-a-' v? w t - 4"vW - v-Vr "-. -. CSK. .. r jra; twwmmmwsmwi -V, r . i r"J r if ; r , i " .-& BEST EVER WRITTEN 1 r S.t PRESCRIPTION WHICH ANYONE CAN EASILY MIX. . SaM to Promptly Overcome Kidney and Bladder Afflictions Shake "; ' ' Simple Ingredients Well in Bottle. Mix the following by shaking well In a bottle, and take in -teaspooaf ul doses after meals and at bedtimer Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. A prominent physician is the authority that these simple, harmless ingredients can be obtained at nom inal cost from any -druggist even in the smaller towns. The mixture is said to cleanse and strengthen the clogged and inactive Kidneys, overcoming Backache, Blad der weakness and Urinary trouble of all kinds, if taken before the stage of Bright's disease. Those who have tried this say it pos itively overcomes pain in the back, clears the urine of sediment and regu lates -urination, especially at night, curing even the worst forms of blad der weakness. Every man or woman here who feels that the kidneys are not strong or act ing in a healthy manner should mix this prescription at home and give it a. trial, as it is said to do wonders for aaany persons.- The Scranton (Pa.) Times was first to print this remarkable prescription. ia October, of 190G, since when all the leading newspapers of New York, Bos ton, Philadelphia, Pittsburg and other cities have made many announcements ef it to their readers. The Bright Firstborn. They were discussing the law of en tail the English law bequeathing the. bulk of the family property to the eldest son. There is 59 per cent, of logic la, that law. said a physician, "and if the family property went to the firstborn, whether son or daughter, the law would contain 100 per cent, of logic. For the first born child is practically always the best best in brain, in build, in beauty, in everything. "Why is this so? It Is because maf ried people lovo one another more pro foundly at the beginning than after ward; for love, like all things, grows Id. grows weak, often dies. "Mrs. Cralgie John Oliver Hobbes was a first born child. So was Marie Corelli. So was Richard Mansfield. So were Joseph Chamberlain, Lord Kitchener, Max Muller, Henry Irving, George Meredith. "Look back into the past, and we see again the prominence of the first born, among them Mohammed, Con fucius. Raphael. Milton, Dante, Goethe, Byron, Shelly 'and Heine." To Err Is Human. Robert Browning once found him self at a dinner, at a great English house, sitting next to a lady who was connected with the highest aristoc racy. She was very graciously In clined, and did her utmost to make conversation. "Are you not a poet?" she finally asked. "Well." said Browning, "people are sometimes kind enough to say that I am." "Oh. please don't mind my having mentioned It," the duchess hastened to say. with the kindest of smiles. "You know Byron and Tennyson and others were poets." A Value. "Nonsense," said the high financier, "we did not sell a worthless fran chise." "But such is current report, ven tured the Interviewer. The high financier made a gesture of impatience. "Young man," he re- . turned, severely, "if you got hold of any old franchise that you could un load for two millions, would you re gard it as worthless?" No reply being possible to this. Biade. Too Many Islands. Larry Me friend Casey has made a lot av money awn gone to spind th summer in th' Thousand islands. He invited me np. Denny Faith, phoy don't yez go? Larry Bedad. he didn't say which island awn Oi might have to hunt over nolne hundred and nointy-noine be fore Oi found him. By thot time me vacation would be over. HER "BEST FRIEND." A Woman Thus Speaks of Postum, We usually consider our best friends those who treat us beet Some persons think coffee a real friend, but watch It carefully awhile and observe that it is one of the meanest of all enemies for it stabs eaxe while professing friendship. Coffee -contains a poisonous drug caffeine which injures the delicate nervous system and frequently sets up disease in one or more organs of the body, if its use is persisted; in. "I had heart palpitation and nerv oasness for four years and the doctor told me the trouble was caused by coffee. He advised me to leave it off, but I thought I could not," writes a Wis. lady. "On the advice of a friend I tried Postum Food Coffee and it so satis fied me that I did not care for coffee after a few days trial of Postum. "As weeks went by and I continued to use Postum my weight increased from 98 to 118 pounds, and the heart trouble left me. I have used it a year and am stronger than I ever I can hustle np stairs without any heart palpitation, and I am cared mt aApiimniiHJui v My children are very fond of Post- i and it agrees wltnftem. Wsb ter liked it when she drank it at my tease, but not when she made it .at ber own borne. Now she has learned saake it risat, boll it according to attractions, and has .becosne Tery fond mi it Ton may ase my masse if yoa wish, as I am'not arts tied" of Malaise Nasse given by Col Battle Creek. Mich. WenTine te The Road te J m -.-ra--T m -.-, t-m fc i a. j - . . i . . . rr- T-rviBviiBiBiBHaBiHaBiHaiBB --am MMMHMiliiH.1 . i ' itfZ r ---j-ii .. , u -1 w VI The State Capital Natters sf , Geseral Interest 'rBOM . Nesrasks's Seat of QoverasKat Commission -or the Court. A letter was received .from. Passen ger Traffic Manager P. S. Eustis of 'the Burlington, informing the railroad commission that the new 'cream rates promulgated to go into effect on No vember 1 must await judicial determi nation by the Chicago federal court. Mr. .Eustis says the Burlington would gladly place the rates en its tariff sheets, and, in fact, had the new sched ules already prepared, but for the or der of the federal court. Now he in dicates there Is nothing to do but to let the' courts decide. This presents an actual conflict be tween' the federal court and the rail road commission, and it is-certain the commissioners will' at once take steps to enforce their order. No restraining order of any federal court has' been served upon the board, and they are pf the opinion that the order of n Chi cago federal judge on the Burlington has little weight' in Nebraska under the circumstances. A notification to this effect will be sent to Mr. Eustis, and then the battleground will change from Chicago to the Cornhusker state. This is practically the first order of the board that has gone far enough to enable a test of this character, and that it will be made is certain unless the Burlington changes front and de cides to enforce the new tariff on cream. For each offense on the part of a road in disregarding an order of the commission the penalty fixed is a fine of not less than $1,000 or more than $5,000, and officers and employes of the road involved may be fined from $100 to $500 for each offense. These provisions are certain to be ured. and prompt action on the part of the commissioners may be looked for. Later" Notice was received Friday by the railroad commission in the Ehape of a telegram from Traffic Man ager P. S. Eustis of the Burlington that his road would enforce the new cream rates in Nebraska beginning No vember 4. Friday was the time fixed by the commission for the new charges, to be euective. While on the face of the situation the attitude of the railroad appears favorable, the members of the board will take steps te secure evidence of violation of their order should any occur. This means that if te commissioners ascertain that cream is being shipped at the old rate the road so offending will be amenable to the state courts for vio lation. The St Joe & Grand Island road at first accepted the new cream rates, and filed its schedules with the board, but later withdrew the new rates, giv ing the same reason as the Burlington. Brief in Pure Food Law. General Cowin, attorney for the packers, has filed a brief with the pure food commissioner in which he contests the interpretation put on the pure food law by the commissioner. General Cowiu expressed the opinion that where meat packages are not stamped at all with the weight, the law has not been disobeyed. But if the weight is stamped on the package in correctly, then the law has been vio lated. He calls attention to the na tional law and the laws of other states which arc like the national law in this .respect and these provide for the stamping of the net weight when the contents is set out in the weight he says. The law is for the purpose of preventing deceit, said General Cowin, and if the weight is not stamped on the package, then deceit is not prac ticed. As for stamping the weight of a ham on the outside wrapper, the brief says it is practically impossible, as the meat constantly shrinks. The wrapper is put around the ham to gether with the oil paper, the brief said, to prevent it from spoiling, and when thus wrapped is guaranteed for thirty days. Otherwise the purchaser buys at his own risk. Transferred to Federal Court. The case of Woods Bros, against the American Express company, in which they sue for $10,000 damages for de lay on a cable of funds to Antwerp, Belgium, was transferred to the fed eral court from the Lancaster district court, where it was first filed by the plaintiffs. The transfer was made by the defendants in the case. The plain tiffs allege that on November 1. 1905, they cabled to Joseph Watson at Ant werp 80,000 francs, or $15,486.67, to pay for thirty-six horses. The cable was so delayed that Watson was un able to ship the horses by a certain boat, and they did not reach Lincoln in time for an advertised sale at which they were to be sold. Railroad Commissioner Williams last week telephoned to Secretary Clark Perkins of the commission from Sargent that a large shipment of cat tle was received there, on which there was due $1,300 freight, which the con signee was unable to pay in cash be cause of the recent decision of the banks not to pay currency except in small amounts. The cattle were un loaded at Sargent in the railroad yards, and as feed is scarce, there is likely to be a considerable amount of liability to some one. -XT' ae T- s7 0nd!m' ".' saif " Robert Ryan, his attorney, for some- thins; over $2,000. which he claims is doe on a note. On one occasion $100 was credited on the note and on an other $3,000 for iIegal services. Ryan was attorney for Brown in, the Bart ley matter and succeeded, in setting him pffr without tb "paymettof ,the -bonds. Ryan claiBM:Bo settlrsssnt has beea made for his services and Brown owes him considerably mora than the amoaat of the motes. : - - - .sr&j.uikdl . ..-Skate ftfartteftri . m ohw irnwnrncionii . . ihikhiiimiu . i sm uia nm Kiar ueaiH. i -nam inniiri ! .-w ,. . -m Treasurer, Brian haa'Sled bis retort. of the months' business with thevstate auditor. Mr.'feri&n lia'fearnrinz as'csch items warwtiK'hiAt otherwise' would have to lie registered for- pay ment and which wddrawUper cent interest: -Byl4aMng up'QkeWjwar rants with money-copt or .tne. wspo- rary school fund ana.taereTjrrbdihg'. uiem iraut.uie geuenu. nop .i aiww take care of them, he loses ''the Spcr ccui uiierec u.u wuiuu wxiuc no the temporary school fund deposited But in the long run he saves the stated 1 per cent, Inasmuch as the registered' warrants would draw 4 per cent inter., est. . . Contrary to ,the general impression all of the Lincoln banks save one have state, depositsand are paying 3 per cent interest, while in Omaha, the Brandeis 'bank pays the state 3, per cent At this time Mr. Brian has on hand in currency in .the neighborhood cf $800. His business has always been carried on largely with checks, and he is continuing to Issue checks, giving to'tKose who need the cash just as little as possible. Warrants issued against the tempo rary university fund are being-registered, but usually run only a short time. , ''"'. " " V "'V f ' Since January' 4', 1907, -the state debt has been reduced $557,211.04. Janu-' ary,4 the debt was $1,84128.40 and at close of, business. Thursday the debt, was $l,284i6l6.7G. The 'school fund invested in bonds since January 1 has increased $993,713.22. January' V the school fund invested in bonds amount- Jed to $5,722,424.13, and on November 1, the investment in bonds amounted to $6,716,137.35. Pollard Preparing for Terminal Tax. R. D. Pollard, tax commissioner of the Burlington, accompanied by his son and assistant, Frank Pollard, called on Secretary Bennett of the state board of assessment to talk over the forms to be used in assessing the property of railroads located in towns and villages under the provisions of the terminal tax law enacted by the recent legislature. While the new law will occasion much work, especially for the engineering department, Mr.' Pollard said in his department he probably woula seed no extra help. Mr. Pollard has already had experi ence with the South Dakota terminal tax law, and he -said while the asses sors placed the value of the property plenty high, he did not know what in crease would be made in the amount of taxes, because the levies had not yet been made. In Kansas a tax com mission has been created which has full charge of the matter, and the rail roads are yet to test this method in that state. Heretofore the local prop erty has been assessed by a state board there, and returned to the city or village In which the property is lo cated. r- Hay Car Case Appealed. The Northwestern railroad has ap pealed' to the supreme .court the case brought by Frank Dabney of Stuart, before Judge Westover, asking for a mandamus to compel the road to fur nish five cars a day for ten days for shipment of hay. The mandamus was granted by Judge Westover. Judge Lctton has allowed a supersedeas, the bond being fixed at $2,500 and signed by R. W. McGinnis, Northwestern agent at Lincoln. The railroad claims it is not in the jurisdiction of the dis trict court to mandamus a railroad in this way. Overcharges by Railroads. Secretary of State Junkin Is of the opinion that overcharges have been made by the railroads on all packages of books sent to county clerks. The total sum thus realized is estimated at about ,$500, as .such packages have been sent to each county. Mr. Junkin has received a letter from the Burling ton agent at Mullen stating that the charges on the rejected house and sen ate journals were 48 cents instead of 90 cents, as at .first reported. Mr. Junkin has ascertained that the charges should hjtve been 25 cents in stead of 48 cents. Not Admitted to Home. Because Burdctte M. Cleveland of Fremont receives a veteran's pension of $30 per month, he cannot be ad mitted to the Grand Island soldier's home. This was the decision made by Secretary of State, Junkin and Land Commissioner Eaton, who declared that the home at Grand Island was maintained for indigent veterans, and that this man's pension was too large to allow him admittance. Missouri Pacific Reports. The Missouri Pacific Railroad com pany has made its weekly report to the railway commission showing tho amount of work done on the line. To October 26 ties had been spotted to the number of 106,188; ties renewed, 67,854; ties received. 68,764; ties on hand, 910; section men employed, 256. This report was for, one division. No More Special Hates. No more special rates for parties in special cars. The Union Pacific in formed the railway commission that the present plan of carrying eighteen persons in a special car was unremu- nerative. After this there most be first-class fares for eighteen, unless the travelers are only going one way. This will be a hard blow to the land seekers, who are in the habit of en gaging cars for the round trip. They will be compelled to pay full fare both ways. "There is not a cent of state money in the suspended bank at Grand Isl and," said State Treasurer Brian. A balance of $4,000 was withdrawn noma months ago the treasurer added be cause the bank demurred to paying S 'per cent Interest ,It; is -mot improbable that the Ar mpurj Packing company will shortly hegim to brand its oleoasargarine pachv ages and mot contest the Fare, food law, or rather the interpretatJoa pat oa that law by nod Thft Hi Held tFaur'.Yaafa. Good for' - -Mrs. Mary CrumliEh of 1130 West Third Street, Wilmington,, Del., says: "Some years ago'l aVv. , ., -i toa miseraoie ana jose cay awoKeirom voapvw4tK a plerc-' ugptun in my dock lAfi) maue me tRr two, could not move and after that I'had backache and dizzy spells all the .time. My ankles 'swelled and-1 ran down dreadfully. I .was nervous and had awfuTheadachcs. I-wonder that any medicine could do what Doan's .Kidney Pills have done. -for me. .-They cured me four'syears .'ago and',I,bave been well ever "since." 'Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co.. "Buffalo.. N. Y. , r JUST WHAT HE WANTED. Surely Here Were Musical Tastes Enough to Suit Anybody. A gentleman of the most cultivated .musical tastes, wishing to change his Tesideace. advertised rfbri rooms) in a "pfivate family "fond of music." The next mail brought him the follow ing "reply: ' c . ' l.f , "Dear Sir: I. think we could accom modate you with rooms, and as for music one of my daughters plays' the parlor, organ and gtttar; another one plays 'the accordeon and l)anjo; I play the cornet and fiddle; by wife plays the harmonica and my son the flute. We all sing-and' if yon are good at 'tenner singing you would' fit right 'in when we get to singing gospel hims evenings, for none of us -sings tenner. Or if you plays the base vial we have one right here in the house. If you want music as well as rooms and board we could accommodate you and there would be no extra charge for it. Llppincott's. FAMILY'S 8KIN TROUBLE. Eczema, Heat Rashf and Scalp Affec tions Afflict Different Members, But Cuticura- Cures Them. "My wife had eczema for five or six years. It was on her face and would come and go. ,We thought.we would, give the Cuticura Remedies a triaL We did so and she has never had a sign of eczema for four years. I myself used Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment some time ago for falling hair. I now have a very heavy head of hair. We -used Cuticura Remedies for our baby, who was nearly bald when young. She has very nice hair now. She is very fleshy, and we had so much trouble with heat that we would bathe her with Cuticura Soap and then apply Cuticura Ointment, it would dry the heat np so much quicker than any thing else. Mr. H. B. Springmire, 323 So. Capital Street Iowa City, fcL, July 16, 1905, and Sept 16, 1906." Her New Hat. "I believe Maude Is weakening in her championship of the Audubon movement against bird plumage hat trimming." "What makes you think so?" "I notice in public, especially at the theater, she is showing the white feather." "771th a smooth Iroz .c.3 Defiance Starch, you can launder your shirt waist just as well at home as the steam laundry can; it will have the nroper stiffness and finish, there will bex less wear and tear of the goods, and it will be a positive pleasure to use a Starch that does not rtick to the Iron. The Circus Lemonade. k Uncle Hiram Be gosh, this here is the blamedest. weakest lemonade I ever drank. Slangy . Nephew Gracious, uncle!, Maybe they "handed you the lemon." , Uncle Hiram Handed me a lemon? Great grasshoppers! They didn't even hand me a slice of lemon." Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears thA Signature ot&ZxS&zfetfi In Use For Over SO Years.' The Kind You Have Always Bought. Pays Dues. "Jones is the most prominent mem ber of our golf club." . -"Why, he can't play golf V "No, but he .always pays his dues." Lewis' Single Binder straight 5c. Yoa pay 10c for cigars not so good. Your deal er or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, BL Finishing is the hardest part of a buy man's job. . y A .'Cars ffdfffakY j7 -'' 0BBHk: " W- BB y kiswh "v jf:i Ss2f .'Hni'T iHt SicK Women Ton sEotild know, if you suffer from any of ffie pains due to womanly trouble, that it is possible to be relieved or cured by the use of Cardui JF? y6818 over, of unexampled success,' in the treatment of female ailments, has demonstra ted what Cardui can do, for others, since, in that time, it has benefited over a million women. - "rwlm lams, of Willow Shoals, Ky., "and I praise it above another medicines. "Befor T foron n rtoA-if Twaa -almost dead. .1 had suffered for five (5) years, with . 1 ' I ' vmt.wpwHw -.w- wmZ7mt ' Wl I a V v seventy-third not mind fear detth. but I live alysis." in constant fear of par- : I TfFonaoTO'llmeiifhave SenwknUae letellydu & V 'great goPybS wonderful Sloan's. Liniment is doing here." writes Mr. James F. Abernetbv. of Rutherford College, N:'C.,,4lrivfact.J all your -remedies-are doing' noble work, but yoturXiniment -beats alL In my eight years'-experience with med icine I find none to go .ahead df.it, having tried, it in very many casesT I know of one young man, a Jbrick-ma-aon, who suffered from a partial, yes, almost complete, paralysis of one arm. I got him to use your Liniment, and I now he can do as much work as ever. and he sings your praise every day. I get all to use it I possibly can and know there is great virtuo in it I have helped the sale of your noble remedies about here greatly, and ex pect to cause many more to buy them, as I know they can't be beat" Finance. . "Sammy.' said aGermantown moth er recently to her ycungest-born, "When you divided those seven pieces of candy with your brother did yoa give him four?" "No, ma'am," replied' , Sammy) "I knew they wouldn't' come out even, so I ate" one before I" began' to di vide." Harper's Weekly. How's This?' W offer On -Hundred DoUtn Coward for mat ease of Catwrti ttut ¬ bo coxed or Bali'a Catarrh Core. - , "P.J.CHE!rETCa,Tote.0. We. the aedcrdgaed. have knows F. J. Cheney for the Uat 15 rears, and bellere blra perfectly hon orable in aU baalneM transactions and ananciaUr able to earrj out any obligations made bjr nU arm. Waldixo. Kixxax Mabtix. . M IFnoleaaloDroBsJiU. Toledo. O. HalTa Catarrh Cere la taken Internally, -actta dtrectly apoa the blood and atncoiia surface of tbn system. Testimonials sent free Prlce?3cemta'pr bottle. SoIdbyallDracjdsu. Take Hair Family PUU for constipation. A Slight Misapprehension. "Your party Just now Is rather in an acephalous condition, isn't it?" "Not at all not at alL It only wants a leader." KIDNEY TROUBLES The kidneys are essential organs for keeping the body free from im purities. If they should fail to work death would ensue in very short time. Inflammation or irritation caused by some feminine derangement may spread to some extent to the Kidneys and affect them, The cause can be so far removed by using Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound that the trouble will disappear. When a woman is troubled with pain or weight in loins, backache, swelling of the limbs or feet, swell ing under the eyes, an uneasy, tired feeling in the region of the kidneys, she should lose no time in com -ott-WsPn her. birthday once said, I do getting old;!andJr do' ndf mencing treatment with Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound It may be the means of saving her life. Bead what this medicine did for Kate A. Hearn, 520 West 47th Street, New York, who writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham: "I owe a debt of gratitude to Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound for it has saved my life. I suffered with Kidney trouble, irregularities and painful periods, and my blood was fast turning to water. I used your medicine for some time and it has made me strong and well." Lydia E. Piakban's Vegetable Compovad made from native roots and herbs cures Female Complaints, such as Falling and Displacements, and Organic Diseases. Dissolves and expels Tumors at an early stage. It strengthens and tones the Stomach. Cures Headache,' General Debility and invigorates the whole system. For derangement of the i Kidneys in either sex Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound is excellent. Mrs. Pinkham's Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of female illness are invited to write Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., for advice. It is free. W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 & $3.50 SHOES Tswc2u aftBiB?8HOE8 FOR EVERY MEMBER OF sTd . m THE FAMILY. AT ALL PRICES. m9MW lOsBCrntast doom mm m1sb , mmM i Reward 7FJ?TZ&ZE$ZXZ m THIS REASON W. I Douglas shoes are worn by more people la all walksof life than any other make, to because of their excellent style. cay-fitting, and superior wearing qualities. The selection of the leathers and other materials for each part w- iuBiuuD,mmcr ucuui oi me maaing is tooaeu alter dt the most completeorganization of snperintendents,foremenand akilled shoemakers, who receive the highest wages paid in the ahoe industry, and whose workmanship cannotbe excelled. ill could tike yoa into my large factories at avndJlhow von how earef nllv W. , Donglas shoes would then understand why. they hoi wear longer and are of greater ralne than any dm ia mtrmmmmmd J&aW flfl Cafaw . 4 vauiiua i ine Kenuiue nare w. u. uousias Ilniivla, 5 Sdbetitate. Ask your dealer for W. I. direct to factory. Shoes sent ovary where by maU. OR TRADE for clear property 3000 acres ileeded land, clear, in San Luis Valley. Colo. All can be lrriratetl and farmed. 27 cubic feet of water. Cuts one thousand tons of hay. Natural gas, nine artesian wells, two sets im provements, forty miles fence. In connection with above, 8000 acres land leased at 4c per acre. Price only $3) an acre. lease thrown in. Address "OWNER." Box 335, Colorado Springs, Colo. Return this with 60 one cent lUmpi and I nil! mail yoo a Dollar of WolcotTa Pain Paint Bow. ti t iirTi..rz v -7"- .- r-f".,r " tn mlrA !y. 9fA.n, hnftl "" rmunmiotm pwa idumhj: icnwTei neaaacue. Toothache. Kenrmia. tn one minute: cool farter than lee: buna will sot Ulster. A ooonrul taken four K2S&lJIX&&&lg2: . i wnzus snoes are r. 1ST hob! tbftir ihtnu. i Pain Paint data with fun imiii They had bee, engaged just seven tee, nunutesi bp the; decay yet fqr the last, three-seventeenth of that pe riod there had been.a prped. scornful look upon her fair face that vwas cat-" culafed to either the orange blos soms. - . "i; can't, imagine, dear," he aald. saaiy,, wmw nas come over yoa bo suddenly, i'stapr'-foityww'eipe romanticVrwhen-" ' "Oh, GeoTge,J,fbfgiyfe me!M-sie "ex claimed,, with a convulsive sob, as she threw her arms' about' his' neck, ,MI thought yotf'asked'rae if Iilwas rheu matic." ..: , No Decoration Required. It was Mr. Hobart's first experience with waffles," and he liked the taste of them. When he had been served twice', he cajled the waiter to him and spoke confidentially. - "I'm .from Pokeville, he said, "and we're plain folks there; don't care much for style, but we know good food when we get it I want another plateful o' those cakes, Irat you tell the cook she needn't stop to put that fancy printing on 'em; 'just send 'em along- plain.' Youth's' Companion. "OUCH, OH NEURALGIA, STITCHES. LAMENESS. CRAMP TWINGES. TWITCHES FROM. WET OR DAMP ALL BRUISES. SPRAINS. A WRENCH OR TWIST THISSOVEREIGN RCMCOYTHEY CANT RESIST ST JACOBS OIL Pnfcc 25c MISS KATE A. HEARN BrocktOB.Mas - are made, yew , St better, other make. name and or i stamped on bot Take Ooagia. shoes. Jf he cannot suppl Catalog ire. yoa. send Look? for thin bmnu uu Itaraesa, Cellars, BsmMIm, Masskete, Lap Itwbeet Wmlm, Etc, Ask yonr dealer t o shew you gooaa with this brand before yoa bay. 3f anafactared by HARPHAsl BROS CO., LINCOLN.' nEft, OBttaJsowLmaatosst: we'll sand ye souvenir ssspaaassBV 4msEE. ESW 4 I Pain female trouble, ly pains, every month. I had doctors from different places, but none of them did me any good, and I ran down to 97 pounds. "At last I wrote you for advice and began to take Cardui. In three months I was like a new woman. I continued to improve and now I am 'rft well, weigh 67 before I began, and am able to FREE BOOK SSSSSSS FOR LAMES TCmsSaag5h CARDUI 1 .uMi ,:x. ajHOMTftnaiTinn Acts naturally, dels truly as a .Laxative. iJcMaJncmirm amllHd." " icial Ejects InameoflrteCom- CALIFORNIA by tHsM it is inaattiactureel .printed en the rantef every package. SOUBTAlIlipNG DRUGGISTS, one sizeearejslar price 50fsradl?e MY BACK and 60c WESTERN CANADA Sosseof th choicast leads ia the sraia slow ing belts ef SasfrK. waa sad Alberta aawa recently beea opened for settleaseat wader the Jtarised Iloaaestead Regaknoas of Canada. Tkoasande of home steads of ite acres each are now available. The new regelatioas ssake kr possible for entry to be made by proxy, the oppor tunity that assay ia the United Stales have beea waiting for. Any member of a family may make entry for any other member ef the family, wa may be entitled to make entry for himself or herself. Entry may now be made before tae'Ageat or Sab Agent of the District by prosy, (oa certain coadi lions) by the father, m other, son. daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. MAay ea namtwred seetloe of Dearialen, ,taads la Manitoba or the KorMVWeat Frovlac, eseeattaaTS and xs. aot reserved, may be toil steaded by any panon ttie sole bead of a family, or male o ver lSy tmtm of ace. to the ex teat of one etsrterscUoB,orin acres, store or Mas." Thef ee in each case wilt be Sraotv Churcher. schools and markets convenient. Healthy cltmate. splendid crops and good laws. Grain-growing and cattle raising principal industries. For further particulars as to rate, routes, beat time to go and where to locate, apply to V.V.KXHtTT. MI Wrw Tarfc Law InmmaC. REE To eosTlnee ssy woman that pax. Haw ABtL-tcptle will Improve ncr health and do all we eJaba for It. Wa will send her absolutely freo a large trial Dos oi raxtine with book of Instruc tions and genuine testimonials. Send your name and address oa a postal card. juui nanus sua euiucss uu a pa PAXTINEi cleanses and heals SCOBS - e m- hrano !f feenoas, such as n.-nal eatarrli, pelvic catarrh and inflammation caased by temi nme lite; sore eyes, sore throat aad month, by direct local treatment Its cur ative power over tnese trouoics is extra ordinary and gives fcomediato relief. s of women are using sad ree- esnmttndiag it every day. fie cents at aruggistsorDTinaii. icemen: druggists or DrmaU. iber.howerer. IT COSTS TOT If OTHlXf TO tXJT. PAXXOS CO, 3 PITLESS SCALES CMfesSStaJIcd AJtYWHEREANYTrrlE W..W-...... NO OKKWNOOSBUSrirtO 5WES Mason snifsaaanry I OsTernmr work and tanker .. .- ISTULrswnt TiXCSS sgats- ai lasts never noif5i Sbv AmV ammm, amm Bam Sat ami Saw. amsv Saw saw anaanBtT OU AH nUUn wTc MERRY GO ROUNDS gfflaffiSa-e Uatftters. DepCM MoirrBTosowAJWA.M.T- r, - W. N. U, OMAHA, NO. 45, 1907. experienced death 1 - 2 rounds mora, than do my work." Try it. denes ana m ren-voun get its lieraej Alwmsr,nviLri has the Jul DGBV L - S 4 hi M s? . 3 4 ' 1 -ti ..I M s w.l i e t ' ., iSiy T- - " "?. s