The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 25, 1907, Image 1

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Comolidftted with the Columbm Time Aprtl 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus Jmnumry 1, 1006.
V5vtv asi I
flapp. Nw Ytar All.
and to all our best wishes for the next
365 days. We bespeak your orders
for flour for 1908, and assure you that
they will receive our most prompt and
careful attention. There can be no
question as to the superiority of the
Way Up brand, as thousands of its
daily usurs will attest Join the ranks
of satisfied flour users by ordering a
Columbus Roller Mills.
w tiOsaX txy
My u
vfiti CJoro ti
Neiv Corn 44
Dutritsy -- w
Hogs S3 80 to 3 90
Files of the Journal, Dec. 24. 1873.
Charles Morse and John Lisco are
erecting a large livery, feed and sale
stable on the corner of Olive street aad
Pacific avenue, near Coolidge'e hardware
Last week there were two freight
trains made up entirely at Columbus, the
cars having been sent here to carry off
the wtaat that had accumulated. If we
had a tarn table, the engines wouldn't
have been compelled to ran backward to
The supreme court has made a deci
sion in the ease of the Union Paciic
railroad vs. the Treasurer of Lincoln
county. Nebraska, holding the right of
the stato to tax the nd bed; that taxa
tion within the limits of the state was a
soverign right belonging to a state.
Judge Bradley and Field submitted a
dissenting opinion. Judge Hunt des
sented. If all the reports are true we hear
about finding coal, Nebraska will before
long be fully supplied with this useful
article of f ueL We have the statement
bow that Meters. Kelley A Thompson,
well borers, discovered a vein of coal,
and brought samples of it with them to
Grand Island. The coal resembles the
coal of Rock Springs and samples of it
bave been sent forward to Omaha. It is
stated that the operators broke their
anger at the depti: of one hundred and
fourteen feet just after they struck coat
Numerous jlnns are being suggested
for a "flexible currency," or in our own
language, an India rubber currency.
Oar representatives should be careful
not to give the people such a flexible
currency that in the trial of a panic it
would stretch into a "mid cat" or any
other cat currency, and thereby elude
the grasp of the citizens. It our wise
men who have the authority to change
the present plan of our currency are so
much opposed to the nationid banks as
to have nothing mor to do with them,
then we beseech them to give the people
government treasury notes, the genuine
Wait for the big Plana Sale
taring Xavenher and Decen
ker at R. W. Sale) 's Music Store
in Narth opera honse.
New Year Right
By Entering the
Cinie.cial College
The mid-winter: term
opens Monday, Dec
30th. New classes or
ganized in all business '
and stenographic
branches. Write for
catalogue and special
terms to prospective
L.A. Carnahan
Columbus, - Nebraska
The death of Mrs. a H. Young at
Sao Diego. Csl.. oa December 18, re
moves another of the early settlors of
this city. Mr. Young came her wi'b
her first husband, .Hugh Oompton, in
1867. Mr. Comptou died ia 1875, and in
1877 she married Mr. Young. They
moved to San Diego in 1896 and have
siBoe made that theii home, She leaves
beside her hasbaad, two daughters.
Florence, a trained nurse at Caeston.
Ia-, and Mrs. Steoder, who lives in Cali
fornia, alo three sons. Hugh Compton.
conductor on the Albion branch, Byron
Oompton, who is running a store at 8an
Diego, and Ofaas Oompton. who is in the
emply of the Burlington at St. Joe.
Mrs. Joung often expressed a desire to
be buried in the Columbus cemetery
and it is very probable her body will be
brought here later.
Judge J. O. Boeder was up from Ool
umbus Monday, having been called here
by the Morrill divorce case. This will
probablv be Jadge Seeder's final appear
ance in this county in his capacity as
district judge as he retires the first of
the year, to be succeeded by Judge-elect
Thomas. In his four years on the beach
Judge Reader has given complete satis
faction, as far as bis work in this county
was concerned. He has been fair and
impartial in his decisions, courteous to
bar and jury and expedition in his dis
posal of litigation. Most of those in
terested in rourt matters will regret to
see him leave the bench. Judge Boeder
expects to re-enter the practice of law
at Columbus. Central Oity Nonpareil.
An action was commenced before
Judge flowland last Friday, in which
George Staroatka, a wall known farmer
liviag on the Island, complains of Frank
Vorzal, a half brother to John
Swercek, on the ground that Frank
had beea criminally iniraate with his
daughter, Viotora Staroatka, of the
tender age of 15. A warrant was placed
ia the hands of Constable A. F. Both,
who sought to ind Vorzal. Some wise
eavesdroppers had put Vorzal onto the
fact and he disappeared. He was traced
to Columbus, but could not be found.
At the present time things are ap ia the
air as to farther proceedings. Silver
Creek Sand.
The Journal would call the attention
of the public to the fact that small
collection banks have bean placed in the
followiag places of business for the par-
pose of collecting coin for the aid of thai
ebraeka Children's Home .society.
Braua'a aovelty store; Snow's book
store; Friedhors general store; Bash
man's restaurant and First National
Bank. This society has taken a re
sponsibility of over $700 for the city of
Oolambus within the past five years.
Help the home charities. J. D. Stiree,
local treasurer; J. W. Thomas, National
Bank, Omaha, state treasurer.
The remaias of A. V. Miller, brother-in-law,
A. W. Clark, who died in Dewey,
Arizona, of pneumonia, were brought
here Tuesday for burial. The body was
taken charge of by the Masonic order
and baried in the Columbus cemetery
Mr. Miller was a Columbus boy, and
since leaving here has resided in Omsha
and Arizona, being successfully engaged
in miniug in the western state. Hia-i
body was accompanied by bis wife and
son, bis wife being Miss Ada Westcott,
and resided here at the time of her
The Knights Templar of Gethsemane
Commandery will meet at their Asylum
on Wednesday, December 25th, at 11
o'clock, a. in. and heartily join with
their f raters throughout tbe world who,
wherever dispersed, on laud or on sea
and at that hour give good cheer to the
memory of Him who died that we might
live, and all sojourning Sir Knights are
kindly invited to meet with the com
mandery and participate in the cere
The contractors, Messrs. Fsrker Bro ,
have the brick work on tbe new Y M.
C. A. building so well stong that they
expect to tinisli before tbe first of tbe
year. The walls of the building were
completed, ready for tbe roof, last week,
and th brick work that remains is on
tbe chimneys and porches. The roof
will be put on and tbe partitions placed
and lathing completed, so tbe plastering
and finishing can be done as soon as tbe
weather in the spring permits.
A. E. Priest, the retiring supervisor
from district No. 4, who. has been ia tbe
employ of the Omaha Elevator company
for a number of years, was called into
the general offices of the company last
week and offeied the position of travel
ing auditor which be accepted, and
will begin work January 1. . Mr. Priest
will not leave Platte county at present,
but make bis home in Monroe.
Last week A. L. Bollin received a fine
trio of HuBgarian. partridges, direct
from Haagary. which he intends to
raue stock for dMtributiou. These
birds are beiag iatrodacad at several
points ia this stale, with the end in view
of making them pleatifal enoagh for the
game birds.
Mr. and Mia. Frank Scbram. formerly
of this city, bat who are sow liviag at
Oheyeene, arrived in the city the first of
last week, aad are guests st the home of
the letter's mother, Mia. J. TTnimsajiin
They iatead to visit ia this vicinity for
I several wesas stars returaiag to
Stag aad toilet sets at LseVyv "
. lira, Paul aad Matzea, Dentists.
Dr. Lassohss Occalist aad aarist.
Cob meal for your oowsatSeott's.
Dr. Vallier. Osteopath. Barber block,
Dry stove wood for sale. J. W. My let.'
Dr. W. H. Stater, veteriaariaa, ohose
People who get results advertise in the
Cigars oa ice at the bowiiag and bil
liard parlor.
All kiads of -flour at the same old pri
ces at Scott's.
If you waat to rent a farm call on
JohaW. Mylet.
Dr. C.A. Allenburger, osaoa in new
State Bank building.
Miss fled wig Jaeggi is up from Lin
coln visiting with her parents.
Delicious brick ice cream for sale at
the bowling and billiard parlor.
Mrs. Ezra Mahaffey is visiting re
latives in Platte Center this week.
Mm. Mabel King of Albroo is visiting
relatives and friends in Columbus.
Ernst & Brook's is the place to get
feed. Ind. phone 98, Bell phone Bed
Chop feed of all kinds delivered free of
charge. Tbe prices will make yoo smile,
at Scott's.
Miss Anns Oass, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. 8sm Gass, was quarantined Friday
morning for small pox.
8. A Mahood who is attending school
at Lincoln arrived last week to spend
his' vacation with folks at home.
Will Hookenberger arrived last week
from Indiana where he is attending
school, to spend his vacation at home. -
Mies Lizzie Loaeke who is attending
school at Lincoln came up to spend
Xmas vacation at her homenortheast of
Miss Marguerite Evans of the Tribune
force went to Missouri Valley, Iowa,
Sunday to be with home folks during
the holidays.
For Sale Harness shop doing good
business, also shoes repair shop in con
auction.- Call on or address Pstef Mun-
ter, Monroe, Neb.
Will Keraanbrock, now the proprietor
of a big plumbing basiaess at Clayton,
'lav- va v . - "-'s s "" ""
axei, is-Berevo enjoy iae nouaay season
with home folks and friends.
Lieutenant Clarence Stott of the Sec
ond United States cavalry, son-in-law of
Col. W. F. Jody .(Buffalo Bill), died last.
week in South Dakota. The .body wsh
taken to his home in Pennsylvania for
Wait for the big Plana Sale
daring November mi! Decem
ber at R.W. Salej's Mnsie Store
In Narth opera house.
B. 8. Palmer the tailor, clean, dye
and repairs Ladies' and Gents' olothing.
Hats cleaned and reblocked. Buttons
made to order. Agent Germania Dye
Work. Nebraska Phone.
. afSnaui
''t''H ssWvVBnm590Saauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuul
C Saaaaaag BBSsaaaaaMsaaBssASBSgess
mBMIBmBnmn!L'm4' "1?? Maeaf,F-2Tw' wl1 -TlZVnmffmaBauBemVBauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuB
r mfBauuuuaauuTUWIBllPEwisZy JleDaOsLasa7toli i TTWumfmauuuuuuuuuuul
Showing a shipment of 10,000 pounds ot candy of last year and
this year our shipment is 15,000. So you can see we are growing on
the strength that our goods prove to be satisfactory to our customers.
An industry that is bringing money to Columbus from all over the state
Patronize Home
Call and See Our Line of Home Made Candies
Do; Your;
Choosing Any
Time Now
We're as ready as big buyiag can
make a jewelryatore.
We don't believe you'll have to ex
cuse our stock for aaythiag.
It'a new enough and. varied
enough and large enough to jus
tify our raying there is nothing to
to be gained by going further thaa
our store. "
Our list of resectables" is the
biggest yet in expectation
generous patronage.
And could all who read this take a
peep at our array, there would be
no doubt of the result. However
we are expecting and looking for
a visit from you, and we feel
abundantly able' to make your
call interesting aad profitable.
Jeweler Optician
I The Best Bar-!
s gain in Town $
in houses. We have it,
and we believe just what
we say. A good house in
a good location. If you.
arson the market for a
home of your own, we
will be pleased to show
it to you. Money to losn
on real estate at the
lowest rates of interest
' Becher,
Hockenberger & -Chamlbers:
Baled hsy for sale, John W.- Mylet.
Mrs. C. J. Safarik of Schuyler is the
cuest this week of Mrs. J. F. Kirkpat
rick. Iona Hall wins the Buok's Junior
Range, having turned in on the contest
34.334 sde.-GrayB.
Ervin Rector went to. North Platte
Tuesday where be will visit for a few
days wUb bis son Jess Rector.
Miss Julia Bedner left Sunday for
Prague. Neb., where she will visit with
relatives and friepds for a few daya '
Miss Emma Lueschen, who is attend
ing school here, went to tbe country, to
spend her vacation with folks at home.
Dr. Naumaaa. Destist 13 St.
G. - B, Prisb. paistisg aad
If you waat to bay or sell farm lands
see Joha W. Mylet.
Fred Hollenbeck is down with a light
attack of the grippe.
Wanted Girl for general housework.
Mrs. F. K. Strother.
Dr. D. T. Martyn. jr., office new Oolum
bus State Bank building.
Dr. L. P. .Carstenson, Veterinarian
both phones 218, Columbus, Neb.
B W. Saley is reported as quite sick
with a severe attack of bronchitis.
Mr. and Mia. Cotton of Silver Greek
were shopping in Columbas Monday.
' Miss Nellie Fallon of OWett was the
guest Tuesday of Mies- Helen Shaaaoa.
' Lost. Galloway fur mitten, right
hand. Finder leave at Journal ofloe,
and get 50 cents, reward.
Miss Minnie Budst who underwent
an operation at St. Mary's hospital last
week; is improving rapidly.
Otto Walter who is attending school
at Lincoln arrived in this city to speed
his vacation with his parents.
A. if Mahaffey went to North Platte
Saturday evening for a short visit with
bis daughter, Mrs. L. L Grsy and family
Miss E. Kose Rasmussen. who is
teaching school up v near the Seed Hills,
is spending a week's vacation with her
Miss Margaret Naumann arrived here
from Loup City Saturday, and will re
main during the holidays with Dr. aad
Mrs. Naumann.
Say, farmers, do you want some cob
meal for your oows? If you do, briag in
your ear corn, we will make it at right
prices. Scott's.
Carl Rhode, jr, who has been sick
with scarlet fever, is cow able to be up
and around agaio, and tbe quarantine
was lifted Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Nichols left Mon
day evening for Milford. Michigan,
where they will visit the former's par
ents for several weeks.
Miss Emlie Maier, who has beea visit
ing her aunt, Mrs. L Holmes at Have
look the past two weeks, returned home
last Thursday evening.
Dr. and Mrs D. T. Martva deserted
(Thursday for Chicago where they will
-spend the holiday visiting st tht-hotse
of their daughter, Mrs. W.E. Rhodes.
Miss Emma Leath, who underwent an
operation several weeks ago at St.
Mary's hospital, is up and around and
will soon be able to return to her home.
Mrs. Will Kaufmann delightfully en
tertained tbe Gilt Edge card club at her
home on East Eleventh street Thursday
evening. Tbe clnb have postponed their
meeting until after the holidays.
J. H. Galley and daughter Maud met
with quite an accident Sunday evening
while out driving Their horse became
frightened at some unknown canes and
ran away. The buggy was badly dam
aged, but the occupants were not
Mas. WW Powers is reported quite ill.
Iraea Bsaaoa went to FuUertoa
far a abort visit with Meads.
Geo,A.8eott, jr., ia ap front. Kansas
Oity to speed the holidays under the
Ralph Swartsley left Tuesday for Har
lan, Iowa, where he will spend Christmas
with friends.
F. T. Walker returned Tuesday even
ing from Liacola where he
of John ashore, at the old
reach, has beau placed ander
quaraatiae for small-pox.
Miss Mary Beada, who is making her
home with her sister, Mrs. Theiesa
8tovicsk, ia dangerously ill.
Tee public schools elosed Friday for
the usual two weeks vacation ia the
ohativaacs of the holidays.
Mrs. Fred HoUeabeok aad daughter
Helen, returned home Tuesday from a
weeks visit with frieada at Fremoet.
Mr. aad Mai Will Fiaasgaa aad little
daughter Wilms of Hartiagtoa. are the
guests this week of Mr. aad Mia. S.' J.
Miss Emma Harlow, stenographic
teacher ia the Commercial college, left
Saturday for Brooke, Iowa, where she
will visit for one week.
There was a very impremive Christmas
service st the Presbyteriaa church last
SuBdsy, daring which six young ladies
united with the ehurch.
Mrs. Boy E. Pierce of Omaha arrived
ia thia city Moadav to speed Okristmas
with her mother, Mia. Katheriae Ore
goriue, aad other relatives.
Ben Leroy, areceat graduate from
tho Commercial eollege, returnedSat
urday evening from Omaha, He will
spend the holidays ia this city.
Mm.M. Irish of Genoa was csllisg oa
her Cohuabus friends Seturdey, She
was on aer wsy to North Platte, where
she will visit friends for a few days.
8tephee Douglas left Wedaeaday eve
ning for North Platte where he w.ll
spend his Carietmas vacation visiting at
the home of his uncle L. L. Gray aad
A new trial was granted Abe LaBue
aad Mike Ease, convicted of cattle
stealing at the lest term of court, Judge
Reeder having had the matter uadW ad
Oscar Kay, formerly of Platte Center,
but now' of 'Cfceyeaae,' where he has a
ioa oa a daily paper, wee in-tbe
city the last week vuatiag hia parents,
Mr. and Mn. Wm, Nay.
Miss Lena Emerson and Lillian Adams
completed the stenographic course in
the Columbus Commercial college Fri
day. Tbe former left tbe following day
for her home in Monroe.
Jack Westbrook of St. Edward and
Mary Meek of Sk Joseph, Mo., and Ja
cob Mohr and Mary Kaafmaa, both ot
Monroe were issued marriage licenses by
Judge Batteraua tbe lent week.
Miss Nellie Evaae, who ia attending
National Park Ssmiaary st Washington,
D C, arrived ia this city Fridsy eve
ning, and will spited the holidays with
her parents. Dr. and Mia. C. D. Evans
Friday evening of this week Columbia
lodge, A. O. U. W., will initiate a class
at their regular meetiBg. This is the
result of their campaign for new mem
bers, and they expect to continue in
creasing their membership.
The remains of the infant daughter of
Mr. and Mm. Ray Crow, formerly of this
city, bat now of Spalding, was brought
here Thursdsy afternoon for burial The
funeral took place Friday morning and
interment was made in the Oolumbus
While plsyfsg with a thirty -two calibre
revolver 8unday evening, Harry Hegel,
the fourteen-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Will Hegel, accidentally shot him
self in tbe leg. The wound was dressed
by Dr. AUenberger and at thia writing
the patient is resting quite easy.
a E. Vender Maater, Sec. ex field Y.
U. C. E , of Louisville, Kentucky, was
tbe guest of Miss Helen Shannon last
week while enroute home from Califor
nia, where he has been engaged in the
work. Mr. Vender Maater is a writer jf
some note, being connected with several
of the leading newspapers snd maga
zines. The usual holiday rush st the local
post oSee has been greater' this year
than ever before, and all bands are kept
busy. Last Saturday was tbe banner
day, although tbe two days of thia week
were by no means small ones. And
added to the regular work is the weigh
ing of the mail, which has been going on
he past six months.
Last week John W. Mvlet sold the
John Potter farm, northeast of Monroe,
tad eighty acres adjoiaiag it, which he
hIso owns, making a total of two hun
dred acres, to August Seibler. Although
employed as am extra gaag foreman by
the Union Pacific, Mr. Seibler has al
waya asade Platte couaty bio home, aad
adda this new purchase to bis other hold
ings of Platte eounty real estate.
Miss Theresa Zack, who ia vice presi
dent of the N. A. V. college at Bookford,
111., arrived here Saturday to speed;
Christmas with her pareate, Mr. aad Mm. I
Zack, who live aboat thirteen miles
south of taisdty. She was aeeosjaaaied
Iby her two sisters, Miss Cosjas, who ia
teaching school at AteJasoe, Nshtasha,
sad Miss Elsie, who m a teaaher ia
public sahools at Hooper, Nebraska.
Lowney's Chocolatw
Traveling Cages, Hair
Brushes, Combs, Mir
rors, Fountain Pern,
Perfumeries, Writrag
Papeete :: :: :: ::
Cigars' Cigar Cases,
Gillette Razors, Foun
tain Pens, Bill Books,
Letter and Card Caees,
Traveling Cases, Collar
and Cuff Boxes, Military
Hair Brushes, Clothes
and Hat Brushes ::
Pollock Go.
The Druggist on the
Oolambus, Nebraska
For fancy Wedding Stationery, pre
grasas or Calling cards, doa't fail te Us
the Journal figure with you.
John Arbeggler of this eity left Tues
day morning over the Bartiagtoa far
Mountain Home, Idaho. He was ee
eompanied by Fred Krouse of Tyadall,
Idaho, who haa base visitiag relatives
Miss Kate Luchsiager, who ia tsash
ing school in district Na gave a very
interesting Christmas program Friday
evening. Maay guests wet
aad pronounced it a very
Ira Ooaaor, who took Fred Lean's saw
tomobile and was arrested sear Hastisgs
was brought before Judge Boeder lsst
Satarday. and pleadguilty. The judge
sentenced him to one year hi the peei
teatiary, but he will not be taken to Lip
cole ustU after the holidays.
The Kerr estate, ssM 1 13 west, six
aules.dae north of Mosroa. Cull ea sr
address Mrs. C. R. Watts, Moaros. Nee.
Csal. ,--
We have a large stock of
Spring. Msitlaad, Zeigler,
Gem, Baaaer, Goldea-Ash, aad Meaarch
in lump and nut. Also Peaaa. hard
coal in all siaea. Nbwmah A Waxcw.
A hand book relating to the opsritioa
of the Reclamation Act, giving qaestieas
and sua wen, has been issued by the Un
ion Pacific for the. informetion of the
pablic generally. This nmy be obtained
free oa application to any agent of the
Usios Pacific, or the undersigned.
Gen'l Psas'rAgeat.U PBB, Omaha,
stiCS U
Fnends of Father Marian, O. F.M.,
who have been considering buyiag land
in Missouri, will please hasten
as s new railroad ia building in that 1
tion of the country, and also an elsctrie
line is in view to run from Mexico, Ma,
toShelbina, thence to Shelby ville, theeee
northwest through Leonard uptoKirhs-
ville This is tbe cream of aorth Mis
souri, and land will boom soon. For
particulars write to or ms Father ffwrisu
at Humphrey, Nebi.
a 3.
Miss Lizzie Hoffman of Goiumbua
was the guest of Miss Mary Newman
the first of the week
J. Godekin was in Nance county last
week looking after bis real estate busi
ness. He ownes two fine farms ia that
Frank Cooper, who hss been workiar
for Fred Beblen dnring tbe summer, left
f-r Elgin, 111., mi ere he will remain in
definitely. Underwear
We have the agency for the'
famous Mossing Underwear, the
best popular priced Union Saits
on the market Prices in mens;
from 9160 to $450 Prices ia
boys' from 50c, 76c, 1 and $1.8
In two piece garments ws have
a spleeaid line reedy far your in
spection aad raagiag in price';
from lUc to 12 50 a garment. Bay
early while tbe 1
Cor aer m
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