The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 11, 1907, Image 6
APi zmm MsP gS'- .?.; .W. Si-'ffns it -,'E-rr!-. .-. &LK n fcS&as JSi? -W-rKS: ySil;Sf4i 7 ili.Zg? w. S&3H3W!&sg ; '--. a w. e '.ju. rss Mi !W " -i 1 Aa ; 'psSSh'' "HS :&& A Df SASTEPt IN. JfCftT , VlliamUL Eu 1t?3&tt?&&Z&&?i :? . f -t.i;i ,w.. Com MiM -3V KT" V .!A. -; ;& a S? hiss&mm mm BK60SH f r . . --- "---- r - ' . mmm aaaaaasaaaaaa assai am meei i n - . a aa BBBBEBaafl aaV. an aaan aaf UlanUHKiaUt ,. t&& :v5;- kv. P-S LtT- 'S P- K Sf .. W 1 m 8 . . TC L l i' i. MR IV. .1 V rS. k yf M- .spy .- f '? SCA 54 A. f" $ ..r' ?K .i PL rz I s Sv ? A. s a& PS ik S- ?$ Li . Wm .T-t l&. Is? w?" 'xm ? 2 . . ST-. h i. :-- i&W, ".iZhv '; -Kit1!. -- . lirr-l L"SS. v& J -X: ?? .-r ItOKCH Or? tWZOCN PASSED JS ."3. ".. 3' 11 ?i AWAY SWvtY alORNING. 1 - '-'. r Zr (" ii-A 5v;ii c"-if)' vnl' C JV Mt f Variant. SteckkolM Oscar H, - king of died, at J: It o'clock Suaday The death of the reaerable occTred ta the royal apart- t ef the palace, where, sarrooad hy .the awmbera of hit faaiUy, la the aged iQaeea Sophia aad Crowa Priace Oscar GaJBtave. aad Mch'ayalsten of atate. the iaerita- We ead had beea awaited, while oat side the palace great crowds stood with bow&l haaoa'aad tearfel eyes leag after the aaaoaaceinent case of the .jjcath. of their, weU-kved aoTer eiga.' The whole coaatry Is bowed with grief, for Klag Oscar was some thiag 'awre' than a ruler of his people ad hadeassared htoself to them as aa iatlatate aad per3oaal friend. When -the lag on the palace was dipped to half-staff there was ' a moan of aa gvish froai the assembled multitude, aad aiaay'of'theni cried, "''Our' dear' Id klag istoad? ' -- " The following ofldal bulletin was posted after the king's death signed, by his physicians: . ' "The streagth' of the kiag continued to decrease throaghoat the night'and tho- statev aacoaaciouiBeas becaaie sere auu-ked. " ttli Massty "passed jaietly, away at 9:10 a. a." The death certifcate was worded ce follows:' "JE declare aooa path that his, aaajestyr KingOscar II, expired, peace-'' fally at 9 :1 o'clock this morning in the castle at Stockholm, at the age of ? years. 9 months, aad 17 days, as the result of calcification of the cere bral aad cardiac blood vessels." The auccessiOB to the throne, of Sweden now passes to Oscar Gustave Adolphe. dake ofTermland, the oldest Konof the. late, king. At a meeting of ' the council of state on Sunday the new king took. the. oath of alle giance under the title of .Gustave V't and adopted, the motto: r "rith tlje People for the. Fatherland.". -' " The princess tbea took the oath of. allegiance aad the Jiew monarch ac-; cepted the homage of the state 'of idate. The last hoars of the expiring mon arch were passed ia unconsciousness aad ap to the ead he gave ao alga of recogalsiag -those aboat-him. The .aeea waa griafatrickea - because he could not bid her farewell. Haa' Nat Declared. Washington Although several in terviews .have been published with receat White. House, .callers to the .ef fect "that Roosevelt had dclared aneif that he will dacliae anbther,,nomina tion. it islmown that the "president has made no such special declaration. Democratic Naticnal Commlttae. Washington The . democratic na tional committee will meet at the Ar lington in this city Thursday at noon for the purpose of selecting the place at which and the time when the na tional democratic convention shall meet next summer. Club Starts Hughes Boom. Watertown, N. Y. The Lincoln -league, the leading republican organi sation of northern New York,, with a membership of 1,500, has adopted res olutions; recommending Governor Hughes to all republicans as the next republican nominee for president. Clark Will Get Hearing. Lincoln. Neb. Governor Sheldon- said he would grant a hearing to Har rison Clark, the Omaha negro, who is under sentence to be banged Friday in the penitentiary. Clark was convicted of killing a street car conductor. THE DEAD OVER 4C0. Only Fifty-Three Bodies' Thus Far Re 1 - -cavered. w MoBOgagh. W.-Va. But fifty-three Bodies had been recovered Jrom miaes ros. C aad of the Fairmont Coal compaay when darkness closed over the little town of Moaogah . Snaday Bight. '.Fifty-six hours had elapsed alace the awful explosion. It is now believed the dead will be four hun dred. - CALL jFOR CONVENTION. Republican National Ticket Will be Selected in Chicago .in June, Washington The ofiteial, order for the repablican aational convention to he held in Chicago on June 10 next, was issued Sunday: It is signed by Chairman Harry S. New and Secre tary Elmer Dover of. the republican national committee. LAND FRAUD IN NEW MEXICO. Officiala of Mining Companies Are In- dieted, on Charge of Perjury. Globe, Ariz. The federal grand . Ijary investigating land frauds ia New Mexico returned indictments agaiast R. B. Hogart, superintendent of the Old Dominion Milling com- l ,aaay; N. S. Dorray, former superln- teadeatjDf the aaite company; Edward '" W. "T. Stewart, its former chief clerk aad now coaaty recorder. andRobert B. Biell, chief clerk of the United v Glebe miaes, :f or. alleged perjury. . X Fomral of Mrs. TafL Millbary. Mass. The fsaeral.of Mrs. Loalsa M.-Taft,mother"of Secretary of War Taft who died Suaday, will be , acid at 11 o'clock Taeaday, at the Tor Vmt iwliiTP tho home of her -sister? I .Tt mat days.. Bev of the First Con-. wffi coadact the Immediately feUowlag- the C. i-VA'--. the body wm be taken to a The bedyrfli be- bvried Mra. Tafta tambaad. ?W.; Va. That Unedby. ' rJV elpes .lV3 csni cfj Friday is aow those who take tlMJmostshpfefalaadtaioat-coi senrative view-ofthe diaaatar. ""- '.i KH.taese vicums. six dead hodlea had beea taken from mis Jfe. -C t rrv midaightaad sixty-five othaca. war piled ap ia the' entry awattiag'the compleUea offacfWiaafarhriagiag them to the aarface. BcaaaaihWiNoV 8 at tile Baate;htMT,f6artoea bodies had beea removed aad a aamher of others are ready to .be broaght oat as aooa aa arraagemeats caa be comr ' pleted. , Five rescaing'parties, with tea mea to each party, are workiag like.Tro-, jaaa at dUfereat parts of the two' miaes to the ead that every nook aad' corner ia the workings may he reach ed Ja .the shortest -Maathle time; There is a large force of experienced mia-" ers for this work, aad they are .work ing ia relayswlth short turaa, owiag to the accumalatioa of gas,' which prevents the men from remalalag loag in the mine. President Oscar Murray aad other officials of the Baltimore ' Ohio railroad, were ia ..New. Martmsbarg, Au eighty-five miles from here, on an inspection trip, when they heard of the .disaster. -.They v immediately ordered a special- ran to Moaongah; arriving here Friday night. Presi dent Murray. upon his .arrival, confer red with, the- omcers of the mining company and offered, oa behalf of himself aad the compaay, any assist ance that it was possible to reader. I Clarence W. Watson of Baltimore, president of the Consolidated Coal company, was at Frostburg, Md., aad immediately chartered a special train to bring him here. After coaferring with the mine superintendent aad oth er local representatives of the com-, pany he said there was ho doubt but that 400 lives had bees lost The scenes .arooadthe eatraace of the mtaeaW'thrbugnoif.the town are even more tbetfc thin1 those which usuallrwatrsmlne dmaaW.. because rof ji larger proportion of Amerjcaff fani3Amejicanized foreign ers thanafe usually found iaTa-pure mining serOeaientl W!ve?and-'aibth-ers and sweethe?,,t6gether with -the members ofme stronger-sex, move from place to, place, vainly seekiag in formation andmikiag ao attempt', to conceal the grief, 'that , overwhelms them .But little "news caa be given them and, such as can be'gtvea is bad. Noae is encouraged to hope that any one in the mine has survived. Warie en Senate jCamittaaa.- j Washington Senator; Allison, rchalr- maa of the republican caucas an nounced the following committee and 1 proceeded to fill existing vacaacies onv thet commttees of the senate. Messrs.' Hale, charman; Cullom, Lodge, Bur-, rows, Dolliver, Fulton, Carter, Long: and Knox. KANSAS HAS A GREAT YEAR r Farm Products and Live Stock Worth $44t,60. Topeka, Kas. Kansas farm pro-, .duct?, what, corn, oats and hay and live, stock in 1907, show a net increase cf nearly $20,000,000 in value, over the production of any' previous year. It has been the greatest year, for livestock the state ever has known; and. only one' year 'previously kas the value of the wheat crop Seen as high as. this year. .. Suit Over Mckinley Will. Canton, O. Secretary of the Treas ury Cortclyou and Justice William R. Day -are made party defendants to an action in common pleas court agaiast the heirs and administrators of the estate of William McKinley. Secre tary. Cbrtelyou and, Justice Day as the administrators of the McKinley es tate have in their possession for dis tribution $125,000. The court action is 'brought by Robert S. Shields, ad ministrator of the estate of Abnef' Mc Kinley. to get a decree setting- forth the meaning of. the will. T Funsten Orders Msn to Go. Washington In compliance with President' RooseveltV orders Briga dier General Funston, commanding the Department of California has made preparations to have troops started for the Goldfield. Nev., mining district, where trouble is -threatened. MRS. LOUISA TAFT IS DEAD. Mother of Secretary of War Dies at Her Home in llillbtiry, Mass. v -Millbary, Mass. Deaths which has been expected almost hourly fur a weak past. -was aanounced Sunday from the beside of Mrs. Louisa Maria Taft, mother of William H. Tatf. sec retary of war. Mrs. Taft was the widow of Alphonso. Taft. secretary of war and attorney general of the United States uader President Grant KANEKO CABLES Japanese Member of HIS THANKS. Privy Council " Sends Message to Roosevelt. r- Tokio Viscount Kanekb has cabled President Roosevelt ss follows: The whole empire' is rejoiciag at your strong recommendation that American shoaTd participate la our ex position, aad t thank you on behalf o aad with the authority of the people of Japan. v - t (Signed) .KANBKO.. This dispatch is significant as VIs count Kaneko is a member .of the arivy coaacil. - l " Fort Pt National tasfmnds: " PlUsbarg TeaFort Pitt Natioaid bank: of t this cky Jailed to open for baslness- Tharaday. a notice on , the: door anaoaaciag that "thebaak. was closed by order of the eomptroQer of thecarreacy." It was signed byf John B. Canatngham iaer of this 4 drew Horroh of the baak aaht lis' the Associated Press: "The donosttors are tally nrotectsd. precipitated br. ansae II rnirnsarj'tii rani tho anansensnai w ""- .S'Vur - w - -PB tho sostacttoh oTnn Ii ii-!-?rii vi &G. Jtf ATTCNOrNQ INttOF HOOtCt. v,U V'-v-iv r i K-; .& &iH itl- a- m 3,x: ' '"3 ' "x SaaataMXHald fe : taeh Owing' te the v;, - Death Waaaiaatoa The Sixtieth, co ag if a social faactioB rather thaa thogath eAag for the traaaadUoaof Imaortaat haalBf m .of;the coaatry. Sogroatwao the demaad for aa .ofvortaaiy to soo the maUoaal Iegisbitre started in. its work that the gallerysof, he hoaae were reserved for the famlUea aad frieada of-members, with, vary few places left for tho general pmbHe un provided wlthUckets.- la the aeaate the same coaditfcm prevaBod, except that a larger apace waa kept far thoae who came withoat ricketa. Early la the. day tho capltol was filled, with spectators and la all tho corridors leadiag to the gallery ea traaces there were long lines of sea aad women, many of whoa stood for a couple of hours ia a vaia hope of gaiaiag admission j la each, of the houses the seaaloar was short aad confined to the adop tion of formal resolutions notifying the president that congress had assembled, swearing la new senators aadrepre sentatlvea and-other pertnactory actK Both hoases-adjourned ia respect to members who died, since. the close of -the last congress, Seaators Morgaa and Pettas of Alabama aad Represeat ativea Slemp of Virginia and Smith of ' niiaois having passed away durlagtho recess. Representative Joseph G Cannon was elected , speaker, receiving 207 votes. John 8harp Williams received 154 votes. , Those members, who had expected that the president's message would be read were disappointed. The fact that. the senate adjourned Immediately after eonveaing. out of respect to the memory of Senators Pettas and Mor gan of Alabama, who died during the recess, precluded the preseatatfoa of this always, much anticipated commu nication from the chief executive. The house, too, was mourning the loss of two of its members, Repreaeatatiye 'Slemp of Virginia .and Representative Smith of Illinois, the latter having died oaly Saturday. With the completion of the orgaal zatkm of the house, the sweariag la oT new members, the drawing of seatn and the appointment of a. committee to. notify the president that the horse was in session and ready to receira any communication that he may se? fit to send, an adjournment was taken till Tuesday. Hitchcock Pushes Postal Savings. Washington Congressman Hitch cock introduced his postal savings bank bill in the first hour of tho house session following his interview with, the postmaster general. He made a few changes in the draft of his original measure of four years ago, which he is confident makes it a bet ter bill. . FIRE LOSSES CRUSH CONCERN. Continued Pressure Forces Nebraska Mutual to-Insolvency. Omaha A petition asking for tho appointment of a receiver for the Ne braska Mutual Fire Insurance com pany of Omaha was filed in the dis trict court Monday by Deputy Auditor Pierce in. behalf of Auditor Searle, anifthe officers of the company1 also filed a stipulation admitting the com pany is insolvent and consenting tQ the appointment of Edward Ml Martin as receiver. Liabilities are $253,843.43 and assets $116,799.80. No Revolution fn Portugal. Lisbon The baseless character of the alarmist, rumors representing' that Portugal was on the eve of civil war and revolution has been fully estab lished by the independent investiga tion of a .staff correspondent of the As sociated Press. Circulation Statement. Washington The monthly circula tion 'statement issued- by the comp troller of the currency shows that the close -of business, November 30, 1907, the totsl outstanding circulation was $656.2l.196, which is an increase for the year of $63,837,647 aad an increase for the month of $46,237,730. Money Needed for Next Year. Washington The secretary of the treasury sent to congress the esti mates of appropriations required for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1909. The figures show an increase of ,$77 479,819 over the estimates for I90S and aa increase of $56,220,64 over tho appropriations for 1908. Battleship Nebraska, N Washington Word reached the navy department that the battleship Nebraska, which has just finished her final- acceptance trial on Puget sound, .iaade 18.88 knots under, forced draft lor four hours.- The Nebraska's con tract speed called for 18 knots. Leprosy Care Soon to Be Known. HoBOlala-J. jx Waliach. who ha?, just been granted' leave to attempt the treatment of twelve lepers from Molokai, announces that he will 3hortly make public the secrets of his 'leprosy care. Report Not Yet Ready. Washington The inland water ways annmlsslonrhas beea disappointed in its cjrortto1complete. ks proposed pre liminary report to "the president be fore' the begiaaihg of tho' present con gress, and It Is sot 'expected to ho ready for sevstal dayc. Irtlioay. Alexandra: birthday. at Saadriagaam. whore customary celebrations were held. khng and ajBeea cf Norway were ac tho vWtofs r; ;.' i !'. . . nuH.'.-o ' iw u vf. .: vmb ' . aaaaaaM apJaaa i i lBsaa"a Ml i Baa: i siLi i VsVur: . ' twoal '.sssiaasssaissssssadh.ff&c-.Basism:rBaBais:'iSaom vasasa mnr -i -. " tr aaaaaasr t rr T"i tt ---f7rmaisaar- -aawasmavTr . -v .i" J 4 "dasB ViaJ-' ssfBms&'-'J. " BiBsHar. r r I sbbW g smi T f affiSl. t . . ? i . m i. t MiM -3te.nrav . a vjjbf cgn ma "'"a-fifia. "atsVBaH'arMff'sr BbbbbV -.-. TE- fcBfc.jBssBL 1 m? .MM J -jM - iTW& .mR ! - TK RJUU1MDSJU. ASSIST ARE READY TO HELP OUT DEVEL- OPING WATERWAYS. So Says Jamea J. Hill in a Speech to Conference that Created Great Enthusiasm. WasaiagtoB A notable feature of the Rivers and 'Harbors congress conveatioa bow ia" session in this city was the address delivered by James J. Hill aa president of- the Great Northern Railway company, who was iatroduced to the congress as "a wiz ard of transportation and one of the greatest railroad builders in' the world." Mr. Hill created great en thusiasm among the. 2,500 delegates by declaring that the railroads of the coaatry would support cordially any proper plan for the development ot the legitimate waterways of the Uni ted States. He said that the traffic of the country has become so great and was increasing so tremendously that It was beyond the physical power of the railroads to handle it. He made a most important and significant statement of the attitude of the rail road men towards legislation which has beea declared against rail carriers in America and declared that all the railroads' asked, waa permission to conduct their business in a proper way, uader fair-regulations and fair laws. Notable addresses also were deliver ed to the' congress by governors ot states and by other men prominently identified with the political and com mercial life of the nation. Among those present Thursday at the ses sions of the convention were scores of members of congress, upon whom it is the desire of the convention (Sat its ideas be particularly impressed. The convention will conclude its work Friday by the adoption of a series ot resolutions incorporating its idea that a comprehensive national scheme for the improvement of the internal wter ways of the country should be crystal ized into law. Chairman Ransdall, in presenting to the congress Representative Theodore E. Barton of Ohio, chairman of the rivers and harbors committee of the house of representatives, said that the country had reached its present high plane in the improvement of in ternal waterways materially through the efforts of Burton. The delegates rose 'and cheered Mr. Burton heartily. Mr. Burton declared that the move ment for the improvement of tho in land waterways had been stimulated by the unparalleled growth of the country in its resources. ' Actor Commits Suicide. Baltimore, Md. Mrs.. Clara Blood good, Lthe actress, committed suicide hy shooting in her room at the' Hotel Stafford here. Mrs. Bloodgood's body was found lying on the bed with a" bul let hole through the roof of her mouth. Nearby lay a book entitled "How to Shoot Straight4 Government Secures Damages.. Cheyenne In the case of the United States against the Diamond Coal and Coke company for timber trespass. the jury ia the United States court awarded damages to the government In the sum of $7,192.50. Rush for. Europe Continues. New York Four liners sailing; on Wednesday took in the aggregate 8,000 aliens., mostjy'ltalians, the Presi dent Grant of the Hamburg-American line having alone 3,600. The Provence the Grosser Kurfurst and the Cedric took the remainder, among them be ing Russians, Poles, Scandinavians and Huagariaas. Ware Goes to Grand Island. Omaha Rev. George G. Ware, the convicted president of the U. B. I. Land and Cattle company of Hooker coaaty, will not .serve his sentence of one year's imprisonment in the Doug las coaaty jail after all. The place of imprisonment hss been changed to the county jail of Hall county at Graad Island. The change was made by Judge W. H. Manger upon the appll cation, of Mr. Ware's attorneys at the hitter's request the Hall county Jail being a 'new structure snd affords bet ter modem accommodations. New England Factories Resume. Boston, Mass: Signs' of recovery from businos depression which started several weeks ago are being felt in all part of New England by the resum ing, of operatioas in 'the mills which' were shut dowa or which shorteaed their' workiag hours. from Navy. Ltncola, Noh.-rChIef of Police Coop-' er wlfl take Milton H. Brooks to San The ry oath 'is accused of from the aavy. He onliatod m Uacela. ir fill" rBaaah' rt aaam-jaBlBnBBBBnv""K m; igsa 'm.rjmm a- .gr-mMaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal dr: 3aassaak.JWBa s. mM BJ BBanftSBahMBaUBm AsaaaoBBhBaafaBaBBBBT . 'far wiBsmaaJ ' ' I W- ' 9IVPCbTS - - bbbbbbWbbI T" af TA' VI l- vWIbS"-" aaafHaaaW J VJsaBa9 at M iSsssg' HCrsa HBbWSS " "SgggnMaaff -h MEASIRESJNJiE SEME about a thousand of them introduced: Wednesday. Most of Them Pension Sills That Wsrr Before tho Last Congress for Action. t Washington Nearly 1,000 bills were iatroduced ia the seaate Wednesday, and all of them were referred to com mittees, where they will be takea for consideration after the aew senators shall have been given committee as signments. No other .business of im portance was traasacted. Almost all of these bills were considered in the last, congress and most of them are, private pension bills.' The whole number iatroduced in the senate of the Flfty-niuth congress waa 8.627 and before the Christmas holi days t is probable that at least half of them will again be introduced aad referred to committees. Among the more important meas ures' introduced Wednesday were the following: - By Senator Fulton Amending the railroad rate law la such a manner! that a change of tariff filed with the' Iaterstate Commerce commission can not goiato effect where objection is made until the commission has de clared the rate fair. By Senator Dick The administra tion measure, providing for an la crease of pay for members' of the army, navy and marine corps. By Senator Burkett Providing for the teaching of-agriculture la normal schools; free postage on reading mat ter mailed to the blind, and prohibit ing telegraph and express companies from transmitting returns pertaining to gambling. By Senator Heyburn Bills provid ing for the purchase of public build ing grounds in v Washington; the es tablishment of land courts and appel late land courts; the establishment ot a national board of corporations and a department of lines and placing in the capitol building of each state a model of the naval vessel which hss been named after that state. By Senator Hansbrough Repealing the timber' and stone act and provid ing for the sale of timber on public lands; also a bill giving homestead entrymen the right to be absent from their homesteads during four winter months. By Senator La Follette Requiring that railroad rates shall be fixed so as only to yield a fair return on the val uation of a road's property. By Senator Nelson Extending the free delivery service to all towns hav ing a postal revenue of $8,000. By Senator Scott His last session bills, providing a site for a new build ing for the State department, the Department of Justice- aad the Depart ment of Commerce and Labor. BRYAN VISITS THE SENATE. Holds Impromptu Reception in the MdVavlc nofit Washington W. J. Bryan spent an hour or more in the marble room of the senate exchanging courtesies with senators. Most of the democratic mem bers of the senate called to pay their respects, as did also a aumber of re publicans, including. Senator Burkett of Mr. Bryan's own state. ; Henry O Havemeyer Dead. New York Henry Osborne Have meyer, president of the American Sugar Refining company, died Wed nesday at his country home. Merri vale stock farm, at Commack, L. I., of heart failure, following an attack of acute indigestion on Thanksgiving day. Effort to Eradicate Plague. San Francisco With a view of com. polling the owners of buildings to put their possession in a sanitary' condi tion, the Board of Public Health pro poses to present an ordinance on the subject for passage by the supervise ore. This is one of man; steps being taken to exterminate rats and eradi cate plague from all sections, of the city. Reeivers for Exposition. Norfolk, Va. Federal Judge Wad dill decided to appoint receivers for the Jamestown Exposition company. JAPAN LIKES THE MESSAGE. Leading Paper Declsres Naval Policy Guarantee Peace of World. Tokto Asahi publishes a 1,000-word special cable on the presldest'n mes sage aad comments thereon, apprecia bly expressiaggratificatiOB at the rep. reseatatioas' coatalned- therein con ceraiag the proposed Jspaaese exposl ttoasaadits general friendly tone to ward Jasaa. It says that the naval alllitary program aHMarVaes the of the world; ' ' the i-lhtTafte4 ftatos tuwkh,aaMe-aa-: lm BToatloaath and th iriiiMrM aftimtofto covered seem, however. to have deterred tho fiaapiis fvosa ooaaHe llae ra their coat- .tKv.nyi TtM imji. .v. - jj-p7 ".? . i v." amm tojro.aadl plctareeoae aa ever, wao de voted to the atody of the whole mato rial aad-moral aftaatleai of a people atone given momeat. " "Tho whole dot tat,- said tho pa per, "ia characteristic of the fact that at a momeat of i commercial reaction it ia throaghoat by a tremendous aad tri amphaat hwUteace upoa tho aallmit- of Tho Standard and Daffy Mail find the chief interest ia what the mes sage leaves aasaJd. namely the con fifct between. the federal government aad the state of California aad the faestlon of Japanese InuslgratioB. Tho Dally Mail says: "If the dif ferences between nations coaM he settled by silence we should welcome the president's reticence, bat, anaan pily that ia act the case." The' Standard is much Impressed with the presideBt's desire for great addltioaa to the military as .well as tho naval forces, with the exceptioaal courtesy with, which he treats Japan aad Chiaa. The Tribuae aad Chron icle both remark the absence of bold ness of. coaceptioa or origtaality in ideas aad highly approve the presl deat's iavitation to congress to em hark on ameliorative social legisla tion. The Daily Express notices .the ab seace of aati-capitalistlc bias, which, it says, was so perceptible ia the last presidential message. The Times, in its comment, consid ers the president's suggestions deal ing with the currency problem dissap poiatiag. WHERE NEBRASKA COMES IN. Her Share in Appropriations Asked For. Washington The estimates of ap propriations for the fiscal year eadiag June -39, 1908. submited to congress by the secretary of the treasury, con tains the following items of interest to Nebraska: To enlarge the hostpi ta a Fort Robinson, $25,000; for support and educatkm of 309 Iadiaa pupils at Genoa, $51,80:. for general repairs aad improvemeats, $3,000; for completion of the postoflce and court house at Grand Islaad, $65,000; for a site aad comnletioB of postoSke ballding at Kearney, $25,000. Bomb Nearly Hits Governor. Moscow An unsuccessful attempt was made in this city upon the life of Lieutenant General Guerschelmann, governor general of Moscow. He es caped death only by a narrow margin. A woman hurled a bomb at the gen eral's carriage while be was driving in the Lefortt quarter of the city. MRS. BRADLEY FREE WOMAN. Only One Jurer Stood Out for Punish ment of Some Kind. Washington "Not Guilty- was the verdict rendered Tuesday by the jury in the case of Mrs. Annie M. Bradley, charged with the murder of former United States Senator Arthur M. Brown of Utah at a hotel in this city on December 8 last. Amid the ap plause of a crowd that filled the court room. Mrs. Bradley, with tear-dimmed eyeswas discharged from custody and a trial that has evoked national atten tion during the last three weeks was at an end. Throughout its deliberations the jury practicality stood at 11 to 1 for acquittal until the final ballot, when the lone Juror, who' was holding out for some form of punishment. Juror Julius H. Prigg, gave in and the ver dict of acquittal was agreed on. Receiver for Jamestown Exposition. Norfolk. Va. A decree signed by United States District Judge Waddill waff entered in the federal court here, directing all parties in interest to ap pear before him in Norfolk Wednesday to hear application for a receiver for the Jamestown Exposition company. Iowa Wins Corn Trephy. Chicsgo Iowa won the Cook trophy for student team judging of corn. Kan sas second. The five Iowa men took the first five places. This is the third successive capture of the trophy and makes it the permanent property of Iowa state college. Authorize an Extension. Cheyenne, Wyo. At a meeting held here of the stockholders of the Big Horn railroad, a branch of the Bur lington, the extension of the road from Frannie to Fromberg, Mont., was au thorised. Bills by Nebraska Congressman. Washington Congressman Hinshaw of Nebraska introduced the following measures Bill to pay rural letter carriers at 12 cents per mile instead of by the year as at-present; bill to reduce interstate passenger fares to 2 cents per mile; bill to protect de positors, in national banks; bill to establish postal savings banks with a maximum deposit dimit of $500; bill granting a flat pension of $12 to all widows of civil war soldiers; bill to improve the federal buildiBg at Be atrice. . Money Is Sent to West New York The subtreasury trans ferred to interior points forhaaks. $1. 234.000. Of this sum $668,000 went to St Louis. $446,000 to Chicago aad $100,000 to Saa Francisco. The Kroa Priazessia Cecelie. which arrived from Bremen broaght $6,460,000 ia gold. Death of Mrs. Hayward. Nebraska. City. Neb. Mrs. Jennie Hayward. widow of Senator Monroe U Hayward. died hero of heart trouble. superinduced by aa-attack of la. bbbbbVbbVbwVHbbWIbw bbbS ' bb9bb9b1bbbbVbbtVIbbbbbbbbb! " aaaB4aaaasHlBMH BaBBBKBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK aP BBBBBBBBBsWVBBBIlfl'r sTTATCIItnflW A . - oT risiitdrn ronM ' - " S.jKh?- 5- !V -USl'' &.? v r". --4 H'S- .- "-Ji Ha ha tho ntmtmtitj-m.i.i i u J Five members of vtho family of sSsBBPnhannBt BsTnu'eBVaByenBrw an uaJjkaaBBiJBlaaai anannntj bbbbbbb tractor, of Nebraska CKy.were as Bhyjdcated and eaaWaear Innsag their fives. A stick of dyaamlte exntodnag pre maturely seriously injured JL W. Bow lln, employed by the Ltncola Brick compaay. The men wero Masting ha a clay sank. Ia the district court of Sarpy coaaty Judge Kennedy seateaced Edward Hike ef Bellevue' to a term of two years in the peaHeatlary en the charge ef burglary. Mary Tucker, of Lincoln, filed n salt for $20,000 against the H. Herpot hoimer compaay. She waa hurt hi front of the store aad alleges tho sidewalk was defective. . The aew high school baildlag at Graad Islaad ia practically completed aad will be ready for occupancy Im mediately after tho Christmas heH 'daya. The furniture la bow belag in stalled. While playing with a revolver ha his room in a Hastings hotel. Robert Harris. 18-year-old son of Eagiaeer Harris of the state hospital., was acci dentally shot through the hand re ceiviag a serious wound. The Anti-Saloon league of Lincoln Is makiag a.campaiga'to have the anti treatlag provisions of the Slocamb law enforced. Governor Sheldon has re ceived more thaa fifteen petitions ask-, lag that treating be stopped. Mrs. Emma C. Johnson, superintead eat of the home for the friendless, has been appointed by Governor She! don for a term of two years datiag. from March 1. She has beea at the head, of the institattoa since March 1. 1905. Deputy Food Commissioner John son has notified the coaaty attorney of Cass coaaty to begia prosecutioas agaiast a aumber of liquor dealers ia PlattsbOBth for violating the pure food law by aot properly branding the bot tles in which they keep liquor for sale. Amor H. Gould, the banker of Bell wood. Butler couv'y. who was serving an eight years sentence in the peni tentiary was released during the moath of November, according 10 a report filed by Warden Bcemer with the governor. Attorney General Thompson has re ceived permission to file a motion with the supreme court for a mandamus to compel the Union Stock Yards com pany at South Omaha to fife a report with the State Railway commission as do the common carriers. New industries in Cass and Saun ders counties have opened, for business in the face of the hard times, notably a company in Wahoo for the manu facture of automobile devices, aad machinery, a farmers' elevator at Cedar Creek, and a tile factory at Louisville. The state board of public lands and buildings has made a change in the material in two of the buildings to be constructed at the Norfolk asylum without increasing the price but' at the expense of fireproofing for one build ing. The board gets stone instead of pressed brick. The supreme court has appointed three of the bar commissioners to take testimony in the matter of dis barment charges against Attorney Al len G. Fisher of Chadron. The com missioners chosen are C. H. Sloan of Geneva. W. L. Anderson of Liacola aad H. P. Leavitt of Omaha. . The Nebraska City board- of educa tion is up agaiast a serious proposi tion. They Increased the salaries of all the teachers at the begiaaing of the school year and now they find that because of the fact that over 150 of the school childrea are out of school. . at work, they will have to start a night school- and they have aot the funds. Claiming that her husband. James Harrington, has been abseat twenty five years. Mrs. Sara Harrington, of Fremont, in probate court filed a peti tion asking to be appointed adminis tratis of his estate and for the court to find Harrington legally dead. A quarter of a century ago Harrington, then a young man. started for Omaha, on a business trip, kissing his wife goodbye. He has never been heard of since. The statement of county recorder G. M. Lathrop of Otoe county shows that duriag the moath of November there were fifteen farm mortgages ' filed, amounting to $40,958.89. aad thirteea released to the value of $27. 395. A young maa named Johasoa, em ployed as a farm haad a few miles southwest of Beatrice, reported to the police that he was held up and robbed of $28 at the Rock Island crossing in the southwest part of the city last week. The ofifeers have ao clue to the holdup. Ia a shucking contest ia Gage coun ty between Warren McMIHea aad Ben Kelley, the. former won. At the end of fours hours. McMillen shucked sixty three aad eoe-half bushels and Kelley sixty-three bushels. This is shuckiag at the rate of 158 bushels in tea hours. The election for the esTtee of sheriff ef nam Butte county la to he contest ed, Thomas B. Shrewsbury, democrat, havmg filed n eanteat complaiBt for that pnrpose. Al Walker, the present laeumbeat. Is shown; hy the face of the retarna to have been elected hy a majorHy of hut two voted. r r .. .- r-s Mi m ? fcl y . 4- r i 1 J! 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