The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 18, 1907, Image 6

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Million and a Quarter Added to Pop
ulation of the United States
. During. Past Year
Washingtohbamigration to Amer
ica during the year ended June 30,
19t7. was vastly greater Mhariih any
previous pear in the history of the
United States. This fact, with all its
interesting and Important details, is
placed in strong light in the annual
rcKrt of Frank P. Sargent, commis
sioner general of immigration and
naturalization, which was made public
Sunday. Of this great flood 'of im
migration Commissioner Sargent says:'
"An army of 1,285,319 souls have
come, drawn hither by the free insti
tutions and the marvelous prosperity
of our country the chance here af
forded every honest toiler to gain a
livelihood by the sweat of his brow
or the exercise of his intelligence, sur
passing in numbers the record of all
preceding years."
The report contains in tabulated
form every phase cf information bear
ing upon the question of immigration,
and in submitting this carefully com
piled data Mr. Sargent says:
"The immigration for the year 1907
exceeded that for 1906 by 1 84.014 and
that for the year 1905 by 258,850, or an
increase over the year 1906 of more
than 17 per cent and over the year
1905 of more than 25 per cent. Dui-
ing the fiscal year 1906 12,403 aliens
were rejected at our ports; during the
last year 13.164. an increase of 632;
Iience the total number of those who
liave sought admission in 1907, viz..
1.298,513, exceeds the number who ap
plied in 190G, viz., 1,113,167, bv 185.
246." Commissioner Sargent says it is of
particular significance that many im
migrants landed .at ports in the south
during the' last year, and he refers
especially to a party of 473 Belgians
excellent types of immigrants re
ceived at Charleston. S. C, having
leeu induced to go there by the state
authorities. The increase of immigra
tion to the south, the commissioner
bays, is discreetly connected with the
growing desire of the southern states
to draw within their boundaries a num
ber of the better class of immigrants,
it being considered by practically all
of the leading men of the section
that the future development and wel
fare of the south depends upon its
ability to receive and absorb a relia
ble laboring and farming element.
Striking increases are also shown at
New Orleans. Galveston and Honolulu.
Of peculiar significance is the table
which shows the number of immi
grants from each foreign country, to
gether with the increases of decreases
as compared with the previous year.
Twenty-seven countries showed in
creases and eleven decreases.
Sleeping Car Law Invalid.
Madison. Wis. The state supreme
court declared the Wisconsin sleeping
car law unconstitutional. The decision
holds that the law is not a valid exer
cise of the police powers of the law;
that it leaves to the occupant of the
lower berth to decide whether the up
per shall be closed or open, instead
of absolutely requiring an unoccupied
berth to be closed.
Missouri Becoming Prohibition.
Kansas City, Mo. Cass and Clinton
counties voted for local option, making
8ity-one counties in Missouri, four
more nthan half, that may be consid
ered to favor prohibition.
Durango Bank Suspends.
Durango, Colo. The Colorado State
bank of this city suspended business
Saturday pending reorganization, it
holds deposits of $500,000 and its cap
ital is $75,000.
Brewery Blazes Numerous.
Chicago The $250,000 fire in Uie
Cooe brewery is the third brewery
fire since the Sunday closing crusade
began in this city. Coming so closely
after the others. Attorney Hogan be
lieves that some fanatic, actuated by
the belief that brewery destruction
helps along the cause, is at work.
Postmaster General Announces Reten
tion of Men Who Do Duty.
Washington Postmaster Wyman of
SL Louis will succeed himself. Charges
had been preferred against Wyman.
but investigation of them failed to
show that they could be sustained. At
the conclusion of a conference with
the president Postmaster General
Meyer announced that Wyman would
be reappointed, his new term begin
ning Monday.
German Shipping Increases.
Berlin The rapid progress of ship
ping is shown by the fact that the ton.
nage of the mercantile marine of the
empire, excluding fishing boats and
tags, has increased in the last year by
264.424 tons, having attained, accord
ing to the latest statistics issued by
the "government department. 3,911.334
tons- as against 3,646.010 tons in the
preceding twelve months. The figures
include both steam and sailing ves
sels, the former accounting for 3,468,'
186 and the latter for 443,148 ton?.
Peace in Central America.
Washington The Central American
peace 'Conference practically concluded
Its labor, when it was announced that
the delegates had agreed upon, and
were ready, to sign seven treaties.
Cortelyou Calls -It "Lie."
rwashington in answer to inquiries
as to the report which "has gained
mama currency here, that Secretary
Ortelyou is about to resign from tie'
cabinet, the' secretary's sole comment
"that to another lie."
Gives Up His Life for the- Murder of
Lincoln. Neb. Harrlson.Clarke was'
hanged at the state penitentiary Fri
day afternoon. The drop fell at 2:49
o'clock and nine minutes later fee was"
pronounced dead by the, physicians,
Clarke's composure did not desert
him at any time. He smoked a cirgar
as he walked from the death cell to
the large storeroom in the east end
of the broom factory, in which the
scaffold was erected. He smoked bis
cigar after he was on the scaffold and
took a final puff before throwing It
away, to allow his hands to be strap
ped behind him.
Clarke's fate was uncertain up to
twenty minutes before the execution
took place. Benton Bell of Omaha call
ed at the penitentiary in the morning
and then went up to the city to file
an affidavit which he had signed, al
leging that Clarke was insane. War
den Beemer had set 12:20 as the hour
for the execution. Just five minutes'
before then a telephone message was
received from Judge Cornish of the
district court stating that he had
granted a hearing on the affidavit set
tine forth that Clarke was insane. He
asked that the man who had sat in
the death chamber with Clarke during
the night should appear in court and
testify. Those who had assembled for
the execution waited in the, chapel or
reception rooms, while Clarke playad
bis guitar in his cell. The waiting
crowd could bear the notes, weird and
gruesome, from the fact that tney
were being played by a man who might
be dead in another hour.
Dr. J. M. Birkner, insanity commit
sioner, arrived at the penitentiary
soon after the men left for Judge Cor
nish's court. He had been sent by
Judge Cornish to examine Clarke.
With several other physicians he went
to the cell. Clarke knew what their
object was and the opinion of the doc
tors was unanimous to the effect that
he bad tried to "bluff." Dr. Birkner
asked him where his friends and rela
ties were.
"They died last night and went to
heaven," said Clarke.
After five minutes' examination Dr.
Birkner was satisfied and telephoned
Judge Cornish that he believed Clarke
to be perfectly sane.
The testimony of the death watch
and Chaplain Johnson before Judge
Cornish was also to the effect that
Clarke was sane.
Shortly after 2 o'clock Warden
Beemer telephoned Judge Cornish that
he must have a decision one way or
the other before 2:30 o'clock. The
sentence had to be executed between
the hours of 10 a. m. and 3 p. m. and
half an hour must be allowed for pre
liminary arrangements.
At 2:30 o'clock a telephone message
was received from Judge Cornish say
ing he had decided not to interfere.
This was Clarke's last hope, .The war
den notified Governor Sheldon and
then steps were taken quickly for the
After the black cap had been drawn,
over his face and while the noose was
being adjusted Clarke called out:
"Goodbye everybody. You're hanging
an innocent man for a crime he never
committed." After a moment he added:
"Tell my mother to pray for me." Then
the trap was sprung. The neck was
broken and nine minutes later he was
pronounced dead.
Former President of Illinois Central
Says This Is Aim.
Chicago "If I obtain a majority of
proxies to be voted at the annual
meeting of the Illinois Central Rail
road company, I shall depose Edward
H. Harriman as a director." declared
Stuyvesant Fish In an affidavit filed
before the superior court. He also de
clared in the affidavit, "to everybody
in the country the removal of such an
individual as Harriman is shown to
be. would be a welcome sign of retard
ing morality in the management of
great corporations of the country."
Mr. Fish reiterated the statement
that Mr. Harriman is seeking to con
trol the Illinois Central in the inter
est of the Union Pacific.
Clayton Pleased at Decision.
Washington Representative Clay
ton of Alabama, who last Monday of
fered a resolution declaring against
the policy of a third term for presiden
tial incumbents, on Thursday intro
duced a resolution saying he country
is to be congratulated on the declara
tion of the president, affirming the wis
dom of the custom, which limits the
president to two terms.
Secretary Wilson Submits New Inspec
tion Regulations.
Washington The proposed new
beef inspection regulation of the De
partment of Agriculture were the sub
jects of a hearing given by Secretary
Wilson to a committee representing
the American Beef Packers' associa
tion and other packers throughout the
country. The packers were requested
to submit their objections in writing.
Negro Kills a Seldier.
Omaha Joseph Bowles, a , sharp
shooter in Company K of the Sixteenth
United States infantry, stationed at
Fort Crook, was killed by William
Fauce, colored, and Fauce, who made
a confession, is in a. cell at the police
station. Five hours after discovery of
the deed 'the police had Fauce and
his confession. They arrested a large
number of colored men and women in
the hope of getting the right one.
Fauce. who attempts to justify his
deed as one of self-defense says he
dealt the death blow with a brick.
South Dakota Minister Begins Sen
tence at Grand Island.
Omaha Rev. George G. Ware of
Mullen, president of the U. B. I. Land
and Cattle company of Hooker county,
began' serving his sentence of one
year's imprisonment in the Grand Isl
and jail Wednesday. Mr. Ware was
sentenced in February, 1906, to one
year's imprisonment by Judge W. H.
Monger of the United States district
court and to any a fine of $1,9M.
Nebraska Congressman Has a Confer
ence with Commissioner -,Bal-linger
Regarding the Act
Washington The so-called Kinkaid
nomested bill, which brought comfort
to hundreds of intending settlers in
the western Nebraska district and
which has largely been taken advan
tage of by farmers in that section, has
had a series of ups and downs in the
land office, which its author, Moses
P. Kinkaid,' proposes to rectify if it
'is in his power. Since the 'passage of
he- Kinkaid act he 'has watched its
'effects and noted its ''drawbacks. It
I was undoubtedly the best bill .that
could be passed at the time," accord
ing to members of the public land
(committee, and it is doubted if such
;a measure could have been passed in
'any congress since 'the Fifty-ninth",
land the possibility of its passage in
the congress cow in session is ex
tremely questioned. However, it is a
'law- and the measure of good it has
accomplished is testified to by the
large number of entries that have
been made under its provisions. Not
withstanding it is a law, the land of
fice has been extremely pertinacious
In its interpretation of features of the
.Kinkaid act to the extent that many
entries that hare been made on lands
in the territory affected by the act
have been held up until intending set
tlers have grown tired of waiting
upon action ' by the department and
have abandoned their entries com
pletely. In fact, by its masterly in
activity, the land office, having pre
sumably more vital things at hand,
has made it necessary that the rep
resentative from the Sixth district
bring it before the attention of the
land officials.
Judge Kinkaid had a long confer-
ence with Commissioner Bal linger of
the general land office in relation to
the operation of certain featrues of
the bill which gives intending settlers
the right to enter upon lands over and
above the 160 acres prescribed under
the general homestead law. He
brought to the attention of Mr. Bal
linger that the act, which was in
tended to be in the nature of a large
relief for the honest settler, was be
ing choked to death in the general
land office because of the failure to
administer the law properly, and es
pecially so in relation to the purchase
of isolated tracts surrounding lands
entered upon by the homesteader. It
was Mr. Kinkaid's contention that the
application for tiiese purchases should
be passed upon in due season by the
department, but instead applications
have been allowed to grow musty in
the department and so far as any ac
tion of officials show have been en
tirely forgotten.
Four Members Added to Committee
to Arrange for Congress.
Washington Four members have
been added to the committee of ar
rangements for the International Con
gress on Tuberculosis, which isjto be
held in Washington next September,
under the auspices of the national as
sociation for the study and relief of
tuberculosis. They are John Barrett,
the director of the bureau of Ameri
can republics; Dr. William A. White
of Washington, superintendent of tbo
government hospital for the insane;
Dr. C. H. Mayo, the well known sur
geon of Minnesota, and Dr. Henry
M. Bracken, secretary of the State
Board of Health of Minnesota.
Telegraph Service in Alaska.
Washington Plans have been ap
proved by the secretary of war for re
building telegraph wires on the Yukon
river, construction of a second wire
between Fairbanks and Valdez and in
sections of wireless telegraph lines
and improvements and extensions to
the cable lines.
Wisconsin Man Said to Have Eyes on
Nebraska Delegation.
Lincoln Friends of Senator La Fol
lette began the fight for the Nebraska
delegation at the next republican con
vention. In a teleohone message from
the senator's advisers at Madison to
Clerk F. A. Harrison of the federal
court, it was announced that represen
tatives of La Follette win come to Ne
braska in a few days to assist in turn
ing the delegation from Taft.
Freedom Unbalances Mind.
Nashville, Tenn With but twenty
four hours of his term to serve. Con
vict Polk Mackey, in the penitentiary
here committed suicide with a shoe
knife. His mind, it is believed, sud
denly became unbalanced.
Tickets Into United States.
New York The sale of tickets of
admission to the United States is the
latest form of swindle discovered by
the immigration authorities. A male
passenger on the liner Amerika sold
more than forty of tbem to the steer
age passengers on the ship which ar
rived Saturday, receiving not less
than $1 a piece for them. With these
tickets the immigrants were told they
could enter the country, without diffi
culty. The ship's officers discovered
the swindle and 'compelled the return
of the money.
Story of Reservation" of Rooms
Auditorium Hotel.
Chicago Manager Kennedy of tho
Auditorium hotel said that no request
had been received by him for the re
servation otrooms during the national
republican convention for Governor
Hughes of New York. The New
York delegation has reserved head
quarters in the Auditorium Annex but
that is all.
City Puts Up One Hundred Thousand
Dollars to Cover Expenses of
the Meeting.
Washington After deciding to hold
the next democratic national conven
tion at Denver, Colo., and fixing the
date of the meeting for July 7, 1908,
the democratic national committee on
Thursday entered upon a spirited de
bate on the propriety of accepting
more of the $100,000 offered by Den-
ver for the convention than actually
I needed to pay the convention expens-
es in that city. The opposition to the
acceptance of the contribution took the
form of a resolution by Representa
tive Clayton of Albambra. declining
money not actualy needed for conven
tion purposes, but after a long debate
the resolution was laid on the table
by a vote of 31 to 14.
Mr. Clayton, Representative John
Sharp Williams of Mississippi and Gov
ernor Hoke Smith of Georgia, spoke
in favor of the passage of the resolu
tion. Mr. Smith was especially em
phatic in saying that the $100,000
which had been offered to secure the
republican convention and refused by
the republican national committee bad
been offered to and was about to be
accepted by the democratic commit
tee. He said the republicans had
turned down the offer because it was
regarded as in the nature of a bribe
and that democrats, in view of that
circumstance, could not afford to ac
cept it. Mr. Williams' spoke in sim
ilar vein, as also did Mr. Clayton.
Mr. Taggart advocated the accept
ance of the $100,000, saying it would
be needed now even worse than mony
was needed in 1904 and that at that
time it would have been practically
impossible to have opened headquar
ters for Judge Parker if they had not
had the extra money secured from St.
Louis, where the convention was held.
Senator Stone of Missouri made a
long speech in which he favored the
acceptance of the money.
Mr. Clayton declared that the ac
ceptance of ths money would be in
line with the very practices in cam
paign contributions that had been con
demned by the committee.
This view was antagonized by Sena,
tor Stone, who declared that the trans
action was open and above board and
this was not to be compared with any
of the propositions that had been con
demned. Many people, he said, would
go to Denver, and the young and grow
ing city was glad to make this contri
bution for the advantages it would
receive. The money, he said would
be badly needed in starting the cam
paign. On the first ballot Denver secured
20 votes, Louisville 18, Chicago 5 and
St. Paul 1. A majority of the votes
cast being necessary for a choice, an
other vote was ordered, when Den
ver secured 22 and was declared the
So Says Gov. Sheldon After Making
Lincoln, Neb. Harrison Clark must
die on the gallows. So declared Gov
ernor Sheldon at a late house Wednes
day night. His decision was an
nounced after he made a final trip to
the prison to interview Wain and
Gatbright. He read the bill of ex.
ceptions, returned to the executive of
fice and announced his verdict. He re
fused to set aside the work of the
Iowa's Loss in Corn.
Des Moines, la. Iowa's corn crop
fell off nearly 150,000,000 bushels, ac
cording to the report of Director J. R.
Sage of the Iowa climate and crop
service bureau, now made public. Be
cause of an increase in value, how
over, the financial loss is but about
$20,000,000 to the Iowa farmers on
this ceral. The oats crop was disap
pointing also, and the crops generally
are not so flattering as last year,
though Director Sage maintains they
are welkin keeping with the average
state yield.
Express Cut Enjoined.
Kansas City Judge Smith McPher-
son, In the United States district court
here, issued an order temporarily re
straining the Misourl state board of
warehouse and railway commission
and Attorney General Hadley from put
ting into effect the new law reducing
express rates. The order was grant
ed upon petition of six express com
panies, the Pacific. American, Wells
Targo, Adams, United States and
Bnatbera. The law goes into effect
'Jin. 15 neat, and redjaees express rates
on an average of 21 per cent
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Three Years Ago Chief Executive Made
a Public Statement Which He
Adheres to Today.
Washington President Roosevelt
will not be a candidate for a
third term. All doubt on this point
was dispelled by the authoritative
statement from the White House that
Mr. Roosevelt still adheres to the
declaration of renunciation made on
the night of the election three years
ago. In the statement issued Presi
dent Roosevelt says he has not chang
ed and' shall not change the decision
communicated to the American peo
ple in 1904.
It appears that President Roosevelt
had been awaiting the call for the
republican national convention to af
ford the proper opportunity for mak
ing his position clear and unmistak
able, thus leaving the field clear for
Taft. Fairbanks, Cannon. Knox. For-
aker and other declared or receptive
candidates for the republican nomina
tion. The president's statement fol
"On the night after election I made
the following announcement: 'I am
deeply sensible of the honor done m-j
by the American people in thus ex-
prosing their confidence in what I
have done and have tried to do. I ap
preciate to the full the solemn respon
sibility this confidence imposes upon
me. and 1 shall do all that in my
power lies not to forfeit it. On the
fourth of Marcli next I shall have
served three and a half years, and
this three and a half years constitute
my first term. The wise custom
which limits the president to tw
terms regards the substance and not
the form, and under no circumstances
will I be a candidate for or accept
another nomination.
"I have not changed and shall not
change the decision thus announced."
Little Surprise in New York.
New York The official announce
ment from the White House Wednes
day night that President Roosevelt
would adhere to his earlier determi
nation not to accept a renominatfou
was received with Interest, but hardly
with surprise by party leaders here.
The president generally has been tak
en at his word, and those in whose
political judgment more confidence is
felt had anticipated the statement.
Bryan is Not Surprised.
Lincoln. Neb. When told Wednes
day night that President Roosevelt
had made positive declaration that he
will not be a candidate for a third
term, W. J. Brjau expressed no sur
prise. He declared the position of
the president was as he expected. Mr.
Bryan said:
"I have assumed from the begin
ning that President Roosevelt would
not be a candidate. The -statement
he issued the night of election left
no room for misunderstanding, and I
havo felt that his friends were doing
him an injustice in suggesting that
he would chanve his position on the
Win Back Strongholds Captured by
Insurgents in.Kiang Si.
Canton, China The three strong
holds between Lungchow and Lang
son, in the province of Kiang Si.
which were taken recently by insur
gents from Yung Chow, have been cap
tured by the imperial troops after san
guinary engagements lasting two das
and nights. There were heavy losses
on both sides.
Candidates for Consul.
Washington Only nine of the
twenty-five candidates for appoint
ment as American consuls succeeded
in passing the recent entrance exam
ination. As announced at the state
department, their name? are as fol
lows: Ralph Cox Busser, Pennsyl
vania; Ralph J. Totten. Tennessee;
Robert T. Crane. Maryland; C. L. Liv
ingston, Pennsylvania; Benjamin F.
Chase. Pennsylvania; William R.
Rosenkranz. Philippine Islands: A. T.
Haeberle. Missouri; Arthur Carrels,
Missouri; R. F. Yost. Kansas Cit.
Savings Bank Fails.
Corinth. Miss. The Tishomingo
Savings bank, a private institution,
owned by J. W. Taylor, failed to open
its doors Tuesday. The bank had
branches at luka, Boone and Ripley.
Miss. The deposits are given at
Mrs. Longworth Has Appendicitis.
' Washington Mrs. 'Nicholas Long
worth of Ohio, a daughter of President
Roosevelt, is still at the Whit House
suffering from an pendioHlKj
Chlcage Live Stock Charges Fennel
Tea High.
Washington An important deci
sion of the Interstate Commerce com
mission was handed down by Commis
sioner Prouty in the case of the Cat
tle Raisers' association of Texas and
the Chicago Live ' Stock exchange
against the Chicago, Burlington &
Quincy Railroad company and seven 1
ather imi'ur.ut wes.eru and south
western lines. The subject of the
complaint was the so-called terminal
charge of $2 a car Imposed oy the de
fendants for the delivery of live stock
at the Union Stock Yards. Chicago.
The defendants are ordered to put
in force l jre February 1, 1908. a
terminal charge not exceeding $1 a
In the decision rendered on the facts
disclosed by the record in the case, it
is held that "The terminal charge of
$2 a car exacted by the defendants
for the delivery of live stock at the
Union Stock Yards in Chicago with re
spect to shipments from points with
out the state of Illinois is unjust and
unreasonable and unduly discriminat
ory, and that such charge should not
exceed $1 a car."
It further is held "that the decree
of a court dismissing a bill brought to
enforce an order of the commission
made previous to the amendment of
June 30, 1906. is not a bar to the right
of the commission to examine with
respect to a date subsequent to June
29 the sale rate involved in that pro
ceeding." The opinion in the case of E. W.
Pressley against the Gulf. Colorado &
Santa Fe Railway company and the
St. Louis Southwestern Railway com
pany of Texas, rendered also by Com
missioner Lane, decided that the
rates of the Gulf, Colorado & Santa
Fe of 27 and 29 cents per 109 pounds
on cottonseed in carloads from Ma
rietta and Be'rwyn, Okl., respectively,
to Cleburne. Tex., are unreasonable
and should not exceed 16 and 18 cents
for 100 pounds respectively, and the
joint rate of the Gulf, Colorado
Santa Fe and the St. Louis Southwest
ern railway of Texas of 45 cents per
100 pounds on cottonseed in carloads
from Marietta. Okl.. to Piano. Tex., is
unreasonable and should not exceed
25 cents per 100 pounds. The com
mission also held that the complainant
is entitled to recover $405 reparation.
Introduces Bill Providing for Initiative
and Referendum.
Washington The new state of Ok
lahoma offered, through Representa
tive Fulton, to engraft the principles
of the Initiative, the referendum and
the recall upon the constitution of the
United States. One of several bills in
troduced by Mr. Fulton provided that
"at all general elections for represent
atives or delegates in congress, tho
electors shall have the right to have
printed on the ballot and to exercise
their judgment upon any political ques
tions." Chicago to Take Its Turn.
Chicago State Attorney Healy an
nounced publicly that he would en
force the laws so as to close every sa
loon in Chicago Sunday. This an
nouncement came in an address she de
livered at a meeting of the Men's club
cf St. Peter's Episcopal church. The
speech followed the issue of twenty
nine warrant against the proprietors
of leading hotels in Chicago, charging
violations or the Sunday closing law.
The state's attorney said that the state
law is absolutely plain and that he
will enforce it with all his power.
Hinshaw Loses Place.
Washington "Uncle Joe" Cannon
is not satisfied with Congressman
Hinsbaw's position on the ship sub
sidy and in all probability the con
gressman from the Fourth district
will find that the speaker has over
looked him for reappointment on the
committee of merchant marine and
fisheries. Hinshaw has seen the
handwriting on the wall, but he will
no doubt be taken cars of upon some
other committee where he may find
more congenial company than he had
in the last congress on this commit
tee. France Insists on Rights.
Paris France is at present engaged
in negotiations with Belgium looking
to the maintenance of its preferential
rights iu the Congo Independent state
after the annexation of tnt territory
to Belgium.
Dr. Koch Resigns Position.
Berlin "Dr. Koch," says the Nord
deiitsche Allgemine Zeilung. "lias re
signed the presidency of the imperial
bank. He will be succeeded by Pres
ident Havcnstein of the Seehandlung.
or Prussia state hank.
Grand Army Encampment.
Toledo. O. At a meeting of the na
tional executie committee of the
Grand Army of the Republic, the
date of the national encampment of
the Grand Army of the Republic, to be
held here next year, was set forward
from August 31 until September 7.
Bill to Aid Mining Congress.
Washington An international min
ing congress is to be held from May
23 to June 30 in New York City and
it is the desire of the promoters of
this exposition to make it absolutely
representative in character.
Free Lumber Bill.
Washington The new congressman
form South Dakota has introduced
.public buildins? bills for Brookings and
( Huron, each carrying an appropriation
of $100,000. He alto introduced a bill
placing lumber on the free list.
Condemn Chicago Terminals.
Des Moines, la. Ringing resolu
tions condemning Chicago terminals
for alleged over-charging were adopt
ed by the Iowa Meat Producers asso
ciation in session here. Resolutions
asking for an investingation of the
inspection system were also adopted.
Deserted from Navy.
Lincoln, Neb. Chief of Police Coop
er will take Milton H. Brooks to San
Francisco. The youth is accused of
deserting from the navy. He enlisted
in Lincoln.
wsm mm
What $c Going on Here and There That
is of Interest to the Readers
Throughout Nebraska.
An occupation tax has been put on
at Wymore.
John Crowley is resting thirty days
in jail at Beatrice for stealing a suit
of clothes.
The Methodjst people of Pauline
dedicated a fine new $5,000 church,
free of debt, last Sunday.
The Ains worth State baak will in a
few days be known as the Ainsworth
National bank, with R. S. Rising as
president and C. A. Barnes as cash
ier. At Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. W. P.
Lynch narrowly escaped death whea
a street car struck the buggy in
which they were riding. The rig was
The block system will be used on
the new dhision of the Burlington at
Pleasant Dale. Switch towers wTTl be
crested a mite and a half east and
west of Pleasant Dale.
The 13-montbs-oId child of Mr. and
Mrs. L. Evans. living three miles
south of Steele City, died front the ef
fects of scalds received while placing
about a washing machine.
The hog cholera which has been -prevalent
In Nemaha county for the
last few months shows no signs of
abating. Several farmers have lost
many of their hogs of late.
The First' National bank of Wymora
had $6,000 on deposit in the Bank of .
Commerce, which failed at Kansas
City, but withdrew the amount in full
a few days before the crash came.
Merchants of Columbus say that
there has never been a month that
their customers had more ready cash,
and paid their bills more promptly
than they have at the beglBBing of
this month.
' At Albion, after a deliberation of ""
twelve hours, the jury in the case of
Jennie Simpson against Orve Webb
of Boone county, for alleged breach of
promise to marry, returned a verdict '
against the defendant for $700.
A force of fifty men began worlc last
week laying the new 85-pound steel
on the Missouri Pacific read, begin-.
ning at a point 1& miles from Falls'
City. They will continue from there .'
as far as Union, in Cass county. -
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Pattison of-
Table Rock, who have resided there
about forty years, celebrated their .
golden wedding anniversary last
week. They were married in Grundy
county, Illinois. December 5. 1857. :
Miss Clara Kegel arrived in West .
Point from Germany last week to en-. -
ter upon novitiate preparatory to be-.
coming a member of the Franciscan '
Sisterhood, which has charge of the--Home
for the Aged iu West Point -"-.;-
The Fairbury Electric Light aB(T--;;
Water company has just completed
the installation of new machinery. -looking
to better service in the future. ''"
These improvements were made, nec
essary by the rapid growth of the .'.
County Attorney Riqgo of Sarpy ;
county has made arrangements .with .
the sheriff-elect of Douglas county to -board
prisoners sent from that county
at 55 cents per day. Heretofore Sarpy .
county has been paying $1 a day for
all prisoners.
Governor Sheldon has been asked
by President Kisher Harris to appoint
delegates to the second annual meet
ing of the Tians-Missouri dry farm
ing congress, which will be held in
Lincoln January 'SI to 36, and to at
tend himself.
A large granary and barn on tho
H. H. Bacon ranch, eight miles south
of Cozad. was destroyed by fire. The
granary contained about 3,500 bushehr
of corn and about 1,300 bushels of
wheat. The corn was completely
burned, but a large portion of the
wheat was saved.
A call has been issued for a Trans
Missouri dry farming congress tt
meet in Lincoln. January 2"-26. for the
purpose of boosting dry farming meth
ods. The governor is asked to ap
point Nehiuska delegates to the meet
ing. The call is issued by Fisher Har
ris of Salt Iake City.
Miss Emma R. Miller, who was re
cently elected by "the republicans as
county superintendent of Cuming"
county, has resigned her position as
the teacher of the kindergarten and
primary grades in the public schools
of West Point after nineteen years
continuous and faithful service.
Of late the Burlington railway has
experienced considerable trouble in
the matter of coal being stolen front
the cars which were in-the yards at .
Nebraska City, and the police were
appealed to. and they arrested two . "
girls and a lioy. who were loading two
wagons from a car. The parents of
the children will be prosecuted. - . "v
Charles Mack, clerk of Elm camp
vNo. 29. W. O. W.. Nebraska City, is
missing, and it is said that he is short
in his accounts with the local camp
to the amount of several hundred dol
lars. The books are in" the hands of -an
The Peru box factory, which closed
down at the beginning of the finan- -
cial scare, opened up again last week- ""
with, a full quota of men. and will
continue to operate at fullest capac
ity in order to catch up with orders " .
which ate now in advance of the out- -put.
The school board of Superior en-
tered into a contract with a Detroit- '
firm to take the $30,000 issue "of school
bonds voted at a special election last,
spring for the building of a new high .
school, of which "the city is much in
George S. Carneban of Eimwood
was found dead in his bed at a hotel -
m nausmoiun. with indications
which may look like "suicide. Carne-' -nan
had made Eimwood his home
since 1886. coming there from' Penn
sylvania., where he has one brother '
and one sister.
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