The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 04, 1907, Image 1

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Ctomolidted with the Ctolmpfroi Time April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1 1906.
IB unaVssuw - p
I? f
Hockenberger &
Whenever desiring investment
in real estate, either farm loads
or town Iota, it will be to your
interest tn consult our lists. We
.also have several- Rood dwellings
for rent in Columbus, and it will
pay yon to come and see us before
completing your arrangements.
Money to loan in any amount on
fihort notice.
Fire, Tornado and Accident
Hockenberger &
Old Corn
New Corn
Hogs. $4 20 to $4 25
Filea of the Journal, Dec 3, 1873.
On Thanksgiving, a team belonging to
a Mr. Hyden, contrary to the usual quiet
of the day, ran off and colided with Dr.
Stillman's drug store, making a hole in
the front, and racking the corner of the
building considerably. We didnt ascer
tain what amount of "damages" Mac
claimed, but we have no doubt that he
was very reasonable.
B. S. Dayton informs us that a meeting
is soon to be called in the Humphrey
school district to .take measures to build
a school house; also, tht a county bridge
now fipass Tracy creek near his dwelling
on the road from Oolumbus to Madison.
These are important matters to that
neighborhood. They show the enter
prise of the citizens of Humphrey pre
cinct. '
There are numerous complaints against
the condition of the public highway be
tween Columbus and the south side of
the Platte river in other words, the
bridge across the Loupe is by no means
what it ought to be. The trade that
now comes from south of the Platte is
going to slip away from us if we do not
make a permanently safe crossing over
that stream.
Experiments in raising cotton in Kan
sas have been made the past year with
entire success, and the crop for that
locality is urged upon the farmers as one
that will prove profitable. In many
places in Nebraska the same experiment
has been tried with good results. Two
years ago since we were shown a fine
specimen of cotton raised in a town lot
in Columbus.
At the Higk Scheel.
Miss Waterhouse was visiting the
Omaha public schools Tuesday of this
The schools will have a two weeks1
vacation during the holidays, beginning
December 20.
Max Betterton, of the manual train
ing department, has made a very fine
table for Prof. Britell.
Notwithstanding the present epidem
ic, the attendance during the last
months was larger than that for the
same month a year ago.
The Thanksgiving football game be
tween Columbus and Madison resulted
in a victory for Madison by a score of 6
to 4. The attendance was very good
and the boys netted a neat little sum for
the benefit of the Athletic association.
Much disappointment was expressed
on account of Father Tihen in being un
able to fill bis engagement under the
auspices of the High school lecture
course, as he was very sick at his home
in Wichita, Kas. It is hoped that he
will be able to fill the engagement later,
as he was one of the best numbers of
the coarse.
Wanted. Apprentice girl's at
UHIVS Dressmaking Dept.
Tie Winter Term
of the
Cmire'nl Cilligi
Opus IflNiif , . 2
m?M. . New clsesss organised the plant into eommiQMoa has been pest-
mW in aU buwnsss nnd
W&C ' ateaographie hraaehsa.
mM tioa required. Write aadthe oompeay beta rendhMsa te eeet past ef town, lest Weamesdey ssora-
mp; . -1 term. :: fca wa. ted i. amrtia to
t- SBaV. inn nwsjii saaii as nzmansnsBnnnmw' - m rnnn aw.ww mpiewasaaT
mm"' L ft GanUlian !!?? ami mcm. rrr-.'r"-.! Both Columbus
mf X ?L?2mr Mratm.-7.8alej'tMifc8t t!SSZ!J Phones 74 Nebraska
BKir. " am wie wnrwa-aiwmnw, umy waem ieay WM aWSM) UkSmT hoses. rir.iriiMiinBMy
At the regular meeting of the beard ef
education Monday evening the only
matter of importance, outside of routine
business that was taken up, was the sit
us ion in the city regarding email pox,
diphtheriaand scarlet fever. From the
beginning the board has been working
in harmony and under the direction of
the board of health in their endeavor to
stamp out these diseases, and especially
toward preventing the school rooms
from being a source from which they
could spread. All the buildings are
taken care of according to beet known
sanitary methods and fumigated regu
larly, so 1 hey are the safest place for
the children. Whenever a child shows
any symptoms whatever of sickness
they are at once sent home by the teach
er and not allowed to return until the
physician permits it. Under present
conditions the board and faculty of the
school feel they are doing everything
that can be done, and with the co-operation
of the parents, expect to maintain
the present healthful conditions of the
A party of fourteen Masons went from
hereto Columbus Friday afternoon to
assist in the ceremonies attending the
Uying of the corner siobc of the new Y.
M. C. A. building which is to be erected
there. The visitors report a good tisse.
Governor Sheldon was present aad
delivered the principal address. Those
composing the party were: A. J. Lind
ley, nert May, Percy Gardner, W. 8.
Oarder, Rev. O. E. Bovard, Ernest Clark,
E. H. Kraesman, W. M. Welsh, Geo.
Clark, Frank Caldwell, A. H. Anthony,
Evans Crites, John Miller and J. B.
Hathaways. & D. Ayrss and W.A. Mc-
Cullough also went down as represen
tatives of the local association. Central
City Nonpareil.
F. T. Walker returned from Texas
last Saturday evening laden with sam
ples of vegetation produced by that lo
cality. Among the specimens were sev
eral bunches of oranges still hanging to
the branches of the trees which looked
rather out of place here in December.
Samples of sugarcane, which make the
ordinary kind look like dwarfs, are also
exhibited. J. C Barnes, who
panied him, remained in Texas to
around a large party of land-seekers,
who left Columbus Tuesday of this
week for Houston aad Galveston. 1
During the last week the quarantine
has been raised from the following:
homes: Wm. Plath,.Wm. Snyder,
vicEleton. W. D. Beeeoaaad
Mills for small pox aad Wm. Hewitt,
Jos. Smith and Ed. Fly na for diphtheria.
The following new cases have been pue
ed under quarantine daring the last
week: C. Kenoyer, Clyde Ward, Dave
Leonard, J. Trimpe and Lambert's.
City Physician Yoss has been kept busy
but now thinks the spread of the disease
has been checked.
At the home of the bride, on Wedaee
day morning, occurred the .wedding of
John N. Janing and Miss Marguerite
Zinnecker, Rev. Henry Zinnecker, of St.
Edward, a brother of the bride, consist
ing. The wedding of these popular
young people calls forth the hearty con
gratulations of their aaaay friends. Mr.
and Mm. Janing leave for Omaha aad
other points in the state for a abort
wedding trip, after which they will be
at home here to their friends.
While out bunting last Friday, P.O.
Cunningham met with an accident that
came very nearly costing him the sight
of one of his eyes. He stooped down to
pick up a dead quail, and did not notice
a stem of grass protruding upward, until
it penetrated his eye, inflicting an in
jury that required medical attention.
Mr. Cunningham is nursing a very sore
optic, but at present no serious results
are anticipated.
The favorable weather has given eon
tractor Parker an opportunity to peek
work on the new T. M. O. A. building,
and the walls are now nearly to the top
of the first story. As the building pro
gresses, the people of Columbus begin
to realize what a handsome structure it
will be. Every effort is being nude to
get it enclosed so there will be no delay
on the interior work.
O. E. Wade will offer thirty-five
of short horns for sale at bis farm,
half mile west of Rising City on Thurs
day, December 12. The herd comprises
tea bulls end twenty-five females. The
bulls are a good, useful lot, ranging in
age from seven months to three years.
If you want sometaigg good in the
short horn line, attend this sale.
Work of putting in a curb on the
south side of Eleventh street.
North aad Olive, was began
and the trenches are ready for the ee
aaentwork. This will take the water to
the south from the comer at
saloon and result in having
along that block in a geodeoaditioa
nearly all the tisee.
' Slight delays made it
tarn gas into the mains of the Gel
Gas Company oa December 1,
igiaally intended, aad
the putting at
poasd for a few days,
time, however, until
aad the company be
Dr.W. H.
Peepls who get results advertise in the
Feed year horses -Scott's Mixture."
they like it.
Cigars oa ice at the bowling aad oil
aardparler. Toys of all kiads
Eleventh street
at 8eth Braua's,
One let of Flaaaaletts worth 15c only
Uo at MAY'S.
Dr. CA. AUeaburger, osaee ia new
State Bank building.
A Tip. It will fay ? to
reai Laaira's ad.
Miss Anna Gess spent Thanksgiving
with friends at Platte Center. .
Ice ereaaa. less, sherbet ad cakes of
ail kinds to order at Jones' Bakery.
Don t forget Seth Braua's, oa llth
street, when you bay your holiday
Mrs. Will Hall of Norfolk apeat Sun
day at the house of her folks, returning
hosse Monday.
Otto Walter, whom attending a school
in Lincoln, apeat Tbaakagiviag with
folks in this city.
Hod Taiatar, aoeompained by Miss
Minaie Meiman of Schuyler Sandayed
at the home of Miss Florence Hagel.
Miss Minnie Gaeth returned to her
hosse at Sehuyler Sunday, after a visit
at the home of Mies Florence Hagel.
Miss Emily Meier left Moaday morn
ing for Haveloek where she will spend a
lew weeks visiting with friend aad
I will cure hag cholera ia ita worst
aad heaves ia horses. No cure
no pay. Will be at J. J.Barkuoeaceoa
Seturdaya. W. F. Dodde,
Wait far the big Plata Sale
iariag Navesaber aad Decem
ber at B.W. Salej's Magic Stare
la Narth aaera haase.
of Chiaaware at
The sixteenth
hall, give, by
hall last Thors-
aa enjoyable aadsuo-
eessfal affair aad a good tisse enjoyed by
Miss Mazie Ksgill. accompanied by
her brother Chester, retarned home last
Satardayfrom Crestoa where they had
apeat a law days visiting friends and
William Bosso and Joeie Qaian. nnd
John N. Jaaiag and Marguerite Zin
nickar, all ef Oolambas, were issued li
censes to wed by Judge Rattenaaa the
lest week.
Mrs. George Seheidel, ar., of Platte
Center, accompanied by her daughter,
MissLsas, wereia the city last Wednes
day visiting at the home ef Mr. and Mrs.
R.&Palater the tailor, dean, dyes
and. repairs Ladies' aad Gents' clothing.
Hats cleaned aad reblooked. Buttons
to order. Agent Germaaia Dye
Nebraska Phone.
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. 8tudley of Cres
toa, aad Mm. A. E. Priest of Monroe
were called to BellvilK Kan, the first of
the week on account of the illness of
Mia. Byba, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Fancy Ribbons worth to 76c while
they last only Sic at MAY.
Ferry O. Pagsley of Monroe township
left Moaday for Chicago to attend the
national five alack show. Since the
death of his father, W. O. Pageley, they
have decided to dispose of their fine
aerd of Meek cattle, thia being ene of
the reasons for Mr. Pagsley's trip to
The explosion of a lamp at the Merid
iaa hotel called ant the fire department,
but before they arrived the blase had
been put oat with head extinguishers.
TW location of the ire was is the room
ef the osaea. hiiifc m J
aad contained the lamps aad
eil need at the hotel.
With an aver' Junrsssisg trade, the
Pawns candy factory is unusually busy
this year. They enjoy a food trade
from the sdjeeent towns, aad whan holi
day season arrives, their orders lacrosse
acDMvnuftiy. But they take cere of the
asatisCaetorysunnerand add
Boyd has
f. B,8ohaudt,of
the vacant eedeteaip at
id Nye Moorehowe of Fre-
wfll he aamed as alternate.
graded two points ahead of
Aqaistbatveti ptsUy weddiegtook
the heeae ef Mr. and Mm
trade ia
aeweajstesnsrs simueai
that ha wfll appoint
Terdigre to
West Point, 1
? - Courtesy World-Herald.
Laying of the corner sione of the new Toung Men's Christian Association
building, November 23, 1907. Govenor Sheldon delivering an address.
e 1 &
I Christmas Specials
Our store is filled with
many bargains suita
ble for Christmas
PENS The Standard kind at
a saving of one-fourth.
saving of one-third.
CUT GLASS at a saving of
. one fourth.
A fine line of LEATHER
GOODS, Purses, Card Cases,
Bill Books, Cigar Cases, Mus
ic RooIb, etc., at a saving of
and FORKS at a saving of
ooethird. . .
Thousands of other bargains,
Watches, Diamonds, and Jew
elry. The finest line in the
county. Let us talk it over.
Jeweler & Optician
Dr. Nausoanii, Dentist 13 St.
O. B. Prieb, painting and paper
150 yds. of 96i n. black Taffeta at
GRAY only $1.00.
Wanted Girl for general housework.
Mrs. F. K. Strother.
Dr. D. T. Martyn. jr., office new Oolum-
bas State Bank building.
Try cob meal for your milch cows, it
makes the milk. Scott sella it.
Dr.L. P. Oarstenson, Veterinarian
both phones 213, Columbus, Neb.
Buy your little girl a teddy bear, doll
oraeetofduhesatSeth Braun's, llth
Fresh oysters, bulk and can, always
on hand. Will have a large supply for
Christmas. Jones' Bakery.
Miss Lillian Adams has been employ
ed as one of the teachers in the Colum
bus Commercial College.
For Sale Harness shop doing good
business, also shoes repair ahop in con
nection. Gall on or address Peter Mnn
ter, Monroe, Neb.
Closing out our toy Ijne, toys, books
and dolls at cost. Gome in and get our
prices on toys, candies and nuts.
$6 Per Ton
For Our
Golden Ash
for cook stoves. It is clean
and sootless. Noth
ing better.
lauta M: 3.
Frank Bonk was busy shelling corn
Saturday and delivering it to E. Buss.
John Brunken,' jr., and Henry Bran
ken were transacting business in Leigh
Tuesday of this week.
The different schools along the route
which have been having vacation, com
menced again Monday.
Peter Schmitt, the busy miller, loaded
a car of flour for eastern markets the
latter part of last week.
Henry Brunken and Mies Augusta
Kleuver attended divine services in
Platte Center Sunday evening.
The carrier wishes to express his grate
fulness for the nice Thanksgiving greet
ing presents to him by patrons on the
route the past week.
Otto Kallweit and Henry Mobrmana,
who underwent operations for rupture
on Thanksgiving day, are reported ae
getting along as well as ooald be ex
pected. -
The pretty sorrel team that harbeeo
pulling the mail wagon a portion of this
week are the property of Carl Rhode,
and are being driven for exercise
Aren't they beauties.
The funeral of J. P. Hagemann, an
aged and respected citizen of Shell Creek
township, was held Sunday afternoon,
and very largely attended, the remains
being interred in the Shell Creek Baptist
cemetery. The. funeral services were
conducted by Bev. Papenhausen.
Nick Adamy arrived home last Satur
day from his trip to the fatherland.
Mr. Adsmy says he had a splendid trip
over and back, and on the return trip
the steamship Merion was twelve days
making the voyage, and they had splend
id weather all of the time. He also says
he enjoyed his trip very much, meeting
many of his old friends aud also visiting
the home of bis boyhood days, besides
being highly entertained while there.
But with all this, he was glad to Bet his
foot on Nebraska soil again, which he
thinks is the beat place in the world.
laata le. 5.
J. H. Hahn sold a fine span of mules in
Osceola last week.
Carrier P. L Hahn and family Sun-
dayed at the home of A. W. Hahn.
Mike Eurich has completed his new
barn, with the exception of the paints
J. H. Hahn bought the store building
at Boehon and will move it on his place
and convert it into n barn.
The new planks have arrived for the
replanking of the bridge over Clear
Creek, near J. W. Kinsman's
Miss Emma Gerbold, teacher in the
Thomas district, resumed school again
Monday, after a months' vacation.
Mike Eampovitx, the Boehon black
smith, is taUdag of moving alibis build
ings to the old home place in the near
The school in the Kuenzli district was
dosed for a few days last week on ac
count of n small-pox scare ia the neigh
borhood, but began again Monday.
Martin Olson nnd family took dinner
with JohnSwaason Thanksgiving.
Swanson Nicholson has rented the
Blomquist place aad is going to move oa
it next Spring.
Oscar Olstoa has started his oora
shelkraad he eays core shells oat fiae.
Oscar in sa old tiawr aad kuoVs how to
don good job.
An ovster supper was given-at the
8alem church oa theeveaisg of Thaaks
giviag day, aad the aet proceeds goes to
the pipcorgaa fnsd.
Anton Ohristonscn and Henry Head-
bad their sale Wednesday, they
are both yoang men and they intend to
go into the livery businsw at Newaaan
DidyoMe the beaatifal display of
neat cardaaad naotocrselL albnms at
'a oaBleveath street?
t Ia Sisth Otart.
District court has been ia
ThanksgiviBg with Jadge Reader preaid
c The esse of Yeiter vs. Knrlin, et aV
suit oa a note, the jury returned a'
diet for plaintiff of $1,988.
" Peter Wyeoeki, charged with
larceny from the person, was found
guilty, bat sentence had not been pece
ed. John Kkua, who faced a charge of for
gery was round guilty aad wui receive
hie senteaoe later.
Chat. Johnson, who attempted to es
cape from the couaty jail, after being
convicted of burglary was seatsneed to
one year in the penitentiary. He has
not been taken there yet, bat will wait
until the etaere are sentenced.
Geo F. Henggler, wee charged with
obstructing n road, bat the jary return
ed n verdict of not guilty.
Fedderson vs. First National Bank of
Humphrey is on trial Wednesday nnd
will probably goto the jury this after
noon. Seattle. L
Ed Loeske was ia Mamhae.Sundny.
Mies May Bead Las been quite sick
this week.
Farmers on the route are hegiaaiag to
market their graia aad stock again, as
the prices are getting better.
One of our boy patrons on the roate
presented the carrier with four ine cot
ton tail rabbits which were very much
Quite a number from the north part of
the route attended the dance at Gottieib
Bechtold's last Saturday evening nnd
report a very pleasant time.
Road overseers W. T. Ernst, Adolph
Frese snd Kramland nave nnnwed up
their road work aad have done an ex
cellent job. The roade aad bridges are
in fine condition.
The home of the carrier was released
from the small pox quarantine last Sat
urday, aad we are eajoying bouw cook
ing once more, which seems good after
oureaforcec absence.
Frank Hilmer, who is attending the
business college, spent Thanksgiving at
The Misses Annn Stracke aad Margar
et 8obarff were Madison visitors from
Saturday until Monday, the guest of
Mr aad Wit. George Stracke.
Ed Dnohue flufrhed husking corn
for G. A. Pride last Monday. He is bow
contemplating attending the Oolumbus
.Commercial College daring the winter.
- Martin Zobeooski of Fullerton has
bought the stock and farm implemsnto
belonging to John Zabawa, and also
rented the Proposki farm, which is oc
cupied by the latter, expecting to take
possession ia about two weeks.
College W stan.
Mr. Parker, formerly a student in the
college, but now of Liaoolrr made the
college a pleasant call the first of last
The Columbus Commercial College
opened its winter term of school Mon
day with the largest enrollment ever
known in the history of the college.
Ben Leroy aud Walter Boetteaer
completed a stenographic course in the
Commercial college Wednesday. The
former went to Omaha where he has se
cured a position. The latter ia as yet
undecided just what he will do.
Card ef Thanks.
We wish to sincerely thank the many
friends for their ante of kindness nnd
sympathy shown during our bereave
ment in the loss of our loving husband
and father. Mas. C. Matthews
aud Fabdxt.
We have a large stock of ooal, Bock
Spring. Maitland, Zeigler, Trenton,
Gem, Banner, Golden-Ash, aad Monarch
in lump and nut. Also Peann. hard
coal ia all sizes. Nkwmah St Waxen.
Closing out our toy line, toys, books
and dolls at cost. Come in and get oar
prions oa toys, dolls and nuts.
Seal Irtate Transfers.
Becher. Hockenberger A
reel estate agents, report the foUowiag
real estate transfers filed for record ia
theosaceof the county clerk during the
week ending Nov. 90th 1907.
C D Efaaatoroitofell.lot8 ia elk
7.KraasAda. CoL wd $
K KoUke to u F nauute, nw or st-wa
C WMortoa tofOoo Morton my iatmat
inne7-9-to wtt, ITTT..
Wa Beahaa to J A Kent. It 4. UK "C".
Beeken 8obV O L--
CktoKaUatttoHyRKalhrait.s neun
C M Qneatksr. ret to Eraaat Sefcaek,
Co TtoM to 8 blk IS, CoL.
tax deed
A DBMmrat alto Hr Laata. lt.?blk
2S5.Colqed .-.s.-s-.... Z--
W Mm vsamieaiii te k a ineaaaaon, iw
JOt ana VCfl fwrOamMSBaMw
MacyBowdsatoHy Hoekaabecsw. lot
niazalklMLCoL. wd.
TirKmwilMiHii to Hi ifiiahaihai
saU bUC HHLCrOsw JV w
Joe HwsafMr toBy Hoeageawnar. all
Best sjBBL IE nQtttt
C A NewaaMi to Henrietta Wi Bias. Pt
J C Miller toll Dexaaiaaki. H 1 1 nUx
. HjaVaBd rata. ...... ............... inn
EUeaLyaelitoTgina; Maagfa Lyaek,
iaaaear rmnavmxat its
Platte Cwtar.
WOBBtlsirwtaHarf Bm.HSsBx
to Platte Oa-
CoTraavteeee Ktotoa. it 144 elk 7.
ft fnLn .v
1 wtMser I
I sM Mew I
I Undo I
Hit Wttar Mills
Flannel Corend
Cloth InMtted
and All RnhW
laesegooda we parejmeson
rect from the aatiefrer m
that every bottle is of good liva
rubber aad wkieh weeaaasUte
yoa cheaper thaa aay e4
dtmUr m fib maaJU nJite
Pollock ft Oo.
Under the ass ding ef
forOmehe," the Omaha Bee ef We
day has the foUowiag:
ommeroiel dab
the question of '
Apowereompaay to ha
Nebraska Power oomaaay. with the sle-
gaa of "water power far' Behfnahn," ia
beisg orgaaiaed along sabstse tie! Maes.
H. S. Babcock, preeideat of the
company, aad F. Jaeggi, vies
were ia Omaha Taeeaay i
with some of the promlaeat ama of the
Commercial rlab aad have saeeseded in
the Commercial elabwUl i
the qaestioaof water poi
'rrhwMnonewqesstioofor mei
sssociatee,nsaid Mr.
sides at Colambae. "For
teen years we have 1
plea aad have had the
engineers and the highest authorities
from Switzerland
and not one
taking. It
aad we are now reedy to go i
nun ie eaetiaetively known na the
a twelve hear
Nebraska. There 1s aa doaht
stimulus this will give te
Nebraska ia the way ef
saaaaf seturing indaatriea."
At Grace church
be held on Sunday
Sunday ia Adveat aa follows:
m. holyeonucuaien; 11 a. aa
prayer, litany aad sermon: M a
day acaool. During Advent Dr. Weet-
colt will neeaoh a sandal course ef ner-
one, both nsoraiae: aad evuainc. On
Sunday the senaea snbieete are aa fal
lows: Jaoraiag. -like MiOnigkt
svening. -jnoney. All
invited to the i
Wildey Lodge Na 44, L O. O. F.
ted tne following oa
night S. . Baker, viae guard, a
Kenoyer, secretary, George Faiieaild.
m.i,. w. a-imv, a . NMV,
reter wener,
Services at the Beatiot church.
oay, wee o. Bunoay acaool 10 a.
rounonug 11 n. m. aad 730 a. m.
ug subject: "A Perfect Church."
eaiag: "A Faithful Saying." .
Bev. Bsuhart. neetor of tm
church will renaaia ia this est v until Jan
uary xsc aao aa may decide te
Oolambas Camp , Modern
en ofAmerica, will hold their
election of
December 12.
Try a lunch when eat
Pocech's bakery. HotcoaTee
hbtcaooolate aad whipped
As usual, we have the largest
lectfrom. Joaes' Bakerv.
O. B.
atreet rental
Lyda Claytoa
ing with her paraats at Sehaylsr.
Delioioue brick ice cream for
the bowling aad bilberd parlan
UNION suns
for the
beetpepuler priced TJa
from ll.W to $4JM.
boys' from frtc, 7tc,l
ia anea
early while the eiiee
h eathe Corasr
NHL KskataaaaaMaV 9
riwad. Ow
Tcilnpmssi of Km.Btf bmss aesm sad sa
ef the
hsaaaae? at
ereaaa Oe. .
" X M
s k.