7. :v. Hie'sr- " JSf- i-.V5-J iT -: 5 -4 pjv' f5vr?,'?i-rrr;'-.v-' --, -; MrH?" Vi Vis -.-tJ.r2F A--t3ff",:". 1. i ,. - &: u LO;ss fJATSC. sM& J&sttm&t&&'-. ' lT. -V r lJT y-? ",-" " x - '. . J- v , Jf to-J r.N. W ''T1" J? "iri'lfn V -. J t .; AA iST11 - OoniolidAted with the Oolnmlwui Ttme April 1, 1904; with the Platte Ckninty Argus January 1, 1906. - ' j -Mfc 5. Volume xxxviil number 33. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1907. WHOLE NUMBER l.STl.Sf STia' -V-- ,Wy- ? ( " ;- ' - '--far - Tp 'fmi'- ...-- . ..- - ." - -' -r - t - -. i . . w .-.- r , . r - ' r oi .-4 1-5- ir f&. S s Hockenberger & Chambers .REAL ESTATE AMD LOAMS. s i I m m 9 Hi Whenever desiring iDveatneat in real estate, either farm laBd or town lots, it will be to yow interest to conaalt our liata. We also have several good dwellings for rent in Columbus, and it will pay yon to cosse and see as before completing your arrangeBents.J Money to loan in any aaumnt on short notioe. Fire, Totnsdo and Aoeident Insuranoe. Becher, Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi s Hi ! ; m 9 m m m m m m I I Hockenberger & Chambera 9 s COLUMBUS Oats Bye Bitrley, Hogs 82 58 '.. 40 ..S3 50 to S3 60 flHI i MAJfT TEAMS AGO. I sWimifisHmnmHsmissWnW Files or the Journal Nov. 19, 1873. , J. A. Turner, John Huber, L. M. Oook, Fred Matthews, A. Friedline, Platte Baker and H. C. Preston went to Omaha on Monday to attend U. 8. -District Court as witnesses. Mr. W. T. Caloway has recently sold two valuable business fronts on Twelfth street, near the railroad track, one to A. Miller and one to E. C. Kavsnaugb. These lots are between Mr. Miller's office and Brodfaehrer's jewelry store. One of our exchanges tells a good one on a brother lawyer, which illustrates what a little thing will put a man off his line of thought. The lawyer was mak ing a high flown speech, telling about angel's tears, when his honor said, "con fine your remarks to the dog fighting case." The lawyer eat down. A friend who passed up tbe Beaver valley informs us that he was very much surprised to find the valley bo thickly se' tied. Perhaps three years since there was not an inhabitant west of the limits of the Pawnee reservation and the Cedar much lesa a settlement. Now after you leave the Reservation you are not out of sight of improvements .until you reach Albion, and our friend says he was in 'formed by the citizens that many miles west of Albion the settlement continues. The table lands in the vicinity of tbe Beaver valley are rich and still unoccu pied. The present settlers preferring lands in the bottom, perhaps on account of water and timber. Oar informant says it is a most beautiful valley, the soil mimtly rich and productive, and but few snots the distance he travelled over but what will produce good crops, and that the land is all taken in the valley but that hundreds of thousands of set tlers can yet 'be accommodated with homesteads on the table' lands. At the Hif u School. Forty additional pupils have been en rolled during the Inst week. It has been fund necessary to section the clases in clay modeling and wood carving. State Snpt. MoBrien visited the High school Wednesday and gave a talk in the auditorium and also addressed the normal training class. Mice Buby Bickly received a very flattering offer from West Point, but de clined to take it, much to tbe relief of the superintendent and the patrons. Mrs. Watts and Mrs. King will take their visiting days next Tuesday and Wednesday, the former going to Norfolk I and the latter to the southern part of tbe state. The schools will take part in the exer cises for laying the corner stone of the Y. M. C. A. building on Friday, Nov. S3. The scholars will meet at the opera house and march from there to the budd ing. We will extend the time of the Muns ing Underwear essay contest until December l.-Craoj's. The Winter Term of the COLUMBUS Cimercial College Opis MNwiy, Dm. 2 New clssses organized in all business and stenographic branches. No entrance examina tion required. Write for catalogue and spec ial tei L ft. Garnahan Columbus, Nebr. Becher, The death of Miss Lillian Bagatz, whkk oocarrsdSasday tsoraiat, east a shadow of cJosss orer the eatire ossi; nuaity wbere'she grew to womanhood, and by whom she was loved aod renpect ed. While her death was not wholly unexpected, it oame aa a shook to her ssaay friends. An anosmplaiaiag smf ferer for alasost a year, erery thing was done to prolog her life, but of bo avail. During the summer' she wont to Cali fornia in seareh of health, but returned without being beasfltted, although for o few weeks her condition gave her friends kope. Lillian Agnes BsgaU was born in Prairie da Sac, Wisconsin, and with her parents moved to Columbus in 1879, which has since been her borne. Here she was educated in the public schools and grew to womanhood. Miss Rsgatz became identited with the Methodist church about seven years ago, and baa oiaee been faithful uMmber, and she is also asMmberof the Eastern Htar. The funeral services were held Tuesday at 1 p. m., being conducted by her pastor, Bev. L. & DeWolf of the Methodist ohureh, and the services at the grave conducted by .the Eastern Star, ted by Bev. DeWolf. Bert Bader, a'former Columbus boy, died at Hot 8prings, Arkansas, Novem ber 12, and the body was brought here for burial, the funeral being held at the German Befbrmed church Tuesday afternoon, being conducted by Bev. Neumarker. Bert Bader was born in New York in 1879, and came to Colum bus with his parents in 1880, remaining here until 1897, when he moved with the family to Cripple Creek, Colorado. Loot fall he returned to Columbus and then went toGenoa, where he remained until September '25, when be went to Hot SpriBgs, where he died. Belatives from abroad who were here to attend the funeral wer his father and mother, Mr. and Mm. John Bader of Cripple Creek, Colo., Mm. Julius Phillipps and Fred Bader, a brother and sister from Genoa. A brother'and sister who live in Colora do were unable to get here in time to attend the funeral. Frank Frerichs narrowly serious injury in a runaway on Eleventh street Tuesday morning. His team be eame frightened at a milk can and start ed west on Eleventh street, When they reached M street they turned the corner too aharp and upset the wapon, which had a binder loaded on it. When Frericks was picked up he jwas under tbe binder and it looked as though ho had suffered serious injuries, but aa ex amination by a physiciau did not reveal any broken bones, severe bruises being the extent of his injuries. Something seems to be the matter with the newspaper men of Boone coun ty. Becently a Mr. Leedom of Albion wss given a sea teaos of six years in the pen for despoiling ajoung woman, and now comes the charge' of ombezel meat against the saintly H. Gordon Cross of St. Edward. From the news paper accounts .we learn that this high browed individual robbed ibe mission fund of the Methodist church of 30 which was entrusted to his cere to send to the benighted heathen. Fullerton Newa. Monday evening, at the Mseanerchor hall, about three hundred members of the Swiss Greutli Verein celebrated the thirteenth anniversary of the founding of the order in this city. The event was of more than ordinary interest, as it was also the six hundredth anniversary of the date when Switzerland secured her freedom., from Austria. An excel lent program had been prepared, after whioh a banquet was served and the remainder of the evening enjoyed in dancing, the Maennerchor orchestra furnishing the. music Monday H. B Bead .-received stele gram from Biverside, ' OaL, telling him of the death' of- his mother who passed away suddenly on fiunday, -and, also stating, that the funeral would be hold on Tuesday. Mrs. Beed was well known to many Columbus people having lived in this locality for many yean. Mr. Beed did not learn any of the particulars of hie mother's death, but will receive them later: J. W. Marthis, who has been conduct or on the Lincoln-Columbus Burling ton freight run for the last tea or twelve years, has been offered a passenger ran from Stromsburg to Alma, and will probably accept it. Mr. Marthis owns property in the city and doss not core to leave, but his sge and the fact that a better position is offered will probably cause him to make the change. Mrs. Mary Bussell and Mm. Clara Carlson left last Saturday for Kansas City, Mo., the home of Mm. RusnsU. Mm. Carlson will visit there' a few weeks and thee go to Denver, Colorado, where she expects to make her home. Bpssell is a daughter-in-law and Carlson a dauguter of Mrs. Kate BusssU who died recently. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. ThoKnoon, form erlyof this locality, but now of Peters burg, were.in the city this weak with their little eon, George, who was operat ed on for appesdicitie at 8t. Mary Is hospital Tuesday. His eoadition fol lowing the operation was such as to mit hia father to return home the day. ' We will extend the time of the Mi ing Underwear essay contest uatO lira. Foul and Dr. Oooulktsnd Dr. Talker. Dr.W. H. Slater. Fsople who get isoults advertise in tbe JdurnaL Dr. CA. Alleaburger, osnoo in bow 8tate Bank building. Use a Carriage Heatat at the. North opera house.-rm'. , J. W. Early was at Lincoln and Waheo on. bosinsss last week. C. A. Newman returned last Thursday, from North Dakota sad will remain at home until spring. Supervisor Scaurs was in the city last Wednesday afternoon eurouto home from business trip to 8palding. Ernest Dassell left Monday morning for Hot Springs, 8. D., where he hopes to find relief from a very severe attack of I will euro bog cholera in its worst stage, and heaves in horses. No cure no pay. Will be at J. J. Barkis oSoe on Saturdays. W. F. Dodds. Wait fertile big PUi Sale .-!& NvYeaber MuTLDeeemv tor at K. W. Saley'slagie Store U Nwrtb opera btise. Bev: Mr. Monro, announces so hie sub ject for oext 8abbotb morning, "Abba, Father. At night he will present tbe subject, "The Shepherd and the 8seep." Frank Bums of St. Edward came down to Columbus last Thursday to consult physicians in regard to a broken arm which he got in a runaway recent Budolph Launor and Fred Plambsek of Fremont were in the city the first of the week, the forsmer the guest of his uncle, G. Launer, and the latter of J. W. O'Brien, M. Loeb of Chicago, father of Mrs. Carl Kramer of this city, arrived- Mon day for an extended visit. Me any con clude to make Columbus his home for the present. Willis C. Irish and TflUe Pearson, both of Genoa, and Joseph Midowski of South Omaha and Sophie Tomsszowic wore aarriage licenses by Judge Btt tbe last week. B.&Palaaer the tailor, dean, dyes and repairs Ladies and Gents' clothing. Hate cleaned and reblocked. Buttons .made to order. Agent Germania Dye Works. Nebraska Phone. .- Carriage Heaters and coal for the car riage or aatomobile. Oratj's. - ' Tekla Wejkiolevie, who was before tbe insanity board last- week, was com nutted to the asylum at Lincoln as a dipsomsiao, Deputy 8heriff Joworski taking her there Saturday saornisg. Mrs. ' O. M. Douglas was pleasantly surprised lost Friday evening by a num ber of her frieads and neighbors, cards aad 'social entertsinsaent being the order of the evening, and lunch was served. F. T. Walker and J. O. Byrnes left Tuesday morning for Texas with a party of laud seekers, the former going to Corpus Ohristi and the latter to Gal veston. They expect to remain in the oouth a week or ton days. Ed Vieth of St. Edward came to Columbus last Thursday to accompany his daughter. Miss Edna, noma' Miss Viethe has been at St, Mary's hospital for several weeks where one has under gone a euooeasfal operation forsppendi- L.F. Phillipps moved into hie new residence at the oomer of Tenth and Washington avenue, last week, which is one of the nice homes of the oity. He sold his old residence to Paul Borowiak. who moved it to the southwest pert of town. Something new in skates "Brownie Spring Joe Skates.'' Croaj's. Gethsomnno Commandery No. 91 of Knight Templars will hold a special meeting at their lodge room on Thurs day evening of thin week to saake pre parations for. the laying of the corner stone of theY.M. O.A. buiidingoothe next day, Friday November 22ad. The sixteenth annual ball of the An cient Order of Hibernians will be held at the Orpheus hall, aa usual on Thanks giving evenug, November 27, 1907. Tbe committee in charge this year decided not to issue any invitations. This ball will be one of the best of the W. M. Pollard of Monroe township i the city Saturday evening, on hie way to 8onth Omaha with two can of cattle he had been feeding. He had in tended to winter this stock, but the loss of feed by tbe hail storm durinarthe summer compelled him. to dispose of them at this time and on an unfavorable TaoUnionPacifiehoahadaeoupleof tains removing saateriai that was the Loop river bridge, and which was to to used in beiktiag the new structure. This is done so proves in the: soring should there ho water. It. wss the intention to m the bridge all winter, hot the order to lay the mo NUiiiiiiiiliiiHHIIHIil CHRISTMAS; i-SIx Weeks Off m w m m m 4 Make TtiT Holtfay PtttfcuMS sad bare mawkii awarmatil jeaanna- djforuHaa, 9 m 3 m i 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 3 m We are closing out our fine china Kae at ooct and many other lines such an Pwi Kiifisaii Ms BTwtwfatlMr ClNks Liatw$f6fiuS ICtitKNwftwrlPNS Elootricutfs Cit 6lass. Etc. aadnuay pieoesia Our windows will always be filled e with bargains. Watch C for them. g El. J. IKWIIIEI. - Jeweler & Optician -1 9 9 9 9 1l!PHIfMpa)sjsjasjaisjtjojs Dr. Naumann, Dentist 13 8s. G. R. hanging. Prieb, painting and paper First-class printing done at the Jour nal office. x " W. A. Way is out in Idaho on a two week's business trip. Wanted Girl for general housework Mrs. F. K. Strother. Dr. D. T. Msrtyn. jr.; office new. Colum bus State Bank building. Every pair of "K K" skates warranted against breakage. Oram's. Dr. L. P. Oarsteneon, Veterinarian both phones 213, Columbus, Neb. Born on Friday, November 16, to Mr. and Mm. E. G. Brown, a daughter. Craig Turner lost five nice hogs Mon day night by a crib falling on them. For fancy Wedding Stationery, pro grams or Calling cards, don't fail to tie the Journal figure wilh you. . v-1 Try a lunch when out shopping at Poesch's bakery. Hot coffee and lunch, hot chocolate and whipped cream 5a Bev. Dr. Westcott of Grace church this city will conduct services at St. John's church, Omaha, next Sunday, November 24. , For .Sale Harness shop doing good business, also shoes repair shop in con nection. Gall on or address Pster Mnn ter, Monroe, Neb. Carl Froemel, the jeweler, has just completed a residence on east Eleventh street, and will move his fsmily into it about the first of December. Mrs. Jscob Greises, assisted by M es dames Joseph Berney, Frank Gerharz and A. J. Smith, will enttertain at her home Thursday with an afternoon tea. Less than one cent per 'hour is the cost of keeping comfortable in the car riage, automobile or "pneumonia fac tory" with one of our carriage, heaters. W. H. Crocker, butter, maker for the Columbus Cream company, went to Des Moines, Iowa, Tuesday to attend the meeting of the National Butter Maker's sssociation. John Bohrich was arrested Tuesday evening by Policeman Burke, the charge being drunkenness and disturbing the peace, be was takes before Police Judge O'Brien Wednesday morning and fined $5 and costs, amounting to $11.30, which ho paid. Superintendent J. L. MoBrien of Lin coln was in the city Tuesdsy and Wed. uesday of this week. He was enroute to L?igfito -fill an appointment, and in tended to make the trip from here in an automobile, but on account of late trains was unable to reach his destination in time, and remained here. $fe Per Ton For Our Golden Ash NUT GOAL for cook stoves. It is clean and sootless. Noth ing better. L.W.Weaver &$on. Both Phones 74 Columbus Nebraska NUW XaTia of the Onraor Maae of the ' ItwT. X. 6. A. Bailtaf . All arriagsmnnts for the laying of the corner otone of the now Youag Mae's Ohristisa Assooiatioa building nest Fri day aftemooo, November 2s, have practically oomploted. The will be uoder the auspices of the Grand lodge of A. F. and A. M. of Nebraska. The grand lodge osaoem being escorted by the Commas dsry Knight Teaapmr under OL J. Gariow. and representatives from a large number of sister lodges and the fraternal ami civic bodies and the school ehildreo will also participate. The principal snookers of thedsy wiU be governor 8hsldon, Grand Master King of the Masonic order sad a re presentative of the Young Men's Chris- Before the oereaaonisa commence, the parade will form at the Msooafc hall, beaded by the Columbus City Band, and march around the square to the building. Following ia an outline of the program to be carried out. Music by the Columbus City Band. Invocation by the Chaplain. Laying of tbe corner stone with ap propriate ceremonies. Address by the Grand Master King of the Masonic Order. Anthems by tbe choir. Address by Governor Sheldon. Song by tbe eehoqj-children. Address by representative of the Young Meals Christian Association. Benediction, Bev. Monro Beeessienal by the Columbus City Band. . The following articles will be placed in tbe corner stone: Holy Bible. Copies of laws and proceedings of the various masonic bodies, roster of urn ben of the Columbus 'lodge, aad his tory of masouio home. History of Columbus Yomng Men's Christian association and list of mem faers, also list of names of those who subscribed towards the building. Copies of tboloeal papers. Ia honor of the oocession Mayor Phillips has issued n proclamation de claring that afternoon n holiday and re questing that the varioue places of business be closed from one until three p.'m. Procession will start promptly at 1290 p. m. from the oomer of Thirteenth and North streets, headed by the Columbus City Band. Tbe following beiag the or der of parade: ' ;' Masonic bodies. Fraternal, Civic and Military bodies. The line of march will be from Thir teenth to Platte, west to building. Oar PeUt County Frieads. Bev. G. W. Comer who is pastor of the First Presbyterian church here baa been down to Saint Joe, Ma, holding revival meetings for the paat several weeks, hss returned and ia just in time to assist in and help in tbe union revival services to begin at the Methodist church at Osceo la next Sabbath. "Miss Anna Peterson of our city start ed for Columbus on Tuesday morning, going by the way of Stromsburg and Central City to the main line of the U P. to take the Los Angeles Limited for Columbus when she will visit for a few weeks at the homes of Mn and Mm. David Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. E. & Jarmia, .and other homes of former Osceola friends living at Columbus. Engagement of one of Osceola's pro minent young men, to one of Omaha's sweetest singers. Mr. and Mm. James Siddell of Omaha have sent out the announcement that their daughter Miss Irene Siddell was engaged to be saarried to John Earl Pulver, the only son of Mr. and Mm, Ossrius M.' Pulver of Osceola. The wedding ie to take place in the near future. Miss Liddell is one of the swoo test singers of Omaha and has a sweet soprahno voice, she is at present the soloist at the First United. Presbyterian church, and formerly was amember of the Kountz Memorial church and the soloist there. Mr. Pulver is in his senior year at the Creighton Medical College, and assistant to Doctor Foote, and will graduate in the spring. After the marriage and Mr. Pulver's gradua tion; Dr. and Mm. Pulver will take a trip to Europe. Johnnie's Osceola friends are congratulating him on cap turing euch a aweet young lady for a life partner. Miss Siddell has often visited with the Pulver family of Osceo la, and has a great aaany friends here. Walker E. J. Daaktedt ie building a large hog house these day. Fred Nordgren tad family 'visited at Grant Johnson's Sunday. Martin A. Nelson and family of Genoa are visiting at August Swansou's on tbe Looking Glass. A. E. Swanson and wife of Boone county took dinner with the former's parents Sunday. Nels Clany's sale last Friday did not go as good as usual and things sold cheap. Farmera kept the dork busy writing chocks ia payment of their pur chase. Wonder if the banker will aeospt 35 cento on the dollar, all good natured, when the farsaer's noies duo. Wait far tbe big Piamo Sale iariag Naresnber aao! Decem ber at B.W. Saley's Mask Store la Ntrtk wfera btaae loatoleS. Ns with her parents in Mm. E. B. Bwoen it reported what better, tot stilt vary Miss Edna 8ehsritV in loaning the art of sewing at Mm. Wa. Murry's this winter. - . William Meyer of Platte Center was a guest of Miss Mary Brothers Suaday evening. E. Buss is in very poor health again this winter, the same old trouble ho had last winter. Bsv. Linphardt ie holding a series of revival sasetisgo at the Shell Creek Bap tist eauroh thia August and Henry Brunken wen at tending to eome business matters, ia Platte Center Tuesday. A large number of the-f armera on the routs attended the funeral of Miss Lillm Bagab in Columbus Tuesday. Sunday night, over 'the wires from Brother Fred at Brvenide, CsL, oame the sad message "Mother died suddenly this afteraoon.'' Poor Ma. Dark hoax of death. Forbid the thought But it was a release from life's burden. Mm. J. H. Bted was well up in the seventies and has been an invalid for a number of years, aad about two yearn ago it was sessary to remove' both of her eyes, which left her aa helpless so aa infant. But she bore her affiietion peacefully. In mentioning nor death to n friend of the fsmily, they said, "Whoa I saw her a yaaroreoagoia California, she seemed, so quiet, so patient, so sweet. Much comes before no aawe write this, of the scenes at the old home on Ashland Hill in Ohio; and Longiook farm ia Nebras ka. But aU we can say at this time, ss wo remember Ma, she was beautiful, and beautiful were the ministrations of life that were given her to fulfill. Angelic lovliness robed her, and n grace an if it wereeaught from heaven, breathed in every tone, hallowed every affection shown, and in every action, invested as a halo in her whole existence, aad made it a light and a Messing, n charm aad vision of gladness to all around her But she died. Poor Ma. While wo fool her death keenly, wo an glad to knowthataheis relieved from the ter rible suffering she underwent the last three years. It is sort of n pleasant sad- dness. Wo have heard people remark, how aweet a pleasure there is in saddness when we know that our loved ones are orer their sufierisg and safe on the other side of the mystio and peaceful river. It ie not despondency, it is not sorrow, it ie sot bloom, it is one of the moods of joy. At any rate it makes me happy, and yet it is a sober and aad happiness, it is but the shadow of joy upon the soul. May she rest in .peace. lotto lo. 5. Cue Hadwiger m reahingtiug hie cattle ahed. Mrs. F. L. Haha aad children were visiting at Ed Hahn's Sunday. Joseph Galopek is doing n good job of grading between the corner and west of Ohaa Cocksoa's hoi Osrrisr No. 5 was presented with two swaraasof bees, and now ia sure of a good supply of honey next year. A large number of the farmers on the route have finished husking corn. The yield is fairly good and the quality excellent. Beate So. L John Seipp visited on route No. 1 last Sunday evening. . . Louis Wilkin was at Peter Schmitt's mill Isst Friday. Miss Nellie Dineso returned last Fri day from Madison, where she was visit ing friends. Miss Lydia Lueschen has returned from Claries, where she was visiting ber cousin, Herman Luschen. Baal Estate Transfan. Becher, Hockenberger & Chambers real estate agents, report the following real estate transfers filed for record in the office of the county clerk during the weak ending Not. 16th 1907. Efie M White to Hago E Wolf, sif at set . 1847-le.wd S 1575 66 Cad Folk to W W Scott. lot . blk 7, Becker Place. Cohuaboa. 2369 60 GeoWCobaltoJGMaetiB. Us 24 bike, Cecmlea, 8S6 68 Hike Crania to J W Mylet. ne&sz a w 4 14--15-3 Contract,...... 21136 66 IL-AlbarttoFK Strathar, mm 22, sw OPBKCstoil YeUam,ltblk8, Dsaeaa, wd. 36 66 Haijorie William and slater toEatfl Voaflatoaa,ao3tof Its A4blkr7. Becher Place add Cotaaibus. wd 708 06 CJSeetttoLaerCockaoB, M SftSNk 3. Phillip, add, 1868 06 AdaaiBeckteltoEPDaeeaU.lt4blk7 . BeefaerPlaeeadd, 4668 08 LFTowaatoSC IiaeOvu, HSblkS. Beeaer Place add. Z1M06 Jask Koisa tePI McKillip, ItSblkl Tatnev, wd 1668 68 PE HcKillis to Jaek Boama, awaw 13-M-2wd 338 00 C JCatrfaSasrif, tollaiy KaUy.Ha A7Uk"D".MotH08. Deei. 408 ft OUveCfieotttoH rJ atawewU-n-lE , rleawarXewaate Cetoamtl J etal,tt4bla:8,CoaJHa 701 tr a awajiup to w a uarrer ai, aw mapsw, wa.... ....... .......... U388 08 Paul lasU to rite Haenaler Mm 9 4 at 5 blk "A", Cnhwnhla soaate Add to wd, 1830 a """mawBaawiaaBaaBawaoamwmmaojmm namsaii ' i' wmao oooni ounouy - m coismt-o. I WeAreAgtotiFortlM I osom- j Famoua . - asmmaV J A "a I faiill Prtiifitioit j This Guarantee Offer owl Every RcxaU PaGkage This pnpun&m k guaranteed to give art isfactwn;if itdoea not, come back and get your, money, it belongi to ou and we want you to ave it Pollock A Go. Druggist on the Columbus, Nebraska Cupid tuned the key at the aty jafl Monday afternoon) foe of Bonnie Barton of Goojm was married in the evening to Gums, a youag man who is induce her to load a dmTcront life. was arrested over a week ago for haviog a girl 14 years old at her erib ia the Ar cade, that disreputable resort in the rod light district. At Aroade Bonnie Barton wss known as Grace PurosIL See is v) years eld, aad after her arrest nnivpnimisss to Dsaa Bsschsr to nbnndo habitooflife. Guiles bad quaiated with her, aad in the stork's office, ween be applied for a Hosnes, to said that as a matter of friendship ho woald be glad to saarry her if that would do any good. HogotttoBoenso sod then wont to ore Judge Troup, who ordered the girls release upon the condition that she was to marry Guiles, The prisoner wss overjoyed at the prospect, and lutein the afternoon she wont ha the custody of Sheriff Stryker to order herwsddisg trousseau. Tbe officer was. ordered by the court to remain with the bridal pair until they were married. In the even ing the ceremony was perforssed by Dsaa Beecher. World-Herald. Homer Guiles is a Platte county boy, being born aad raised' in Monroe town ship. Ho left about a year aad a half ago. A f paulal cordial invitation ia extended to everybody to tarn out and take .sort ia tbe ceresaouMO at the kyiag of the cor ner atone of the Young Men's Christian uorJatioa building next Friday, Nov. ember 22. Gua. G. Bbchuk. an.. B. S. DiCKnnxnr. L. G. Zihs kcxxk. Invitation Committee. le. f. Samuel Mueller built n new hog last week. Eovis Jones putting np a now corn crib last i Frank Blaser is building erib to store hie crop in. John Seholz sold his fat hogs st Gel umbus Wsdnssday of last Graeo Charah. On Sunduy, November 34, will be preached by the Bar. D. C Chandler of St, John's ohureh, Osaaha, both morning aad evening. . "A Mrs. Gus Ernst, Mm. John Broek;sod children and Mm. Boo Buehaell of tha city attemled the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Smith at Schuyler on Tuesday. Mr. Smith is aa old soldier aad he and hie family were former resi dents of Columbus, moviag from hare to Richland and then to Schuyler. Underwear UNION SUITS We have the agency for the famous Massing Underwear, the beat popular prised Union Suits on the market Prices in men's from fi.M to $4.50. Prices ia boys' from 60c, 78c, ll sod $15. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS a In two piece gurmente wo have a splendid lino ready for your hv- Ipuotion aad raogiaj from fOc to 12 M a garment. early while the sizes are GRAY'S II i i M -- j J rriv-i -if vs&SPti i?JE&ziP?,m fc5 rrwv.. fr&f -,aag w "I. 2-jr --.. -. . t 'ia"s J-' , wv tiSlA:Ii. raf-j jj Xtfi gjai&tVaeiUg. " . ".. -Siii. (t-aw ,-S -gr-ii .-&h " tT.KT-g' r.