The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 19, 1908, Image 4

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olnmbra Journal
lraa). Ielr.
1IM e
BSBaid.If TOBdeBOt
Itf Wkw State CeaveBttse.
fctotfas call of the National Coaunittae
r 7. 1BW. the Repablicaa Elector
ef the State of Nebraska, are hereby emlled to
to ceaventioa is tbe city of Omaha oa
March 12,1988. at two o'clock in the
.fortheperposeof selecting tear deJ-
i at large and foar alternates to the Repub-
lleam National Convtation, to be held la the
city of Chicago; Jane M. 1908. for the nomination
of caacUaetes for PrsMdeat aad Vice President
ef the United 8tates. v
Ha basis of reprf entatioa of the eeveral
tnaatina to said state convention, shall be the
vote east for Honorable H. H. Wilaoa for Preei
eVaHsl Elector at the general electioa held
November 8, 1904. giving oae delegate for each
aae haadred aftr votes aad the major fraction
thereof aocaat for'acid H. H. Wilaoa, bat each
eoaata- to be entitled to at least oae delegate.
BaM aafjortinn await entitles the several eoaaties
to she fallowing lepreseatation in the said cob-
wBWBBBb emmmaa eJBemBf 9M9flBBwv
wutteeaannea asesiwJaair.
Waal Hill 1 1 III IITfTSIl U iimsIIiIb sails Hi
ass salami to rseaiva una
. ...L.
SaraehBa eats Cor
Admaa............. 15 Johnson. ..... 11
4ksibhosb ....... ... 12 Learney.... o
smnaer.. ......... .. i A.eiio ............ .. z
BMm ...... 1 KeyaPaha. S
jfoomm) 12 Ki id ball. 1
av9K sHKSB 1YDOX. . 1
aatSyvBa o AjBDCaVIOav r ws
Brewa... ........... 4 Lincoln 10
fawaio aUoMjjao x
Wwa . Aw XXltip 1
WJT H IsaCsT QCloOaa a-
Casa.. 18 Madison 15
Wass ma floTncc o
EsmmwW.aaaa mm m 2 MSBOO B
Cherry- 7 Nemaha IS
rhaywiasj s Nnckoll 11
viutt & t VROO !
"BWaX or XflaWXMO 1Z
aHBia - xv xuMaiPts x
yaif. t xb x&ifiipa xu
viW" S Platto IS
uavsOam .. XX Polk .... .. o
Dtml s Bed Willow 9
IHna..... 10 Richnrdaoa. 17
'Oafla.. 19 Bocbw. S
W9awlaa. ....., ....108 8aliBO. 16
JrPar S EM&rpT.. . 4
Filtoara It Saanders. ..19
FraaUia 8 BcotteBloS. 4
JWuBft 7 DAWaiu ! 15
'VXsVWa .,. XV EXavSrMaaaA 4
J55a? ij """" Shcrnma . -5
Ocaeer 4 Stanton ; 6
giant l -Thayer...:....: IS
gnatey Thoeaas 1
I. ".. -'. 17 TharttoB. ......... 5
gjilto 12 Valley 8
gsrlaa 8 Washington 12
Haes ...... ........ t Wayne. 10
toieeek. 4 Webster U
gol.. 12 Wheeler 1
Hooker..... 1 York. 17
Hajemai 8
JeaTerson 14 Total- S
It is reooBBeoded that no proxies be allowed
aad that the delegates present front each of the
issuuc lira eoaaties be aathorised to cast the fall
ItteatioB is called to the aaethod proTkld for
fey the reaolaUoaof tbe State Committee giving
She BepabUcan Ekrtors in each coonty where
, aa opportunity to express their prefer-
saadidate for President of the United
wUeh plan of expressing said preference
has bean forwarded to each county chairman.
Attention is also emlled to Section S of Bole VI
adopted by the amid State Committee, providing
forth Cling of credentials and which rale is as
"Credentials of delegates to Conventions shall
ha Ued with the Secretary of the State Central
Coautittee at least fve days before the date of
aid Convention."
Parana at to aaid call of the National Com
mittee aad the laws of Nebraska: the several
Coagnaakaal Conutittees are iastracted to
proceed ia the asaal asanner to name a time and
pleee far holding their respective district cod
veataoaa for the election of two delegates and
two alternates from each of said Congressional
PieUieta. in conformity with the reqairements
f the call of the National Committee, tbe same
1 of representation being need in the several.
aa is herein provided for the State
It is recommended that tbe same
be selected by said Congressional
far Iwtbtinv aaifl Tltavt PfmiMn
aa have been selected .by this Committee
for the State Convention.
F. F. Cobbick. War. Hatwach,
Hw irtaij. Chairman.
Hanabj. Nebraska, Jaanary 8, 1908.
Taft aad Hughes for president and
ice president is a ticket that will
eaow Billy Bryan ander once more,
aad there is ao doubt about it.
There is something decidedly pe
culiar about the action of the board of
railway commissioners and the attor
aey general in their latest move in the
proposition. When the lists
published they contained the
1 of the local physicians and
aewspapermen who had contracts,
aad did aot auke aay attempt to con
ceal the nets, but there was not a
saBgle politician or local attorney
aaeoagthean. It looks very much as
though aosaeoae who kaew had given
at a quiet tip as to what action the
state ofidals would take, and the
sear ce of the iaformatioa would not
hediiicult to locate.
Judge J. F. Boyd is now serving
his first term ascoagressaian from this
wastries, his term having begun March
4, 1807, aad ending ia 1909. He is
aaithtally aad loyally attending to the
daties of his office, aad devoting much
of his time looking after the away
Bwasioa claims of this district. He
male, that as maah as he would like to,x
the time to "come
to attend the coagrcssionsl con
He does aot desire to be a
to the Chicago convention,
sail he will be renominated
aaMdad term, aad we arecertaia
will he ao republican ia oppori-
for he is giviag the whole
Ia ladaagofwrmt
trml poaBUtteei of
aad the
ami Way ae
eoaimittea of Doaaiai aad Otot
coantka kare doac areoiaeiy the
thiag that the repaUieaa ooaatf
anttee for Platte ooaaty dad, eeleetiag
their delegates to the eoagivMoaal
aad ataie oMTeatioav ,Thb aetioa is
inaocordaacewith the recoanaayh
Uoaofthe repablioaa tgnaaoaal
aad state coaiiitteel, 8hoaId there
be a dirwoa seaHiaaeat U either party
as to who should be their .-respective
Bomiaee, it woald be .right aad pro
per to eadearor to get aa expresaioa
of preference rroai the ToUre, but
where every repoblieaa itfbrTaftaad
every democrat for Bryaa, oaly thote
who railed to be selected a delegates
could; have cans for coaipIaiBt at the
simple but just Method.
In Montreal, Mr. Bryan told the
Gaaadiaa dub that his couatrymen
chased the dollar uatil they dropped
"dead. He ought to know. Few of
hie countrymen tare busier, ladeed,
few are quite so busy. No reflection
is intended when it is stated that the
Nebraska talks for a living. For any
thing that is known to the contrary
he has never doae aaythingelse. His
principal object is to become presi
dent. For years he has beea trying
to talk his way into the White, House.
Otherwise, he talks for Broaey, pre
sumable at the rate of 'anywhere from
$100 to $500 a aight 80, wbeaheis
aot chasing the preakleacy, he is iu
pursuit of the dollar, which will pro
bably be true of him until he caa my
no more. His criticism of his ( coub
trymen, therefore, s one which he
might apply to himself without mis
sing the target. Alsothose who live
in glass houses should aot throw
stones. Brooklyn Eagle (dem.)
1 saaammasw -
Colonel James Hamilton Lewis,
chief counsel for Dora McDonald, who
was acquitted of the charge of murder
ing Webster 8. Gueria, will file a
claim in the probate court for $35,000
against the estate of Michael McDon
ald, gambling king, for fees in con
ducting tbe successful defease of Mrs.
McDonald. Following it may be fil
ed claims for fees for the two leading
assoCiate counsel. It is understood
that they are to receive $2,000 each.
Colonel Lewis, it is said, will contend
that $25,000 was provided for ia a
contract and arrangemeats with
Michael McDonald preceding his
death last August. The $10,000 ad
ditional is the fee allowed by Mrs.
McDonald. It is expected t'at any
attempt to place the burden of the
expenses of the trial of Mrs. McDon
ald, except the attorneys' fee, on the
estate, will be fought.
As we have stated before, the last
legislature, in passing a state .wide
primary law for nominating all state
and coonty officers, repealed all laws
governing the selection of presidential
. MM
delegates to conventions, mm m a
positive fact and not disputed by any
reputable lawyer. If the county cen
tral committee would order a conven
tion to select delegates there would be
no law governing the same, democrats,
populists, anybody could vote, the
clerks and judges of election would
receive no pay, their return would not
be8wornto, how would they know
who to report to. It can readily bt
seen that the selection of a staunch
solid Taft delegation to the Norfolk
and Omaha conventions was the pro
per thing to do.
Some states have a fine climate aad
some states have a fine productive
soil, come can raise one thiag and some
another, but Nebraska has both a ne
climate and a fine productive soil.
We can raise anything that will grow
in any temperate zone. We caa equal
and beat many in the raising of wheat,
oats, barley, hogs, cattle, chrckeas,
eegs, aad what not all. Now if we
could only have more maaufacturiag
interests in our glorious state. There
are now prospects for oar altractiag
the same, aad it is through oar power
canal. Ifwe caa utilise the waters of
the Loup river, and the Loup is a large
body of water all the year rouad, we
can have cheap power, cheap freight
rates, aad we will become oae of the
greatest states ia the uaioa.
There is ao question that Theodore
Roosevelt is the nwet popular awa ia
American public life.
There is no. question, either, that if
he were aa outspoken eaadidate for
reaoainatioa aad re-eraetioa, or even
a receptive eaadidate, t repuUicaas
of Nebraska aadof every other state
ia the uaioa, with aot atore thaa two
or three exceptioaa, woald heahaost
unanimously for him. -
But Mr. Roosevelt has aot oaly re
fused to stand as a madia'aie for
Te-eleetioa, hat
declared that he is aot -a
woald at acasgaasmmiHsa if pvwa.
UaaW them nT 111 aad for
tto. very.reasoa that they want
tmetive Roosevelt policies carried eat
in foil vigor by his saccemor, the true
friaaaa ef Preaxfeat Roomveit haVe,ia
BBisoa warn him, taraed toScsretary
Taft as the logical ataadard bearer for
It gees without myiag that Mr. Taft
would not be a candidate if Mr. Roose
vdt were a candidate. Beiag part aad
panel of the same a Aajmistratioa, Mr.
Taft coud aot ia deceacy aad would
aot seek a Bomiaatioa dewed by the
president ia whose cabiaet Wis serv
iag aad hi whose closest coafideace he
Mr. Taft aad Mr. Roosevelt repre-
t the -same element of. the part?.
They have beea identified in the same
work, aad aa admiaistratioa uader
Mr. Taft would be more aearly a cob
tiaaatioa of the admiaistratioa of Mr.
Roosevelt than an admiaistratiun
uader aay other man.
- It is plain that only because of tbe
president's declared purpose' m to
serve as presideat after the expiration
of his preseat term, aad because the
siacerity of that declaration is aot open
to suspicion, Mr. Taft has coBseated to
become a eaadidate for the republican
BoarinatioB. If the friends of Mr.
Roosevelt, still clinging to the notion
that they can force him to run agaia,
considered their own actioas seriously
they would realise that their own sin
cerity is impugned by their insistence
that tbe president does not mean what
he says, or is playing for a Bomiaatioa
forwhich he is urging aaother.
Just as the presideat was tresjeadn
ously pleased last year that the re
publicaas of Nebraska took him at his
word aad declared ia their platform,
after endorsing his policies, that Mr.
Taft is "pre-eminently the aaaa ander
whose leadership these policies would
be perpetuated," so he will be even
more pleased to have the republicaas
of Nebraska true to Mr. Taft and give
him their support this year in conven
tion aad electioa. Omaha Bee.
Next Time, Maybe, Ha Will Be Mere
Chary ef Centplimenta.
"Do yoa really mean It, Mr. Spooner,
when you say I am the beat girl la
the world?" asked Miss Flypp, after
the .yoane; man had -suggested taat
ahe Should become Mra.l Spooner.
Indeed. I do, Hiss Flypp." aseever
ated the young man. "I aay It agaia
yon are the best girl ia the world."
"And the loveliest, I think you
"The loveliest without doubt"
"I think you said something about
my accomplishments, too?"
"I did. I said they excelled those
of aay other girl."
"I believe you called me sweet?"
"A sweeter woman ae'er drew
breath,' " quoted the ardent lover.
Toe used the word 'perfect' too,
did you not?"
"I did. I also pronounce you the
pink , of perfection, propriety and
modesty, the empress of my heart
the peerless one amosix the beauteous
creatures of your sex, a maiden ador
able, enchanting: and worthy of the'
hand of the best man on earth. Say
the word that will make me the happi
est man, my own Dora!" .
"Before I give you aa answer, Mr.
Spooner, I should like to ask you oae
question." : "
"A doten if yoa Mke."
"Oae will be enough. Don't you
tninx you nave a good deal of assur-jr
ance to expect a woman with all those
excelleat qualities to marry you?"
Thea Mr. Spooner went noma
Carpenter Overlooked Davy
. Crscketfe Immortal Advice.
Apropos of the fat man who built
his wife a table la tad cellar too Mg
to go through the door, a reader de
clares that he knows of a man who
did very much the same trick. The
man in question, a Boston carpenter,
was having a dun season, aad aa
spring was coming on he decided to
build himself a boat for use ia his
toric Boston bay. After due conaidera
Ooa the carpenter decided to use his
own cellar as a workshop, as he had
plenty of room and all nwterlala were
handy. He did not once think of get
ting the boat out until after weeks of
hard work he had anlahed a aae It
foot vessel. Of course it would aot
go through a atere door, aad aa there
was no double door entrance the car
neater was up against It Hewaa de
termined to have his boat though,
and he tore out the entire end of his
house to get it eat of his cellar. He
got hie boat aad atoo had more hard
work to da la his dull season, for It
was, several weeks before he
repeiriag the house.
The Lent Cnsesmsr.
"It was a ralay day." said the book
seller, "aad the wet shoes aad drip
ping umbrellas of customers had nude
the ioor quite wet end allppery last
Inside the store door. , All our clerks
happened te be in the back part ef
the place when the doer opened and n
large aad very stout womaa hurried
fa. Just mm the dose swung shut ne
hiad her aae slipped end fell fat upon
the aoer. Before aay of as couM reach
her aae tasked herself up with
a. woman of
ive a ateay atere nil around the
eat ia tan
ream, and thea without uttettac
woru. inraea suuama. eaeaea
mnii waansB saaea, aaa 1 auapoae aer
iwmBj wMsaemBK aer tram, evevcesa
.majstae'etefa where aer ant a
iy,ttewr j
1 imUad to-day," said Watklna Fur-
'to be a phUosopaer. I am co-
Ins; to be oatualstlc, no atatter what
aefalw. It fls my arm beUef that un
hapnlaeaB is notaina nut a nmntal
state. If I caa make up my mind to
be happy I am sure that I caa be. I
will, therefore, alarecmrd the thlags
that are ordinarily 'vexaUoas. I will
start out tale atoning; to look for the
pleasaat thlarrla Ufa, and be bliid
to aU that areeaareeable.,'
He attempted to draw oa hto
era andv while boppta arouad 1
font stepped apoa a tack "which weat
late his heel aa far aa It could aad
thea stopped. WatUaa rarbtah sat
down oa the bed. nulled out the tack,
drew a Ions braath. aadmaarally eoa
trolled his feeHnnu.
"Why." he asked himself. .heMlaa
up the tack, "should I permit a little
thing like this to nuke see unhappy?
If I were 'to give way to eager now 1
should injure myself sad ialict ne
damage whatever upon this tack.
When a man becomes angry he pois
ona himself. Anger briags oa indi
gestion. It opens the pores or closes
theat, I forget which thus- laterfer-
-ing'with the .circulation and
physical as well aa Baeatal
And. after all. how foolish it ia to give
way to eager. The aagry nun la al
ways at a disadvantage. Already I
begia to appreciate the beaeflta of
paileaophy. Confound that aeeL I
wish it would quit bleeding! Ah, little
tack, a poet nught apostrophise thee.
That's pretty fair. I never would have
thought of that word apostrophise if
Ijaad permitted myself to become an
gry. Other words would have crowd
ed la upon me aad I should have given
utterance to phrases that possessed
ho submillty. no beauty, ao ruythndc
cadences that might havn. soothed or
comforted. Evea bow I ami aayself
thinking in poetry. ..
"Oh. Httto tack, aa sharp aad kasa.
A laaaon thou hast taught te ma;
How strong .they are and how ssraaa
Whs quarrel, aett with destiny.
"On. veicelees Mttle tack, thaa
Mo soul, ao alaew aad ao Joint.
Tet saost men by tne are surprised.
You get so quickly to the poiat.
"That" mused Watkiaa furbish.
"Isn't half bad for an amateur. There's
a lot of philosophy in those few lines,
too. I suppose almost any man could
be a philosopher if he would only set
himself to it It's a matter of habit,
that's all. Socrates probably could
nave been Just aa Impatient ne any of
the rest of us If he hadn't acquired the
habit of being philosophical. Ifa a
great thing., i wonder why I never
thought of it before?"
He sat for a moment or two think
ing it over and then remembering that
it would be necessary to get ready for
the duties of the day he tossed the
tack from him aad aUpped a leg into
the other section of ala trousers. Then
be ashed a ahoe out from under the
bed. and. having put it en, looked for
Its mate. It was at the ether aide of
the room, near the closet door. Still
feeling that it wae splendid to he a
philosopher. Mr. Furbish started
across the carpeted floor. He paassJ
ifter he had taken a step or two end
said to himself :
"Yesterday I would have eentpbiined
because this shoe waa tight across the
toe. To-day It gives me ne concern. I
am able to bear it with equlnlniity.
And aside from the physical incon
venience that cornea from permitting
Uttle. things to fret us we who are
able to control ourselves are helrsxto
a feeling of pride that la itself ia up
lifting aad inspiring."
Thea he took aaother step forward,
uttered a wild yeO aad sat down with
a suddenness that caused hie wife,
who waa below getting breakfast to
rear that the house had beea struck
by a meteorite.
"Watklna," she cried rnshlag to him
where he writhed upon the floor,
"what la the world fat the nutter?"
Watkiaa told her. But his words'
were disconnected and unit for nub
licatloa. He had stepped on the tack;
agaia aad act with the foot that was
ia the ahoe; Chicago Record-Herald.
Remarkable atarglarPreef Safe.
The saost remarkable burglar-proof
safe ia the world has jest beea placed
la a beak at Newburg Islaaa. At aight
the safeie lowered by cables iato aa
lmaregnabte atetaUle4iaed eua-vaalt of
erete.- 'After veaehiag
K is fastened down by
rated by a
triple time leek. Uaifl, these lags are
atcmarloally at a desired
human agency caa raise the
to break ta tarongh a assas
efatoaaaad cnaereto which ateaeares
It Jeet by it feet by if feet with
Viaratiene ef the
"Maria sekhes,' or "vieratioaa ef
the sea," are pulsaUons usually haviag
aerioas of IB to le mlaates.
varylag ta different localities.
they occur oa coasts fa addlthm to
the waves of abort duration due to
ay the regular
ef the tide. They have
at Catania,
that, the priscinH
'mmammmar m
"I 'MBnammwiMaA
r. Cb
y. aad
The MRexaa1M
oeedorMtogedier. Therenwatbenoves One
Unworthy remedy woott mean damniter to the entire pton. If yon,
SciMnfepxitomcd1teuRcmCoo&k Cure and mwiwt cured
tw it. how could me exDect von to nlmce anv faith tteremveer in the
"RenD" DyspepsM Cure or any other member of the'
mumly? -
to findou? and dnmfrh? tte
given. We have admitted none to mis circle untfl our comrrBWoee of
experts had been rxnvinced by investigation and test that it was the
best remedy known to medical science lor the ailment k aimed
to relieve.
Who should know better man the leading thousand draggists of
this coontry what are, and what are not, efficjent medicines?
Reniember, the success of our enterprise depeftds on the nxritof
each indi vidua! remedy. Our reputation, which is our very Dtnunin'ss
existenceisatstake. Can you doubt, that mb
are biivrrn? the
Here are tinree
r 0
The famous Rezail u98n Hair The remarkable success of
Tonic is composed in chief of .Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets is
Recm Beta Naphthol 3;- T!w
Woorpm. whereby the well known prop- Cherry, Vinegar Squills, Bone-
Resordn is one of the latest erties of Bismuth Subnitrate set Horehound and Syrup,
and most effective germ-kUlers and Pepsin have been combined M f fa mon
discoveredbyascience,andin with carmm.tives and other fahdrcdvearsasremedies
connection with Beta Naphthol, agents. j orahuned; ""rmea,es
which is both gemicidal and Bismuth Subnitrate and Pep- for coughs aad hoarseness,
antiseptic a combination is sin are recognized by the entire . In RexaU Cherry Juice Cough
formed which not only destroys f0103,.n as specuics u f remedies
oiiiimuiuiuijuouii,. acute indigestion or chronic "' v ....
' the germs which rob the hair of dyspepsia. nave been combtn'-d by a pro
its nutriment, but creates a TU p m used is f. cessof manufacture that has
dean and healthy condition of tmA j a new. pr0cess blended them into a perfect me
the scalp, which prevents the which develops its greatest ef- dicinal harmony whereby the
lodgment and development of noency. Pepsin not only sup- characteristics of each support
,aew germs. plies to thedigesuve machinery , ,rm tt, rt.i..
J a, u , ttn one of the mSst important ele- and reinforce the others.
Pitocarpm is a weWmown ants of the digestive fluid, but . The pathological properties
agent for restoring .the hair to itseeiBsto exert a tonic -influ- of eachhiredient does iteowa
itsnaturalcolor.wherethelosseBce upoB the glands which o reaieni noes iisow.
of color has been due to a dis- supply aSthe other elements. ' particular work in easing the m-
ease of the scalp. It is not a Th arminitivi add nroo- wwed membranes, loosening
coloring matter or dye it pro- ernes which promptly relieve the phlegm and setting up a
duces its effect by stimulating pains caused by undigested food, condition of health in the broe
the scalp and hair follicles to
health and active life.
This combination of cur
atives mixed with alcohol as a
stimulant, perfects the most ef
fective remedy for hair and
scalp troubles known to-day.
Per Bottle, 50c
Look for this RexaU Guarantee on each package: "This
preparation is guaranteed to give satisfaction. If it does not, come
back and get your money. It belongs to you, and we want you to
have ft." v
POLLOCK & CO., Druggists
Varlsus Waya ef Overcoming Common
' Inconvenience.
What an annoyance it la to spread
all your writing materials out and set
tle down to a whole afteraooa of let
ter writing, oaly to flnd after half aa
hour that yoa have the writers cramp.
After, the. Brat letter or two you give
lt up la' despair. Bad the friends
who are waitiag for letters are disap
pointed. This writer's cramp la a serious mat
ter to people whose work requires
that they use a pen very much, while
for the unaccustomed writer who
takes an afternoon oh now and then
to catch up with her correspondence it
is, to say the least, very discouraging.
The trouble Is more than muscular in
this kind of cramp. Very often a low
aervoua condition will cause it Then
oae should take lt aa a warning that
the system Is run down and needs gen
eral toning up. Very often, however.
the trouble ia la the war you hold
your pen. "" ,-
Children now ia school are aot like
ly to he troubled with writer's cramp,
because they are beiag taught to
hold the pea lightly aad make all
the movements from the arm Instead
of the hand. The oM-fashioaed meth
od which most of as learned, of hold
ing the pen between the thumb aad
foreflager le also very likely to en
courage a cramp. The muscles be
come tense and hard, until Anally they
contract so much that all control over
them la lost. The pea should be held
hetweea the two flrst Angers, well up
toward the jotat. The trouble may
aad wrist late the hottest water oae
Writers Who Lived In Twteta-
amBBm3BamhnBBBTsBnmMw Uaasaata
amnuwanawa a amjaTs wapmwa an nupanasaao
The place to which the lover of
JCagHsh literature win sooner or
Jeter turn hie steps la Twickenham.
No otter small town caa boast of hav
ing been the residence aad beloved
ef no many famous Hterary
- WHh ft are associated the immortal
aamas ef -Pope. Horace Walpole,
Swift Gay, Lady Wortley Montagu.
BeawelL Johnson. Tennyson
Surely tale hi enough
to make say place doubly Immortal!
Twfckaaham waa well aickaamed by
Horace Walpole tie Baise. or TivoU.
of Kngtend; for ft ass truly beea to
want Balae wae to ancient
ta a far higher degree.
Mg red brick house la Moat
road .where Alfred Tennyson
Hvei for so maay years of ate earlier
Hfe was the one la which
ef at
amaWflamaaa aaasaanamai wgamsnaa mvaaftd
Straight Talks on
Patent Medicines
Remerfies dsrue cofahjence.
. You can underitanrl. therefore why arch mxirjs
best that schtnee and exrjenence can tnve YOaf .
r n :
promment inembers of the
The combination of the whole dual and nasal passages.
makes a remedy absolutely in- - . ;n .. .
valuable to any man or woman One spoonful win relieve the
suffering from dyspepsia and inflamed membranes and tempo-
not only a remedv, but a aire rariiy stop the cough. One bot-
which works by; gradually re- t,ewill work a cure lt is .
building and stimulating the t . .!...,..
glands which perform The di- ceedmgly pleasant to the taste-
gestive functions. Package, 25c. children like it. Per Bottle, 23c
the author of the "Idyls" entertainct"
many of hia literary friends and ac
That house should surely be sacred
to all lovers of English literature
which saw the dawn of "In Memo
rum ;' which witnessed those delight
ful gatherings graced by Tennyson.
Hallam and kindred spirits within its
Puzzle for the Patient.
Stranger My friend, why are
swearing so?
Cus8lty Why? Because of a blank
fool of a doctor. I got pills for a pala
in my backhand the directions' read:
"Take one a half hour before you feel
.the pain
coming on. Harpera
NOW is the time to go. Only
Every slay, March 1st to April 30tk, 1908, to Sea
Francisco, Los Aageles sad many other Caiilbraia
To Portland, Seattle, Tacoma aad maay otter
Oregoaaad Wseaiagtoa Boiats.
Tickets good ia Tourist Sleeping Cars.
By takiag a tourist sleeper, asnanBgcni caa am
terially reduce the cost of a Facife Coast trip
without sacriicing the sligntest degree oi com
fort. Tourist Sleeaiag Can rua ttroagh daily
E. Q, BROWN, Agent.
. "
i j
A new idea in Cough Syrups.
This Drenaration owes its ef -
We invito all who desire choice
steak, and the very beat cuts of
all other meate to call at our
market on Eleventh street. We
alee beadle poultry aad Ash aad
oysters ia seat oa.
Telephone Ko. 1. - Cnlamfcna. Neb.
eanaUdbSBsmW i
an Bansmaamav!
1 'I
r fr-
aad will a
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sr.l -
r j- tr- -a w