H?ffiS-'''s C'"-"', C "-vS'-5'!5J,s. iTW-tV; 4 . v 3" -sr.seStV. ran 2" . " r KfT-. .-J t Htfl -. .-. 1 NEW MUSIC A E have opened a new music VV store in the Landon furni ture store chi Eleventh street and will handle a complete line of flrst class pianos: Our prices defy all .competition. Remember we are per manently located in Columbus. BECKER BROS. HENRY J. BECKER, Manager lHteliS. Him Mary Miller returned last week from her extended viait in Miaaouri with bar parentis. Mis. EL B. Biaaon, who haa been very aiok with influenza and lug fever, k reported as improving. Niek Adamy expectato leave Germany this week and sail for home. He reports very pleasant time across the- water. F. J. KotiarofQuincy, 111., who has bean visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kotiar, returned to his home last Friday. Miss Mary Newman is at the home of her brother, O. P. Newman, aa her sister-in-law, Mis. Newman is suffering from a serve attack of erysipelas. Tuesday evening a telephone message to Mrs. EL B. Bead and Mrs. J. C. Brvnea conveyed the aad newa that the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Engel of 8ilver Creek was dangerously etch, and not expected to live. The ladies went to 8Uver Creek on No. 5 the seme evening. Walk. Oorn picking is about done, and the biggest part of it is fed up already. By the look of the returns of the vote of Walker township, certain democrats must have done some good work in the township. The Soren Poison aad C. C. Peterson sale last Wednesday went all right, and everything sold high. Oscar Peterson, the new auctioneer, was doing remark ably well. Hardly any newa to write aa business is almost at a stand still on account of the 'money scare and the low price of everything the farmer haa to sell dont see any reduction on what he buys. FIRST RAILWAY IN CANADA. Train Wa Run Over Primitive Rsad bad in 1t3t. The first railway In Canada was the Champlaln and St Lawrence railway, which ran from Laprairle on the St Lawrence river, eight miles above Montreal, to St John's, on the Riche lieu, a distance of 14 miles. The company of proprietors of the Cham plain and St' Lawrence Railway," was Incorporated on February 25, 1832, bat work was not begun until 1835. On July 21, 1836, the first train was run over the road. A few days before an accident had happened to the little engine, and it was deemed advisable to attach to it only two of the passen ger cars, while the others were drawn each by two horses. Some three hun dred persons, including the Earl of Gosford and other high officials, were present by invitation of the directors, to take their first trip over a Canadi an railway. Next day, when the en gine had been repaired, It effected the journey to St Johns with two pas sengers and two loaded freight cars, in forty-five minutes, and returned in consisted of the engine, of from five to six tons, four, passenger cars each carrying '.eight persons, and twenty freight cars, capable of conveying about ten tons' each. .The engine cost 1,500. and thcars 1.000. The cost of the road itself was estimated at; 33,000. The rails were of wood, with flat iron spiked to them, and as far as any degree of smooth convey ance was concerned, similar condi tions today, would by no means suit twentieth century requirements. The real epoch, however, during which railway construction In Canada had its serious beginning, was between 1853 and 1856. j Much Stupidity. ' I fear you will laugh when I tell you what I conceive to be about the most essential mental quality for a free peo ple whose liberty is to be progressive, permanent and on a large scale; it is smack stupidity. In fact what we' opprobiously call stupidity," though.not am enlivening euality hi common society, is nature's favorite resource for preserving stead iness of conduct and consistency of opinion; it enforces comcemtratiom; (people who learn slowly, 'lean only what they must The beat security for people doing then duty is, that they should mot know anything else to do; the best security for fixedness of pinion Is, that people should be in capable of comprehending what la to fee said on the other aid. Walter I . -. i !' "HPCew 1 smvHnWo Nervey's omtsMe." aM the usher, "and hs. wants yer to pass him in." Tan Ubs,? replied the manager of the prima fight "that we can't aobody but newspaper mb." I sM aad hs says hea snortim sd tlsr of 4s riiBMaaaiimil mecord."-- REVISITS SCENE OF CRIME. Thrilling Ghost Stacy Told by Eng liah Magazine. This ghost story Is contributed by a correspondent of am English maga zine: "Wycollar hall, near Colhe; was long the sent of the Cunliffes. of BilUngton. They were noted persons in .their time, but evil days came, and their ancestral estates passed out of their hands. In the days of the com monwealth their loyalty cost them dear; and ultimately they retired to Wycollar with a remnant only of their once extensive property. About 1819 the last orthe family passed away, and the hall is now a. mass of ruins. Little but the antique fireplace re mains entire, and even the room al luded to in the following legend can not be identified. Tradition says that once every year a specter horseman visits Wycollar halL He is attired In the costume of the early Stuart period, and the trappings of his horse are of a most uncouth description. "On the evening of ids visit the weather is always wild and tempestu ous. There is no moon to light the lonely roads, and the residents of the district do not venture out of their cottages. When the wind howls loud est the horseman can be heard dash ing up the road at full speed, and, after crossing the narrow bridge, he suddenly stops at the door of the halt The rider then dismounts and makes his way up the broad oaken stairs into one of the rooms of the house. Dread ful screams, as from a woman, are then heard, which soon subside into groans. The horseman then makes his appearance at the door, at once mounts his steed, and gallops off by the road he came. "His body can be seen through by those who may chance to be present; his horse appears to be wild with rage, and Its nostrils stream with fire. The tradition is that one of the Cunliffes murdered his wife in that room, and that the specter horseman Is the ghost of the murderer, who is doomed' to pay an annual visit to the home of his vic tim. She is said to have predicted the extinction of the family, which, accord ing to the story, has been literally ful filled." WHITE FOR MOURNING. Black Haa Given Way as a Color for Widow's Weeds, Etc' Black mourning has had Its day. We are henceforth comme les relnes blanches of the early Renaissance, to wear white mourning. This Is not so much a reversion as a further imita tion of the victorious Japanese. A black hat feathers and gloves, with a white dress, are to pass for le dernier cri de l'ame en deuil. It will do as well to be entirely in white, or per haps better; unbroken whiteness is so' blank, so insipid as to be almost penitential! The widow of royal line 400 years ago was in white from top to toe. La Marguerite -des Margue rites, who had lost her husband at the battle of Pavia, went to Madrid to vis it her captive brother habited in white wimple, riding habit and all in white, in sign of widowhood. Black mourning came in from Florence with Catherine de Medici. Violet. mourning for the head of the state went out with the revolution. M. Felix Faure thought the black hat that replaced it moife suitable for the croque-mort and wished for reversion to regal violet For the dresses of ladies not In mourning there will be next winter only violet and of la nuance Mon tagnlnl. Through the Telephone. "Are you there?" "Yes." "Who are you, please?" "Watt" "What is your name, please? "Watt's my name." "Yes; what Is your name?" "I say my name is Watt" "Oh, well I'm coming to see you." "All right Are you Jones?" "No; I'm Knott" "Who are you then, please?" Tm Knott" "Will you tell me your name, please?!' "Will Knott" "Why won't you?" "I say my name is William Knott" "Oh, I beg your pardon." "Then you will be in if i ome round. Watt?" "Certainly, Knott" Then they were cut off by the, ex change, and Knott wants to know If Watt will be or not Tattler. Just the Other Way. Hiss Mlnny Somen By the by, you ire not the boy I have always had be fore? Caddie Nom; you see, we In as ml to see who'd caddie, for. yon, 'Idas Mlnny 8omera fewfaitr ptosacaj-on. tut you had NEW SIGNAL LIGHTS WRITER MAKES A SUGGESTION THAT SEEMS PERTINENT. Present System, He Says, Gives Need less Labor to the Memory and ' Attention Would Make Semaphore Luminous. The present system of block sig nals at nteht Is ill adapted not to the eye alone it gives needless labor to the memory and the attention. It. requires the engineer, among the In numerable lights that lines his track, to distinguish those 'which are to guide him from those that are of no significance to him at alL Any one who has' ridden In the cab of an express locomotive during its frantic course by night and seen the' engineer as by a miracle pick out his white signal amid a swarm of near by city lights of a hue Identical with the one that must direct him; seen him, also, with an almost mysterious confidence rush past countless red and green lights, knowing that they were not for him, but were switch lights or lanterns, guarding the rear of some neighboring train, or were signals for slow' trains, , for cross overs and a host of things besides as one dashes recklessly through this maze of colored lights he can no longer wonder that signals are occa sionally misread or unobserved. Ho can only marvel, declares George M. Stratton In the Century, that a night express ever reaches its goal In safety. Added, then, to the perils due to the defects of the eye, both normal and abnormal, the present' block sig nals have this serious fault: They do not stand out distinct, and apart from numberless other lights that suddenly appear to the engineer, but to which he is expected to give no heed. The plan that I would propose would be to use throughout the 24 hours the kind. of signal which is now employed only by day. . . . This could be accomplished simply by making at night the 'vane of the semaphore luminous. As in our cities lights are arranged In lines and letters to catch the at tention, so here the signal could be come a fiery arm pointing outward or down, or, if need be, midway between these directions at will. Such a line of fire would be strikingly different from the usual lights of buildings or of streets. It would also, both In quality and In form, stand out entirely distinct from all the colored' lights whose use upon the railway it may, in the end. seem wise to continue for purposes other than the block signal. A con tinuous line of light moreover, would be visible at a far greater distance than Is the present sinle light The glowing signal lights would best be white, and of course should not change in tint In order to convey their message. This would at once remove all need of discerning whether the line burned white or green or red. with all the risk which the distinction brings. The mechanical difficulties of in troducing the' new form of signal would not be great A row of half a dozen oil lamps stretched along the front of the signal arm lamps of the type at present used in the block sys tem could only be counterpoised to prevent their Interference with the proper action of the mechanism which controls the arm. Even with such lanterns the new system would have an Immense su periority over the old,- but no one should regard these weak lights'as more than a makeshift; for what is urgently needed is something that will penetrate the smoke and mist and storm. On roads where electricity Is not the motive power the best lllumlnant for the new signal would perhaps be gas stored under pressure in-tanks gas such as Is used In many of our railway' cars or In the gas. buoys set along our' shores by the government Since these buoys burn untended for months In storm or calm it would seem that such a light might well be adapted to Illuminate the semaphore arm. . 4 For-If .a line, of oil lamps were used the temptation would be strong to economize in weight' and con sequently In oil capacity, and thus to have only a moderate brilliancy where a powerful light is needed. Railroad History. The Nova Scotia railroad, after leaving Wolfville, twists under the elbow of the hill, and- a little box of a waystation, set casually in a hay field, bears the name of the Acadian village. The site of Evangeline's Grand Pre is half a mile across the meadows, but some kindly Ananias of the railroad has set up in the back yard of the station as it were, a group of such stick and board signs as nor mally bear the legend, "Keep Off the Grass." Approaching, we read, "Site of Benedict Bellefontaine's House," "Site of Basil's Forge," and so on. A whimsical and ah accommodating thought thisr-to leave the, pale tourist hurrying by in the Flying Bluenose, a varnished train with a pink engine, the' germ of a historical recollection. Travel Magazine. ' Whirlwind Hits Train. .. Passengers on the Reading express train for Pottsville had a remarkable experience near Reading when the train, going fifty miles an hour, -ran Into a wind storm. The roof of one. of the cars was torn off, causing great excitement Moral Suasion.. In Sweden the public houses are closed' on Saturday pay day while the savings banks are kept open until midnight No government can force a man to save his -money; but this Swedish system at least encourages him to deposit it where It Is most Jik iy to be of use. fm Bridal Parti. - The has beem'mfeoduoed at la TnmibrMge- WeQsmaddhv- triot of ttajulr arches,! of hops mad hop to KEEP TRACK OF CARS, Aceeefrtiwts Knew Location of Every One ea Line. A' story told by a car accountant shows to what extent the tracing of cars has been reduced; to a. science The accountant and a station agent on the same road were talking of the car record system while om their vaca tion lm , the Adlrondacks. "You mean to say you know exactly where every car on the road"" is?" asked the station agent skeptically. "Yes, If it Is on our road. If on a foreign road we can 'tell' where and when and. In 'what condition it was delivered." - . , , "You'll let me test It?" "Yes," replied the accountant "Send me a query any time asking where one of our cars it; you'll -get a reply within twenty-four hours." The next day the accountant went back to work. The station agent started for home a week later.- While passing through Glens Falls, below Lake George, he saw one of the com pany's cars on a siding fitted up as a lodging house for workingmen re pairing the road. " Here he saw a chance to confuse the accountant, and wired to him from Poughkeepsie: "Where is car No. 40.611?" The reply was waiting for him at the -station next morning. It said:' "No. 40,611 being used by Italian la borers at Glens .-Falls for lodgings." Even this appeared In the record books. ' Railroad Building in China. Railway builders in China encounter and combat much prejudice and ig norance. Of the' construction of one road a traveler, writes:' "When the opening ceremony was performed the discontent reached' its zenith. A trial run was made in a 'dummy' on which 'Mr. Grove, district engineer, and Mr. Wang, the Musieh magistrate, and some others were seated. A large crowd of visitors had assembled and the general opinion was freely express ed that the whole undertaking was a fraud as so much labor and money had been expended for an .unattractive conveyance which would accommodate only half a dozen people. Then while going down an Incline a sturdy but in dependent cultivator was met walking between the rails. 'He stolidly ignor ed the shouts of warning, and, after being knocked down and having his leg broken, remarked that the foreign ers were in truth barbarians, as it would have been quite easy for the car to turn off, as there was low ground on each side of the line. If it had been in a cutting, he said, it would have been different Stage Talk. Arthur Grenville, the English actor, was once in a company of pastoral players, who, when the weather per mitted, rehearsed in the grounds where the performance was to take place. Building operations were in progress near at hand, and one day, during a rehearsal of "As You Like It," there fell upon the ears of the pastoral players the following conver sation between a laborer on the scaf folding and his mate on the "fresh earth." Laborer above: "Ullo, there!" Laborer below: "What now, what now? Who calleth so loud?" Laborer above: "I prithee, fair Bill, 'and us up a few more comely bricks!" Bathing the Eyes. Few practices are more beneficial -to the condition of the eyes than is that of bathing them regularly every night before going to bed. Dust read ily accumulates on the lids between 4he lashes and causes them to smart an excellent method of cleaning them, being the old-fashioned one of dab bing the lids with a piece of cotton wool dipped in cold weak tea. -Woman's Life. Three nights, . commencing Thursday, Nov. 14. Walter Savaee Presents the talented young actor ELWIN STRONG and his company of players, includ ing the brilliant actress KftTflERIN DALE in new and successful plays. Thurs day night the beautiful 4 act comedy drama Tfci Kifit lifin GlristMS Friday might the rural drama TM WiMitf HimI Saturday night the great play and ' Me. StrongVmasterpiece Or .Mjll Mi Mr. Hftfi Refined vaudeville between sets. Prices 156, 350 and fiOe. msmsmsmsmssnjsggivjv;) .'.v. . ammmmmmwinsKi -.i f'.'- . mvaBBBBBBBmfsaCft ittxt .syj?. - mmmsmsmsmmi,. swi;., '. mmmmmsmBEyp?.;v( ? v. .; mSBmsmSBBHH,y. Jfii? - Vsammsmsmmijammv.. mmsmBmBmsmBmss ,--j,-t- nVaffffffffaRSJ $ mmumusmsmsmsmmuuw BBmnsmsmsmsmsswMHsmp nKmBSBBBBBBBBBBBSm - mmmmmmmmmmusvi, mKMnwassnaSw' mKEVasBBBBBBoinV msiHw mmmmmvmmi naM'ummumvaw smwsmPtVmaMama mmmmVass.. p9w .AbsbbbbbbbbbbbsV' wflflBifliWHBkWnamw y WAS GOOD BARGAIN WICKY CALLAN MADE MONEY ON PURCHASE. Owner ef Outfit Was LsM Up, but ' Still He Had a Right to Feel Goad Over His In vestment "Wlcky Callan is laid up. but he feels pretty good." said Doc Peters, as he took a seat in the studio pd helped himself to a corncobful of, tobacco. "And what ails him?" asked Red Bruce, who was making scrawls with a stick of charcoal om a piece of coarse paper. . "Well, it was this way: 'Wlcky. he got hold of some money last Saturday. Got a complete outfit of clothes and them started to get an infit He got It all right and took It home with hint some time Sunday night "Monday morning be woke up and searched himself . carefully. -Found a twenty-case mote tucked away im the fob pocket of his trousers aad made a bee-line for Plunkitt's, where he broke la some. After half, an hoar he was feeling fine and concluded to go down town and see If there was anything doing. - "He rode a couple of blocks om the back platform of -a car whom he happened to see an old buggy standing hi front of a junk shop with 'ForSale' on It - . "'Stop the car,' said Wlcky, aad Jumped off. "Now, Wlcky never owned "a horse or buggy, never drove a horse In his life, hut something told -him he ought to have that particular vehicle. , " 'How much do you want for itr he asked the junk man. " 'Ten dollars.' " 'Give you five -."Take it along.' "Wlcky coughed up the five-speck-er. - At a sales stable he knew about he bought a pretty good looking old skate for $5.30, with the bridle at tached. "A light second-hand harness cost him four dollars. Thus equipped, he started off in great shape. The whole caravan cost him about $18, Includ ing drinks. "He was down to fish scales when he got through and it worried him some, but he knew of a roadhouse just out of town where he could always make a touch, so he started to go out there. Wlcky wasn't much on the drive, and the horse soon found it out and had pretty much his own way. "He was going along at a pretty gooa cup on tne river road wnen a trolley car turned a corner suddenly and scared him so that he stopped still. The car hit the buggy andthe horse at the same time, and Wlcky fell through the vestibule into the front platform of the car, knocking the mo torman through the door. "The horse went into the ditch with both hind legs broken and the buggy was knocked to flinders. Wlcky lay where he fell until they fetched an ambulance and took him to his board ing house. "They killed the horse and carted it away and burned the ruins of the buggy, but before this was done there was an Investigator from the trolley company sitting on the side of Wieky's bed with a piece of paper and a foun tain pen in his hand. What's the answerr Well Wlcky settled. He signed a release for $300. "He asked the man for 25, meaning dollars, but the man must have thought he meant hundreds, and dick ered until he cut him down to three of 'em. Hurt? Well, yes. He's got a bruised elbow, a scratch on the wrisf and a cut chin, but hell soon be out buying buggies and sich." Curse "Sleeping Sickneaa." Prof. Koch, the great German med ical authority, who has been in Africa about 18 months,- inquiring into the causes and cure off that strange and widely prevalent malady, the sleeping sickness, has become famous through out a large portion of the dark con tinent. He has treated and cured hundreds of black men afflicted with the dread disease mentioned, and has, therefore, been given the title of "Great White Wizard." He is continu ally receiving -appeals from all parts of central Africa to come to the res cue of sick and dying persons. The professor's treatment consists of an injection of atoxyl, and the results of this have usually been favorable. A Strain on Credulity. Little Maggie passed'the summer at 'a seaside resort . where mosquitoes abounded. On the first Sunday after her return to town her Sunday school teacher told of Noah and the ark, and concluded by inquiring if any child would, like to ask a ques tion. "I would," ventured Margie. "What would you "like to know, dear?' Inquired the teacher. "I'd like to know if you are quite sure that Noah only took two 'skeeters into the ark," said the little girL Harper's Weekly. A Cold Nose. A lady who owns a dog, and inci dentally a little girl, heard a commo tion in the adjoining room. Upon in vestigating she discovered that the commotion came largely from the dog. "Ton naughty child," she said, "are you trying to burn Fldo, that you hold his head so near the grate?' "No, mamma," replied the little girl; tTm only trying to warm his nose." . Buttons fer the Offertory. A Sussex vicar complains that but tons find their way into his collecting-bags. Prebendary Carllle, of the Church Army, supplies buttons at St. Mary-at-HiU ior tnat very purpose, '"My poor people," he says, "with hard ly a rag to wear and nothing to eat; haven't even a button to spare; yet pride keeps them out If they give to the otertory- So we go the streets with our buttons before service and a friend of the Church Army redeems them at so much a DIN Tues., Nov. 19, we will run an excursion to the Braios valley near HOUSTON, 'TEXAS. If you ;vw want " to get a fine valley farm oq the Brazos river close to a city like Houston, you aad better not put it off, but get ready and join us the 19th of November, or on our next excursion which will be on Tuesday, December 3rd, 1907; Rfmnd Trip !taitraJ Fart Frm Co lumbus 422.60 Gui for 30 Dm r . Call at our office in the German National Bank building, Columbus, Nebraska, where we can give yon all information. X. O. Emmigration Agents mmmS3mmmmpmtmWMmmmmmSmmaEmmmmti ALL GO TO SCHOOL ATTENDANCE COMPULSORY FOR RAILROAD EMPLOYES. Nsw York Central Hsa Equipped. Car with Every Appliance with Which Ken of the Railroad Sheuld ' Be Familiar. Am ordinary-appearing car om a sidetrack lm the Dewitt rail road yards has been a source of great interest to employes of the New York Central road for the last few weeks, says the Syracuse Herald. It Is the railroad men's school, for, unlike aaost people whose Instruction except by experience ceases when the school door closes upon them, the railroaders must go to school as long as they are employed by the New York Central. The car which Is now la Dewitt Is fitted up - "h every equipment pro curable U .nstruct the employes In the air-brake system of stopping and starting trains. The system of air brakes Is difficult to understand and the railroad has fitted up these 1m 8truction ears to give the mam am op portunity to learn everything about it The car contains equipments sufldeat for 28 freight cars. IB passenger cars and a locomotive, together with sec tional parte of all air-brake equtpsaemt These air-brake cylinders are arrang ed in erne end of the car aad lm the other end are seats for the railroad mem who come to receive instructions and the sleeplag apartments of the instructors. P. a Barry is the Instructor of the car and each day he conducts classes in which he Instructs large numbers of employes thoroughly hi the opera tion and construction of air brakes. Mr. Barry also has private pupUs among the men who cannot arrange to attend the cusses. Records are kept of the attendance, just like amy school and unless the mem attend they are suspended from work until they do attend regularly. Just as when they, were schoolboys. When the car first arrived some of the mem played truant but am order from the trainmaster to the ef set that every man who did not visit the car would' be suspended from work soon brought the attendance up to the de sired mark aad now about 100 em ployes go dally to their school on wheels. The pupils Include engineers, firemen, conductors, baggagemen, pas senger trainmen, freight brakemen. car Inspectors and car repairers. The Dewitt men have been apt pupils and the car will proceed to Lyons, Ro chester and Buffalo soon. The New'York Central road was the first to establish these Instruction cars and mow has several cars in use on Its lines. It takes a car three years 'to make a trip over the road, stopping' at each railroad yard until the employes become expert on the subject of sir brakes. Then the car goes back over the same route to in struct mew employes. The New York Central has spared no expense to ini tiate Its employes Into the mysteries aad sdeace of air brakes and la addi tion to the air brake Instruction cars has experts on the road who ride om the engines and instruct the engineers and firemen while on duty. At De witt there Is also a large air-brake plant, one of the best in the. country. Foreman Hae Hard Job. "Do you know the absolutely mean est Job lm the world?" asked am old pastmaster of the mechanical depart ment ef a great road. "If s the poat tioa ef foreman hi a roundhouse. Un der modern conditions of railroadiag the foremaa of the roundhouse ts a great center of congestion is om the firing Mne of criticism from front, rear and both sides. "The roundhouse foreman Is re sponstblo under the master mechanic for keeping the motive of the road fit. A locomotive comes la disabled and It mast be pat Into condition. Ten other hjcomotirea. easting perhaps $15,000 each, are laid up there la the same esmdirlea Suddenly the de mands of tram result im the eall from the train that part- A imaa mm M Mai te m - -"y -.-- mmmhma - laastved by AC aaVhiiaiai ""f BWT S-?1T"1: aanussmsamamt ef taw Wssltiwav !i"i-i" !rnnuTrry rrrr - i,. .".fr-M mtl a l amajfj . gpj the order and the - aTf " ii' arttl be put into service eTm!!ff assam-Baa aamaAaffaW Asset emmnswVnnaw mm v"spai ."nam; IBB :KH ! ssaroi are weramg aa m partes road as he,i - i?r pairs. The necessity for crowel-g the mUM x-, - 'wm Qswj- I H smsnsmmmsmm sammsmp-v fl JB 1 I ssbbl. srna 'naV ' ssW TO his shift mTmiusc 1brega3er with the night foreman and make a fB re port ef what his gams; a ed m the dayaght aad as far as hie tend his judgment as to the beat the might foresssj Ami whem the might la ready to leave he mast take his turm hi the consultation. While hi the meantime the dispatcher's Is demanding more power. It m mam gray haired before his Yet foremanahip of the tela Hae of promotion to the ship of the mechanics om dlvhriom. a railroad Raltreade ef the WerM. The total of the raUroada.oT the world om January 1. IMC. is declared to have beam 503.771.7 miles (English) or. la the figures given, 0CM9i kllo--neters. of which the United States represents 115.713.39 miles 1.53 'dlometers) resulting lm am American ead of about 23.500 miles over Eu rope. The total mileage of the Amer ican continent is estimated to be more than one-half of that of the entire world. German statistics lm Consular Reports. The Fringe ef Art. Elian Vedder, the noted painter. Uvea In Rome, where he has a beauti ful apartment, and lm Capri, where his white villa looks down on the sea. "Eliha Vedder," said a New York Illustrator the other day. "Is as Bohe mian as ever. Fame has mot spoiled him. I visited him last year, and his Bohemian ways were delightful! "You know they toll a story of a visit that he once paid to Alma Tade ma In London, toAlma Tadema lm that glittering house which Mrs. A. Ts money, made la grateful, comfort ing cocoa, bought "The morning after his arrlvaL very early, before even the servants were up, Vedder began a thunderous knocking oa his host's samdarwooi door. "Alma fdams turned lm his gold bed, threw back the lace coverlet, eat up. "Who's there? What la ltr he cried lm a startled voice. "I say, Tadema. shouted Vedder. "where do you keep the scissors that you trim your cuta wMh?' " TsethMacka. "Ae we have bootblacks so they've got toothblacks In the Sunda Islands," said a traveling man. "What la a toothblack?" "Don't you know? A toothblack Is an old woman with a pot of Mack paint, a gold leaf book, and- a lot of vegetables brushes. From hut te hut she passes, and for a small fee a yam. a bunch of bananas, .three cocoa.. nuts she paints the Sunda islander's teeth a glisteningblack. All but the two front teeth; these she gilds. And the Sunda Islander thereafter goes about with n self-conscious smile re vealing a truly knock-me denm dental display, a black aad gold symeaemy. "It is a common trick among the semi-civilised to color the teeth. Im Macassar dark brown la the popular hue. aad la Japan among the ' unen lightened classes, the teeth ef wlvae are always painted Mack. "In auch couatrles the toothblack: la an Institution. She goes from) house to house, as full of- geestp' ma a barber." The Sexton's Orders. The late Bishop Seymour ef Ifflnote as remarkable for the .... beauty of his sermons, a Srsamlaid man said to him the other duyr "At tiie eastern celebration Im erne of our churches Bishop Seymour and a half-dosem other divines were mree. emL "" "One of these divines, n ste-n, state ly old fellow with white hair told memo tseymour lm my hearing that whenever any one went to sleep hi hhi t-v- w nua mac orders to wake taw Bishop Seymour amOed. Wouldn't H be better.' k any one goes to smm your preaching for the sexton to have u iuvj ana wak m . A mffitem dollar seder far the nmxVffsnffAmamwa aamf mmw) --'-- 2T i i? . - I Standard vm . -. -. , j- S3i.. -j, J!.. .?.f &,- "li-j-i 'JSAK'! tZT-&M '-afjy&Tamftf n lliiiaaMlaaaMaaW1rfirmaalaaMaJaaraaTaaaWailil ill i ..?..-. t y1 iMt r&wrf '--.j .. . t- -A-1 r-i - Mf t'" ,i!T x-r SS&L i: