 12c India Jiaoae white sale price . 15c India linons white eaie price . . -OcladiallBona white ale price. . 48c India linons white sale price.. 50c India linons white tale price . 85c India lino-a white sale price. . 3Se India linons white sale price. . 5c India linons white sale price . ...6c 10c lie 15c 32c 42c 21c 25c 27c Persian Lawns S-snch lfc FHslaa lawn 1 Ag whiteaaleprice XV Keh 39c Persian lawn 1 ft. whiteaaleprice 1W aUnch 25c Persian lawn 1 On white sle price .-..'V 4S4ach Wo Fenian lawn 9f white sale price AA aUacfa Se Persian lawn O Hf whUeaale price 504nch45cPersiaalawa whiteaaleprice OOO Sheeting at a Big Redaction M anbleached pepperell sheetiac Qfp 9-4 nnhleached pepperell sheetiac at 26c M half bleached and bleached pepperell breriag. jon know the hiirh prices 07 K ion hT paid of late.white sale price ' lOO-Piece Dinner Set of Johnson's pure white semi porceline9 .White Sale price.... $6. 98 l. k -n-n-nm-nm-nV VH. HF F IIP k. r i n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-naa-B ntL -n-n-n-n-n-n-n-naw a n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-naw saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aVaVB vaV. V naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV HHIIIIIIr aaK. '"Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal Ba"B'sk HM r IH sa-aai k H "" """BB mSSaaaBHr Baa-MsBt HIHB' "Genuine" Lonsdale Muslin 10 yards, (10 yards to a 7Qr customer at tv 10 yds nice quality unbleached Muslin (10 yards to a fZCUi customer at 071) i s N f-.t v - w .-" -.-- E . . -'t - - i - . wt .l- T-STr? .JS ..- .?- J& . i.r ." V . k.a,47, t- '-;- irvs. . . ,--. r. .' .jv-.v. . 5t --i- v -,r '- i' .-jt: -" ..i..-j - c r., fc . j -.-r. j , ,tt-. . -. ,-r .i -J"'---?. -.. . .. . - ii. ?tw!isfi-ag---?a-ft . ;mlirw; -? fc&'- A -.-&--.?. - s aBai !&&. JiS.5-.y--. 5r.-aJg--?J; tT .' j --3t.5f- ifC . BTJi .t.Tt'T" LS'.-"--. s.- ,jfcf .'f. 4-. yJ", 4