The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 18, 1907, Image 7

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The State Capital
Matters f Geaeral laterest
Nebraska's Seat sf Gaveraaeat
Favors Certification Plan.
In his annual report to Governor
Slieldcn State Superintendent JIc
Brien declared in favor of the certi
fication law .commending the act to
strengthen the weaker school districts
of the state and boosted the junior nor
reals. Concerning the latter he said:
'During the past five years the en
rollment in the junior normal schools
reached nearlj-,000 teachers. Never
did the state do so much good with
ko little money in the professional
training of its teachers. We sha.l
have over l.r00 teachers enrolled in
these eight junior normal schools dur
ing the session of 1908. This will
equal the combined enrollment at the
two state normal schools during their
summer sessions and we have reason
to bo proud of the enrollment at our
two great slate normal schools. Not
withstanding this phenomenal attend
ance at the junior normal schools, the
attendance at all private and state nor
mal schools has increased from year
to year. During each of the past two
years over 6,000 teachers have attend
ed summer school. The reason for this
unprecedented attendance is the de
mand of the public for better qualified
teachers. These teachers have met
with a substantial reward on the part
f the public in an aggregate increase
in teachers wages of over $70,000 dur
ing the past two years.
"Many county superintendents tes
tify to the better worlc accomplished
in their schools as a result of the pro
fessional training given their teach
ers in the junior normal schools. The
hearty support givf-n thejje schools by
county superintendents, the liberal
patronage and the generous donations
from each place where a junior normal
school has been located, the excellent
services rendered the state bjr the
principals and instructors and the he
roic efforts put forth by the teamers
themselves make a record full of
credit and honor. Let me assure you
of the appreciation of the teachers and
the people in the territory of the junior
normal schools of your friendly atti
tude toward the work of these schools."
State Superintendent's Accounts.
State Superintendent J. L. McBrien
lias filed his semi-annual report with
the governor. It shows that from June
1 to December 1 he received $6,128.96
and at the close or that period had on
hand $56.52. During that time he re
ceived 11.439 registrations for county
certificates at 50 cents each, for which
he received $5.71D.50. For state exam
ining committee and clerical assistance
he reports that he paid out $5,323.72.
His receipts arc reported as follows:
Halnnco on hand .tune 1. 1907. $102.40
II. ::: rejiNtratinns for count v
trcrtIfi-Hts. :it SO oiit .",719.o0
142 rrpist rations for M v.- -er-
tinV:ites. ;it $1.00 1-12.00
JfiTi slate cei ti:icatcs Knik-U ami
tnidor.M il, at $1.00 lG.'.OO
Total ?i;.12S.3;
The expenditures ate repotted in this
Stale examining: committee and
clerical nssUtnuco
J'rhitiiiK -mil ollico supplier.
lialauc: IVcemher 1, K'07
.iotui ...................
Insurance Assets.
Deputy Insurance Auditor John I
Pierce is not in favor of valuing in
surance assreis at the maiket value
they bore on the 'Mst of last December
as requested by a mooting of state in
surance commissioners. The Ne
braska law says annual reports of in
surance companies shall contain a true
report of the condition of the com
panies, together wiih the market value
of securities on the Cist of December
The annual reports are now due and
the values of last year will not be ac
cepted by this department because un
der the law he cannot accept such
values. If the securities of insurance
companies show an impairment this
year, he cannot help it. On the other
hand It is known that the values of larft
December were inflated values.
Pleasantdale Wants Depot.
A delegation of citizens of Pleasant
dale, a small village just over the line
in Seward county, was before the stato
railway commission seeking to get
t-ome kind of an order which would
compel the Dmlingtcn railroad to fur
nish a depot which the patrons of the
road could reach. Tiie depot formerly
was located in the town, but since the
Jlilford cut-off was completed the de
Kt has been transferred to a distance
of about one mile and a quarter from
the town. It is located, the delegation
said, in an inaccessible place, and it is
imossible to get to it with a wagon.
One member of the delegation said
he had been unable to get to a car
ot lumber which had been on the track
for several uayj. The commission sent
for the local agent of the road to talk
the matter over with him.
Cobbey Gets Busy.
A. E. Cobbey. the author of Cobbey's
Statutes, has evidently started a cam
paign among the members of the late
legislature to get them to influence
Secretary of State Junkin to reconsid
er his decision not to buy 400 copies
of Cobbey's Statutes for $3,600. Let
ters from the members of the legisla
ture hate begun to reach the secr
tary.most of them telling him that it
was the intention of the legislature to
make an appropriation for Cobbey's
Statutes, no matter what the bill
State Fair Board Meets.
Secretary Mellor of the state board
of agriculture explained to the board
of managers the improvements made
at the fair grounds since the fair. Ten
acres of lowland have been reclaimed
by the filling in of earth taken from
a small tract owned by the society
across the Rock Island tracks adjoin
iag Salt creek. Since the fair $2,50o
to f3,000 worth of work has been done
in the way of filling, and in all about
$5,000 has been expended. On the
newly made ground the new stock pa
vilion will some fay be built.
Guard Property Missing.
The theft of property belonging to
the Nebraska national guard must
stop. The efforts of Adjutant Gen
eral Charles F. Schwarz are to be
turned tn mat direction during nis ad
ministration. How to prevent the loss
of such property has long been one of
the vexing problems of. the adminis
trative officers of the guard. The sight
of a fine United States blanket in the
front yard of a residence or the use of
such a piece of cloth in the home of
a citizen is said not to be uncommon.
Campaign hats and blue shirts disap
pear with great regularity from the
care of captains and companies. Prop
erty given by the government to the
Nebraska national-guard and issued to
companies is under the care and con
trol of captains. It it disappears a
board of survey may inquire into the
loss and its report is sent to the war
department where it is usually ap
proved. This relieves the captains.
Occasionally a captain digs up money
to pay for missing property. As all
captains are supposed to be under
bond, they may be held liable for any
loss that cannot be satisfactorily ex
plained. "This department will do all It can
to help captains who deserve to be re
lieved of responsibility," said Adjutant
General Schwarz, "but it is the policy
o fthe department to try with all its
power to hold the careless and negli
gent officers responsible. Officers who
do the square thing and who are try
ing to do right wi be helped; those
who do not will be held to a strict ac
conutability." A board of survey is now at work.
It comprises Colonel Storch, Major J.
M. Birkner and Captain Workizer. 17.
S. A. While the latter cannot obtain
permission from the war department
to devote his time to such work, he
will be able to assist the board. Some
of the property now missing has been
missing for several years and no ad
justment of the less has been made.
The board wil lendeavor to clean up
some of the old cases but will devote
most of its time to recent losses with
a view to preventing losses in the fu
ture. It is likely -that if companies
are mustered out of the guard the first
to go will be those that have the most
property unaccounted for.
Short Weight Butter.
Dairy Inspector Harnley reports tin
branded butter packages by P. H.
Gumpton & Co.. of Oxford. This but
ter was put tin by A. C. Rankin of Ox
ford. The facts have been certified
to County Attorney A. M. Keys, Beav
er City.
Mr. Harnley also reports violations
of the law as to the branding of pack
age butter by L. T. Bonner & Co., of
Imperial. This case has been reported
for prosecution to W. D. Thompson,
county attorney, Imperial.
The deputy food commissioner has
called attention of the county attorneys
to the fact that in most of the cases
reported of unbranded butter the but
ter is short in weight, indicating that
the butter is put up in packages by
the producer for the purpose of prac
ticing the short weight trick upon the
consumer. At the present prices of
butter in the western part of the state
the shortage of 2 ounces to the package
cheats the consumer to the amount
of about 3 cents to the package. This
profit in most cases so far investigat
ed really goes to the grocer. The
farmer who puts up short weight but
ler is able to sell it to the grocery
keeper on account of the convenience
that there is in handling the package
butter. Generally the grocer weighs
the farmer's butter in bulk, paying
for the butter weight and then retails
il to his customers by the package,
selling the 13 ounce package at the
pound price.
Poorly Kept State House.
The general condition of the interior
of the state house is such that callers
often remark that if a private cor
poration kept a building in such a
condition it would be charged with
gross negligence. The third floor,
where there are several offices and
storerooms of the state library, is in
the worst condition.
Copy of Two-Cent Fare Law Wanted.
Horace E. Flack of the department
of legislative reference of Baltimore,
has written Secretary of State Junkin
asking for a copy of the 2-cent fare
law, as well as information concerning
its operation in Nebraska. Mr. Flack
asked also if the railroads are contest
ing the law. The legislature of Mary
land is considering passing such an
Socialist Now a Regent.
At a meeting of the board of re
gents of the state university. V. C.
Rodgcrs of "Waterloo, a socialist, was
sworn in as regent to serve until Jan
uary G. He received more than 30,000
votes at the last election, being the
only candidate for the short vacancy.
Examinations for State Certificates.
State examination for professional
state certificates will be held in every
county seat in the state. December 20
and 21, 1907, and will be conducted by
the county superintendents in connec
tion with the regular monthly exam
ination for county certificates.
Want Food Law Enforced.
Secretary Johnson received a let
ter from the secretary of the grocers'
and butchers' association of Omaha in
closing a set of resolutions asking for
the rigid enforcement of the pure food
law, against the manufacturers rather
than against the retailers. The food
commissioner holds that both the re
tailer and the manufacturer, if he re
sides in Nebraska, are guilty for im
pure food or improperly branded pack
ages. The resolutions were passed at
a meeting of the grocers and butchers
December 4.
Hearing for a Convict.
Mrs. George Van Haller asked the I
u"tuvi aci a. uaic lur a Hearing
for her husband, who is in the peni
tentiary serving out a twelve-year sen
tence for murder in the second degree.
The governor agreed to grant a pub
lic hearing on January 11. Von Haller
was accused of killing a station agent
in Douglas county. Mrs. Von Haller
filed an affidavit with the governor la
which a reputable citizen was quoted
as hearing another party say that he
saw a man named Huberman fire the
fatal shot.
Woman Be
"J By Anna DeKoven . i"
An Advocate of the Harem for ,
the Modem Woman Is It Dan- r
,. gerousto be Clever? A Woman
Must Be Intelligent to Be Her
Husband's Friend The "Finish
ing School" Inadequate Subor
dinate Knowledge to Charm.
i -
(Copyright, by Joseph B. Bowles.)
(Anna Farwell de Koven. wife of Regi
nald de Koven, the composer, is vrell
known as an author. Among her first lit
erary work may 'be mentioned her trans
lation of PJerre Ixti'ji .."Iceland . Fisher
man." which was praised by the critics.
In US4 appeared her first novel.-"The Saw
dust Doll." dealing with society in Xetv
iwrt and New York. It went through ten
editions end was republished in-England
and India. Her novel, "By the Waters ,of
Babylon," was also a distinct success 7
The liberty -of American wbnien has
become so universally accepted a fact
that it has passed into a byword of
comparison to the older nations. j
The puritan idea has become at
last transmuted, through the light and
mxury oi weann and me diffused In-
fluence of widely scattered location,
into a basis of fine responsibility and
a finer courage. From Virginia and
the more southern states we have a
fluent charm, a soft womanliness and
grace both lovable and admirable, but
regrettably lessening with the disap
pearance of the characteristic life of
the south.
It is too early to attempt an analysis
of the western idea of American wom
anhood, for the west, from Cleveland
and Chicago outward, is but a system
of eastern colonies with only one gen
eral and determining- condition, and
that is liberty, under which individual
traits, traditions and tendencies find
their full opportunity of development.
These various ideas, historical as
I well as local, in their origin have pro
duced the types of women thus largely
indicated in our country. Profoundly
felt and almost universally operative,
beneath these varying influences, re
mains the old-world orientalism that
women should be first charming, again
charming and always charming. Char
acter, logic, reason and other stern
requirements of life are for the most
part left to develop in some mysteri
ous way. untended.
The desirability of a thorough col
legiate education is as a rule not ac
cepted voluntarily by the solvent por
tion of our national community. The
female universities are demanded by
the future breadwinners among wom
en and supported by them. This is an
almost universal fact and it has a
double significance. It is at once a
promise and a reproach. In plain
words, the American girl is superfi
cially educated except when she is
compelled to earn her own living.
There is a shallowness of foresight so
universal, a deficiency of logic so se
rious and so ominous in this certainly
universal inclination on the part of
American parents that one may well
stop and inquire its reason.
In a certain celebrated essay by
Schopenhauer. an essay -as acrimoni
ous as it is profound, he remarks upon
the universal jealousy between all
women as women. Jealousy among
men, he insists, is largely professional,
when it is not intensely personal from
particular emotional impulse. The
. male will light for his chosen mate as
long as the race continues; but watch
a pietty woman, sajs this philosopher,
as s-he walks the street and see the
glances cast upon her by the women
she crosses in her path. They are the
glances of the Guelph and the Ghibel
iine. The jealousy is as universal as
he sex, likewise professional, in the
sense that women's only profession is
to please the men, their masters. He
goes further and with a savage bitter
ness declares that the libery of women
is a monstrous idea, German-Christian
in its origin, which- is the curse of
Europe. He advises the restoration of
the feminine seclusion of the middle
ages and lauds the institution of the
harem, which he insists would elimi
nate vice and all the dangers which
beset monogamous .civilizations. This
is indeed a vivid expression of the
idea of woman and her proper func
tion and limitation. But his idea is
only too prevalent at the present
time, even in America, the last outpost
of European civilization. The linger
ing proof of this deep-lying prejudice
is shown in its application to the edu
cation of American women. The con-1
elusion derived from the prejudice is
inevitable it is dangerous to be clev
er. Such a reputation may be a for
midable handicap in the race for hap
piness, if a woman's happiness is in
the hands of man. It is idle to deny
that this is so. And here we have the
reason why the daughters of the rich
are guarded from any such peril, why
beauty and charm, gentleness, good
ness and submissiveness are the qual
ities which clothe a young man's fancy
and dictate the choice of a wife.
The question now is pertinent. Does
a cultivated mind, with its infinitely
various resources, detract from
charm? Does a trained logic, with its
Innumerable applications to the prob
lems of life destroy it? It is aston
ishing that the reasoning masculine
mind for these centuries should have
lersisted in the conclusion that they
do. The slightest hint of rivalry to
the male intelligence is destructive to
a budding predilection and a glimpse
of blue above a slipper more perilous
than a whisper of a bifurcation.
All this is true with a solemnity
Chinese Suppression of Opium Habit.,
The Chinese Authorities have been
active in enforcing the provisions of
the anti-opium edict, and it is ex
pected that all dens will be finally
closed in the "early part of June. 1908.
Proclamations in the vernacular have
been posted everywhere throughout
the city urging the people to abandon
the use of the drug. There have in
the past been 1,600 dens in Mukden,
the daily consumption averaging 200
packets, cr about., 1.00Q pounds per
profounder than its irony; but the
weapon is in the hands of women, a
weapon forged by centuries of subordi
nation the faculty of meeting conditions.--Ia-tfee
hands of'a really clever
woman this is tact: in those of the in-
TepV and ignorant, deceit and subter
fuge. . Jt is only ostentatious clever
ness, not cleverness at all. in fact,
which isa deterrent to the exercise of
any charm or taleht. There is never
an hour in the life of a woman when
the best education her powers- will
permit of is notfan advantage. In the
heyday of 'youth control of emotions
and clearness of insight have directed
many a ship pennanted with beauty
and "-vitality which woula have been
driven on the rocks. 'And what shall
be said of the years which follow,
crowded with opportunities nay, ne
cessities for a reasonable dealing
with the .questions of, life? No woman
can be her husband's friend and helpP
er without logic Jo which he may ap
peal and an intelligence which com
pletes and supplements his own. And
this education of character, as of mind,
is not taught in a school which gradu
ates -girls in white muslin "at 17 and
sends them out without either mental
resource" or control.
Geometry- teaches -the logic of life
and over blackboard problems Rosy
Cheek learns to be the mother, wife
and citizen, which every advanced
civilization demands. This is the ed
jucation which is developed by a seri-
ous. adenuate curriculum ami hv
none other. The special training is
another matter, equally important, as
it prepares a woman to meet the re
sistless law which links happy useful
ness with occupation. The choice of
study should of course he adapted to
the individual learning of the stu
dent, and if indeed there is a mental
constitution differing from that of
man. this fact should be recognized in
fitting her for her probable duties and
her possible use of talent or ability.
The increasing number of eclectic
courses of study gives an added free
dom and breadth of opportunity most
desirable and necessary and if right
fully understood should entirely re
move the popular prejudice that a col
legiate education, per se. fills a wo
man's mind with useless knowledge.
A college education should mean the
best education possible, and its vari
ety should only be equaled by its
thoroughness. The ordinary finishing
school for girls cannot train the mind
adequately because of the briefness of
its curriculum and its lack of system.
Parent and teacher are alike respon
sible for this, neither demanding, as
a rule, anything approaching a rigor
ous standard of education.
It is sometimes fairly astonishing
to note with what shallow and care
less consideration the whole subject
of a girl's education is dismissed. One
wonders what result can be expect
ed from such lax attention to a su
premely important matter. Can a few
weeks of "science," a skimming of
philosophy, dig the channels of train
ed and habitual thought? Can a germ
of talent, literary, mathematical or
plastic, be taught to grow by a brief
planting and a briefer tending? Can
an occasional "composition," even a
certain .fluency in the attractive and
"harmless" literature of the modern
languages, give correct and elegant
forms of expression or teach the his
tory of the words we use? The un
differentiated adjective of sweet 16
may pass amid its rippling laughter
and its maiden grace, but how about
the woman whose vocabulary is still
confined to exclamation points punc
tuating the eternal reiteration of
"awful," "wonderful,"- "fascinating,"
and the like?
A young girl may, indeed, run a
fairer chance of getting a husband if
her charm is not endangered by an
awkward reputation tf cleverness, but
the married woman needs every bit
of intelligence she possesses.
The women of America are enfran
chised by the customs of the country,
if not by the prejudices of the so
calied upper and better classes. Lib
erty and tesponsibilty are ours and
sooner or later we shall be called
upon to fit ourselves for them. The
working women know this and are
rising to the demands of both necessity
and opportunity. But, first and fore
most, if our daughters are to be given
the dangerous draught of knowledge,
they must learn to subordinate it to
charm. There is no impossibility
about this only the most vague and
illogical prejudice against it. Every
woman should be taught, first and
foremost, that in -all social relations
knowledge must be subordinate to
sympathy, merged into the charm
which listens first and then expresses.
AH greatness is simple and. above
all, unostentatious, as all strength,
if balanced and serene, is sweet. True
education teaches this, as it develops
harmony with law, which is the
"word" of the world, both spiritual
and material.
The preponderance of women who
intend to make a college education a
preparation for a wage-earning career
is a deterrent to those who consider
the natural association and friend
ships of youth to be an all-important
consideration. This deterrent must
inevitably disappear with the im
provement of the already established
schools, many of which already ap
proach the college standard, and with
the development of the universities
for women existent in America. In
any case, whether this condition dis
appears in a short or a longer time, it
must always be safer and better in
this country of fluctuating social con
ditions to build the foundations of
character and of mental cultivation
firmly and well. Sweetness and
grace, if individual, will not be de
stroyed by the education which devel
ops character.
A stickler for the good old ways.
which we all admit to be the best
dropped in front church to see a
To the great surprise and horror of
the Sunday visitor, the writer, was at
work. The cheery click, click of the
typewriter sounded from his den.
"Oh, my dear man." exclaimed the
shocked caller, "yon have not so far
forgotten your early training as to be
composing on Sunday V
"Oh. my dear, only jokes and they
are all jokes oa religions subjects."
Tertured by Sharp Twinges, Shooting
,, . Pains and Dizziness. ' -
Hiram Center, 618 South Oak Street.
Lake City, Minn., says: "I was so bad
with kidney tronble
that I could not
ystraighten up after
stooping without
sharp pains shooting
through my back. I
had dizzy spells, was
nervous and my eye
sight was affected.
The kidney secre
tions were irregular
and too f reauent. . I
was in a terrible condition, bnt Doan's
Kidney Pills cured me and I have en
joyed perfect health since."
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-MIlburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
"You'll be too old to sit on people's
knees soon, Dolly."
"Oh, no, I won't, anntie! I'm not
half as old as sister and she sits on
Mr. Wilson's knee. I'm never going
to be too old for that sort of thing!"
Insult Added to Injury.
An organ-grinder had been playing
before the house of an irascible old
gentleman, who furiously and amidst
wild gesticulations ordered him to
move on. The Italian stolidly stood
his ground and played on, and at last
was arrested for causing a disturb
ance. At the court the magistrate
asked him why he did not-leave when
he was requested. "Me no understan'
mooch Inglese," was the reply. "Well,
but you must have understood by his
motions that he wanted you to go,"
said the magistrate. "I tink he come
to dance," was the rejoinder.
Then la nora Catarrh I thta Mctloa of the couttf
thaa all other dlaaam put together, and nam the laat
few -rearawaaanppoeed to be Incurable. For a great
maajr yeara doctor proaooaced It a local dbease aad
prescribed local remedies, aad by constantly falling
to cure wlta local treatment, pronounced It Incurable.
Science baa prorea Catarrh to be a constitutional die
ease, asd therefore requiree constitutional treatment.
Ilall'a Catarrh Cure, manufactured by K. J. Cheney
Co.. Toledo, Ohio, la the only Constitutional cure oa
the market. It la taken Internally la dosea from m
drops to teaapoonful. It acta directly oa the blood
and mucoaa surfaces of the system. They offer one
handled dollars for any case It f alia to cure. Bead
for circular and testimonials.
Address: T. J. CHENEY CO., Toiedc, Ohio.
Sold by Drowlst. 75c.
Take Hall's Family Mils for constipation.
Paternal Advice.
"What was the text this morning?"
asked Mr. Wibbsjey when his little
boy had returned from church.
" 'A man's a man for a' that.' "
"Um. Very good. I'm glad you re
member it. Nov get your Bible and
turn down a leaf where the chapter is
that has it In, so you'll know where to
find it if you ever forget it."
The extraordinary popularity of fine
white goods this summer makes the
choice of Starch a matter of great im
portance. Defiance Starch, being free
from all injurious chemicals, is the
only one which is safe to use on fine
fabrics. Its great strength as a stiffen
er makes half the usual quantity of
Starch necessary, with the result of
perfect finish, equal to that when the
goods were new.
All the Earmarks.
First Tramp (reading advertise
ment) Man wanted to chop wood7
bring up coal, take care of garden,
mind chickens and children.
His Pal (groaning) Oh, these mat
rimonial advertisements make me
tired! Illustrated Bits.
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for
infants and children, and see that it
Pears the
Signature otfzL&Vrfillrfcs
In Use For Over ;iO Years.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
The world may care little for the
ology, but it recognizes with joy the
heavenly life and love.
Hides, Pelts and Wool.
To get full value, ship to the old reliable
N. W. Hide & FurCo., Minneapolis, Minn.
A woman can keep a secret if no
body cares whether she does or not.
PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to rare any case
of Itehlmc Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles ia
to 14 daya or money refunded. Mi-.
Do not make unjust gains; they are
equal to a loss. Hesiod.
Lewis Single Binder costs more than
other 5c cigars. Smokers know whv.
Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111.
When a man Is full he Isn't fully
Drove all the snakes from
Drives all aches from the body,
cures Rheumatism. Neuralgia and
For Cigar Smokers.
When yon smoke a cigar you want
a good one. A pcor cigar is a rank
abomination and a stench in your own
nostrils and' in, those of your friends
within smelling distance.
The trouble with most of uss is to
find a cigar with rich, satisfying aroma
and easy drawing qualities without
paying an exorbitant price for -it. It
remained for Frank P. Lewis of
Peoria, 111., to solve the problem for
us. His Lewis' Single Binder 5c cigar
is without doubt the peer of any brand
of 10c cigars on the market. The
Lewis' Single Binder cigar is wrapped
in tinfoil and reaches the smoker as
fresh as when leaving the factory. Its
smooth, rich, satisfying smoking qual
ities are a delight both to the palate
and the nostrils of cigar connoisseurs
everywhere. In spite of the fact that
the Lewis factory employ mr travel
ing men the sales this year will ex
ceed 9.000,000. the demand being cre
ated solely on the high quality of the
tobacco used.
Good Workers Illy Rewarded.
Sweynheym and Pannartz, the two
Germans who were the first to print
books in Rome, used paper and types
of excellent quality. Their ink on
pages printed more than 400 years
ago can vie in blackness with the best
of the present day. Yet with all their
labors they often lacked bread. In a
petition to the pope they informed his
holiness that their house was' full of
proof sheets, but they had nothing to
Sheer white goods, in fact, any fine
wash goods when new, owe much of
their attractiveness to the way they
are laundered, this being done in a
manner to enhance their textile beau
ty. Home laundering would be equal
ly satisfactory if proper attention was
given to starching, the first essential
being good Starch, which has sufficient
strength to stiffen, without thickening
the goods. Try Defiance Starch and
you will be pleasantly surprised at the
improved appearance of your work.
Too Much Delay.
Miss Gibson Girl How long before
you can let me have this gown?
Dressmaker Two weeks, miss.
Miss Gibson Girl Heavens! In the
meantime he may propose to some one
Real success is often achieved after
many failures. An active man builds
success upon a foundation of failure.
Russell Sage.
with Separate Guimpe
and Coat.
To Teach the Fntmre Mother to Dress She Future Child
we have prepared The Butterick Rag Doll and a series
of patterns of attractive Dolls Dresses, etc. This doll is about
18 inches high, printed flat in eight colors on durable cloth,
quickly and easily mads up. Remember it is but a step fcr the
little ones from the making of pretty clothes for their dollies to
the more useful accomplishment of making dainty garments for
themselves and others. For this reason we make the folowbg
Special Offen-ISS
The Rasj-Del
Butterick BniTftr, New York.
thm arerlaf tie-afajr.
aWsvlmV? amjamJLaJF asJBWmlB ntmVsSaT simflhffmwf
v as
WDmmlBm $4 am M 891 E4mM Wsss mmimttbmmmmmtktati
ty CATJTIOX. W. L. Douglas name and price is stamped on bottom. Take No Snb
atltnte. Sold hv the ret shoe dealers everywhere. Shoes niillml from factory to any part
of the world. Illustrated catalog free. W. I- DOUGLAS. Brockton, Sfaaa.
.BwJbbbbbbbbbVBbbHbkscBwJbbV a
be tongue.
.11 ionna of
Training the English Young Ms.
In accordance with a suggesUosi
made at the annual meeting of the
Mwt ihijogteZmri&k Bedalejfouide
net near a- village, schools the .object
lesson in hunting, and to inspire in
their minds a respect and regard for
both hounds and hnnters. Yorksaiie
(Eng.) Post. ., ,
Tyaacal Fataa Sceew.
Some of the choicest lands for grain arrowinc .
stock raisiairaiKl Billed fanBiajrititheiiewiliM
tricts of SaHkatcbewaa and Alberta have re
cently been OaeseS fat Settleawat nader the
fflsed ItwestM Nphtf
Entry amay aow be aaade by proxy (on certain
conditions), by the father, mother, son. daugh
ter, brother or HiMter of au intending home
steader. Thousand of homeHteadti of 160 acre
each are thuH now easily avaUable iu the!
KTeat prain-prowins;, stock-raisin? and aaiatd
farming sections
There yon will find bealthfnl eliasate. potnl
neighbor, churches for family worship. k'IJwIh
for yonr children, rood law, "splendid crop,
and railroads convenient to market.
Entry fee in each case is 110.00. For pamph
let. "Last Bet West," particulars an to rate?,
routes, 'best time to go and where to locale,
apply to "
Ml Rev Tart Law
KfllME STUet-!
1 ounces to
the pachas
other starches only 12 oawraa sain price and
"CFiANcr is sjurcRtoH quality.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 51, 1907.
312 CFt! DoIU Ki
mono Wrapper or Dress-.
ing Sack.
er coia we wil anil to The
Raw Doll, aad the two attractive Doha
Aown above. Scad at oace to
SaWarinc Shack Kasesaa ia
I aV SfiVl
Cf V'f FS7 1 O
h r-''jsL-, I 'I (J
1 ihlwX a
v&KbXW&3&9F rait
TBI.' VR 51' Fvrltti
or la teed. Acta oa the blood and expcJs germ of
dlstasncer. Ant imim). mw kMn f.. m.tM t. f.i
ODSbottlSff1luaatffllnraiAKiMi. Efl..ivtl.lMifU'K.n.l
ttadoccfdniawttBaiulharBciiailemlen.orFentexptwBpaM by
maaatactomm. Cut shows bow to poultice throats. Onr freo
Booklet irlccTentbtnir. Ixol arents wanted, lumtwlilw
;v horse remedy in existence tvrtlre rukir.
CktaWssadBaHsrMMchSa, Cosher), fen U.S.A.
All federal soldiers and sailors who Mrvd 99 day
between W.l and lsW.and wholioroestcaded Irssttuii
homestead rights which I bur. If soldier is dead, hlu
beirscanwll. TaUctooldoldlers.wldnwsaiidb-lri.
Find some soldier relative woo went West or Houtti
after tbe war and Domes caded Kemment load.
Get buiy and make some ea?j money. Write ilKXHV
A. Curt. Waahlnztoa, JJl C fur further nttniculara
Taken In
We also manafaeture Basle Dazzles. Strikers, etc.
UBR2K:HaUX-8PlLlJlAN CO.. General Amummmmi
Oatftteis. UepcM Nokth Tunc waja .,!!. Y.
Oarinst nest time month we propose to tell ISSak
acres of Colorado banjaiaa. Deal fall to writ an tr
Ton waat aalajpfoveaffarm lands la tai a state at beat
nick price. T1 CKlCTltAI. TKUST CUMPAMtT
Colorado SelMlng, 1m vast. Colorado.
t ' t
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an i v iv
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t , 'Vw f! t-
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