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She funeral of their poet and playwright, Abraham Goldfaden, that traffic on the Bowery was blocked. The grand jury in Kansas City re turned 160 indictments for working .on Sunday, mostly against actors and other theatrical folk. Mrs. Henry O. Boehme of Orange, N. J., committed suicide by kneeling in front of an express train in the Lackawanna railroad. Fred Otto of Miles, la., traveling dis patcher of the Chicago Great Western railroad, was killed at Egan. 111., while assisting in clearing a wreck. William H. Taft addressed a large audience in the People's Institute, New York, on capital and labor, and sub mitted to a rapid fire quiz from his hearers. The safe of the Bank of Adair at Adair, 111., was blown open with nitro glycerin and $7,700, all the currency in bank, was taken. Five persons were killed in a colli sion on the Alabama & Mississippi railroad at Vinegar Bend, Ala. The appellate division of the su preme court of New York set aside a verdict fon$460,000 obtained against George J. Gould and others by John S. Jones, an Ohio coal operator. The American Society of Equity in session at Henderson, Ky., denounced the night riders as common criminals. James A. Kemp, embezzling em ploye of the Washington police de partment, was arrested in New Or leans. Fire destroyed a business block in Sidney, Neb., the loss being $100,000. William H. Patterson, son of former Senator John Patterson of North Caro lina and brother-in-law of Admiral Ev ans, commanding the Pacific fleet, died at Battle Creek, Mich., from pneumonia. It was officially announced in Tokyo that Baron Takahira had been chosen ambassador to the United States to succeed Viscount Aoki. The socialists organized suffrage demonstration before the building of the Prussian landtag in Berlin in which a radical resolution demanding univer sal suffrage in Prussian elections came up for discussion. They were dis persed by the police, and Chancellor von Buelow said the government was against manhood suffrage. Paul Bowers, aged 14 years, shot and killed a negro burglar in his home at Alverton, Pa. George F. Evans, vice president and general manager of the Maine Central railroad, died at Vanceboro, Me. Terrorists of Warsaw threw a bomb at a post car station, killing two men and injuring ten, and escaping with a large sum of money. Five Detroit firemen were injured, nofe of them seriously, at a fire which caused about $100,000 damage in the " Forrester & Cheney knitting mills. 'Fire In the business section of Al bion, HI., destroyed the Edwards Coun ty Bank building, the new National Bank building, the telephone exchange and four stores. It is reported in New Britain, Conn., that William F. Walker, the abscond ing bank treasurer recently arrested in Mexico, is being aided in his de fense by New York parties who re ceived part of the stolen securities. New Jersey railway commissioners report that from July 29 to December 1. 1907, 108 persons were killed and 19S injured by railroads in the state. Ex-Empress Eugenie and her suite sailed from Marseilles, France, for Co lombo. Dr. Horace Newell Marvin of Dover. Del., father of the boy who wandered away from a farmhouse near Dover last spring and died from exposure, was married to Mrs. Flora Melinda Swift, his mother-in-law. The American battleship fleet, un der command of Rear Admiral Evans, was sighted passing Pernambuco, Brazil, on its way to Rio Janeiro. A new Roman Catholic diocese was .carved out of the archdiocese of Chi cago, and will be known as the bishopric of Rockford. Congressman William Sulzer of New York married Miss Roedelheim of Philadelphia, who was his nurse during a serious illness. Mail advices from South China tell of a terrible fire at Canton where 300 lives were lost in the burning of a restaurant. ' The Nebraska Republican state com mittee fixed the state convention for March 11 at Omaha and declared for Taft Capt Daniel Ellis, aged 79, the cele brated union scout of East Tennessee, died at his home near Elizabethtown, - Tenn. Maj. Henry Ward Wells, a veteran attorney of Peoria. 111., and one of the framers of the Illinois constitution in 1879, died, aged 74 years. Richard A. Ballinger resigned as coauBisstoBer of the general land of See and Fred Dennitt was appointed to sacceed hist. Testimony was begun in the suit in stituted by Richard Snell, son of CoL Thomas Snell, the late millionaire railroad builder, in Clinton. 111., to break the will which cuts young Snell off with an annuity of but $30. Sen sational statements were made by counsel for the plaintiff to the effect that Col. Snell jhad expended no less than $300,000 upon women during the last ten years of his lire, of which $75,000, had gone to his alleged grand niece, Maybelle Snell, of Kansas City. Mo., now Mrs. McNamara. The district court of appeals at San Francisco handed down a decision setting aside the judgment ia the case of former Mayor Eugene E. Schmitz, convicted of extortion in the French restaurant case. Abe Ruef also bene fits by the ruling. The old historic building at New bern, N. C, which was part of Gov. Tryon's place before the revolutionary war was destroyed by fire. Two negro farm hands who made a murderous assault on Mr. and Mrs. Martin Livingston at Goldsboro, Ga, were captured by a posse and shot to death. Cyrus J. Lawrence, aged 76, of the New York banking firm of Cyrus J. Lawrence & Son and vice president of the Bush Terminal company, died. Mack 'St. Clair and Solomon Law rence, shot fireis, were instantly killed in an explosion in a mine at Prince ton, Ind. Friends of Jack London, the author, are beginning to feel anxiety over his failure to arrive at the Marquesas is lands, which he was expected to reach early in December. Frank J. McBricn. a wealthy retired business man .was killed in New York in saving the life of Mrs. Mary Scheele of Brooklyn, who had fallen in the path of a train. Martin Maloney of Philadelphia be gan court proceedings to have an nulled the marriage of his daughter Helen to Arthur Herbert Osborn of New York in 1903. The candidacy of Gov. Charles E. Hughes for the Republican presiden tial nomination was launched at a "Hughes dollar dinner" in New York city. W. J. Bryan, speaking at Danville, 111., said he believed the Republicans would nominate Speaker Cannon for the presidency. Austin O. Sexton, once active in Chicago in state and local politics, died at the home of his daughter at Hammond, Ind. L. C. Storrs of Lansing. Mich., aged 70, secretary of the Michigan state board of charities and correction, died suddenly of heart failure on a Queen & Crescent train near Somerset. Ky. Urban Angney, captain of last year's football team at Kansas university, committed suicide at Lawrence, Kan., by jumping from the dome of Frazer ball. Edward Burch, at Hampton, Va., and Miss Eva Downing, at Winchester, Ky., were married by long-distance telephone. William Shamburger perished in a fire that partly destroyed the round house and shops of the Lake Shore road at Elkhart, Ind. Christopher H. Connor, former city comptroller of La Crosse, Wis., and one of the best-known Democratic politicians in western Wisconsin, died at Spokane. Five men were injured, one prob ably fatally, and the lives of 50 pas sengers endangered by a terrific head on collision on the Chicago, Milwau kee & St Paul railway in Chicago. Chinese students educated in Amer ica have taken precedence over those educated in Europe -and in Japan, ac cording to advices received at the state department from American Con sul General Bergholz at Canton, China. Vernon L. Nettleton of Coldwater, Mich., gashed his sister's throat with a carving knife and then killed him self. W. B. Thomas was elected presi dent of the American Sugar Refining company to succeed the late H. O. Havemeyer. The courthouse at Calhoun, Ky., was destroyed by fire. All court records for McLean county were burned. Lansing, Mich., was seized by a strange malady, thousands of persons being stricken with nausea. and acute intestinal trouble. Being unable to meet payments due on his stock in the institution Augus tus Heinze lost control of the Mercan tile National bank of New York. The stock was taken back by Edwin Gould. Father Charles F. Kcarful of St Joseph, Mo., has been notified by the state department at Washington that he is heir to a fortune of $500,000, left by his uncle, a prominent wool mer chant, who died recently in Sydney, Australia. Judge Munger of the federal court at Omaha ordered the jury to acquit Henry Sutton, who had been on 'trial on charge of conspiracy to defraud the government out of large tracts of land. Judge Walter H. Sanborn, of the United States circuit court at St Paul, Minn., appointed A. B. Stickney and Charles H. F. Smith, both residents of St. Paul, receivers for the Chicago Great Western railroad. Postmaster General Meyer ordered that it shall be a condition of any con tract hereafter entered into for carry ing the mails upon star, screen wagon, messenger or special service route, that the contractor' shall not transport intoxicating liquor from one point to another upon such route while in the perfromance of mail service. Gagged with his own handkerchief, tied by the feet to the iron upright of the elevated railway and robbed of $700 in cash and $500 in checks, was the fate that befell J. Ward Flook, a collector for Libby, McNeill & Libby. of Chicago. Walter C. Stewart, superintendent of the municipal lighting plant of St Joseph, Mo., and other persons were indicted for fraud by means of pad ding pay rolls. Allegations of fraud and graft in supplying the bureau of engraving and printing with black dry color, used in the manufacture of ink, re sulted in the indictment by the fed eral grand jury at Washington of Ed win M. Vandyck, formerly a chemist and ink maker employed in the bu reau, and Victor Boede, president of Baltimore, suaufactarers of ink and colors. Liquor valued at $7,000, seized m raids, was poured into the sewer at Topeka, Kan., under orders of the court J. F. Selby, mayor of Hillsboro, N. D., dropped dead in Moorhead, N. D. Bishop George Worthington of Ne braska! who was recently appointed to take charge of the Episcopal churches on the continent in succession to Bishop Henry C. Potter of New York, died suddenly at Mentone, France. - Dean James B. Eddie of Salt Lake City, who was convicted by an ec clesiastical court of immorality a year ago, was formally deposed from the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal church, many of the congregation weeping and hissing the sentence. Prominent coal operators from the principal coal producing states of the east gathered in Washington to dis cuss the recent mining disasters and the best methods possible for the pres ervation of the lives of the miners in the future. Albert Jackson and Minnie Burton discovered just before the day set for their marriage at Englewood, S. D., that they were brother and sister, and they have gone to northern Missouri to make a search for their mother. Fred C. Bonfiis of the Denver Post was fined $50 for assaulting former Senator Thomas M. Patterson. Charles W. Whitney, a New York stock exchange man, committed sul clde. A radical bank bill was presented in the. Illinois house at Springfield by Representative Templeman. It pro vides that losses by depositors owing to failures shall be shared pro rata among banks. Isaac Kushemoff, a 17-year-old New York' boy, who was a bank messenger and disappeared, was arrested on his return from Europe, charged with tak ing $390 collected for the Bank of North America. Rev. D. I. McDermott, rector of a Catholic church in Philadelphia, re fused to permit a lodge of Hibernians to attend a funeral in the church, and made serious charges connecting the order with tbe Molly Maguires. Indicted by the federal grand jury for the over-certiflcation of 15 checks. 'representing in the aggregate over $400,000 and drawn by the firm of Otto Heinze & Co. on the Mercantile National bank, F. Augustus Heinze, the copper magnate and former presi dent of the Mercantile -National bank, surrendered himself to United States Commissioner Shields in New York and later was released on $50,000 bail. The long overdue Mount Royal of the Canadian Pacific railway's Atlan tic service steamed slowly into Queenstown. Heavy weather and trouble with her boilers compelled her to put back. The students of Washington uni versity at St Louis held a meeting and formulated demands upon the faculty to reinstate Student J. Allen Stevens, recently expelled, on threat of a general student strike. Despondent because of ill health and financial difficulties, M. A. Horn, merchant, councilman, bank director and stockholder in manufacturing concerns, drowned himself at Defi ance, O. Seven hundred and forty thousand dollars is missing from the Bank of Yucatan. Fernando U. Rodriguez, sub-director, and Mateo Ponce, ex cashier of the bank, and ten other per. sons have been arrested. Claus A. Spreckle, son of the big sugar refiner, charges that the Amer ican Sugar Refining company has no surplus and that it has included in its assets a dozen or two dismantled plants. Four men, who attempted to hold up passengers on the "Katy" flyer in the union station in Kansas City, Mo., were foiled. The conductor struck one of the gang over the head with a lantern and all fled. A stretch of beach 300 feet long at Oregon Inlet, N. C. was washed away during a storm, carrying with it the land end of the government cable to Hattcras Station. The employers' liability law was held unconstitutional by the supreme court of the United States. Former Supervisor Lonergan of San Francisco, who confessed to ac cepting bribes, dropped dead. Charles M. MacDonald, formerly a prominent lumberman, died at La Crosse, Wis. Foster E. Percy of Mendota, 111., committed suicide in Chicago. H. Grey Duberly, a relative of Earl Grey, governor general of Canada, committed suicide in New York. A vessel believed to be the 'missing steamer Mount Royal was reported 250 miles west of Fastnet Light. As a result of the overturning of a skiff containing nine men near Kicka poo, Kan., seven men were drowned; the other two were rescued by Ernest Schweitzer at tbe risk of his life. Judge A. S. Berry, a well-known Kentucky Democratic politician and a farmer member of congress, died at his home at Newport, Ky., of pneu monia. Unless the spinners modify their demands, the cotton mills throughout the country, owned by 500 members of the Federation of Master Spinners, will be closed January 25 and 150,000 employes locked out A schooner was wrecked on the Diamond shoals, near Cape Hatteras, and only two of the crew of sevn were saved. A. Ross Hill, dean of the 'college of arts and sciences and a director of the school of education at Cornell university, was chosen president of the University of "Missouri to succeed Richard H. Jesse, resigned. Capt William Thomas, superin tendent of the Aurora mine of the United States Steel corporation at Ironwood, Mich., was shot and killed Monday by John Bendette, a miner who had been discharged. Attorney General Bonaparte direct ed the various United States attor neys to institute suits against a large number of railroad companies to re cover penalties incurred by them for alleged violations of the safety ap pliance law. By a majority of 2,603 the voters of the territory interested declared for a greater Birmingham, Ala, The ter ritory comprises 41 square miles and the estimated population is 125.000. t Prince Stanislas PoniatowskJ, the head of the historic Polish abase of that name, is dead in Paris. a CLEMS UP RAPIDLY RELEASE OF CREDITS HELPS - FINANCIAL 8ITUATI0N. ' CASH FOR THE LOAN MARKET Bank Statement. Brings Out Funds Which Have Been Withheld But Which Are Now Available. New York The rapid clearing up of the banking situation and the re lease of the large supplies of credits to the money markets were the im portant features of last week's events in the financial world. The New York bank statement of the previous week gave the first decisive outline of the turn in the situation. The statement on Saturday shewing a $6,000,000 sur-' plus has brilliantly confirmed the week's impressions. The effect has spread .throughout tbe money markets of the world and has sent supplies back into the loan market with some thing like a rash. It was obvious that funds had been withheld through a lin gering spirit of distrust of the banks' position or as a precaution against possible extra demands, were return ing freely to central reserve points. The basis of credits is greatly expand ed by this process. The surrender of the privilege of deposit of part of their cash in the reserve and central reserve cities and its recall home in the panic was the central factor in producing the crisis, and the retention of this cash was the cause for the pro longation of the crisis and the main tenance of the premium on currency. The anxiety caused by that pro longation up to the end of the year may be said to be now completely dissipated, so far as accommodation to solvent business is concerned. New York has ceased to draw gold from London and rapid recuperation of the Bank of England buHion holding has followed. The Bank of France marked down its official discount rate from 4 to 3 per cent and market rate's of discount receded in all the foreign markets. In New York the most im portant effect of the new develop ments was the springing up of an ac tive demand for commercial paper, which effectively relieved the dead lock in that department and quieted the fears of widespread embarrass ments in the mercantile world from in ability to secure extension of large maturing obligations. In the securities market the effect of this increase of facilities far con ducting' speculative operations has been pronounced. The resulting out break of speculation showed increas ing animation and was stimulated by various professional devices and by the dissemination of rumors of impor tant developments. The need of a larg uncovered short interest was an important contributing factor to the rapid advance which developed and furnished the material for much of the demand forced by the bidding up of prices by the organized bull party in the market. FORAKER FACTION AT WORK. Trying to Control Party Machinery at Cleveland. Cleveland, O. A call was issued by the Foraker-Dick faction of the repub lican party in this, Cuyahoga, county for Saturday afternoon, in which it is stated an executive or controlling com mittee for the party will be chosen. Earlier in the day the leaders of the Taft faction filed a request with the board of elections asking that a pri mary be held to elect sixty-three dele gates to the state convention. The Foraker-Dick faction leaders allege that the present county executive com mittee, which is composed of Taft ad herents, is without power to act be cause it was chosen for one year and had served two years without re election. WANTS AN ENLARGED NAVY. Richmond P. Hobson Will Wage Cam paign in House. Washington Preliminary to the campaign for an enlarged navy, which he proposes to wage in the house. Rep resentative Richmond P. Hobson of fered a resolution providing for the appointment by the president of "a commission whose duty it shall be to Investigate and report to congress on the best means of preserving the gen eral welfare by the use and extension of arbitration and by the maintenance of .armed forces." MORGAN MAKES A PURCHASE. Buys $30,000,000 New York Central Trust Certificates. New York The New York Central. It was learned, has sold to J. Pierpont Morgan & Co. an issue of $30,000,000 5 per cent equipment trust certificates which are guaranteed by the New York Central & Hudson River Rail road company and its allied lines. Canal Will Cost More Washington Because of changed conditions from those existing in 1905, when the minority of the board of consulting engineers of the Pan ama canal submitted its report it is now admitted in responsible quarters that the estimate made by that report for building he canal was far too low and that the cost mayapproximate $200.00,000. This includes various in cidental items, such as administra tion, sanitation and improvements ag gregating several millions of dollars in Panama and Colon. The cattle industry of .the state ctf Tamlipas Is coming to the front One stockman and commission man alone, Baftolo Rodriguez, shipped 48.000 bead last year to Cuba and Yucatan, which amounted to $1,500,000. He has a fine ranch near the City of Tamplco called Monte Alto, with' 300 head of cows and bulls, costing about $500 a head, imported from the United States and Switzerland,-- Careful es timate made by the shippers to the north of Taaapico places the total amber of cattle and horses in 'that .at 3,tM.fM. Mexican Herald. "" BANKS OF NEBRASKA SOUND. No Failures Among Them-During the ( Late Panic Lincoln Nebraska banks emerged from the panic without a single fail ure, with doable the reserve required by law and with increased resources. So declared Secretary Royse of the state banking board in the quarterly report The report follows: Abstract of the condition of; 621 in corporated, private and savings banks of the state of Nebraska at the close of business, November 30, 1907: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $55,745,251.15 Overdrafts 459,762.13 D..,l a.I. ltm ...w AACI?D Due from national, state ' and private banks and bankers 14.915.890.41 Banking furniture z,ez.340.ix Other real estate 181.310.81 Current expenses 1,009,839.51 Cash 4,066.608.67 Other assets 556,018.59 Total $79,914,633.63 ' LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $10,322,759.41 Surplus fund .. .136.394.3S .671.696.50 Undivided profits Dividends unpaid Notes and bill redicounted. Bills payable 22.754.92 64.436,149.75 75,178.67 249,700.00 Total $79,914,633.63 Compared with a year ago the num ber of banks under state supervision has increased from 584 to 621. Loans and discounts have increased $6,863,684.86, or 14.4 per cent Available funds or total reserve has increased $1,086,444.66, or 6 per cent The per cent of reserve, how ever, is the same as a year ago, being 31.1 per cent which is more than double the legal requirement Of this reserve at this time 6.3 per cent was composed of actual cash on hand in the banks, being .3 per cent above the le gal requirement. General deposits have increased dur ing the year $6,861,764.71, or 11.9 per cent; the umber of depositors has in creased from 179,926 to 207,459. Republican State Convention Called. Lincoln Chairman Hayward of the republican state committee has is sued the following call for the repub lican state convention on'March 12: Pursuant to the call of the national committee issued December 7, 1907, the republican electors of the state of Nebraska are hereby called to meet in convention in the city of Omaha on Thursday, March 12, 1908, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, for the pur pose of selecting four delegates-at-Iarge and four alternates to the republican national convention to be held in the city of Chicago on June 16, 1908, for the nomination of candidates for pres ident and vice president of the United States. To Dry Farming Congress. Governor Sheldon has named the following as delegates to the dry farm ing convention to be held in Salt Lake City January 23-26: H. W. Campbell, Bethany; A. B. Barnett, Lincoln; H Lutes, Paxton; H. S. Goold, Ogalalla; J. T. Rivett, Angora; John Wertz, Chappel; A. P. Moore, Beule; E. E. Lowe, S. S. Sears, Hyannis; J. R. Van Boskirk, Alliance; B. P. Claypool, Or leans; E. H. Batty. Hastings; O. Hull, Ama; Wilhelm Martens. Chadron; J. C. Hill, Imperial; C. H. Harmon, J. E. Kelley, McCook; George Eisenhart, Henry Lehman, William Taylor, Cul bertson; Gilford F. Stafford, .Big Springs, and W. J. Hopper, Imperial. REPORT ON STATE INSTITUTIONS Land Commissioner Eaton Files His Annual. Land Commissioner Eaton has filed his annual report with the Board of Public Lands and Buildings, showing the condition of the state institutions. During the month of December Mr. Eaton made a personal inspection of all the institutions. The total num ber of inmates in state institutions is 3,642, employes 469, children and other relatives off officers and employes, 23. He says that Commandant Hoyt since taking charge of the Soldiers' home, has done considerable cleaning up around the home and premises, but there is still room for improvement Nothing has been 'done at this insti tution relative to building a new hos pital as directed by the last legisla ture. As title to the land has been cleared up and the institution Is greatly in need of more hospital room Commissioner Eaton recommends that this building be erected at once. He recommends that $60 be allowed to a contractor if he will make the food elevator work properly on completion. Is He Victim of Loan Sharks? Lincoln Is George H. Sturm, now under arrest at Newton. Kas., a victim of the loan sharks? Governor Shel don asserts that if he is not a requisi tion will be issued. If there is usury in the case. Sheldon said, the man would not be brought back. Selling mortgaged property is the charge. No Work on New Buildings. Nothing has been done at the Sol diers' home at Milford toward the erection of new buildings for which money was appropriated and a recom mendation is made that steps be taken so that the work can start in the early spring. Ever-Yielding Sweet Corn. Clarks Albert P. Daniels is the Burbank of this town. 'Mr. Daniels has developed an ever-bearing sweet corn. The new variety is the result of several years close attention, cross breeding and selection. Last season this educated sweet corn yielded a continuous supply of sweet, juicy roasting ears from early summer right up to frost. That is each stalk yield ed one ear after another during the season, some stalks having as many as nine ears at one time, in graduated stages of development Killing Diseased Hogs. Lincoln Alleging that Otto Blindo, a hotelkeeper at Johnson has been killing diseased hogs, Food Commis sioner Johnson has requested that a complaint be filed against him. Three Times Divorced. Beatrice Mrs. Etta Gurney was granted a divorce from W. S. Gurney and given the custody of their two children. They were married about five years ago and have been divorced three times and restarried twice. A - t ' HEBRASIuV POIIITERS STATE NEWS AND NOTES IN CON DENSED FORM. TIEPKSS.PBLrtTMI rOBUC What Ic Going on Here and There That ' Is sff Interest ts the Readers Throughout Nebraska. I Lindsay's waterworks system Is nearing completion " . Fairbury in 1907 spent about $200.- 000 in improvements. Mrs. Renn. a pioneer of Nebraska City, died last week. Stella is planning on turning on its electric lights about" Feb. 1st The Richardson County Jail began its new year without an occupant Fire losses in Nebraska City last year were $31,000, with $?8,000 insur ance. Religious meetings are being held In Beatrice, with large attendance nightly. Clarence Meyers of York has a broken leg received while playing football. Elmer Nelson, r- Waterloo boy who ran away from home, was found at Elkhorn. Merchants of Humboldt report a splendid trade both before and since the holidays. Henry McDaniels, for many years a resident of York, was found dead in his chair at his home in Benedict. The local brick plant at Humboldt has been shut down preparatory to some changes before spring work be gins. At Tecumseh a sneak thief stole a purse of $45 from George Bryson, en tering his bedroom while'' he was asleep. Ed. Howe of the Atchison Globe will make an address before the Ne braska Press association meeting in Erbach, aged 17, a car sealer for toe Burlington, was crushed to death under a Burlington freight car in Lincoln. The Fillmore County Agricultural society, at its recent annual meeting, was shown to be in a highly prosper ous condition. The poultry show held in the audi torium at Omaha was a great success. Next year's exhibit will be planned on a much larger scale. Mr. and Mrs. William Felt, who live on the Marshall Field ranch seven miles northwest of Leigh, celebrated the fifty-fifth anniversary of their marriage last week. Brakeman Eph Moller of the North western is at the Fremont hospital suffering from shock as a result of a severe blow he received on the head while out on his run. Peter Armour, an old soldier, who lived in Central City for thirty years, died at the Soldiers' home at Grand Island, the remains being taken to Central City for burial. Citizens of Stella dynamited a car riage shop and tore down a millinery store to check a fire which threat ened the Baptist church of that place. and succeeded after a hard fight. . Janitors in the state house are getting thrifty. Instead of burning up old paper collected daily in the various offices they are collecting the same and will, after it Is baled, sell it to a concern in Lincoln. The Kenesaw Independent Tele phone company held its annual stock holders' meeting. It declared a divi dend of 8 per cent on last year's busi ness and increased the capital stock from $10,000 to $20,000. James Officer, eight miles southeast of Wiisonville. accidentally shot him self while handling a thirty-two cal ibre revolver. The bullet entered the abdomen and passed through his body. His chances for life are slim. Petef Carey, for thirty-five years an expressman and mail carrier at Peru, had a close escape from being'dragged to death beneath his horses when he was thrown over the dashboard be tween the animals, which ran away. Judge Kelliger confirmed the sale of the plant of the Wabaska Electric company of Blue Springs'. The plant was sold to C. A.' Snider, manager of jthe electric light plant at Auburn, for $1,400. It will be dismantled and re moved to Auburn. Frank Smith, husband of the woman who was murdered at Milford last month, was in Seward, in consultation with the county board. It was stated that Mr. Smith would offer a reward of $500 for the arrest and punishment of the murderer, and that the county would duplicate the reward. The case against Professor A. L. Edwards which was to have been heard in the county court of Otoe county was dismissed by the county attorney. When the case was filed it was charged that Professor Edwards, who was teaching the school at Lorton, had a wife and two children in Kansas and was living with a woman who was not his wife. Professor Edwards dis proved the charge. The telephone lines owned by O. M. Tharp, of Wahoo, covering the terri tory of Weston, Maimo, Prague and Morse Bluffs, in Saunders county, and vknown as the "Tharp lines," have been sold to J. Jamison or Aivo. Mrs. Richardson, wife or the princi pal of the public schools in Pender, attempted to commit suicide by tak ing carbolic acid. Prof. Richardson was married during the holidays to Miss Killian of Wakefield and re turned to Pender with his bride Sun day. It is notknown why she at tempted to kill herself. Clayton Sanborn, son of P. A. San born, who lives in the south part of Gretna, was accidentally shot through, the right hand while playing with a loaded revolver. The hand will, it is thought, be saved. John Saucerman. of Hastings, aged 18, received two bullet wounds while scuffling with Earl Barth, a boy of about the same age. Earl Barth ap plied a number of epithets to John Saucerman, to which the later object edy. A dispute followed which re sulted In an encounter and the shoot tag. -, mmm MTURE Muwumrcwas Nature and a woasinfe work com bined have produced the grandest remedy for woman's ills that the world has ever known. In the good old-fashioned days of our grandmothers they relied upon the roots and herbs of the field to cure disease and mitigate suffering. Tne Indians on our Western Plains to-day can produce roots and herbs for every ailment, and euro diseases that baffle the most skilled physicians who have spent years in the study of drugs. From the roots and herbs of the field Lydia E. Fmkham more than thirty years ago gave to the women of the world a remedy for their pe culiar ills, more potent and effica cious than any combination of drugs. Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound is now recognized as the standard remedy for woman's ills. Mrs. Bertha Muff, of 515 N.C. St, Louisiana, Mo., writes: "Complete restoration to health means so much to me that for the sake of other suffering women I am willing to make my troubles public. "For twelve years I had been suffer ing with the worst forms of female ills. Daring that time I had eleven different physicians without 'help. No tongue can tell what I suffered, and at times I could hardly walk. About two years ago I wrote Mrs. Pinkham for advice. I followed it, and can truly say that Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound and Mrs. Pinkham's advice re stored health and strength. It is worth mountains of gold to suffering women." What Lydia R Finkham's Vege table Compound did for Mrs. Muff, it will do for other suffering women. THE TIFF. She But before you married me you said you were well off. He So I was. but I didn't know it Starch, like everything else. Is be ing constantly improved, the patent Starches put on the market 25 years ago are very different and inferior to those of the present day. In the lat est discovery DeGance Starch all in jurious chemicals are omitted, while the addition of another ingredient, in vented by us, gives to the Starch a strength and smoothness never ap proached by other brands. Ups and Downs. "I think it is really going to un fair extremes when Mabel gets me on the telephone just to give me a scold ing.' "Why so?" r "Because she calls me up only to call me down." Had Its Ui T love to whiff the aroma of the burning leaves," said the poetical girl, as they strolled through the park. "So do I," replied her tall escort; "It drowns the odor of gasoline from the automobiles." Your Wife, Mother or Sister Can make Lemon. Chocolate and Custard pics better than the expert'eook by usinic "OUR-PIE." as all the ingredients are in the package ready for immediate use. Kach package, enough for two large pics. 10 cents. Order to-day from your grocer. We ought not to look back unless it is to derive useful lessons from past errors and for the purpose of profiting by dear-bought experience. George Washington. Many Professional Men, . clergymen, teachers and singers use Brown's Bronchial Troches for curing hoarseness and coughs. A man wno says a mean tmng about another man isn't half as mean as the man who repeats it. PILES CURED IN S TO 14 OATH. PAZO OINTMENT Is KBanateeil to cure aj cat of ltcbin. Blind. Bleediac or ProtradUg riles in tolidajaoraoBey icfaaded. Me Our great care should be not to live long, but to live well. Seneca. Lewis' Single Binder the famous straight 5c cigar, rw-ays best quality. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, ill. For he that once is good is ever great. Ben Johnson. II I m ". rm I I li ii. &t C sfoqjiSffijggiffi i-.d.sjdiM., .. . .. .. ,--- tt.y-W' ''-''tf4 ,-. c ..--i et si r" ,' v v. , , t