The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 04, 1907, Image 5

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In the Kitchen
with Mm Kittie
laAm Gaas, of CelBmbna,
i j friaade at this
kA.. -VT
-'.J-CTt iMTiTi . J--r,'--VJ."'i i . 3T i-fei.-J 'rt
r-i-TiF-iri tir:jjri-,cji - wt1. w-T, .s-srsiH- b(sfs
" x v ?' , rv ''.:-i?S'
H -TBM3. t3eV. ."b;AiiJ-.o-.vir
- c
Handy articles for comfort and clean
lineas are just at necessary and as
fully appreciated as articles for other
parts of the house.
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbw FF .
sbbbbbIsbbbbbbvMb aTsBPBsTkl vflajk
bbbbbbbbbw"bbbbbbbbw wW 'MrrrrSSSS
Mops, Brushes, Brooms,
As well as clothes lines, Pearline, Sapo
lio and other items, can always be had
here, "Johimy-on-the-spot," and at low
est poasible prices. Leave an order.
You know you need them.
I3th S.
Proaai tans SaaawmL
Mr. aad Mm. A. K. Both aad Mn. J.
S. Alpoaga wara Colaatbaa Tiaitoia
Mra. Joka. Pataraoa of Golaaibaa apeat
Thakativiaic with bar pareats, Mr. aad
. Mra. Mattia Baadall of Colarabaa aad
Miaa Blaaehe O'Goaaor of Genoa were
Thaakajriviaff caaata at thair aMHhara.
Mra. Haaaah O'Connor.
from tbe Adraace.
'Mias Maa Burrowa rataraed f roa a
waak'a yiait witL relatina atOolambaa.
'araadan Hoyt went down to Go
laaibaa Uoaday to vieit relatiraa until
after Thanksgiving.
Mr. aad Mn. Earneet 8ebaek aad
ehildraa waatdowa to Oolaaibos Mon
day on a Tiait to relative.
A letter from Loop City reached thia
office this morning announcing the ar
rival of Kathryn Ellen Hinmaa on Nor
19. 1907. at tha home of Mr. and Mn.
Harry A. Hinmaa.
Mr. aad Mrs. J. & Adaaw arrived
Tuesday from Lake Stdeoa an extended
visit with relatives. Mr. Adams disposed
of his business interests at Lakeside and
has so far aot definitely decided apon
cis fatare pi
Frost the Feat.1
Now that we an to have a water work
system we mast have a fire department.
The hose can has already arrived aad
woalditaot be wise to call a meeting
aad form aa orgaaizaition.
Miaa Kate Borer aad Peter Berger,
the form the 17 year old daughter of
Mr. end Mrs. Peter Borer, well-to to peo
ple liviag a few miles soathwestof Lind
say aad tbe Utter a farm head employ
ed by them, wen the parties forming
aa elopement. Taesday asoraing Mr.
Berger boarded the passenger aad want
to Hamphrey where he hired a team
aad drove back to Taeo. Hittnera at
which place Miss Borer waa working
aad was accompanied back by the y oang
lady. They then took thetraia toOo
lambaa aad ao tnoa has been nude.
Mr. Borer aad M. L Bamakem went
dowa to Oalambas yesterday bat could
aot locate them. The cease for the
elepmeatis aot known as the subject of
marriage waa aot even broached by the
yoaas coaple, who an held ia high es-
ley her pareats aad irtenda.
Gents' Furnisnin Goods
I lalysmoetweeafiTeaadaixe'eloekTass- llrlT II I 11 If TT
(fe.1 I T - I . v a tha tasdmin IflnllllLI
i;ii -af JUtyxir JfJUUKSK fast wfsb aiN) rama lantna- I beea
m& 1. I wntlwagbt
latr'l ' 'iv I ' br aim I sim asm 1 1 1 1 Sm I "V bWb mm maS mm I F
Lsmll I- 1" M M BJBJ fBJ 7 TBlay aasssi
aBpiaalf'l1- tW . . . .. .. . TV. -- - mmmmm. . m A .
aa I - xitti sa-eetv uoiumbiii. I -- " -TT.r r a tl rAonrnrA-rtfa Mnmt
hem mm 4 CO.
Fraa tke HnmJoanaL
Sandy Gnawold, Nabraaka's aportiaf
oraela,anaatMoBday hamoa tha sand
ban. He was the tint of him nM
' friend. Sam BichaKwd.
Word ooBMa from California
Graat Stnefc, oaoe a naidaat of
place, receatly died from a at.oke of
paralyaia. Ha Ured at ' Hantiactoa
Lyaua Harris hat sold his plaoa,
knows as tha Woodliae farm, toB.F.
ParviB.for80aaacr. Thia is the top
price we believe, for farm land ia this
section. The farm ia close to town and
well improved. r , . 7v. . -
Then are ao hodcarrien in Japan.
Tha native builders have a method of
transporting mortar which makes it
eeem store like play than work to the
oalookar. The saortaria mixed ia a pile
in the street One man makes Una ap
into balls of aboat six nonnda each.
which be tosses to a man who stands on
a ladder midway between the roof aad
tie around. Thia man eatehea the hall
aad tomes it ho to a ana who ataada oa
the roof.
' Agaea Gee went to Columbus Thare
day to speed the day with frieada.
Mn. Loran Clark visited frieada in
St. Edward over Sunday aad retaraed
home Monday afternoon.
Mrs. B. JealtiaaoB who has beea hare
atteading the faaerel of her Brother,
Mrs. W. H. Morris, retained to bar
hosM at Loup City Monday.
James Nevele arrived home from his
western trip Thursday morning. He
had beea goae for aboat three weeks
aad when last heard from waa qaite
sick ao that his folks wen getting con
siderably worried.
Mra. O. W. Templetoa aad child
transferred ben Monday. She
been to Fullerton to visit her parents
before going to O'Neil where Mr. Tem
pleton has a position on n new demooret
paper started there.
B. F. McBride of lower Cedar, one of
the old timen aad aa original aimon
pan democrat, the only genuine blown
in tbe bottle kind, waa in the city Mon
day. Baa says he ia aot feeliag at all
well and hie health is badly shattered.
He showed as tha aeedletaat dwelt ia
his aaatomy f or over twenty yean aad
chat worked oat a few months ago.
Whether that baa nnythinr to do with
his pnseat phyetcel condition he does
aot kaow.
Kebi, Satarday
Ve aid
Mr. sat
from Goto
Mrs. J. F. Carrig
giviag day with their
Surveyor QoMobaU has ban ap fi
Oetambwstbm weak earveyiag tea part
of tha Martia Barn farm wkith waa
parchsssd ay Tom Lyneh aad Pat OJoa-
aa opsratiaa at St.
Mary'a hospital ia
wiiawM UII1 Jt
aiealy. which bar maay friaada wfll be
Mrs.0. J. Carrie ud baby cameap
from Colmmbaa lastSatarday, aad while
ben wara gaents at tha hoaan of Mr. aad
Mrs. Eagene Mackaa aad Mr. aad Mrs.
R. W. Osatlsmsa, retaraiag bona
Ervia Nieholsoa last weak bad
oliae engine iaatallad oa bis farm soata
wastof towatfor thaparnoaa af pamp
tag water for hiaatoak, Thanana.aita
a aambsr of these sagiaesia this vieiai-
ty, they havag saaalaatad wiad auUa,
lam liable te get oat of repair, aad they
do the work whether tha wind atowa or
Yesterday sroraiagwhea Mr. aad Mrs.
Joe, Liabay and thair aaa John wan com
lag to towa, driviag a team of males
hitched toa two seated baggy, at the
B W.OeaUemaa farm oaa aide of the
pole, when it ia attached to the axle,
came loose. John got oat to tx it aad
tha team started aad got away from him.
They came iato towa with the baggy
awkiag eaake ttaeke all the way
Mrs. LMbigaittiagiatheseat.Mr. Lie
big hanging to the hied aad of tha bag
gy aad tha liaaa dragging. Aa they
tamed north at the bank comer Dick
Began canght the males by their heads
aad etopped theaa. No oaa waa hart
and nothing was brokea. It is nmsrk
able that the team ahoald ran folly a
aaile.tura low ooraan, aad with bat
oaeaide of tha pole faataaad aothing
Mr. aad Mrs. a O. Terry
wen at
Colambae Wedaeadsy.
Born on 8aaday, October 34, to Mr.
and Mn. Boy Tharstoa, a bob.
Mrs. Kdwia Hoan aad daaghter Alice
retaraed from Liasola Tasaday.
MiaaMabla Tbantoa of Geaoaapeat
Saaday at the home of Mr. and Mm.
Half. Schram, aooompaaied by bar
daaghter Mim Helen, wan ia Colnm
baa this week.
Miaa Daiey Cash of Albion was an
over 8uaday gaeat at tha home of Mr.
sad Mrs. Priest.
WTE. Cole, who baa beea confined to
his room for soaae time, is maeh better
aad will sooa be able to be oat agaia.
F. K. Strother baa been ap from
Oolnmbaa thia week assist lag ia makisg
tha traasfer of the Kelly -Potter Merean
tile Go, stock to OarUale.
Mr. aad Mrs. 0. W. Talbitsar left
Taesday for Niks, O, aad Batter, Pa.,
whan they wiU visit Mrs. Talbitxer'a
father. They expect to nmsia in the
sast aatil spriag.
Taesday nfternoon aparks from tbe.
engiaeofthe pimingH traia set fire to
sosae bay atocka baloagiag to&E.
Ohspin, aboat a mile west of Oeoaee,
aad baraed tbna atocka. Tha eeetion
men wen near at the time aad aaceead
ediaaaving three other ataoka.
Frost tha LoeUaseiae.
Charley Zeigter topped 'the ssarket
for hogaia So. Omaha last week It
wsslve cents, bat the peckere have pat
the pool pries down to aader four siaoe.
Charley was ia lack open.
Qua Bscher of Oolambaa waa ia towa
oa Tuesday. Gas ia oaa of the early
birds of Nebraska, waa ban whea we
oameia'aV. Helaof thefirmof Beeher,
Hookeaberger Chambers, tbe live
irm of real eatata maa of Colambua.
They wish yon a Marry
F. T. Walker of Oolambaa waa
calliagoa frieada and relatives ia town
a few daya this week.
Mr. aad Mra. Thed Magaire went
dowa to Oolambns Moaday to eoasult a
physician ia regard to Mr. Magairesia
jnredknes. John Toresaa and Sunday at his
borne aaar Taraov, after aa illaeas of
asvaral weeks, the immediate eaaaa of
bis death being a paralytic stroke.
Gab Pedanoa aad Mary
toawkaat Satarday eve
aiag bom Pierre, 8oath Dakota, aear
they have beea boldiag dowa
far tha past few asoataa.
They have lived tha reqaired amoaatof
time on thair hnmsstmils aad they an
eatiUed to patieauto tha lead. Home
steed life asssmW hare agreed with the
girisas they an JaoUag healthr aad
a atnbaof war.
in aad six Valoak Tasa
At the time of
at five e'etnek last
McOttiswaa anaadtowaaU
ngly ia his
fl"V w wUmvaaana
Ke.U 40Saat
"p. Mm
0w !...... 2tMpsi
ffwK aw.. SdMlpenl
Mo. 8 -Mpm
No. t ZdHpm
No. 98 Mlm
sr-Auao a Kumom.
KaHaud ASdSam ..d7:3ai
Ma.saa ..aUtm
N.81aw .
No. tt pat.
.a 748am
cm. 1.1 7 aad Si
hoi. s aan am awii uauw only.
the Item.
Fred Besler Las nrrivsd from Obsrlin,
Ohio. Ha expects to nmsia Inn a few
daya aad then go to bharidsa, Wyom
ing. He says that his father ia bow liv
iag at Psadalton, Ongoa.
Mrs. Mary Hart of this city met with
qaite aa acoideot last Friday. ' While
splitting wood aha fell sad fractured bar
shoakler. -Aa she Uvea aloae aad ao one
to care for her. Mat Mort Irish, bar
raigbbor, kindly volaateend to anna
heraatilsha neovan from herniary.
What is termed a religions awakea
ingis aboat to take plsee in Follertoa,
A stock company has been formed to
baild a tabernaokle aad secare theser
viesa of Bev. Lincoln McOonaelL a pro
fessional evangelist. Theoraaade against
His Satanic Majeaty will open aome
tiawia January.
From tha
Mr. Ladeaberg sad daaghter of Oo
lnmbns wen visiting their daughter and
sister in thia city the first of the week.
C L. Harris, who took Mrs. Harris to
Kansas a few weeks ago for her btaltb,
returned today. We an glad to be able
to report that Mm, Harris is some better
then whea abe left Genoa.
Let's see didnt sosae fellow predict
that, owiag to spots on the snn, or eome
thing of tbe eort, we would have a apell
of weather aboat the 20th of the present
month If the weather the past week
was caused by "spots on the sua" what
m the mstter with hiring aome fellow to
paiatafew spots on the "Orb of day"
that won't come off.
W. a Irish aad Miss Tillie Person
wen married at the home of the bride's
parents on the Looking Glass valley oa
Wednesday evening last, Bev. C. W.
Wimberly officiating. The wedding
was a qaiet one, only n few of the re
latives being preseat. Mr. aad Mm.
Irish will coutinae to make their home
in thin city aad will oosapy the residence
formerly owned by J. M Perrigo.
Froat the World.
Jack Price was over from Ooluaibns
this week.
Wo. Loeeke and Carl 8chutte had
buainen at Columbus Satarday.
Henry 8chlueter took a sick horse to
Columbaa Tasaday aad had it treated
by Veteriaary 8argoea Garstaneon.
Mr. Schlaeter returned Thursday with
hie horse completely cared.
Gerd Asche won a suspicions look on
his face Monday morning nnd finally
called the editor aside and told him
that a tea pound girl had arrived at
their home the evening before.
Last Friday morning Bodolf, Charlie,
John and Emil Hobza greatly surprised
their brother Ed by driving into hie
yard at four o'clock in the morning with
four huge loads of oora which they had
gathered from his field while be waa
still in the land of dreams. Thia was
only the beginning of their daya work.
Ao Ed was a little behind with his hank
ing, his brothere took thia mesne of
helping him out which was greatly ap
preciated by aim.
Aa Joe Klinsky was driving into
darkson from the aonth, last Satarday
Boon, he noticed that tbe stnbblefie'd ad
joining the town was on fire. He hast
ened to notify the citisens who at first
scoffed at the idea of any possible dan
ger, but ere many moments had elapsed
tbe fir itself came roaring over tbe hill
at a f arioaa rete of speed. Thoroughly
aroaeed. citizens sad fireman both turn
ed oat ia full force and by their com
bined effortn aucceededln checking the
fiime just as they reached the residence
portion of the town.
-Dates oaa be made at the
Joaraal Omos
Wa iavlto aU who desire choice
atsak.aad the very best eata of
all ether maste to call at.oar
.US an
. SJSai
. dSBpat
. 74Saa
intlmr Bail-II I amillKll- I
esiAnjSJESSSJBJI8njV WWIMJia fvanr
a-BimsMBial mVaVas Maahaw
apaaajgaavm mayiamf mmnay
Tha railroad companies la former
daya spared ao expense when It came
to the coastractioB or ornameatatioa
of their loooamotlvaa. which were aot
oaly tha pets of the aagtaeen aad tha
pride of tha whole road bat also dally
asoviag adrertteenaats of the service.
Ia these tweatieti ceatary daya of
black, pooled locomotives whose aua
ten change every trip It aeeaa a far
cry back to the romantic daya of rsil
roadiag. whea every road tried to oat-
do Its rivals la tha way of dandy en
glaea, of which tha eagJneen wara
tha ahaolata masters.
No oaa bat a certain apeclSai aa
glaaar waa allowed to ma oaa of theaa
eagJaee aader aay drcaawtaaeaa, aad
whea it became aecessary to place tbe
engine la the shop for Jt thoroagh
ovarhaaliag tha eaglneer alt work
aatil tha machinists had got throaga.
Perhaps the beat examples of all
dandy engines were two boaght by the
New Haven road la the 'Sea.
' Theaa engines, which ware moasten
for those days, had driving wheels Iva
feet nine laches ia diameter aad coat
aboat 16.01 each. Tha cab waa nude
of aolld walaat Inside the roof of the
cab waa composed of narrow alternate
strips of amhogany and walaat The
aide windowa wara nude of stained
Jast aa much expense waa lacarred
to make the outside of the engine at
tractive. First, the frame waa made
of planed steel, highly polished. The
driven were all painted red, with a
tiny black stripe.
From the cab to the sand box every
thing waa covered with brass, even the
Jacket of the boiler, while from the
aaad box to the stack the boiler waa
covered with Russian Iron. Around
the dome and tha aaad box waa a cov
ering of bran and the cyllnden aad
steam chests were enclosed with the
same1 metal. Strips of bran were mid
along the edge of tha running boards
and the hand raile were of brass pip
ing, with large bells of brass, eagles
or something of the kind at the end.
Oa the side of the headlight of No.
18, whose engineer waa Edward Chat
terton, waa painted the United Statea
coat of arms, while the tender of No.
14 had the same device on the aide.
The tender waa painted black and
enameled, while all .the striping waa
Biade with gold leaf.
The engineer or No. 34, Mayaard
8mith, alwaya wore white duck, aa la
deed did maay of the other old tun
engineers, aad he waa very exacting.
When he climbed Into the cab of his
engine jast before starting oa a trip
he would take out his white handker
chief aad wipe the different braaa fit
tings la the cab to see If all had beea
properly cleaned.
' Many of the engines in aae la the
early daya were named instead of be
ing numbered. On the New Haven A
Hartford road, which connected the
two cities before the consolidation, the
engines bore such namea as Andro
meda, Venus, Orient and Adonis. Some
engines had landscapes painted on the
sides of the cab.
In those daya the engineer was the
aristocrat .among railroad men. Aa
aooa aa he reached the end of his ran
he would take off his overalls, tura
over the engine to a hostler, wash his
hands at the tender cock and step
off right at the station, his work done
until the return trip.
If any repairs were seeded he did
not consider that his duty had beea
fulfilled whea a report had beea turned
la. He made it his particular baai
aeaa persoaally to aee that the repalre
ware properly executed. Oftea aa
eaglneer would spead houn of hw owa
time to get his machine Into tha very
best condition. Under the preseat
system the engineer gets away aa aooa
as possible and doesn't show up again
until ready to take out his runonce
. Railroad Statistics.
The lateratate commerce
aton has made public aa abstract of
Its nineteenth annual statistical report
covering tha year ending Juan M),
190S, showing the par valae of nil.
way capital outstanding waa $147f .
41i;478, or $67,36 per mile of the rail
waya In the United States. Of thia
over 33 per cent paid no dividends.
Of the railways stock outstanding S3,
267,175,799 was owned by railway cor
porations and of railway bonds 1841,
305,930 waa ao reported. The aggre
gate gross earnings from the operated
mileage of 222,340 miles of lines were
1225.765,107, being $243,282,761 great
er than la 1905. Their operating ax
peases were 31,536,877,271, or $146,
275413 more than la 1905. The net
earnings aggregated $788,887,896, aa
Increase of $97,007,844. Deducting
fixed and other charges, the report
says $385,186,328 is the set Ibcobm for
the year available for divtdeads or
surplus. There were 977,507,838 paa
aeagere carried, aa iacrease of over
00.000,000. aad 1.641,374,219 teas of
freight carried, aa Iacrease of over
The report shows that 10,018 per
bobs ware killed aad 97,700 Injured.
There was a total of 1.521.356 per
aoas oa the pay roU. . The report
shows that one passenger waa killed
for every 2427,941 carried, while la
1905 oae was killed for every 1,375,
850. Oaa persoa waa injured for
every 74476, as against oaa la every
70,055 in 1905.
Aprlna Indiaa library la
tag oae. Aa Arlsoas jadaa, who baa
stadylag this tribe, says that
they select aeveral proatialag yoaths
of their tribe from tine to taw for
living libraries of their traditioae, sad
they an carefalry iastractad Is the
historical legends nartoJaiag to their
tribe, baiag required to
faithfully to aseasory. They la tare
their sBceasaors, sad thus
the trsdUfcms ia theexaet
lBprwes lie
Its Vse wL Protectkm and
Guarantf3t) Against
Alum Food
Uncomfortable Hewdah Fording Riv
en and Passing Through Forests.
There were two elephants at our
disposal -and myself and the interpre
ter rode the first, each occupying half
of the bowdah. The howdah has a
'peculiar and objectionable habit of
nearly sacceedlag ia cutting your legs
ia two.. If yoa haag your legs outside
you may pad the edge aa much aa
you like, bat if yoa are aew to tha
game yoa will wake la about half an
hour from an uneasy dose with the
painful coavictioB "that the lower
halves of your legs hsve dropped off.
On squirming up Into a position
from which you can view the outside
world yoH will see they are still dang
ling there, but with an irresponsibili
ty which suggests that they have beea
frayed through to the last shred. Ab
normal efforts allow you to drag them
safely inside and yoa think it will be
better In future to keep them there.
The elephant Is almost as fine a ve
hicle to see the surrounding country
from aa a London bus, and there is a
considerable-elemeat of excitement in
his progression. The elephant I rode
had a fatal habit when it came to a
river bank or bit of rough ground of
looking around and picking out what
seemed the worst bit he could see.
Dowa oae aide of a river It seemed
aa If he waa engaged in trying to
stand oa his head and I could look
out of the howdah, although I was ly
ing therein, and observe the fishes
darting over the stoaes la the water
just under my lord's noble forehead.
More than once on these journeys the
beast would patiently slouch through
the trees and bushes off the track in
search of something' edible quite re
garless of the fact that the branches
threatened to sweep howdah and
everything else over the stern.
But quite one of the most peculiar
sensations waa when they took it
into their heads to have a scratch
against the telegraph poles. It would
be a wonderful line which could with
stand the solid work the elephant ex
pects its posts to carry out and when
the number two beast leaned too hard
and the post snapped I could almost
see the mild and somewhat indignant
surprise reflected from one Intelligent
face to the other. Singapore Free
CLOSIIfi 00! !
HAVING too many irons in the fire .
I have decided to close out my
racket store between now. and Christmas.
. Our goods are all marked in plain figures
and as an inducement we will give
With each and every 25c purchase, T
goods to the value of ul)
With each 50c purchase goods iAeT
to the value of IUU
With every $1.00 purchase OCaT
- goods to the value of tMl -
Third Door North First Nat'l Bank
Tha Mlajava Yucca t
Tha Creeping Oak af
California has oaa tree which Is tha
persoalficaUoa of sxyatery. Fouad
Bowhere else la the world. R had a
mysterious origia aad thrivaa la a ra
gfcm of saystery.
The Mojava yucca la a vegetable
freak which has developed into a
speclea. It haa tha characteristica of
aeveral plaata, to which ao nlatioa
ahip can be traced.
It ia aa endogea, yet ita hark abows
concentric rings such as characterise
the exogeaous stems. It lives aad
thrives ia great aumbers la a regkm
early devoid of vegetatloa. la a land
of heat aad thirst sad barrenness.
Another tree la California which
haa a peculiar personality la the creep
ing oak of Monterey.
Nowhere ia the vegetable Uagdom
caa be fouad ao true a representative
of monopoly. The tree la of gnarly
growth, its limbs, like those of the
sycamore, bending nnd twisting 1b all
Wherever a branch touches tha
earth it takea root and becomes, aa it
were, another trunk, though still a
branch of the aula stem, drawing
BoarisBBMBt both from the parent
stem nnd from the aew aonrce. Ia
this manner the tree la spread till It
has taken possession of five acres of
ground, and it la still advaaciag. P.
She Meant a Mantle.
Thomas A. Edisoa was discussing at
Atlantic City the various devices for
Increasing the brilliance and diminish
ing the cost of n gas jet.
"Many of tbese devices have for
base a mantle," he said. "Ton knuw
what a mantle looks like? Thea youll
appreciate a remark I overheard la a
hardware dealer's.
"A young woman eatered the shop
aad said:
" 'Have yoa got those things for Im
proving a gas light?"
"Yes, madam.' said the dealer.
Here is a complete set, fittiags. chim
ney nnd mantle, all for '
M 'Oh. I doa't want the set,' said the
young woman. Tve got the metal part
and the chimney, but the little white
ehlrt is busted. It's oaly oae of them
I want.'"
Mmr SB as " ' a wmmmt so mirmmmmmwmmMm w a I Btaaarva
nPKSmnal -- smamaBEp EVVaBaanwaBBBBa aaj aamMSSwBBBBS8a
recited b
stTJBtisaYmMi JtHssa r
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