The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 06, 1907, Image 3

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t. . -
Burton H. Barnes, a wealthy American
touring Corsica, rescues the young EnR
lish lieutenant, Edward Gerard Anstruth
r, and his Corsican liride, Marina.
lauRht.r of the Paolls. from the mur
derous vendetta, understanding that 'his
reward is to be the hand Of the girl he
loves. Enid Anstruther. sister of the Eng
lish lieutenant. The four fly from Ajac
'io to Marseilles on !oard the French
steamer Constantlne. The vendetta, pur
stues and as the quartet are about to
Imard the train for London at Marseilles,
Marina is handed a mysterious note
-which causes her to collapse and necessi
tates ;i postponement of the journey.
Barnes gets part of the mysterious note
und receives letters which inform him
that h- is marked by the vendetta. He
-mploys an American detective and plans
to beat the vendetta at their own game.
1-"or the purpose of securing the safety
f the women Barnes arranges to have
.1fidy Chartris lease a secluded villa at
Nic to which the party is to be taken
in a yacht.
CHAPTER I!. Continued.
The American's plan, as he whispers
it to Emory, is so adroit that the de
tective emits a triumphant whistle andJ
says: "Gee whiz, just the Idea!"
"Everything must be ready for to
night," directs Barnes. "No other Cor
sican steamer than the one on which
we arrived will come to-day. By "to
morrow I hope to have the ladies rea
sonably beyond pursuit."
"All right. I think I can fix it for
"Meantime," says Barnes, "see if
you can find what cables bearing on
this matter have been received -from
Ajaccio and to whom addressed."
"That will be difficult!"
"Not if you give the telegraph clerks
enough money."
"Yes. most anything can be done
(lie way you spend money, Mr. Barnes."
This last issues from Emory's smiling
lips as the American is writing a
check. "I'll report progress to you not
later than one p. m.; than? 'give you
time for jour arrangements."
Coining from this to the Grand hotel,
1 lames shortly strolls into Lady Char
tris' parlor and has an interview 'with
that matron which places her in the
seventh heaven of delight.
"You think of going to Nice?" he
suggests; be would have proposed
borne little Italian watering place, but
knows that the widow will only con
sider the spot where Van Bulow. the
young German diplomatist, is located.
"Yes, I've concluded to remain there
a few weeks until the season absolute
ly ends," responds Lady Chartris, "only
the good hotels are so cruelly expen
sive." '
"Well, there are some lovely and re
tired villas on the little Bay of Ville
franche, a 20 minutes' carriage drive
from the Promenade des Anglais. Sup
posing you engage one?"
"Do you think I'm a Croesus!"
screams the widow in horror. "Do you
want to ruin me? Do you suppUse I
hae your pocketbook, Mr. Barnes of
Xew York?"
"That's exactly what I want you to
suppose, my dear Lady Chartris. I'll
pay for the villa; you occupy it. In
ibout a week from now, Mrs. An
struther and probably Enid will be
your guests; perhaps Edwin and I also
for a little while. But you are to say
nothing about that. You'll keep Tomp
son. Enid's maid, and take her on with
you. The villa is to be rented by you
and entirely in your name."
'And you pay the running expenses?"
"With pleasure."
"Oh, Air. Barnes, how magnificently
"Don't leave here earlier than the
lay after to-morrow. In fact, that is
the day you must leave, but make your
arrangements quickly, after you reach
.Nice. You'll have no 'trouble in find
ing an unoccupied villa at Ville
iranche; it's so near the end of the
season. Be sure its grounds run to
the water and have a landing place.
You will say nothing of our going to
.Nice to anyone-especially your child,"
Tie remarks, commandingly, tempering
his words, however, by adding: "Maud
is too young to keep a secret."
"Yes, childish tongues will babble,"
smiles the widow as Burton goes
moodily away.
Mr. Barnes' features are still very
solemn, as early in the afternoon, after
-another interview with Emory, he says
to Enid, who is in consultation with
him: "You think Marina is well enough
to be conveyed in a carriage a mile or
"Why, certainly, she is ooVof bed
now. Don't fear for her courage as re
gards herself. Burton. It is my broth
er the dear girl is alarmed for.''
"This morning," remarks the Amer
ican, under his breath, "I had hoped.
with Edwin s aid. to get-you, Enid and
Marina to England, where three or
Jour London bulldog.detectives and the
fear of the British hangman would
have probably kept Mrs. .Anstruther
safely from murderous pursuit untU.I
bad settled the affair. But now this
devilish letter has given her such a
.shock that we dare not Immediately
subject her to the fatigue, of. the long
railway journey to London."
As he shows it to them and they try
to decipher it Barnes hastily explains
"how he had purchased the mutilated
letter from Maud Chartris with mar
rons glaces.
"And that awful child concealed it
from us!" cries Enid. "Her mother
should be told immediately?'
""What; and have Lady Chartris rush
iremblingly back to London when,
without danger to tierself, she cap. do
s a grand turn in Nice."-
"In Nice?' How?" Enid aslis, astW
ished. , ' "
"Tell you ina minute," replies her
fiance. "The fourth quarter probably
contains the; infernal .-portion- that
caused the bride'salarm for yon, Ed
win, for her .fears I know are not so
much for herself, as for yon. Now L
with your assistance, am going first to
make Enid and .Marina saf." -T
"HowTdemaadi die English girl,
whose face has grown pallid.
By Lady Chartris. She's aetag to
,. i
take a secluded, water-washed villa .at
Villefranche in her own name.,' House
rentals have to be reported to the mu
nicipal officials. With the name of
Lady Chartris attached to it, no one
will guess that we will occupy it!"
"But Prunella Chartris would fly
from a vendetta as she would from the
smallpox." says Edwin.
"Quicker! "-cries'Enid.
"Quite right, but Prunella Chartris
shan't hear of a vendetta. We'll turn
up at .Villefranche, Edwin, in about
four days, leave the ladies there, am
ply guarded, and then yon and
jolly seadog. will turn out attention to
our Corsican friends. We will be foot
loose, and can do the hunting and kill
ing, if necessary, and. settle the affair
in some way definitely. and forever."
Barnes' manner is lighter than his
"You'll find me with you," answers
the English lieutenant. "This is the
second time, because she loved me,
that my bride has been driven to de
spair. But how do you expect to get
Enid and Marina, from Marseilles un
noticed by the people that are already
hunting us, to the villa near Nice?"
"What dp wild animals do when they
are hunted? Take to the water!" re
marks Burton. "That leaves no trail.
Do you .think. Anstruther, that you
can navigate a yacht?"
"Do you think that you can shoot a
pistol straight?" growls the British
naval officer. . t
"Very well. A yacht will be waiting
for us, engaged by Emory. There will
be nothing but English seamen on
board, not over, many of them. We'll
put the girls on boards to-night. We're
both armed and our party will not be
I II ft IfTflfl lllll IIV m nV . - " yvi Wl r3 . a
Then Mr. Anstruther Walks Off, Leaving Mr. Barnes Cenfrontei with a
Young Lady Whose Lilies Have Changed to Roses andthe ' Greatest
Temptation of His Life a-
noticed driving on the Prado, where i Correglo( Danelbi late yesterday .even
everybody drives. In a little bay, as I j ing. It stated" that you and your party
ue arranged it, on ine i;ormcne :
road, near the Bains du Roucas Blanc,
a boat willbe waiting. There we'll
put the ladles on board and sail away.
Then who'll be able to tell where we
goto?" . , .
Edwin rises, but at the door, which
had been left open so that the gentle
men could keep their eye on the pas
sage to Marina's room, he turns, and
noting Barnes' longing eyes directed
toward his sister, says with sailor
bluntness: "Old man, "you seem to
think of everybody but yourself in this
matter. Are you aware that this pro
jected cruise won't permit you and
Enid to be spliced in London in three
days from now?"
."I had not fergotten that." replies
Burton. "How could I?" His eyes
still on his beautiful fiancee, who, not
withstanding her anxiety and trouble,
looks lovely as a goddess and tempting
as a nymph.
"Well," says the sailor, "we jack
tars have a custom of getting married
before we start on, a cruise. There
are ministers In Marseilles as well as
London." Then Edwin Anstruther
walks off. leaving Mr. Barnes con
fronted with a young lady whose lilies
have changed to roses and the great
est temptation of his life.
The poor fellow thinks of the
damnable document he. has. in his
pocket,, proclaiming death to "the un
fortuate woman who marries him; he
remembers Mateos horrible state
ments as to the fate of females marry
ing into a blood feud and forces the
desire' from his eyes.
His embarrassment is increased by
the superb manner of his fiancee.
Without a word she walks cp to
Barnes and unaffectedly tenders him
her lips.
"Don't think me forward," she whis
pers sweetly, "but if you think you can
take better care of me as .your wife
if you feel very much disappointed at
the the delay." Her words are fal
tered out bashfully.
The accursed warning threatening
death to her he marries rustles in.
his pocketbook as be crushes her -to
his breast It stays the mad, rash of
his passion. He forces ' himself to
calmness aMwhispers, his face pale.
his Hps contorted: Tor God's sake.
don't misunderstand me. I love yon
unore rtflTlr than hhtt. tornntlUni?
affalris settleOTit would be an infamy
r si
going to kill yor-?sr4 ' ? .
none, i propose? arespay
stant he is abpMto show her Wln-
xenuu nocumenTjtus nana is aireaay
on, his breasti;neket,.when,it stops,
palsied.- BaraA'; reebepts JJm
pnlsive'couragel'betrduMy Lord, if she saw; this,".' he flunks,
"Enid'wesJd insssttin marrying me off
hand. She'd think It her duty to stsid
as'myTwife in the 'front of the khTn
istfamPdefy theps.5, He says 'slowly,
almost brokenly: "You must tract me
in this matter, -dear one. Only .merer
doubt my love."
"Oh., that would be too horrible,"
she falters, "Burton, that would break
my tieart. Yon know more abont the
affair than I. You are the bestJndge."
Her lips are tendered-to him again, but
Barnes notes with a sigh their salute
is colder, and that tears are very near
the divine eyes of Enid Anstruther.
. Away from him, sae wrings her
white hands, and in the solitude of
her chamber, wails: "Ob, everything
seems to be changed since yesterday."
Then th natural pride of the maiden
coming to her. she says haughtily to
herself: "The next proposition as to
the naming of the wedding day shall
come from you, Mr. Barnes of New
. CHAPTER 111.
Playing the Enemies' Game.
Mr. Barnes attempts to forget his
postponed nuptials in arranging the
details of his darling's safety. Emory
-shortly brings to nun an old canceled
check upon a branch, of the Credit
Lyonnais bearing the signature of
Corregio Cipriano Danella, but compar
ing it with Marina'3 mutilated note
I and also the warning sent to him, the
American cannot be certain of the
"Perhaps it has been disguised in
both" the epistles," suggests the detec
tive, and continues his, report "As far
as I can find from a clerk in the tele
graph office, Rue de la Republic, that I
have sometimes hired before in such
matters, there was a long cable came
from Bernardo Saliceti at Ajaccio to
were 10 arrive on the Constantlne:
i ji.' t.'-rr. - y . - . :
thaVybu by-your arts had murdered
hiir1-brother, and that, Madame An
strother. for the defense bf'-her hus
band ,aganst, the just vengeance of
Tomasso' Monaldf, had. produced his
shooting by Be' Belloc's cavalrymen.
This is only as the "operator remem
bered -it' My emissary didn't dare to
try and get a duplicate of the dispatch,
which was already on file. The French
government keeps a sharp eye upon
its telegraph offices."
"Isn't It curious," asks Burton, 'that
there is no account yet of the Corsican
tragedy in the French journals here?"
"Politics!" answers, the .'detective.
"There is an election here shortly, and
they fear some' complication' with the
English -government I doubt If you
win near of the' affair in an official
way at all events" not till after the
election for deputies: Perhaps that's
what makes young 'Saliceti so eager
to'do you up. - If he stood as a repre
sentative of a the time-honored vendetta
every" rustic commune in his island
would give him Its vote."'
"That being the case," "says Barnes,
"we have only, ourselves rto rely upon.
Have you , made, alf arrangements
about the yacht?"
- '
Three Certain Truths. '
If the Bible had never been, written
there are still three things' that the
universe has stamped indelibly on the
mind of man, wherever the Bible pre
vails and wherever it does not Those
three things are the idea of God, the
conviction of moral accountability, the
belief in a life beyond the" grave' It
is the glory- of our English' Bible and
It is the glory of the Christian re
ligion that they have expressed and
embodied"' these fundamental -Mnesf
capable ideasln a way that transcends
all other records. and all other incar
nations of 'truth.-- "''-' . v.v
Question. of Economy.
Rounder Your- wife told me 'yes
terday that yon had decided to stay
a month with her at the seashore this
samkter. - .. - - ,
Gayboy Yes, that's right .Times
re so awfully hard I can't afford to
stay la town. Caicsa News. -
v-ujt UI '
Evan ! faM : Jbjen
Join to
'rj?, f v ' .j
- v v.
Chicago. A strenuous effort -is un-
der way to make this city too hot for
his Satanic majesty, the-devil: If the
campaign Inaugurated Is successful
the forces of evil 'will retreat before
the onward march of a victorious
army whose slogan is civic purity and
whose emblem Is the banner of Christ
Rev. Dr. R. A. Torrey,-whose singu
larly successful career as an evangel
ist has encompassed practically every
nation and every country of .the globe
within the past few years, is the gen
eral .in command of the campaign. Be
hind him and the ministers who are
joined with him in the effort to drive
sin. from Chicago Is what is known
as the Layman's Evangelistic council,
a body made up of business men of
Chicago, many of them prominent in
financial, commercial and industrial
circles. It is a business men's move
ment backed financially and morally
by substantial and successful laymen
who believe Inthe efficacy of Ch'ris-"
Being a business men's movement,
the campaign has thus far been car
ried on in a businesslike manner. The
opponents of Satan, who are seeking
to wrest Chicago from the grip of the
evil one', have provided a big Gospel
tent, heated by steam, radiators being
run into the building and connected
with a near-by plant. The tent is
guaranteed to seat 12,500 persons.
It is doubtful whether such a com
prehensive campaign against sin in all
Its 'hideous aspects has been under
taken in Chicago since the days of
Dwight L. Moody. It is possible that
the present Gospel campaign may
reach proportions beyond anything of
the kind ever undertaken in this
Rev. Dr. Torrey is an experienced
evangelist He is practically fresh
from his experiences in an around-the-
world trip which astounded everybody
in the amount of Interest created, and
in the results which followed the brief
engagements of himself and. his assist
ant, C. M. Alexander, who is now, on
another trip around the world, neces
sitated by the illness of the great Gos
pel singer's wife, but made profitable
from a moral standpoint by evangel
istic work.
Dr. Torrey, before he started on his
evangelistic tomof'the .world, was
pastor of the Moody church in this
city, and superintendent of the Moody
Institute for a number of years. He
was closely associated with Mr. Moody
and managed the world's, campaign of
that illustrious evangelist.
It was during the eight years in
which Dr. Torrey was pastor of the
Moody church that he acquired, the
basis of his reputation as an evangel
ist As he himself describes it he
was always an "evangelist pastor."
Each year of his pastorate was a con-
f-tlnuous revival campaign. Especially
was religious . fervor induced during
the summer months. During the last
year of his pastorate over 2,000 per
sons embraced the faith of Christ
and joined his church. In addition to
these there were many more who
were converted to a better life, and who
united with other churches but of
whom no actual count was kept.
Dr. Torrey himself is a most inter
esting personality." He was born in
Hoboken, N. Y., January 3, 1856.
Early in life his father, who was a
prominent' Democratic politician, lo
cated in Brooklyn, N. Y., and in that
city, adjacent to New York, with the
metropolis affording an excellent
school for the study of life conditions,
the present evangelist was, reared.
The connections of .his father, who
The' late Senator M. S. Quay, of
Pennsylvania, kept all the letters his
constituents wrote to nim asking for
favors, says the Saturday Evening
Post He had stacks of them when
bis last great fight for the senate came
tloag. Thea he sorted oat the letters,
llmlaatiar those from 'people who
were dead aad: on the seek of each
Jotter wrote: "Dear John ' or Bill: '
Do yea remember whea yon wrote me
tMs.letter.an4 do yon
r ,-t--'
. T ' - - -i j t - r . .T r X . .1 O. . . H . tf"-rf-Arf "' M....T.- -- -. - -
urive lievii from vhicaso
iWmmw- ' vt -'
tf WmWzm, SQmWk m l '
' M i SSWRa M '"Hill n i i- I
Id ' ' "
.'. TT'V - .i' ." JT'' . i -
Vi ' . irj- v-i
"- -a r j
-"" - t .. .
f for years was-collector of internal rev-
enue in Brooklyn, and who was such a
power in the prevailing politics of that
city that he was tendered, but refused,
a nomination for the mayoralty, which
was tantamount to an election, gave
Dr. Torrey other ample means, of
learning by personal contact of 'the
great realities-of life.
-Dr. Torrey was educated at Yale,
from which institution he holds two
degrees, 'the first being taken when
he graduated at the age of 19. He is
ode of the two last men to graduate1
from that' famous institution at such
a youthful age, the limit being raised
to affect the graduating class of the
year following his degree. Later, he
went to Berlin and Leipsic, where he
studied for four years. Returning to
America he entered the ministry, and
in 1894 ' came to join Moody in Chi
cago. After the' death of that beloved min
ister and evangelist Dr. Torrey 're
mained in charge of the work until
1902, when he began' his career as a
world evangelist. His first cosmopoli
tan campaign was held iq, Japan in
that year, and in the month he was
there 1,000 conversions of natives
were recorded. About the same num
ber embraced the teachings of Christ
during the month he spent in China.
In both of these countries, as well as
in all others where a different lan
guage than English is generally spok
en, Dr. Torrey addressed his audi
ences through an interpreter.
From China Dr. Torrey and his
companion. Mr. Alexander, went to
Australia, where they preached and
sang the Gospel In nearly every city
of prominence. They were one month
in Melbourne, and in that time 50
meetings were held and S.642 pro
fessed Christianity and had their
names enrolled as among those saved
from reckless and unthinking living
through the power of God, shown
through Dr. Torrey and Mr. Alexander.
Similar results were produced in Syd
ney and the three leading cities of
New Zealand, and Tasmania was
awakened as well.
The next step in the world cam
paign undertaken by Torrey and Al
exander was England,, where all the
principal cities were visited, and serv
ices conducted in halls 'seating not
less than 5.000 persons. Three months
spent in Liverpool resulted in the con
version of 12,500 persons. In London,
at Royal Albert hall, which was se
cured for the meetings, the evangelists
remained two months. The hall seat-
led .10,000, and accommodated 2,000
more, standing. This hall was filled
every ""afternoon and evening, special
meetings for men and women being
held, so that those who flocked to
hear the. evangelists might be better
accommodated. But as It was, as
many were turned away from every
service as gained admission.
In Birmingham where there was a
seating capacity of 8,000 with room
for 2,000 more ; standing, thousands
were turned away from every service
and the campaign attracted so many
people that the services of the mounted
police were necessary to keep the
crowds in check. In one month 7,700
people were converted.
.In one day during the Liverpool
campaign, which was the greatest
single day of the crusade in England,
220 women professed conversion at
the afternoon meeting, and 440 men
at the evening service. In the world's
campaign of Torrey and Alexander
102,000 persons whose names and ad
dresses were recorded professed Chris
tianity. They occupied positions in
I did what 'you asked? I want your
help, now in my fight for the senate.
Can I have It?" The politicians In
Pennsylvania say those letters mailed
to the original senders with Onav's re
quest on the backs of them, had as
'much as any one thing to do with
.Quay's winning his, fight
Not a Reading Community.,
The town,, of Charleroi, Fl. has a
Carnegie library in which there are
.several "thoasand volumes and ts
tows is roaaily, taxed to support the I
. ... f. e. m,tn . - c.
-" - vA"k
.r.-.:'. - a .t t .-ff'if
-t,,.,t,,.,J MTOTvttLi7t3rwa?'vfi.iM i.iw-iJijanui ,, u ,i s.i.UTerft
I life all the way from earls to "huns.
I la London, especially, royalty became
interested ib ine movement ana at
tended .theawetiags-at iHoyal '"Albert
hall, aad many a coroneted head
thawed .at the altar.iaeompletetsarrea-..
der- to the Master whom- Dr. Torrey
feels he is serving in his most useful
capacity:1 j .
, The campaigBiin BerHa was inter
esting in that, Count WJesoha. aad
Ceaat Berasdorf, , two; eft the best
known sad most respected members
of j the .'.German nobility, acted aa ia
terpreters' for "Dr Torrey. Dr. Torrey
himself Is a fluent German speaker,
and often- addressed his meetings 'In
Berlin in the tongue of the fatherlaad,
but.aasaUy one K of -the two. counts
was present to give the proper Inter
pretation of the words of the evangel
ist In a manner that would be tte
most effective with, the audience.
Dr. Torrey has spent muchxof the
time since his return from the world
tour in evangelistic work in this conn
try. In some respects he believes
that Sunday, March 17. of the .present
year was one of the most remarkable
days he ever witnessed. He was hold
ing evangelistic services in Buffalo.
There were -three meetings, one for
women, one for men and boys, aad the
third for men .only. At the meeting
for young men and boys 702, ranglag
in age from 15 to 35 years, came for
ward aad professed Christianity.
Bishop Berry, of the Methodist
Episcopal church, who was preseat at
this service, said to Dr. Torrey: "I
never saw such a sight before. This
is Pentecost."
la all there were 1,002 coaversioas
in Buffalo that day.
Such, in brief, is the evangelistic
history of the man who has been se
cured to head the laymen's movement
to "drive 'the devil from Chicago."
With the record of accomplishment
which Dr. Torrey has, and with the
interest that already has developed in
these remarkable evangelistic meet
ings, there is every reason to believe
that what the laymen's council ex
pects will come true, and that, before
the end of next month Chicago will
have had a religious awakening such
as it never has experienced.
An 'idea of the businesslike, meth
ods with which this remarkable -am-paign
is being pursued is manifested
in the posters which advertise the
meetings. They are printed on yel
low cardboard in black and red ink.
The word "Sin" appears in large red
letters at the top of the poster. The
top two lines read; "
"What Sin Costs Chicago."
Beneath, in black type, with 'a red
ruled, border, appear these state
ments: t
"Thousands of -lives every year.
"Millions of dollars to suppress
"Hundreds of widows and orphans
caused by drink and crime.
"Thousands of girls led astray.
"Thousands of boys arrested for
"Hundreds of insane and suicides.
"Dozens of women assaulted."
In a circle with a red background
near the bottom of the poster appears
the slogan:
s"To Win Men to Christ" . f .
At the bottom 'of the poster, in large
black type, is the war cry":
"Help Drive Sin From Chicago."
"Are you not aggravated at times
by these men who, profess an interest
in your meetings for the sole purpose
of getting money for their present
needs?" was asked Dr. Torrey.
"Indeed no," he answered. "Some
of the most steadfast of the converts
I have made in my evangelistic cam
paigns have been the filthiest, appar
ently the most hopeless, specimens of
humanity upon whom your eyes ever
"There was one man, a particular
case. He hung around the Moody In
stitute for three years. He was a
drunkard and one of the kind who ap
parently had lost every atom of man
hood and responsibility. He once
nearly killed his wife while on a
drunken spree. He used to come
here and work every possible pretext
for getting money with which to buy
"We kept him going, among us, for
almost three years.. We knew he was
'working' us, but we thought we would J
be able to. change him into another
man. Finally the case appeared al
most hopeless. I was in despair, and
after an especially flagrant breach of
good faith -on his part I told God that
if He ever gave me another soul I
wanted that man. Soon after he be
gan to change. To-day he is honest
respected, occupies a high place in the
business world, and is one of the most
earnest and capable Christian workers
in the entire city of Chicago."
"Is the devil more at home in Chi
cago than in any other city with
which you are familiar?" Dr. Torrey
was asked.
Without hesitation he answered:
"What do you consider the ' most
wicked city In the world?"
"San Francisco was," he replied
without reservation. "It may be im
proved now. But there was so much
room for improvement The cities of
the orient where cosmopolitan crowds
mingle with the natives, are ordi
narily the worst Some of the cities
of Japan and "India, where Americans,
Englishmen and others of the Anglo-1
Saxon races are located in colonies,
are without question the wickedest
places of which I have knowledge."'
Dr. Torrey and the ministers and
laymen associated with him in the
present crusade do not expect to exile
his Satanic majesty entirely from
Chicago; not yet They have hopes
for the future.. But just at present
they expect to make Chicago so warm
for sin of every description that the
devil will be content to go home for a
institution. Last year, according to
a report by the librarian just made
public, there was one solitary patron
of the library. The' librarian ex
pressed the opinion that the people of
the town were so much Interested in
roller skating, baseball games, bridge
whist and poker that they had no' time
for books.
- First Enafish Ii
la 179C William take, a
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the iasaae fa York; Eaglaat
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RICrr FOr DrtHri Or ALL D-
Lebeter Fsei-WQI -1
en the1 Luncheon
Helens Deviled Kidneys"
MethesTef Preparing teup
From Onions.
Faci. This is delicioes to
serve at card parties or luncheons. Re
move the meat from, a large boiled
lobster; then pick into, flakes. Place
one pint strained tomato pulp in stew
ing pan and' when hot add one table
spoon of corn-stanch, wet with a little
cold water; two tablespoons of batter,
one level teaspoon wet mustard, one
teaspoon of scraped onion and the lob
ster. Simmer until creamy, then fill
paper cases. Strew with brown bread
crumbs. Serve hot. Canned lobster
can be used.
Frozen Beets-If you want a real
delicacy try this: Boil the amount of
sugar beets required.,. When boiled
peel, slice and cover with vinegar. Al
low them to freeze over night. Serve
with ice slightly melted and you will
he surprised to find they have imbibed
the flavor of rare old wine.
Quick Dessert Take small round
milk crackers, batter aad toast a light
brown; put two crackers in each
plate; stew, thea seed a half pound of
prunes; - sweeten to taste. Place
prunes on crackers aad pour' whipped
cream over all; add a slice of lemon
to each plate.
Japanese Salads Cut the tops off
tomatoes-; remove the pulp, fill in
with potato salad with the usual
Preach dressing. Season with onion
chopped fine. Put en ice to chill.
Serve on lettuce leaves.
Savory Cakes. Make a rich puff
paste. ' Cut into rounds. Fill the
rounds with ,a mixture, of grated
cheese, moistened with tomato sauce.
.Bake in a quick oven and cut into
Deviled Kidneys. Split sheep kid
neys in half, with the skin and white
membrane removed. Put two ounces
of butter in a sauccpari and. whea liot.'
put In the kidneys dust with salt and
pepper, and cook nuickiy. Pour over
'this a little tablespoonful of onion
juice, tablespoonful of Worcestershire
sauce and tablespoonful of sherry,
(Some bread and 'stilton' cheese.
' Sea 'Foam Candy. To, two cups
brown sugar add enough water to soak
it-and boil until it "spins a' thread.
Have the white of one egg beaten stiff
on a platter; pour the candy over it,
and beat rapidly until it creams,
smooth out and cut.
, Onion Soup. Slice a large onion and
fry in hot lard.. Add flour for thicken
ing, put in a quart of water and let
boil .10 minutes. ' Season with salt,
pepper, and a few' chopped sorrel
(leaves. Beat the yolks, of two eggs;
stir them in the whole, and. pour over
slices of toast.
I, Fig Prss.-vea.
Take the figs when nearly ripe and
cut across the top in the form of a
cross. Cover with strong salted water
and let stand, three days, changing
the water every day.4 At the end or
this time cover with fresh water, ad
ding a few grape or fig leaves to color
and cook until quite green. Then
put again in cold water, changing
twice daily, and leave three days
longer. Add a pound granulated
sugar to each pound of figs, cook a
few moments, take from the fire and
set aside two days. Add more sugar
to make sweet, with sliced and boiled
lemon or ginger root to flavor, and
cook until tender and thick.
Bees Fill Maple Tree With Honey.
While men were trimming a large
maple tree on Levi Grant's place a
large quantity of honey was found.
A number of slabs on honey were
removed, much to the disgust of the
army of bees who made themselves
felt For some time this tree has
been known as a "bee tree" and the
complete way in which the insects
cleared out the inside of the tree
makes the building efforts of human
beings seem unimportant. The accu
mulation of honey in itself was an
.enormous work, but the preparation
of the tree for a hive must have taken
years. Hartford Courant
To Wash Mirrors and Glass.
Put a few drops of ammonia on a
moist rag and make short work: of it
If the glass is very dirty, put some
finely .powdered whiting in a small
piece of muslin. Dab it over the
glass. The dirtier the glass the more
whiting is required. Then smear
evenly with a damp rag and let it
remain until dry. Then rub off with
chamois, if alcohol be used Instead
of water the glass will receive a fine
To Heat Miik.
Put the milk la a small Un can.
such as aa empty cocoa can, and place
it in a basin of hot water. Move it
rapidly around, and in a short time
the milk will be warm enough. When
one has a gas or gasoline stove it
would be better to heat water over
the blaze and then to put milk directly
over fire, where it is apt to boil and
become unfit for baby's stomach.
French Stew. j
One pound of meat one small head
of cabbage, one onion and one quart of
tomatoes. Run the meat through a
meat hopper or cut In small pieces,
cut cabbage, tomatoes and onions fine.
Canned tomatoes may be used if fresh
ones are not available. -Season to
taste. Just before serving stir one
tablespoon of flour in a little water till
it is smooth and add.
Braid Your Wraps.
Coats and wraps will nearly all be
braided this winter, and the binding
of braid will be particularly in favor.
Very satiny finished, cloths are the
favorite background 'for the braid,
which in itself will be of the silkiest
kind and of many new thick bold "de-
Uses for Soda.
In mixing a cake a pinch of soda;
whea bakiag powder is used, im
proves the texture of cake. pinch
ef aeda added before the. upper crest
la piacei oa berry pies will
"" J-5