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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1907)
msms,inmsSKssssS33Ss r; -"?C3iS " 7v " -K" " -?. :---.,-- ,. ",. p, IHK ' .-rri-TJ-3- --, - i. , . j bKirvSK . .- ---.t-Ti rr- .r- etrj-."" - '-j'rrr - -z "?s?ss$,w'.'v w:iMrffmT?-r ? .-,-- - ,5"v--' " y V CoiiBoUdatod with the Columbus Times April 1, 1904; with the PUtte Ooimty Argu Jsnnsiy 1, 1900. VOLUME XXXVIIL NUMBER 36 COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1907. WHOLE NUMBER 1.88S. VSJ J - vjfe il u .j IjsV - -JUt-v ' ' fejSS A Christinas Suggestion Nothing nicer than, one of our nice PLUSH ROBES They make a useful and much appreciated present and the prices are right. For the holidays we are selling a $5 robe for $440 and others at the same discount See them LW.Weaver &Son. coLumiui UllB wV nA MmjQ OldOora Nr Corn Bailey Hogs. Rf 3 ..... ..... oB 40 40 .$4 30 to $4 36 r MAJfT TEABS AGO. Filesof tbeJoaraal Deoenbrr 10, 1873. Oa the 4th inet., twohmadred aad fty-miae bill were wtrodued iatoooa ffrew. Among the aumber wea oae by Mr. Tyler, to eraut pablieberaof aew apensad periodical to eirhaaga, aad pabliahers of weekly papera to aead withia the count? of pablioaUoa oae copy there of to actual satMoribeca free of poetage. letter t torn Havaaa, Cuba, dated the Sthgivea the followiag aeeoaatef the esecatioa of the Virgtaiaa aciaaaera at Saataigo, de Cuba: -The fear prieea eta were abot at a place eaade faaKwa by prerioae ezeootioBs, and iathe aaail Maaar. kaeelageloaB to thealaaghter . heaae' walL All aMrebad to the apot with Inaaeat, BambetU aad Ryaa bowed auwked eourage, altboagh the fonaer waa aligbtly affected toward the laat. The two othera qaite broke down before they were baadaged, bat the rest ap to the laat never flinched a bob eat, and died withoat fear or regret BambetU aad Ryaa were killed after the first discharge. Itieacurioas historical fact that the pregreae of oivilasatioB ia the wat hae caaeed the power of oae Iadiaa tribe to iacreaee. The Skrnx, it not BMre m croaa than they ever were, have eartaia ly axteaded their ooaqueat, aad eoatrol larger exteat of territory than arer be fare. The Poacaa, Fawaeea aad Beea were aaable to withetaad them, thoagh at the date of Oatlin'a joaraeyiaga oa the apper Miaaoari there were eevanl tribrs on that river that were rivals of the Sioax, The Hioax aatioa aambers about forty thousand aoals, aad caa aead three thoaeaad warriors oa the war path. Fortaaately it ia divided la te hands which follow the dilereat lead eo that their powet to do mischief ia not ae great as if Baited. B Caafrafitlaial Chan. To My Dear People: My auaieterialbrethraa have w Vke most beaatif al ehristiaa spirit of fered to supply my palpit duriag my aeeeaaary abseace. I therefore take great pleaBareiBaanoBBoiBg that mora iagaarvicei will becooducted ia the Ceagiegatkmal oharch as follows: 8aa day Dec 15th. by the Bev. Mr. Hayes. 8uaday Doe. SSad by the Bev. Dr. Westoott. Saaday Deo. Sath. by the Bev. Mr. Dewolf. You are earnestly re qaested to be preseat at all these ser vices, that large and appreciative coa-gregati-BS may greet these brethren whose lava prompts them to extend this eoartesy. Faithf ally yonr pastor. G. A. MtJHBO. Becher, Hockenberger Jc Chmmbers .lAL ESTATE All UAK. in real estate, eHber farm leads lata, it will be t year to tear hata. We alee have i dwalBa,. aad it will t . -- Mtt t t I Maaay ta loan ia aay smoaat aw Z t abort avtiea I Becher, J Hockenberger fc f OliambenL f mt 1 -B BW""wmwmwmmmaawamwinmwJnmmnF' Ia nifosig to the oallscl Mayor Phillips for a oitiaenw diecBssthe propositioa at graatiag tweoty-lve year aleotrie light fraachise to John T. Burke, a large aamber of ra preseatstive awn of the city amt at the ooadeil chamber Taaaaay eveaing. The propositioa waagoae over vary tboroagh ly and all iatermted give an opaortaaity to express their viaws. This Butter has beea before the coancil fo about months aad the lighting committee aad ooaneil. by John W. Early, have gone detail. Mr. Barke olaima that by iastaUing the jmv ptaat which he proposes he will effect a aaviag to aiatty-lve per eaat of the aleotrie light coasamers, raagiag from forty per eaat dowa. Streetlights will helesaforan aaadle power and all airht aad redaetioa of S per yearioa the iacaadeaeeat aad $10 oa the arcs for taw year. This week the committee madea tour of the. town and compared patroas bills aader the -preseat system with those aader the proposed new system and a considerable aaviag was showa. One of the oonditons of the franchise is that the new company pur chase the preseat plant, which will be operated until the new one ia iastaUed. The question of Damping water was also considered, as thin is a part of the fran chise, Mr. Burke asking the city for n five year oontract for pampiag water at eevea cents per taoasond gallons. The committee have goee over the onat of pampiag water at preseat and fled that it eoata the city almost doable that aacoaat at preseat for the service. When the new plant is iaatalled the city will be obligbed to put ia new pumps aad ooBBOOtioa suitable for the change, the cost of which will bh about $8,900. The aaviag oa the cost of operating the water plant will mora than pay thia aatoaat in lam than five yean, aad the city will get mach better eervios on ao coaatof the preseat ooaditioa of the pamps. After the oitiBeas, meeting the aoaacil aaet and tank np the matter of thefraaehiae, paawag it to its third readiag. Ia dealing with thia matter the ooaacil has asedtbe atmost oare aadwillaea that the righu of he city are f ally protected. It has been evident thataaewaadup to date electric plant with day power wonld be a good thing for Oolambas, aad this- seems to be the opportuaity to eeeare it, aad whan the ordjaaaca ia anally pissed it will be fair to betfc4hc ataSnai aad eemaaay. - " At Norfolk laat Tharaday afternoon jastas the traia waa pulltag oat the snager ooaeh oa the Norfolk freight the aoene of a cold blooded marder, the perpetrator afterwards taking hhowai life. Domestic troubles, resulting in divorce' proceedings were the direst can. V. B. Nethaway, who did the snooting, ia well known ia Columbas aad Platte county having been here off aad oa for the last fifteen years. Just before the traia left Norfolk he ap peared oa the platform of the car aad after iatiendatiag the passenger, fired the shot which atrack his wife near the eye, asskiag a wound that left the braia exposed. Awoauw companion of Mrs. Nethaway'a narrowly eeoaped death from a second abot, aad only saved her astf by dropptag to the floor of the car. Aa it was the charge penetrated her hat aad tore a large hole ia the seatonahioa When Nethaway entered the ear the women began to scream aad Conductor Linaberry opened the door to'asoertaia what the trouble was. He was eoa forted by a loaded gun in the hands of Nethowsy, who told him to go back sad clone the door, which he did. After the , ahootia Nethaway went to the Salter elevator and committed suicide, Mrs. Nethaway lived until Friday morning; at eevea o'clock, before her parents, Mr. tad Mm. Daily of Ord, arrived. The Nethawaya leave one child, a daaghter, of thirteen years, to bear grief of the tragic affair. The important case oa trial ia district court last week was the etae against Abe Larae aad Mike Kaah, charged with cattle stealing. These parties live in Platte county oonth of Genoa and the trial brought maay witaeases from that town and abb some of the resi fleets of Loup towaship. Aa there has beea eome eomplaiat regarding the loss of cattle ia the pastures near those where the cattle were killed, remdeatrof that locality have taken mach interest ia the oatoome. The ease was given to the jary Saturday aad a verdict of guilty was retnmed for both defendaats. A motion has beea made for a. new trial aad will be argaed next week. Columbus Gamp 900. Modem Wood man of America, elected the following asBcers for the eaeaiag year at their re gular ametiag Tuesday evening: John L. Pittmaa, venerable consul, a B. Breese. worthy adviser; G. W. PhUHps. banker; J. L. Brunken, clerk; August Dietrich, escort, Geo. W. Randall, watch man; E. J. Nutsmaa, aeatry; Leopold Pfoth, manager; L. a Yosa, a D. D. T. Martyn, jr. medioalex- G. W. Phillip was appelated tor the iaetsllatiea of n January Oolambas camp ia now Bearing ta three handled mark in membership and they hope tepees that aamber during lastslhag esneer oMeera the first maatias? TWosseof Mm. Lsm Liflie agaiast Os.sre thsTrmeef Bea-Har for insursneeee ! theMfeefher huihani is to be tried at DnwMfihTwsxwiay.aad aj.Gsdsw sfusnisBf is eefths sfeerney lur,"1 Iswssdsr. . thessth 7. s ; I toilet sets at Leavy. Dm, Peal and Mattes, Dentin! Dr. LiiMBsia Oconlistand Dr.ValHer,Otiipath. Dr. W. H. Slater. People who get reeultsadvertissinthe Journal. Cigars oa ice at the bowUagaad bil liard parlor. All Wads of Ohristmas cigars at the Bowling Parlors. Dr. & A. AUesbarger, State Baakbuildiag. Toys of all kinds at the fewest prises at Bran's, Eleventh street. Deliofeaa brick iee cream lor sale at the bowling aad bilherd perler. sherbet and cahas of all kinds to order at Jones' Bakery. Mrs. A. D. Jssesa of Central City was a Columbas caller last Saturday. L Hibberasioa of Omaha wa aColam Dasbmitor the latter part nf last week, Mr. aad Mrs. Will Rosso left Friday afternoon for Spalding where they will make their future Wienie, daaghter of Mr. and Mrs. August Dietrich was also quarantined with scarlet fever last Saturday. Otto Ernst, accompanied by his sister. Miss Julia, of Schuyler are risitiag St the home of E. J. Ernst living southwest of town. The persosTwho lost the far at the A. O. H. Dance Thuksgiving sight caa have the same by calliag at FrieohboJz Bros, store. The home of H. B. Robiseoa quaraiated last Sstardsy for fever the little sen Wsltsr beiagamoted with the diesase. The home of Chns. the southeast part ef the city inedfor small-pox, Mrs. qssrsnt- Spiece bsls; sflfeted with the Wait fer the Wg Plaae Sale darusg Nefeataer aad Deeean her at R.W. Salej's Mask Store la Nerth epera hease. The Union Pacific has pat ia two pools jusv oott,thps- ieiaaeaare oz-ise Bacher, who has been visiting relatives ia Logansport, Indiaaa, and Ohio, for the past stoats retaraed to her home in this city Friday evening. Frank Gerears and Wm. O'Brien were at North Platte Saaday aawstisg in the initiation of a class in the local ledge of the Knights of Columbus at that plane. Theodore and James Coltoa ef Lin coln arrived in the city Friday evening and will visit at the home of their bro ther Frank Colton aad family for si days. BssJusm in the matrimonial Una at the county judge's onfee has beea light the last week, bat oae license beiag issued, to John Eby aad Kate Miller, both of FBUertoa. R. a Palmer the tailor, dens, dyes sad repairs Ladies' sad Gents' clothing. Bets cleaned aad rsblocked. Button BMdeto order. Ageat Dye Works. Nebraska Phone. Bev.L. B DeWesT pastor of the 1st Methodist church had aesli to Chapman on Sunday to preach s funeral one of his Parishioners sear Mrs. VanSickls, and the Bev. Gregory preschea aad evening here. Oae of the neatest and best gotten ap circulars sent oat from this city was the holiday sale ckeular of the Gray Mer cantile Co., which was printed by. the Journal tola week. 1 hi sosmthisg oat of the ordinary and will no doubt being goodiMsults. Gsa was tamed in the mains of the Oolambas Gas company this weak, aad those who had service pipes csnneoted began using it Several of the Dusisem booses have installed gas for lighting purposes and it produces a very satis factory light. ' t Bev. G. A. Masro, pastor ef the Oea gregstioBaleharch, went to Omaha Tans day where he will enter a hospital lor aa oBsration, and espeeta to he absent for some time. His host of Columbus friends hope for his speedy return im prove in health. Tom Aakue who has been bags en the Norfolk seeassger. for the year or ao,left test Thursday for Lin- coin where he hss seesptsd s peeitioB Wff - '- M-mhst-tau,Ksu. The maay frieedsof Tom re gret his departare. Theaew arraagem t of having seat bound iisiiagirs cress the track aad hoard the train from the esuth eiee,k -proving aaythiag but a snsvsBiaacs to peessagets. Waste this ussy prove a safeguard agates! sssweets, the travel ing pubke do not issrisists it stsse ssat For thaawst time is a long white sM C. axe ewoypu the test year! their emflsy ss,. aad they. have bass short hesmsd siBtinasHj.j Bat now "tt -i"r! ihinr i siil i in l ' -'' " p enmnsmm ewmmmsmsmmmuw sjbjbjbbbs- gJti W& I ihe I-k-rifirstf Mr Isssli -- --- I " mr ? -j, UBunnnni t Do Your Choosing Anyjj Time Now it i i; v ". We're as ready aa hig haying uMhe a jewelry store. We doa'i believe you'll have to ex I i our stock for aaythiag. jt'a new enoagh aad varied eaongh and large enough to jus tify oar saying there is nothing to to be gaiaea by going farther (hen' our store, Ourlktof s the ef a r i patronage. Asd could all who read this take a peep at our array, there wonld be no doubt of- the result However we are expecting sad looking for s visit frost you, sad we feel abundantly able tb, 'stake your call istersstiag aad profitable. EJ. J. I T , ..-.-- i ueweier ec vspucutn . j WwPem)S)psisiejp s)pesosp!ae1 Dr. Nauawas. Deatist 18 8t Hies Holiday presents at Lesvy's. G. B. Prieb, painting and paper hanging. Wanted Girl for general houeewerk. Mrs. F. K. Strother. - Dr. D.T. Martyn. jr. Oolum- bss Stste Bank building. Dr. L. P. Osrstensoa, Veteriusrisn both phones ail. CoIsbUms, Neb. Mrs. J. F. Kirkpstrick spent several days of last week visiting friends in Liacola. Fresh oysters, bulk sad oaa, alwaya on hand. Will have a large supply for Ohrintocss. Jones' Bakery. A box of cigars will auks a vary aiee Obristasss present. The finest line in the city at the Bowling Parlors. For Sale Harness shop doing goor? also shoes reji sliop io-oon-. Call on or address Pster Mnn- ter, Monroe, Neb. Wait for the hig Plane Sale daring Nereafcer and Deeeai ber at R. W. Saley's Hasie Stere la North eaera hease. The matters in litigation between the Columbus 8tate Bank and Thomas Branigaa. have been settled out of court, to the satisfactioB of both parties. Aa aocident to the Journal press while printing the edition last week, caused considerable delsy, bulwith the help of Louie Meier every thingx is sgaiB ia running order. Harry Erb, who has beea at Silver Greek the last ssontb, is visiting his uncle, H. B. Bead, for several days He will remain "here until Christmas, when he goes to hie home in Alliance. Baptist chares, Saaday school 10 a. m. Preaching by the pastor 11 a. ur. aad 730 p m. Morning subject, "Pressing Toward the Mark." Evening subject,) "The Kind, of Clothes to Wear." Mrs. J. L. Brunken entertained the evening card dab Thursday evening and the usual good time was reported. Be frsshaeeats were served. The honors were won by Otto Kummer and B. F. Colton. Miss Boss Froehlich and Miss Anns Miller of Norfolk spent Friday nt the home of Mm. Bosena Wolf. The form er will spend the winter in this city while the tetter left Saturday for Obey ease where she will visit for some time. The walla of the new TouBg Men's Christian associatioo building have reached the second story and thewisdow frames sre being placed ia position. As the building nesrs completion thseiti sens of Columbus xasbse what aa im provement to the oity it will be. EauttaawMwwai BIG CUT PEICE Toys, and Dolls, Books, Toilet Cases, Wooden Toys Call and get prices vSpecial price a to Schools or CKurcHes on Christinas Candies Nuts and Fruits ::::: PO ESCH'S The teHewiagfcasitiOamhaBseef Wedaeeday is eapesialry gratifyiag to flelsmhaa aassls, as it grves great en it to the promoters of the After h lining esters! mssHsss to to- vesUsetothepfwjeet of the Nebraska Power company, which propsees to ereet a hydro electro pleat on the Loup river, the masafseturers eommittse of the CssMnsreisl elub submitted e report to the execwtWa eommittse of the dab Tuesday, which was ascepted, endorsing the pten nsv practical sad deserviag of support. PiseidsntM. E. Bsheock ef saay is lathe sHy sad has am plea to the fVmiereml slab. The comssay will be napltslisert tor tU0w 1800.090, The Oemmsrclal slab de olarea that the project dessrres the sap- port of Omehs haiisim the people of Nebraska. When ahown the report of the exi tive committee of the Commercial elub favoring the Loup river power project Mr.Baboookeaid: "Wears gratified at the eodorsemeat of the Omaha Commercial club. We know ite mesas soniethisg sad would not have been gives had not the project showa merit at the outeet. We waat local iaterest ia this nndertakiBg aad oombiaed with the eastern capital whoh will bis invested we will want eome local stockholders sad already have prouues of support when the time comes. As thsfinssois' flarry dies dowa we will hsve somethlag ooBBtrsctive to talk about. Cheap coal and ohesp gas have made the UMuufactariag center of Penn aylvanis snd Ohio and water power gave Minneapolis the advantages which en abled it to exceed its rivals in impor tance of its milling Ohesp water power will do ssore for Ostahs and Nebraska than anyone living can iniagiae, as oleotricity ia only in its infancy. It is bow a settled fact that Col will hsve s sew peessager depot in ths spring. Oeaaral Manager A. L. Mobler has written the railway eom sissioB that he intends to meet the de mands of the people of Colambus by greetings new depot or sn additioato the prissnt dig fe the sprisg. On m tount of the winter weather it Ja ins possible for the company to do aaythiag tt preseat. but as soon s spriag opens ipthey will commence work sad the "itixens sad Oommercisl Olab should use every effort to see that s new depot ind not sn sdditios tox tee old one in built. Beginning Sunday the Burlington Oolumboe snd Linooln trains go t Lincoln via Germantown, over the old main Mae. Tbisncn the foUowisg chssgrs ia Fhe morning passsngsr lssvss st 7 J6 in stead of ?: IS and arrives st p. m. in stead of 9 :li. The freight arrives st 6:46 a. m. isstssd ef 1:86 aad departs st 4 p. m. iBsteed of 4:9a The change to the new route hi a permanent one ssd lesves several towns formerly oa this line on the new suds line to the north- Gus. Lockner of Omaha through' the city Wednesday test on his way to Calofornla. Mr. Loekner hss real estate interests st Diego ssd IiosAsgelse that he is to look si tor. Tears ago Gas mania thia city, aad though be served ia the civil war, one would not think no by looking at him. We believe he is the youngest num. for hie years ia the stste of Nebraska, sad when asked kow be did it replied, "I take ear of myeelf." The new TJatoB Paeiflc steel oosoh, No. 499 hse beea pat oa ths Norfolk passen ger, nuking the first trip test Thursday evening. It ia a novel lookiag ear ahd attracts mush attention along the line One unique feature ia the lighting, with electricity, a email motor beiag placed on the trucks of the oar sad a belt from the car sxle faratehisg the aeotive pow er. Ia order to provide light while the car is standing, enough electricity is crated and stored to test for six without replesishing. ON: Xmas NM Goods laws theHeUdaye are are a greet assay additions to the Sunday set sole every Sunday. The city of Shelby the only y thesoantywl fire which is ths s the state. J. H.Jarmia of the that heal got knocked eat of the hex, and so he t over to Columbus to rest for a few days. Mm.KateLohr of Oolsmbn isovsH here hi the lead ef Bsulah visiting with the lativss are leate this ths old iag ground. The Ososola Camp of Modern thspriss for hsvmg the aamber of csndidstes st ths mtiagef David Oity. The city t dowa 44 eandidstea to travel the rough snd ragged road of WoodCrsft. The friends ns well as the old gestte man Hiram Jeffrey cslebratod these- susl birthday of the old gsstlsmsB who is just 84 years old, every year they hsve last dose it agnin. it slwsys asahea Mr. Jeff ray hsppy to know the frienda re- ember ths day ss wall as he. Osonote hoys sad girls were delighted st Saturday ia aaviag with them Prof. E. C. Bassos sad L.L.Zook both of Lincoln and Miss Luis Wolford of Paw ace City who doHverad grand addrsssss stthsboys ssdgirteoontests, the boys is corn raising sad the girls ia cookisg. There was s very large atteadaace at the masting. Mr. sad Mm. Jobs Jaaiagar.ef Oohus baaara over here to Oeseote snd will spend the rest of the winter visiting with their nssseross children. They are at present at the home ef their daughter Mr. aad Mm Will Hsrrmaa, ths Mr. and Ma. Paul Timwttestoh tbBandif they can set sreund hew re sprisgthey will go to ths eld home at Hoe. J. L. Makeever came out from NswTorkendput bin tew days of his is wife's parenta Mr. and st I7u broad wsy, besides esscesin other big city's. He says the only wsy they felt the late panic waa to double up on Dumsess snd tnea some, lor tne Dag money men draw there ssoaey from the beaks and placed ia suning stock with Mao. First-doss printing done at the Jour nal As usual, ws hsve the largest meat of Christpss candies in town toss- leetfrom. Jones' Bakery. For faaey Weddiag Stationery, pro graam or CalhsYcsrds, don't fail to tie the Journal figure with yoa. An etegsat Use of eboolies, hobby horsse,, go-carts, tables, chairs, beds aad cradles at Braaa's, Eteveath street. Dont worry about what yoa should bay for Sums. Goto Braan's, Eteveath street, sad youll aes somethisg suitable at first glance W.H. Randall of this oity aatly surprieed test week by a visit from hte brother, Clark T.Bsadsll of Sarato ga, Spriags, N. Y. It hss been thirty years rises the brothers parted sad Mr. Randall's tret trip to the west. Last week Max Schubert of Chicago purchased the live stock sad other pro lierty of Tom Branigaa ia eoanectioa with bis sale bars. Mr. Schubert also gooared a lease on the barn and is hav ing it remodelled sad repeiated. He wiU.coatiBae ia the sate bmnssm aad be gia ss soon ss be getsniesly located. The Preebyteriaa people are requested to worship with the Congregational peo ple next Sabbath aaoraiag, aa the pastor of the Presbyterian church will preach is the Gbagregstionsl chares, in confor mity to a request of Rev. Munro, who will be away. Services will be conduct ed in the Presbyterian oharch in the evening aa uauaL All sre iavited to services. Mathilda btoager aad Laoflle delightfully entertained the members of the Sophomore or Tenth grade of ths high school Fridsy eveaiag st ise semr ox tae lormer. it wss a gstaenagaad is assay of a poverty social Car sad every guest wss dressed ia way. Bsfieshmssts were st teto hour the sweets de parted v their rasoeetive homes. ' a H.Netooa, oae of the men who ssstosced to serve five years is peaitoettaryfor ettemptiBg to rob ths of Moaros ahoat two veers sen. sppliceilen for the psrdes. to be aettissa of Sweden end tsataawid not have a fair trial. JadaeatalteBbssk, who was to the trial judge, teaotfevorahte to ths pedoa, as hsisef has jest Boats VaS. graiaiaOo- LP.HahaaedRedolphritoehBwrk Wm. jebef I J.' Asm AAAAMAAAgkAMABbBhenBnSBa. I "wsfemw X saVafst bbbsbbbbbT 9 m awnsu ssenuununj e I WMsw i Mites Flannel Ccmni Oothlihiertwd and AU Robber JWccl5cJlJ$Lfi,wi5l$L75 rect front the .ttw every hottle is of seew Kre rubber sjsi which weewassUto you cheaper thsa say ol owsler ia like svmoev emtj ALL RUBBER MOST RUBBER MORE RUBBER RUBBER Pollock Oo. The J. H. Hahahee thsBoehea iag moved on ate pteesead w ivert- mguiatosbara. He with anceoffourmei the buildiag. whieh four Brites te eas.hoar sad s hslfi nTs.4. Dodds Tuesdey. their fat hosstoSouth of Mm. Okas. Payne test Fridsy AWmnnlSsBJF lamfe amlsswamnWkSB fnmntsn srssam BSBMaaV Inn '" OIHniNI mBwawaWansWSu9eenyawW Theiafsat denghtsr of Mr. and the lest "toed hss-hessX over the roads oa this Bp the rough ia fine condition for winter. y Mr. and Mm. Adoiph tortsised test Sstardsy eveaiBg, ia honor of the twestv-eichth anniversary of their i Ma.3. Wm.Braakea from near vieitisg his parenta over Sunday. Jobs Keeter of Moa roe was the of F. Godekeh several days Msx Gottberg west to Alston Moaday to do eome engine work fori nsan nt that pteee. John Jeklee wss oa the CsIbi BMrket with hogs Tuseday, and tapped the market at $4.16. B. H. Koepke, who is teechiag the Gerasna school on the route, has thirty sine papila earollsd, mors thsa all ether school oa the route combined. Henry Brunkea aad Joha Boakarear raagiagtogo to Nevada ia a week or two with Bd Newman to look after seme auaug interests sad also do a little pro specting. Andrew Nelson sad family lOtto Joha Swsrts snd family Swansea Sunday. ted Old Jack frost i dowa fro the north like s hurrieaini it looks like winter oat doors. Bergetrom Bros bed aeedayand aa aaaeaally big crowd wss in attendance aad every thiag sold at a fairprice. Farmers in this seigbborhood hsve bees busy the testdsys haallsg com fromtowaor whererver they euld get boh! of it to supply their waste. Revival meetiags sre held st the Methodist eharch oa the LooUsgatess. A brother of Bev. Fred Stromsburg fe there to help deal oat Underwear UNION SUITS We have the for ths Maaciai beet popular. priced tl.fO to fliJMl Pries in boya'fromewc,7e,tl sad tUB. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS sspleeaidliaereBdyfor yo ia Qetot2Ma early white the aftss iffff Wittf ihsr S ysastity mthe chsspsr jaastuai X Draawist oaths Corner 3 5 Oelemhes, ffshtsasa - Sf jg tit tin gf gagig sag a as J laid fee Us sew house oa hie pteee, aorthesetof theHahn aoheelheuee. After eelliag bin ptuprntj st pukMa sale oa December it, A. W. Bsha wsl leave for Idaho, where he fetsndstoto- GRAY'S "SI a 1 i jM si -51 1 , l V fi ?, " -1-i " -i XrZ5 Ak's ,--J L-"J' 1 3? JSk S&tF-fL'JSS!. ul. ., i- rf" y 'rVirifiBialJ-i ix&2teite -r --'- . - s trwffev5- vpz