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Thanksgiving ia welooawd by the car rier aa one of the holidays granted by a the post otke department. The new bog house being erected by Gerrard and Willie k nearing completion and ia quite an improvement. The house on the Gerrard farm oc cupied by A. Johnson, has been ander- going a remodelling the last two weeks The roof baa been raised and another atory added, and the baildiog widened ao that it makes a very good dwelling. Walker. e A. P. Frederickaon and family visited at John Swansoa v Sunday. John Boad is building quite an addi tioa to his residence so aa to make room tor hie aon-ia-law. Mm. M. Nelson who has been visiting relatives oa the Looking Glass returned on the evening train for St. Edward. The Piano contest conducted by the Newman Grove newspapers came off Saturday night, and there was quite an excitement for a while. Hiss Mabel Olson ayoang lady of Walker township was the winner. The writer of this read in the Col nmbns Telegram of last week that the'demoerats ahoald stand up on their hind legs so as to meet with better results in the presi dential election next falL Maybe that is a good way because those four legged democrats that lived some years ago in several towns between Columbus and Genoa, when they aaw any danger ap proaching they always stood up on their hind legs, and it was said of them that they were very hard to kill out. Feed your cow some of that chopped ear com, they like it. Scott's. . TERRORS OF BALLOONING. Nat to the Aeronaut, but to the Man an Earth Belew Him, It Mast be more than two years ago that I called attention la this column to the danger and nuisance that would be likely to ensue If ballooning be came popular, bat It la only recently that the public have awakened1 to, the fact that the possibilities mentioned are likely to become atern realities. Already we read of people quietly lounging ia their gardens being well nigh blinded by showers of sand, of conservatories being smashed, of houses unroofed and chimneys demol ished, of trees uprooted, of fences damaged and of cattle injured by the action of the grapnel v O course; aa ballooning becomes general such accidents will be sore frequent and more serious. An iaeoasiderate aeronaut la far more dlf flcult to catch and control than a road- ke may DeroetaalA bu from an lnaceeMihi ai. It IB reallV hirta Him-hatm this latest nuisance become, ao vast as to be uncontrollable that atrin ammt measaiea ahoald be taken for Its suppression. - - But, I suppose tin the prime minis ter has been hooked by a grapllng iron and dragged by the heels across a plowed- leM and through a couple eg quick-set hedges, nothing will .he Grannie. . The Latest Styles -m- CHRISTMAS - AT v - . HELWIG'S Stupid PJLAGE TOUB ORDER EARLY y winter clothes.il PUTTING HIS LOGIC TO TEST. John Seemed to Have Made His Paint but Ha Got Ne Chicken. The old couple were eating their first meal with their son after his re turn from college. 'Tell us, John," said the father, "what have you learned at college.' "Oh, lots of things," said the son, aa he recited his coure of studies. "Then," he concluded; "1 also studied logic" "Logic," said the old man. "What is thatr It's the art of reasoning," said the son. "The art of reasoning?" said the father. "What is that, my boy r "Well replied the son, "let" me give you a demonstration. How chickens are oa that dish, father?" "Two," said the old man. "Well," said John, "I can prove there are three." Then he stuck his fork in one and said: "That is one, isn't itr "Yes," said the father. "And this Is two?" sticking his fork in the second. "Yea," replied the father, again. "Well, don't one and two make three?" replied John, triumphantly. "Well, I declare!" said the father. "Ton have learned things at college. Well, mother," continued the old man, to his wife, "I will give you one of the chickens to eat. and Til take the other, and John can,have the third. How Is hat. John V 'Judge's Tibninr. Geese on n Cider Spree. Martin Beck, a farmer on the Cone wago hills, Is humiliated to admit that three of his geese went on a disgraceful spree after having eaten some pulp from a cider mill. Some time after the eating of the pulp, the peculiar action of the fowls attracted the attention of the farmer. They swayed from side to side and cackled hoarsely. Finally one by one they fell limp and apparently dead. Mrs. Beck carried the fowls Into the house, with the intention of plucking them,' when they revived. Since then the geese have kept away from the cider mill, and have tried to prevent other geese from go ing near it Philadelphia North American. Best Diamond Mine. The Premies is by far the largest and most valuable individual diamond mine ever found In South Africa, and it Is probably not an exaggeration to say that i Us one of the most valuable mines of any kind ever discovered in the world. It is estimated that when its full plant is at work it will make profit at the rate of $9,648,000 a year, the life, of the mine on this basis being well over 60 years. A Trust Case. "Do you refuse to answer on the ground that you might incriminate yourselfr! 'TU' leave that to the court If 1 told the truth' I'd get a year. The whole truth' would mean at. least ten years, and 'nothing but the truth would be life, sore." So they Vated .him aa immune and called a witness who knew nothing of the case. Judge. Another Preyerb Busted. A Chicago horticulturist has pro duced a cactus dahlia, thus reversing Luther -Burbank's feat of dethroning a cactus. We may yet gather fig of thistles. Boston Herald. PHOTOS WAR AGAMST CMC GOOD WORK DONE BY POSTAL SERVICE. Mighty Army Ever Engaged in Serv ing and Protecting the Public Swindling Advertisements Detected and Barred. . Just how much of its amazing de velopment this vast country owes to its postal service would take volume to telL A mighty machine la this whose pulsing-ia felt in every home and place of "business, however re mote, from Alaska to Florida. It is served by a mighty army of 319.89S employes, strategically disposed in some 70.0M oflces, which handled last year llCl,fl9.Clt separate nieces pi It Is evident that to protect these postal myriads, and to see that theii units are not used for fraudulent pur poses. Is the work of a Titan," who, however, looms unobtrusively aa Post master General George von L. Meyer Crimes of all kinds connected with the post office are published In a Jour nal never seen by the ordinary public the depredation bulletin of the serv ice, which must be read by every sol dier of the postal army under pain of fine. And, aa you may suppose, the work of what I may call the secret service of the post omce, is immensely interesting. Monday morning, frequently brings a startling wire to a state center Tost office robbed last" night; safe blown with guncottoa or nitroglycer in." Aa Inspector is on the spot aa fast as express trains will carry him. And a stringent inquiry is begun on the spot Occasionally suspicion falls oa an inside man, who, if convicted, is taken before the federal courts and sentenced to at least three years. I may mention here that every post of fice in the country is periodically over hauled by an expert and everything from staff to stamps checked and passed "All welL" And incidentally all complaints against postmasters, carriers and clerks are sifted, for charges more or less well founded are often laid against these for Intoxica tion, laziness, loitering; carelessness or downright dishonesty. But the fraudulent use of the malls through swindling, advertisements is vastly more difficult on account of legal technicalities and flaws of which swindlers know so well how to avail themselves. John Hill, Jr., of the Chi cago board of trade, estimates that every year the people of the United States contribute the enormous sum of $100,000,000 to get-rlch-qulck and "safe investment" swindlers alone. All classes are affected, from the laundress to the lawyer, clergyman and merchant There are victims in the cities, on farms, ranches and plan tations, and in every hamlet and little village. For distance is swiftly bridged by the United States mail and the public's money flows freely and quickly through that gigantic artery. Only the other day an enterprising "seed" merchant was sentenced to a year's imprisonment and a fine of $500. Amateur florists an over the country had for years been receiving gorgeous colored catalogues from him and In every case he annpunced the discovery of a rare and marvelous flower and he agreed .to send a small quantity of the precious seed for one dollar a package In the first flush of enthusiasm few amateurs let such a chance go by. Even professional florists subscribed On each package was the usual trade notice that no guarantee could be given as to germinating power, but as such a notice Is quite usual in the trade few buyers balked. Much anxious watching, careful watering and. weeding availed nothing, however, and for the most part the gardeners- concluded their methods were too crude for so exotic a flower. A New York woman thought other wise. On receiving her packet she took it to an expert and found that the priceless "seed" of that wondrous bloom consisted entirely of palm leaf fans crushed Into seedlike-fragments. Science Studies Your Baby. Science takes a large and compre hensive Interest In modern babies and baby-statistics, says the September Delineator. i The average weight of boy babies at birth Is seven pounds; girls about six and a half pounds. During the first three days the child loses weight; aft er It ia a week old it steadily In creases. A child should increase in weight two. pounds for every addition of an rnch in height between three and four Teet, and two and one-half pounds for every inch between four and five feet. The healthy baby triples its weight at birth in one year, doubles this in 3ix years, quadruples this weight in 13 years, and at 21 a man weighs 21 times his weight at birth; Better Than Steel Safe. 0 Iron safes being difficult to obtain and his subjects being in many cases adroit-thieves, the king of Anam some time ago -resorted to the ingenious method of safeguarding his treasures, la the interior of his palace the king caused a huge tank to be constructed, which he kept constantly filled with water. Several teak logs were bored out,, and ia the holes he packed his Jewels and treasures. The holes were then closed and the logs put into the tank. A number of large crocodiles were placed In the tank and -kept on short rations, so that any thief who .attempted, to get at the treasures would be a tempting meal. WISCONSIN PEARL HUNTING. Digging Clams far the Valuable Gam Twenty Yeara'Ago. Twenty years 'ago a pearl erase started ia Wisconsin, Every one dug says Outing Magazine. Mills the water waa drawa the mm penes that the people get the musssls more eaefy. to 1196, accordiag to the report, $300,000 worth off were foaad to At that net valued aa bat aew they highly m are eagerly it by Jewelers. Sav age batten factories4! were at various polnta oa the Mississippi river. Mea collected clams aad sold the shells to these factories to fee made into pearl buttons. Some found and another craze Socked td the river from all walks, of Hfe. White mea. red amov black mea, brown men and women, an came, though after a month of ana.Srind aad river water coffee, racial characteristics were-not In the summer of 1902 it was said that lO.tet mea were clamming on the Mississippi aad its tributaries. In the spring of the aext year the rash greater, but this did not last Owing to the crerashlng of the previous aeaaoa, the market twas al ready overstocked aad the price of shells had dropped so low that by July comparatively few boats were at work. Many enormous beds that were thought to bes Inexhaustible had given oat, the buyers rejected so many (only about a quarter of those caught were salable, even at the lat ter part of the aeaaoa) the river was almost deserted. MEXICANS IN TEXAS SCHOOLS. Children of Wealthy Families Educat ed bi San Antonio. Ten carloads of school children from Mexico have arrived In this city since the Influx began about two weeks ago, sayshe San Antonio Express. Scores of them were accompanied by their parents, and the hotels of, the city have been indebted, in no small degree, to this class of visitors for the brisk conditions which have been ex perienced by them during the last sev eral weeks. Many of the children traveled from their distant homes alone or in pairs or trios, while it was no uncommon sight to- see parties of nine or ten from the same localities across the Rio Grande at the various hotels. Nearly all the school equipment and wearing apparel for the entire year are purchased for these children here In San Antonio before they enter their respective schools, and the commer cial Importance of their annual visit can easily be imagined. Their parents,' too, before returning home, spend several days in the city, purchasing large quantities of Ameri can goods to take back withthem to Mexico, and aa the majority of them are persons of great wealth and social position at home, their expenditures amount to thousands of dollars. Of all the children from Mexico who are educated In the United States the schools of San Antonio secure over 70 per cent Not only on account of the proximity of the city to the bor der, but also because of the general excellence of the schools and the healthful climate and surroundings ex perienced here. San Antonio has al ways been the favorite place with the Mexicans for their children to obtain an English education. LIMITED FOOD SUPPLY. There la Not the Great Variety We Generally Imagine. "Certain great food-staples have proved themselves within the age long experience of humanity to pos sess a larger amount of nutritive val ue, digestibility, and other good quali ties, and a smaller proportion of un desirable properties than any others. These, through an exceedingly slow and gradual process of the survival of the fittest, have come to form the staples of food in common use by the human race all over the world. It is 'really astonishing how comparatively few there are of them, when we come to consider them broadly; the flesh and the milk of three or four domestic animals, the flesh of three or four and the eggs of one species of domesti cated birds, three great grainswheat, rice and maize and a half-dozen smaller and much less frequent ones, one hundred or so species of fishes and shell fish, two sugars, a dozen or ao starch-containing roots and tu bers, only two of which the potato and the manioc are of real interna tional importance, twenty or thirty fruits, forty or fifty vegetables make up two-thirds of thefood supply of the Inhabitants of the world. "Instead of wondering at the var iety and profuseness of the human food supply, the biologist Is rather in clined to ejaculate with the London footman Immortalized by John Leech, who, when told by the cook that there would be mutton chops for dinner and roast beef for supper, exclaimed: 'Nothing but beef, mutton and pork pork, mutton and beef! Hin my opin ion, hit's 'igh time some new hanimal waa In wen ted!'" . "No News In the Paper." Frequently you pick up one of the local papers, and after glancing at the headlines wearily, thrust it aside, re marking: "Nothing in the paper to day." Did you ever stop to think what that phrase "nothing In the paper to day" means? It means that in the day or week just passed that no mis fortune has befallen any one In our city; that no firehas wiped out a neighbor's worldly goods; that the grim angel of death has crossed no threshold' of a friend; that no man, driven by Uquor, hatred or Tear has taken the life of a feUowman; that ao poor devil, haunted by the past or the misdeeds of some other, has crossed the great divide by his own hand. So the aext time you pick up a paper that doesn't announce a tragedy, give a little thanks instead of grunt ing because there to no news. Ne vada MaU. Some FemlnTne Snap Shots." The doUarless man Is still a million aire if he hath not been robbed of his Experience is life's queer merchan dise that we buy with gray hair aad shattered mustons. She that stints her heart to feed her braia wttl sooner or later die of star- The Jealous wife shouldn't try to lay the ghost of her husband's first love. No auui remembers any woman that TELEPHONY WITHOUT WIRI There le a Peaamlllty of TaNnem to Wireless telagraphy la at mat aa established fact feetl aad commercially. A director of the radio-telegraphy company told a re porter that hie company ia ready to take orders for the Installation- of' a wireless telephony system to cover a distance up to 25 miles, over fairly flat land or over water. "Recently," he said, "I apoke la oar laboratory- at Berlin to a temporary laboratory which we' have erected some seven miles away from that dty, and that waa apt aader the heat conditions, because the aerial (or wire) at the' temporary station waa suspended between two factory shafts instead of the usual masts. "From experiments which we have been conducting in Berlin we are able to guarantee perfect communication by wireless telephony over 25 miles of not too hilly country. "The inventor of the continuous undamped wave, by waich-means only la wireless- telephony madd possible, waa M. Valdemar Pouhtea, a noted Danish electrical engineer. About eight montha ago we bought M. Poul sea's invention, together with all his plant and experimental atattoaa, and we have' secured patents' for the whole world with the exception of the United States. "We are now converting oar sta tions at Oxford and Cambridge into wireless telephony stations oa the Paulsen system, and when the work ia completed, which win probably be In six weeks' time, we ahaU begin to experiment there. I am confident that we shall be successful ia establishing wireless telephonic communication over the SO miles which separate the two university towns, aad I do not hesitate to express my conviction that In a few years' time we shall be able to speak across the Atlantic" Lon don Express. SURNAMES NOT USED BY KINGS. Only Christian Names Signed y Members of Royal Hi The origin of most royal houses was similar throughout Europe, and kings and then- famines, speaking broadly, never had or used surnames. They signed their Christian names alone. So universally waa this the- case that it became rigid etiquette that a person of royal birth should not use a surname, though there have been num bers of cases of dynasties, like our own Stuarts, like, the Bernadotte dy nasty of Sweden or like the Bonaparte family, who unquestionably and In dubitably had Inherited surnames. But it has always been a puzzle why the cadet members of our own royal house do not subscribe themselves aa peers by their peerage designations, as do other peers. However, the met is they do not, but it has not been discovered what are the rules which govern their sig natures. The sovereign signs by the Christian name and usually adds "R." or "R. and I." Princes and princesses sign by their Christian names and sometimes, bnt not always, add the letter "P." When or why this ia added or omitted is not known. But the habits of royalty lead oth ers Into strange happenings. There was an occasion upon which Queen Victoria after a "function" was asked to sign a visitor's book. Her majesty write "Victoria B, andXl." Princess Henry of Battenberg then wrote "Beatrice P." The turn of the local mayoress came next and she signed "Elizabeth." The surname was hastily written in the following day, but too late to prevent the story gaining cur rency. Alligators In Ecuador. A aew minor Industry that is devel oping in Ecuador Is the killing and skinning of alligators. This industry was launched in 1903 by aa American, who went to Guayaquil for the pur pose of hunting down the myriads of alligators which abound in the River Guayaa aad its tributaries. He was markedly successful. The business waa temporarily Interrupted In the early part of 1905 by the untimely death of the American, who had start ed the fun, but it has recently been resumed. The total value of the alli gator skins exported during the years 1903, 1904, 1905 and 190S was $35,009. The skins shipped from Ecuador to this country last year weighed 57,000 pounds, and were valued at $4,873. N. O. Times-Democrat. Air Navigation Engines. Tea or 15 years ago authorities writ ing oa the subject stated that if only it were possible to make engines so light as to weigh but ten pounds a horsepower, there would be sfc diffi culty In constructing a flying ma chine. A few years after, petrol en gines were made of such weight To day they are made and'On- the mar ket, weighing no more than two aad one-half pounds a horsepower. Tech nical Literature. A Necklace Which Brlnge III Luck. An eerie story is told about a neck lace which formerly belonged to the Maharannee of Cooch Behar,- India, and which ia supposed to bring bad fortune to every one connected with it The history of the necklace pearls aad turquoises, which are not usually considered to be unlucky stones ia certainly peculiar. While it waa in the Mahmnnee'a possessioa she was robbed of a quantity of valu able Jewelry, and the Mararajah lost some of his best racing ponies by death and breakdowns. The advice of a pundit waa sought. He Drescribed a change of ownership aad a voyage across the sea' ia order to break the spell, aad the necklace was according ly given to a lady ia England, says Woman's life. As a result the fcnfrh has be- ua to wia races agaia aad the haraanee has recovered the property, bat the atory goes that the present owner of the necklace has been the .victim of persistent ill for tune from the day that ft aajat mf a - - - - .. 7v -- - .-. .- V. A E have opened a new motto V V store in the Landoti ltirni ture store on Eleventh street and will handle a complete line of first class pianos. Our prices defy all competition. Remember we are per manently located in Ctotambu. BECKER BROS. HENRY J. BECKER Manager sTra NORWAY'S BOY CLAIRVOYANT. Traced a Body to a River, Says a London Report. An extraordiny case of clairvoyance by a child has caused considerable interest here, telegraphs our-Christian- ia correspendent. About a fortnight ago a man living in the Oesterdal val ley disappeared suddenly from his home, and all search proved vain. .The child, John Floettnm, 14 years of age, was sent for eight days after the man's disappearance. The boy walked around the house where the man bad lived and got a photograph of him, which he carefully examined. Sitting at a table, with his left hand covering his eyes, he drew some Hues on a slip cf paper, the lines indicating where the man had walked. The psrspi ration poured down the boy '8 lace, and he often stopped. When at last he "saw" a place where the man had sat down under a big tree, he was exhausted and had to give up for the day. People were sent out to search, with the boy's sketch as their guide. The whole population of the district fol lowed, and excitement was high as the crowd followed the course the man had taken, step by step, as indicated by -the boy. Night came on before they reached the tree, and the search was adjourned till next day, when the boy himself led the party. He took them to the tree, and there found the lost man's handkerchief. From the tree the boy went straight to a river, but again he became so exhausted that he had to give up. However, as soon as he came home he said he could plainly "see" where the man was. Early next morning the search party, with the boy, took a boat, which was steered according to the i boy's directions. After a while he j suddenly rose aad said. "Here he lies." A search was made and the body was found at the bottom of the river on the very spot the boy had pointed out. The boy only three months ago dis covered that he possessed this ex traordinary sense of clairvoyance. During this time he has given many proofs of his strange power. A man went to him and told him that he had lost a gold ring in a field last autumn as he was loading hay on a cart, and the boy soon told the man that the ring could be found among the hay on his farm, pointing out the very place, where the ring was immediately found. The boy has achieved other feats equally remarkable. Monkey. Monkey was the name of a diminu tive slave who was the pet of Andrew Jackson. Monkey was a Jockey and a Judge of horse flesh, and if Old Hickory had any weakness at all it was for horse flesh. Because of him any victories on the turf. Monkey was permitted many privileges, one of which was to indulge his firm con viction that the two greatest men on earth in the order of their greatness were Andrew Jackson and Monkey. A man named Brown who was op posed to the Jackson wing of the par ty hi Tennessee had the temerity to offer himself for governor. He re ceived only a handful of votes. A few days after the contest was settled Mr. Brown was in the market at Nash ville. Monkey was also there, with a big basket oa his arm. Monkey so carried the basket as to push Mr. Brown of the sidewalk. The irate politician raised his cane and shout ed: "Don't you know who I am? How dare you push me?" The Uttle negro looked up Innocently and cried: "WeU, if it ain't dat Mars' Brown wat dun made a little 'speriment for guvnor, Jea a little 'speriment." OM Turkieh Jake. Among the many anecdotes related of the old Turkish Joker, Nasir-Eddin-Khodja, is the following: Khodja went one evening to the well to draw water; and looking down to the bot tom he saw the moon. Quickly he ran into the house. and got a rope THE MUSICAL EVENT OF THE SEASON Til Btstii Mill Ciiic Optra UMHIV n, IIMIIII On Might My, Wsi., Dsc. 4th. Fanny Cornroedians, Clever Soabrettes, Up-to-date Specialties, Gorgeous Costumes aid Flccuit Stage Settings. Friesi 25, 36 aad MeoW Seats Now On Sale at PoUocki Drugstore with a hook attached to the end ef R. This he lowered Into the well. The hook caught fast on a stoae. IThodJa pulled desperately, the hook gave way and there waa the joker flat ea hie back staring up into the sky. "Upon my soul," he exclaimed, per ceiving the moon. "I have had a bad fall, but I have pat the mooa back la Its place." Reyarrjra Cava, Cats-hold as high a place i in the hearts of our society lovers, ijueen Alexandra o era! fiae chinchillas aad Persian cats. Princess Alexander of Teck Prince Maurice of Battenberg possess valuable specimens, bat the real cat fancier among the royal fam- ily is Princess Victoria of Schleawig Holstein. and the only royal cattery is the one now established at fiimsi i land lodge. This has been arranged on the most up-to-date principles, and has curtained wlndowr aad a front door with a knocker aad letter box. The portals are surmounted by a crown aad the initials "V. S. H." The Firs Riding oa a broad pad strapped ea a horse's back ia very old; riding is comparatively aew. It no longer ago than 1954. oa the Fourth of July, that E. R Waahbara'a drees playiag la Boston, was packed to suf focation by the aaaouaeeaseat. seat broadcast, that oa this particular day, for the first time hi the history ef the world, a man would ride three times around the ring standing upright oa the bare back of a galloping horse! The rider. Robert Afaaar. actually ac complished this feat, and also he ear led an-American flag, which he waved uncertainly, thereby arousing tre mendous enthusiasm. Contrast that with the present, when there are scores 'of riders who can turn a somer sault on horseback. A clever bey can be taught ia about three days to stand up on a horse and ride around the ring Everybody's. .1,200 Eggs Equal One Man. A German scientist asserts that an i the material required to make up the body of a man weighing 150 pound can be found hi the whites and yolkc of 1,200 hens' eggs. The remarkable combiaatlea ef sub stances of which eggs are made a may be realized by the same scientist's analysis of what the bevy ef aa aver age man consists. The list to aa foUowa: Sufficient iron to make sevea large nails, suffi cient fat for 14 pounds of randies, phosphorus enough for some thoa sands of matches, 20 teaspooafahi et salt, 50 lumps of saga quantity of soap. In addition, there is to make a few thousand crayons, and the final item to a large bucketful oi water. HWItsMrty It Is certain that humanity hi the particular characteristic of a mind; little vicious minds are fuH et anger and revenge and are Inrapablo of feeling the exalted pleasure of tor giving their enemies and ef bestow. ing marks, of favor and generosity upon those of whom they have gottea the better. Lord Chesterfield. I vVCJftfX K lrvdl "How did he come to propose to her?" "She coaxed her chum to ten him confidentially that she had overheard her say she would not accent him If he did propose." Houetoa Peat Netm Enrico Toseili, the Italiaa wno was married in Loadoa to tess Moatignoso, the divorced wife ef me crown pnnce of Saxony, now KJaa Frederick Augustus of Saxony, aaa re fused an offer made aim by a Haav burg impresario to give Ave concerts for $2,400, saying he had not mar ried his wife to use her as aa adver tfMtmenr, . aad a asmaH M p I i -t l If 14 vc." -- v' -r v - 't v Vrf- -vss&' -- ?rfiS' ;-". i - . . .. V " 3&? irZ fe. & 3i j - ' --, !ai-i.-iit'.ssau: - ?"?o" :s$i t.tv. Jrwtir.j.-i-wr-t VJ??!J