' t ;V&Li- 3 r-&2x. .. ': V 1 '-AS'. - 7 - 5; ' V .- .- K S!v jA - , 4 .' - .'4 rs cje 1 W IFi 3 I1' v ' ' Consolidated with the Columbus Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1, 1906. VOLUME XXXVIIL NUMBER 31. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1907. WHOLE NUMBER 1,877. TO anm a r van ' M BWamT BWJ. aJlawgr "aman nanam gwiii-iiim i.. ' .- t hs i? it f f r f& F In. 'i m, s U te) m?" ss pp rr-' T- ? )JtmPfc': LtIttrtIt:i i t s Becher, Hockenberger & Chambers .HEAL ESTATE AID LOAIS. 9 m 9 m at i ; 9 9 m WBvBvfvr in reel estate, either ortown Iota, it will be joar Mi interest to consult oar beta. We alan kitn ! vrwwl rlwAllinsv t for rent ia Columbus, and it will pay yon to come and aee aa before completing yomr arrangements. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 t t t a s Mosey to loaa ia aay amount oa abort notice. Fire, Tbiaado and Accident Insurance. Becher, Hockenberger & Chambers.' COLTJaUUl Oate Wheat' Bye Corn................ 45 80 72 55 70 Barley,. Hoge. .....5 35 to $5 40 Sa((SPvTBSWvVBSsa "1 P MAJTT TEAKS AGO. HHH KWal Filas of the Journal. Nov. 5, 187a Time is money, and labor is money; therefore don't stand around all the time idle. We learn from a thresher that the average wheat crop of this neighbor hood was about 20 bushels to the acre. Mr. Jaoob Ernst's farm, three miles north cf Oolumbu?,' is as 'near a model farm w any we know of in this neigh borhood. , u There is great abundance of 'wild geeee in this region, but we don't know of aay of oar aiairode who have bad vary great success selling feathers. Mr. John Boutson returned on Friday from a suyreying trip into Cedar county. Neb. He'iMyB the recent snow storm extended to Cedar county, falling there to a depth of one foot. At ter.the snow atorm, be suddenly left for Columbu One of our old nimrods was seen clean--iag bis gun the other day. When inter rogated as to what he was going to do, be rep'ied, MI am going to nave it in order so I can shoot myself whenever I want to." It was not known, before, thnt he entertained thoughts of suicide. J. E. Vorth & Co. have erected a coal shed nenr the railroad track north of Speice & North's land office, and are now supplying exoellent coal and wood in j'.3ntitie9 to suit consumers. Their business, if properly appreciated and patronized, will -be a lasting benefit to Colambus. Heal Estate Iranafers, , Berber, Hockenberger & Chambers rati Estate agents, report the following real estate transfers filed for record in the office of the oounty clerk during the weak onding'NovTSad 1907. J X Hcnaoa to Ann Muaon, w2 awj, nr bw, 31-19-3 w, qed $ 100 J N Manaon et al to Peter Hanson, n2 nw 6-18-3 and bw bw, aiwte 31-19-3 w. qed .. P E McKilllp tf Geo W Cobel, lota 2 &3 blk 6, Cornlea. .. ..t. ...... ............ 1C0 2200 00 WllhelminaMeneisetoHNZlosc, loto ' 5 6 blk 4, Platte Center, Nebr.wd.. 1500 00 Peter Maneon to J N Manaon, e aw.Sl lSJw. qed............................. 1 00 -Mary Braum to V Wieaer. Be ae 17-1P-1 w.qcd W0 80 P E McKillip to Hy Vanderheitlen et al, ptwws 19-20-1 w, (Hpby Mill pro petty) wd 9800 00 Tm Lewejohann jr to Ljtzie Iwejo hann. lot 4 blk 10. Lindsay, wd ...... . 2000 00 Phillip II Gleaaon to Walrath & bher woodLamberCo. lot 33 to 38, blk "H". east add to Monroe, wd 725 00 JBAbleUingeretaltoHA Osterboff. . E!ilt. ealllt 7 blk 10, Lockners let ddtoUphy, wd 750.00 Ten transfers, total, $19378 00 For Sale Harness shop doinggood business, also shoes repair shop in con nection. Call on or address Peter Hun ter, Monroe, Neb. $4.84 WiU Buy a Grade $5.00 Fancy Pattern PLUSH UUP tail week, 12 per oebt ttecunt Q mU Plush Bobef from SSjOOup. S , I. W. Wean & Son. l K farm lead to v ROBE At tbe North opera boase the talented yoaag actor Elwin Strong aad his com paay of players will opes a three Bighta eagageeaeot, Thursday, Nor. 14th. Mr. 8troog, who is a fiaished actor, has for the paat two seasons starred in Dr Jakyll aad Mr. Hyde, and will this sea son present a repertoire of standard plays, still retaiaiag Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde as his feature bilL Tbe Columbus public will bo doubt be pleased to learn that Mr. Strong baa secured as bis lead ing support this season the clever actress Miss Kathrin Dale, who is a Columbus girl. Miss Dale has made rapid strides in her profession, and Mr. Strong is for tunate in securing her services. This company carries its own aipeoial scenery aad electrical "effects, so that each play presented will be a complete production. Refined vaadiville will be introduced between the acta, doing away with tedioas waits. The plays selected for this engagement are as follows: Tliars day night the beautirul 4 act comedy drama "The Night Before Christmas.'' Friday night the rural drama, "The, Winning Hand," and Saturday night tbe great play, and Mr. Strong's master piece, "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." The meeting of tbe oounty commission ers of Polk county with the board of supervisors of this county Thursday re salted in clearing the eitua'ion regarding mainlainenceof tbe Platte bridge, as con templated by the law .panood by the last legislature. Asa result' of the con ference, Polk county expressed a will ingness to contribute one-fourth of the expense of taking care of the bridge, if Platte county would pay one-half of the expense. This proposition by Polk county was made without any condition I as to whether .Butler county would be a party to. the contract, but no written agreement was made until Butler oounty has been heard from. While the law requires that each county shall sU ,.d an equal share,under present conditions the supervisors considered the proposition presented by Polk county as a fair one, and it will jn all probability be accepted. Last Saturday morning about five o'clock Policeman Wm. Baker discovered Chris Smith lying in front of Q. H. Lan doa'a furniture store in an unconscious condition. He at once notified officer Nelson, and they had. him taken to the city jail, as they supposed he was under the influence of liquor. A short time after a phvsician was called and he pro nounced Chris dead. For the last week or two the deceased had been rooming over the First National Bank in one of Buschman's rooms, and has been sick. The supposition is that he started for his home and when he got to where he was lying could get no further and re mained there until found. The funeral was held Tuesday morning at the Cath olic church and burial was in the Catholic cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McNamara, for mer residents of Columbus, but now of Seattle, Washington, are guests at the borne of Mrs. J. D. Brewer this week; Mr. McNamara will be remembered as living here about twenty-eight years ago. his wire was formerly miss Anna Warner of this city. Mr. and Mrs. McNamara are returning to their west ern borne, from a trip to the Jamestown. exposition and other points in the east. Mr McNamara ia now a mining engineer and a portion of his time is spent in Goldfield, Nevada, tbe famous mining camp. Tbe? resumed their homeward journey this morning over the B. & M. E. O. Kennedy returned home last week atom Missouri with his string of race horses. He proved at many race meetings, that his stable contained several winners, but tbe most notable horse, this year at least, is Surena, that but year held the world's guidelese trot ting record with a mark of 2:13lf . This year Surena proved more of a wonder than ever, lowering his mark to3:08. This is going some for St. Edward, a town that can't boast even the semblance of a race track. St. Edward Advance. John Steiner, who was an inmate of the poor farm, died Sunday, aged 70 years. He was born in Austria October 30, 1830, and came to this country in 1873. His wife died at Spencer, Nebr.t four years sgo, and be has one son, Joe Steiner, who lives there. Besides this son he leaves two other boss, Ferdinand Steiner of Crestoo and Ignatz Steiner of Oarlock, S. D. Tbe body was taken to Spencer Monday evening and the funeral will be held Wednesday, Ralph W. E. Bojd of Interior, S.D., and Miss Ines Satterlee of Norfolk, Neb., were married at tbe Methodist parsonage Monday by Bev. L. R. DeWolf. The couple were former residents of Colum bus the groom being tbe third son of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Boyd and tbe bride a daughter of S. G. Satterlee, who was for merly employed at the Union Pacific depot. The couple left Tuesday even ing for Interior, 8. D , where Ralph has a homestead. The waterworks whistle called tbe fire. boys out Monday morning just aa of them were eating breakfast'. A line stove at the reatdeaee of C O. Gray had gone wro&g in some aaanber aad started a blaze that looked dangerous when discovered. Bat Mr. Gray, who a', the time waa at his plaoa ef business, was summoned by telephone, aad harry -lag hosae with a hand ire extinguisher, pat the are oat ia abort order. Wanted Girl for general hoasework; F. K. Strother. ThanksgiviBg linens at Grasj'aV ' : Dm. Paul aad Mataea, Dentists. DnLoesoheoOccalistaadaarist. Dr. Yalliar. Osteopath, Barbae Week. Dr. W. H., Slater, veterinarian, pboao 96. People who get results advertise in the Journal. - M. Rothleitner made a business trip to Omaha Monday. Ernest Daassll is reported very sfck with rheumatism. .Dr. C.A. Aueabarger, oasee in new State Bask building. s Mrs. Henry Olausea of Madison re turned home Monday 'after a visit at the home of Mia. J. D. Brewer. Mr. ad Mrs. C. E. Pollock returned last Saturday evening from their trip to Illinois and also points in Oklahoma. The Condon A Walker book atore has been moved into tha Fitzpatrick build ing, one door east of their former loca tion. - . . There was a very pleasant choir party at tbe Episcopal rectory Monday eve ning; tbe occasion being Dr. Westoott's birthday. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fisher living in east Columbus was quarantined Thursday for diptheria. Their little son Joe being afflicted. I will cure bog cholera in its wtrst stage, and heaves in horses. No cure no pay. Will be at J. J. Burk's office on Saturdays. W. F. Dodds. FOR SALE Household goods, con sisting of sideboard, folding bed, small beating stove,. mattresses and other use ful articles. Mrs. Carson, 1720 North street. Not saying much, but still doing business. Ladies treated with due re spect. Courteous treatment to all. Twelfthetreet Shining Parlor.- Den C William, prop. ,if , RS. Palmer the tailor,' elean,-djes and repairs Ladies' and Gents clothing. Hats cleaned 'aad rabktcked. . Buttons' made to -order.. Agent Germaaia Dye Works. NebrasJEajPbone. -. Ftve hbajes, were quarantined for small poJCihe first of the weetrKarvin Elston and Geo. Grubbin thecity and Ed Butler; James Jenkinson and.G. L. Farnsworth in the couutry. , -..- MrsTj. E.- Nichols of Omaha arrived here Tuesday evening to visit'1. her mother, Mrs. G. W. Westcott, who has been ill for the past week at tbe home of her daughter. Mrs. A. W. Clark. During the last week but two marriage licenses were issued by County Judge Ratterman: Ralph W. E. Boyd, Interior, 8. D., Inez Satterlee, Norfolk, Neb.; Oscar Bjurstrum, McPherson Co., Hilma Alfreds, Genoa. Special aaaiaastratlii of the La Has maw Jaaraal rawra at Craa'a, FrMafj, Mav. eth: it will be of great value to any lady wanting to know more about patterns aad -how to use them to attend this demonstration. Mrs. L.Tlath is expected home-Fri day from Long Pine, Neb where she has been with her daughter, Mrs. J. R. Carter, who bsi been- very sick with typhoid fever. Mrs. Carter is improving, however, and the danger point has .been passed. The first ear of stone for the new T. M. C. A. building arrived Tuesday morning, which will enable tbe brick layers to continue without delay.' This material was not expected for several w a . - ' J aavs, ana tne quica aeiivery is appre ciated by the contractor. The Evening Card club were delight fully entertained Thursday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Al Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. J. J, Sullivan at the home of the former. Mrs. Kelley, of Chicago won the ladies prize -while Mr. Carl Kramer won the gentlemen's prize; Superintendent E. B. Sherman of the State Industrial school at Kearney came down Tueedaytto cast his vote, as be stall considers Columbus his legal resid ence. Mr. Sherman is very well pleased with bis new work and ia getting along with it as well as he .anticipated. Three nights, cornmencing Thursday, Nov. 14. Walter Savage Presents the talented young actor ELWIN STRONG and.hu company of plavers, inclad iagthe brilliaat actress v KflT&RIN aWlLE ia new aad snocoosf al ptoya. Thurs day aight the baaatifal 4 act comedy drama TalipMmCliislBK Friday Bight the raral araaia TtaWtehHlUMl Saturday aight the great play aad ar, Exroaara Dfa Jikii aft lift, Hfwt vaaawtflla Jmfc ariessaae.SfeaadSOe. nSsH SB'acis.11 As ' . I Why Is It? ft Wbea people wish to re member some friend with some token of esteem, they naturally expect tbe stoat suitable articles in a jewelry store? ' at. I I fhis Is Why f 9 1 Because nowhere else can they obtaiu such dainty remembrances whieh ap peal to the artistic sense. It offers opportunities for ,the indulgence of person al preferences. Our stock is always ready .' to the point of complete ness. We request "an ex amination of it, when in interested in presents no matter for what occa sion. i a a m m : a Ei. J. IIEWIIKR. Jeweler & Optician & "Ir'WWVWWWWWffWflWWIrWvWVWWPWW' Farm Lands Are . still at a bargain Where ? Thomas County Kansas Join onr next Ex i cursion Tuesday w. m, w Ton will not be disappointed Elliott, Speice &6o. RO. Block, Columbus, Neb. Dr. Naumann, Dentist 13 St. G. R. hanging. Prieb, painting and paper Dr. D. T.Martyn. jr office new Colum bus State Bank building. Dr. L. P.- Carstenson, Veterinarian, both phones 218, Columbus, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. H. It. Smith of east of Monroe were in the city Tuesday. ' Mr. and ;Mrs. Wm. Tyrrell went to Loup City this morning for a short visit. Mrs. N. Stoecker of Muscatine, low a, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Wm. Lobr, for several weeks, returned to her home Wednesday. At the Congregational church Sunday November 10, the subjects will be ss follows: Morning,uBufted Riches," even ing, "Jesus in the Home." ' John Early was at Red Oak, la., this week looking over the pumping plant at that place, as they have been using electric power for pumping purposes there for some time. Second number of High School lee-' ture course at North opera house Nor. 11. 1907. J. .Adam aBede, congressman from Minnesota. Subject, "Our Nation; its Problems and Progress." Tickets at Pollock's. i The usual services will be held in Grace church on Sunday, November 11, as follows: 8 a, m. Holy Communion; 11 a. m. morning prayer and sermon; 7:30 evensong and sermon. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Twelve ladies of the Aid society of tbe Baptist church gave Rev. Hoeflin a fare well reception Tuesday afternoon, prior to his leaving for Williamsport, Pa bia future home. Rev. Hotflin'e family leave this week, and he expects to leave in two weeks, when his work bar ia Withia the last week the Swift baiter j and egg plant of this city has practically dosed aowa, only three people being employed where there were formerly fjom fifteen to eighteen. Instruotioas from headquarters-are responsible for the company is cleaning ap all Rpmpmhpr ' llulllUIIIUul i Platte couaty deawcrataagaia demoa strated the strength of 'their couaty or ganizatioa Tuesday by electing thsirea tire county ticket by majorities ranging from ISO MO. . The republicans put up a very strong fght aad their candidates aadworksraaasd, every h norable to win. Bat the democratic handled batter sad while ia their majoritias were great ly reduced,, they elected all their ticket. John R.Luscben, the republican candidate for assessor made a vigorous fght aad received a vote that be can well be proud of, as he was only defeat ed by about 160. John Moffett for oounty judge was quite a Eurprise, mak ing inroads on the democratic vote where least expected, and carrying his home township, Lost Creek, by over 100. J. L. Sharrar, made inroads on the dem ocratic vote in tbe north portion of the county, but O. J. parrig's vote in tbe city of Columbus and the township off set any gains. 0. M. Graeother for clerk of distnot court was one of tbe high men on the ticket. In- the supervisor contest J. F. Scbure republican bad no opposition and W. J. Newman and-A. E. Priest, both republican candidates for re-election were defeated, making' the board solidly democratic. ' In Columbus township John Randall was elected road supervisor by eighteen and H. O. Rnodehorat elected clerk. Platte oounty gives Hollenbeok a majority of 800 and Thomas a majority of about 750, and with their, majorities in Dodge and Colfax will make their ma jorities in tbe district about 1,000. - Iathe state Reese and the republican ticket win by between 10,000 and 60,000, and in Douglas county the republicans make a clean sweep. CanTseatisa af tka Bitcaea af Me- TmV opening service of tbe convoca tion of tbe diocese of Nebraska took place Tuesday evening in Grace church. A large number of tbe clergy were pres ent, being over twenty priests in the procession and more arrived Wednes day, making tbe largest attended convo cation in the history of the diocese. Bishop Williams preached an eloquent sermon on "The Sunday Softool and the Responsibility of Parent aadjfcd Par ente." The officiating clergy were Dean Becher, Rev. S. Mills Hays of Lincoln, Rev. Dr. Harriff of. Shenandoah and tbe Rey. Dr. Westcott of Grace church. The Rev. - E. G. B. Browne of Omaha and Rev. James Wise of Omaha acted as bishop's chaplains. Wednesday morn ing a oboral celebration, of the Holy Communion took place at 8 a. m., with tbe bishop as celebrant. The music of tbe service was beautifully rendered by Grace church choir, and received many compliments for their reverent and dig nified rendering of therservioe. A ban quet will be given Wednesday evening in honor of tbe bishop and .clergy, and on Thursday evening a great missionary service will be held with addresses by Dean Bode of Laramie cathedral, Rev. F. 0. Taylor of Alaska and Bishop Wil liams. The music will be rendered by tbe choirs of Grace church and Holy Trinity of Schuyler. Of Platte Oounty Teaohers' Association to be given at the Platte Center High school, Saturday, November 9, 1907. Session begins at 1:15 p. m. Song "Merry Gypsies.. Primary Pupils "Compulsory Education". .J. J. Malone "Methods in Rural Schools" .....Katie Luohsinger Vocal Solo M.M.Oarraher "Hints to the Rural Teacher" - Julia Hilztnger Paper.... ................ ..H. Raubacb Song Intermediate Pupils "Value of Habit" Re Hoetetter Duet-r-'In the Wild Wood". ...... . .Florence Hughes, Agnes Bruckner "Duties and Difficulties of Teacher" U C yODD Chorus "Fairies of Dreamland".. . . Class ofOS Announcements Teachers The superintendent elect will be with us. Turn bat and give him a fraternal greeting. All are cordially invited. f WE SERVE Hot Chocolate and Whipped Cream for 5 Hot Coffee and Sandwiches 10' Come up in our factory and see us make the candy you eat Everybody invited. Free samples to everybody. Piissls Ciiiy fictirf Eorroa Joubvai.: Will yoa permit ate to call yoar attention to a auwaaee which prevaile ia oar town. Pareats allow tbeir boya yes, aad evea girla. of tbe tender age of 8 to 18 aad there about, to roamoa the street uatil 11 aad 12 o'clock at night. Peeping ia the win down of residences; stealiag fruit; using obaoenelaaguage; writing filthy sent ences on the sidewalks; damaging pro perty and cauaiag all kinds, of other troubles too aameroua to meatioa. Nowtbadiaeoamfort the folks suffer by it is not the worst feature of it. there is a moral aide to it which is of a mora serious nature. What will becoaseof such children that are so neglected by their parents. The inmates of our re form schools and neniteutaries with very few exceptions started their down fall in the very same manaer loaftae; in daytime, and what ia worse at night. , Curfew lawa have been ensoted in many towns to cure tbe evil. This measure ia opposed by some, claiming to be an old fashioned, arbitrary, good enough for the.dark middle ages law. While I see nothing wrong in a law that would further morality if even it waa a little ''old-fashioned," I still hope that it will not have to be found necessary to ring tbe curfew in our town. It would be a stain on the fair name of Columbus. "No extreme measure is enacted with out sufficient cause' that would be tbe judgement of our sister cities. I would appeal to the parents, .of our town to keep their children home at night. Make them learn 'their leasona for the next day, then play with them like a child amongst children aad send tbem betimes to bed. I assure you, your children will no more long for street loafing if you treat them as their friend, playmate and companion. I speak from personal .experience, and that ia why I an so .confident that you will succeed as -well as I did. Remember that loafingmakesa mean boy. A mean boy io due time tarns out a bad citizen. Good home influence does more to bring the children up right than all else pat together. A Fathkr. Gerrard and Wills are going to put up a large, corn cnb. 'Henry Brunken of Route 3 was visit ing at the home of Henry Kleuver Sun day. Tbe Misses Maud and Edith Barnes were guests at the Kleuver home Sun day. G. A. Pride was in Columbus Tuesday looking at a corn husking machine he may conclude to purchase. Miss Pearl Freeman, who is teaching in the Ives district, is having a months vacation during-the corn husking time. Miss Birdie Doods is at home for four weeks on account of her school having vacation until corn husking is finished. M. Campbell waa in Columbus Tues day dosing a deal for the Kmil Shoen farm ia Lost Creek township which be recently purchased. E. A. Gerrard is going to build an ex tensive addition to tbe house on his farm, occupied by Aug. Johnson. Chas. Payne will do the carpenter work. Boyd Dawson moved to' Columbus Monday aad Ed Mayberger, who lived near Oconee, and recently purchased the Dawson farm, moved on it the same day. L. 8. Eby, who is living on tbe R. &.' Dickinson farm, expects to move in tbe near future, probably to Silver Creek. Frank Dawson will move on the farm vacated by Mr. Eby. Kauta Me. L Everybody onjthe route is busy pick ing corn. " Ed Loseke was at Lincoln last week on business. Gerhard Loseke has his new cattle shed completed. Miss Emma Miller is visitiag at the home of Gerhard Loseke. 1 More votes were cast at the election in Bismark township this year than ever before. Edith, daughter of Rudolph Miller, who has been very sick, is slowly im proving. Mrs. W T. Ernst and children return ed last Saturday, from Lincoln, where they had been visiting. Miss Lizzie Loseke was in town last Friday for medical treatment. She had the misfortune to accidentally cat her hand and blood poisoning set in. lamta M: 3. Miss Maud Barnes of route No. 4 is at tbe borne of Wm. Mason this week. Wm. Wurdeman was a guest at tbe home of his sister on route No. 1, Sun day. Miss Birdie Dodds closed her school last Friday for a four weeks vacation oa account of corn husking. A cow belonging to Wm. Godekin gave -birth to three heifer calves that were aU tbe sasoe color, and good strong aaimals. R. H.KopIe, a teacher hi the German Lutheran parochial achool, returned Saturday from Seward, where ha 'had been visitiag for a few days. Miss Mary Newasan of Columbaa com meaced teaching the Adamy school Mon day morning. ' Miss Newasan ia a gradu ate of the Cofumbos High achool aad 4WMWlim1ia i We Are Agents For the JFamoos Riull fapOTlitit This Guarantee Offer on i s 9 9 9 9: s 9 Every Rsxall PaGkagfr This preparation is guaranteed torive amt isf action: if itdoM not 9 9 9 9 9 I r i 9 9 come back and get your money, it belongs to you and we want yoa to have it PoUock&Co. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 The Druggist oath Oblumbasp Mm. Sturgeon, who haa been visitiag t the home of bar daughter. Mrs. WiU Kaafmau.fortbe past fw weeks, re turned to her home near Faraaat,Nebr , Friday morning. She waa aeooauaaied home by her daughter Miss Lydia, of Omaha who will spend several months visiting, relatives. ' Reynolds, the young fellow who took theilQfromMert Fish while huakiac corn for him, was captured at Kearney aad the authorities here afjisil Duv paty, Sheriff- Taos. Jaweraki went to Kearney Monday aad brought aim here. and be was placed ia the couaty jaU. As be is a minor ha will hi all pieaabil ity be seat to the Iadantrial achanl at Kearney. TbeoldUsioa Pacific freight depot is being moved iato the Y, went of the round bouse, where it will be ased for a store hoass. Sehroadar Sons have thejontract for moving it, aad in order to facilitate the atoviag tha aaOdiaa; was out into two parte and eaaa moved separata. Wbea the change is made the railroad company will open ap Platta street and close Qaiaey street. No action was taken on electric light ing proposition at tha mnrtiag of tha city council last Friday evening, as tha committee still has the matter aader consideration. There are two eitieeia Iowa, Red Oak aad Valisoa, who have similar propositions to the one submitted here, aad it is quite probable that the committee, consisting of OoaaeilaMa Gass, Clark and Rothleitner. accom panied by Councilman Johannes, will visit those two cities aad look over tha plants in operation. At tka High SchaaL Some of the city teachers will attrad the teachera' assomatioa at Platte Cra ter next Saturday. Three aew pianos haye been purchased for use ia the schoob, one each for tha kindergartena aad gymaasiaau The basket ball gaase last Saturday between Oolsmbua aad Humphrey re sulted ia aa easy victory for tha Colum bus high school boys. Soma aew plays worked out by Prof. Huatemer were puzzlers for the opposing teas. Tbe action taken by the board of education in regard to truancy has had a wholesome effect, resultiag ia aa ia creased attendance. There are aoaae chi'dren who are still evadiat;the order. These will no doubt soon be aarolled. BMtaWa.5. Husking corn is the order of tha day now. Chas Skorupa ressembered tha this week with a nice big sack of School in the Knenxli dktrict Monday with Miss Ella Person aa teach er. Haat Spatial at Gray's. 720 pain of ladies black cottoa hose warranted fast aad etaialeas, high spliced heels, doable toes, regular price 35c, special price 4 pairs for $1.00, for Saturday Nov. 9th oaly. Underwear UNION SUITS We have tbe ageacy for the famous Manning Underwear, the best popular priced Union Saits on the market Prices, in men'a from 91.00 to $4.50. Prices ia boys' from 50c, 75c, tl aad $1 95. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS la two piece garments wa hav a spleaoid line ready for yoar . ia specuoB sad raagiag ia ; from Mc to $2 60 a garment. early while the i GRAY'S i l-i rf lEf-K- - f. 1,r.l . M h--iVTrh i.-hM ' - N V? t-m JiStrS jLl .?&&&. &g:j.t., .Jh&iAMmitbzi" .9r S?1 !i- '), e -S-i-'