.-W-L.J -rr&s&tz-' SjifiP!fPlfgPgW rS.V'TH r)T" ?'. ... Ite .T- t S 7 . 5f j- - J r- - B .& .v - ' i a a a S y) 3 - fer! -L. L Robert B. Asraowfr jfj on; to 5ft Crafty Investment Swindlers Who Prey Upon the Credulity of the Laborer to Defraud Him of His Hard Earned Savings. BY ROBERT a ARMSTRONG, Former Assistant Secretary f the Treasury, The cleverness and boldness with which the up-to-date Investment swin dler plies his craft are almost incred ible. Wherever you find a fraudulent investment scheme you will find both of these elements present in some de gree but the comparative proportion of one to iiiu other is generally deter mined by the element of time of opera tion. For example, if the projectors of a scheme arc old hands at the game and have established records of the wrong sort, then the idea of quick results is not only attractive but often impera tive. There aTe many "old offenders" in the profession of investment swin dling who have been convicted and have "done time" in jails and peni tentiaries but have not yet learned to prefer straight to crooked finance. Men of this character realize that a "quick get-away" is a cardinal essen tial of success; they must complete the transaction and get in the harvest before there is time for the public to wake up and do any investigating. Consequently, boldness is the big ele ment in operations of men of this class. And, although they may be im mensely clever, daring rather than cunning will be the dominant char acteristic of their scheme. The length to which the bolder spir its in this class will go almost sur- passes credibility. Here is an example I of the tricks to which they will resort in order to create the impression of having the backing of men or institu tions of strength and character: Through introduction by social, friends the local representative of an investment scheme was able to open a checking account with a banking and trust company in a big city a com pany of so high a standing that it is very widely known outside of financial circles and among people of small means. Its endorsement was' worth "ready money" to any enterprise and the fact was keenly appreciated by the "fiscal agents" of the Brite & Fair Bonanza company. After the opening of his personal checking account; the fiscal agent lost bo time in cultivating the acquaint ance of the trust omcer of the bank ing institution, which did a very large business in the discharge of trusts. One day the depositor came to this of ficer and explained that he had a very simple little trust which he wished to have executed. Finding it necessary to leave the city for a few days he wished to provide for the delivery of a sealed package, containing "valuable papers," to a man whose name and personal description was given. The person to call for the package would leave a certified check, in the amount of $1,000, which was to be placed to the credit of the "fiscal agent" of the Brite & Fair Bonanza company, whose business connections were unknown to the trust officers of the banking and trust company. Weeks later the trust officer was as tonished to receive from an old per sonal friend, who was knocking about in the west, a circular of the Brite & Fair Bonanza company, in which the big trust company was designated as "trustee" for the "B. & F." stocks. As the friend who forwarded the cir cular knew something of the wildcat nature of the Brite & Fair enterprise, his comments on the folly of the bank's accepting such a "trust" had an edge on them. When the matter was investigated it was found that the whole plot had been carefully con cocted and worked up to; that the cir culars had been printed and put in di rected envelopes read- for mailing in advance of the placing of the so-called "trust," and that when the trust offi cer of the solid financial institution had given Ms receipt for the "sealed package safd to contain valuable pa pers," a telegram had been sent by the "fiscal agent" to "mail out trustee circulars." The man in this scheme of course believed that, as the circu lars were being mailed out into a ter ritory about a thousand miles from the city in which the banking and trust company was located the trust officer who had been imposed .upon would never hear of the misuse of his receipt for a "dummy"package which actually contained certificates of the mining company's stock. Why did the men who worked this scheme to steal the moral support of the big trust company go to so great , , "Sure Things 99 pains to get it; to make the transfer of a sealed package containing its bonds? Because fake investment op erators have found it profitable to take every precaution to give the color of legality to their acts; they have found it profitable to hire shrewd legal pilots to tell them just how far they may go in a given direction without running upon the reefs of the United States post office's "fraud order" or upon the rocks of a "conspiracy" prosecution. These pilots for the fleets of the investment pirates make a professional study of the art of steering their craft just outside the line of successful criminal prosecu tion. Take it in the incident which I have related: had these men been prosecuted for falsely using the name of the trust company or for obtaining moneys by misrepresentation (the claim that the trust company was act ing as trustee on the Brite & Fair se curities), an able lawyer could have made out of the "trust" to transfer a package of unknown contents, a very plausible defense. Again, the mining company was able to make valuable use of the trust company's receipt for the package by having facsimiles of the receipt printed and distributed among solicitors for the stock who were canvassing persons not at all familiar with legal documents and who. under the statements and argu ments or the agent, would see in the receipt an acknowledgement that this great trust company and its millions were behind the securities of the Brite & Fair Bonanza company. So far as the write'r knows, there has never been a fake investment con cern exploited which has not tried to steal moral support under the name of some "guaranty," "trust," or "secur ities" company. In most cases, per haps, these companies are as thorough fakes as the company which they are supposed to guarantee, and are the creatures and creations of the same men. But so many instances of this shallow deception have been shown up in criminal prosecutions that a little variation has been found desira ble. Instead of owning a fake "guar anty" concern, the exploiters of the fake companies have recently come to regardjt as a better practice to claim connection with some genuine corn-pan- doing a general trust business. This brings us straight to the prac tical point in the matter: Never go Into an investment until you first find out for yourself, by direct and first hand investigation, what the "refer ences" named in the literature or ad vertising matter of the company have to say about it. and also how much the references themselves amount to. Promoters of wildcat investment en terprises have used hundreds of names as references which they had not the shadow of right to use calculating that persons credulous enough to be interested in the proposition would also be credulous enough to say "these references will speak well enough for the enterprise, else their names would not be given out for this purpose" and to act without making any -inquiries of them. Agajn. some man of prominence and great faith may have been, at the start, a believer in the enterprise and willing to say, within certain limitations, that he believed the venture could be made a success if conducted according to certain plans and under given restrictions. This does not signify that he will continue to retain that confidence or that he is willing to be understood as giving the venture his unqualified endorse ment or to say to the public which respects his name and positl-wn: "Come and share this enterprise with me; put your money into it, for it's a good thing." But you may be sure that his name will always be used to create this impression if there has ever existed a shadow of warrant for using it. under whatever restrictions. Therefore, take nothing for granted with regard to references or other names which appear in the advertis ing matter of a concern which applies to you for the privilege of spending, your savings. But let me place special emphasis upon the crafty use which these com panies make of the names and the ser vices of reputable "trust" companies. I use the word "services" because a trust company may execute a "trust" in connection with bonds, ocks ... -r .. nmn.ii i v r iwiriiiit witHuiv' m . assuming any general financial or BBni-Bl MtlllunlMlltlt fa Wn .111.11' ties or without Becoming a spoasor for them. la 'a word, the trust com pany may engage to act as an escrow ageat to see. that a certain technical transaction Is completed and nothiar more. That Beans this: The trust! company consents to hold the stakes between two parties but without the slightest responsibility as to the value of those stakes or what may be done with them after the stipulations as to the conditions precedent to delivery have been fulfilled. Because a trust company acts as the trustee of a cer tain bond issue there is no warrant for a prospective Investor to feel that the resources of the trust company are in any sense behind those bonds as a guarantee of value. There are almost as many different kinds of "trusts" cs there are different transactions; the trust company undertakes the respon sibility of doing a certain definite and particular thing and nothing more: It may be to foreclose if a mortgage fs not paid, or it may be to Issue so many shares of a certain stock (a a certain person wher. a stipulated nun ber of shares of another issue are surrendered. But there are very few men even fairly familiar with business routine who do not form an impression that, somehow, the big trust company is behind the stocks for which it acts as transfer agent or perform any other act of trustship. It is almost impossi ble to drive this idea out of the minds of rasa who are not really familiar with corporation matters from an in side viewpoint They will insist upon attaching to a limited service an un limited moral 'and financial responsi bility that does not exist It Is. therefore, of the highest possi ble importance if you find "yourself tempted to go into an investment that you learn from the trust company mentioned in the literature of the ven ture exactly what "trust" it has un dertaken to perform. If it is a really reliable and established trust com pany with a genuine financial stand ing it will make the limitations of its trust Tery cie. tt jmi; it wui take special pains to make you understand, for example, that its only function in the matter in question and la con nection with tr.o company concerned, is the purely technical one of seeing that a certain issue of bonds is mede "in form" when the technical preliminaries have been complied .with and that it does not give an ounce of its prestige or moral support .to the bonds themselves or stand le gally bound for a penny of responsi bility in connection with them. An other word of caution: Whenever you see the name of an educator, a pastor or a popular politician or any other leader having a hold on the sen timent of a communty, used in connec tion with an investment offering, look into it carefully and take no step until the person mentioned has been ques tioned directly by you. I know of an instance where the poor people of a parish were victim ized because the unscrupulous agent had attached to his prospectuses and circulars the name of a popular priest of that region. These poor victims. In stead of going to the "reference," sim ply said: "If the father's in it, sure it's all right" and they were relieved of their savings before the father learned of the use of his name which was wholly without his knowledge. The solicitors for this swindle had played a bold game and banked on their knowledge of human nature to the effect that most persons will take a "reference" for granted instead of Rising it for the purpose of seeking in formation. There are very few of tho lists of men and business or financial houses named as references in the lit erature of scaly investment concerns, which do not contain some unauthor ized names names of some persons who, if questioned, would have given a warning instead of an endorsement (Copyright, by Joseph B. Bowles.) Will Construct Large Tunnel. The minister of public works in France and the consul general of bridges and highways have recently approved the expenditure of over $15, 000,000 for the construction of a tun nel canal four and one-half miles long, 70 feet wide and 43 feet above the water level to the vaulted roof, to connect the port of Marseilles more directly with the Rhone river. The great width of this tunnel will per mit the passing of two barges, it will be completely lighted by electricity, and possess a small railroad running along its side. This great engineer ing feat is to be finished in seven or eight years and will necessitate the extraction of 2,859,333 cubic yards of rock and earth. Catchment for Rain Water. On the eastern side of the rock of Gibraltar there is a curious-looking white patch which recently led an American tourist to ask whether the rock was being armor-plated. It is' really a catchment for rain water to increase the reserve water on the rock. The catchment covers 10 acres. It is made of galvanized corrugated iron fixed to piles driven deep into the sandy slopes above the village of Catalan. The water collected at the I foot of the catchment runs through the rock into a tunnel 2,000 feet long and is delivered into reservoirs on the western side. The yield to each inch of rainfall is 240,000 gallons. All from Shakespeare. Users of everyday catchwords are constantly quoting that ubiquitous per son, Shakespeare. "Dead as a door nail," "long and short of it," "getting even," "tag-rag," "birds of a feather," "that's flat," "mum," "scarecrow," "solid," "milksop," "loggerhead." "bag and baggage," "a mere song," "dancing attendance," "send him packing," "kill with kindness" "Greek to me," "ill wind that blows no good."l"give and take," "an eyesore" and "the man In the moon" are all his. Dirt. Mrs. Avenoo Ton say he detests his wife cordially? Mrs. De Scussit Tes. he hates the very ground she sued for divorce on. Puck. Speaks Many Languages. - Mme. Patti speaks Italian, Spanish. Russian, German, French and Portu guese perfectly, and, of course, her English is faultless. property or seeanlies, wiihOBt' mGy. 1, I iurvru vinurv WORK WEAKENS KIDNEYS. wuni ,. EMriMte.of Mr. Woods Is the I EvMrime of Thousands of' Others. a Bernard P. Woods of Jackson street LoaacoaJng, ML. say: "Hard work and heavy liftiag weakened say kid neys. I was tired every morning and my limbs stlf and sore. Dizzy spells and headaches were frequent and the kidney secretions much disordered. i' This continued for fifteen years and until I began using Doan's Kidney Pills, Then I improved steadily until cured, and naturally," I recommend them strongly." Sold by all dealers, 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. N. T. ' NO BLESSING FOR HER. Disappointed Youngster Discriminated in His Prayer. For several weeks, little Ralph had. enjoyed the use of a Shetland pony, the property-vof -a horse dealer who was a friend of the family. "But much to Ralph's sorrow, there came a day recently when the pony was sold, and the delightful horseback rides came to a sudden end. The purchaser, as Ralph found out by inquiry, was a little girl of about his own mature age of five. Ever since his acquaint ance with the pony began, Ralph had included him in his. bedtime prayer, and "God 4bless the pony," was an earnest nightly petition. The first evening after the sale of the pony, Ralph hesitated when he reached his pet's place in the prayer. Then, after a moment's thought, he continued: "Please, God, bless the pony just the same; but God, dont yon bless the little girl what's got the pony." ITCHING HUMOR ON BOY His Hande Were a Solid Mass, and Disease. Spread All ptrer Body Cured in 4 Days By Cuticura. "One day we noticed that our little boy was all broken out with itching sores. We first noticed it on bis little hands. His hands were not as bad then, and we didn't think anything serious would result But the next day we heard of the Cuticura Remedies being so good for itching sores. By this time the disease had spread all over his body, and his hands were nothing but a solid mass of this itch ing disease. I purchased a box of Cuti cura Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointment and that night I took the Cuticura Soap and lukewarm water and washed him well. Then I dried him and "took the Cuticura Ointment and anointed him with it I did this every evening and in four nights he was entirely cured. Mrs. Frank Don ahue, 20S Fremont St, Kokomo, Ind., Sept 16, 1907." Stanley's Widow Married. Dorothy, Lady Stanley, the widow of the famous African explorer, was married a few days ago to Henry Cur tis, of whom the world knows little save that he is a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. Since Sir Henry M. Stanley's death, three years ago, she has lived the life' of a recluse at Furze Hill, the country place in Sur rey that Stanley bought, and where he is buried. Bellman. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, u taey casnot reaes toe teat of the disease Catarrh ta a blood or comU tadonal disease, aad In order to cure It yon Butt take Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Carets taken te Urnally.aod acta directly on tbe blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack nedl cine. It was prescribed by one of tbe beat physicians rn this country for years and Is a regular prescrlpt'on. It la composed of tbe best tonics known, combined with tbe best blood purl flew, actios; directly on the mucous surface. The perfect combination of the two Ingredients fs what produces such wonderful re sults !n coring catarrh. Send for testimonials, free F. J. CHENEY CO., Propc, Toledo, O. Sold by Drandsts. price sc Take HaU's Family PlUs for coBstlnatton. Just the Trouble. Editor Did yon get out of that magistrate an answer to the charge that he sends far too few cases to court? Reporter No, sir. He was committal. The Pe-nt-na Almanac in 8,000,000 Homes. The Peruna Lucky Day Almanac has become a fixture in over eight million homes. It can be obtained from all druggists free. Be sure to inquire early. The 1908 Almanac Is already published, and the supply will soonbe exhausted. Do not put it off. Speak for one to-day. If yon had the abilities of all the great men, past and present, you could do nothing well without sin cerely meaning it, and setting about it Dickens. A suggestion for 1908: Take Garfield Tea to establish and maintain a normal action of the digestive organs, to purify the blood, cleanse the system and to bring Good Health. Tombs of Cement An enterprising American has he gun to manufacture cement tombs. only one "beoxo mriinxK That ts IiAXATIVR BUOXOODiMKK. Look for uo Hgnawre o-. B. w. uhuve. Osed the World otct to Care a Cald 1b One Day. The only greatness is unselfish love. There is a great difference between trying to please and giving pleasure. PILES CURED IX TO 14 DATS. PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed-to cure any case of Itching. Blind. Bleedlnar or Protruding Piles la 6 toll days or money refunded. 60c It's easy to swear off and just as easy to fall off a little later. Are You Sick? f&sssWJv JFiUunl REMJNDEDJiJM OFHOME. , New Yorker Saw Beauty v in Sign, Where Maiden Lady Could Not. . A party of tourists was being, shown around Clndad Juarez, the little Mexi can town Just across the Sto Grande from El Paso, Texas. "Every one was delighted with its picturesqueness, and in particular a maiden lady, who went into raptures about each new sight "It is all so quaint," she said. "These adobe houses, the old church, the nar row streets, the little plaza, those dreadful-looking men wearing som breros; everything breathes the spir it of an old-world civilization. It is so different from our United States." "That's so," assented a New York man who had been listening. "For instance, where in all the world could yon find anything so antique, so full of inherent beauty, so charged, as it were, with the essence of pure joy, as that sign over there." He pointed toward a whitewashed mud house on whose exterior was painted: "BIGGEST BEER IN TOWN, 5c." The woman eagerly turned to look. Then she froze the horrid man with a glance and did not speak to him again during the whole trip. Frank If Not Complimentary., Her brother, aged 17, had been made captain of a high school football team and consequently had become sudden ly popular with the girls in the neigh borhood. Because of this the man ager of a skating rink presented broth er with a season pass. Sister, who had attained the tremendous age of 20, was truly nattered when brother asked her, rather than some of the younger belles of his acquaintance, to share the privileges of that skating rink pass. But brother's explanation removed all danger of tbe immediate growth of sister's vanity. "Ton see," he told her with frank simplicity, "I'm not used to skating with girls. Til practice on yon for, a month or two, and then when I can do it real well ril ask some of the other girls." AND THERE WAtl Juvenile Drummer There ought to be a great opening for a pushing young fellow in this country. Sheer white goods, in fact any fine wash goods when new, owe much of their attractiveness to the way they are laundered, this being done in a manner to enhance their textile beau ty. Home laundering would be equal ly satisfactory if proper attention was given to starching, the first essential being good Starch, which has sufficient strength to stiffen, without thickening the goods. Try-Defiance Starch and you will be pleasantly surprised at the improved appearance of your work. A very stout person named Gray Was asked why he stood In this way. "It Is," he replied. "A matter of pride: For It makes me look taller, they say!" First Nobel Prize. The Nobel prizes were suggested by the eighth earl of Bridgewater, son of. the bishop of Durham. He left $40. 000 to be paid to the author of the best treatise on "The Power, Wisdom and Goodness of' God as Manifested in the Creation." The judges divided the money among eight persons. important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that It Bears the Signature of i """ WW In Use For Over SO Tears. The Kind Ton Have Always Bought Danger for the Witches. Said the sour old witch: "Things have reached such a pitch That I dare not go broomstick riding; For these airmobiles With gas bags and wheels With my broomstick are ever colliding." Who Likes Lemon Pie? Tou should try at once "OUR-PIE" Preparation for delicious Lemon plea. A lady says: "I will never again try to make Lemon pie in the old way while I can get OUR-rPIE Preparation." Try it and you will say the same. At grocers, 10 cents. Money and time are the heaviest burdens of life, and the unhappiest of all mortals are those who have more of either than they know how to use. Johnson. It's the judgment of many smokers that Lewis' Single Binder 5c cigar equals la quality the best 10c cigar. Happiness lies in the consciousness we have of it and by no means in the way the future keeps its promises. )Wa SootHIaar Srrwn. For children teetalag, softens tho gnras, reduces Ba aiBiriatkifi, allays pa!a,carcawtalmJh; sscabottla, Cheerfulness is an offshoot goodness and wisdom. Bovee. of We Sell Guns and Traps Cheap Buy fur and hides, or tan them for robes & rugs. X. W. Hide & Fur Co., Minneapolis. The greatest is he who Is most true to the principle of duty Channing. -a .4ra: YTPf m MTjrL. ?- yuV f emaIe troubles which need attention, take Cardui. The ingredients of which Cardui is composed, have a strong influence over the womanly organs and Duild up the womanly strength. They are purely vegetable, perfectly harmless, and act in a scientific manner on woman's vital energies. If sick, you are urged to try Wine Mrs. Annie Hamilton, of Stetsonville, Wis., writes: "As a result of womanly troubles, I could not sleep, eat, or stand on my feet, without suffering terrible dis tress. At last, I took Cardui. Now I feel better than I ever did before." Try it. WKIIEfWHIKIHMK wva REV.TR0UTMANSENDS -- -- '4x&i&?rr -i ' r y trfj BEST WISHES FOR PE-RU-NA Bev. George A. E. Troutman, ML Washington, Mo., Write y Wife ind I Are Strong Believers in Pe-ru-na.9 Catarrti i ta 6ttfps. Bar. Geo. A. Troatsaaa, 1ft. Wshlagtoa,Movwrites: "My wile aad I are strong beUetersim Bmuu. I was cured of a bad case of catarrh when nothing: else that I tried had any effect My wife was cured from a severe case of la grippe, and we feel that the least we can do is to gratefully acknowledge the merit of Pemna. "My wife joins me in sending' best wishes for your success." Rev. H. W. Tate, 920 Lincoln Avenue, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio, writes: Ask Your Druggist for Free Curb BC( vw ah tHIi EJW;sWSsK 3uichly. needs very little robbing ana oes not leave a scar or blemish. An antiseptic remedy for thrush, fistula and any abscess. PRICE 25t.5Ot&).00 StoarfsTreofoe on Address Dr. Earl NO MORE MUSTARD THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN Capsicum-Vaseline- EXTRACT OP THE CAYEWtE PEPPER PLANT TAKEN DIRECTLY IN VASELINE ansnMisaiMBBsMMMsasBisaaMSMsjBi DON'T WAIT COMES-KEEP A QUICK. SURE. SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PA1N.-FRICE IZe. IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES MADE OF PURE TIN AT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. OR BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF 15c IN FOSTAGE STAMPS. A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other piaster, and will net blister the most delicate skin. The pain-allaying and curativejuaiiHes of ths article are wonderful. It will stop the toothache at once, and relieve Head ache and Sciatica. We recommend it as the best and safest external counter irritant known, also as an external remedy for pains in the chest and stomach and all Rheumatic. Neuralgic and Gouty complaints. A trial will prove what we claim for it, and it will be found to be invaluable in the household and for children. Once used nc family will be without it. Many people say " it is the best .of all your preparations." Accept no preparation of vaseline unless the same carries our label, as otherwise it is not genuine. Send your address and we will mall our preparations which will Interest you. nstatoSL CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. NwYemcirf K'WJ I - - -" -- mtMmzAZMi- iNw;:EWdB7fl aaam.BW.v tiun av . CMBER OPTHC raMILY. wmt, BOYS, WOMEN, MISSCS AND CMUMCM. Y.C Bs7.S3J tmamm mmmmmtmmmm t tarn wmwttdax. w ssjssHJO, 93.amam419. Ham amymmar mail nfsufii 1 1 MHa. 2? avvsfjsssftf wataat Uhhw awjf aCaSBPans .Lfa$4z9l$SmZkSkmZtoteKtmWt aCAUTI09r. W.T-Ina::las name and price Is stamped on bottom. Ttifce Basjatiff. Sold by tbe e sboe dralrs everywliue. Sbccs mailed bora factory to any part of tbe world. IUo. tested feurlog (tee to any address. W. I SoilfiLAS, BracktaNs, Mass. Cardui ! uauri ', at t MBaBSlBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBlM ) ' jr vi M iasnwPw:XsawJBHuTa SI ftflBBSS:-:::x::::::-:::ft!NS-A3BiBSBBBBBHl.lM aOsSlninnnHi ' vSlafViiBnnnnnnnnW Tigs naav:-; ' .- ':':-:-&aisaianaaaaaaanf? i , rJsW::::xi:SiBnWi ' - SI lannre:$i5SgasnnnnnnnnM V HBiKSBBW-.iBnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnV Sm imnSBBBWMOOMCXO.OiBnSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS. si:liil - "For several years I have been troubled with a peculiar spasmodic affectltt mi thethrmat. It would rcizesaesadojenly and for a few minutes I would be im able to speak audibly, and my breath would be irreatly interfered with. I would be obliged to gasp for breath. I finally concluded that it was some catarrhal affection which probably ex cited the spasm. It interfered with my vocation as a prmoher, attacking; me occasionally in the pulpit. "I had heard so much about Perana as a catarrh remedy that I determined to try it After taking .two bottles, my timmmte haa Haaapeanm'. I feel sure that Pernnahas greatly benefitted me." Rev. P. E. Swanstrom, Swedish Bap tist Pastor. Box 328. Grantsbnrg. Wit., writes that from the use of Peruna he is perfectly well, entirely cured of chronic diarrhea and catarrh. MTafcfetfi For two years Dr. Hartman and his assistants have incessantly labored to create Peruna in tablet form, uud their strcnuouslabors have just been crowned with success. People who object to liqnid medicines can now secure Perana Tablets, which represent the medicinal ingredients of Peraua. Each- tablet is equivalent 5 one average dose of Peruna. Peruna Almanac for 1908. 1 Spavin or Snlinr diovivs lirvinvervt is unsurpassed II MMtralaft and rliiBu rwiinuerw Horses. CaMe.Hogs and Pouirry" uenc rrcc S.Sloon. Boston. Mass..U 5. A, PLASTERS TO BLISTER EXTERNAL COUNTER-IRRITANT. TILL THE PAIN A TUBE HANDY our Vaseline Boeklst d rlblnsj - . m fl ksasi ' - --aw w Kt&ai rut Color JtWrtttM JSxetuttselg. Wkkw RI .?&". sarJ3 1 Ti " ,. " . .-s..-s- m U:-5vr.v V-f&Ifej&gg r 9 5i ih A. gjjjjjjy 'jr- t-mr -' -V" JilMi tc"--.' 4-