The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 11, 1907, Image 5

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" H
- ffB,Mlllllll'ail,llBIII',ll'MI11'1 CfiSfC jrJwL?!-! MBJi TOLO MY THE PORTER.. 4"l-BHH-MLHBlHiHHHHHHHHHMBHBHHBBH '
j Ef t f-EBRmRM REERER1 VREERrEC f " - "W W fk
I m m w. . A 1 : Ma MMMiwr akaalT iLcEnn wif tlhmiiT fiiii r 11 i ii ifii i -- -,
' - . . ., -m. u. LM I 4t . iiOBtflll m .. -s- ' ftW -" -Tf
VUXJ XllMIWMfllU M wt biftoTiW. mifcMtefcft r $, jw.ttaM.;' few taw fern; I
At less than standard prices, should make this
a good place to buyxHoliday Supplies.
Our supply- of Nuts, Candies, Dates. Figs,
Sweet Cidar, Oranges, Apples and other
dainties are unlimited.
Then our China and Cut Glass are newly and
beautifully designed. Some decorated ware
shows such skill that we even wofider'at 'the
designer's art v
"From the Argss.
Jhs. Nevela made his regular weekly
trintoColumbne Monday, lira Nevela
aoeompained him ths time to visit with
Miss Ina West returned to school at
Columbus, Wednesday. She oaaae up
with the intention of just staying over
Thanksgiving, but was takes sick and
had to stay a few days longer.
While Mrs. Will Smith waa viaitwff
her father, Mr. Morecb, of this city she
received the distressing word that her
husband at Greeley, was shot. He was
oat hunting with" a friend, wboy'was
about 1 feet in fr.-nt of him, when be
slipped, causing the gun to be discharg
ed. The load took effect in his left'
shoulder. He was taken to theliospital
at Columbus and after picking aut 65
ehot they still had some hope of saving
his arm.
From the Sand.
H. R. Lundy made a flying trip to
Columbus Monday.
Will Liuadyof Idaho made a brief
viit to his father and mother, Mr. and
Mrs. H. E. Lundy, last Sunday.
Stephen Letheroy, aad old settler of
Hackbery precinct in Polk county, died
last Monday. He was a veteran of the
war, 63 years of age and leaves a wife
and two adopted children.
The following from the Portland
Oreonian tells the marriage of the
former citizen of this community:
"David Herman, of Fairriew, Mont.,
and Miss Laura, H. Lock, of Alton, IU.,
were married Thursday, Nov. 21. Mr.
and Mrs. Harmom will be at home 708
Giratd ave. University Park. Portland.
E. D. Vemth, who has engaged in
soliciting subscriptions for the Polk
county Democrat, was found four miles
north of Stromsbarg last Wednesday
lying by the roadside in a dying; condi
tion. He was taken to Osceola, where
he died soon after. No cause has been
amigued for his death. He was recent
ly married.
From th SicaaL
Mrs. F. S. Lecron and .two children
went to Gibbon, Neb , Wednesday for a
few weeks' visit with her parents.
Last8unday the weather was more
like September than December. It
t rtft.y.rigV -n-g !
. j
4Q5 11th Street,
. -
rw ZiMHtM '
Rut Grtci rim
d Lamps
AU Suitable for
jr,m Ul,n
so waa want and pleasant that honey
bass ware out, evidently ttunkang Oat
spring had arrived.
On Monday Eric Johnson recived the
sad news that his mother passed away
at her home in" Sweden Oct. SO. She
left to aware her loss three sons aad
one daughter hi tbia country aad one
daughter aad one aoa in in Swede
Of the Platte Center boys who want
to Cheyenne last summer and early in
the fall OeB8heridaa aad Denny Dug-
gaa reUnied last weak, and Joe Began
arrived here Taesday sight. Soaraoity
of work m what seat them home.
PnaEJPerkWon and Ifin "Bogus are
still there, employed in the railroad
Miss Alice Ooaaidine returned from
Central Oity Wednesday where she had
been eince the latter part of last week,
looking after a positioa as teacher in
that city'e schools. Sw waa engaged
toteaeh the 8th grade, and wdl assume
the duties after the holiday vacation.
The lady whom abe succeeds waa elected
county snperintendeat at the Uteeleo
tion. The now bridge across Shell Greek
aouth of town waa so far completed aa
to be aroBBsd Tuesday Morning, it hav
ing bean some eight or nine dayaaiace
the old one was torn one The location
of .the new bridge is about the width of
it farther east oa the north side of the
creek and less oa 'the south, than p
ting it in line with- the road. This
bridge is considerably higher than the
old one aad it loeatioa being changed
necessitated quite a job of gradisg oa
the approaches.
Pram the
Mm. L. L. Green, who apeat several
weeks past visiting relatives in Illinois,
returned the last of the week.
Mm Alfred Bratt, who waa celled to
Iowa a couple weeks ago by the illness
of her sister, returned on Saturday last
We learn that Geo. I Clark of Weed
ville recently lost several head of cattle
by the corn stalk disease, among which
was a valuable ball.
H E. Fonda oalled us up Monday
morning; aad aaid he had been looking
the nutter up and found that one year
ago on that date the prices of grain aa
compared1 with thiayear were as follows:
Last year wheat waa celling for 56 oenta,
this year for Stceata,oora last year 28
-jrvova --w--,FrMrTO L
nl ;,Jj
' m-,. JXC
trip to Tmzm ta FiU.
a trap oa hjsfarai
the Loan. ThaaaiaM). waa about
sine of pa ordiaary rat, yellow aad wafta
jweolaraBdaad a tail about eight ia
'oheslofiff;. Ita." Uad legs 'are three timea
as toag as the Croat ones, aad Aha aays
it caa jamp ton lest without any ap-
aareat effort. Oa the sklsa of the rata
race are
St. Edward
as the
of Oelumbas is
viaitiag Moaroe frieada aad relatives
this week. '
Mr. and Mm F. K. Strotaer of Co
lumbaa ware visitiag" afearoe relatives
WUlle Sattoa. who. is atteadiag the
Commercial College ia Colamhua, apsat
Suaday at home.
Mies Mamie Studleyweat to Lincoln
last Friday, where aha will study music
during the winter.
. P. E. LiedMad, who waa injured
daring the summer by ftuliag off a head
car, is able to got aroaad on crutches.
A letter from P. H. Olateua says that
be k bow lecated ia Chicago for the
wiater. Phil caa staad it to enjoy oity
life for a while, but when epriag tiaat
conies he will begin to took toward
. H. B. Root
of Colambaa was up
at hJaShaU Creek farm Tuesday. ' This
faaffae piece of property, aad few if
nay better farm totbeooentv. There
are two flowing- wells oa the niece, one
throwing a fix iaoh stream.
W. E. Cole left Monday for hie honae
in GardMi Oity. Kss., having anflesatly
recovered from lua attack of,
to preaut him' to travel. A
ia that climate will, place hiaa ia good
asalth, aad he sxpeets to retara here
shortly after the holidaya.
Mm A. E. PrViet received a
Monday nwraiag telling her of the
dangeroas illness of her aister, ilia. Ed
Byoa, at nerrbome In Belfville, Kan.,
aad ahe letf at oaoefer ftat piaoe, "Up
ou her arrival eae feat t word to Mr.
Priest that Mm By be was sick with
typhoid fever aad very low.
A. L. ScattrwhoThaa OBeaTcoaductiag
a store ia Oconee for come tune, was
here Saturday, aad informed the writer
that be had disposed of his basinets
there aad that hie store buildtag aad
fixtures were for aale. Mr. SeattTex
pects to retara to hie old home ia New
York, where he has, better edaoatioaal
opnortunitieafor hia ehJUdren.
. - axLLWoboi.
Mm. Gea Eissamsager of 'Hamphrey
is visitiag at Bell wood and vidaity this
week with rektivea'.
Archie Tyrrell .earns, over Croat Oo
jumbus aad apeat Thaaksgiriag with hia
t A young couple from the rural die
triets, who had just base Buuried, araat
ed coasiderable amussuaeat yesterday
aa they walked head ia head dowa 'the
street eetiag the name apple.
. Dave Hewitt wee aroaad rBeUwood
Weaaeaday calliag oa hia oWfrieads.
He left hia wife aad baby at David Oity
visiting wits his uncle WOL Dave ia
looking good aad iaformsd aathat he is
having a big praotioe at BitsviDe, aear
Spokaae r y
Mian Josephiae, Hoseh of, Oeaaade,
Iowa,aad Henry 8eharit of Alexis town
ship were anited in aurriage November
S7in the Oaiholieloharcluat Oaaeade.
Iowa by Bev. J. B. Albe pastor of the
charoh. The newbnde is a'aeice to J.
M. Baaer and rewaUy ,c4erked in the
store for him Tho groom, waa born
aad brought ap ia Aiexk) towaahip and
ia a young aunt of ao bad habits.
i The Freaaoat Women's eieb at its
aaeetiag Saturday declared eervaat girls
toe half ef thWtAwioIIdealarrf.m7.t
!:: ulaliwaaamayeujgh
to pay a girt aweak.vwagef aadVoaoe
girla-thamaalvaa. It ia
thevua hnnaahiwn
iaf" whonut'oa se'stadk etyW, especial
ly whenat dab
Lord deliver ua."
Autos H. Gould, (he baaker'of Bell-1
wood who was eoavieted of forgery aad
yaatoBOtd to the peaiteatiary for' eight
yean, eeeaiad fua fehameliuriagNoveBv
hei aad immedmtedly dropped oat of
aufht. swnmmmdlv mmffaaf ainma'aa'alnm
xw aerved a, law aaeaths
three yeaia
wastobe t
to Ma have
aiede the at rest, if any waa to be
jaaamwaaai w4m plase.theaoxt saera-
I ! rifc.irt.i. hMilHiil ww. !- "i i rieUjSw.ilr:-Ar:" I - J
mm part of thntataia wOTbaiagshiBfMd
to northern aaaraata.
Arhert Ores-; aged ' If, a piptt at the
Iadm. -TwhThed kJTik wkh
uatamsais isr three wsiks, mti FriMj
theheaaeofhisnersots ia the state.
AliVn Ba.'fjakt 21aa:itf UW
he aaid waa a Haaarao rat Ik was
aaaayaaBBve aaarreaa wae aaaaar aasl
he did net ataamfi la aatU the
paamwmg; amraiBg. -..vmaax waa valaaaed
ahorthr hdlam mlmMSmS-mmal " mmi
nam heard Jfioafeiaaa.. mttaamammaVmi
" "ww mimummam
a iato theiaaaBiaee aaaaaav bat at-
ga.ll SdWam
Me.' II lldiam
a. 1 lUlsa
sie. a ....ujmam
sje. ........ saspm
we. Rf.v...... SmiasE
Ma. a adkam
Ml anaSftaml
N.U... . 4dsam
Me. Hall-Md !!;
o. lOtpm
". is.... .... saspm
ne.m MS pat
Mo.8 ftMsu
o.S SjMp
"a awf iJaW aV
Se.nmsd. 4fcam
Me.aiBsa .A7pm
Me.BM ..alUtam'
He.aiaaa ..Uasm
Wos. 1,1, 1 and 8 am mm
Mas. 4, S.U ami Uarel
! Maa,MaadWamkwal
Mm. 9mwm M am mail
Mo 14 una ia Omaha 43b.
Ma. eat ia Omaha SaB. m.
tertalkjag the asatter over wish re
iativeeand iatimate frieada ooaeladed
to "lie low" forawhile.
tasD orias
fna ud PwtAr wa: lt
fWedaesday evening for Correctioaville,
Iowa, to attend the fuaaralof acoasin.
, Nick Fehriager weat down to Oohim
baa Wednesday to aocomnaay Mia.
Fehriager hoaae after several weeks stay
at the hospital.
, Mia. Frank Haider returned home
Tuesday' evening froai Council Bluffs
where eae visited the Header family a
few days. She reports that Mr. Bender
is quite sick with gall tones, v
( Mr.andMra.Jaa. MeDermott of Co
lumbus were calling on their saay
friends in this locality the fore part of
the week. Life at the county capital
appears to agree with this worthy cou
ple aad they aay they are enjoy living at
Colambaa very mach.
The condition of Mr. Ottia reauias
aboat the same aa when the Democrat
came out last week, although it ia
tboubt if there is any change at all it is
aaligfat improvement. Hie many frieada
hope for hie apeedy recovery. Dr. D.
M. aad Frank Ottht arrived in town last
aad will remain here for some
Jast as OoL Walker was driving across
the bridge between here and Oidtown,
oa hia way out to hia farm, he heard
sosae cbildrea crying dowa by the
creek. He vtied bin team and ran
down to Had two children straggling in
the water. Delia Saunderson had at
most reaehed the shore aad was able to
get oat without asriataaee, bat Mildred
Ruth was ia deep water. She bad
SBauaged to keep afloet,by clinging to a
detached piece of ice, but'had only her
bead above water. As her c'othes be
came aoaked ahe oommeooed to eink.
Walker waded out until he could reach
berand 'found that"the'wate?' came
about to hia waist. He'put the children
in hie carriage aad hurried them home,
where, with dry clothiog and careful at
tention, they were won restored to their
normal concition. Newman Grove Re
porter. A most distressing aoeideot happened
at the home of Andrew Hackstock a
few miles nortfaTof Humphrey about one
o'clock last Sunday afternoon in which
Frank, the 17-year-old sou of Mr. and
Mm. Frank DoUecaohell was instantly
killed by the discharge of a ehot gun in
thehakdsofGtoorgeHackatock. It ap
pears that the young man waa in the act
of extracting the ahelle from the gun,
which in called a Winchester pump gun,
and in aome way one of the shells was
dleeharged. the contents of which struck
the unfortunate young man in the
right temple. The fleetest hone on the
place' wae brought into service and a
Humphrey physician was quickly sum
atoaed. bat hie services were of ao avail
as the young aum Biased to breathe
within a few secoade after the eoctdeat
eappeaed. The funeral was held Toes
day mornug'at a o'clock from St. Fraa
om chareh aad the reaaaiae were laid to
rest in the 8t Francis cesteterv.
Trend ef Civilization.
t .1. had thought that civlllratlon
meant the attaiament of peace and
order aad freedom, of good will be
tween aum and man, of the love of
truth, and the hatred of injustice, and
by consequence the attainment of the
good life which these things breed, a
Jlfe free from craven fear, but full of
Incident; that waa what I thought It
meant aot more staffed , chairs aad
more cushions, aad more carpets aad
gas. and more dainty meat aad drink
aad therewithal more aad sharper
difference between dam and class.
William Morris.
f ot
Dates caa be made at the
... JoarnalOmoe
iavito all who desire ehoiee
steak, and the very beat cute of
all ether- masts -to call at our
aaraeti oa EJevaathstreet. We
alee haadle poultry aad flah aad
traveled with ya
; how leag hava
this mar
?l oont exactly know. afrfoaJy ma.
Jn ae porter am
oa diB
"Wall, porter, la
have had a
1 certainly
I certaJaly
the Btraageatr
I specks ItTa i
wfd de red aaibraUa, eat earely vm
exdtla' far a tbnm
, "Everybody aoaa taraed m, aehal
car waa atoepta' flae aa' I una black!'
de boots oa a Mttle camp atool dowa
at de ead oh de car, dea I hear a
wish, swish, swoeb, aa tho dere waa
a steam of water raaala' thro' de car;
I Ueteaa aa' It keeps oa, so I leans
ferward to look dowa de car fer what
'Os. aa' dere'a de hul car stiU 'ceptJa'
fer oae lady dreeaad la de reaaark
ableet Japaaeae klaaoao I ever laid
eyea oa. She waa walUa' ap aa' dowa
de. length oh dat car wid a red
arena ap over her head, aa! dat
brella waa rabbia' oa de curtalas aa
she passed along.
, T looks at her a' ahe apparently
doa' take ao aotJce; dea I drops' amy
blacUa' box aa' shoes, aa' I rune for
de conductor.' Whea de traia cea
dactor aa' de brakemaa aa' we all
gets dere an watch her, aa' ahe jaa
keeps oa welkin' ap aad dowa dat car.
De conductor teUs me Ise got to do
aometbla. So I goes to her aa' saya,
Miss, yon better, go to bed;! bat she
teUs me dat It's raiala' la de car. aa' I
seen It warn't ao use argyntentin' wM
her, so I jaa' atudy, aa' by aad by I
ell her dat if she takes de umbrella
into -de berth aid her ahe won't get
wet Den directly she seems to think
it's all right aa' gets back Into de
berth, keeplB' the umbrella up over
her head all de time, aa' dere she was
gola' to sleep ia dat berth wid dat
iimbrella propped wide opea over her
head. Den de conductor he tells me
I got ti watch de berth. Sure enough
I watch it In de mornln when 'twas
time, to call de people I calls 'em, all
along ia de usual way,' an' she gets, ap
aa' leaves de car jus' as de other folka
jua' same as "tho nothin' had hap
pened. Whatever possessed dat wom
an I doa' know, bat it certainly "waa
mighty astonishin' 'currence."
Have Instruction Car.
i The newest attempt to increase the
efficiency of a railroad's working force
fmd diminish thereby the fatality lists,
which have been growing from year
to year with the reduction of running
fime, is the traveling instruction car,
now In operation oa the Ualoa Padfic
i Instead of being' equipped with
elates aad blackboard to facilitate
their work ia Imparting iafbrauttioa,
he Union, Pacific's corps of traveUag
schoolmasters have sets of air brakes,
signal apparatus and all the compli
cated machinery which goes to make
up the operating end of-a greatr rail
way system. A two months' cam
paign of education la thua being car
ried on a wheel, during which 5,e0e
employes, scattered over almost J,00
miles of territory, will be required to
undergo examination aa to their effi
ciency. 1 The Union Pacific adopted on Au
gust 1 a new book of almost 1,000
regulations, designed to increase the
alertness and efficiency of its em
ployes. Of these regulations 3 were
new, aad the lecture tour was started
to Insure a uniform understanding 'of
them by trainmen, conductors; eagi
aeers, brakemea and other operatives
upon whose knowledge the safety of
the traveling public depends. -
The instruction coach Is fitted ap
with seats and has a raised platform
at one end. equipped with charts, me
chanical devices and stereopticoa' il
lustrations of Interlocking plants. The
car also contains a miniature autoatat
ic block signaLsecttoa of track.. ,
i Prc4notion oa the road Is tobeaude
contingent hereafter, upon exact
knowledge, aad the management has
announced that advancement will be
placed as nearly .on the basis of a
aaval or military achoo as possible.
, "All this involves a great deal of
trouble and time," said General Mana
ger Mohler of the Harrimaa road,
Vbut railroading has become of such a
scieatlfic nature that the old methods
are entirely obsolete and unsafe.'
When Wood Wae the Fuel.
. The original American locomotives
were nearly all wood burners, and
luring a protracted period, before the
invention of spark arresters, the fly
ing sparks caused a great amount' of
damage and annoyance. Interwoven
with this difficulty was a necessity
for using smokestacks many timea
larger than those now ia aae too
high, indeed, to pass uader overhead
bridges or the roof of covered wood
en bridges. Tojoverooaae tarn diffi
culty the amokestack'bf many of the
locomotives were jointed or hiaged ao
that they could be lowered whea
trains were proceeding over or aader
bridges. This naturally greatly ia-'
creased the danger of setting fire to
e wooden bridges, aad it waa cus
( mary for a watchman to follow
fvery traia over or under the bridges,
carrying a backet of water for the par
foee of extinguishing fires. Notwith
standing this precaution the burning
ef bridges waa a moat common oc
currence. '
) Oa asoet of the early railroads the
ears were at first entirely uncovered,
betas la fact aierely platform can,
with a row of seats along each aide.
The passengers were unprotected from
the ana, rain,- smoke or-cinders.
m Warthaas,
j Tie hoard of health la deterauaed to
have-Its rales relative to the keepiag
of fowl Uvea uV to, as waa showVat
the saeetiag kst eight whea a aaaa
living la the weat end had' hia license
revoked -because he Sept a rooster,
which la eeatrary to the ruleaef the.
m aaay keep a few
are excladed. It le'aa
deratoad that the rooster h
a bantam, bat fa the eyes of
m MMtH t- m MM
, , ".
m ponar i ut atoW or
MM M Mm VlwfJ
,WU. yortw; lm ttet tbM 7M II " - - a v. - . M
WMt taT tad a mi but i.-r II - " "a
ao aaener bow augs or aaaeu ae
fidfily Goods
- t
Than ever and at
lower prices
CaU on htm
. r ' ? t
m laaeuaia awateii' esj arsa;
ww m
a toamtaaa pear
an aabe ashed. eat hia
1 have to par amaaaoat
check bosk.
hie bitt,
lm mrtntLeet ef towa
for a
of weeks. I.waat to sat
the. job off my hands.
aad iak here." "Here la aa Indelible
peacil.n aaid a friend, aa he reached
tlato hia vest pocket That wont
do," aaapped the Bervoaa aaaa. "No
aaak will take a check written wita
,a peacu." "Oh, yes, provided yon
,wet the check rat," said the .friend
.soothingly. "If yoa can't get water.
lick the check ae yon would a stamp
aad then do your wrttfag while It is
still moist. Aa indelible pencil Is
iflUed with nothin- ant Iak powder,
scompreeaed into solidity .-When It la
moistened it becomes iak. Try It"
41 see." said tab nervous man aa he
atgned his check with a flourish, "that
jthere are asore ways of. UlUag a eat
than choking it with hot batter.
BTrmMft wf Wm aW HeMMWVawVBa
The wetrdeat storm story In
iea down from the Downievine aad
jSaow Teat .country, where it la alleged
that chickens were killed by, hall
atones aad ahorse was knocked sense
less. The storm is said to have beea
the fiercest Ja years. Four chickens
are said. to have beea killed by the
hafl and. aaaay knocked down. Light:
slag struck a. tree on the Goodyear
bar grade, and It waa atm burning to
day. At George Cooper's ranch, near
jSaow.Teat the hallatonee were re
ported aa large aa small egge,aad one
or these knocked tae.horee sense!
iNevada City Correspoadeat
Twe Sura Curse.
. If yon .want to know a
for rheumatism.', said., the pretty
wobmb, "take a long piece of twine
and tie It around yourx waist, ap under
your anaa.aad down again aroaad
your wrist aad let it stay there. Ia
three days ypa will he perfectly
cared.'' 1 know a better care than
that" aaid the tall, thin boy. "Take a
black cat out to a graveyard on a dark
night aad cat off both Ita' ears aad a
piece of ita taiL Put the ears - aad
jtail oa the. roof of the house to sua,
aad whea there's nothing left of them
yoall quit haviag rheumatism
Vegetable with Old Ltoeage.
Asparagus Is the aristocrat of the
food plants. Noae other has ao distin
guished "a 'lineage, for.lta recorda reach
hack alaaaet to tae'beglaalag.of au
thentic history. It la mentioned by
the comic poet Crftlaue, who died
about '42S B. C The Romans held
asparagus ia the highest esteem, the
elder" Cato treatJas at. length. Ia hia
"De re Reetlca," still extant of the
.virtues aad correct cultivation of the
plant ' Pliny, writing about NA.DL,
.has a great deal to aay of aaparagaa.
He aaya: "Of all the products of your
gardea your chief care ahould he aa
paragaa." Englieh a Puzzling
A Frenchman in conversation with
a friend said "I am going to leave
my hotel. I "paid my bin yesterday
aad asked the landlord: Do I owe
yoa anythlngr He said: Ton are
square.' That's strange, said L 1
have lived long aad never knew I waa
.square before.' Then, aa I was going
away, he shook my hand, saying: 1
jhope yoall be round agala soon.' I
said: 'I thought you said I was sqamre.
He laughed and replied: Whea I said
I hoped you'd he rouad agala sooa 1
meant I hoped yoa wouldn't be
EngUea is a difltealt language.'
Aggravating Man.
Tcden't eae how yon caa have aay
Jaalt to and with him" "Why Not?"
"Because he appeara to he a aaaa who
le abaelutely without faults of any
sort" "That'a jaat it That'a hia worat
fc-t 1 tew aWaCaHwmWm
. Owner "My hoaae to burning
dowa. Incendiary "I know It, mv
friend; bat If it awakens the approved
bread of civic fcj I
the coat
,j:?T 1
The Latest Styles
m. t M
R lTC0
Both Phones
7 "(Virirt lifi-- NJjj:c0
UiHt at Vataa Naa Had Many
Tree Collar seek
dM M.foramry grins
aMve. ahnply saw n
any article aafficJeatly
the standard
dlee. wrltea R. HoR
Weekly. Than,, ha, aaalant Greece, a
large arouse tripod had the value ef n
dosen axon. A good hard
man. on the other
exchange far only
.When aMtal.took the place ef
the dollar dung to Ma
coiaa were atm called
Than, "pecuala,
money, derived its origin
(cattle). From tha cueton
heads of cattle came the
Igaatloa of a earn fat
"capita' (heads). In
(herd, flock) made renpya, or the
dlaa rapee, while tha nvjeta
tram, or adaalxtara ef said aa
whea flrat hi .aae aa aaom
isamimm) vt ma ms, mr vw. s-mn, nam;,
hat too fragile, were the aaena ia ana
aa money by the
and thioagbont
the natives, taken by Ha beauty, gave
the aheil a asoney value.
Railroad Sign to Blame fer Act Idas H
waa lateameel te Avars.
The old darky
road company for'
contended that aot hems waned by
whistle or engine beD, he had etarteeV
to drive hto rig across the company'
track whea a shunted box car ef said
company craahed iato hto ontflt cana..
lag the death of the horse, lose ef &
wagon aad auaor injuries to ateaeit
After the prosecution had cloned Ma
aide of the case, the company's lawyer
called the old darky to the stand and
weat at him "Mr. Lameon," he be
gan, "your rig waa struck by the hex
car tat fan daylight waa it aot? "I
flak darwas aome cloude ovaheed.
euh." answered the cavUlBg wHnese.
"Never mind the cloude! And only n
few days before this accident the rau-
road company had pat
that crosslagr "Dar
ya-aa, aah!" "And dkint
any 'Stop! Look! Listen?" "Now.
dar am de whol accaeatlon abxde
trouble!" declared the darky, wMh
aalmatioa. "If dat atop atka
caught die chfTe ere iea"a Ah
Bauer on dat track, dar wouldn't! '.
been no emashup!' Bohemian. I ,
Timely Advice That Shepad
tmlee ef
At a critical tune In the Mfe ef
Wesley, whea, to save hki
waa about to retire Iato a
privacy and give hlmaaff ap to prayer
aad aelf-disclpliae, an anknown ad
viser, a "serious man," gave him haeav
to England aad humanity by aayiag to
him: "Sir. you wish to serve God aad
go to Heaven. Remember, yon can
aot serve Him alone. Ton, must And
compaaloaa or stake them. .The Bible
known nothing of a eoUtary religion."
A few words spoken by n set vent amid
to Chariee Wesley led him to ate?, he
fore hia long-struggling brother, lata
life and liberty of souL And
Whltefleld waa setting out for
ca some wise friend aaid to him: "It
you have n mind to convert Iadfaaa.
there are colliers enough in Kinga
wood." He weat to the Klngswood
colliers, and in his so doing the great
evangelical revival la Fnglaad
Ted ef Many Usee.
Daring the preeent army maaiinf
the French troops are nana: fair
the flrat time an instrument .which far
variety of adaptation probably ap
proaches to a record. It la a ktod ef
concave lance shaft or swage, about
a inches broad at the haee and wttk
a haadle aboat IS mease long.
Tate impteasent to a aheveL a
ed her. n treachfag pick, a wire
ter. a wood chopper aad can he
- f rt rt T- r
anna, asr aumew.
coastltnted .tan, daRar.. waOa
-. SB 3t
- l
w Jl
nfe- -
be. Waltaam Letter to the
n-rx -j-i
j ci'"'-'g3e.
tJS-'33J- -.
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P- -- ,
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