The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 18, 1907, Image 2
aaRaRRRWRWBW - ? ' iv-HrX'SK" :&?" ' r r i -- - s- -J- fc , , , Bill I ipmi-T TI' , I ""-' ' - - - - . . . . . . ; , w v fSBBHSflC- I &. v. w ColumbusJournal R. a STROTHER, Etfttar. F. K. STROTHER, Man-far. COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA. Custom House Palace. What is probably the finest building In the world for the use of a collector of customs has been turned over to the national government The new custom house in New York, begun in 1900, has been completed at a cost of $7,200,000. It covers the entire block i between Whitehall street and State street, running from Bowling Green to Bridge street Its street faces are i adorned with splendid pieces of sculp ture typifying commerce, and its main court, or rotunda, is one of the largest spanned by a single roof. The interior fittings are ornate and dignified, as is befitting in a public building belong ing to a rich and populous country. About two-thirds of .the customs reve nue of the country is paid over the desks of the cellcctor of New York. The remaining one-third is collected in the inore'fhani 140 other collection districts. iAR " elaborately equipped suite of ;offiees has been provided in the building for the use of the secre tary of the" treasury on his official visits to New- York.. Other suites are set apart for the weather bureau, the naval bureau, the civil service board, the isthmian canal commission, the se cret service department and some other branches of the national govern ment that have to use offices in New York." But, says the Youth's'! Compan ion, they all together occupy much less space than that devoted to the use of the various branches of the tariff collection service. Instead of the head of a queen, proud, haughty and homely, on the new gold coins, we are shown the pro file of a pretty waiter girl. 'Twere sacrilege to speak in this connection of the damsel as a biscuit shooter, a hash slinger or any of those uneupno nious titles by which the thoughtless and the pert sometimes designate the dining room hand maiden. - She is dimply a pretty waiter and her beauty is much enhanced by the frame and the background. If she sends this portrait of herself to her friends they will hardly look at it with a critical eye or declare that it doesn't do jus tice to the original. More men will gaze fondly on that face than on any set of features designed to lure us on to the purchase of some tooth powder. The girl will look good to them. When a carping critic asked 19 centuries ago if he should pay tribute to Caesar he was told to look at the image oa the coin and if it was Caesar's portrait he should pay the taxes. Waiters will hope that in this there is a hint for those who have their doubts about the size of the tip."' Visitors to Venice next year will see the rebuilding of the famous cam panile in St. Mark's square practically completed. The tower already rises 30 feet above the pavement, and. work Is progressing rapidly. The old ma terials are used so far as possible. The original foundation was strength ened and slichtlv enlarged. The cor- . v nerstone was laid in April, 1903, about nine months after the tower fell, and then more than 3,000 piles of fresh larch wood were driven round the base to support a new wall of stone that was to prevent the collapse of the new tower. Fresh stone was used here; but above ground the old bricks, burned many hundred years ago, are relaid in the best modern cement after being carefully examined. Fifty thou sand dollars have already been spent on the work of restoration. Do we interpret aright the word from Dubuque, la.?- Are the men to do the cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing, answer the door, make the beds, officiate at the telephone, do tha ordering, fuss with the ragman, wres tle with callers, look after the furnace, take care of the children, dust, polish the furniture, brack the range, fight agents, figure in the center of the so cial stage at home, darn, mend, save and look pleasant, while the wives of their bosoms get the wherewithal by playing bridge, "500," whist, double pedro, euchre, fan-tan, old sledge or poker? Early -answer requested. A state education official in Illinois has been telling Chicago that there '"ight. to be a course of love-making -ilroduced in' the schools that chil dren should be taught to woo as they are taught the multiplication table. The capacity to become lovers is born in the average human being just as the capacity is inborn of making a fool of oneself. The tendency in either case will do its own developing. A speaker at the American Medical association said that many accidents could be avoided by a little care. Doubtless that is true, but some men will never believe until they make the trial that they cannot vanquish an automobile in a joint debate for the right of way. While it is possible for a man to keep an automobile and a wife and be appy. ret the ancient fact remains 3rmly on its base that no man can serve two masters. At the convention of the Episcopal church it was proposed to add to the prayer book a petition 'for a person going on a journey by land, -like that for a person going to sea. No more solemn commentary could be made upon the condition of American rail way travel- According to a New York dispatch the cMmg of wedding presents la goiac ot of fashion. Wise yonng peo ple will pit o their waddiags until gets a uttle looser. m sane THE MAN Now wifcy let us be Let us not spend dor Etch chic and child Of everv fortv-secondro Each $1.98 that wtjspend Means that much It means Less clothes. Less theaters, Less porterhfTusi st Less, everything Mja This Christmas That we can wel And we must. We must think And not spend In riotous givi Even though i We'll cut it o And have something atr a s 1 1 vWyrLi r aL JL.Mi hflbltvis jflNfhllvV 1 X"- V jg0 iM 1 ' K dispenseovrauA h oiAletbiorrbwl? ' V jf Mr fearafearnM coin I Pf Us the fashkta iff the time. "f9 II l tV Anifl aJln Jh a. i : f " THE JrCAN ON CHRISTMAS MORNING Ah? Aoxiof itc I ttLm mi ilMr s k mwm ,.kh. w mm wi V.M. tPjrity?-- icrVT - w - . nevi yJ . John rattle;- .. r the. !Yi? lc m ml my color too. JAnd ffleii r-A. -tojanrrand-pins tor tsibyjjtc AnditiU Aere's more, - I The mouse fatriylmeredup with BoxSs from Joe, and Clarlkjinti Sue, AndvCousin Billy. V a Did any other fami! So mal 2nd -good- folks think of us this: -know thisHttle old world of domeonenwno remembers vou. r Sk Ito - Don't weWifev? THE MAN ON What's this! A bill for Christmas presents? The items, please? Just tops, and drums, and books And all the usual list of Christmas Of $302.47 you say. And I told her that we would cut J. ?B- 'V This folly, this Christmas givingtfiSsreckl WelL hereVvour check. V But vou iistvtet, J Another year welwUl have none of COPYMCHT 1907 Or Tt AU'iVOi Christmas Is a Good Day for a Cold. BISHOP OLMSTED of Colorado was making a Christmas address to some Denver children. "Eat heartily on Christmas day," the bishop said, smiling. "Do full justice to turkey, to cranberry sauce) to- plum pudding, to all the good things. But don't give way to glut tony. Don't gloat over your Christ mas dainties like a Bala boy I used to know. This boy said one Christ mas morning: " My. I wish I had a cold!' V .: s sr m mi V JBawaT- ECEMBER1 i ON is Christ. on i ' mlA Will . ww ... && centeraiece. 7z?r family v. J she senc Christmas remembi :es. ms rttexA - '! -- X I ."ftu U I usimwe can. think of. yr ,V . now UiyJ- A lAV-Ml Anpre economy in tne yewjocomey i itfe I I II . I ' --S ,i t yon anq; ntejana tJtpy jack care tor. m inter day's vacation. relatives aslwe lay claim' to? ours there's someone illsyou friead: Wc like it. --i I JANUARY 2 and it out. X . it. " 'Why?' asked his brother. " 'Cause mother says to feed a cold, and if I had one to-day, wouldn't I feed it, though!'" Old Ideas About Christmas. Even as late as 1753 there was some doubt as to the exact date of Christ mas, the old count bringing it to the 5th of January, the new count giving us the 25th of December, which Is "the day we celebrate." In Devon shire, England, it Is believed that if the sun shines at noon on Christmas day a" plentiful crop may be loeket for in the following year. ties, i J plunder, to- the extent V V OAA es94oendinaT:::;:: "Vv Vv . 4 S- "-. : a -xZWriah cfLfatfcrsan C"' rf9BSaBBK3ttBBsnsSVE'Si3UvC9BlBslBRD' tMSWBHBMBMHS IUkS.2yPBr S -UK "i 41 V SUV rarSflHHHHKH aiasy f ' Mhfctf : " yCiJ'fi f ' ?triiaPSJ?HBwiMj ' B v tfi V S vl aT 7-MLt viy mmm CHRISTMAS, crowned with mirth and cheer, Sweet magnet-night of all the year, From field and city, camp and foam, Where'er our loved ones absent roam, Thy subtle spell from far and near Can draw them home. Gathered round thy friendly fire. Sisters, mother, sons, and sire Once more in fond affection meet, To love-set time their bosoms beat, And every hearth s a nappy tjuire Of singers sweet. MWWMMWMMWWWWWMVWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWMMWWMWMVWWAA I Brief Christmas I Tales I MAYOR STOY of Atlantic City was talking about Christmas dinners. "If one is going "to give a Christmas dinner," he said, "it is best to give a good, even a lavish one. Then one doesn't get up from the table with re morse gnawing at the heart, as was the case last year with an Atlantic City young man. He took his Gancee and her mother to a Christmas din ner in a New York restaurant. Arriv ing at the restaurant a little before the ladies, he ordered the dinner, and then said to the waiter: " 'Look here; I'll call for two quarts of champagne after the fish, but you just bring tluit champagne cider in the fancy bottle instead. It's good stuff, ami the ladies won't know the difference.' 'Very well, sir.' said the waiter. "Then tho ladies arrived, and the dinner progressed splendidly. The champagne was ordered, the culrr was brought, and neither guest perceived the deception. On the contrary, they both praised the champagne. They drank heartily. of it. "Hut when the hill came at the din ner's end. the young man's face dark ened. He beckoned to the waiter, and. with nods and winks galore, pointed to the wine item. "'Waiter, there's some mistake about this charge, isn't there?' " 'Oh, no, sir." said the waiter. 'Two bottles of champagne, eight dollars. That was what you ordered, sir.' "'Certainly. Two bottles of cham pagne. We remember your ordering them.' the ladies chorused. " 'But said the young man, wink ing and nodding like a steam engine at the waiter. " 'The bill is quite correct, sir,' said the waiter, firmly. "The ladies looked at him reproach fully, and the young man could do nothing but pay up." Sample of American Christmas Push. SIR THOMAS LIPTON had been complimented by a New York re porter on the cup he had just offered. "I ought to offer a cup." said the genial Briton, "to the retail shop-keeper who does the biggest Christmas trade. The size of your Christmas trade amazes me its size, and the dexterity with which it is handled. "I beard the other day of a great Christmas bargain sale in Quincy. To one of the 'bargain counters a man was rash enough to venture. He struggled heroically a little while among the press, then, with a lend cry, he sank. "'Help, help!' he shouted from the floor. 'Help! My leg is broken.' "The clerk, dextrous in the handling of Christmas crowds, got him. "'And you'll find our Christmas splints and curtches, sir,' he said, 'on third floor back, fifth aisle to left., In the Interest of Peace on Earth." ALFRED H. LOVE, the president of Universal Peace Union, told one day in Philadelphia a peace story. "At this Christmas season," he said, "men talk sincerely about loving one another,-about the universal brother hood of man, and in the same breath they assert that it is right to burn and maim and kill in war. They are not so logical as a young colored re cruit who served in the Philippines. This young man, at the end of his Initial engagement, was haled before his captain; "'So you ran at the first fire, did yoa?' said the captain, scornfully. "'Yes, sah: an' I'd 'a' run sooaer, sah, it Id kaowed it wus eoaUaV lV mmk.&mm. av smi 1kv A iaraiina iim. BY WILL HILL. Copyright. 1917. "'Have you no regard for your reputation, Calhoun?' '"Mah reputation hain't huffin' to me. sah, 'londside o' mah life.' "The captain smiled and twirled his mustache. " 'Even if you should lose your life. Calhoun,' he said, 'you'd have the sat isfaction of knowing that you had died for your country. "'Wot satisfaction could dat be to me, sah. when de power o feelin It wuz gone? "'Then patriotism means nothing to. yon?' "'Xuffln, sah: I wouldn't put mah life in de scales agin any government dat eber existed, for no government could replace de loss o' me.' "'Calhoun. If all soldiers were like you, the world's governments would all go to pieces.' "'On de contrary, sah, dey'd last forever; for if all soldiers wuz like me, den dere couldn't neber be no fightinV Sam Small's Hypnotism Didn't Work. T1 HE late Sam Small had his faults." said an Atlantan, "but he did not dodge the penalty of them. When he went wrong, he owned uplike a man, and if punishment was due, he took it. "That was the doctrine Sam Small preached. He hated dodgers. He used to laugh bitterly at the plea of 'hypnotic . influence' that used to be put up by nearly every murderer. "I once heard him ridiculing hyp notism. He said that heft bought pret ty heavily one year for Christmas, and when the bill came in for turkey and mince meat, candy, ducks, chickens, plum pudding, fruit cake and so on. he thought to himself that here was a case for hypnotism to be tried. "He went first to hypnotize the grocer. Approaching the man, he looked him squarely in the eye. at the same time repeating, slowly and im pressively: " 'My bill is paid. "A change came over the grocer's face. His color faded, his eyes grew dull, his expression blank. And In a strange, mechanical voice he mut tered: " You're a liar.' " It Was a Sure Proof of Lunacy. RUFUS L. GRISWOLD, the Cleve land educator who holds that it is wrong to let children believe in Santa Clans, was arguing about his strange views at a dinner. "Why lie to children?" he asked. "Why let them believe in a myth? Whenever I hear mention of that loathed name of Santa Claus. I think of a lunatic. Some years ago I at tended a trial. A witness was be ing examined as to the sanity of one of the inmates. '"You hold that this inmate is in sane, do you?' a lawyer asked. "'I do,' was the firm reply. " 'Why are you so sure?' "'The man,' the witness said, 'goes about asserting that he is Santa Claus.' "'And,' said the lawyer, 'you hold, do you, that when a man goes about asserting that he is Santa Claus, it's a clear proof of his insanity?' "'I do.' Why?' "'Because,' said the witness, in a loud, indignant voice, 'I happen to be Santa Claus myself.'" Had Earned Her Christmas Gift. "THERE arc Christmas gifts and I Christmas gifts," said Bishop Foss. "but the only acceptable ones are those given with a pure motive. In a crockery shop, during the holidays, I once saw the proprietor hand a plainly-dressed young woman a two dollar bill. She looked at the bill, and said bitterly: "Ts that all? And durin the past year ain't I broken 35 tumblers, 26 cups, nine meat platters, four saucers, 72 plates and 13 of the mistress' best tureens?' "'There, there,' said the shopman, soothingly; 'here's another dollar for you. And doa't forget mt, yoa know he eased with a wiak." - NOT TO BEAUTIFY. Mrs. Haymowe "What do you wear that mask for? Chauffeur Well, 111 tell you. I wear it so that the people I run over won't be able to recognize me. BLACK, ITCHING SPOTS ON FACE. Physician Called It Eczema in Worst Form Patient Despaired of Cure Cuticura Remedies Cured Her. "About four years a&o I was afflicted with black splotches all over my face and a few covering my body, which produced a severe itching irritation, and which caused me a great deal of suffering, to such an extent that I was forced to call in two of, the leading physicians of After a thorough examination of the dreaded complaint they announced it to be skin eczema in the worst form. Their treatment did me no good. Finally I became de spondent and decided to discontinue their services. My husband purchased a single set of the Cuticura Remedies, which entirely stopped the breaking out. I continued the use of the Cuti cura Remedies for six months, and after that ever splotch was entirely gone. I have not felt a symptom of the eczema since, which was three years ago. Mrs. Lizzie E. Sledge, 540 Jones Ave., Selma, Ala., Oct. 2S, 1905." Pretty Hungry. "Walter, a beefsteak! Quick! I'm in a hurry,!" t "We haven't any beefsteak, sir!" "A chop, then." "Chops is off!" "Well, then, an omelet." "Impossible, sir; we " "What! why have you nothing at all la your restaurant?" "Yes, sir; we've got a sheriff." Customer (sharpesiug his knife on the edge of his plate) Then let's have one. Laundry work at home would be much more satisfactory if the right Starch were. used. In order to get the desired stiffness, it is usually neces sary to use so much starch that the beauty and fineness of the fabric is bidden behind a paste of varying thickness, which not only destroys the appearance, but also affects the wear ing quality of the goods. This trou ble can be' entirely overcome by using Defiance Starch, as it can be applied much more thinly because of its great er strength than other makes. Point of History Cleared Up. m. T-. i:. -..- ..:.l .,. t Xlie tieiUIM ;.un, uycj nine jui mouth and I won't hurt you a bit. The Patient (after the extraction) Doctor, I know what lAnanias did for a living now. Illustrated Bits. Those Delicious Lemon Pics. Tlie kind that "irtnko your mouth wa ter" are easily made 'with no fussing nI st least possible expend' if yon use "OUIi 11 K" Pre paration. Don't hesitate. Try if ami tell your friends. At grocers. 10 rents. Everybody is pleased with "OfU-PiE." He who overcomes and captures his enemy with love is the greatest of all conquerors. Froude. Lewis' Single Binder straight ."Je. You pay 10c for .cigars not so good. Your deal er'or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. Wise is he who. kicks only at the things that can't kick back. ONLY ONK "BROXO QCIXIXE" Tbat Is LAXATIVE BBOMO OL'ININK. Iok for the signature of K. W. tillOVK. Ufced tbe World met to Care Cold in One Uaj. '.-. He Is not free who drags his chain after him. French. oixirJoenna ci the System Effect eanses ually;llispels fjoids ana nectar ticltes auo to Constipation; Acts naturally, acts li uu as a Laxative. Best for Alen Women ana tnilcl-ren-ybungana Ulti. lo jJet its DeneJitialEjfccts Always ouy the aenuine which lias nie jml name of the Com- CALIFORNIA fJo Syrup Co. by whom it is manufacturea, printed: en the J front of every package . SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS one size only, regular price 50prboHle. SICK HEADACHE I. I Positively cured by IPARTtHKI these Little Pills. Prrnx UlVER pills. They alo relieve Dis tress from Dy.pepsia,In tlijjestioaandToo Hearty Eating. A perft-ct rem edy for Dizziness, Nau sea, Drowsire.-s, Bad Taste In t he Mouth, Coat ed TonKtte, Pain in the, Side, TORPID LtVER. Tney regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL SMALL HSE.SMAIL MICE. Genuine Mint Bear Fac-SMIeSigMtiirt kfhe susnrens. (CAJpB m Living I Aprlaavlndian library is aa -interesting one. An Arizoaa judge, who has been studying this tribe, says that they v select several promising youths of their tribe from time- to. time for liv ing libraries of their traditions, and they are carefully instructed in the historical legends pertaining te their tribe, being required to commit them faithfully to aBemory. They, in turn, instruct their successors, and thus pre serve the traditions in the exact lan guage recited by their ancestors of many years ago. The Web ef Life. The web of our life irf a mingled yam. good and ill together: our vir tues would be proud if our faults whipped them out: and our crimes would despair if they were not cher ished by our virtues. Rochfort. Average Temperature. The average temperature of the en tire glob is 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Here's an Easy One. Why is it that a woman with skirts that rustle always appears nervous? Disease-Proof Potato. A disease-proof potato hus been in troduced into France from Uruguaj. Boys are not always eating: some times they are busily engaged in look ing for something to eat. The average preacher anil his con gregation are like a married couple who do not get along. The funniest tiling in the world is when a women'.', club discusses a big: question. Omaha Directory The Lowest Death Rate cf any American Company is enjoyed by the Bankers Reserve Life Co. of OMAHA. NEBRASKA. Thereby increasing the profits of the policy hold ers. Get a policy. Good positions available for reliable agents. B. H. ROBISON. President. ON TRIAL Baton yo bay atplaao r warnt you to Uj a Jhwltor. Tfc total soa't vox yoa ujr-thiac- for alt ak ia ynur imailaliia to plat dm In jourhoaM. If after trying It yoa ax pli ait wit It. will aril it to yoa for from tn- to ns ! thaa J"" Tn bay tha am trrada of plaau- ror If you aia not aatlaSail tnlp It back at OUT ltilnra-if-t-irnr T t tUilmIr"pT.. fit. Bend b yaur aaataaaj addre aol w will writ you all aUat oar Fre Trial Wan. : t" mt Ktsey aail itct a high irrac'a plaan mi cay teran; wwS you our illustrated piano book and tell you how t get sixty music lessons fraa. writ to-day. SCNMILLER k MUELLER PIAII CI Oept. B. OMAHA. NEBft. FIRM LOINS REAL estate Mil . atoWMraV Bought and SoM WILLS Carefully Prepared RENTALS COLLECTED We act as TRUSTEE for corporate bocl issue, bolcf and rare for property for brnellt of minors or aucU. people. PETERS TRUST CO. In Tort Uft Baildia?. 0M1U. KEUSU. IF YOU lisve never Ufcel the CHAMPION SCRIIV. CALK v.-ith a Black Diursunc) Sire I Crntcr all tin way throtiIi. ymi liai never n-el the le-t Caik on the market. Ask your blark-mitli to -Iivr it to yois. f! EarnMorc 1 9 9 9 9 l?i.clni :inf Shiiff band Conrirs tacsht by Most l-.p-rMiiefMl Teacher In the Writ. Tortious for uradu-ai-. Wt.rk for Hoard. Help for descrying stcdent. Address MOSKER-LANrNAN COLLEGE Information free. i;n9KarnamSt..laii.NrR. 6 tl 10 llTEREST 01 YOW MCWEY That S what yoa can get by buying OMAHA REAL ESTATE hm many mood fl RAR f. fCR RRA properties from IWwV IV nffllWW That we will be pieaard to phow yoa any time, noihtuc eafer. better or more nubetanttal. MMMTtMmm mm MKYOMM 1704rmnsmmt. MYm Wrntta Oa Yttr LIVE STOCK Ship to ALEX G. BUCHANAN A S0M Live Stock Commission. 154-156 Exchange Bide;. So. Omaha. Neb. 32 Years la Ike Baslaesa. TELEGRAPHY! Sft.OOO ojierators needed at once. W have contract with Union Pacific tt supply them with men. Railroad v.-ires in our school. We guarantee you a, position. Write at once. Omaha Com mercial College. Omaha. Neb. WlrM ii OMAHA Step at the Iler Grand Hotel Mi it A Omy mfat MATTHEWS DENTIST B year In Omaha. N'eb.. Koona 4. Ilnahman BlnHc. X. C. vomer ltb ami Doairla Me- Uowl eat teeth. Mja: a,itc rrnn.M.a: brMre teeth. HM: Amalgam miluav.Mr. llverlllujr.TSr;iollMlli) and up. WOMMTA. aKTUB ia lUN. BriBirtlilaatlvertliiementwIth jon. Grain. Stocks and Bands Osia u A Cow lt-siN Co2M. JS. T. Li fe BlitgOasaha. rorrespontfents of More head Co. (Inc.). Cincinnati. Ohio: fast wire service. We solicit jour bu'larvs by mail urwlre. . RAW FURS Biffhest market pric. paid. Send for prices. . "'' and shippinif fairs. We make a specialty of FIXE COATS AND SCARFS FOfe LADIES. AULABAUOK. I508 Douglas St., Omaha. Do You Drink Coffee Why put the cheap, rank, bitter-RaTorml coffee la yonrstomach when pure GERMAN-AMERICAN COFFEE costs no morel Iaaiat oa bar'nt; it. Your groeer veils It or can get It. $5 Per Day AND EXPENSES DT Oar Rur-amta arw ltalaaca naa Ya-t- a. ""i- ChiCe-aTOjMcttira and Frama Co.. iiaaaiacbuiTi. man .iwnnie ok nciarev. -rvaaaee Portrait. Art Novaltlea and Glaaa, ROS aouth latta Rc, Omaha. Wrltathl. w.,wvmwomn ,3m Dn. BaRay Xarh. Tke DENTISTS M floor. Pawoa ioek. cor. MM tB rariia Deataj oce la the Middle WilMtlTxinlii li- a a n .n i a ZZi.fTlIr "Ptpuai ma- vmjkm. nw -- - i, - .wm.... MaHMaewaiKPa. THE WUUf OfTICAL CO. 1E5T 1eS?"V !?Ti1RII 'aMlT-iArtJF fS Irryffr aaW J aawawjar at, m aWaia OatJtaVCa- V i- . -. X t - )? i