mm?mW9fm '? &&&&&&&&&& I&&T- - ISfti."!. x I g'-f - - v af . j. !"vJ? Wlx"" MHHHHHHMVHPaMHHPSIHiHHmH ll lrf to El - "i. r . x 1 0lumfm$Simrtmt HOYKMBKBt, R.G. STKOTHEK. , MtiM.L wiuaav Here's toping it nuv run every Hallowe'en might so that foolish boys aad girls may be prevented from property and doing other things. IbyP ofcatGomphere, warning employers not to eat wages as a result of the insuris! flurry, atyiag that organised labor will not tolerate the reduction. Such a warming however, is unneces sary, as with the advent of warm weather the demand for labor will be as great as it has been, and instead of the man hunting the job, the job will be hunting the It seems strange, very strange, but the democraticvstate central committee tried to keep it a great secret that W. J. Bryan would make speeches for Loomis and the democratic state and county tickets. Whether this was done for fear Bryan's speeches would hurt their ticket, or whether they thought the ticket would be defeated anyway, and Bryan's speeches shown to be of no benefit to democracy in Nebraska, we do not know, but the "Peerless Leader" is apparently not as popular in his home state as he us ed to be. The wisest man may be mistaken nomrtimm The people of Nebraska thought as long as they raised good crops and received good prices for them, a panic in New York moneyed circles would have no effect out here, but they find they were mistaken. State lines or distance makes no differ ence, this is a great country, and what affects any part of it affects to some extent the entire country. When the New York banks refused to pay out currency, Chicago banks followed suit, and so did Omaha ' and other large cities. This entire country lies ona sound financial basis, with sound economic laws, so the panic only last ed afew days. So long as a panic only affects stocks, Nebraska need not care much, but when there k no ready cash to buy cattle and grain, we fed it at once. This financial flurry has again proven the strength and solidity of our four Columbus banks, and all the banks of Platte county. FUTOTtE OFOTOM The improvement of the Mississippi, Missouri and Ohio rivers, with their principal tributaries, such astheMo nongahela, the lower Wabash, Illinois, Wisconsin, St Croix, Tennessee and Arkansas, is a movement that eastern people know comparatively little about. As it is not dramatic or spectacular it attracts less attention than its importance calls for.. Possibly all the river improvement which is necessary could be accomplished for the cost of transporting our fleet to the Pacific coast The people of the central west are awakening to the fact that they must use their rivers. An educations! campaign in that re gioa has been conducted for the last four or five yean with ability, (hie cannot sit through a meeting of the trans-Mlsnisappi congress without realixing that thinking westerners re gard this as the most important sub ject which is discussed. The Mis souri River Improvement association is undertaking the establishment of a freight channel as far as Omaha. When this has been accomplished and its vain demonstrated they will carry a channel on a nine-foot draft upas fsraiMontana. , who surveyed the up- 8t Louis to St Paul sstimatsil that a nine-aad-a-half-met channel at low water, which wwald beam adequate channel, could he made for about 15 . million dollars, er thmmt of tares srnJners of the fthe North Carolina or Mom- The German rovemmentnow rovemla an te cost from 100 te 150 Wi to come intousewn. Prem Gslhar's Weakly. BYSnTBWaWC.eYWeBnmUBaHVWeS WMHr Mnyvw nattvtMUsSl fa nsnB- 9RmB XenfiB BR0SJB ShRt fwamnnlwaanSaadaaaa. 1taMK mi why aM fwwpwajitijiil U ? GUin IM APDK1UU When efdajaa has onwbot suular un anffian dollars tosamawsnasd m the east have dona moreia a few days than any other one thing in years to impress the people with the nou ity of some further legislation looking to currency reform. Essential as it may be, it is not a pleasing spectacle for the secretary of the treistuy to take up his temporary residence in New York to keep in touch with the finan cial situation and afford relief, when deemed necosssrv. to the commerce ami industry of the natMML-as repre sented by the banking interests. Let it be understood at once that Secre tary Cortelyou has been less suscepti ble to demands from Wall street than aay treasury secretary who has pre ceded himaince the war. He has dome as much if not more than aay of his pittdVessors to keep the federal funds out of the hands of the speculative interests and has shown eoinmeadable discretion in placing -the government money where it would best serve legiti mate baanem interest But the fact remains that he has been compelled to come to the relief of the New York bankers repeatedly, the relief being furnished out. of the government sur plus. ' The United States is in' reality the biggest banker in the. country, but cannot legally engage in banking as a business. When it comes down to brass tacks, as the street gamin would state it, the federal government has no more authority to furnish relief to the financially distressed in New York than it has to come te the relief of the victims of a little friendly game of table stakes at Tin Cup, Arizona, security extended being equal But no secretary of the treasury with a surplus on hand has found a way of sidestepping the responsibility. In democratic times, with a treasury de ficit instead of a surplus, there is never aay occasion for worry over what to do to prevent the federal funds ac cumulating into threatening totals. As secretary of the treasury, Mr. Cor telyou today has charge of something like $236,000,000, representing a sur plus over the liabilities of the govern ment, in addition to the $150,000,000 retained in gold to maintain the parity between gold and the green backsand silver notes. In other words, the treasury holds about $500,000,000, which is supposedly not in use at all, but which represents something more than one-sixth of the actual money supply of the nation. It is gratifying, of course, to know that Uncle Sam has more money -than he knows what to do with, but the fact remains that the condition works a hardship on the industry of the country.1 How to secure the benefit of the circulation of this surplus in the treasury vaults is the' vexed problem, but none of the plans offered has ap pealed strongly to public sentiment Until this problem is settled wisely and satisfactorily the nation will have to be content to leave one-sixth of its actual cash in the treasury to be em ployed as the secretary sees fit The Omaha Bee. Apparently Great Britain is soon to be plunged into a destructive internal war, the contending parties to be the railroads and their employes. As this is a situation that might be visited on this country at any time the facts in the case are of American interest British railroads are under govern ment supervision as strict as the most ardent advocate of American supervi sion, say Senator LaFollette, has pro posed. Their capitalisation has been held to a legitimate level, cumulative voting by stockholders lias prevented the abuses incident to one-man power, there is no rebating, no arbitrary rate cutting, no arbitrary rate nuking, and the service is regulated as strictly as the rates. At present dissatisfaction is expressed from four quarters: The public with high freight rates, the railroad managers with Ugh taxes, the stockholders with low dividends, about three and a. fourth percent, and the employes with low wages. Yet it is not priasarily wages or hours that led to the vote for a strike. The employes demand higher wages and shorter hours, but the sticking point is "recognition'' of the anion. The amalgamated society of railway servants demands that the railroads treat with the seen only through rep resentatives of the organisation. The railroad managers answer that they are under legal obligations and restric tions which forbid their transferring the virtual control of the business to ah employes' organixatioa, particular ly since this organisation represents but a sixth of the total number of employes. The anion answers that the post osaeefdspailmantf a completely public concern, has for tea years recognised the union of asssofmoe emnlefrss wkh oat had results, and claims that has the sympathy though nottheaMsehar ship of the other fivesxtiw of the rail way servants, Thcee-foerths ef 'the hare veted to strike kew-' ing that psat strikes of the kind have been ilhastrnus to the. strikers, aad knowing that every striker'cforfeUs his accumulated pension rights. . Under the strain of. threatened trouble railroad securities have de clined over $50,000,000. The roads have for some time been drilling mem. for the places to be nmde vacant by the expected strike. The people' are helplessly awaiting the blow; The question of recognition or non-recognition is a fundamental one, like a question of honor as between nations, and it seems nothing but a finish fight can settle it Lincoln Journal. SNAKE SWAYED BY TUNES. "Wearing of the Green" Charms "Beynm Water" Another. There are soma residents of the8ona section of Belleville, M. J., who are said to believe this story, which la be ing tola there, says the New York World. '" -X Mrs. F. P. Scully wmj hanging, slothes oa the Mae in her yr wh she happened to whistle a few here of her favorite air. "The Wearing of the Green.' To her amaietnmafr'a whip snake glided from the woodpile near by, halted and: 'seemed fascinated by the music. When' Mrsl" Scully ceased whistling the snake vanished in the woodpile. On her husband's return .from the copper works, where he is employed, Mrs. Scully told him how unwittingly She had played snake' 'charmer. There are others," laughed Scully, and he went to the yard and whistled "The Wearing of the Green." Im a few moments the snake appeared aad greatly as enjoy Scully's wind Since then all the Scullys. young aad old, have beea whistling to she snake, which has become quite tly James Ryan, a native of Ulster, moved near the banks of the H orris canal and next door to the Scullya. Ryan waa cutting grass in his yard Saturday whom he chanced to whistle llcyno Water." He had heard of Scully's snake and so waa not surprised when n whlpanake appeared. "You're a nationalist reptile, but rn nuke you dance to my music," ex claimed Ryan. - Hearing the tune the angry Scully strode from his house and loudly whis tled The Wearing ef the Green." Out from the wood wriggled n whip snake as much like the other aa are two buckthorns of the same growth. The attacked each other herce- Scully and Ryan were about to pitch Into each other when their wirea in tervened. The snakes doubtless would have fought to the death, but Scully grabbed Pameira tail and Ryan seised William of Orange's tall and they tore the anakee apart One made for the woodpile, the other crawled under a email shed. Sturgeon In ritiah Columbia. For several years previous to ltol the sturgeon fishery In the Fraser riv er waa in important industry. One mil lion pounds of fresh sturgeon packed in tee waa Shipped east annually. A very considerable amount of sturgeon roe was shipped each year to Europe to be manufactured into caviare. The ateurgeoa then almost entirely disap peared from the river, and only a few barely enough to supply the local demand were taken. The disappear ance of this lah has been attributed to overfishing. During the last half of July the sturgeon have appeared in large numbers. Nearly all are small and would easily pass through the sturgeon nets, but a very large num ber have become entangled in the salmon gm nets. These are supposed to .be returned to the water in all cases where they have, not been killed. Uader the law and the regulations no sturgeon under four feet in length may be sold in markets here, nor skip ped abroad. The fishermen have, therefore, no temptation to fail to return to the water all fish under this length which they have not been obliged to kill to get them out of their neta. One night recently a stur geom eleven feet long, weighing more than 60S pounds, waa taken ta a salmon net The Use ef Living. Thousands of men breathe , move, and live; pass off the stage of life, and are heard of no more. Why? They did not a particle of good, in the world; and none were blest by them, none could point to them aa the in strument of their redemption; not a Hue they wrote, not a word they spoke, could be recalledY'and so they perished their light went out in darkness, and they were not. rernom bered more than the inaecta of yester day. Will you thus live and die, O man Immortal? Live for something Do good, and leave behind you n monument of virtue that the storms of time can never destroy. Write' te by kindness, love and r, on the hearts of the thousands you come in contact with year by year, and you win never be forgotten. No, your name, your deeds, win be as legible oa the hearts you leave be hind aa the stare on the brow of eve alng. Good deeds win shine as brhjht on the earth aa the stare of hi Chalmers. The tramp with a knack for carving rapped on the door of the wayside cot tage and showed the lady a tiny bas ket he had cut out of a peach stone. "A sculptor!" eiclslssed the .house wife, enthusiastically. "A real sculp tor. "Ah, aay poor man, you must have an absorbing temperament Ton net I have, lady," replied 8andy Pikum qntckly. "and if yer wffl bring out n mart of sweet mOk and a beefsteak rn show .you how to dam Ume time." wm ."jifjw ejTws"Busw"m Flfevt JtOsfeffattO, , (anxiously) What .ef us? Mosautte (triumphantly)! HIS DANCING LE$t0H "Pshaw! 8atterneld. I don't dance, anyway." v' But you need to. dance before we were married,' protested Mrs. Satterfield. "It's ridiculous for a man who la only If- to aay hs doesn't dance." ' "I don't I teU you," said Satter field, sitting up in the hammock. I admit there once waa a time when. I gamboled, over the waxed fioor with the rest, but that waa when they had gallops aad prairie queens and the military acbottmche oa the programs. Why. ft. too me ten years to learn to watts and then just when I had got it down, pat they began the two-step." uAtetep is Just ss easy!" said the girl -with brown eyes. "I could teach you te'teaminutea, Mr. Satter field." ;. " , "And if she cant I can," added the girl with aha blue eyes. JDom't trust them. Try me instead." broke In the young woman with the yellow hair from the porch railing, where she waa perched. "You simply have got to go to that club cotillon with the rest of ua." Satterfield regarded the ' three would-be teachers with Interest He did more he beamed. 1 never before thought I should nke to learn." he confessed, "but somehow I have a yearalag to do so; BOW." "Oh, go ahead!" said Mrs. Batter field. "Dpat mind me." "She thinks I can't do if maid Sat terfield to the girl with brown eyes as they awept the ruga off la one corner of the porch. He carried him self with the sir of a sua used to. accomplishing great things in n saw aslnutee. "It's like this," said the girt with brown eyea aa Mra. Satterfield at the piano indoors struck up a two-step. She skimmed over the fioor lightly while Satterfield studied her feet "Oh, yes," he said. "I see. It looks very easy. Like thla." "Wen, not quite," said his teacher. "You were doing a galop then. Mr. Sat? terfleld. Come, try It with me and aee , if you can catch the rhythm." "Waa that n galop?" asked Sater field In a aurprlaed disbelief. "Yea. I win catch oa aU right Just aa moon aa I dance It with some one. Aa you say, I must get the rhythm." They started aad Satterfield walked on his teacher'a feet aad ended by tripping her over n chair. "I waa looking at the dog in the front yard," he explained. 1 nearly: had It then, didn't IV . "Well, nearly." gasped the girl with brown eyea. "Let me try." said the girt with blue eyes. "She dldnt explain the atop to you at the beginning.", "No," said Satterfield. "I knew that waa the trouble, but I hated to aay so." "This way," said the new teacher, slowly outlining the step. "You' un derstand? It'a terribly easy." "Perfectly." said Satterfield. "Aa you aay, it la very simple. I should have learned to two-step ages ago, only I never thought Td care about it, aad thea after a maa'a married he sort of thinks the girls would rather dance with the chaps of their own age." The girl with blue eyes yanked Mr. Satterfield around by mala force. Be betrayed a tendency to continue the two-step in one straight Hue, varyiag it by attemptlag hurdles over the porch railing and assaults on the win dow boxes. When they stopped the young woman waa mopping her fore head, totally out of breath. Satterfield waa fashed but triumph ant "Oh, it'a easy!" he said. "Of course, I make mlatakea now aad then, but" "Try with, me now." said the girl with the yuUpw hair. They have beea taking it too slowly. - You don't get the rhythm." That's It" maid Satterfield, irri tably. They forgot all about show ing me the rhythm." "You mustn't be discouraged." aaid the girl with the yellow hair. ? "Oh, I'm not discouraged." said Sat terfield in surprise. The music from Indoors continued with machinelike regularity and the three teachera worked heroically In relays. At the end of an hour Mrs. Satterfield came to the porch to find the girl with brown eyea lying ex hausted in the hammock with a dam aged foot aad two yards of rufiUng torn from her skirts. The young wom an with yellow hair waa gathering up back combs and pine from the floor. Her friend with blue eyea waa re jtalriag her skirt which waa torn from the belt Satterfield was beam lag. Tm ready to go on," he announced cheerfully. "You'd batter rest" said ale wife, hastily. Tea, you must rest Mr. Satter field." chorused, his teachera. also has-, tUy. "AU right" amid Satterfield. re luctantly. "But its a pity! I waa Just beginning to catch the rhythm." Chicago Daily News. - The Voice. The voice that la heard without raising the natural speaking tones is the weB modulated voice which im- ohe with its calm ana its Tram the ear to to your own crrueaiiy. sarin, puntttke voice makes a a trying Just ss the touch i's hand should is a louM her voice fan the ear with imwavevavewnv sTen"1 f? -i AHEAD Greisen far your ' -'" New Coat ,":-.k4ii It 13 r- waiting for you. and we know 4 it will please ; A yOU sfifl enwawawawamwS ."TFT We have others from '&' m to $30 HIS LOVE AFFAIR -. til, ' '- Everett sighed a huge sigh. "She's an awful nice, girl," he .announced in despairing tones to the world in gen eral. This frank avowal of ale emottoaa of course betrays the youth of the speaker. In fact he waa only a. His calm waa Im hla head aad hla elbow rested oa his knee. "She's a aawful nice girl!" he re peated, a trifle belligerently. "Whor naked hla aunt tearing herself away from her magazine. "Margery." confessed Everett with a audio which, had he been ten years older, would have been self-comscloua. "Don't you think nor "Oh, my, yea!" agreed his aunt "And so do tots of other people." "Do theyr asked her nephew, a trifle anxiously. Then he frowned. Tm going to marry her." he added. That win be alee." said hla rela tive. "Only mat aha a bit old for you? She'a Id. you know!" -' "Oh. rn be If soon." Everett said, confidently. "And She ttkes me, for she alwaya smiles at me. She shows her teeth when she smiles and they are Just aa white! I gave her alamos Ann fthM ntfc dmV "Heading out lemons already!" murmured hla aunt -What's thatr domsaded her neph- "I waa Just thinking.'' unclaimed hla t hastily. "Did you ever see the way she fixes her aalrr went on the lovelorn youth. -"It'a so pretty " "What m?" asked hla gone hack to her "Margery's hair." aaid Ererett "No body else looks Uke Margery, you know. She's goiag to the party next Tuesday afternoon and she's goiag to dance with ate. I asked her if she waant She's going to dance with me lots maybe six waltsee an' nix" - "But aee here." objected hta aunt "you know there win be plenty of old er boya there and they win want to dance with her. too. It might be that she would want to dance with" them, so you mustn't be selfish. Just once you assy ask her. dear, no "But shell be dla'potated!" objected Everett hla face falling. "She 'specta me to dance lota with her! Did you ever aee the shoes she wears when she daacea? They are Just aa teeny aad have pointed toes aa'.ahiny buck- lea oa 'em! She'a goin' to to the party, for I asked her an' she's goin' to wear a plak dress. When 1 see a pink dress at the door 111 know "She's a 'eewful Nice GtrL". Margery 'thout having to took hard. J3ay. dont you wish it waa Tuesday afternoon? I do!" "My. yea," aaid hla aaat Ta Just ttvlmg for Tuesday afternoon to come myelf. It'a aU I can do to watt" "TouTl aee her pink the shoes," said Everett "I know Just how you feel." He sighed again. Tuesday came and Tuesday went At home once more Everett did mot pour out the Joyous confidences that US aunt expected. He seemed ab stracted aad weat to sleep eating bread and mflk. It waa the morning after when she went to waken him that he spoke ot Margery. Hie eyea were dreamy. "She had sowers in her hair aaid la awed tones. "Whor asked his aunt aargery!" he explained in Impatience at such stupidity. slM sasiles her eyea ahmeX" "DM you have n good timer let am relative. X V tltr said has aaneed with her twrna. g-b a -. snamnJ alana. wasn T- snusts. ''' I ;nnnmnwt I BsmwasasasasasasasasasasasnT. . asm m sasnsasnsnum ' ;- m r nmnawanawai a m - - - i munrammun . nj m- smftKnta v I , --'.-' af- snmwasml " m& "eSmfaSBBai m m IwaaaasaamW ' I "MBsasaV I . ... , . BshWawAwmwhWaWaWamfcLL amwaaaanuai Bros. .Awasaimwawn .ssasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasas .mwasawawnsasnsasnsasnsaWTiBBH fsmuml BBnaesmV smwasesnaeuBeamV nanus 'Vasnasau ssmwawsm. BmwawawawawawawsmwKVaa'm gMwnununu gmwnueunumsaraunueunueunue sawnmamn nmnmnmanj nawnmnmnmnmnmnjmiiv $ j flmwnan nanananan aunanannnn ansnuunBiB'wanananj snuar ssmumv ig0tei?'r . , Awaasml amwasaw awasasasasasnuam vt T'V aasnsasnsasnw"sl " " miaanunuBBm JjEfFic- snunf gmmmnmnr - njnmnmnmny awnnWBmwawawawnv anmnmmmumjunaamwaw. gmmnsnw .sunnmsssstJnmw-) """Td'now," aaid Everett He sat up in bed and a cloud crossed his pink face. Tve been thinking.' he con fessed, Tve beea wondering yon sec when she danced with me Margery smiled' mght into my eyes an' her face waa so close to' mine just as if she liked me awfully, you know and then aa. do you know she did ex actly the same thing when she danced with the other fellows that were big ;germ me! Why did she? Does she Uke them, too?" "My gracious!" said hla aunt to the electric light fixture, desperately. Dearie, she said to the agonized lover, "I'm afraid maybe she does!" "I wish." said Everett, slowly and aadly, "I wish I hadn't given her that lemon drop!" For fancy Wedding Stationery, pro- or Calling cards, don't fail to tie the Journal figure with you. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OP THE GERHARZ-FLYNN CO. Know All Men Br Thew Presents: That we. Fimk J. Gerharx of Colnabes. aad John Vhraa of Sooth OsmIm. all of the state of Nahrki. do hereby aociatr oanelYM togeUt r I or tha geipo of fotmiBa-a corporation bb oeraadiaaoeordaaoawitfa the atatatea of the atatoof Nebraaka. aad hereby adopt the follow iaw Articles ot laeoTDoratioa. to-wit: Aancial. The naaw of this corporation ahall be the Gerhara-FlrmB Co. AbticlbII. The principal place of traaaact iaw the baebMaa of thia corDorntioa shall be in of Cotaabosia. Platte county, state of ABncum. The general aatare of tbebaal- itoDetraaeactea eaati be general aerenan- k, wbjcb aaau laciaae, among otner things. Jeof dothinc. hara and catw. fnrnmbiDKK kjadrcd lia-a; the baying and selling of tae leasing, baying and holding of each real and personal property aa nMurbeneeesaanror incidental to the conttne- of ita hnsiawai; leaaina;. sob-letting, nwrt- aelling and coBTeying of each real and property or tne corporation, ana tooo um otaer ana aa oaj un laci- to the main powers or tne We Now Have the Exclusive Agency -FOR- amSr SM 1 t. aWSUV more!" .afnur ..iti .. H X . uunvv aw anmuaanf BnJsnwmUBUnanaUnm M muET war"' anmUBBnUBUnUBUnum snUBUnunul aW V, fflgRfl m I nmmtnwmEPnut H ggW J PHmEecnenTO anamsnwawmmnjjsnvnmnmiBm umns a ffnffiffl WBwBi , ' ksnunwSa (BLamSlllmUErll "nunP Wan litfffsnUnnnmliuUnVn imus unm lrrMiBEaaEUsUllaawnKX gam maa BJIQnRaaUOMSsanawaEanananU ammaa sam SanmEUEanunUnmma m TBaBnanTsV BaBSBBaBaBaBaBaBaBUB anmTdT then and mam munnr: m I snsur aananmanhmnl fas saass ar few I I tliw. 11.s.i. iiCi.-xsn w a I vsivaac- vrcruivivc aSismsiiC" DOOKCsaSe : I I mEUEjft snUBfawmum smaaisl ti tf a '11 Bnl fJBavsBn amnna?nnmn nuj nan --a- ' - .T - Innocently. w . wsasaiawamnmmiBmwBn. -,51 namaunmem avammanEmEmnVSnua awnawm. sml ' smf snaTdgmV H gCJBnwaU.Bpaanw smnfAsasjnmsa Anunuuaml .savanEma, amwrn, ' H, H "Whan -sngsmaem ST- VAVf MJJm MmMMm Br sl- n aa. - v -v avwiBrwainw an an mauav umaaw m WaW fJauT- Bsaa . waaaBBBB) . i j Baaaaaa- . . a, k nawa - " I ""' MA Ot OO UfaaS- aTtamM.!. flu..! r4 TAl -rta waa esse 6uri- nta uicicuui omch axjui rnonesv corporation. Article IV. The antoant of tae capital stock of this corporation shall be tea thoetDd dollars felO.U0O.0S.) diTided into one hundred sharrs (100) of the par valne of one handled dollars ($100.00 each, which stock when latned shall be folly paid and non-awftwabk. Said stock can. at aay time, be dinded into common aad pre ferred stock aa the board of directors shall di mif Said capital stock shall be paid in at snch times and in snch amoants and apon snch condi tions at the board of directors shall direct. Annexe V. The highest amYmat of indebted ness or liability ft which th corporation ahall at any time sabject Itself, shall not exceed two third ( JS) of the capital stock. Article VI The affairs of this corporation shall be managed b? a board of three (S) to five (3) directors to be elected by aa J from the stock holders, aad a president ad rice president, n secretary and a treasarer. each to be elected by the board of directors. Any two oSlcea mar. at aiy time, be held bToneard the same person. Varanriee in the board of directors my be filled by the hoe.Nl. A bticlx VII. The time of corpmencement of this corporation shall beat the time of filing of these articles as required by law. aad the corpor ation shall continue for a period of thirty (30) years an less sooner dissolved by law or by mo. toal concent. Article VIII. The board of directors shall have fall power and authority to make all rales -ad by-ltws for the proper government and con trol of the basiaess affairs o' this corporation, and may by majority vote of all the members of the board of diiectora alter and amend the same at pleasure. Article IX. No stockholder shall be liable for the debts of this eorporrtioa in any amoent greater than his unpaid subscription. Article X. These ArticKs of Incorporation may be amended onl b. two4hirds () vote of all stock issued or subscribed and only at a reg ular meeting of the stockholders, or at any spec ial meeting called for that parpose by order of the board of directors. In witness whereof, we have herewnto est oar hands and to one other original this 14th day of August. A I. 1907. in th city of Cotambae. county of Platte and state of Nebraaka. rux Kj.uEnnanz, Jomi Fltsh. STATE OF NEBRASKA. L'oanry of Platte. f Beit known, that oa the 14th day of Aagast A. D. 1907. before me. J. G. Becher. a notary public, within and for the county ot Platte, aad state of Nebraska, personally appeared in the said coanty. Frank J. Gerharx and John Flyaa. above named, who are per ocally known to me. and they severally acknowledge that they eae rnted the above Articles of Incorporation of their free and volantary act aad deed. In testimony whereof. I have hennnto sub scribed my name and untied mi notarial seal the day and year last above mentioned. J G.BacBxa. (Seal) . Notary PabOc. i H v v J. -N ' IS- .'V- x J - .& i- l.-sr-t . r ' - - ....ilijL- i tn 5B3j-fti9V tzs&&33mm&& giae&jiCEA-Aws-' - trw.f-y Tt,4 " .. 19 a. te. fa ysag-gS&j?',, . S. k