m f "??- v .- 'USJVf- 'f-W-" - . sRgj-as? ;-s.j . "? i i'- toX--' -".-X -: ,. . - , - -. 4fs W '. 33? ream cam V-ir-v- u r , K- - S ,a In the Kitchen Handy articles for comfort and clean liness are just as necessary and as fully appreciated as articles for other parts of the house. mmmmmWimmaKj& awjKagBSffi SMhBbwi- """"""""Jr irK Mops, Brushes, Brooms, As well as clothes lines, Pearline, Sapo lio and other items, can always be had here, "Johnny-on-the-spot," and at low est possible prices. Leave an .order. You know you need them. I3tfe St. HENRY RAGATZ & CO. ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT OUR NEIGH BORS AND FRIENDS CLIPPED FROM OUR EXCHANGES AXBIOX. From the Atgoa. Abe Smith who has been taking medical treatment at the Columbus hospital for the past couple of months returned home Saturday. A. I nrock aaid Saturday that he had opened up on his corn husking and the yield was about 45 bushels, per acre. That sounds pretty good for this year. F. B. Waring went to Columbus, Monday, to see Ed. Hall, who has been therein the hospital for several weeks. Fred says he dosn't seem to get along veryfaat. but is hopeful he will take a turn for the better soon. LINDSAY. From the Port. Revival meetings were commenced at the If. E. ohnrch Wednesday evening and will be continued indefinitely. Miss Eunice Wood, who is now teach ing school near Duncan, visited with friends and relatives in town, Saturday and Sunday. Kile Mirtia who has been engaged as helper at the depot, waa released Thurs day when the North-Western laid off a number of their employes. He return ed to his home at Pilger Friday. There is no more inhuman treatment of a dntnb animal possible than that in flicted upon some hones, which are driven to town and tied for hours in the c!d without a blanket while in a heated condition. Horses left in this manner for two or three hours should be placed in the feed barn by the marshall and the expense assessed to the owner when he calls for them. SIIaVKB CRXEK. From the Sand. Mr. D F. Davis returned Snnday from Tennessee, accompanied by his daughter, Winnie, who is home after an absence of 5 years. Howard Edmison, who recently resum ed his work as a Union Pacific brake man with headquarters at Golumbae, was home election day. Grandma Both who has been visiting relatives and friends in Iowa for several weeks, returned home Friday, accom panied by her daughter, Mrs. Stella Alpaugh, who met her there and came to her old home for a visit. . In district court at Central City to day Judge Betder sustained the ruling of the village board of Silver Creek and authorised it to issue a saloon license to Frank Ferguson. Mr. Ferguson has not been heard from and it is not known whether or not he will take out a license as so much time has elapsed since his application was filed. anxPHRcr. Iroat the Democrat Mrs. Jos. Ansel me is improving after couple of. weeks illness. Miss Mae Batlerman, of Columbus, visited friends and relatives here and in Gornlea the first of the week. Mrs. Frank Linaberry and two child ren, Columbus, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ldnaberry last Saturday. Henry Folts went down to Columbus yesterday to accompany Mrs. Foltz,who has been in the hospital there for some time, home. Dr. Evans was in town Wednesday forenoon, being called here to see Miss Clara Cooper, who, we are sorry to say, bad a turn for the worse the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Batiiner left yesterday noon for tos Angelas, Cali fornia, with the expectation of spending the winter there if the climate proves beneficial to Mr. Batliner's health which has not been good of late. Mrs. Alice Lamb and children, of Platte Center have moved to Humphrey to make their home, and are now occupy ing one of the cottages near the base ball diamond. The lady is the tether of Mrs. itudolph Ludwick. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Cowdery and daughter. Miss Kittia. went down to Omaha Tuesday to attend the marriage of their son, Frank, to Miss Bessie Hun gate. The marriageoocured Wednesday afternoon at four o'clock. The Demo crat joins in extending congratulations. J. B. Clark, who was agent at this place for the Union Paciflo railroad since E. G. Brown left for Oohucbm, has re signed his position and left last Satur day for David City to join his family. W. W. Ladd. of North Bend, formerly of Monroe, has been appointed to take charge of the Humphrey station, but the affairs of the company are now tem porarily in charge of Belief Agent M. M. Kerr. It will be some time before the new agent will be able to get here. Mr. Clark is undecided as to what he will do in the future. He may decide to retire from railroad work and accept a position with a Denver firm. FRISCHHOLZ BROS. snoES CLOTHING Gents9 Furnishing' Goods RKTJABLE GOODS AT . BIGHT PRICES. FRISCHHOLZ BROS. 405 11th Street, Columbus. - i-. , - - Boot. the county seat of Platte on Monday last. 1 BUIIrwia has warn the best road, workof aayroadovsssesrin .liaasa or Platte county. . ' V w Miss Margarette Beoher of Columbus was a guest of her Genoa friends and relatives over Sabbath. Mrs. H.Yoighi came home from the Columbus hospital last week. 8hais getting along nicely now. Andrew Iveraoa boarded the noon train Monday for a trip to Columbus where be went on business FHI; Tsars ftStaaea The remains of Mrs. Wu. Thompson, who died the first of the week at Valley were brought to this city Wednesday for burial in the Genoa cemetery. The time is drawing near when .a woman will have an opportunity to show, how much she loves her husband by get ting up in the morning and starting the kitchen fire, aays an exchange. 0. L. Harris and wife, accompanied by Mr. Hants mother, departed vaster diy for Kansas. (XIj. is taking Mm. Harris to Colfax Sprisgs to try the effect of the water upon her gallstone trouble. Dr. Davis was called up to Beaver Valley Tuesday night to fix up Grant Battles who brake three ribs by being knocked down while feeding cattle. Broken ribs are bed. sough but- it might have been worse. ' 8heriffBabbwasiatbeeity Monday afternoon. He was on hisway to Sioux City after some horse thisves who had been arrested there with the stolee pro perty in their possession. We under stand the property found in their pos session consist! of the horses stolsn from Mike Lamb of FuUertou and the harness and baggy taken with the horses from Iowa which were recently found in LaRue's pasture south af Genoa which would indisate that they did both jobs. The Leader is sorry to be called upon to chronicle the death of 8waaty Pfarse, which occured at his home near West Hill last week. Mr. Pastas had been in poor health for several years, and his death was no great surprise to anyone. The deceased was one of the most pro minent faimers in thissectioa, a man of sterling integrity who was respected by all who knew hiss, and the Leader joins the entire community in expressing amypethy for the bereaved relatives and friends. The funeral ssrvices war held on Friday and the remsfns buried in the West Hill FraattaaTlaMS. Miss Carrie Peter-on underwent an other operation at the Columbus hospi tal Tuesday. Hecasothersnd Mrs. Net tie Horton and Charlss Peterson were present at the time. About seventy-five -members and friends of the Methodist church sur prised their pastor, Bev." W. f . Brient, and bis wife, by calling at the personage and presenting him with a' well filled purseand inviting him to pack his suit esse sad go to Texas. The presentation speech was made by Prof. a M. Suther land. In compliance with the request of his callers, pastor Brient boarded the passenger train Tuesday for 8aa An tonio, where be. will visit with his pa rantaand then goto Beaumont to see his brother who is engaged in Y.M.C. A. work at that place. His expects to be sway three For the past. year farmers around SUver Greek hava been dissatisfied with the servioe rendered by the local phone company of that town, and it is reported will ask the 'village board to gnat a franchise to the Monroe Iadepeadeat Telephone Company. If the village grants the request the telephone mileage of the Independent company will be rapidly increased. The oompaay is now at work on a line south of the river 17 miles long which connects farmers who have taken stock with the Genoa ex change, and if Silver Creek desires to come in sad become a part of the tele phone system which has connection with the surrounding towns and country it wiU be to the advantage of the business men of the village to grant the franchise asked for by the f i BETjLWOOTX groat the OattU. Mr.aad MiaHenry Gerrard of Oolam bne visited friends sad relatives in this community this weak. A. H. Gould, whose time will be up in the penitentiary some time this month has the thanks of the Gasstte family for three nice brooms. LydiaTaanahflwho has beam visitiag in Colorado for several months past, has been quite sick ia a hospital there, bat we are glad to state thatahe is new getting along nicely. "Mr. sad Mm. C. Meieter returned Satur day last from their visit around their old home at Peoria, DL They report a pleasant time and claim that crops are snout tne same in Illinois this yi ia old Nebraska. L J. Hall of Fremont came into Bell wood the latter part of last week ac companied by hie wife, for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Was. TaaaahilL He is Will's brother-in-law. About 23 years ago Mr. Hall owned the farm now own ed by Matt PoeU and sold it for $26 per Did yon notice that tobacco is always clean? If a man drops a piece of meat, no matter how clean the floor may be, he will either give it a kick or pick it ap and lay it to one aide. He will never eat it. But let him drop his plug of tobacco on the ground and no difsrence how dirty the spot where it fsll, he will t4ok it up and give it a esrelam swipe on klaeaat sleeve or on the bosom "of his peats aad then take a chew with v H grsatsr rsinm than aver I -Hew the times shan'niP savn a .- ov, i . I wrilsrinthaFranMuitsrZsBtoaaV "lit unVpuVaplmuVanl the days of ear fathers lisnsrijitiusi af DflCrT CREAM BAKING PffrVNR I trees tf Tartar Nussr MO ALUM n homelike, eosey room wss complete without a reference to the ticking clock. It wss this gentle sound which empha sised the quiet- of the place. .People had ao nerves in those days. Today the thought of a, machine' ticking off the seconds and striking the hours is a source of worry and distress. Time is gitiag, but they do not wish to be re minded of it continually; no clock is better than the ticking machine. And now to meet the requirements of the nervous people a factory at Schramburg u making a noiseless clock." In an article on thai name subject another paper says: 'The anti-noise erase has made dissgreeable and unendurable some of the noise which were once musio to us, and soon we will find a way to sileBoe the birds aad to muffle the sound of the matting leaves." XOKHOK. From the Bepablkaa. N. P. Peterson was a Columbus visitor Monday. L H. North of Columbus was here on business last Saturday: Mrs. John Kelley was visiting her son, W. J in St. EdwardoverSundayl Mr. Harms has sold his home at Platte Center and moved back on the farm with the boys. . Mrs. R. B. Sutton returned home from Stromsburg Wednesday. 8he says her grandson. Willie, is attending the busi ness college in Columbus. Mr. aad Mrs. Faster Mohler departed Tuesday for their new home in Holt county. The best wishes of their many friends here go witn them. Justice J. M. Kelley fined Geo. Durhm $3 and costs, amounting to $4. for strik isg one of the Bussians at the seed fsrm over the head with a shovel.- Mr. and Mrs Frank Gilmore moved on a farm south of the river this., wsek, where Mr. Gilmore will feed cattle with T. W. Blaekmore this winter. , Mrs. J. E.SalIacn and daughter Mable were guests of 'Monroe relatives this week. They are on their way to Albion, where they expect to make their future home. P. H. Albers has a large bunch of Ches ter white shoats running in his alfalfa that is a pretty sight to gaze upon, not a black spot on them. He has n good big bunch, too. A.E Perdue received the sad intelli gence from hia old home in Indiana say ing that his brother died lsst Saturday morning. Mr. Perdue was unable to go to Indiana to attend the funeral. W. E. Cole has been here this week in the interest of his real estate holdings at Garden City, Has. He is still en thusiastic over the future of that section and says everything is booming down The cribbing on the north side of the Omaha Elevator, which bulged every time the house was filled with grain, was repaired this week, heavy timber be ing placed along side the cribbing to hold it is place. Jacob Smyer was down from near Cedar Rapids last week and made arrangements to open up the restaurant in the building east of the post oAce. Has family moved down this week aad they expect to' be ready for business Friday or Saturday of this week. Mr. 8sayer conducted the restaurant is the name building a number of years sgo and is no stranger in this locality. Froat the Lookiax Obea. Jake Smyers is back in Monroe. He looks better than when he lived here. We have written to another preacher about coming here, bat have no reply Jt. Mrs. Geo. 8mith of FuUerton waa a Monroe visitor over Sunday. She looks ss young as ever. At midnight ia Illinois returns showed fourteen counties gone dry, .including the city of Jacksonville. The dry re turns are not available, but are large. COLUMBUS MEAT MARKET We invite all who desire choice steak, aad the very best cuts of all other meata to call at our market on Eleventh street. We also handle poultry and fish and oysters in ssneoa. S.E. MARTY & CO. Telephone No. I. - Columbus. Neb. AUCTIONEER Dates caw ha made at the Journal Omos Pram the Mrs. H. N. Ziagg was the guest 'of Columbus friends the first of" the weak. Mr. aad Mrs. W. Newman, af Wheat laaeL Wyoming, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. P.' F. Luihsinger. . The ladies are sisters. Dr. Pugh arrived home Monday eve ning from Connecticut, where he had been for a visit with his- daughter, who lives in Watsrbury. ' ' The bans of marriage were published last Sundsy at St. Anthony between Mr. John Hollatz of Humphrey aad Miss Hannah Fuger, of Su Anthony. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoare aodittle daughter came up from North Bead Saturday evening for a visit with rel ative and friends. Fred returned Tues day, but Mrs. Hoare will make a more extended vUik Mrs. J. J Msckes, who spent two weeks with relatives ia Kearney, arrived home last Saturday evening. Mm. Maoken . reports having had a very pleasant visit, and mentions C. C. Garrig aad family and Mrs. Kittie Geatleauui as all well and prospering- This has been a remarkable fall for gathering corn. Ever since the work waa begun, which was unusually early, there bss been scarcsly an interruption on account of the weather. We leara of several farmers hereabouts, and they raised good large fields, too, who are figuring on finishing this week, -and plenty of them will complete the job next week. law Oflesrs. crrr or Columbus All Deaaocrata, Jnatleea Waa. O'Brien. John nekmockar. CoBsUblee-Ed Boaaiter, Waa. Baker. COLUMBUS TOWNSHIP. Jaatice L. C. Draper, deau CouMtable Hago Sobaad. deaa. Cksric-W. F. Robdehont, rep. Treasurer Henry EaeeL. deau Ureneer J H. KaadaU. rap. BIBM1BK TOWH8H1P. Jasttoe-Eeril Held. dea. Cotable- -Geo. 8aalfeM. dem. Clerk Fred Cattaa, rep. Treaaaror Joha Annas, dem. Overseer Tbeo. Kraailaad. dea. ' SHBBMAKTOWHSHIP. Jaattoe B. H. Wardewaa. rap. Constable B. Orotalaabea. deaa. Clerk Ed Laedtke, deau Trearer -Geo, kUchaelaon. dem. Overseer W. L. Cattaa, rep. OBXSTOIf TOWHSHIP. Jaatice Wat. Weak. deaa. Constable Frits Vecta, rep. Clerk F. F. Clark; dea. Ticaaarer 8. T. FleaUag, rep. Overseer D. Hollmaa, deaa. SBXLIi CBXSK TOWHSHIP. Jaatice H. D. Claaaaen, den, Conatable- .loan Dadda, dem. Clerk Max Gottbara, dea. Treaanrer J. F. Die en, dea. Ovecaear F. Adaaa, rep. obahd PBAtaiB All Deaocrats. Jaatice-Wa. Behelp. Constable C.Weahog. Clerk Hnbert Btaua. Treaaarar-J. F. AellbnaeB. Overseer T. B. Bereada. HUMPHBiTTOwamp All Oeaoerata. Jaatice Joe. Braaa. Constable-Joe Brackner. Clerk-J.M. Veik. TreaaarerJaqpb Krebe. Overseer WaUy Kraaa. BUTLBB Towasnip. Jnauee Albert Oerber. dea. Constable- Jacob Gerber, jr., dea. Clerk Henry Blaaer. rep. Traaaarar Mike FarsaaB, dea. Overseer Herman Ernst, rep. LOUP TOWK8HJP All 00004818. Jas4ioe-J.B.K-le. Conatable John Kamaer. Clerk-Albert Hb Traasarer Wa. Kb Overseer Hector Blaaer. lost cnxxK towhship All Ueaocrata. Jaatice-S.B. Allen. Conatable-D. H. CarriaT. Ckrk-John C. Boras. vTiaasarer Hy. Bcbaidel. Crt-rsearNlek Sckaidt. Buaaows towhship All Peaocrata. Jeatiee-AlexVols. Conatable-W. E. 8eharr. Clerk Fraas Freger, Titeaarer Tony JaworakL Overaaar -Maarice Tongan. onAHTiLLB towhship All Deaocrata. Jnatios-Ckaa. Sebneth. Coaatsble OaaLaag. Clark-J.P.StBtes. Treaaarer Joe Lachait. Overaeer Frank Hatmacher, XOHBOK TOWHSHIP. Jaatice-Fred Bead, rep. Constable T. Conaa, rep. Cletk-W. H. Paardey. rap. Traaaarer H. J. Hill, rep. Overteer Wa. Naaaal, dea. JOJUKT TOWHSHIP. Jaatice And. Petanoa, rep. Conatable- J. O. Williams, dea. Clerk B. Bade, dea. Treaaarer J. P. Sorensea, rep. Overseer L N. Jones, rep. ST. " towhship All Oeaoerata. Jaatioe-Cbaa. KopieU. Constable J. J. Daeey. Clerk Fred Ssepar. Treae-afer-M. J. Baaaekera. Overseer-Joe Karteabach. wooDvrxLB towhship All BepabUcBBe. Jastiee-Hey Clark. Conatable-M. B. Welin. Clerk Q. C. Aadenon. Traasarer N .'C. Nelson. Oicraeer -H. H. Christeasea. WALKXB TOWHSHIP. Jaatke-A. M . Olaon, rep. Con. table J. Hoagland. jrM rap. Clerk J. P. Aadenon, rep. TreaaarecC. A. Peterson. Overseer L. Jacobsea, petition. Pheneoraph Pf-ovsd In Brussels lives a lawyer who re cently made good use of a phonograph In a lawsuit He had -been continual ly annoyed by the noises of hammer lag at an Iron foundry la his near neighborhood. Finding that com plainta were unavailing, he smaght the matter Into court But before do ing ao he placed n phonograph la his library for one whole day. When the ease came before the court ha pro duced the phonograph and set going the specially prepared cylinder.- An uproar andd4n aa from the forge of Vulcan waa.tha result, and the Ingest lows hnryerirBa Ida HARD AND SOFT COAL ORDERS FIXlED PROMPT LY. P. D. 8HITH LUH1ER CO. People in Doubt as to Where is the Best Place to Buy Their? FALL & WINTER CLOTHING V Should First Come To hms SS.i 1&J& After that it ia easy to decide Agent for the Hart,Shaffner & Marx Suits and Overcoats. Also agent for the House of Kuppenheimer. Stetson, Tiger and Champion Hats. Selz and G. w. Snow's celebrated Shoes Bear in mind our prices' are one and the same to all. HART'S TWrrvUa2an-l3thSt, Columbus, Nebr. RAILROAD RUN BY ONE MAN. Traveler Returning from Maryland Telle ef Unique Line. "During n recent trip through south ern Maryland, where I spent a week of my vacation," said a New York business man, MI had occasion to ride on the oddest and perhaps most unique little railroad in America. This road, a branch of the Washington ft Potomac railroad, runs from Brandy wine, In Charles county, to Mechanics vllle, In St Mary's county, a distance of 18 miles. The single train, which runs each way daily, is made up of the engine, -one freight car and one combination passenger and baggage car. The schedule seems to be liberal, and no hurry Is ever manifested In tram movements. "The conductor of the train, who also acts as baggagemaster, is general manager of the road. He issues or ders as general manager and obeys them as conductor. When as con ductor he thinks the schedule should be changed he notifies the general manager hlmseix who, it ne tninas It advisable, makes up a new schedule and issues running orders accordingly to the conductor also himself and the latter obeys. The engineer is master mechanic, chief 'of transporta tatlon and overseer of the roadbed. The Iranian drives the express wagon between trips. There are no ticket agents along the route, and the con ductor collects fares, as on a street railway, punching a hole for each fare In a slip of cardboard. Then he goes into the baggage car, sees that the trunks are properly delivered and looks after the express and mail pack ages. The road has no stations between Braadywlne and Mechanicsville, and if a passenger desires to leave the train at aay of the dozen villages be tween the main points he or she must notify the conductor of such intention. A printed card on the back of each car seat reads: "'Passengers wishing to board the train between stations have only to stand near the track, hail the engin eer, and he will stop.' " Country Manual Training. Even manual 'training needs new direction as it touches country life. It may not be necessary to eliminate the formal exercises of model work and weaving and the lika; but some of the practical problems of the home and farm may be added. How to make a garden, to lay out paths, make fences and labels, are manual training problems. How to saw a board off straight, to drive a nail, to whittle a peg. to make a tooth for a hand hay rake, to repair a hoe, to sharpen a saw, to paint a fence, to hang a gate, to adjust a plow point, to mend a strap, to prune an apple tree, to harness a horse the problems are bewildering from their very num ber. Manual training can be so taught in the schools that are equipped for it as, in 10 years, to start a revolution in the agriculture of any commonwealth. Century Magazine. Bfflflgffl I HMW awn SBawawwunl wv nusvminW W Groceries Vegetables Fruits Produce "x Eleventh Street. Underwood Standard Typewriter BRamuaaanaBnnnaBBM KUmLmWSSmWmmWmWmmmWmmmmmSi For Speed Safety, Surety A solid roadbed is es- - sential. Visibility & Speed in the Under wood (Tabnlator) type writer are supported by perfectly balanced construction.. Ditowatd TypemHar CSwMMMV 1617 Farnam St. Omaha ? iSBSP CALIFORNIA Ywii Hear fUut it Evtm Dai' Go This Year ssd See it YewseH It is certainly worth a two week's absence from your business. It breaks the monotony and makes your spirits rise to the full enjoyment of every thing. Try this tonic. Prove that everything you've heard of California is wonderfully true. WRITE TO THE UNION PACIFIC FOB BOOKIXTaV ON CALIFOKBIA. . kV A Address E. G. BROWN. e -Z'fpL2r- vtmcjm&'8?ti)i