The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 27, 1907, Image 7

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A. rv&Sasts.
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The State Capital
Matters of General Interest
Nebraska's Seat i Gov.
Appropriation May
The 19,500 appropriated by the late
legislature for building a brick addi
tion to the hospital at the Soldiers'
home at Grand Island is liable to lapse
back Into the state treasury. The
State Board of Public Lands and
Buildings is not going to make any
more improvements at the home until
the title to the property is quieted in
the state. The bil provides that this
appropriation shnl become Available
only after the title is vested in the
state. When the board made an effort
to get the tangle straightened out
some of the original signers refused
to sign the deed until they had been
paid $2,000. This the board had no
authority to pay. Attorney General
Thompson then brought suit to quiet
title In the state. Should the state
lose the suit then the board will not
inake any more permanent improve
ments. Should the state win the suit,
there will be nothing to prevent the
legislature from removing the home
to Milford should it desire.
Heretofore it has been the custom
for the adherents of Grand Island to
urge that it was provided in the deed
.that the home should not be removed
from the Hall county town. Inasmuch
as the orders of the board have been
disobeyed at Grand Island and the
board has had considerable trouble
managing the home, there is a dis
position on the part of the individual
members to assist in any movement
lending to move the home to Milford.
Clarke to Have a Hearing.
Han-iron Clarke will have a hearing
before Governor Sheldon December 9,
at which time the chief executive will
decide whether he is entitled to a
.commutation of sentence. He renews
4he charge made after his trial in
Omaha that his lawyers were selected
for him by Judge Sutton of Douglas
county in the face of a request tc re
tain his own counsel and that the at
torneys consulted him but once pre
vious to trial and that in effect his
,case was "railroaded" through the
atrial court. He asks the governor to
commute his death sentence to one
for life, or if on reading the record,
the governor shall conclude that he
is no more guilty than Cathright. al
ready sentenced to fifteen year., to
make the term of the same length.
A letter containing his request was
received by Governor sheldon, who,
on reading iL, fixed December 9 as
the time for a hearing. The date cf
execution has already been fixed by
the supreme court at December IS.
Law Reaches Farmers Too.
A citizen of llrainard complains
that he bought two dozen eggs from
a farmer for which he paid the high
est market price for fresh eggs and
that out of the two dozen only seven
were fit for use. The theory ad
vanced is that the farmers pack their
eggs earlier in tho season, holding
them for the higher price, and then
market them at the highest prjee
without reference to their condition.
"When evidence can be obtained by
the food commissioner that is definite
and certain as to this bad egg cheat
prosecution will be instituted against
farmers as well as grocerymen and
others who sell bad eggs. The com
missioner holds that the farmers who
persistently sell bad eggs, bad cream
and low grade milk to the townspeo
ple are deserving the penalties pro
vided in the pure food law and there
will be no leniency shown to the sel
ler because he is a farmer.
Governor Endorses President's Ideas.
"President Roosevelt is intensely in
terested in saving tae natural re
sources of the country," said Gover
nor Sheldon, in discussing his invita
tion to meet the president and other
governors in Washington next Sray
to discuss the question of the salva
tion of the countrj-'s resources. "He
is going to do all he can to get the
most good out of the rivers and at
the same time protect the forests, I
may be able to attend the meeting,
hough I believe the congressmen Kioy
the wishes of the people about as well
as the governors and could set along
very well without suggestions from the
Packers and the Food Law.
Tho case aqainst Armour & Co. for
not branding their meat packages has
been continued by County Attorney
Tyrrell to December 10. In connec
tion with this case L. W. McCandless
of Chicago, attorney for Armour &
Co., writes the food commissioner
that he is endeavoring to have the
packers come to an agreement where
by they will comply with the law in
. which case the pending suits will
ptobably be dismissed.
To Get Guard in Shape.
Adjutant Gerenal Schwarz has re
ceived an order from the war cepart
xnent showing the rules applying to
the organization of the National Guard
to be effective January 1, 1908. The
adjutant general is urged, if his guard
is not already organized along the
lines indicated, to secure such legis
lation as will be necessary to meet the
requirements. With the exception of
a few details, the guard is now or
ganized along the lines set out and
orders wil be issued to meet demands
of the department
Death of J. Sidney Wilson.
Deputy Insurance Auditor Pierce
received news of the death of J Sid
ney Wilson, a stenographer in his of
fice, which took place at the home of
his father, Aaron Wilson, who lives
near Tekamah. Mr. Wilson was 29
years of age and was regarded as one
of the most capable stenographers in
the state house. He was appointed by
'Andttor Weston and was retained by
Aaditor Searle. He has been sick for
aeexiy two years' and has not been
the ofilce for a year. His ailment I
hardenlnc of the smeea.
--t i.'?
r, ' Big Honey In Abfaira. '
"Running well over the mark of $11,
500,000, the value of the alfalfa
raised in 1907 shows' pretty conclu
sively that, the' fanners of Nebraska
are 'fully awake to the importance 0
this great fodder crop," said. Labor
Commissioner Ryder. "The figures on
the state production of alfalfa have
just been completed, and give a total
production of 1.450,759 tons. Figured
at a very conservative valuation, this
is worth $11,606,072.
The total acreage was reported a
455,592, and the average yield is 3.16
tons peracre, which Mr. Ryder in
sists is away within the facts, and re
ports from other sources bear out his
Dawson county leads in acreage,
with 27,393, but Buffalo is in the lead
on production, with 93,810 tons, while
Dawson totals 93,132. Buffalo's acre
age is 26,803. There are four coun
ties reporting an acreage of over 20,
600, ten counties report an acreage oi
from 10,000 to 17,000. Only six coun
ties are given a value of less than
$10,000 for the crop.
Trust Must Obey Law.
The alleged cracker trust found an
eloquent 'advocate in the person of
United States Senator A. J. Hopkins
of Illinois. In company with At
torney L. Babst of New York he
called on Governor Sheldon hnd
asked that the National Biscuit com
pany be relieved from the burden of
placing net weight bands on pack
ages. Babst is the New York at
torney who cordially invited Food
Commissioner Johnson to come to
Chicago to talk matters over, .the
cracker concern to pay .all expenses.
Johnson refused and gave Babst's let
ter to the newspapers. Babst, rein
forced by Senator Hopkins, pleaded
with Sheldon to set aside the pro
visions of the mire food law. Sheldon
declared that he must enforce the
statutes and the cracker concern must
bey the law or suffer the conse
quences. Roads Report on Traffic
The railroad commission has com
piled the aggregate business of the
railroads of the state for August from,
reports that have been submitted to
them. The total state and interstate
freight business for August was $600,
000 more than in July and the total
receipts for passenger business, both
from state and interstate ticket sales,
was over $100,000 more for the mid
summer month.
Figures for state business are as fol
lows: Jul v. An Rust.
Freight rPoiveil.$6.,SSfiS.1rt ?9SS.12S.20
Frt. forwarded... .".8S.722.7r. 8S0.40134
Ticket sales 430.033.66 43.4Sr...-ir
Figures for interstate business are:
July. August.
Frt. received... $ 4 11.327.T.9 S1.234.139.0
Frt. forwarded. SSl.r.Sl.OO 1.312.935.25
Ticket sales S04,'.i3O.C$ 307.S40.47
Tbe total freight business, state and
interstate, for July was $2,723,186.10
and for August was $tl,3SU98.08. The
total ticket sales for July, state and
interstate, were $634.964.r2 and for
August were $711,820.02.
State Must Pay in January.
Remittances from counties is In
creasing and in a short time it is be
lieved the treasury will he in good
condition to meet the semi-annual
school apportionment. This fund now
amounts to $2."jr,::27 and collections
will not cease until iir (he early part
of December. The state treasurer
must then certify to the slate super
intendent the amount available for
the apportionment. Last year $251,
000 was apportioned jn December.
The state auditor draws warrants
later and receipts are sent to the var
ious counties to be returned and
signed and when these are returned
the warrants are sent to the coun
ties. All this will require until the
first of the year and by that time it
is believed the financial situation will
be normal.
Union Pacific Waives.
Attorney General Thompson has
been informed by Attorney Edson
Rich for the Union Pacific that the
road will waive examination in- the
matter of the Deuel county complaint
charging the road with discrimination
in supplying shippers with cars for
live stock. This means that the road
will be bound over to the district
court and the attorney general will
file an information in the district
court His first information was filed
before a magistrate, the judge of the
county court. The maximum penalty
is a fine of $5,000.
Hogs Dying of Cholera.
Hog cholera is raging in the south
ern counties of Nebraska and hun
dreds of animals ar dying daily.
State Veterinarian JIcKim is busy
visiting the various iarms and rec
ommending sanitary measures
stopping the epidemic. J
Big Attendance nt School.
The second week of the University
School of Agriculture is a surprise in
the number of attendance to the of
ficials of the school. The attendance
at this time is 269. At the same time
a year ago the attendance was 190.
A fire company has been organized
at the state house for the purpose of
protecting the building in case of a
spontaneous combustion due to the
excess of hot air which daily ier
meates the building. The water pipes
have beeoconnected. tip and at inter
vals on each "floor is a reel of hose
for use at any moment. The statutes I
makes the land commissioner re
sponsible for the building and its con
duct tnd Mr. Eaton is anxious that a
company be organized and each mem
ber drilled in roiling' the hose off of
the reelin case of emergency.
Nebraska Potato Crop.
The bureau of statistics has just
completed the tabulation of the figures
on the potato crop of Nebraska for
1907. The total production is given as
6,262,220 bushels, valued at $4,696,665.
Douglas county leads with a reported
acreage of 7,961 and a production of
644,841 bushels. This represents an
increase in .acreage for Douglas of
5,740 acres. Second in acreage and
production is Box Butte. county, with
6.144 acres and a production of 430,-
080 bushels. Sheridan county stands
third this year, with 347,t00 bualiels.
v :ji'
Experience Csmissd in -Hot
Indorsement of New. Pastor.
A. PhiUoVilnliaTcongregatioa was
J catted' npoa not loag age-to Tchooae -a
pastor, ine lasi inree wnanj sap
been persona non grate with soft of
the parishioners; raadoefere selectiag
anbther the congregation dMr some
pretty hard thinking. " There wasone
woman of erperieaw whose voice car
ried :paf ticujar weight. jeacher?after
preacher was invited to the-pelpit for
a trial sermon, and alLaia the final
analysis, were'rejected by- the female
arbiter. At .last there came along a
possible incumbent who' met with Tier
"The reason I am "sure he will give
satisfaction," she said, "is because he
has the right kind of a wife for a
minister She allows him to rant
around all he wants at home and
doesn't sass back. I found out a long
while ago shortly after I was mar,
ried myself, in -fact that a man who
hasn't that privilege at home works
off his spleen elsewhere. A minister
vents it on his f congregation. That
was why we couldn't stand the last
preacher. This one will be all right.
We won't hear a peep our of him."
And upon that unique recommenda
tion the congregation really did give
the man a call. According to last account'-,
both he and the congregation,
were doing well. The wife has not
been heard from.
Pace and Neck Covered with Inflamed
Skin Doctors No Avail Cured (
fey Cuticura Remedies.
"My baby's face and neck were cov
ered with itching skin similar to ecze
ma, and she suffered terribly for over
a year.., I took her. to a number of doc
tors, and also' to different colleges, to
no avail; Then Cuticura Remedies;
were recommended to me by Miss G .
I did not use it at first, as I had tried
so many other remedies without any
favorable results. At last I tried Cuti
cura Soap, Cuticura Ointment and
Cuticura Resolvent Pills, and to my
surprise noticed an improvement.
After using three boxes of the Cuti
cura Ointment, together with the Soap
and Pills, I am pleased to say she is
altogether a different child and the
picture of healtth. Mrs. A. C. Brestlin,
171 X. Lincoln SL, Chicago, 111., Oct.
20 and 30, 1906."
' Not to Be Fooled.
A city lad siient a part of last sum
mer on a farm owned by his uncle.
It. was the boy's first visit .to the coun
try, 'and everything on the. farm was
delightfully unfamiliar to him.
One afternoon the youngster, who
had been prowling about the chicken
house, seized the product of one cack
ling hen. and marched exultantly into
the house with his prize.
"Let me have it son." said the
farmer's wife, "and I'll cook it for
your luncheon."
"You must think I'm a greenhorn,
anntie!" exclaimed the boy. "I guess
the hen cooked it all right It's
warm." Harper's Weekly.
Reliably I Informed.
"It must be lovely to be a success
ful playwright," she said, looking ad
miringly at him. 'isn't it?"
"It is," said he, trying not to seem
"I understand." she went on softly,
"that you had a play last winter that
ran for one consecutive night. Was
that true?"
"Yes," said Jie, frowning slightly.
"And I have lcen told," she con
tinued, "that seven of your plays will
be produced this winter."
"Who told you that?" ho asked, his
face all smiles again.
"You did," she said.
He Was Grateful.
David, a boy of four, was being
taught to express thanks when the
occasion demanded. When he neg
lected to do so the other members of
the family would ask: "What do you
say, David?" which would always
bring forth the desired results. One
evening recently David and the young
man who is to marry his sister were
sitting on the front -porch.
"Well, David " said 'the young man,
"I guess I'll marry Sue and take her
away. What do you say?"
"Thank you," returned the boy po
litely. A Relief.
Smith started up into a sitting pos
ture. "Who are yon?" he cried.
The masked figure with the dark
lantern and sa wed-off shotgun turned,
nonplused for the moment, from the
bureau, and said, confusedly:
"Why, I am a er burglar."
Smith settled back upon the pillow,
drawing the warm- coverlets about his
"Thank goodness." he murmured,
sleepily; "I thought you were a
.The Woman Feared?
What a comfort to find t is not "the
awful thing" feared, but only chronic
indigestion which proper food 'can re
lieve. A woman in Ohio says:
"I was troubled for years with indi
gestion and chronic constipation. At
times' I would have such a gnawing
in my stomach that I actually feared
I had a I dislike to write or even
think of what I feared.
"Seeing an account of Grape-Nuts
I decided to try-it. After a short time
I was satisfied the trouble was not
the awful thing I feared but was still
bad enough. However, I was relieved
of a bad case of dyspepsia by chang
ing from iniprojmr food to Grape-Nuts.
"Since that time my bowels have
been as regular as. a clock. I had Also
noticed before I began to eat Grape
Nuts that I was becoming forgetful of
where I put little things about the
house, which was very annoying.
"But since the digestive, organs have
become strong from eating Grape
Nuts, my memory is good and my
mind as clear as "when I was young,
and I am thankful." Name given by
Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read
the little booklet, "Th Road to Well
ville'U package. "There's a reaart"
Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta
'i'Cmmm-iMu Witt
IW .'"r-'.
The interest tt' Western 'Canada
has aroused for rsceyeartepast is
growing in intensity. "Thfe conditions
of the croD of 1907 are .such that re-
.-."-" - -" r. ..
salts-can be spoken' of with aoWde-
gree orcervainijr me yiciu ok bruu
will be about 80.000,000 bushels and
the price the farmers will realize for
it will be upwards of seventy million
dollars. The oat crop was good in
most -places, and the crop' 'of barley
will be very remunerative. '.Those who
know of' the generally unsatisfactory
conditipns during the seeding, grow
ing and ripening period in f the United
States during tho past season, will
look with righteous distrust on any
statement intended forgive the impres
sion that Western Canada conditions
were 'so much different. Generally,
they were not,-' 'Jut the conditions of
a highly recuperative soil, long and
continuous 'sunshine, are conditions
possessed by Western Canada and not
possessed by anyofher country on the
Continent This is why it Is possible
to record today a fairly successful
crop, when in most other places the
opposite is the case. Tho yield in all
grains is less than last year, but the
higher prices obtained more than off
set any falling off in the yield. Take
for instance tho Province of Sas
katchewan the wheat crop will be
worth $21,135,000. Last year the
'same crop was 35 per cent, larger and
the quality better. The- yield was
worth $24,000,000. Oats and barley are
.very important .factors in all' three
central Provinces. At Gladstone, Man
itoba, returns from one farm were $27
per acre from the wheat laud, $35 per
acre from oats, and $30 per acre from
barley. The yield of wheat at Dauphin, '
Manitoba, was 20 to 24 bushels to the
acre but not of a very good grade,
but the yield of barley in that section
was good and so was the quality and
price. At Meadow Lea, Manitoba, 15
to 20 bushels to the acre were
thrashed, bringing a round dollar on
the market. At Oak Lake. Manitoba,
on" some fields where 21 bushels were
expected, twelve and fifteen was the
result; others again where twenty was .
looked tor gave iwemy-iwo 10 iwemj
five. One special patch south of town
on J. M. McFarlane's farm went as
high as thirty bushels to the acre. At
Sheho, Saskatchewan, oats yielded
from 60 to 65 bushels to the acre. Sam
Wunder threshed 2,500 bushels from
forty acres. The sample is good and
weighs well. At Lloydmlnster, Sas
katchewan, W. BIbby threshed 97
bushels of oats to the acre, and two
others were but little behind. Wheat
here reached 35 bushels. At Portage
la Prairie, Manitoba, from a quarter
section all in crop. Alex. McKinnon of
Ingle-side threshed an average of 33
bushels Xo. 1 Northern. I. J. Grant
had 190 acres, yielding C.000 bushels
of the same grade. These illustrations
taken from widely distant districts
(and thousands of others could be
produced) show that the year 1907 has
not felt the serious effects from severe
winter, late spring, or unfavorable
conditions during the growing season
that might have been antitcpated. In
order to leara more about this country
write to the Canadian Government
Agent whose address appears else
where, and get a copy of the new
Last Best West, which he will be
pleased to mail you free.
French Police a Surprise.
"Well, how did you enjoy yourself
in Paris?" they asked of Mrs. Ma-
loney when she got home.
"Very well," she replied.
Very '
well, indade; but there was wan thing
phat surprised me more thin enny
thin' else."
"And what was that?". tLey quer
ied. "There were a lot of policemen
there and all av thim was French."
Sheer white goods, in fact, any fins)
wash goods when new, owe much of
their attractiveness to the way they
are laundered, this being done in a
manner to enhance their textile beau
ty. Home laundering would be equal
ly satisfactory if proper attention was
given to starching, the first essential
being good Starch, which has sufficient
strength to stiffen, without thickening
the tgoods. Try Defiance Starch and
you will be pleasantly surprised at the
improved' appearance of your work.
Tennis and Temperament.
In a tennis tournament (more truth
fully than in a -confessional) are re
vealed the good and bad qualities of
human nature. The man who loses
gracefully, plays with a bad partner
without afterwards alluding to his de
ficiencies, and honestly admires an op
ponent's skill, may be trusted not to1
fail in any other trial of life. London
Black and White.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury,
at nerrary will nrely destroy tha sews of ssisn
sad completely derange the whuW vrsteia wnea
entering - tarodKa tse Bacons sarisca. Suck
articles sboald never be used except oa prescrlp
Uobs from reputable psystclsaK. s the damese tbey
win do to tea sold ta the good yoa casr potslbly de
rtrerrom them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, wnnfannred
by F. J. Cbeaey tt Co.. Toledo, o., cuatalas ao mer
rary. and to taken Internally, acdnr directly upon
the blood and nineou surfaces of the system, la
buying Hairs Catarrh Care bo.sure yoa get the
genuine. It 18 taken IstrnUlly mad nude tnToleaa,
vuu.vr.j tsratrsLOi icsunwawwiiee.
l-jIibyOroirglttK. Price. 7Sc per bottle.
I usual
Family Pills (er coastlpatloa.
A Delicate Task.
"The newspapers," said the' orator
solemnly, "do not tell the truth."
"Perhaps not." answered the editor,
regretfully. "We do our best. But you
know there is nothing more difficult
than to tell the truth in a way that
won't put it up to some one to chal
lenge your veracity."
Important to Mothers.
Examine, carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for
infants and children, and see that it
Bears the
Signature of i
In Use For' Over 30 Tears.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
a A
A soft answer turneth many a young
man's thoughts toward the furniture
installment houses.
Or . V-
-rtj3W.X1Vi.YlS. 5?f "
t lfs JL.L .' 'hztizi
Comedian Made Humor of What Wae
J t -'AfproaolTragedyV5 '
"Willie" Collier, the comedian, was
an irrepressible" member,- of a ' barn
storming combination which, some
ten years ago, did the "tank" towns
of the middle west. -
The company had;been doing a poor
business for several weeks when 4
certain town in Illinois was reached.
Just before the curtain weat up that
night. Collier was standing at the cur
tain "peep-hole," sizing up the audi
ence. "How's the house, "Willier asked
another player.
"Well," answered Collier, "there are
some out there. But" he added, im
pressively, "we're still in the ma
jority, old boy, still in the majority!"
Harper's Weekly.
3heer white goods, && fact, any fine
trash goods when new, owe much of
their attractiveness to tha way they
are laundered, this being done in a
manner to enhance their textile beau
ty. Home blundering would be equal
ly satisfactory if proper attention was
given to -starching, the first essential
being good Starch, which has sufficient
strength to stiffen, without thickening
the goods. Try Defiance Starch and
you will be pleasantly surprised at the
unproved appearance of your work.
Women Workers of Great Britain.
Women of Great Britain are well rep
resented in the professions and trades,
and about 4,500,000 earn their own
living. There are 124,000 who teach;
10,000 are bookkeepers; over 3,000 are
printers and nearly 500 act as editors
and compilers; 1,300 are engaged in
photography; civil service clerks num
ber nearly 2,300; 3,800 are engaged in
medical work and nursing and 350
women are blacksmiths.
ynth a smooth Iron and Defiance
Starch, you can launder your auirl
waist just as well at home as the
steam laundry can; it will have the
proper stiffness and finish, there will
be less wear land tear of the goods.
ami t will be a positive pleasure to
use a Starch that does not stick to the
Word Derivatives.
"Petrel" and "petrol" both descend
from "petra," a rock. "Petrol" comes
directly enough, through "petroleum,'
rock oil. but "petrel" through St
Peter, after whom the bird was
named, because it appeared to walk
upon the waves.
His Ear to the Ground.
"Do you expect people to believe all
thatVou tell them?" "That is not the
idea." answered the sagacious cam
paigner. "The way to win the hearts
of the people is to tell them what
they already believe."
By following the directions, which
are plainly printed on each package of
Defiance Starch, Men's 'Collars and
Cuffs can be made just as stiff as de
sired, with either gloss or domestic
finish. Try it, 16 oz- for 10c, sold by
all good grocers.
Lightning Photographed Vase.
During a thunderstorm a remarka
ble incident happened at a house near
Deal, England, the lightning imprint
ing a perfect photograph of a flower..
vase on a mirror before which it stood
Defiance Starch Is the latest Inven
tion in that line and an improvement
on all other makes; 'it is more eco
nomical, does better work, takes less
time. Get it from any grocer.
Slow Growth of Oyster.
When an oyster is a fortnight old
it Is not much larger than the head
of a pin. At the end of four years'
growth it is fit for the table.
FITS, St. Vitus Dance and all Nervous
Diseases permanently cured bv Dr. Kline's
Great Nerve Restorer. Send for Free $2.00
.-I..1 t. .i I a: t t it iri?
trial bottle and treatise. Dr. IL H. Kline.
Ld., 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.
The man who seeks office for tho
public good Is apt to consider him
self the entire public after he lands.
Hides, Peits and Wool.
To get fall value, ship to the old reliable 1
i ? m- v 1 ; yw., .mumtniwu, .num.
The thrifty housewife never attains
perfection, for she is always mending.
Lewis Single Binder straight 5c. Many
smoker prefer them to 10c cigars. Your
dealer or Lewis Factory, Peoria, 111.
Much that passes for patience is
simply laziness.
lasBaaaBmBaajam '
- ' -
Positively cared bf
tawse little Pills.
Tbey also relieve Dis
tress from Drspepsia, Io
digestion and Too nczrt?
Eatln?. A perfect rta-
edjr for Dizziness, Kau-
sea. Drowsiness, Bad
Taste in the Month, Coat
ed Tongue, Pain in the
Ibejrregiilate the Bowels. Parely Vegetable.
tjemrine Must Bear
SsF-w. ? iW -j '
rati vr k
stai nu.?.
- a
Overwhelming Proof; that - LydfaEinhom's'
' Vegetable Compound Succeeds..
One of tthe greatest trtamnho -of
Lydia E. Piakaams Vegetable Com
pound is the conquering of woman's
dread enemy Tumor.
The growth of a tumor is so in
sidious that frequently Its presence
is wholly unsuspected until It is well
So called "wandering- pains" may
come from Its early stages, or the
presence of danger may, be made
manifest by excessive monthly peri
ods accompanied by unusual pain, from
the abdomen through the groin and
If you 'have mysterious pains, if
there are indications of inflammation
or displacements, secure a battle of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, made from native roots and
herbs, right away and begin its use.
The following' letters should con
vince every suffering woman of its
virtue, and that it actually does
conquer tumors.
Mrs. -May Pry, of 83G W. Colfax
Ave., South' Bend. led., writes:
DearvMrs. Pinkbam:
"I take great pleasure in writ
ing to thank you for what Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has
done for me. I also took, the Blood
Purifier in alternate doses with the
Compound Tour medicine removed a
cyst tumor of four years growth,
which three of the best physicians
declared I had.' They had said that
only an operation could help me. I am
very thankful that I followed a friend's
advice and took your medicine. It has
made me a strong and well woman
and I shall recommend it as long as
I live."
Mrs. E. F. Haves, of 26 Ruggles St,
.Boston, Masswrites: .
$3.00 & $MO SHOES tZu
toward ISSSSSstK
THE REASON W. L. Douglas shoes arevorn by mora peopto
tn all walks of life than any other make, is because of tbeir
excellent style, easy-fitting, and superior wearing qualified.
Tho selection of the leathers ami other m:tterials for each pars
of the ahoe, and every detail of the making is looked after by
the most coinpleteorganif ition of superintendent9,foreiueiiaikl
skilled shoemakers, who receive the highest wages paid in the
shoe industry, and whose workmanship cannot be excelled.
1 11 1 couw t,ixo yon into my large lactones at
and-show von bow carcf ullv W.
would then understand why they bokf their
CA.UTJ.Oxr v The genuine 1
) genuine have W. L. Douelas
Jio SalMtltate. Ask Your de.Uer for W. L.
otrect to factory, saoes sent even wmera ay bmil
i . . . - . . ". . -
W You save monqrk
and avoid failures in yoor
m" baking if you use h
ff3K3PI 25 Ounces far 25 Cents K
sncPam H l IlM annnnmn
sLuNasfrJi Here is tme economy. Yoa cannot m
mSfSk sure every time or have your W
kRSqJU food dainty, tasty and whole K
rngMrrrfijU ,some If you pay less or m
IniD Hsl accept a substitute. . r
U ---- n F
MAi?BW'aCllnnBM?L-'. -- annnFV'
T0tSr4JtflHH IsmsnF
lvfcAicsrBnnnnnnV. .annnnTssnisr
fcZTjsygg''. jw p
fl IT
IK- aw II
BsLt2 II
A substitute for and superior to mustard cr any ether plaster, and will net
blister tho most delicate skin. The pain-allaying and curative qualities cf the
article are wonderful. It vill stop the toothache at once, and relieve Head
ache and Sciatica Ve recommend it zs the best and safest external counter
irritant known. .also as an external remedy for pains in the chest and stomach
and all Rheumatic. Neuralgic and Gouty complaints. A trial Twill prove what
we claim for it. and it will be found to be invaluable in the household and for
children. Once used no family will be without it. Many people say " it is
the best of all your preparations." Accept no preparation of vaseline unless
the same carries our label, as otherwise it is not genuine.
Sand your address and we will mall ou- Vaseline Booklet describing
our preparations. waich wi'.l interest. you.-
17 Stale St CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. RewYerkCitv
cm Fax installed
Jni iimuij
5WES Mtsonoal mnotuy
Girarhar work and simkr
orsjlosls forever
Discouraged ?
v If your present work is a fail
ure, better try mine; I pay $3.00
per day, in cash, for good work.
Details cost you nothing.
. ATKLXSOX, 1024 Race St. TIJ
sas teantsnee us a
a farwavvtaini nDSaFaa.
'- Ua"ta 1M
is it xootara. ctwt,
cram stum-
oaiy jz
. -.y.
'. "iim.iT
'1 have kWaadV dWtient dortour
treatment for a Ions time without
relief. They toM me I had a ibroW'
tumor, my abdomen was swollen and
1' suffered with great 'pahs. I. wrote
to you for advice, yon replied and 1
followed your directions carefully and
to-day I am a well, woman. Lydia K.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compoaod ex
pelled the tumor and strengthened my
whole system." "
' Mrs. S. J. Barber, of Scott, N. ?r,
writes: -
Dear Mrs. Pinkbam:
"Sometime' agu J. wrote you for.
advice about a tumor which the don
tors thought would have to be removed.
Instead I took Lydia E. Pinkbarojs
Vegetable1 Compound and to-day am a,
well woman."
Mrs. M. M. Funk, Vandergrlft, la.,1
writes: "-J
Dear Mrs. Pinkham: x
"I had a tumor and-Lydta E. PiakK
ham's Vegetable' Compound remowdy
it for me after two doctors had given
me up. I was Hick four years before I
began to take the Compound. 1 wft
recommend Lydia E. Piskham's Veget
able Compound far and near."
Such testimony as above Is con
vincing evidence that Lydia EL Pins
ham's Vegetable Compound stand
without a peer aa a remedy for Tawur
Growths as well as other distressing
ills of women, and such symptoms an
Bearing-down Sensations, Dhmtac
ments. Irregularities and. Backache,
etc. Women 'should remember that It
is Lydia E. Piskham's Vegetable Com
pound that is CuriBg so many women. .
Don't forget to insist upon It when
some druggist asks you to accept
something else which he calls "just
as good.",
shape, St better,
oilier maae. .
name and nrire. stawDCd oa bottom: Tsm
Itrmslas shoes. If he cannot suiily vou. sen
..xl.. .- " .r "
uatauc im. w J
TLaavaral il
KgBlatio3 ism
Sew lbtrkto New toeaed br Sent
Soavs of the choice
lands in the train ciow
iag belts of Sasl-atea.
wan aad Albena itavo
recently been oiwnd
for settlement under
the Revised Homestead)
ReglHatic&s of Caoada.
Thousands ef hoaie
stcadsof tfo acres ruck
are now available. The new regulations jnaL it
possible for entry to be made by proxy, the eppot
tnniiy that many in the United States have be-
raiting for. Any member of a family may maJA
entry for any ether member of the family, -who may
bn entitled to make entry for himself orheisl?
Entry may now be made before the A tent cr Suh
Arent of the District by jHOiy, (on certain condi
tions) by the father, mother, sea. daagbter,brotlies
cr sister of intending homesteader.
" nv nvaberad cetloa ef Domtntcs
a huhwwim nana wtMrrowiKW,
s sum st, sot reserved, my he tw.
steaded by say nenoa the
haead t a famtl ,
or male over lij cam ef saw, t the mleat t uao
yiartcretlja, fieaew,soreor I i
The fee ia each cae will be Jiaoo. Chnrcfcei.
schools and markets convenient. Healthy dun:,
splendid cross and road laws. Graavsrowiasassr
cattle raising principal rndBstiles.
For farther aartieniant as to rates, routes, bear
time to go aad where to locate, apply to
W. N. U., OMAHA, MO. , 1907.
- -s.
IK 4