The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 18, 1907, Image 8

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Wc have lutt roclvwl a lam 4tiipw ewt tf Fur Jactum. m sUtlwi
f Russian Mink. Russian Pnu, Garawle. War Sal. River Mlwk, Garter
Ltirter. Jackets that arc tempting!, prised.
BHHL -SmumsBBBsssm
w 1 L
1MU V 2.
Geo. Lewis sold his seed corn last
H. B. Feaimore shipped hie seed oorn
to Fiemont this week.
The home of Albert Stealer has been
qnarsntined for small pox.
Joha Galley had an exciting runaway
last week, he received a few slight in
juries as the result of it.
lMt 3.
Milton Miller is reported on the sick
Ed Newman was at the Lome farm last
week, helping with the work.
T. R. Berends of Oldenbush was doing
suae mechanical work at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kresultz, Mr. and
Mrs. John Brunken, jr and Willie,
Ernest and Mary Krumland were guests
at the home of D. Brunken lsst Sunday.
Battel. 4.
Adam Smith was marketing his large
crop of winter wheat last week.
Miss Maud Barnes is at the home of
her aunt, Mrs. O. A. Pride, this week.
The small pox quarantine has been
raised from the home of J. A Kilbonrn.
Miss Margaret Dineen, who is teach
ing school northwest of Monroe, spent
Sunday at home.
Mr. and Mm. O. W. Wagner of Ru
pert, Idaho, arrived last week to attend
the funeral of the late G. A. Pride.
Mrs. Eugene Susie and Mrs. Sylvia
Moore visited at the home of Henry
Lambertus, north of Monroe, last week.
O. A. Pride, living eleven miles north
west of Columbus, died last Friday,
after a abort illness. He had been con
faed to his bed less than a week, but
had complained for about two monthB.
Miss Mary Reinke is visiting at the
home of Paul Reinke.
J. B. Curtis has completed a ditch
through G. Klaus pasture.
Rev. DeWolf of the Methodist church
will hold servieeo in the Cockson school
house Sunday at 3 p. m.
Last Friday carrier No. 5 took from
one letter and twenty-four postal cards.
Out of that bunch of postal cards and
alters there were eighteen postal cards
and three letters for Switzerland.
Frank Jarocki returned from Box
Butte county last Thursday, and says
that is a good country to go to for any
one wanting good cheap land. He
hought two quarter sections for $12 50.
The main crop there is wheat, which
yields from 40 to 50 per acre. Potatoes
are good this year, averaging 900 bushels
to the acre.
n Hie Migo ww i nmi, iw i
Maitland, Zeigler, Trenton,!
r, Golden-Ash, and Monarch
in lump and nut. Abo Penna. hard
coal la all sates. Nkwmah & Which.
AE have opened a new music
VV store in the Landon farni
tnre store on Eleventh street and
will handle a complete line of first
class pianos. Our prices defy all
competition. Remember we are per
manently located in Columbus.
A "-i
$40 c?e? . $32.00
$40 Blended Russian Pony ' 32. OO
3 5 Blended Russian Pony 2 7. 50
$60 K!!!
$65 Bn.. 55.00
$60 Ruslian Mink Jacket 45. OO
$7 O Ster Lu8ter Jacket 50. OO
A. P. Johnson lost one cow and one
yearling from eating alfa'fa in field
among the snow.
Farmers in this neighborhood are haul
ing wood from Beaver creek to burn in
place of oorn cobs, of which' there is a
Miss Minnie Johnson, who is teaching
in Disk 65, took sick last week and has
not been able to open the school at this
writing, (Monday), and is yet uncertain
when she can resume her duties.
Andrew Anderson, an old settler, who
lived just across the line in Boone coun
ty, dropped dead Saturday morning. He
was up to that time in the best of health.
Interment was made Tuesday at the
Swedish M. E. church on the Looking
Glass, of which Mr. Anderson was a de
voted member.
latin, te Lftwi States.
Friends of Father Marian, O. F. M.,
who have been considering buying land
in Missouri, will please hasten thither,
as a new railroad is building in that sec
tion of the country, and also an electric
line is in view to run from Mexico, Ma,
toSbelbina, thence to Shelby vilie, tbenoe
northwest through Leonard uptoKirks
ville. This is tbe cream of north Mis
souri, and -land will boom soon. For
part iculars write to or see Father Marian
at Humphrey, Nebt.
Museum Nuisances.
"Our greatest nuisances are lovers,"
said a musuem curator. "Why do
lovers always select museums to meet
in? Because, I suppose, the rooms are
so huge and quiet, with so many se
cluded nooks.
"At any rate, Cupid continually em
barrasses me here. I hurry round a
case of stuffed birds, and seated be
hind a mastadon I see a young man
and a girl passionately kissing each
other's mouth. With a blush I turn
back to the reptilian section only to
find an elderly clergyman, in the shel
ter of a case of dried cobras, tfoldlng
a young woman's hand and making a
stately, old-fashioned offer .of mar
riage. I switch off to the Egyptian
room, but there a stout gi.I Is sitting
on a 'thin man's lap behind a mummy
"A musuem Is a wonderful rendez
vous for lovers. Come, now, did you
never meet your girl in one?"
Insects of the World.
Some insects lay eggs at the rate
of 60 a minute, or 80,000 a day, and
from the egg to full maturity of the
young Insect occupies only a. few.
hours. Insects constitute by far the
largest group of living creatures on
the globe. The most conservative es
timate places the number of species
alone at 5,000.000. They feed on every
part of everyplant that grows, and
also upon dead plant tissue in every
stage of decay. They will even eat
soil mould. They prey upon all forms
of animal life, devour not only living
meat, but dead and putrid flesh. All
excrementitious substances are dain
ties to them, and no fabric is too dry
for their taste.
Misfortunes of Others Frequently
Cause ef Sclf-Congratulatien.
"I wonder why it Is." said the mel
ancholy man, "that, when we hear of
misfortunes that don't come very close
to us. there is usually a feeling well.
I won't call it one of superiority of
fate, but certainly one of recognition
of the fitness of things by which we
are not picked out for such evil case.
And we are careful to give ourselves
all possible credit for , exemption.
Jones, you hear, has failed. Poor
Jones. Ton. know him, .and you know
that if you had been in his place you
would have seea the signs of disaster
and taken warning. Brown's son has
made a runaway match. Well, well!
That Is tough on the Browns, but It is
clear that they didn't understand
bringing up a boy. And so it goes.
There's a preening of the feathers, an
assumption of an air oT conscious rec
titude. Does it come from innate
selfishness? Or Is It because there
has been no personal experience of
sorrow along the lines indicated?"
German Newspapers Pretest It Is Be
ing Carried te Extremes.
"How the times change!" says a
writer In the Frankfurter Zeltung. "In
the days of our fathers no description
of a homelike, cosy room was com
plete without a reference to tbe tick
ing clock. It was this gentle sound
which emphasized the quiet of the
place. People had no nerves in those
days. To-day the thought of a ma
chine ticking off the seconds and strik
ing the hours is a source of worry and
distress. Time Is going, but they do
not wish to be reminded of it continu
ally; no clock is better than the tick
ing machine. And now to meet the re
quirements of the nervous people, a
factory at Schramburg is making a
noiseless clock." In an article on the
same subject another paper says:
"The anti-noise craze has made disa
greeable and unendurable some of the
noises which once were music to us,
and soon we will find a way to sllenct
the birds and to muffle the sound of
the rustling leaves."
East African Religious Ceremony.
Recently a strange ceremony war
performed at Changamwe, East Afri
ca, to bring rain. A house-to-housf
visit was made among the natives b
a self-appointed committee who col
lected from each hut the sum of twr
annas. With the total thus collected
an ox was purchased. A procession
was then formed, in which all the
available children took part. After
the procession had proceeded aroun
the district for a period of two hours
the ox was sacrificed, prayers fron
the Koran being sang by the children.
The meat of the ox was then boiled
in pots by adult participators and
given to the children to eat until the
whole was consumed. The bones and
remaining offal of the carcass wen
later put in a sack, carefully carried
to the sea and thrown into deep water.
Circumstantially . rain fell for a few
hours on the succeeding day.
Harm, in Roentgen Rays.
According to a Danish medical
journal the Roentgen rays were re
cently used upon a boy 5 years old,
who was treated ia hospital for a
disease of the hair. After 25 applica
tions of the rays the lad was seat
home cured. But whereas his nature
had previously been bright aad intel
ligent now he became absent-minded
aad unreliable, and was seat hack tcf
the hospital. He has been for some
time since under medical observation,
and the pronouncement of the doctors
attending the case Is that the Roeat
gen rays can easily penetrate the thin
scalp of a child aad have aa undesir
able Influence on the brain.
"Shenpinfl Headache."
A 'prominent physician says that
"shoppers' headache" Is due to the
fact that one has not eaten enough.
He declares that no work la so aerve
trying as shopping, aad" advises a
good, substantial luncheon in the
midst of the store hunt Take aa hear
for rest aad eat thinking aa little aa
possible of the tasks yet to be accosn
pnshed. aad there win net he such a
splitting ssasache te take
"I have ceased to he a society butterfly-
and am now a professional best
man," said an upper West Side young
man at his club the other night "Ton
never heard of a professional best
man? That may he perfectly true, for
am under the impression that I am
the Inventor and patentee of the Idea.
I have made it pay, too, for In addi
tion to the usual handsome present
.that 'the best' man receives -from the
bridegroom, I charge a fee that keeps
me well supplied with clothes, pays
my dab dues and keeps me la pocket
money. - -
"Ton know that the one thing that
everybody connected with a wedding
wants is to have the whole affair run
smoothly from start to finish. Any
hitch Is likely to get on the nerves
of the young couple aad not a few pa
rents' dread some mistake or delay
that will make the ceremony or the Bo
rstal functions that precede and fol
low the ceremony ridiculous. And so
such nervous people are willing to pay
handsome fee when they feel as
sured that nothing of an untoward
nature will occur. It was this idea
that laid the foundation to my present
"I was popular in society and spent
money lavishly on my friends. The
result was that for several months 1
'I Am Now a Professional Best Man."
was selected to act as best man for a
number of Important weddings, and
soon I found that the expense attached
to such events was more than my
purse could stand. About two years
ago a man whom I had known a long
time asked me to act as his best man,
and I farnkly told him that nothing
would please me more If I could af
ford It but that financially I was down
nd out I told him that besides the
need of a new evening suit for the oc
casion It would cost me from $40 to
$50 to give his bride a wedding gift
that would be proper for such an af
fair. As a mere guest I could wear
my old dress suit and send her a $20
gift, and no one would think the worse
of me; but as best man I would be
dubbed a cheap Joha if I tried any
such trick.
"The man who wanted me as best
man talked it over with me for a long
time. He said he wanted me to stand
up with him because he knew that I
had handled dozens of society wed
dings of importance and that in every
case the affair had gone off with suc
cess. Finally he made a proposition
to me. He figured out what my ex
penses would be and then added $100
to the sum. He offered to pay me
this amount If I would be best man,
and guaranteed to keep the matter
secret This gave me an Idea, and
I told him I would accept his offer,
but with the provision that he was not
to keep the story of my fees secret
after the wedding. I. saw that if a rich
man like himself .was willing to pay
for aid at the crucial moment that
there would be others who would waat
my services.
"Next morning I received a check
for my fee. Not only that but he gave
me this diamond scarf pin I am wear
ing. In return I made his wedding the
success of the season. Everything was
done in the best of style, every guest
was loud in praises of the affair, aad
oot until six weeks later, when he re
turned from his honeymoon, did he
breathe a word about my part in the
transaction. And then he very wisely
discriminated la telling about my fee.
la the first place he" told some wealthy
young fellows who were contemplating
matrimony and In v the second place
he said that my work was worth far
more than he had paid for it So the
result was that I have had a fairly
good two seasons. And I am enjoying
a social Hfe that I could not remain
in if It were not for my fees."
Waitress Query Is Relevant
"I don't know whether the pompa
doured young lady who brings me my
breakfast has been listening, or
whether she thinks for herself," says
the young man who takes his meals la
n restaurant "but she's getting to be
almost funny. Yesterday I ordered
liver and bacon; aad then I waited and
waited till I'd committed everything In
my morning paper to memory. 'Come
hither,' I said to her. T gave you m
order half an hour ago. Do I get
that liver? She stopped chewing gum
longer than I ever knew her to do he
fore. 'You get It' said she; 'but there
were two orders ahead of yours. You
don't waat your liver out of order, do
jour- .
fewer ef Wealth Impressed en Gath
ering ef Farmers.
At a sale of fancy farm stock In
Massachusetts Thomas W. Lawson
was oae of the foreign buyers la at
tendance. He weat In his private
car. with private secretary, chef, valet
etc; also he took up a private stock
car. specially fitted ap for transporting
whatever choice aalmals he might
Mr. Lawsoa's eomlnc had been wen
lii5Psl 'A
' Sm tan
''' lml H
far aad wide to have a sight of
The fair grounds were so crowded that
many mea aad hoys were unable to
gala admlssloa. aad they roosted en
trees surroandtec the grounds se they
could peer over the high hoard fence
at Mr. Lawson.
The financier was aa active bidder.
After a time a weal farmer put up
for salea 2-year-old heifer. He had
originally paid $2tt for the animal,
but she had not turned oat suite aa he
had anticipated, so he did not expect
to realise more than that amount for
her. If so much.
Some oae started the bidding at
$16eY Mr. Lawson promptly aad loud
ly bid $lt. He was met with $16.
which he rawed to $175. This was
agala raised, whereat Mr. Lawson
seemed much annoyed. In an impres
sive manner he bid $180. and looked
haughtily around as If to indicate that
no presuming yokel should agala defy
the man of wrath. However, an un
abashed farmer ventured $200, nnd
others followed until the figure stood
at $225. Then a daring soul said $235.
There was aa awful pause, while all
eyes turned expectantly toward Mr.
Lawson. Rising majestically. Mr.
Lawson roared out "Six hundred dot
lars!" and with aa awful crash every
nun nnd boy perched on tbe surround
ing trees fell to the ground, stunned
by the power of wealth.
A teductive Noise.
F. Augustus Heinze. In the course
of n dinner on hoard his yacht Revo
lution, said ef a certain mooted min
ing reform:
"Oh. yes. It would he n good thing
if It could he done, but there Is no
possible way to do it Ask these re
rorssers how they are going to put
their ideas in operation-aad they give
yoa answers that are about as prac
tical as the little hoy's method of
coaching the male.
"There was once, yoa know, a mule
ia a large field that refused to be
caught by Its owner. Round and
round the field the mule galloped.
The owner tore along behind, red and
angry.- swinging n halter in his hand,
and swearing passionately.
"The mule would let him draw very
near, almost Bear enough to throw
the halter over Its head; then It
would kick up its legs Bserrily nnd
run like the wind.
"A boy. bis face wreathed ia Battles,
watched the unequal chase for an
hour or so. Then he entered the field
and said:
"Til tell you. how to catch that
mule, mister. If you'll give me a
" 'All right' panted the man. 'Here's
your nickel. Now tell me.'
"Get behind the thick hedge over
there,' said the boy. 'and make a
noise like a carrot.'" Boston Globe.
Department Store Tree.
"The carnahuba palm of Brazil."
said a lumber dealer, "is the world's
most useful tree. A department store
tree you 'might well call it for it
gives everything from medicine to cat
tle food.
"Its roots make a very valuable
drug, a blood purifier that is pre
scribed a good deal ia the spring. Its
timber takes a high polish, and is in
demand amongst cabinet makers for
fine work. The sap becomes wineoi
vinegar, according to the way It is
prepared, aad starch and sugar are
also 'obtained from this sap.
"The fruit of the tree Is n cattle
food, the nut Is a good coffee substi
tute, the pith makes corks.
"There, can you beat it medicine,
sugar, coffee, starch, wiae, corks, cat
tle food, lumber and vinegar, all from
this one tree, the carnahuba palm?"
Meant for Encouragement.
As a patroness of struggling and dis
couraged artists and musicians Mrs.
..Pollen was aot markedly successful,
although she had plenty of money and
n warm heart and was Interested la
art aad artists.
"I've brought some of my last win
ter's sketches to show you," said one
poor, young man whom she sad asked
to call upon her. "but I do aot feel
satisfied with them. They are aot as
good la some ways aa the work I did
a year ago."
"Nonsense!" cried Mrs. Pollen, with
loud cheerfulness, patting him on the
shoulder. "Yoa paint Just as well as
yon did last year as well as yoa ever
have. Your taste's improving, that's
all!" Youth's Companion.
Good News for Him.
Tve decided." said RIter. "to devote
myself exclusively hereafter to the
writing of poetry."
"Glad to hear if said Krotchett
"Think that's my forte, eh?"
"Don't know about that, but I do
know that I aever read poetry."
The Height ef Majesty.
"Aad so she Is very queenly? I sup
pose she's the kind of woman who is
never afraid to eater the grandest
drawing room."
"Oh, more majestic that that! She's'
the kind of woman who's never afraid
to eater her owe kitchen."
The Earth Dees Move.
Yes, aoble Galileo, thou art right
"It does move." Bigots may make
thee recant It; but It moves, neverthe
less. Yes. the earth moves, aad the
pi. sets move, and the mighty waters
move, aad the great sweepiag tides
of sir move, aad the empires of men
move, aad the world of thought moves,
ever onward aad upward to higher
facto aad holder theories. The Iaeul
slttoa may seal thy lips, but they can
ao more stop the progress of the great
truth propounded by Corpemicus. aad
demonstrated by thee, than they can
stop the revolving earth. Edward
Tee Much Tee.
He was a solicitor of more or less
repute, and his Saturday afternoon's
pursuit was golf aad whisky aad soda
On this particular Saturday, however,
he had seen detained la town. On
reaching home he was met by his wife
aad little daughter. "No game today
my dear." he said to his wife, aa he
picked ap hie little girl aad kissed her.
Then his daughter sniffed the air aad
said. "Well, daddy, yoa do smell aw
eltv r swiv "wriMH
nK jjsssBBBBsnKnnnnuBBBB ija
.annnnj h'MBBbj
BBBuji avaBl bsbbb
mrnmmmr mot av vac
oc.c. k. .
Gerharz -
warm the hois
Pupils Leaving School Are Assisted
in Practical Way in Determin
ing What Their Life Work
Shall Be.
When an American boy leaves
school he does not always know what
sort of work he wants or is fit for.
Or even when he knows exactly what
kind of Job he desires, he often does
not know .at all how to find it. Such
a Job as he alms for may not exist with
in his opportunities of place and time.
So the boy leaving school may drift
into an unsuitable occupation, or,
worse, into no occupation at all, ia
spite of aa honest wish, originally, to
In Germany they order these things
better. In that admirable study of
recent German labor legislation. "The
German Workman." the work of the
Munich labor bureau for boys leaving
school is recorded. Munich teachers
became interested in finding suitable
work for their boys ia 1903. and now
the bureau, with their help, has grap
pled with the question most success
fully. Every year printed schedules of
comprehensive questions are sent to
every head teacher of the Munich
schools to be distributed among the pu
pils who ore going to leave the schools
that year.
The pupils are asked to pat them
selves in communication with the mu
nicipal labor bureau, which will ad
vise them as to the choice of a voca
tion, and give them the best chance
possible to secure work.
Yearly circulars are also sent to all
the trade guilds and other labor so
cieties to enlist their co-operation.
The children respond readily to the
aid given them. Boys come .by dozens
Christinas Presents
If you want something useful buy a nice piece
of furniture. They will remember that long
after other presents are forgotten.
Let Us Suggest:
0L0BE WERNICKE Sectional Book Cases,
Combination Book Casea, Mahogany Parlor
Stand, Library Tables, in mission, golden oak
and mahogany, 3-piece Parlor Suits, Dining
Chairs up to $7.50 each; Music Cabinets, Shav
ing .Stands, Kitchen Cabinets, all kinds from
$4.50 up; Rockers (the largest assortment we '
have ever had;) Couches, China Closets, RufFetts
Side Boards, Iron Beds, Princess Dressers Ped
estal and Tabaurettes (nice line just received;)
Pictures, fine line of Bedroom Chairs and Rock
ers in mahogany, bird's eye maple and golden
oak; High Chairs and Child's Rockers for the
babies and many other articles. Call and see
the best line we have ever had to show you.
Yours for a Merry Christmas.
Henry Gass
Furniture, Undertaking,
Picture Framing.
219-21-23 Wtftt aUvVMftli St, Gtteattu,
Without exception they ire
the greatest value ever of
fered in this city for the mon
ey. Indeed, $30 would be
a fair price for these
RJ lwaiej9Mw"ev VOJeVl
FhlS 4MU at
for in quality of fabrics, tail
oringand finishing you can
not match then under a full
third more. The coats are
cut sidgle and double-breasted
in the most approved
style and contain every wrin
kle known to high-class tail
oring. If you want extraor
dinary value in a smart look
ing, serviceable winter suit,
come see those we are ciC
offering at .... ID
Mats fsr XJIU
Oils Givtni
Xass Cravats 50c ap
!k Mutters 75c up
Silk Suspenders 50c up
Fancy Hosiery 25c up
Hoexe Goats S5IK) up
Wnist Coats $l 50 up
Umbrellas $1.50 up
Flynn Co.
to the ofiK aureau. fn search
of positions as apprentice or beginner.
Bach brings n form of application,
filled up by himself, but signed by his
When the bureau finds n place for
him he is notified by post card, and
presents himself for examination by
the employer, wherever and whenever
the latter may appoint.
Whether the boy takes the Job or
not, he must report to the bureau the
result of the interview; and this goes
on until work is procured which
suits bim and which he is able to do.
For the direction of the boys the
labor bureau has prepared, with the
aid of expert employers and medical
mea. n handbook of the Industries
open to a boy. This handbook de
scribes the different kinds of work,
the qualifications necessary to each,
the prospects of promotion or steady
employment, the health conditions,
the dangers and difficulties, the cost
and time of training, and everything
else which the boy nnd his parents
ought to know before choosing his
A ladies' committee has lately been
appointed to look after the girls, also,
from tne schools. So the young peo
ple of Munich have a first-rate chance
for a good start in life.
The idea is one which in spite of
practical difficulties might surely be
considered and adopted for use by
American educators and social work
ers, as well as German ones. A sys
tem of this sort would be a blessing to
many boys and girls leaving school
in America to-day, and halting unde
cidedly and perplexed on the threshold
of industry. Youth's Companion.
The Holy Fly.
Helen was watching some files on
the window pane, when she called to
her mother: "Mama, come and see
if this is the bosom fly!"
"The bosom fly, child! What kind
of a fly is that?"
"Oh. the one they sang about in
church last Sunday Let Me to Thy
Bosom Flv." The Circle.
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