The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 18, 1907, Image 3

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Burton II. Barnes, a wealthy American
louriiiK r'orhica, rescues tin young Eng
lish )fiutnant. Edward G-rard Anstruth
er. Hnd his Corsican bride. Marina,
daughw-r of the Paolis, from the mur
derous vendttta. understanding that his
i e ward is to be the hand of the girl he
loves. Enid Anstruther. sister of the Ens
ish IiVuK-nant. The four fly from Ajac
oio to Marseilles on board the French
teanier (Ytnstantlne. The vendetta pur
iis and as the quartet are about to
ixtard th train for London at Marseilles.
Mai ina if handed a mysterious note
-ivhieh aiiscs tier to collapse and necessi
tates a postponement of the journey.
1larn rHp part of the mysterious note
and receives letters which Inform him
that ln is marked by the vendetta. He
'inplo an American detective and plans
to beat th vendetta at their own game.
Tor the purpose of securing the safety
f the women Barnes atranjtes to have
lidy Ohartrls lease a secluded villa at
Nice to which the party is to be taken
in a yacht. Suspicion Is created that
Marina is in league with the Corsican.
. man. believed to be Oorregio Danella.
is jMH-ii pacing the house and Manna is
1 bought to have given him a sign. Ma
rina io explain to Rimes which
fact adds to his latent suspicions. Barnes'
plans for the .safety of the party are
learned by the Corsiean. The carriage
carrying their party to the local landing
is followed by tuo men. One of the
horsemen is "supposed to be Corregio.
They tr to murder the American. The
-Mk on the vaeht a Frenchman is sus
pected or (ompllclty in the plot. The
partv anchors at St. Tropez. The yacht
Is follow.-.! by a small boat. The cook is
detected giving signals to the boat.
Barnes attempts to throw him overboard.
but is prevented by Marina and Enid.
CHAPTER VI. Continued.
"And why, to-night, against the reg
ulations of my vessels." adds An
struther. "he kept this galley fire un
hanked so that the light shining
through his ojen porthole indicates to
the felucca what craft it is to
Manna puts these questions to the
cook and translates the following an
swer. "The ice was necessary. After
I am on shore to get it. I sent a tele
gram, as I promised, to Monsieur Deu
pez, who had come to me in Marseilles
and said: 'You go on the Seagull. The
Cafe Vefleur will want you as soon as
their grand chef Meudon goes to Paris.
To engage you, they must know where
you are. To miss your services would
be a blow for the great restaurant. So
they can communicate with you, tele
graph me immediately on landing
from each port the yacht stops, that
they can get you the instant Meudon
leaves. He gave me money for this.
Therefore the moment 1 am on shore, I
telegraph simply: 'St. Tropez. I am
lieie. Leboeuf. Soon I received a re
turn message: "Hold the yacht three
hours." I have vegetables to buy. also
ilowers. That takes time, after the
market is closed. I don't hurry. What
matters if a pleasure yacht leave a lit
tle later? From Marseilles I receive
no further answer. The chef of the
Vefleur has not yet gone, so I come on
board. This night, the morning watch
want coffee: Monsieur Graham say
give it to them, so I leave my fire un
ban ked. It was very hot; I open the
porthole of my galley. That's all.
Voici, what I have done is simply busi
ness. 1 am a great cook. The Cafe
Vefleur wishes to engage me; that is
"Aha," cries Enid generously; "s-ou
sec the chef simply expected to get a
good position in the kitchen of a lead
ing Marseilles restaurant."
Listening to this. Edwin and Barnes
go into consultation. Probably the
memory of his magnificent cuisine
makes them lenient to the artist. "I
believe the little beggar is innocent,"
says the sailor.
"Simply a matter of vanity." re
marks Burton. "He thought they
wanted him very much for the Cafe
"If we don't put the little chap on
shore, we must trust him." remarks
the American. Then he says briefly to
Marina: "Please show Leboeuf what
danger he has placed upon us by his
And this being explained to him by
the beautiful women, both fair ones
almost speaking together. Leboeuf be
ginning to comprehend the plot against
even their Ih'es. the little Frenchman
breaks out excitedly and gallantly in
a mixture of polyglot: "Mille. ton
nerres. murder you. angels of mercy?
Xevaire! 1. Felix Leboeuf. vill defend
ou both vith my life." He seizes and
kisses their bands. "Zese assassins
shall answer to me for making me zeir
instrument. No more telegrams while
1 am a Seagull. Zat I swear to you."
and the little fellow's eyes glow with
gratitude as they rett upon the gentle
creatures who, as they have stood be
tween him and marlinspike and pistol,
have sseemeu divine in mercy.
But despite the innocence and fealty
of Monsieur Leboeuf. Edwin and
Barnes leave his galley dismayed.
"We must settle exactly how we
proceed," whispers Barnes to Edwin,
the two ladies having retreated to the
stern. "What do you propose?"
"Why, as not only a sailor but a man
of common sense. I propose to get
away from these sneaky devils as far
as possible: crack on everything,
round Sardinia, drive for the Strait of
Gibraltar and up the Atlantic and Bay
of Biscay to England."
Barnes glances over the stern far
away in the gloom of the coming morn
ing is the felucca. "There's practical
proof that the vendetta is ever follow
ing us." he says, simply. "That cruel
craft is sent to dog us to any port
where we may land. In England, you
will be too prominent to escape notice.
Besides, do you or I want to live our
lives always looking over our shoul
ders for some enemy behind us? No,
there is one way my original plan.
"Get the ladies concealed and guard
ed as carefully as possible with Lady
Chartris at Villef ranche, then you and
I turn about and meet these devils,
-and, if necessary, destroy them; at all
events, destroy the man who has the
anoney, that permits these assassins to
.follow us to the ends of the earth."
aazvf&rarr: f&or-
JX2azMADsca. M)f
"By heaven, you are right," answers
"Now the best way to do it?"
Over this they hold consultation, and
the result is that next morning when
they are off Porto Ferrajo, still finding
the felucca in sight, they take the fol
lowing action: That day, sailing well
beyond the famed Island of Monte
Cristo, the night coming on dark and
heavy, Anstruther put out every light
on the vessel and turns about, and the
next morning, piloted by Graham, who
knows this sea, they are aione at an
chor in a little cove, sheltered by the
sterile rocks of Gorgona.
Here the English officer changes the
appearance of the Seagull almost en
tirely. Paint pots are got out and she
soon has a black hull; Miss Anstru
ther. who is now interested in the
matter, painting a new name, the
Wildfowl, on a piece of canvas, that
is tacked over the stern. Then both
topmasts of the vessel are sent down
on deck and a leg-of-mutton mainsail
that Graham reports in the vessel's
sail locker, is bent on the main boom,
the gaff being removed. In addition,
the rigging is overhauled and ' made
more slack and slouchy like that of
some careless merchant trading
So the next day, beating cut upon
the sea between Elba and Corsica, is a
very different vessel to the brilliant
pleasure craft that left Marseilles.
Upon its deck are people also changed.
The intimacy of a yachting excur
sion to young men and young women
who love each other, generally makes
the deck of the craft under soft suns j
Miss Anstruther Who Is Now Interested
Name, the Wildfowl
fanned by refreshing breezes, nigh
onto a heaven, but haunted by the sup
posed deft fetters of Cipriano Danella,
the Seagull is an inferno.
"The deck of this vessel has be
come." Edwin muttered gloomily to
Barnes, "nigh unto hell. Can't you
see," he whispers despairingly, "that
every day Marina grows more anxious
and more nervous? My God. it is for
This remark is made to the Ameri
can as the two men sit smoking be
tween the main and the foremast late
the next evening.
"Did you notice." adds Anstruther,
with a sigh, "she had no appetite?"
"You mean your sister?" says the
"Certainly not; Marina! My. wife
didn't eat a mouthful."
"Neither did Miss Anstruther!"
"Nonsense! Enid was enthusiastic
over our parlez-vous cook's culinary
"Yes, with her lips, but not with
her teeth." mutters Burton, grimly.
"Womanlike, she cried out about filet
mignon and omelette scuffle and af
fected to eat but "
"But stored away no cargo," sug
gests Anstruther. "So much the bet
ter for you. old man; when a girl gets
off her food she's hard hit in some
other part of her anatomy than her
stomach. My sister's a good sailor, so
it isn't sea sickness affects her."
"Sea sickness!" jeers Barnes, sav
agely. "Can't you see that every hour
Enid grows more cold and more
haughty to me, punishing me because
I didn't wed her that day in Marseilles,
when even Emory, the cold-blooded J
Yankee detective, shuddered and said
it would be a crime for me to marry
with this devilish threat I carry in my
pocket against any woman who is un
fortunate enough to become my wife."
"It concerns my sister; supposing
you show it to me!" suggests Edwin.
"Supposing you show it to 'me!"
comes to them in a clear voice from
the neighboring cutter.
"My God, you overheard?" Barnes
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faces his beautiful fiancee as she steps
from tte large boat thai, after the mer
chant' fashion, has now been stowed
on the deck amldshlp.
"Certainly! Hoping I had done yonr
love an injustice, I have been trying
to overhear some such revelation as
this for the last few days." The girl's
eyes are beaming now, tender with
love and hope.
Then she breaks forth almost pas
sionately, "You owe this to my love
for you... Since yon seemed reluctant
to wear "me as your bride, to accept
my wifely, devotion, my pride has suf
fered so much that you. Burton, can
not deny me the' sight of hat letter so
that rmay.iigain trust the ardency of
your desire to make me yours.
"Best give it to her," remarks her
sailor brother, grimly.
"You advise It, then?"
"Yes, she will never rest without it
now, if I know Enid of old."
Barnes "silently places the accursed
threat against the woman whom he
dares to marry and her offspring in
the hand of his betrothed.
She carries it to the binnacle light
and reads it carefully twice over.
Then she returns to them, her eyes
brilliant with determined devotion, yet
swimming with tenderest love. "You
let such a chimera as this little piece
of paper, the ravings of some maniac
on revenge, stand between you and my
"No, no; this threat you have had'
proof enough is a menace all our
lives. I desire to put its author where
he can do no harm to you before I
wed you."
"Before? After you wed me!" cries
his fiancee, in exalted mood. "Let us
together face and annihilate this
"But remember this is an undying
feud. Think what my self-reproach
would be if I let your love for me
bring miserable death to you, my
adored," whispers Barnes.
"My death couldn't happen, sweet
heart, unless you died also. Burton."
she says simply.
"I demand of this gentleman," she
continued, "who says he loves me. that
he weds me the moment we go on
shore at Nice even if it brings me into
the unhappy feud proclaimed against
in the Matter, Painting
on a Piece of Canvas.
a New
him. No, no; don't refuse me. Bur-
ton," she whispers, determinedly, " 'tis ;
the last chance. You wed me then or sible only to the acute analytical mind
never wed me! If you cannot trust , of the scientific man who has devoted
me with your woes, I'll not take part the greater part of his life to the study
of your joys." of chemistry. Its victim is attacked
More enamored than ever with the without being given a chance to es
cliarming girl who will risk death to ! caPe- The user of P'sott is a coward,
be his bride. Barnes silently extends Dut his cowardice is accompanied by
his arms, and she falling into them. I cunning that often proves more than
the yacht's deck beeomes a heaven to match for the keenest old-style de
these lovers. tectives in the world.
The next day the sun again rises
bright over the Mediterranean. The Varying Detective Work,
felucca is never sighted. Monsieur It is with a convenient disguise
Leboeuf serves meals fit for a fairy ' perhaps a false mustache or beard
princess in the salon, and Enid and and a revolver in his hip pocket that
Barnes have such appetites the cook ' the detective starts out on his search
is delighted. " ' for a criminal. It is-with a test tube
A few days later the Seagull, under and a Bunsen lamp that the chemical
the name of the Wildfowl, drops her detectives begins his search, perhaps
anchor in the little bay at Villefranche, forthe same Identical lawbreaker. Each
coming in, not like a sprightly yacht,
but like a slow, lumbering, carelessly
sailed and inadequately handled mer
chant craft.
Birds Share Nest.
A curious friendship between birds
has been observed. A blackbird built
her nest in a quiet covert and after t
laying four eggs she was joined by a I
thrush, who also laid four eggs in the i
1 same nest. Owing to the sheltered
nature of their retreat the hospitable i company of Bosnians had given a per-i,inM.-i,i,-,i
nn hoi. fr!H .t. .u . formance with 13 dancing bears in
blackbird and her friend hatched the
double brood in peace. This appears
to be the earliest recorded instance
of the maisonette in ornithology.
The Scotsman.
Catching Buses in Europe.
Buses and trains do not stop on
signal, but only at certain street cor
ners indicated by signs. There they
will receive only as many passengers
as they have vacant seats, and in the
crder of the numbered checks pre
sented to -the" conductor. " These
checks passengers' draw 'from aJbox
in the adjacent waiting room. Travel
m m wo
How Hew York's Chemical Detec
ts a Scientific
in Real Life, Ferrets Oat Poisoners,
Murderers and Other Criminals
When the Only Clue He Has Is a
Blood-Stained Garment, a Finger
print or a Faint Trace of Poison.
When the detectives searched the
room in which the murder had been
committed they found one or two
clews which may establish the iden
tity of the mysterious murderer and
lead to his arrest.
The first was a man's handker
chief of fine quality. In one corner
were several tiny drops of blood,
showing- that the handkerchief had
been used to stanch a very small
wound, such as a pin-prick or a
scratch or a pimple.
The most important find of all
was on the inner side of the door
panel where the bloody imprint of
a thumb and three finger tips was
visible. The portion of the door
bearing the tell-tale finger-prints has
been cut out and sent with the
handkerchief to the laboratory of
the chemical detective. An impor
tant arrest, it is announced, will fol
low the experts' analytical examina
tion of the evidence now in his pos
session. New York. Here is a typical case
for the chemical detective the man
who "reads blood." Substituting a test
tube and powerful miscroscope for
the ordinary detective's revolver and
handcuffs, this scientific expert of the
police department sets out to track
down the murderer and the poisoner.
With a drop of blood, an empty
poison bottle, a bloody finger mark or
a hastily scrawled note as his only
clew to work on, he exerts the whole
force of his scientific knowledge as a
probe to get to the bottom of the mys
tery or at least to find some slight
clew which may eventually lead to a
solution and to the arrest of the crim
inal. The chemical detective, owing to
his success in solving many recent
murder mysteries, is now regarded as
a very important and necessary ad
junct of the detective bureau in New
York and other important cities. He
is the man who reads that which to
the average unscientific would be un
intelligible. He subjects the bloodstained hand
kerchiefs and other garments submit
ted to him by the police and detec
tives to certain miscroscopical and
chemical tests, considers his findings
in conjunction with every other scrap
of information his expert chemical
knowledge is able to develop about the
case, and then he reports, advising
the detectives to look for a consumptive-looking
man about 28 years old,
dark complexion, three gold teeth, the
center one suspended from a bridge.
Then follows a general description of
the man, which in view of the facts
the expert chemical detective has been
able to deduce, may be considered
fairly accurate.
Seldom Meet Fat lure
As cunningly and carefully as the
regular police detective follows the
' dark and winding alleys of the city
in the search of a dew that will lead
him to the culprit, just so carefully
does the chemical detective follow the
channels of the body in his search for
; a clew to the poison or other cause
' that led to the death of the victim. No
subterfuge, however cunning, can
throw .-these unerring sleuths of the
' body off the trail, according to a
writer in the New York World. The
resources of latter-day chemistry, with
patience and perseverance, can extort
from the body of a man long dead and
buried the secret which bis destroy
ers vainly imagine went to the grave
with him.
No more subtle crime exists than
that of poisoning. Its detection is pos-
Animal Waited for Time and Oppor
tunity for Vengeance.
A terrible story of an animal's re
venge comes from Heiligenstadt, in
Prussian Saxony. A bear trainer
named Stanko has just fallen a victim,
to one of nis own animals, which he
naa severely cnasuseu. a wauuenng
the village of Guenterode. and on leav
ing there proceeded to Heiligenstadt.
A portion of the party went on in ad
vance by the main road, but Stanko,
with two women and a boy of 14, de
layed their departure till the evening.
Each led1 a bear. Suddenly Stanko's
animal turned, flung itself upon him,
and threw him to the ground. A des
perate struggle ensued, in the course
of which the bear managed to free it
self from 'its muzzle, and buried its
teeth in the man's flesh.' The women
and the boy made frantic efforts to
frighten -the brute away from its -victim,
but unavailing!-. Recognizing
that they could do nothing without
Sherlock Holmes
Is taking desperate chances. Death
lurks behind every dark corner and in
every cellarway for the first and in
deadly gases and poisons for the lat
ter. Yet by their widely divergent
paths they often arrive at the same
The man who is following his clew
through the alleys and the hallways
of the tenements is at a great advan
tage, however, over his brother detec
tive, the chemist. The former has
rarely to start his investigation with
out a clew of some character; the lat
ter must begin in complete darkness.
The detective who mingles daily
with the men of crime must be keen
of eye and ear, but in the end. if he
excels in his profession, it is largely
his instinct that tells him when be
is close on the trail of a criminal.
The chemical detective, on the con
trary, must be and is equally as keen
I of eve and e1". but his intinct can
I vau nim nothing. He can guess at
nothing. He must know. He can take
nothing for granted. Each and every
clew must prove itself before he can
place any estimate on its value.
Typical Poison Expert.
There is no keener tracer of poison
In this city than Prof. Charles A.
Prof. Charles A. Doremus, One of the
Greatest of Chemical Detectives.
-Doremus. More than six feet in
height, as straight as a gun barrel,
with gray eyes that peer out keenly
from beneath heavy brows, he is a
typical chemical detective. His pow
erful, vigorous frame bespeaks the
physical endurance necessary to pur
sue to the very end a trying and diffi
cult test.
In his connection with famous pois
oning cases in New York Prof. Dore
mus has demonstrated great keenness
an dability. He detected antimony
and arsenic in the body of Gustav H.
Baum.' Dr. Henry Meyer was convict
ed of having administered the poison.
Without the assistance of the chemical
detective it is possible that this mys
tery would never have been solvent.
A man and a woman applied one
morning at the office of a large insur
ance company to collect the insurance
of a man. said to be the husband of
the1 woman. In answering the ques
tions of the insurance officials the
couple became somewhat evasive and
embarrassed. Their confusion led to a
more thorough investigation. The
body of the dead man was exhumed.
In the presence of Prof. Doremus
and score of prominent physicians no
trace of anything unusual was found
on the body. A most careful examina
tion failed to reveal anything that
would even prompt a suspicion of
poison. The circumstances of the
man's death and the character of his
companions, however, made the insur
ance company persist In its investiga
tions. Long and Careful Search.
The heart, lungs, liver, kidneys,
brain and, in fact, nearly every inter
nal organ of the dead man were taken
from the body, hermetically sealed in
arms of some sort, they ran back to
Guenterode with their dreadful news.
A messsage was at once sent by tele
phone to Heiligenstadt, and villagers
sallied out to the spot armed with
pitchforks and axes. They were, how
ever, too late, as the man was dead
when they arrived. At about ten
o'clock a gendarme came up with the
other members of the troupe. The
bear was then lying quietly over Stan
ko's mangled corpse. The gendarme
wished to shoot the animal, but the
other bear-leaders protested against
the destruction of their valuable prop
erty, and were able to secure it with
out much difficulty. A considerable
portion of Stanko's body had been
eaten, and the fk-oh in other parts
had been torn away to the bone. The
dead man had been beating his bear
shortly before it attacked hhn. Up
to this outbreak it had always borne
a very good character.
Found No Living at the Bar.
It Is estimated that in New York dty
there are 12,300 men who were educat
ed for the bar who are in various em
ployments outside of law offices.
jars and takea to the laboratory of
Prof.-Doremus. Then began a fwr-
slsteat search for poison. c
There was no dew. There was noth
ing to aid the chemical detective ia
his search. The entire case was a
negative one. The only course open
to' hiss was by a process of elimina
tion to seek the poison, if a poison it
was, that caused the death of the man.
First he searched for the volatile
poisons, such as chloroform, ether aadt
prussic acid. Patiently he sat for
hours at a time watching 'one test
after another, waiting for a. precipitate
that would show him a trace of the
poison he was seeking. None came.
Then he tested for vegetable pois
ons, such as morphine, strychnine,
atropine and the alkaloid poisons. The
same tedious process through which
ne naa gone once had to be gone
through again. An still there-was ao
trace of poison-.
There still remained the- mineral
poisons, such as lead copper.- arsenic
and antimony. And in the- tests for
these was there at last a reward- for
the persistency of the detective. He
found arsenic in large quantities, and
what was far more rare; distinct
traces of antimony.
Proved Three Murders;
It was the persistency of Prof.
Doremus, the chemical detective la
that case, which sent Dr. Meyer to
.prison for life. It was through the
persistency and skill of the same de
tective that the conviction of Dr.
Buchanan, accused of murdering his
.wife with morphine, was secured. It
was. through the skill of chemical de
tectives that the conviction of Carlyle
Harris, accused, of poisoning his wife
with morphine, was secured. It was
the chemical detectives that furnished
the strongest evidence for the prosecu
tion of Albert T. Patrick and maay
The chemical detective's work in
blood-reading tests requires a most ex
tensive knowledge of the actions of
various kinds of poisons on the human
body. By carefully testing the blood
he is often able to tell the exact cause
of death, the kind of poison used and
how it was administered. The 'im
portance, of this in cases where the
most careful autopsy reveals practical
ly nothing will be readily understood.
In handwriting tests the chemical
detective, who In this way has come
to be identified as a handwriting ex
pert, will often spend' long hours study
ing one Insignificant little letter '"a"
under his miscroscope and comparing
it with other samples of handwriting.
It is in this way that tiny clews have
been found leading on to other and
stronger clews and from there to com
plete solutions of some of the most
complicated crimes on record.
Perils Tfcat Beset the Patk tf tke
By Prof. Charles A. Doremus.
The value of the expert analytical
chemist, now known as the chemical
detective, through his cooperation with
the New York police department and
detective bureaus, is greater than is
indicated merely by his work in fer
reting out poison mysteries. His field
of usefulness is by no means limited
to that one class of crime. Many
cases are on record where the chem
ical detective alone has been able to
unmask the most ingenious forgeries
of wills, deeds and other papers. His
expert knowledge of the composition,
the ingredients and the nature of ex
polsives is relied upon to solve ex
plosion mysteries, particularly bomb
explosions, and to furnish clews, based
on his investigations, without which
it would often be next to impossible to
make an arrest or secure a conviction.
Tremendous risks must be taken by
The Chemical Detective's Testimony in the Baum Poisoning Mystery Alone
Convicted Dr. Henry Meyer of Having Administered the Poison.
the chemist employed to fathom an
explosion mystery. The loss of a
limb, an eye. disfigurement for life,
or even death, may follow the slight-
Vast Wealth of Family Invested in
New York Real Estate.
If ever the phrase "fat of the land"
meant anything, it does so in the case
of the Astor family. Land! That is
the keynote of this wealthy organiza
tion, the solidest aggregation of self
increasing wealth in America, says the
New Broadwav Magazine. The Astor
millions, invested in New York real i
estate, are absolutely intact and im
pregnable. By the most insidious
methods of leasing, subleasing, pur
chasing, renting (but rarely ever im
proving propert themselves) the As
tor heirs, ensconed in a plain, stout
little two-story brick building just off
Madison Square, are gradually pick
ing up acre after acre of piiceless
land on Manhattan Island.
There are more than 50 heirs, many
In the fourth generation, to the Astor
millions, but upon the shoulders of
William Vincent Astor. a lad of 16.
will probably fall the management ot
the bulk of this enormous estate. At
St. Paul's school aad Eton, England,
while fee k
testa. Tot H is. a risk which
of teta he takes ia order to throw every
possible light oa the case aad to de
velop every clew, no matter law
slight, that may lead to the detectioa
of a criminal.
Rear Value sf Chemist.
The chemist's value is tssdoubtedly
greatest in homicide, cases. Where a
life has been taken no effort mast he
spared .to bring the culprit to justice.
It is often, however, long and tedious
work. The poisoner is cunning. Ho
rarely uses poisons without informiag
himself of their actieav and the subse
quent traces of them that may be
found in the body. He often learns of
other poisons that will counteract the
effect of the first poison.
One of the first signs of morphias
poisoning is a contraction of the pupils
of the eye. Yet one murderer
Tracing a Murderer by Means of a
Bleed-Stained Garment.
shrewd enough to use belladonna ia
the eyes of his victims to offset the
contraction caused by the first poison
he administered.
It is tricks of that character that the
chemical detective must constantly
guard against. When he begins his
analysis he matches bis brains against
those of a cunning, desperate man
who has taken every precaution he
can think of to hide traces of his
crime. That the chemist is successful
as often as he is, is a tribute to
science and a positive proof of the
value and need of a chemical depart
ment to work in constant cooperatioa
with the detective bureau in solving
crimes which, too often, are allowed
to go on record as unsolved mysteries.
Boxwood Birds Roost in Halls.
When the first box tree bird was
put in the hall of a house by an in
ventive hostess visitors disputed po
litely as to the nature of the bird.
"It's an eagle." asseverated many.
"It's an English sparrow," was the ex
pressed conviction of many more.
Really, it didn't matter much what
bird was in the .florist's eye when he
clipped the green boxwood; he con
sidered he had achieved an artistic
triumph when he scis3ored out some
thing resembling a bird. The idea
"caught on," and now the box tree
bird is seen in the halls of many
houses. Few pots of ferns and palms
are seen these days, for housekeep
ers say the modern house is too warm
and the outer air is too dust laden to
grant long life or freshness to grow
ing things.
Whooping Cough at Ninety.
Whooping cough is generally regard
ed as an infantile disease, but in the
Devonshire (Eng.) village of Upottery.
although no children are affected.
quite a number of elderly villagers
have been attacked by the ailment.
The latest victim is over 90 years of
he showed himself to be a good stu
dent with a bent for mechanics.
Young Waldorf Astor is a level-headed
man of 27, who recently married Mrs.
Nannie Langhorne Shaw, one of the
three beautiful Langhorne sisters of
Virginia. He and his brother, John
Jacob, nephews of Col. John Jacob As
tor. are sons of William Waldorf As
tor, the expatriated American. They
have never renounced their American
citizenship, and should they return.
ma dlvide t,ie management of the es-
tate in this country with William Vin
cent. John Jacob, second of the name
living, is unmarripti, and lives with
his father at historic Cliveden, one of
the fiuest estates in England.
Makes Nest Lightning Proof.
The humming bird in Australia, no
less than man. protects its habitation
with a lightning rod. The humming
bird before a devastating thunder
storm bursts prudently covers the out
side of its little est with cobwob. Silk
is a non-conductor of electricity, and
since cobweb is silk the humming
bird's aest 13 thereby rendered light
ning proof.