The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 19, 1908, Image 2

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F. k. stuothcr;
Camplelo Review' of 'Happenings of
Greatest Interest from All Parts of
the Glebe Latest Home and For
eign Items.
Tornadoes devastated the towns of
Tyler, Tex., and Mossville, Soso and
Service, Miss., blowing down many
houses and causing a number of
deaths. . ,
.The American fleet of 16 battle
ships, under the command of Rear Ad
miral Evans, passed Valparaiso, Chile,
where Jt was reviewed by President
Montt and thousands of Chileansand
continued on its voyage northward for
Callao, Peru, the next stopping place.
The Wisconsin delegation to the na
tional Democratic convention at Den
ver, Col., was instructed to vote as a
unit for William J. Bryan as the
Democratic nominee for president,
first, last and all the time.
Damage amounting to probably $75,
000 was done, oil paintings of judges
who have presided in Brooklyn in the
. last half century were water-soaked
aad valuable records narrowly escaped
destruction when fire swept through
the upper part of the Kings county
courthouse in Brooklyn.
An explosion of a boiler in the base
ment of the public school at Adrian,
Mo., tore away the floor of the pri
mary department and precipitated a,
teacher and 60 pupils into the base
ment, burning and scalding many of
them in a frightful manner.
Prof. W. F. C. Hasson of the Academic-force
at the naval academy at
Annapolis. is dead.
Seventy-two men, representatives
of all the classes of labor employed
oa the New Orleans river front, and
who compose a union known as the
Dock and Cotton council, were in
dicted by the United States grand jury
ob the charge of conspiring to restrain
trade In violation of the Sherman
anti-trust law.
Deputy Chief Charles W. Kruger of
New York lost his life while leading
his men in a desperate fight against
flames in Canal street He fell
through a trap into a water-filled
basement and drowned.
The American ship Emily Reed was
wrecked on the Oregon coast, ten of
her crew perishing.
Adolph Stemwetz, paying teller of
the National Bank of Commerce of
Minneapolis, was arrested for an al
leged shortage-of $3,450.
There was an unconfirmed rumor in
Vienna that the shah of Persia had
been assassinated.
The will of Mrs. Rylands, widow'of
John Rylands, of the famous Manches
ter (Eng.) cotton firm, bequeaths
$2,365,000 to various charities, includ
ing $1,000,000 to the John Rylands li
brary at Manchester.
An explosion in a coal mine at
Glencoe, Natal, cost 67 lives.
Macon county, Georgia, went dry
by a majority of 900. Seventy of the
114 counties of Missouri have now
voted for local option.
Following the indicated preference
at a primary vote, the Republican
county convention at Lincoln, Neb.,
-adopted a resolution declaring for
Theodore Roosevelt for president and
instructing its' delegates to the state
convention to work to that end.
Dr. Leo Danziger, a prominent Ger
man physician, was shot and instantly
killed in Cincinnati by Robert Gott,
tire uncle of .Anna Bell Stangley, a 17-year-old
girl, at whose bedside the
physician was giving medical atten
tion. Wes Sunimerlin and his son Charley
were" hanged at Carrollton, Ga., for
the murder of Jethro Jones, a wealthy
Women suffragists of London went
to jail 'for six weeks rather than give
sureties for their good behavior.)
Because of interference with plans
for marrying his sister, Henry Bean,
a prosperous young farmer of Prich
ard, W. Va., was shot through the
head and instantly killed by Virgil
,, A. C. Tisdelle of Chicago, who is
charged with accepting deposits after
his private bank had become insolvent,
surrendered himself to the police.
New York detectives hunted in vain
for Henry S. Snow, former treasurer
of the New York and New Jersey Tele-
' phone company, who was indicted by
the grand jury on a charge of grand
larceny. ,
Leavenworth. Kan, by a majority
' approximately 500, adopted a commis-
tsIob form of government patterned
after that of Galveston.
Fred Wigle. an actor, shot sand in
stantly killed his wife. Maud, and then
committed suicide at a boarding house
'For signing the Vlborg manifesto,
Feodor Feodorovitch Kokoehkine, a
sdom of the ancient Rurik dynasty,
now a professor in Moscow university
aad a prominent leader of the coasti
tatto&al democrats, was expelled from
the Moscow nobility by, a vote of 260
against 92.
The Farmers and Mechanics' bank
at Rich Hill, Ma, was dynamited and
William H. Ziazer. for 47 years in
the employ of the banking" hone of
Drexel & Co. at Philadelphia, and for
many years teller, committed suicide
by swallowing. carbolic add. ,K
Thomas Tbosaas, pioneer of "Green
wich Tillage," bow a part of New
J York, died ob the doorstep of the
where he was bom nearly 75
ihiy maseated
- 1 aVMrGometaad
Ha election
was iwliiala t Twlai InVi
ex-qev. wvhs
' b&?J
J. J6W-wk;Swas lircbfday omwrlmcV'mV'asmoBBMS'
mysteriously assassinated
in Seneca. Kan. , . h
ifte Skwmaaajiamatejrof fhe hv.
sane' asylum' at ElgiaVTltrcoasmitted
smlcWe by cutting his 'throat with a
plecevof glass.
JThe Oklahoma house killed the hotel
bill which required 9-foot sheets on
beds 'aad provided a penalty for the
Hf M CTWHl,raiK f.-ii v..,.-w,i.r.-y.
i Lieut Gor.Dickeraoa of Nvadarj
dered 5t carbines from a Chicago Inn
for the new police force to relieve the
federal tmpVat' GoldfieTd . " ' "
By direction of. the president. Act
ing Secretary Oliver ordered a com
pany of infantry from Fort Gibbon, in
Alaska, to Fairbanks, in that territory,
to preserve order during the mining
strike in that section.
Indictments alleging perjury were
returned in New York against former
governor of New Jerrey, Foster M.
Voorhees, and Frank H. Combes, fol
lowing a grand jury inquiry intp the
acts of these two men while they were
officials of the Bankers' Life Insurance
company. , .
It was stated on what was believed
to be good authority that W. B. Ridge
ly, comptroller of the currency, has
decided to accept the presidency of
the reorganized National Bank 'of
Commerce of Kansas City, Mo., which
suspended payment during the late
financial stringency.
Mrs. Martha Anderson was found
dead, lying on a cot in her room In
Janesville, Wis., with her throat "cut
from ear to ear. Investigations by the
police indicate she was murdered.
George H. Norman, who as an offi
cer on the gunboat Gloucester during
the Spanish-American war took Ad
miral Cervera of the Spanish -fleet off
the burning flagship Infanta Maria
Teresadied in Brookline. Mass.
Newton Edmunds, former governor
of Dakota territory and president of
the Yankton National bank, died at
Yankton of paralysis, aged S3 years.
The 11 laundries In Cincinnati under
indictment for organizing a combine
to raise prices pleaded guilty and each
was fined $50 and costs. The trust
also agreed to dissolve.
Violation of the postal laws by car
rying first-class mail' matter was
charged 'against the American Express
company in a suit filed in the United
States district court at Cincinnati by
District Attorney McPherson.
Clyde Gant of Belleville, 111., was
convicted of the murder of Henry
Dicker-man and sentenced to 14 years
in the penitentiary.
That the fight of the administration
against the Standard Oil company was
"only a bluff" was asserted in the
house of representatives by Mr.
Rainey of Illinois, who spoke at length
on his bill placing on the free list
petroleum, crude or refined, or its
John E. Venson set a new American
record by jumping 116 feet on skis at
the Duluth tournament.
Sir James Knowles, founder and
proprietor of the Nineteenth Century,
died in London.
The Mississippi senate passed the
house statutory prohibition bill.
It is announced that there is a pros
pect of Raisuli, the Moroccan bandit,
appearing on the variety stage in Lon
don. The Chicago. Cincinnati & Louis
ville Railroad company,, was put in the
hands of a receiver.
Mrs. Clara C. Hoffman, president of
the Missouri W. C. T. U., died at
Kansas City after a long illness, aged
55 years.
Charles Peccorino, said to be the
leader of a Black Hand society which
caused the murder of a wealthy Italian
at Lake Charles, La., was arrested at
Hastings, Gol.
The British stenmer Roda, Capt.
Burdis, from Huelva for New York
with a cargo cf iron ore, went ashore
during a thick fog abreast of the Jones
life-saving station, just below Amit3'-
vilie, Long Island.
Capt. E. B. Underwood has been
chosen for the command of the cruiser
Colorado, vice Capt Sidney Stanton,
who will be appointed a member of
the general board of the navy.
One boy was stabbed to death and
throe wounded during a fight among
inmates of the correctional institution
in Randalls Island, New York.
After an exciting debate lasting six
hours which developed into a riot on
the floor of 'the Japanese house of rep
resentatives, the financial budget was
passed by a majority of 102.
Col. Andrew Wendell, a' member of
the squad of soldiers which captured
J. Wilkes Booth, the assassin of Abra
ham Lincoln, and who was present
when Booth was shot, died at his
home in Chicago.
Arthur Sullivan, a pioneer of south
ern Montana, died at Dillon. Mont,
aged 90.
The Michigan Republican state cen
tral committee, fixed May 12 as the
date and Grand Rapids as the place
for the state convention to elect dele-gates-at
large to the national Repub
lican convention.
A. H. Cline, a prominent lumber
man, was shot and instantly killed by
Luke Banner, a wealthy merchant of
Elk Park. N. C.
Henry C Mowry. former president
of the Illinois Grain Dealers' associa
tion and for more than 40 years a
grain dealer in central Illinois, died at
his home in Forsyth, 111.
The announcement that about 1,000,.
000 robins have been killed by hunters
this winter in Louisiana, which is a
winter home for these birds, was
made by Frank M. Miller, president
of. the Louisiana Audubon society.
The Russian ministry of war is pre
paring plans for the speedy conversion
of Vladivostok into a first-cuss for
tress, involving expenditures of about
Gen. Bompiani and Baron Via
censo Negl fought a duel with swords
at Reggio de Calabria, Italy. Bom
piani was seriously wounded.
Miss Maad Ashford of Washington
announcea that she was bo longer en
gaged to Former Uaited States Sena
tor Henry G. Davis, the Democratic
candidate for vice president in the last
national campaign.
A squad of police raided Sharry
Shomayim synagogue in Wlaaipeg.
Maa aad'atopped a wedding being
performed there am 'the ground that
the Lord's day act says bo work mast
eedoBeom the 8abbata.
self as a candidate for the Democrapc
BosaiaatioB for governor of Missouri
V-'-rwir-i.. ..tkn. it. lm'
i. -nw JS,3 a1ajiemsBiiayaaj -wavVBBsBss
Jhelltew YorKto-Paris race " aUrted j
from Times square. Forty-Become
street and Broadway, ' New YorW
cheered ky-a-throag of several thonv
saad people. '-Three of them arrived at
Hudson, N. Y the f rst evening. v-
L: Liaeom's .birthday j,waa celebrated
fetlv,bsaaaad;itJkins eyi
unguisnea men in many ciues. -
While exercising in the Phillips
Exeter academy gymnasium, Foster
Holmes of Minneapolis, Minn., sus
tained injuries which were, declared
to be .very dangerous. T r '' n
Six men were .killed by an explosf oa
in a .starch -factory at Providence,' R.
I., and. the building was wrecked and
burned. ' "$ "' ''
Chauncey B". Gelger; presidenifof the
Illinois state board of arbitration dur
ing the administration of Gov. Richard
Yates, died at his home in Ashley, 111.
Letters read in the Sncll will case
at Clinton, 111., told how a woman, al
leged to be the wife" of Rev. E.. A.
Hamilton, bartered her soul and sold
into- bondage her young daughter for
some of the old millionaire's money.
i Frank Vlaa. treasurer for various
Bohemian fraternal organizations, who
fled several weeks ago, when he was
said to be many thousands of dollars
short in his accounts, 'returned to
Cleveland, O., and surrendered -to the
Gov. Davidson appointed Frederick
Thwaites and James F. Trotiman of
Milwaukee as regents of the Univer
sity of Wisconsin. -
Haunted by a dream in which he
was accused of crime, Christopher
Fagen, a coachman, committed sui
cide in Minneapolis.
Ruth Miller, the four-year-old daugh
ter of Charles Miller of Kansas City,
Kan., died from the effects of eating
candy from a box of poisoned bon
bons 'sent through the mail to an older
William Andrews, formerly of Sioux
City, la., committed suicide in the
county hospital at Chicago by stab
bing himself with a pair of scissors.-
Charles A. Coey, president of the
Aeronautique club of Chicago v pur
chased a 100,000-cubic foot balloon
from Morris A. Helnmann of St Louis,
to be used in the Chicago balloon
races July 2, 3 and 4.
State Senator William McKay died
at Caro, Mich., after a year's illness
following an operation for the removal
of a tumor.
Acting Secretary Oliver announced
that the war department was at last
in position to completely arm the or
ganized militia of the country, 100,000
strong, with
the .new high-power
army rifle. i
The Japanese method of wrestling,
jiu-jitsu, Is to be introduced into all
the military and naval gymnasia of
Germany at the express command of
the emperor.
Rev. Father P. A. Baart pastor cf
St Mary's church of Marshall, Mich.,
and one of the recognized authorities
in this country on the canonical law
of the Roman Catholic church, died
from pneumonia.
Franklin J. Dickman, SO years cf
age, former chief justice of the Ohio
supreme court, died in Cleveland, O.
Henry Schuelle, a wealthy contrac
tor of Alton, 111., confessed that he had
been a burglar for years.
Resolutions indorsing the course of
the national administration and favor
ing -the nomination of Secretary of
War Taft for tHe presidency were
unanimously adopted by the Republi
can state central committee of Colo
rado. Cart Ludwig von Veltheim, who has
had a most remarkable career of
crime, was sentenced in London to 20
years' penal servitude for attempted
Miss Nora Stanton-Blatch. Eraml-
daugffter of Elizabeth Cady Stanton
and a graduate of the civil engineer
ing course at Cornell, is to be married
to Dr. Lee de Forest, the inventor.
The bodies of King Carlos and
Crown Prince Luiz were finally en
tombed at Lisbon. Thousands of per
sons rushed into the cathedral, and
the cavalry were forced to charge on
the crowd to disperse it.
United States capitalists, headed by
A. J. Earling, president of the Chica
go, Milwaukee & St Paul Railway
company, are closing a deal for 160,
000 acres of virgin timber land in
British Columbia.
The net result of the Republican pri
maries held throughout Ohio was:
For William H. Taft, four delegates-at-large,
and 22 district delegates to
the national convention in Chicago,
and a list of delegates to the state con
vention, to be held March 3, which
will be unanimously in his favor.
. Dr. A. M. Speer of Macon, Ga., was
bound over on the charge of violating
the prohibition law in issuing prescrip
tions for alcohol.'
The executive committee of the
Democratic Editorial association of
Illinois issued a call for a meeting of
the organization to be held in Spring
field Friday, Feb. 21. On that day a
state federation of Bryan clubs will be
The board of trustees of the Pontiac
(111., reformatory ordered the immedi
ate dismissal of Capt, Alexander J.'Re
noe and Lieut George Rogers, guards
at the institution who were involved
in the charges of brutality in the case
of William Hamlin, the Quincy boy
who died as a result of treatment at
the reformatory.
A boarding house occupied by
American miners at Santa Rosa, Sono
ra, Mex., was blown up with dynamite
and 15 men who were eating dinner
were blown through the root It is be
lieved there was a conspiracy to mur
der all the Americans at Santa Rosa.
Coquelin, Cadet; the famous French
comedian. is insane.
Dr. John K. Fowler, pastor of the
First Presbyterian church. La Crosse,
Wis former moderator of the Presby
terian Synod of Wisconsin and one
of the most prominent clergymen of
his denomination in the northwest
died of peritonitis, aged 55.
"Black hand" operators exploded a
stick of .dynamite under the porch of
the home of Viacenso ManellL ' .la
Rochester,- N. Y aad blew the entire
side of the baikUag iato fragments.
several nersoas in tae hoase .werec
J hart-
Action Regarding Railread Vielatee
' Agreement Entered' lirteaneV ' '
May Cauee Trouble.
St Petersburg Baron von Aebren
thal's reiteration of the determination
of Austria to build a railroad' through
Novipazar, a connecting link for the
Austrian line through Bosnia with the
Turkish line to Salonki, and the an
nouncement by the German foreign of
fice of its financial support to this
plan, have left no illusions here re
garding the fate of the agreement
looking, to joint action in the Balkans,
negotiated by Emperor Nicholas and
Emperor Francis Joseph at Muerzes
teger in the autumn of 1903, which
was the ground work of 'the subse
quent program of reforms in Mace
donia. The attitude of the Russian foreign
office as learned through an inspired
press is that the agreement, which is
.regarded as already violated in spirit
by the Austrian foreign ministers' ef
forts to extend and consolidate the
Austrian sphere of influence by a pri
vate bargain with the sultan for the
construction of the railroad, should be
abbrogated. Russia, is now left a free
hand to work out its own policy in the
near east. Negotiations are still be
ing conducted to the end of inducing
Austria to withdraw its railroad
scheme, but no hope of their success
is held out on either the-Austrian or
the Russian side. The principal efforts
at present are being devoted to ar
ranging a new grouping of the powers,
it being thought here that Russia and
Great Britain might enter into an
agreement for joint action in Mace
donia and that these two powers would
be supported by France and perhaps
by Italy.
The defection of such an important
power as Austria, which on account
of its geographical position, shared
with Russia the leading role in the
efforts to settle the Macedonian prob
lem, renders the outlook dark. Since
the seriousness of the Russian oppo
sition to Austria's plans has become
evident, hints have been thrown out
from Vienna that Russia and Italy, as
the powers most directly interested,
would be allowed in the way of com
pensation to construct railroad lines,
Italy one through Albania and Russia
a line from the Danube to the Adriatic
sea. Both powers, however, decline
to accept this proposal.
Admiral Converse Reports
on Its
Fighting Condition.
Washington By direction of the
president, Secretary Metcalf has made
public the report of Admiral Converse
on the fighting ships of the American
navy, called forth by many criticisms
recently published in magazines and
otherwise. T-his report was .prepared
primarily to satisfy; the president as
to the exact state of our naval ships,
compared with those of other navies,
and its publication is authorized with
the design to reassure the American
sailors as to the quality of the weap
ons with which they must go into
Ross Hammond Recommended by the
Nebraska Delegation.
"Washington The fight over the
United States internal revenue collec-
torshin for the district of Nebraska
1 has been finally ended by the recom
mendation of Editor Ross L. Ham
mond of Fremont-as the choice of the
Nebraska delegation in congress. It
follows as a matter of course that the
president will make the appointment.
Promoter and Banker Taken
Custody on His Arrival.
New York Charles W. Morse, finan
cier and promoter of many large com
binations, including the so-called ice
trust and a merger of nearly all of
the coastwise steamship lines, re
turned Sunday Iroji his brief trip to
Europe, was arrested in his stateroom
when the steamer Etruria reached
Will Shut Down March 1.
Paterson, N. J. The Robers' loco
motive works, branch of the American
Locomotive'company. will shut down
?.larch 1. it was stated, unless there is
a revival in the industry before that
Flowers for Assassins.
Lisbon Republicans who were not
permitted to show their respect for
the assassins of King Carles and the
crown prince at the funeral of these
men, went in large numbers to the
cemetery and laid flowers on their
American Fleet Off Peru.
Lima, Peru The American fleet,
which is steaming up the west coast
of South America, is expected to ar
rive at Callao on Thursday, and the
government has ordered that Rear Ad
miral Evans be tendered the honors of
a vice admiral. Everything is in read
iness at Lima and Callao for a glor
ious welcome to the American visi
tors. The official program, includes
a great banquet, which will be given
by-President Pardo to the officers in
commemoration of Washington's birth
day. , Loquacity.
Gratiano speaks an infinite deal of
nothing, more than any man in all
Venice; his reasons are as two grains
of wheat hid ia two bushels of chaff;
yoa shall seek all day ere you fad
them; and when yoa have them, they
are not worth the search.
He was very sad. His
Ib some of ate best friends had
redely shattered. He had jeat ac
knowledged taathehadbeeamlstakea
aad they had sot-contradicted him.
What' is Going en Here anal There That
ie ef Interest to the
ThreiigheMt Nebraska.
Holdrege. sewer bonds amounting
te $20,009 have been iled.with State
Auditor Searle for registration.
Charter day, commemorating the
thirty-ninth anniversary of the found
ing of the state university, was ap
propriately celebrated.
Captain Brown, formerly judge ad
vocate general of the Nebraska na
tional guard, called at the state house
last week. He lives at Dallas, Tex.
A big real estate deal involving
country property was consummated in
Fremcnt when Geo. M. Dodge sold his
farm of 314 acres in Pleasant Valley
township to Simon Chudomelka for
It has been definitely decided that
the Junior normal will be held in
North Platte this summer, instead of
at Ogalalla. The differences existing
between the state superintendent and
certain parties there has been patched
The banking house of A. W. Clarke
of Papillion, the oldest bank in Sarpy
county, has been converted into a state
bank, with A. W. Clarke president,. I.
D. Clarke cashier and D. S. Fase as
sistant cashier as officers and incorpo
rators. ' County Attorney Easterling has filed
complaints against William R. Herrick
and Charles Barrett, both of Sheltos.
on a charge of selling liquor without
a license, and also for allowing minors
to play pool and billiards in their
. The Beatrice Driving association
held its annual meeting and elected
these officers: W. W. Scott, president;
W. A. Penncr, first vice-president;
William Hamm, second vice-president;
J. H; Duntz, treasurer; H. V. Riesen,
Heinrich Albrecht, a prominent Ger
man farmer living in the western part
of Gage county, was found dead on
the floor of his home. Death was due
to a ruptured blood vessel. He was 63
years of age and leaves a widow and
four children.
State Oil Inspector A. B. Allen has
reported the collection of $2,257 in
fees during the month of January. He
bad on band $1,100, expended $1,082.75
for salaries and office expenses and
paid the state treasurer $1174.25,
leaving a total of $1,100 on hand.
The estate debt was reduced last
week to $922,405.0S by the calling in
of 12,000 of state warrants. This is
the lowest point reached since the en
actment of the Sheldon law for a one
mill levy, the proceeds to be used for
the redemption of state warrants.
Police officers have warned Omaha
merchants to be on the lookout for
spurious $5 and $10 gold coins sup
posed to be headed that way from
Denver. Specimens of the coins re
ceived in Omaha show that they are
a bungling piece of work and their
fraudulent nature can be discovered
Ralph L. Weaverling, tne young
man who recently was expelled from
the university of Nebraska for com
plicity in the kidnaping of the master
of ceremonies of the annual sopho
more dance, is threatening to bring
mandamus proceedings . against the
university to secure his reinstatement
in the school.
At about S o'clock in the morning
the Congregational church building
in Wahoo was discovered on fire.
Firemen responded promptly to the
alarm, and through their and citizens'
efforts the building was partly saved
from entire destruction. The loss to
the church building is estimated to be
$1,500. Insured for $1,000.
Dr. W. H. Wilson, state health in
spector, has returned from Litchfield
where he found one case of smallpox.
The wife of a hotel keeper had the
disease and owing to the fact that
no one knew 'for some time the na
ture of the ailment many persons
were exposed. The hotel has been
closed and a quarantine established.
Word was received in Grand Island
that Louis R. Lurie, accused of forg
ing a check on the Bankers' National
bank of Chicago and passing it on
Lederman Bros, of that city, has been
, apprehended at Seattle. Relatives are
said to have made overtures to avoid
prosecution by offering to settle but
the local authorities are not inclined
to drop the matter at that.
The recent Boise, Idaho, "bank for
gery calls to the minds of many at
Peru, the character Edward Neal, who
was recently arrested in connection
with that scandal. Neal has many
relatives living in Peru and vicinity.
He spent his boyhood days on a farm
a few miles west of that place. As a
young man he was generally regarded
as honest and trustworthy and he had
many friends.
At a meeting of the Beatrice Com
mercial club it was decided to or
ganize an alfafla club for the pur
pose of advancing the interests of the
growing of alfalfa in Gags 'county.
The club also decided to commence
a campaign for more members.
Governor Sheldon may go to Wash
ington next May to attend a confer
ence of governors with the president
In regard to laws to prevent the de
struction of forests. He has received
an invitation to join a party of west
ern governors who may leave in a
body from St Louis. The meeting is
to be held May 14 and 15.
The hanging of Frank Barker cost
the state $114.70. A bill for this
amount has been presented by War
den A. D. Beemer in the name of the
executioner. George B. Stryker, of
Omaha. The warden paid the amount
from his cash fund and thea present
ed a bill to the state.
The town board of Long Pine has
granted a fifty-year franchise to Ira
Hewitt of Neligh, to furnish light aad
power for the people of Long Pine and
vicinity. It is Mr. Hewitt's intention
to' build a dam on Piae creek to fur
nish the power. The dam' Is to he
forty-five feet high.
' ' m
Sfttate. aatiBmmsir-TTTTV " 1" ,M "
gBgqPil ICPfl DKHIHBII MS pWaammSMj aamaSMmsf am tm
atktl SS tin ImtaBvHto !
aaMW a teaat mamamatassL
MlsvinssflklOTHinOffUL '
ttmmtss miilMl tafrnity wrnUi. U tamfii f i iinsisi TImmm ss Seise -eaairswitaUalirtfrmaL
eemtiamettiottayeyat with liMHWwiJsiiMsg tiaesmswwSme
fStaarttefMlMSM. Weafcafl
mreJeafkai lflcs it or sot
v Wean
prtaaemrthintwhkhUeycafMn'ie sxsgtiaf;tf
draw smite fhe fett of secrecy and anevaayeMwaveseeeMteteraexBUy
TcmgfcttodlsmraaUaoaesteritidsM. Weiifiid.awweier.thatcrit
ideai wfflcomtiAue. (hi sosm pretext er other tawevwawaJSmmwissBtf tkw
People Who - Object to
Liquid Medicines Can
Now Secure Peruna
im fcreiffm laadetatUtlie people of oil tke werid are sapoliei with tkwTalm
into hooprholrt lrmfdy.
wi CLAM FgROTTA TO 11 A flATAKlWlCTrfflT. BeyahetUeami
try it IfithelpeyoiLbohoiieotsaiadDMwlotet
If yom wast us to we will pvbliah yew ttateeiemt exactly oeyooJhniok it
toss. We wiHatfM wore, tare away im wards. If yo wish me to we will
mblieyoej portrait ia)ttaectiom with it Wewmawtfethmwithemtyemr
writtem request, without yomr entire cement,
Permna see cerei theejwde of people of chromic oatarrh, is ssmsy ;
taileeetiona, AtleetiiatiswbjtkoBeeMytom&threoammeelkitei
Teenavnisi iwmss will rare many
We fausstee that einryfeetimeeiel we mee is ateolntery treeis the
exact lamfaofo ef the testifier.
Wegmaraateethat ererypltotoeaph poliabcd m the phomtji ess of the
Wesre iotereiimoi to beet ear
with truth, dmplkity with caaier, imeiaweriwithmiaeerjry.
iaat meeflU remedy, oat
t .. '
was ov m ooarnniT.
WebowtlmttaoaeeCTOfrarnmwmaaaveeafttoewxo Weaelievw
that the meekri ia Peraaa wa.saahai ear eiane. We iieiat eiea ear oa-
leiali will he esBtei te adraowioigs aaolly that Poraao, ie aot oaly am
J mby .! a MMAAfftfeA cma vavr mw-
law Csif Weca for ladies. Perfect style
perfect comfort. Patent Leather aad fine kid.
Fiicm, $2.S9 mmd$3..
Yet the bunko man's little game is
only skin deep.
Mrs. WliMtow Soethlajr Syrap.
for children teetlilnjc. softens tba xuraa. reduces fet
flMnihwi,illjirln,rnrf Ttn-lrrHv SScstwtUe.
He hastens to repentance who hasti
ly judges. Syrus.
It's the judgment of many smokers that
Lewis' Single Binder 5c cigar equals in
quality the best 10c cigar.
The best remedy for wrongs done to
us is to forget them. Syrus.
From October to May, Colds are the mot fre-qnenti-aue
QUININE removes cause. E-W.Grove uu box :5c
Some men wear good clothes
cause they can't afford not to.
A Beautiful Watch Fob Free
to those who ship us $5 worth of hides or
furs or huv jruns or trap to that amount.
N. W. HIDE & FUR CO.. MinneapoILj.
The day of fortune is like a harvest
day, we must be busy when the corn
is ripe. Goethe.
"Brown's Bronchial Troches"
cure Coughs and give grateful relief
to sufferers from Bronchitis. Asthma f
and Catarrh. Free from opiates.
They are never' alone that are ac
companied with noble thoughts. Sir,
Philip Sidney.
Wouldn't you h'ke to try Nature's mild
laxative. Garfield Tea? Headache Pow
ders and Digestive Tablets also upon re
quest. Send postcard to Garfield Tea Co.,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
On every occasion that leads thee to
vexation apply this principle that
though this is a misfortune, to bear it
nobly is good fortune. Marcus Au-
Imoortant to Mothi
Examine carefully' every bottle of
CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for
infants and children, and see that it
Bears the
Signature of t
la Use For Over SO Years.
r" Or mm
The Kind You Have Always Bought
As He Understood It.
A youngster who has been living
with his grandmother in Xutley, N.
J., was brought to the city for a visit
a short time ago, and while here was
taken to the theater for the first time
in his life. In one of the scenes a but
ler comes on the stage and announces,
"My lord, the carriage waits.'
When 'the little fellow returned to
his grandmother's home he started in
at once to describe to her the play ho
mad seen.
"Aad then, Granny," he said, la kw
excited description, a big man witk
gold buttons on his coat came oa the
stage and said: 'My God. there'a a
mack outside." N. Y. Times.
m Omty
Laxative Bromo Quinlno
ker the fan
ob evaay hex.
Nceesj of Penis win eoatiiw to is
fruit lef eeieaeliiiwiaoi'leiiie
srnch pitfle as jut oswlaat
gnTOABAgBEATaflWCTMl. It St fcocewe summsseli were! ia
amfflioss of bhml Oar friik I. the
V sbsbjiA mw em vWhamspmsB ss Bmmsmysmeftsmsmsa m
taweaaas wm,iM
sy seiaf frirer thea they are.
We sre essanajaei te
If aot at dealers ask as.
The man who pays his coal
always has money to burn.
PAZO OlSTSf SNT is guaranteed to ccro an; caso
of Jtcninx. Blind. Blredinjr ur PratrodlBjt tfie in
StoUdaysormoaeTrefonded. SUc
Spanish Proverb.
Many a lout is wealthy and a clever
man hard put to.
Do You Eat Pie?
If not you are missing half the pleasure of
life. Just order from your grocer a. few
packages of "OUR-PIE" and learn liow
easy it is to make Lemon. Chocolate unI
Custard pies that will please you. If your
grocer won't supply you. go to one who will.
Their One Meeting.
They met by chance;
t-hey'd never met before;
They met but once.
And she was smitten sore.
They never met again
Don't care to, I allow;
They met but once
The auto and the cowr.
ey awus with cold water, fun
awectioae ea every sackace.a?eikd
These tints may be intermixed
to produce innumerable color
effects and you cam do tke work
rAJabestine safeguards health,
makes walla sanitary aad momaa
Alabastins Co.
kCky -
M. rich. vcHatytiats, wafca
sesaw tost af watt sarfaca,
Irt.:aF5.v -A-hrr .-sj& -.v.a..v,-
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Wi'iS. r-f.
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f-fT. ?W"
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