Sr'-Ty'- t - - - , T?- ?&"5S-w -P2Bj 4yT I- JS ! I 3 .! fc PUNS run nrrDRMh h.. .. THi ' . i--- -..fcJfcnAU.- - - -PN-"?- - , ". MWMBMH CHICW'ATTOKflEYlWAKEf 6'JG CE3TIOK5 TO ERCSIDENT. , GOHsdiiEwepji Faveri Nst!onbl..CsnUsl' Instead of Nat.onal Insoparat.c-i, with Esn.:s ' ."? Doing a. Trust Business. " Washington Eugene E.' Pnississ, the well-known Chicago lawyer, ror three years president of the Citizens' association "there, called oa the presi dent present liis views on corporate reforms. The, president read ana discussed with interest the brief statement Mr. Prussing submitted. It follov.s: "Currency reform, anti-trust law amcednienis and railroad regulation naturally will calra the first places in congress attention, general corpora tion reform in its various phases may fairly be classed second in :mpcrtanc2. Ixrag and varied experience in corpo ration matter leads me to pITer these fcuggestions: 'The first question, that cf jarisdic tioa of the federal government, will ia :ach .instance Le the challenge of the opposition. Successful effort, there fore, must be along the line of least resistance, that is to say. within the principles of state's rights and govern ment, as -Toll as the sentiments based upon these, evea if extreme. "National control of interstate com merce corporations, distinguished from tmional incorporation of all or most corporations, will be readily granted by most men of both part'es. "Compulsory publicity of accounts, the subjection of books, payers" end plans to inspection, etc., of. govern meat onic;ais, will easily ue acen pliehed. "The new etc? advised by the asso ciation of attorneys generals, slightly modified, will be in the right direction and will be approved by states' rights men and federalists alike. The asso ciation recommends that the right to hold stock in any other corporation should be den'ed to all interstate com merce corporations. It seems to me that the purpose of this, namely, to compel the real owners of a corpora tion to do business in their own names, can be achieved by requiring the corporation owning stock in an other, and the corporation in which it owns stock, to list, such owners and stockholdings, respectively. In every case, in ae Departbmcnt of Com raerr and Labor. Thus honest hold lag companies will be permitted and yet protectp against possible aszault of locil taxation or other unjustly dis criminating laws, just as national banks are now. while the public in turn will have knowledge of whom it is dealing with and can protect itself. FOURTEEN THOUSAND ILLED. Effects cf Earthquake in Karatagh and Surrounding Regions. St Petersburg The first direct re ports from the scene of the great earthquake in Karatagh, Russian Tur kestan, about three weeks ago. reach ed this city from a correspondent who accompanied the relief expedi tion sent in from Jamarkan. Tele graphing under date of November 9, the correspondent says: "The town cf Karatagh was completely destroy ed. The victims number about 4,000 in Karatagh and about 10.000 in the adjoining district of Danusk. The vil lages In the vicinity were wrecked. -s probable that there are hun dreds more dead in these villages." SENSATION IN NAZI CASE. Late Premier Asked for Funds to Subsidize the Press. Milan A Iccal newspaper, known as the organ of the law courts, has published a sensational statement con cerning the defense to be made by Nuncio Nazi, former minister of pub lic instruction, who is being tried be fore the senate on the charge cf falsi fying documents and defrauding the. state treasury. According to the paper Nazi is ready to produce letters from the late Premier Zanardeli, ask ing for funds for the purpose of sub sidizing the press. Gompers Reaches Norfolk. Norfolk. Va. Following the arrival here of President Samuel Gompers, the executive council of the American Federation of Labor held a four hours' session. The report cf Mr. Gompers, which will be read when the Federation convenes at the James town exposition, and other matters of importance, were discussed. It is intimated that Mr. Gompers has a sur prise in store to which he will give utterance in his address, but those who may be acquainted with its im port have nothing to say. Mrs. Bradley's Trial. Washington Mrs., Anna M. Brad ley, who shot ex-Senqfor Arthur M. Brown of Utah in the Raleigh hotel last November, was placed on trial for her life in criminal court No. 1 Monday morning. Honor Perkins' Memory. Omaha All trains on the Burling ton road west of the Missouri river 6fbpped five minutes Monday frcm 'J. to 2:05 p. m. out of respect to Charles Elliott Perkins, for many years president cf the read. Money to Move Cotton. Muskogee, L T. The Patterson Mercantile company of this city re ceived 100.090 in currency from New York by express. The money will be paid for cotton to relieve the financial situation. ' Louis Emory McComas. Washington Louis Emory McCo 'naae, associate Justice of the court of appeals of the District of Columbia. farmer United States senator and for foot terms congressman from Mary Jam, died at Us home la-this city. Heads Wish to .Secretary. - . BcrUn Empomr William rwUl :? Secretary "Taft 'at the IW"or Wight during the former's visit to ' England. A message conveying this Wish vas sent through, the German- embassy at Washington, it being understood that Mr. Taft has finally decided to return to the United States by way of Europe, it is regarded as likely that MrTaft will al0 seek' an audience with King Efiwanl, as for the' American Secretary of War to visit the German emperor oa British soil without paying equiva lant raspect to the king; might be re garded as discourteous. i .So much has been said about Mr Taft planning to see the emperor that some of the ether governments have seemingly become curious whether any thing is intended by the step taken by the American' government. Ambassa dors Bryce cad Jusserand, it is as sarted here, already have made In quiries on the subject at the state de partment at Washington and It is fur ther asserted that there is a feeling at the- foreign offices of London, and Paris that Mr. Taft would be slight ing King Edward and. President Eal licres, if he did cot ask to see them on his way home or if he stopped, only at St. Petersburg and Berlin en route homeward. No official arrangements have 'been made for the entertainment of Mr. Taft there. The emperor merely ex pressed the pleasure it would give him to receive Mr. Taft and following his habit he probably will ask'Mr. Taft to lunch or dinner. The Americans in Berlin hope Mr. Taft will stop here lang enough to ac cept various courtesies. Ambassador Tower is arranging a, dinner at which . Chaucelior von Euelow. the chief of the general' staff; General von Moltke and Foreign Secretary von Schoea w:rr be present. Mr. Tower also will offer Mr. Taft an afternoon reception. The American. Association ol Commerce desires to give him a public dinner and Isadore Loewe, head of the Maussr rifle and several other indus tries, has planned a luncheon at which Mr. Taft will meet a score of the great business men of Germany. CONDITION OF CORN. Rcoprt for United States Shows Av erage Yield of 26 Bushels. Washington Preliminary returns to the department of agriculture on the production of corn indicate a total yield of 2.553,732,000 bushels, an av erage of twenty-six bushels per acre, as compared with a yield of 30.3 bush els per acre in 190S. The general av erage as to the quality Is 82.8 per cent as compared with S9.9 per cent last year. The, average yield of com ia 1905 was 2S8 bushels per acre and the condition 90.C. It is estimated that about 4.5 per cent (130.9S5.000 bushels) of the corn crop cf 190'J was still in the hands ot farmers on November 1, 1907, as com pared with 4.4 per cent (119.C33.0U0 bushels) of the crop of 1905 in farm ers' hands on .November 1, 190C, and 5.3 per cent, the ten-year average for old corn, on hand November 1. Hid Will Succesd Tower. Washington Secretary Root an-, nounced that David Jayne Hill. Amer ican minister to The Netherlands, and a former assistant secretary of state, will be named as ambassador to Ber lin to succeed Mr. Tower, who is about to retire on account of ill health. Mr: H'll has had great experience in the diplomatic service. He speaks Ger man fluently and it is said, his ap pointment will give great satisfaction to Germany. President Roosevel first offered the post to Assistant Secre-X tarye Bacon, who declined. Danger from Cholera Over. St. Petersburg Cholera is every where on the decrease, in Russia, ow ing to the influence of the cold weath er, and the danger this year is re-" garded as being over. It is consid ered certain, however, that cholera will break out again in Increased in tensity next spring. President to Review Fleet. Washington. N. C It has been an nounced at the White House that President Roosevelt will review the Atlantic fleet in Hampton Roads, De cember 1C. the day of the sailing of the fleet for the Pacific. GENERAL DODGE RE-ELECTED. Council Bluffs Man Again Heads So ciety of Army of Tennessee. Vicksburg, Miss. The Army of the Tennessee, which convened in nual reunion here Thursday, selected St. Louis as the next meeting place and re-elected General G. A. Dodge presi dent and Colonel Cornelius Gale sec retary, the reunion concluding with a banquet at night. Rural Delivery Comes High. Washington More than 38,000 rural routes are now in operation in this country, according to a statement made public Friday by the fourth as sistant postmaster general. The total number of positions for service han dled in the department up to Novem ber 1 was 55,390, upon which 15,237 adverse reports were made. There are now 1,398 petitions for routes pending. Rural free delivery now costs the government more than $35, 000,000 a year.. NEW COUNTERFEIT BILL. Badly Executed Photograph Copy of San Francisco Bank Note. Washington Chief Wilkie of the secret service reports the discovery of a rfew counterfeit $10 national bank note. The counterfeit is on the Wells-Fargo-Nevada National' bank of San Francisco, and is a poor photographic reproduction printed on heavy bond paper with no silk fibre. The treasury numbers Lave been traced over with ted ink. ani IT IS CAID IT WILL BE GOKE I'A TWENTY YEARS. II mtHK OF THE DAK6ER 11 is Sounded by Glfford Pinchot, Gov ernment Inspector, Who Has' In vestigated the Situation. - Washington "Ia twenty years the timber supply In the. United States, on government reserves and private hold ings, at the present rate of cutting will be exhausted, although it is pos siblethat the growth of the period, might, extend .the arrival of this .time 'another five years." This announcement was made .by Glfford Pinchot, the government for ester,' who has just returqed from a six months' inspection trip in vrhicn he 'traveled 10,000 miles. Sn sounding the warning Mr. Pin chot declared that, the danger cf th3 situation should uotvba under-esimat-ed. He said that the United States uses more timber per capita than any other, countiy, and that every man, woman and chiid would be affected. He decried the policy of . discounting the future of the country by failure to protect the natural resources and he advises every one who has not al ready done so- to read President Roosevelt's speech at Memphis on this general subject. About one-fifth of the forest area of the country is government reserves, but Mr. Pinchot called attention to .the fact that privately owned timber lands are better than the government .reserves. As a general rule, the gov ernment does not control one-fifth of the timber supply. The forest ser vice will ask congress for more mon ey and more men 'in order to extend too service and will push the wort of reforesting the denuded timber lands. Mr. Pinchot says, however, that it is utterly beyond the possibil ity of the service to meet the situa tion and prevent serious trouble. One hope entertained is the Appalachian forest, add an effort 'will be made to protect this and promote the growth, there. A scheme advocated by the stats forester of California is being watched with a great deal of interest. Under the police powers cf the state the forester is endeavoring to protect the watersheds and prevent private own ers from devastating these lands in such manner as will injure irrigation of lands below. If this plan works wdl the government forester believes it will be taken up in ether states and the general authorities will be aided greatly by the co-operation. In speak ing of the protection of the natural resources Mr. Pinchot said that there is a changing sentiment throughout the country and that people arc be ginning to see that the righ. to use such resources does not carry with it the right to destroy tSem. The for est service will make additional ef forts to educate the people along this line. Stores Close at Kansas City. Kansas City, Mo. Nefer before in the history of this city was the Sab bath so strictly observed by the busi ness interests as it was Sunday. All the merchants who have heretoforo defied the attempts of Criminal Judge William H. Wallace to enforce the slate law forbidding unnecessary labor on Sunday, obeyed the bunday closing order. The theaters, however, were open as usual, as they are protected by injunction proceedings pending in the federal court. Booths Farewell Tour.' New York General William Booth, the head of the Salvation Army on Sunday conducted in this, city what was considered to be the most impor tant serle3 of meetings of his present and probably his faiewell American tour. The New Amsterdam, theater was crowded to the doors with an au dience that represented cosmopolitan New York. Each appearance of the general was greeted with fervor char acteristic of the organization. He waa assisted by Commissioner Adams, for merly of Chicago. Cumings to Cue President. Washington Governor Cummins of Iowa came to Washington and will have a talk with President Roosevelt. The governor would not talk of the purpose of his trip further than that his call on the president was the sole purpose of his trip east; that li had no public interest. Plea for Canteen. Washington Walter Scott Hale, comamnder-in-chlef of the Spanish war veterans, declares that it is of vietal importance that congress should restore the canteen to the - regular army and to the soldiers' homes. Treaty Offends the Swedes. Stockholm The signing by repre sentatives of Norway, France, Ger many, Great Britain and 'Russia of a new treaty guaranteeing the integrity of Norway is a subject of general com ment throughout Sweden, against which country the treaty is alleged to be dfrectly or indirectly aimed. While the treaty Is admitted to be Norway's, own concern, it already has caused a feeling of widespread dissatisfaction and it is considered a serous obstacle to the improvement of relations. Plan to Let Down the Bars. Manila The assembly Is discussing a bill providing for the removal of re strictions on Chinese Immigration. The radicals favor the measure on the ground that the immigration tax will relieve the burdens of the people. Extra Session Urged. Washington It was learned hera from undoubted sources that President Hooaevelt ia now being urged to call aa extra session of congress to deal with the laamrlal situation. 9 as, , '. CHAIMUP.THr COY - ' - . fMkM3tf& Ti&sa v WJ 1: 1 : t&&9ffi00nmWu7bjCFmTr-m mtF! - - mm I J " '2eSeWlSSfnwmYiX' HTi Hrr.A,,ni V Fcr the Gcod Old Days Have Come Agai SANTA FE ISJMILY FINED THE RAILROAD ASSESSED $320,CC0 FOR PAYING REBATES. Stay of Judgment Granted and the Company Allowed Thirty Days to Fits a Bill of Exceptions. Los Angeles, Cal. Judge Olln Well born, in the United States district here fined the Atchison, Topcka & Santa Fe Railroad company $330 0C0 for rebating. The fine was what the court denominted "an intermediate penalty," the maximum which might have been assessed being $1,320,000 and the minimum $GG,000. The court reviewed the case in a written opinion of some length, in which it stated that there were sufficient doubtful and extenuating circumstances to preclude the possibility of a maximum sentence and yet sufficient intention of wrong doing shown to make impossible a minimum penalty. The Santa Fe company was con victed on October 11 last by a jury In the federal court of granting tebates to the Grand Canyon Lime and Ce ment company of Arizona. It was found guilty of all of the sirty-six counts charged in the indictment after but an hour's deliberation. The re bates which were given on shipments of lime and cement from Nelson, Ariz., to Los Angeles, ranged in amounts from 35 cents tq$15. The company claimed that these amounts were not rebates on the regular freight rate, but were in the form of damages to goods which were allowed after such claims had been regularly presented and proved in each instance. The court did not take that view of the case, however, (and stated that it "was not convinced by any means that these amounts represented bona fide settlements of claims." "It is hard to believe," the court continued in its opinion, "that the agents of the corporation did not know that they were violating the law. In any event such violation of the law is almost equivalent to a criminal knowledge of it" There was no excitement in the room when the amount of the fine was announced. W. E. Camp, solicitor for the company, immediately moved a stay of judgment, which was required, he said, by the time necessitated in preparing the defendant's bill of ex ceptions. Counsel indicated that Jan uary would suit them for a limit on the stay. United States District At torney Lawler objected to so long a time and Judge Wellborn fixed the stay at thirty days with the privilege of an extension if a sufficient showing should be made to the court at that time. New Mark for uusitania. . New York With $10,000,000 of gold In its strong box and a new Transat lantic record written in its log the Cunard liner Lusitania steamed past Sandy Hook lightship at 1:40 o clock Thursday morning. In one grand per formance the great vessel broke its own world's record and brought to the relief of the money market here 10, 000,009 in gold in unprecedented time. Two-Cent Law Making Good. Atlanta, Ga. An' Increase .of seven-teen-nineteenths of 1 per cent in pas senger earnings for the month of Sep tember over the corresponding period a year ago is shown by the statement of the Atlanta & West Point railroad. FIRE AT THE SWIFT PLANT. Thirty Thousand Dollars Damage Done to Fertilizer Works. Omaha Fire Thursday night iu the fertilizer department of Swift and company at South Omaha did damage estimated by Superintendent Patter son at $30,000. The Are was caused by a' "flash" or explosion of dust ou the second floor of the fertilizer storage room, which was probably caused by some metallic substance in material being put through the grinder. Japanese in Need of Rails. New York All records in the price of rails hitherto sold for export were broken when the United States Steel Products Export company which takes care of the foreign business of the United States Steel corporation closed a cable contract from the administra tion of the Japanese government rail ways, calling for the shipment of 13.000 tons a basis which will net just a shade below $30 a ton at the mills. This Is nearly $2 a ton In excess of the exist ing price tor rails Intended for con- in the United States. in. VOTE IN NEUH ELECTION HEAD OF REPUBLICAN TICKET CHOSEN BY 2C.0C0. Ninety Counties Heard From, and Others Yet to Come Will Not Ma terially Charg? the Result Omaha Returns from the state Tuesday are coming in slowly. Com plete returns from thirty of the ninety counties of the state and partial re turns from practically all of the others do not materially change the estimate of the previous fight Somo heavy democratic gains In Cass, Richardson, Saline, Platte and Dodge counties cut Reese's plurality down below highest Ggures claimed for him, but republican gains elsewhere offset this. Two years ago Letton had a plurality of 23,312. From these, figures the indications are Reese's plurality will be in the vicinity of 20,000. On regents for the State university the majorities are, if anything, a little larger, though no effort has been made to tabulate this vote. Nine fusion judges are probably chosen In the state. The surprise of the election is the election of Travis, democrat, as dis trict judge in the Cass-Otoe district over Root, republican. This is the dis trict at present presided over by Paul Jessen. . , Tom L. Johnson Elected. Cleveland Complete returns give Johnson, democrat, for mayor, 48,339; Burton, republican, -39.02G. Johnson's plurality, 9.313. The entiie demo cratic ticket was elected' with the ex ception of police clerk. The city council will stand twenty-five demo crats and , seven republicans. Con gressman Burton made considerable gains over the vote of two years ago. when William H. Boyd was the re publican candidate, but the gain was cot sufficient to overcome the strong Johnson lead. Miscellaneous Returns. Kentucky Returns from 110 out of 119 counties indicate that the- ma jority for Augustus E. Wilson, re publican, for governor, over S. W. Hager is 14,000. The legislature is still in doubt, but the democrats will probably have a small majority oa joint ballot New Jersey The result in New Jersey has become so close that it may require the official returns to de cide between Katzenbach, the demo cratic candidate . for governor, and Judge Fort the republican nominee. The early reports of Katzenbach's lead of 15,000 have been followed by de tailed returns showing that only a few hundred votes separate the contest ants'. Rhode Island Rhode Island has re elected Governqr James H. Hlgglns, democratic candidate for governor, his plurality now reaching 2,307, a gain of 1.000 since 1904. The general assem bly Is republican in both branches, in suring the return of George Peabody Wetmore to the United States senate. Philippine Islands Returns from election are coming in slowly and are not definite from any province. There are indications, however, that the pro gressive party has scored a victory. Maryland Maryland, which was in doubt Tuesday night, has elected the democratic candidate for governor. Judge Austin Lv'Crothers, and the en tire democratic etate ticket by about 7,000 plurality. The legislature is ap parently democratic. Taft May Return Direct Manila Secretary of War Taft gave out a statement Tuesday in which he said he had not yet decided regard ing the abandonment of his Siberian trip, but that the probability is that he will return to Washingtcn via San Francisco. He declined to discuss the reasons for abandoning his trip around the world, but laid great stress on the situation at Vladivostok. Secretary Taft will receive the as sembly at a farewell reception. The secretary has highly complimented Manila on its great prosperity. Appeals to Roosevelt Houston, Tex. Cecil A. Lyon, a member from Texas of the republican national committee and state chair man for Texas, telegraphed President Roosevelt asking' that $10,000,000 of eovernment funds be deposited In United States depositories in this stae to move the cotton crop. Colonel Lyon calls attention to the fact that Galves ton is the second largest American port and that through it moves a third of the cotton crop of the south and (he actual cash is needed here for. the marketing of the crop. dzath or c. c. pcittcwa. m, .- . fc. - . .-.--. RaHrjl 'Away at' ? of tW CUmmWK BariiagtOB Qaiaey railroad, aait oae of the leading railroad aatarltle died at mis hoaw ia Westwood. si arab arb. Lincoln Jouraal: Charlaa Perkins was born In CineinmatC OhI In 1840. He went' to Burllagtoa. Ia, in 1859, where he became a dark 1b the office of the assistant treasmier af the Burlington V Missouri Valley rail road .and in 18G2 was made itamj treasurer. This position he held until 1865. In that year he .was maa m- perlntendent of the road and later he was made a director. He was made a member of the board of directors of the Chicago, Burlington & Quiacy Railroad company in 1875, and vice president in 1S7G, a position he aJd until 1881. In 1881 he was made pres ident of the road. This position he held twenty years, resigning in 1901. after the purchase of the road by the Hill interests. In the reorganization ho wa3 made a member of the board, of directors, a position he held at the .time of his death, having been re elected to the directory but a few days ago. Mr. Perkins was well known In Ida cola, where he held large property in terests. At one time the financial wel fare of the city was- largely dependent on his course of action. He controls the Western Normal property west of the city. He was a heavy stockholder in the Boston Investment company, which owns a great dear or properly in this city and surrounding country. Some of his property ha3 been listed in recent years in the name of Charles E. Perkins', trustee. Mr. Perkins owns a large ranch near Ludell. Kas., on the St Francis line of the Burlington, and It has been his practice for a number of years to go to that ranch two cr three times a year for u sea son of quail shoot'ng. It'was during thePerkms adminis tration of Burlington affairs that the great system west of the river was bailt up. Mr. Perkins; Mr. Holdrege and Mr. Calvert, prerident, general manager and general superintendent gridironed the southern half of the state with railroad line3 during the expansion period in the '80s. later car- rying out plans that were for a time abandoned when the depression came in 1SS7. THE WIRELESS IN ALASKA. New Telegraph Stations Are Ready for Operation. Washington The new wireless tel egraph stations at Fairbanks and Cir cle City, Alaska, are ready for opera tion, according to advices just re ceived by Brigadier General Allen, chief signal officer of the army. The stations are 140 miles apart ana are designed to have a radius of about 250 miles. Stations arc planned at vari ous points from Nome to Cape rial tery, and before a year has elapsed the signal corps expect to have in op eration wireless connections from Bering strait to Puget sound. .Want Them to Stay at Home. Vienna The government has Issued a warning against the agents who at present are so bury inducing Austrian and Hungarian emigration to the southern states of America. An em cial circular on the subject calls at tention to the alleged peonage system in that part of the United States and recommends people who contemplate emigrating to be very cautious and r.f-1 to follow the advice of the emi gration agents until reliable guaran tees are forthcoming. Banks Answer the Call. Washington There is a noticeable congestion in the treasury department in the handling of securities offered by bank in substitution for govern ment bonds now being deposited- as security for additional circulation. The correspondence on the subject la almost unprecedented. Jap and Negro in a Fight Manila A Japanese and an Ameri can negro had a fight at Olangago over the right of the Japanese to place his national flag higher than the American ensign on the birthday ot the emperor of Japan. The negn. was arrested and the Japanese was sent to the hospital. Arrest of Counterfeiter. St. Paul Minn. Ernest Workman of Winnipeg was arrested here by a United States secret service agent and $20,000 in counterfeit cunjney was found in a suit case that he dropped to the floor when the officer seized him. Steel Trust Reaching Out New York The United States Steel corporation has feenred a controlling interest in the Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railway company Cummins for Federal Control. Washington After an extended con ference with the president Governor Cummins of Iowa announced himself in favor of federal control of corpora tions and added that an amendment to the constitution would be necessary before such control could be exorcised. Mr. Cummins said that in response to questions br the president he reviewed the financial situation in his sectioa of the country, but declined to indicate whether his report was optimistic or pessimistic. Bandits Rob Dakota Bank. Canova, S. D. Holding the entire town at bay at the point of guns, sevoa bandits blew the Interstate bank safe here secured $G,500 in cash, and es caped under cover of darkness, leaving not the slightest clue. Will Enforce Sunday Laws. Columbus, O. The chief featureM lowing the announcement of the elec tion of Bond, republican, is his meat that he proposed as mayor to force all Sunday and other lai RLDnRuM' 1 um I utu CTATE'NEfS AND NOTES III COH OCNSCO FORML -i IHEPBES5.PlVfrJim POIW What fc Gi! en Here tm4 Thar Tait ia f Interest to the Ruder Throughout Nebraska. At the state university acbool of j agriculture the registration Igures fhow m ncrease of 50 per cent over uio Booie uay last year. Charged with beating and kicking his aged father, Eirl Burns a yoang farmer, was brought to Beatrice from S.'ciler township and lodged ia jaiL Hon. Leslie M. Shaw has accepted the invitation of the senior class of the University ct-Nebraska to deliver their commencement oration next Jaue 11. 1908. Following is the mortgage record of Gage county for October: Farm mort gages filed 8. amount $41,525. City mortgages filed 41. amount $33.2S3; number released 24. amount $10,671. The State Bank of Chapmtm was sold to the Platte Valley bank, a strong institution of Central City. This relieves the Commercial State bank of Grand Island of come material liability. A party of nine Mormon eldexs is doing uls3ionary work In Fremont. Their plan somewhat resembles tiat of the Salvatfon army, as they hold mcet'ngs on street corners and dis tribute their literature. At a meeting of the stockholders of the First National bank of Hastings, at which nine-tenths of the stock was represented, a resolution was aci.4ea to immediately Increase the capital stock of that institution to $100,00. There is much interest and enthu siasm at the revival meetings being conducted in Lyons by the three Mc Donald brothers, old Methodist min isters in the Nebraska conference, who are ably assisted by Miss Alee Fentel, a vocalist from Council Bluffs. Mrs. Hattie Guinver, of-Aurora, re ceived a package from her brother in Texas which Droved to be a maznifi- I cont curtain fifteen feet long, made of rGd nlush with a center naned with I red plush with a center paned with nshes and birds embroiders! la gold, with glass eyes. Mr. Day is keeper of the grounds of the state capitol of Texas. According to the report of State Health Inspector JVIIson. 193 children were born in Omaha during the month of September. In three families twins were born. Nationalities were as fol lows: Germany. 19; Bohemia. 12: Sweden. 8; Italy. 7; Denmark. 7; Rus sia.. 5; England. 3; Syria, 3; Poland. 2; Ireland, Norway, Greece and Scotland. Leach. A movement to raise funds to par chase a new athletic field for the state1 university is being engineered by a number of energetic alnmnL Nebraska field will be unavailable for farther athletic work as soon as the present season 13 over and it will be necessary to carry on all outdoor athletics at the' state farm nnless -the plaa of the alumni is carried out Corn husking Is again la fall blast ia this section says a Fort Calhoun dispatch, and farmers find there Is a great difference between this year's and last year's yield. Where com averaged fifty bushels per acre last year it wil hardly average thirty-five this year. It is thought that about twenty-five bushels will be the gen eral average in that section. A well-known attorney of Norfolk was brought into police court on a . charge of abusing his wife. The lat ter appeared as complainant The at torney became very abusive and anally" drove out all who were present la" court at the time, the police judge In cluded. Not satisfied with this he picked up chairs, flung them against the door and walls, smashing theat into kindling wood. Three crooks landed in David City and commenced to get In their work of short-changing. They managed tb short-change two or three of the bus!- ness men, but were soon found out and Chief of Police Latimer waa no tified, who soon bad his men. The chief walked them around to the busi ness houses and made them dig ua the right change, then took them to the Union Pacific freight and ordered them to leave town, which they die a once. Oscar Craige, a flour and feed man of Utica, shipped a carload of clover seed to the eastern markets. This is the first time that a full carload has been shipped. The parties who raised this seed have raalized a nice profit oa the same. Tienry Suhr was one of the farmers- that was most fortunate ia having a good crop of clover, as his re ceipts for two loads were $703. Other farmers were also rather fortunate in having a large crop on hand and the prices that were paid them figured up into the thousands. Columbus has had about 200 men stationed there, employed by the Un ion Pacific in construction and im provements along the line betweea Columbus and Grand Island. These, with a number of others, have ueen let out for the winter. The man who committed suicide oa a train at Falls City last summer has been identified and the body taken back to hs old heme for burial. Mr Hamp, an undertaker of Tonowanda, N. Y., arrived in town and identified the body as that of George A. Perry, who was a photographer at that place. Governor Sheldon has appointed George D. Eennett as the delegate front Nebraska to the national conference state and local taxation, to be held ia Columbus, O., November 12, 14 and 15. Thomas Finigan, an employe aL.the steam laundry. Nebraska City, had a earrow escape from being killed. Be was working about the machinery when his clothing caught la oae o the belts and before the eagae eoali ha stopped nearly all ale wtlnf; ws torn rroat au ooey. He a few miaor .M r I X V -1 ". f q-i.- let l-. 17" i. . . - t'aii -. .,JTV.,,?.-fe1. A, - - fe t; -ZZ i v - . -.0tU,3 r - .-.- - .- 'j.yjL'astitgr yaa-.- 'jfear-j1.. . . -.-k i .4b. gf'r : ',- '.? .. m - .-ju .i''. V -IS,--