V" w v - 3wi -a v .fw?-' "X - f-S tr.l s 1 r J r f i M?, AKWBAIDUAV! uahcv MBAPVS arjKE) CT3SXAS. zrxd-r JBEZM&MUC JBJSC.. MAMMWMWWWWWWMWVWWMWWWWWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWMWWWWWWWMMVWWWWWWWW SYNOPSIS. Burtra H. Barnes, a wealthy American touriag- Corsica, rescues the younjj Eng lish lieutenant. Edward Gerard Anstruth er. and his Corsican bride, Marina, daughter f the PaoJis. from the mur derous vendetta, understanding that his reward Is to be the hand or the girl he loves. Enid Anstruther, sister or the Eng ish lieutenant. The four fly frcm Ajac cio to Marseilles on board the French steamer Constantino. The vendetta pur sues and as the quartet are about to board the train for London at Marseilles, Marina is handod a mysterious note which causes her lo collapse and necessi tates a postjMinement of the journey. Jiarn8 gets part of the mysterious note and receives letters which inferm him that he is marked by the vendetta. He employs an American detective and plans to beat the vendetta at their own game. For the purpose of securing the safety of the women names arranges to have Iady Chaitris lease a secluded villa at ICice to which the party Is to be taken in a yarht. Susp.clon is created that Marina Is in league with the Corsicans. A man. believed to be Corregio Danella, in seen passing the house and Marina 13 thought to have given him a sign. CHAPTER III. Continued. "Yes. I've got the schooner Seagull, Mr. William Jameson. Glasgow, char tered for three weeks. Jameson is re turning to Scotland and is very willing to lease the boat. We have cleared her for Naples. Crew of six men and mate, all Scotch. The captain, as I told you before, has gone to England, so your naval lieutenant must act as your navigator. She is found as to stores for crew, but as you have sug gested, I have put ice and cabin sup plies en board, according to the mem orandum yen gave me." "Then I think we'll be able to live very comfortably for a couple of weeks,' observes Carnes, meditatively, lighting a cigar. "The Seagull has already dropped out of the Vieux port, where she was laying and she will be off the Comiche road as you directed. I'll have a boat on shore at the Itoucas Blanc." "Then the next thing is to get the ladies, on board, and that, of course, we cannot do until after dark," re marks Burton. "You had best not be seen about here any more, Eniory. but yau had better be en board the Sea gull when we arrive there, so as to turn the vessel over to me. See who arrives en the next steamer from either Bastia or Ajaccio, and if this Bernardo Saliccti turns up, notify me if there is any meeting between him and Danella." "Yes. I'll shadow everything, even you," chuckles the sleuth, grimly. "By the by, here's Perrier's address in Nice. He is quite often there. You will find him, for a French mouchard, perfectly reliable." "Engage two trustworthy men," said Barnes, "to follow our carriage on horseback this evening. I must take no chances with the ladies in our com pany' Then Barnes goes off to Lady Chartris' parlor to make some neces sary financial arrangements with that lady. Mr. Barnes has scarcely finished these and Lady Chartris has carried away his check delighted, when Maud bounces in upon him, her eye3 big with excitement and mystery. "Gee, Marina is a case!" she whispers. "Why?" asks Burton, glancing sharp ly at her. "Why. getting a note from a man the second day she was married and crazy with fear her 48 hours' bride groom will drop onto her little game." Barnes gazes upon the infant prod igy and emits a low whistle. "You are certainly a bummer, Maudie," he remarks, solemnly. "You bet!" assents Miss Chartris, who has just stepped in from an ex citing interview with Marina that has run about in this way: The beautiful Corsican bride, appar ently having recovered from the first shock cf the letter in the Marseilles depot, being dressed, at Enid's request, for her carriage excursion, seems now full of an excited yet morbid anxiety. Obtaining opportunity when Miss Chartris has entered her bedroom to t?ive ter a kiss, tender her condolences and get into the affair "with both feet," as the adolescent intrigante ex presses it to herself, Marina whispers, a strange pathos in her eyes: "Maud, dear, you have ccme to give me that letter you picked up the one I dropped on the floor of the railroad depot when when 1 was overcome with the heat this morning." "Jinks, that's a nice way of putting it overcome with the heat? It was the letter knocked you," returns the Chartris infant, with a knowing wink. "No matter what it was affected me." whispers the young Corsican "lady, intensely. "The letter I must have It at once! He he must not see it!" "I I didn't pick it up!" mutters "Maud, doggedly. "I saw you! Even when my eyes were closing, I saw you! Give me the letter, child, or I shall have to ask your mother to get it from you for me!" The horrible possibilities of such a demand impress themselves on Maud with distressing effect; she snivels: "Don't tell ma, she'd skin me." "Then, the letter!" ejaculates Ma rina, wildly. "Well, if you must know, I sold it to Barnes for two boxes of marrons S'aces." "Sold that letter? Ay de mi, if he shows it to my husband!" And Marina paces the floor in agitated dread. "Don't torture me, miserable! I hare brought too much misfortune on him already." Tears dim the orbs of i the Corsican girl. "Tell dear Mr. Barnes that I must see him; that it Is very important." "Why. sure III do it, though I don't think hell help you put op any Job on your "Pat up any job? Another base In aiauatioa from your childish lips and .S QLAmericiml -ASequclfe SMWARliES WipVTOKK amfeOffr: rear JX2D&JVEA&GC0. AT.K I'll tell your mother you had that let ter concealed! Away!" Looking like a frenzied goddess, Marina opens her door and Maud speeds from it "Gee," remarks the young lady to herself, as she flits along the hotel pas sageway and notes Anstruther keeping watch outside his wife's door. Her eyes are still big with suspect ed Intrigue as. she continues her con versation with Mr. Barnes by suddenly interjecting: "She-wants'to see you!" "Who?" "Marina, the bride of course. She wants to give you a hint not to let the cat out of the bag to Edwin about the man whose letter mado her faint." Here. Miss Chartris, . who has sud denly looked out of the window, trying to hide a telltale face, from the pierc ing glance of her companion, ejacu lates almost tremblingly: "Holy poker!" "What's the matter?" "Why, there's the man walking up the street who gave me the note that knocked Marina out of time the one with the scar over his eye. He's look ing up at our windows in the hotel!" Maud dodges back in a frightened way. But Barnes is already cautiously tak ing cognizance from another window of the man whose scar Identifies him in the throng of passersby on the Rue Noailles. The gentleman he gazes upon is, though actively built, lounging past "See if You Can Find Out What is with a pair of flashing eyes alertly yet j intently fixed upon some window of the hotel near where Burton is stand ing. Dressed in the deep mourning of southern France, a high Corsican hat lends picturesqueness to his costume. A certain family likeness suggests to Barnes that this man, though nearly 15 years younger, is the half brother of the dead Count Musso Danella. Sud denly the man responds to something he has seen in one of the windows of the hotel by a nasty, sneering grin. "What did he see in the window?" thinks Barnes, and to Maud's aston ishment bolts from the room, runs i down the stairs of the hotel, and passes through the office into the street. In the throng of the rather crowded Rue Xcailles he fails to find, this man he now feels quite certain must be Corregio Danella. Then the American glances up at the windows of the hotel and at the third from that in which he had been standing, the one he knows is Marina's chamber, he sees the bride of Edwin Anstruther staggering away. "Can it be possible that Edwin's wife has given this man some signal from her window that caused his tri umph?" A moment's consideration effaces 1 this thought, "No woman can be more devoted to her husband than the bride of Edwin Anstruther. Whatever the agitated girl has done is intended for her husband's safety. What can that be?" A second later, he thinks, it must have merely been some sign of woe or fear that had produced the triumph of Corregio Danella. This reminds Barnes of Marina's re quest to see him. "I will find out from Mrs. Anstruther the contents of that devilish letter this astute distractor of matrimonial bliss sent her," he thinks, and steps rapidly back Into the hotel. Upon the. second floor, finding Ed win still stalking about the passage way and keeping his watch upon his wife's chamber. Burton quite shortly states he has a suggestion or two asl s 1 1 i jgy i'ZAr'j"r''3r5Ei-''-LizMMirB Ji j - . regards their yachtiag; trip to,make to Marina. The consequence- is that her has baad soon after biiags her into the parlor the party has secured for their general use. As he does so, Banes notices something la the briae's man ner to her husband that increases his alarm for her. In themornlng. though Marina's eyes showed traces of the sufferings their owner had undergone; they were full of hope as they rested on her bridegroom. Now despair ap pears to have taken its place as her beautiful orbs linger lovingly yet sad ly on the man she adores, and then seem to turn from him agitated by some hidden determination. A moment after Anstruther says, in a loud tone intended for his bride's ears: "Take care of her while do my packing," adding in a cautious whiA per to Barnes: "See if you can find out what is really the matter with my 'darling. Some devilish thing must have happened to her at the railroad depot. She won't tell me. You dis cover." Under .these circumstances, Barnes is very eager to learn the balance of the note which had shattered the bride's nerves. "Glad you're looking so fit, Marina," he remarks, lightly, for they have grown into the habit cf addressing each other with the familiarity of com ing relatives. "Maud told me you wished to speak to me." "Why, certainly. Burton, I you you have read the letter that struck me down in the railroad station. I must beg you not to be cruel enough to even hint to my husband its con tents. "Why, of course. Tis best for Ed win, at present, at all events, to be in the dark," returns Barnes, groping darkly himself; adding assuringly: "You must pick up courage, my dear girl. You faced a greater trial only two days ago." Her answer confuses and astounds her interrogator. "Faced a greater Really the Matter with My Darling. trial?" she says piteously. "Perhaps in one way." After this she gasps for a moment and suddenly cries: "Then you haven't read the letter." "Read it most of it A portion of it hasn't come into my hands yet Maud said you tore it up." "Ah, thank God, you missed the last part. Then you might have told my husband and I could never have done it." "Never have done what?" "W'hat you will not know till it is done!" "You'd better tell it to me so that I may advise you," he suggests. - But the beautiful bride pacing the chamber, her hands pressed to her brow, suddenly pauses in front of him and says: "No, I'll be my own coun sellor in this matter. Ill fight the dread fight out with myself. I'll try and" Her distracted manner adds to Barnes' fear, not of her love and devo tion to Edwin, but of her judgment In some project she keeps concealed. He says, imperatively: "You must tell me." "No, tis between my conscience, my God and my husband. Only tell Ed win, tell him. in case ' "In case what?" "Oh, 'you know the cruel things that may happen in such a blood feud which is again revived, now worse than ever. In case I pass from my husband's sight, tell him that I al ways loved him; that that I didn't believe. Should I do something he re grets, hs condemns, ask him to forgive me; it was because I loved him better than than my own soul!" (TO BE CONTINUED.) If he Had a Million. "Say, Moike, if yez had a million dollars given ye to-day, phwat wud yez do first?" "Sure, an I'd go to the Palace hotel and engage a room, an' I'd lave wurrud with the clerk to call me at five o'clock In the morning.' "Why, phwat wud yez do that fur? "Ah. said Mike, with a complacent grin, "whim he tould me to get up I'd say: 'Oh, go to the divrle; I don't have to!"' Judge's Library. J I 1J Mil I III ' i mmmmHal jfCZ F ' jfmmmmHmHBfiSrX -iSf! mmmmmmnlemmmmffiBl rwEN KtoKvmmmVrsllu KmnmHm WT (mmmmmmrlEmmmmtTr jfajl T$- ? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmhj?' iH III BVV Js V mmmmmmBftfiir H I Id BLrvI IMmmSg 33fli tISSBGl?SSk lislSv 1 -gmmmffffirffifl I JEM mWEgglkSaW SSSfiTft ' S 'DmmmJ aaYlJi rt mmVJftttJi3Ygmyr vm T HHar "TTn ffnir ilrr niTr 1 rffirfTi k w T IBM 11 1 ' l'vljv3aay"ii vu. mmsj uj, a 7JiSMKnB3Bmil W bmHSWlHKw -BMlmMs yjmWfSnPlfimmmmt sSJ jMJBS ga J Chicago. "There she was. waitin'at the church." And one could repeat the oft quoted words of the erstwhile popular 'song, not only once more, but five times more, to hint at the story of the pa tient .and loyal girl who waited in vain at the house of worship to hear the wedding bells ring for her. Six times, actually, sweet, sensible and attractive Inga Lindquist waited at the church for Alfred Rasmussen that the parson might tie the matrimo nial knot for them. But some strange fate intervened to blast the hopes of the blushing bride-elect. Each and every time the bridegroom-to-be proved recreant and eith er failed to appear at the church, or fled after the bridal party and guests had assembled. Four times the faith 'ess Alfred made his "get-away" just before reaching the sacred edifice, and wice he quietly slipped away while 'hse present waited for the minister toT-ome to the altar. On each occasion the heart-broken bride was left in tears of shame and anguish, while the wedding guests raged at his heartlessness in desert ing the trusting girl and depriving them of the promised sumptuous feast and merry-making that were to follow the ceremony. Yet this recalcitrant fiance really and truly loved the confiding and pa tient young woman who had given her all of the passion of her heart And she well, she had such unbounded faith in the genuineness of his pro fessed affection for her that the bitter denunciations of her friends and rela tives could not shake it, and she read ily granted him forgiveness each time he pleaded for her pardon. He was so eloquent this handsomo Alfred Ras mussen. and be sued for her womanly indulgence with such eloquence and protested his deep, undying love for her with so ardent words of endear ment she could not deny him the clem ency he craved. So it was that she consented four times and then twice more to "give him another chance." And only after the last chance did she triumph by a ruse. Heroine No Silly Girt. Miss Inga Lindquist the heroine of the. "waiting-at-the-church six times' romance in real life, was not a giddy young thing or either "sweet 16," 17 or even 18, for that matter, when her romance began. Indeed, full 3t sum mers, and, like as not, as many win ters, hid. been recorded in her life his tory up to that time. Inga Lindquist for a number of years was an expert milliner, and as fore-woman in a big millinery house, earned and was paid a good salary, one that many an able man In mercantile life would be only too glad to receive for high-class service. The young woman's employers valued her services so highly that several times she hinted at giving up her position to engage in the millinery business for herself they induced her to remain and gave her a substantial advance in salary. Early in the present year she came into a very nice Inheritance through the death of a relative in Sweden. She resigned her position to engage in business for herself, opening a hand some store on the northwest side ol ciheago, where dwell the well-to-da Swedes, Germans and German-Americans. Business from the start was a splen did success with Miss Lindquist for first-class trade came to her unso licited. Her success in business pleased her friends very much, but her state of single blessedness was the one source of annoyance and disap pointment to them. Met "Handsome Al." It was when the fair milliner's close friends the feminine ones were about giving up hope that she FIGHTING WAY THROUGH ICE. Graphic Description of Perils of Arctic Exploration. One of the most striking passages in Robert E. Peary's "Nearest the Pole" is his description of the action of an icefloe which threatened his ship. He writes: "Its slow, resistless motion was frightful, yet fascinating. Thou sands of torte of smaller Ice which the big floe drove before it the Roosevelt had easily and gracefully turned under her sloping bilges, but the edge of the big floe rose to the plank sheer, and a few yards back from its edge was an old pressure ridge, which rose higher than the bridge deck. This was the crucial moment For a minute or so, which seemed an age, the pressure was. terrific The Roosevelt's ribs and Interior bracing cracked like the dis charge of musketry; the deck amid ships bulged up several Inches, while the main rigging hung slack and the masts and rigging shook as in a vio lent gale. Then with a mighty tremor aad a sound which reminded me of aa athlete Utakiag his breath for a su- would ever become a bride that the good-looking young pharmacist Al fred Rasmussen, came on the scene and foil in love with Igna Lind quist It was a real surprise to the friends of both. "Handsome Al." as he was called and Is yet by his intimates, was generally regarded as a good fellow. In due course the engagement of Inga Lindquist and Alfred Rasmus sen was announced to their friends and relatives. Then the date was set for the wedding. Despite the protests of their friends the couple decided to have a quiet wedding at church, with only the bridal attend ants and a few close friends and rela tives to witness the ceremony, though there was to be a grand feast at the home of the bride's aunt Mrs. Ceder quist After the latter the new ly wedded pair were to take a trip to New York and other eastern points. That was in April last Miss Lind quist her bridesmaid, two young wom en friends, three male friends, a cousin and her aunt and Rasmuss9n's best man and six of his friends, wait ed at the church. Rasmussen did not come, and the bride-to-be and the bridal party retired Miss Inga broken hearted. Nothing was heard from Rasmussen, no one knew where he was. Mrs. Cederquist the bride-elect's aunt, and several of her gentlemen friends were anxious to notify the po lice of the fiance's disappearance, fear ing that maybe he was a victim of foul play. But intimates of the miss ing man protested that it would re sult in sensational notoriety for all concerned,- and their objections pre vailed. Three weeks later, or in the early part of May, "Handsome Al" re appeared and called on his weeping sweetheart He pleaded hard for for giveness, alleging that he suddenly became frightened at assuming the responsibilities of married life, and was so worried about this while on his way to church that yielding to im pulse, he fled and went to Milwaukee. Secured Forgiveness. . So eloquently did the recreant lover plead that his sweetheart for gave and took him back. Then new plans were made, and it was decided that the wedding should be the last week in May. Again the milliner was "waitin at the church" for the second time, but the faithless lover came not Once more the bride-to-be returned home to put away her wed ding dress and finery, shed tears, wring her hands and plan new crea tions for her rich customers. Sev eral weeks later Rasmussen turned up at Miss Lindquist's home, but the in dignant Mrs. Cederquist In her wrath, refused to admit him, and drove the trifling fellow away; he had brought sadness and disappointment too often to that home, she declared. to be permitted to again enter its por tals. But Rasmussen was not to be de nied, and again his pleadings won for giveness. For the third time the wedding day was set and again the bridegroom came not. What expla nations he made that caused his res toration to favor can but be guessed, but again he was forgiven, and again were preparations made for the nup tials. History repeated itself on this occa sion and on another that followed, and then for the sixth time the bride arrayed for the ceremony, confident that at last she might rely on the fer vent promise of her lover. But, no. Again' the wedding proces sion was marshaled at the altar, and the bridegroom was "conspicuous by bis absence." Bride at Last Aroused. Everybody was too dumfounded to utter a word; even the repeatedly de ceived minister was so stunned that j preme effort the ship shook herself free and jumped upward till her pro peller showed above water. The big floe snapped against the edge of the ice-foot forward and aft and under us, crumpling up its edge and driving it in shore some yards, then came to rest, and the commotion was trans ferred to the cuter edge of the floe, which crumbled away with a dull roar, as other floes smashed against it and tore off great pieces in their on tward rush, leaving the Roosevelt stranded but safe." On another occasion it required 35i hours of incessant strain and struggle to clear a way through the obstruct ing Icefloes to the open water beyond. Mr. Peary says: "The Roosevelt fought like a gladiator, turning her full weight against the heavy floes whenever we could get room for a rush, and rearing upon them like a steeplechaser taking a fence. Ah, the thrill and tension of It the lust of battle, which crowded days of ordinary life Into one! The forward rush, the gathering speed and momentum, the crash, the upward heave, the grating snarl of the fee a J the eteel-shod stem split it as a ma- he cmM not veathm anger ta When the others recovered tho ef speech there wasabahme of aaat talk. Only the bride was tor a tfe-; 8he aaUledfaUt.c'n her face ahowec a grim tloawalch'the Others coma Bidding her aaat, tho brideemeid. at fteadaat and her geatlemaa eoema ter'the-earrlage,ahe Informed the' rest of tho party that there weald he ao feast at her home that daw. Teal later oa they woald seceive aa invimv tioa to dlae with, her and her "hmv haad." Thoa Mlsa lindquist drove home. leaving her guests to what she meant The patient milliner was She said little, but seemed to have some plan of action ready. There was much going and coming ea her part la a way that smacked of mys tery and promised a great surprise. Evidently she contemplated a strategic move, and like a good general she kept silent until the time came. Plans Carefully Laid. It was the latter, part, of September when ( Miss Lindquist had her plans ready.' She called on the pastor of her church the church at which she wait ed six times in. vain. She had a brief talk with the wise man of the cloth and came to an understanding with him. Then she had a conference with her standing bridesmaid and her cousin and Rasmusscn's permanent best man. A few days later a carriage drove up to the door of Mrs. Cederquist's house. A servant came out with a small trunk, which was placed on the foot-' rest at the driver's seat Then Inga, her aunt and her bridesmaid entered the carriage. Another conveyance drove up to the door and into it quick ly "piled" Miss Inga's cousin and the best man. Miss Inga and her party were driven in one direction and the other carriage in a different one. The rig containing the milliner and her friends drove to the home ef "Handsome Al." It was early evening and he was there. The driver rang the doorbell and when It was opened asked for Mr. Rasmussen. He appeared quickly and as he did Miss Lindquist called to him from the carriage. He hastened to her. Were Married at Last "Get In, Al," she said sweetly. Tm going on that wedding trip of ours. It's been put off so often I'm just heartsick to make it, even jf I have to go alone. Besides, business 19 .quiet now and I can spare the time. Come and drive with me to the depot, Al, won't you?" coaxingly. "Al" got In quickly, and was not a little astonished to' find there were other occupants the aunt and brides maid. But their presence did not abash him and he renewed his old style of love-making. Very earnestly he pleaded with Inga to not go away. ,i sa am JSiSilMZlJbGTXlSS&r vowing, that he would wed her without any further delay If she consented to remain. The young woman pretended to be obdurate and let the artful dodger go on with his pleas and vows. So Intent was Rasmussen he did not notice the direction in which the carriage was being driven. But Inga had laid her plans carefully, so care fully there was practically no danger that they would go amiss. The driver had his instructions, and before "Handsome Al" knew what was in "the wind" the carriage stopped be fore the door of the parsonage of the church at which Inga had waited so many times. In his bewilderment the bridegroom failed to note another car riage at the curb. In a few minutes Miss Lindquist and Rasmussen were standing before the minister and around them stood the rest of the bridal party. And the ceremony fol lowed. It was brief. When the min ister shook hands with the newly wed ded couple and gave them good advice and extended his congratulations, the "wedding welcher," as his friends had dubbed Rasmussen. was. all smiles, kissed his bride with fervor and gave the "glad hand" to all of the wedding party. A few moments later all en tered the carriages and were driven to the home of the bride this time a real and smiling bride. son's hammer splits granite, or trod it under, or sent it right and left in whirling fragments, followed by the violent roll, the backward rebound, and then the gathering for another rush, were glorious." At such times the physical tension was intense: "Everyone on deck hung with breathless interest on our move ment, and as Bartlett and I clung in the rigging I heard him whisper through teeth clenched from the pure ly physical tension of tha throbbing ship under us: 'Give it to 'em, Teddy; give it to 'em!' More than once did a fireman come panting on deck for a breath of air. look over the side, mut ter to himself, 'By , she's got to go through!' then drop into the stoke hold, with the result a moment later of an extra belch of black smoke from the stack and an added turn or two to the propeller." Cost ef Producing Tea. One tea company In India has under cultivation 1,450 acres! while another has 1,303 acres. It costs to produce the tea and place it In tho market at Calcutta from T to f cents a iflmnU jUuLwar i DISH FOR TEA OR SUPPER. Simple Refreshment Moms That to " Easy to Preea Aban of cream of chlckem earn served with' aut sandwiches and a glass' of lemoa squash, make a de lightful tea or. supper dmh. OUveo and salted peaauts may bo ised. To make the cream ef chiekea salad, chop the chiekea very flae. AM to each half pint one-half put of cream sauce and two tablespooafahi of gelatine that has been soaked. I four tablespoonfuls of cold water for aa hoar. Mix the Ingredients together hot .season nicely and turn into a shallow pan to cool. When cold form into balls the size of English walnuts. Put three-of these balls oa a nest off lettuce 'leaves, put one teaspoonful off mayonnaise in the middle and, they are ready to serve. , Use slightly toasted unsalted al monds ' for sandwiches. After they have been chopped fine sprinkle them thickly between thin slices of bread and butter, pres3 together and cut la any fancy shapes desired. The lemon squash may be made the day before. Grate the yellow rind of three lemons and add two pounds of sugar to one quart of water; boil for five minutes and strain. Add the juice of 12 lemons and strain again. At serving time dilute this with Apolll naris water, making thelemon squash sufficiently cool to be palatable. Woman's Home Companion. L BETTER THAN CAN BE BOUGHT. Handkerchiefs Made at Home Are Dainty and Economical. Some handkerchiefs which are pret ty and dainty are fascinating to make and at the same time are economical. One yard and a quarter of 43-inch wide handkerchief llnea will make nine men's handkerchiefs of the correct size. Twelve women's handkerchiefs may be made from a yard and a quarter of 32 inch wide linen at one dollar or $1.50 a yard. After the linen is cut into square for the handkerchiefs each corner is slightly curved to form a curved in stead of a square corner. The edges are then rolled and whipped over with colored wash file thread.. The stitches take in only the depth of the roll After the handkerchief is all whipped, turn back and whip in the same way. the return stitches between those done the first time. This crosses the threads and produces a charming cross-sticth effect A small initial should be worked in the corner in the same color thread. These handker chiefs are odd and unique, and still are much in vogue, as all the smart handkerchiefs have a touch of color somewhere. Baked Potato for Invalid. For economy in the sickroom pre pare baked potatoes by washing and drying them thoroughly; lay them on the asbestos bread toaster, and cover them closely with a small granite pan; turn the fire on only half way, turn the potatoes oyer occasionally, aad in an hour, when they should be done, spread a napkin over the hand; 'place a potato in the center, and, holding the napkin closely around it with the po tato like a ball on the top of the hand, pat it gently all over, roll it out on a plate, open the jacket season with butter, pepper and salt and. if liked, a tablespoonful of cream, aad you have a potato mashed as fine as In the ordinary way, only a more deli cious and tempting as well as a mora easily digested dainty for the sick one. Imitation Canton Ginger. Take young carrots, scrape care fully, cut in pieces the size of the West Indian preserved ginger; par boil gently. to keep from breaking, drain carefully. let lie oa sieve all night The next day weigh, put equal parts of sugar with tablespoon of es sence of ginger, the yellow rind of one half a lemon, and one-fourth pint of water to each pound of carrots; sim mer gently four hours, then lift the pieces out carefully, put in small jars, removing the lemon peel; boil the sirup quickly for ten minutes, add a wine glass of brandy to a pint; when cold seal same as jelly and keep, ia a cool place. Breakfast Food Variety. When other breakfast foods tire toast slices of bread, crumble fine and eat with cream and sugar. This is de licious and nourishing. For a cold night one can make de licious hot chocolate by melting in a little hot water a cake of sweet cho colate and adding milk. This takes only a few minutes and is always off the right sweetness. Bath Bags. Four pounds of fine oatmeal, two quarts of clean bran, one and one-half pounds of powdered orris root one and one-half pounds of almond meal, one pound of powdered white castile soap, three ounces of primrose sachet powder. Keep in glass jars, filling little cheesecloth bags as needed. Leaves the skin soft, clear and vel vety. Cement for Glass. Add one pint of vinegar to one pint of milk and separate the curds from the whey. Mix the whey with the whites of five eggs. Beat it thorough ly together and sift into it a sufficient quantity of unslacked lime to convert it into a thick paste. Broken glass or china mended with this cement will not break again and will resist the ac tion of fire and water. Sugar Ginger Wafers. Three-fourths cup butter, creamed with two cups white sugar, one enpj milk, four cups sifted flour, three quarters teaspoon soda dissolved in a little boiling water, one tablespoon ginger. Spread the mixture very thin on bottom of pans, well washed and greased. Use a flat knife. Bake in moderate oven till light brown. Cut while hot and slip from pan. His Great Idea. Gilbert, the small son of a minister. one day trying to construct a church with his building blocks, hat found he hadn't enough blocks. "Say. papa," he inquired gravely, "caa't yow hold up your congregation for to Salsa my church?" "i K. fcl & A jf .- j?- - -uSt. fl-,tt2?v!?iJL 1 j . I. .-..at-j.nrT?'- .1-,-jxf -' JjT'-w- ,&KjJf St 1 ir yyj -ff: . Ca.,