km&iuiA-s& r : I.V&'r -.2 B 1Ji"i' ps,.'?.-.- -. - -ss-ri- v .-f ? rii- : . rt'j. rr-j- . . PW1 4 ,v SVi"7 ? gS3? ?-' " h-- ? V i- , Ti""! & T. " . .J; . T 4 - . 4. Sl H: ConsoUdftted with the Columbus Time April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argot January 1, 1906. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1907. VOLUME XXXVIIL NUMBER 37. WHOLE NUMBER 1,883. ?,-jse-i " 4--"" a J Sy 4dmKBB Jr ifcuvwrLa tL ..!i"!'ta II Hint Frm 014 Santa as to what will be beat appreciated by rick and poor alike at the glad Christ bmw season should surely be worth considering, did Santa says: Buy a carrel or sack of Way Up flour for yourself for someone elae as well and make a lot of people happy, for Cwlaaubaa Keller Mills flour is the best made. Cilnbis Riller Mills. COLUMBUS Wheat Xwjr o Old Corn New Corn Barley Hogs MA1K1TS. cwi WmM At. m' 42 aw S3 80 tot3 90 I IMMNM I MalT TEAMS AGO. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Files of the Journal, Dee. 17, 1873. Every farmer in Nebraska may have $50 annually for five years from taxation for every acre of fruit trees he plant and properly cares for We know of eeveraWarmers who have already bought corn for feed. We imag ine that not mach of this valaable grain will be msed for fael this winter. There are several crops of wheat in this neighborhood not yet threshed, and thousands of bushels garnered, for sale when prices reach 91.00 and upward. Messrs. Oerrard & Bead, bankers, in form us that since the wheat market opened here, they have paid in cash over their counters for wheat purchased her us aa average of $3,000 a day. This of itself is an excellent record, bat does aot include all purchases made. Mr. J. P. Becker informs us that three years ago the shipment of wheat from this place amounted to not more than twelve car loads. This fall, so far, as Mr. Abner Tamer informs as, there have been upwards of four hundred ear loads shipped. This was a somewhat better year than 1870 for the culture of wheat, bat the immease increase is attributable to the vastly increased acreage of 73 over any .former year, and we believe that next year the acreage will be doable what it was this. Wheat grows well on sod (and there was mach of it turned last summer) and the winter, so far, rives fair promise of an excellent yield of al! kinds of crops next season. From all accounts we have, this winter is sim ilar to that of 1868, when a good snow fell early without wind to drift it, and laid nearly all winter There is no bet ter fertilizer than snow and rain, both of which contain a great quantity of ammonia. Werkmea Beet Omeert Columbus lodge No. 268, Ancient Or der of United Workmen, elected the following omoers for the ensuing year at their regular meeting last Friday even ing: Louis Held, master workman. C. W. Freeman, foreman. Martin Langlev, overseer. Richard Ramey, recorder. - J. W. Herrod, receiver. Herman Greening, inside watchman. Lee Laughlin, outside watchman. Martin Costello, trustee. Cheat bur soecial inducements on base burner's, heaters and ranges during oar holiday sale at GRAY'S. Car Load Michigan Apples For quick sale by the barrel at the Burlington Depot Columbus Lay in your Christmas apples now, Northern Spies, Baldwins, Bellflower, Russetts, Etc. Qome Right to the Car and See the Stock H. B. HARSH The funeral of the late Daniel Mc GrathOoadoa,wa died December It, at the home of a daughter, Mrs. David Hale in Kansas City, from dropsy, was held at St. Boeaveatura church last Saturday afternoon. Daniel Condon was born in Mitcfaelstown, county Cork, Ireland, March 10, 1838. He cme to Montreal Canada, with his parents when eight years of age, and in 1861 was mar ried to Anna O'Connor at that place In 1861 be came to Columbus and locat ed on a homestead east of town in Colfax county, near Richland. He at first engaged in farming, and later took up railroad contracting, building the Ore gon Short Line tunnel at Fossil. Wyo., ia 1891-2-3, and later in partnership with Con Gallagher, built the stock yarda at South Onaaa. Early ia the seventies he circulated a petitioa start ing here, sating fer the pardon of Ed ward O'MeegaevCoadon, .when he was confined ia a Brinish prison, and obtain edsomaay signatures that President Hayes took the matter up with the result that Ooadoasras released. Dariag the big flood of 1881 four of James Haaey's children died of diphtheria, and MrCon don brought the caskets from Colum has, making part of the trip in a boat through a portion of the Platte filled with running ice. He. was a man of sterling worth and a kind and loving father and husband. During the last summer he spent seven weeks at Mon treal, after an absence of twenty-five years, lie leaves to mourn his loss, the following children: Mrs. Jennie Walker aad Eugene Condon of this city, Mrs. Jamas H. Hale aad D. F. Jondon of Kansas City, and Mrs. F. J. Beatoa of Omaha. Those from out of town who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Jamss -H. Hale aad son Arthur and daughter Margaret, aad Dan F. Condon of Kansas City. Mr. and Mia, F. J. Beaton and son Harold of Omaha, Mr. aad Mrs. Jamss Condon, Jessie. Jamea,. Margaret, Dan and Roy Condon, Mr. aad Mrs. J. R Condon and son John, Mrs. ClarenoeMcFarland, and David Ander son, South Omaha, Michael Murphy, of David City. Deputy Sheriff Jaworski returned Sat urday from Hastings, Neb., with Ira kianor, who stole the Ford touring car from the garage of Fred Laun, near Platte Center, early Thursday morning. It seem that Connor has beea hunting: trouble lately, as at the time of this last escapade Sheriff Carrig had a warrant for him on the charge of forgery. He amedowafrom Central City Wednes day evening and rode out with someone as far as Max Gottberg's. going from there to Luun'son foot. After taking the automobile he did not start the engine until out of hearing of the owners house, and when he did, he ran "along the side of the road to threw his pursuer's off the track. He passed through Monroe early in the -morning between four and five o'clock, and did not have any light although the night was quite dark. T. J. E. Piuson had a ten gallon can of gasoline he was using for his engine. aad Connor used this for the machine betook. Hawsa captured at Prosser. west of Hastings, aad the authorities here notified, and he is now in the cou n- ty jail, and faces a charge that will very likely send him to the peuitenitary. Lying dead in a cornfield, with a bul let hole back of his ear, presumably a suicide, to body of Velma Fams was found Saturday afternoon by his employ er, Frank McLean, who lives on the old Balcom place, nearClarka. A revolver olasped in his hand, with one chamber emptied, told the tale of how he met his death. The young man had been work ing for McLean for a short time, and nothing peculiar had been noted in bis actions, until Saturday afternoon, when McLean noticed the team stand ing still in the field where he was husk ing corn, and going to see what was the matter, made the above grewsome dis covery. No motive is given for thedeed, if the young man's death was premedi tated, although some are disposed to ac cord his rash action to disappointment in a love affair. He was 22 years of age, and a young man of more than ordinary intelligence. His home was at Shelby and the body was taken there for burial. Special prices on ladies and children's cloaks during the holidays at Galley's. Stag aad toilet sets at Leafy. Pre. Paul aad Mstasa, Dsa Dr. Laasohsa Oooalist aad ' Attend ORAT8 holiday Cob meal for your cows at 8eetta. Dr. Talliar, Oataoaath. Barber blot Dr. W. H. Slater, veterinarian. 9f. People who get reealte advertise ia the JoumaL Cigars on ice at the bowliag aad bil liard parlor. All kinds of flour at die sense old pri- at Scott's. Big values ia electric portable lamps tO&AT'l. All kind of Christmas sigars at the Bowliag Parlors. ' Miss Bertha Hkahbru Sunday at Fremsat. Dr. a A. Alleabarger, it last ia State Bank buUdiag. C. D. Evans made a business trip to Omaha last Thursday. Headquarters for Xmas preasata, Gal ley's Dry Goods Store. Delicious brick ice cream for aalelat the bowling and billiard parlor. Ice cream, ices, sherbet aad cakes of all kinds to order at Jones' Bakery. The Standard Designer subsonatioas taken at 0 eta. a year at Oalley'is. Ralph Turner isoa kia way home from Syracuse, N. Y., for the holiday ssasoa. Erast Brock's ia the nlaoa te get feed. lad. phone SB, Bell pheaa Bad 907. Mr. and Mra.Joha Jauning returned last trip. from their santara wedding Chop feed of nil kinds delivered free of charge. The prices will ssafce yoa smilr, at Scott'a. Boy's are always ready for a packet knife or a pair of akatee for at A complete new liaeof mesa aad boys clothing and overcoats, ia, all the late etylee at Galley'a. Miss LsaraEngel, living near Daacaa m visiting at (he. home of Mian Matilda Schneider, aTtew daya. Miss Martha Kummer, living ia the Greulli neighbohpod to' vkating at the borne of Miss Mathilda Sehaeider. MraJD. fit Peaalee arrived ia this city last Sunday from Chicago, for a brief visit with herfolksrMr. and Mra. Gas Schroeder. Mrs. George Loacke. Jiviag aorta of Columbus, who has .beea seriously ill for the past month, is now on her way of recovery. Mm. J. Ludwig, aocomeanisd by Roweof Orestoa, werealeaaaat at the' home of Jack Magillaad family last Friday. For Sale Harness shop doiag good business, also shorn repair ahopiacoa nection. Call on or address Peter Mus ter, Monroe, Neb. Mies Minnie Radat living south west of town is a patient at St. Mary's hos pital were she underwent aa oparatioa for appendicitis last Monday. Wait far the Mg PUw Sale daring NoTeMfcer aa Decem ber at K.W. Saley's Hmsle Stere la North eaera aaaae. Meatchoppers, roasters, bread auxerr. carving setts! fancy nickel plated bak ing dishes, tea aad coffee pots, all very useful presents at CrK A, X8 A large line of ladies aad gents linen handkerchiefs in both plain and initial, in beautiful boxes, make a nice Xmse present. At Galley's Dry Goods Store. W. O. Hennigan who has been night operator at the Union Pacific depot for the past year, left Tuesday for Fremont where he probably will take ap a posi tion. Baptist church, 8anday school 10 a. m. Preaching by the pastor 11 a. m. and 730 p.m. Morning subject, MA Success ful Promoter." Evening, "Aa Unwel come Guest.'' " B. a Palmer the tailor, eleaa, dyes and repairs Ladies' aad Geete clothing. Hats cleaned aad reblocked. Battoas made to order. Agent Germaaia Dye Works; Nebraska Phone. o Mr. and Mas. W. H. Towns are epead ing the holidays with relatives at Ham burg, la. On their retara they expect to move te Grand Islaad, where Mr. Towaa has a poeUioB ia a cigar factory. Measr. N. P Pateraoa of Monroe township and 8. Paulaoa of aear Wast Hill were in the city Tuesday evening, each having a car load of fat cattle they were shipping to the Omaha market. Grace charoaBaaaay. Dee. 33d, ser vices will be aa follows: I'M a. m. holy communion; Saaday school :; ssorn- 'ing prayer 10:16, iastssd of the usual 11 a. m. service; eveaeosg aad aarmoa 7:30 p.m. Mra. Thompson Craig of Emmet, Idaho, baa beea ia taeeity several daya, visiting at the home of . Mra. M. K. Tar net. 8ae has beea back at the old home ia Cadis, Ohio, the first visit ia tweaty- five years, aad wall riaams ha to the west Saturday eveaiag. iiaiiaw Do Your Choosing Any Time Now Wsta as ready aa big baying eaa auaka a jewelry store. Wa don't believe you'll have to ax eaae our stock for anything. Itls aaw eaoagk aad varied enough aad large enough to jus tify oar sayfag there in nothing to to be gained by going further than oar store. Oar list of tablet' is the of a Aad could all who read this take a peep at oar array, there would be nodoabtof the result. However wa ate expecting aad loekiag for a visit from you, ejsi wa feel abuadaatly able- to make your call interesting aad profitable. Ed. J. Jeweler & Optician' eauna)sja)ajffajpaj S I Becher, i Hockenberger 4fc Chambers 1 i .REAL ESTATE AH UAK. S a ubbyu- . . Tr n a w neaevar aesanuaj uvemmeat m J ia real estate, either farm lands $ or town lota, it will be to yoar J S mterest to consult our beta. Wa 9 S also have several good dweUiags ferrsntinOolumhaa, aad it will S pay yoa to cosasaad aaa aa before J completiagyoar -i a m Meaey to loan ia aay .-I Fire, Tataado aad 1 t Becher, Hockenberger & Chambers. i Dr. Neumann, Dentist 13 St G. R. Prieb, paintiag and hanging. Special sale of aoaks at ORATS this week. aew liaeof ladies Far eearfa aad collars at Galley'a. Wanted Girl for geaeral hoasework. Mrs. F. K. Strother. Dr. D. T. Martyn. jr omos new Colum ban8tato Bank building. Dr. L. P. Carsteaaon, Veterinariaa both phoaea21s. Colambos, Neb. The "President" suspenders. Inch pair ia a beautiful Christmas box, at Galley's. Fresh oysters, bulk and can, always oa hand. Will have a large supply for Christmas. Jones' Bakery. A box of cigars will stake a very Bice Christmas present. The finest line in the city at the Bowling Parlors. A splendid line of ladies kid gio the "Simmons" brand just the thing for a Ohrietaias gift, at Galley's Dry Goods Store. Say, farmers, do you want some cob for your cows? If you do, bring in your ear oorn, we will make it at right prices. Scott's. Platte county this yeardraws from the State school fund the sum of H9790& The number of school children in the county are 6,973, and perhaps it will be a matter of news to some to know that there are only eight other counties in the state with more school children than Platte. Special tmle oa far jack eta at Oray'a Underwear UNION SUITS Wa have the agency- for the famous Mussing Underwear, the beat popular priced Union Saits on the market Prices in men's from Sl.fO to $4.50. Prices in boys' from 60c, 76c, tl and $1.95. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS la two piece garmeats we have a solenoid liae ready for yoar in spection aad raagiag ia from sDc to $2 Me garment. early while the i GRAY'S Tale takes' ia sesdiacoat sis "ataethwXlag DeviTa -i Auction Company, aad this year the in troduction of a Bumber of European specialties is particularly pleasing to the ladies aad ohildrea. Tarn w a feature of tbia preductioe, aad to point have sagaged the famous Brothers Clsmiasn; Maaieal Groten artieta were among the recent tione of KlawA Erlanger's Ad YaadeviUe,aad apoa the ferminatsea of their eagagemeat with this noted firm, were secured by Manager Tale for bis "Devil'a Aacttoa." The eceaery. mech- aaieaL traaaformaHoa and trick changes have always beea one of the "Devil's Auction's" atrsagast features, a fact fully appreciated by ita msaagsmsat and not lost sight ef in editioa. Quito a aueaaerof aad effaets have base preaared, notably, "The Devil Volcano" with msrveloue electric effects, "The Reslsas of Mephav to' iatrodaeiag at the fiaaleof tbia awetorigiaal aad aovel iaataat ehsrge to a fall stage "sat" re oraeeatiaa? The Beautiful Valley of Andoche," two aew comedy triak. scsnss, "The Gates of the Csada Morahsai" and The Magic Pietare Gallery' which ia oanjaactioa with the auaineeat "Gardens of the Maaikias," The Grand TournasMat 8esee," The Sphinx arik Ita aBMW Athr alBtwtftttA ...... mwm nt . ...b too Bameroao to partwalarue, to nuke the 96th edition of The Everlasting Devil's Auction" the uMMrtaotaMe production of ita phsaomsa- al career. Attead OltaVYS spacha aale in Oainawara, UnioaOampNe. lS4,Sons of Veter ans, elected the follewiag officers for the ensuing year at their fagalar meetiag. December 14: H. B. Reed, eommaader, A. O. Hoone, senior vice eommaader, Chan Wurdemaa,juaior vice command er, A. L. Bollin, Henry Weetbrook. E. P. Duaseli, camp epaaciT, Bert J. Galley, escretary, L. A. Jenkins, tresaarer. A a Boone was elected delegate to the division eacamameat aad Okas. Warde maa alteraate. The commander ap pointed Bart J. Galley aa inataUiag ceVer for the annual iastallatioa. The foUowiag oeaeers were appointed by the eommaader: L. R. DeWolf, ehaplaia; Geo. H. Grnbb, principal masicisn; Dr. J. E. Peal, patnotie inetruetor; J. B Tsehudy, color aergeaat; Heary- Wsst- brook,sergeaatof thegaard; C. R. Dev lin; cornet al of the guard; O. O. Joaes, p gaard;.Eageae Clark, picket guard. Owe of the most attractive holiday advertisements that has come before the Trade Exhibit is the doable page ad vertisement of Gray's Department Store at Columbus, Neb. Toe page ia sur rounded by holly leaves .aad berries ia aatural eokxa. Fine eagravinga are need for illustration aad handrede of articles are described and prices given. These prices are such aa to intent buy ers, whether residents of the city or the country, aad demonstrate the fact that Gray sells goods cheeper thaa the large city department stores or the exclusive mail order house. Oa December 18th this store will inaugurate a noiiaay aaie which will continue until Christmas Were the average merchant to adopt Mr Gray's plan of advertising, it would soon mean that the basin ess of the mail order concerns would be decreased by half. Omaha Trade Exhibit. Buy yoar rugs at GHAT'S holi day asle. Special services will be held at Grace church on Christmas day as follows: Choral midnight oelebration, Cbrietmaa eve at 11:45. Sempers communion ear vice with solos by Mrs. Chambers, Mrs Leo Gietxen and Mr. Fred Saffron. Organist, ProtSike; violinist, Mise Elsie Fobl? At this service a beautiful Brass Lectern will be presented to the ohurch aa a memorial gift and dedicated by Dr. Westoott Ohrietaias day there will be s celebration of the holy communion at 10 a. m., with the administration of the sacrament of holy baptism. The Sun day school exercises will be held on Holy Innocents Day, Saturday, Dec 98 Arthur J. Westoott, Rector. At the regular meeting of the lady Maceabee last Thursday afternoon, five new members were iaitiated aad the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Past Commander, Mrs. Jennie Hagel; eommaader, Mrs. Carrie Slater; heat commander, Mrs. Bt-U Schofielc; record keeper, Mrs. Cora Boyd; finance auditor. Miss Maude Woosley; chaplain. Mrs. Ellen From; eergeant, Mra,Ida Jones; mUtress-at-arm, Mm, Eva Uolleoback; sentinel, Mrs. Alice Lohr; picket, Sirs. Florence Rector; organist Miss Veeta Slater; assistant organist, Mra, Anna Welch; examining: physician. Dr. Kartya, jr. Good values in linens at ORaVTS holiday sale. Both the morning aad evening: ser vices next Sunday at the First Methodist church will ha devoted to the Cbrietmaa Special mueio will be rendered ateaeheerviee. The eubject for cuacus- at the Bjoraiag hoar ia "Jesus: He Shall Have HiePeople" aad that, for the eveaiag, TheChrist, Self Impoverished for the Worlds Enrichment.' On Tans eveaiag the Sabbath children will read- Charles H. erthe cantata, The Saata dans Olab " A general iavitatioa ia extended for all these services. Loroit R. DxWolf. Big values ia faney lamps at ORATfcv A Ratta Oaaatj tol ia nVncJuac. j The following ie an extract from a let- j tor from Mise Sadie Wlleea, a graduate of the Columbus High school aad daugh ter of W. D. Wilson of Ocoaee, who ia iaSeotlaad: On October 5th I left Colambos, Neb. The route from there to New York was vary ordinary, with the exception of the beautiful scenery ia Pennsylvania, the horseshoe bed being especially grand, arrived at Jersey City Oct. 7, and took the ferry to New York. Through the kJadaeasof a friend in Columbus, I waa eatsrtaiaed there aad apaat one dny in the eUj ahopping. The elevated cam are the beat modeof eoaveyaace I have seen ia'aay of the cities. On Oct. eI board ed the steamer Adriatic of the White Una, and oa Taesday morning at 6:90 we sailed. This atsamship is not so swift aa the Lasitaaia, bat eertaialy is . She weighs 9CM0 toss, aad is TMfestloag. The ship is fitted out very luxuriously, aad aa enormous apaee is devoted to tho eeriianry departaseat. It is very much like a email villsge, having etorss ia the forward parte of the ship. We had some very alee psssangorn oa board, aad it dose aot take long to become acquainted. We arrived at oouiuamptoa uck. iy. My impreamons of that place were not or the best for it waa raiaiag, aad I learned that it bad been the greater part of three months, both ia Eaglaad and Scotland so much in fast that farmers still have their grain out in shocks all over the country. From Southampton we went to London where I remained only a few hours, not long enough to aee much of the gran deur of the city. The scenery through England to Stirling, Scotland, ia perfect one sees nothing but stone houses, nuny of them quint old designs, with thatched roofs, possibly built a century ago. Scotland ia very similar. to Eng land, perhaps more picturesque end more historic At Stirling I visited the famous Bridge of Allen and Stirling Castle, built ia the time of Bruce and Wallace. The soldiers have their head quartera there, even yet eentrys ia full dress (kilts) are oa duty eonstaatly. From the castle beautiful views of the winding river Forth aad aarroaadiug oountry can be obtained. In Edinburgh I visited Princess street, one of the pret tiest streets ia the world. On one aide there is a long row of splendid etorea'nnd on the other Edinburgh Castle, a grand old etructure, ap assay feet from the level, of the city. This castle is well kept and soldiers are in evidence every where. I also saw the home of John Knox, Sir Walter Scott's monument and Arthur's seat, a huge mountain of rocks forming the figure of a lion. Then nt Queen's ferry the British channel fleet and others grere harbored when I went throagh. The fleet consists of about thirty battleships and forty gunboats. At Coldstream I have eeen ruins of Wars, Forizal and Norham castles. Then we aaw the house where the famous Coldstream Guards were raised. We also went to the bridge over the Tweed where one can pnt one foot in Scotland aad oae ia England. At Glas gow, where I am at present, attending the Atheneum school of music, I have seen their Botanical Gardens, Art gal leries and the Zoo. The people here are very different in their manners and cus toms -an Amerienn is easily picked out. I will stay here about four months and will write again later. Saturday Axel Nelson, an em ploye of the planing mill, met with a painful and what might have been a serious accident. He was engaged in sawing a large timber on the band saw and was backing up towards the mach ine, not noticing now olose he was until the saw touched hie arm. A gash was ontia hie arm that required twenty-six stitches, aad it will be some time before he will be able to. resume work min. Mr. Nelson is congratulating himself on hie lucky escape from the probable loss of an Wait for the ig Piaao Sale dariag NoTeatber aad Decem ber at R. W. Saley's Ma sic Store ia North opera hoase. As usual, we have the largest assort meat of Christmas candies in town to se lect from. Jones' Bakery. Patronize Home Using fresh, clean, wholesome home-made candies, manufactured by Poesch, for sale at the following busi ness houses: Poesch's Candy Factory Keating & Schram, Groceries Brunken in Haney, Groceries All goods sold by the above firms are guaranteed to be made according to the pure food laws. Call and see us. ''Patronize Home" is our motto. Free! Free! Free! With each 25c purchase you receive a chance on a 100-piece Dinner Set free by buying your goods of us. Poesch's Candy Factory M Clristias PrKMtsi FOI LAMES w m s i 3 a m m $ m m m m Lowney's Chocolate Traveling Cases, Hair Brushes, Combs, Mir rors, Fountain Pens, Perfumeries, Writing Paper, etc :: :i :: :: FOR BEITLEMEi Cigaais Cigar Cases, Gillette Razors, Foun tain Pens, BO Books, Letter and Card Cases, Traveling Cases, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Military Hair Brushes, Clothes and Hat Brushes :: Pollock & Co. The Druggist on the Comer Columbus, Nebraska m9mm& Nice Holiday preseata at Lsavy'a. Miss Bertha Cover spent Sunday ia Schuyler visiting at the home of Miss Bertha Plate. Mra. Fred Holleabeck week in Fremont, the speadiag a of Mrs. Saeie Edwards. A complete line of neckwear in four ia hands, scarfs, also wool aad silk muflern at Galley's Dry Goods Store, headquar ters for Xmas presents. The innncial depression must have had some effect on the matrimonial market, not one marriage license kaviag been issued since December 3. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Gerrard returned Sunday from their wedding trip through the east, and expect to move into their aew residence in the northeast nart of town. Shell .Clark, county assessor elect, was in the city this week lookiag after matters at the court house aad prepar ing to assume his duties the arst of the year. Mrs. G. M. Douglas entertaiaed the evening card club at her home oa East Twelfth 8tree( Thursday eaaaisg. The usual good time was reported aad the favors were won by Mm, Otto Kummer and Mrs. Will Kaufmans. The dab will awet next week nt the home of Mrs. Will Kaufmann. George Alfred Pride was born in St. Charles, Kane Co 111., April 6, 1854. and died Dec. 12. 1907, aged 53 years. 8 months and 6 daya He was married to Florence Waggner on Nov. 7, 1878. He came to Nebraska in 1890, mid united with the Methodist Episcopal church at Fullerton in 1894, aad. buried from the Methodist church Inst Sunday nt 2 o'clock p. nx. Rev. DeWolf oSkiatiag. City Carrier J. E. Balloa waa one of the contestants for the Omaha Daily News proverb contest, and after the guesses were nil in some of his fellow workers concluded to haven little fun at bin expense. They prepared a telegram which informed him that he hud won first prize and extended congratulations. Mr. Ballon took the joke good nntured- ly and says the laugh would be oa the other fellows should he happen to wia the prize. At the regular meeting of Leroy Lodge No. 251, D. of H. Monday evening the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Past chief, Mrs. J. Dol lan; chief, Mrs. J. F. Kirkpatrick; lady of honor, Mrs. G. M. Douglas; lady of ceremonies, Mrs. Taylor; financier, Mrs. -Geo. Willard; receiver, Mrs. J, Lannan; recorder, Mrs. R MeCray; usher, Mrs. D. Patch; inside watch, Mrs. Louis Held; outside watch, J. Lannan; trustees, Mrs. J. F. Kirkpatrick, . Lannan and Ed Rossiter. Cart ef Thank. We wiah to thank our many friends for their kind words and the sympathy shown during the (pes of our kind and loving father.. Children of Daniel M. Condon. J. " --. ti. XW ... c ri; ' 5y Ww'-c 5 -- , ---j.-JC-r . - ..' :$.