The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 30, 1907, Image 8

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mnnanjamnmnmnjenn limimmmmnmmmmmmsmmmumnmmmmmn iHBBHHHiHBBBS
nmw I' i - -, f AAA
I . i mmmmmaaw w9UJum'mmB AV "-1 --. mmT k
laiuhai nmn 1 Tn 11m . . a . , : -
I Fi-" " w - " B -- -JH ' - ' mmmmmmmW'
JAM aaWswmTS JJaiUWll ; -,dHnr v ; I&J
'ammmmmmm 1 1 amammassssmassssmmmaaammmsssmaammamJ -1 h.ii a "tx L. sHmmS ' twit - I r
' mmmmmmi II "" " msmmmmmp 1 - 1,1 v far- -TsBBBrnwawBa lwnV I -
Ammmmm I t 4 -.a a mw Ufa If MK JA El JA A A ' ST WAmmVTmmW " -USuV
School Girls, Attention !
1 A Mnming Underwear Priie Iteay Contest
A prize fight for money but you most use your brains in order to win.
If you nave worn Munsing Union suits, yon ought to, know a good many
reasonswhy boys prefer them to the old style slip up slip down two piece
suits. You ought to be able to put these reasons down on paper. If you
have never worn Munsing suits we want you to try them. We recommend
them, weknowof no other underwear xor ooys mac is oeccer maae or tnac
will give more real comfort and pleasure and service to the wearer.' After
you have worn them and found out from actual experience their many points
of superiority, we want yotf to tell in your own original way what you think
of them. As an inducement for you to write us briefly your opinion, we of
feryou a chance to.compete for two sets of praes. ..,,,
First: Ttw ""Mfahnm of the perfect fitting- popular priced; Munsing
Union suits permit us to announce that they will distribute one hundred and
thdlars in cash to the thirty-three boys and girls under 18 years of age
in the United States who write the best essays on Munsing Union Underwear.
For the best essay - - - -For
the 2nd best essay - - -For
the 3rd best - - - -For
the 10 next best - - -For
the 20 nextbesf - - -
$5.00 each
$2.50 each
The opportunity to compete for these prizes is opem to boys aad girls ia over' 2500 towns in all parts of
the United States where the Munsing Underwear is sold.
Second: Oar own prize essay contest We want every boy and girl in town nnder 18 Tears of age to
compete for the above cash prises offered by the Northwestern Knitting Company. In order to stimulate
your interest and make certain your chance of winzing a prise, we oner additional prizes as follows:
Merchandise to the value of $5.00
Merchandise to the value of $3.00
Merchandise to the value of $2.00
First best essay
Second best essay
Third best essay -
The above prizes to be given to the boys and girls who. send in the best essays through us. The eseays
should be in our possession not later than Nov. 15th. Only essays received by us before 6 p. m. on that date
will he consideredinawarding prizes.
The essay should contain from 100 to 200 words, should be' written on one side of the paper and should be
put in envelope marked "Munsing Underwear Prize Essay Contest" aad mailed to our address not later than
November 15th. To avoid favoritism or any appearance of it, all essays must be submitted under an assumed
name. Enclose with your essay a sealed envelope containing your correct name and address, also the name as
samed'for the purpose of this contest. On the outside of this envelope only your assumed name should appear.
The essay ih wins the first prize offered by us will be published in this paper when the prize is awarded.
annnnnnnnnnWnnnnnnnnmnnnnnnnnnnsmnnnnnnnnW anannnnnnnnnnnnnnnm annnnnnnnnnnnnnnw mnnnnsBnnnnnnnnnnnnnmk
anannnnnnS " mnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnv ? anannnnnnTnnnnnnnnM " LnnnnnnnnnnnW ' naW BanannnnnnnnnnnW
wannnnnnnSinnnnnnnnWunnnnnnnnnuwnnnnnnnnm ' aannnnnnnnWnnnnnnnnnnnn mnnnnnnnV annnnnnnnannnnnnnnnv
Lnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnm nnnnnnnnnV anannnnm annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnv annnnnnnnnl J LnnnnnnnnnnnnwLnnnw
Stas f Oregon Mosquitoes.
. Te late CoL L. I. Hawkins was
foai of teuus a mosquito story of als
own. waea Mazamas, gathered round
tkelr erealas campflre, bad to tgat oC
the stasia pest at the foot of snow
moaatalBS, where the Mhot footed
airls are often troublesome. "Ton
can talk about your Us mosqaltoes,M
aid he, after the tale teluas drifted
lato fairy topics, -"bat we (meanlag
Kodaey Gllsaa aad himself) can tell
something about mosquitoes ourselves.
We climbed Sklaner's Butte, at Eu
gene, to see the sunset. After we had
watched the sua awhile It was ob;
Beared by a dease cloud of tremeadous
BMsqaitoes. They were the hagest I
ever saw." Here somebody usually
asked: "How big were they, coloneir
"They were so big," was the response,
that many of them weighed a
pound.' Strange to say, CoL Hawk
Ins never suffered bodily, injury for
telling this story. Portland Oregoa-
; Already.
Smm days it's cold.
Bone days It's hot;
But what we want
Is what it's not.
Clerelaad Plain Dealer.
a ewunwuumka ami jsne
The Buxom Belle Why does the
tattooed man run about the stage at
every performance?
The Tiay Tot The manager adverr
Used moving pictures, aad the appa
ratus didn't. arrive.-rjara Weekly.
Early Proof.
.The head of a priatlag establish
ment la Richmond. Va was called
upon not long ago by a clergyman,
bearing the manuscript of, a sesmon.
"I would like to have the proofs of
this by to-morrow," said the divine.
The printer answered that the time
allowed was insufldent. Tou must
give us a few days longer," he said.
"No; I must have It to-morrow," In
sisted the minister. "I must deliver
this sermon to-morrow not the day
after, or the next day but to-morrow.
If s a special sermon, suitable only
for tomorrow. I wrote It ten years
ago, aad now I can't stake oat a word
of It" -
Evidently a Belle.
"Pauline turns up her nose at offers
of marriage." ?Why so?" "The only
things she considers are abject pleas."
We fire finer the Men Who;
Wear Made-to-Order Clothes
Know All Men By Them Praseata:
That wa. FraBkJ.Gerfaux of CotBahauri
John Flyna of Booth Omaha, all of the state of
Nebraska, do hereby ocistw oanetastogetb.
erfbrthspanosBof fonaiacaeorDonlioa na-
der aad iaaeeocdaae with the statates of the
state of Nebraska, aad honor dopt the follow.
uur Articles of laeoTDoraUoa. to-wit:
AaxioucL The aoaw of this eorpotatioa
hall be the Gerhan-njaa Co.
AancLBlI. The principal place of traaeact
uwtaebaauMBBof thw eornoratioa ahaU he ia
therityof CohuibBSia Platte ooaatr. ante of
AbtiolbIII. Thegeaeralaatareof thebast.
aesa to be traaaaeted shall be ceaeral aterrbaa-
cuatas. wniea aaau laeiaoe, aoMWK oxaer tatass,
the sale of elothiaa. hate aad emus, farntahlaaa
Idadred liara; the bayiac aad seUiac of
see. the laaatiir baiiae- aad
hpUlagot each real aad personal property aa
mar be at'ciraaarT or iaddeatal to the eoadao-
tkmof itabnriaeaa; leaaiag. aabJettian. morU
aaglBsaMUnsaadeonTeTiasof each real aad
personal property of the corporation, and to do
and perform aaca otaer acta aa may be inci
dental or accessary to the main powers of the
AanoucIV. The amoaat of tae capital stock
of this rorporatina shall be tea thoaaand dollars
(tiaooe.ea.) divided into one handled shami
(100) of the par Tale of one baadred dollars
($NS.SB) each, which stock when lamed shall be
1HU) nW BBU ra4BOHBKIi ouu mm COS.
ia at each divided into
ferred stock as the board of directors
Said capital stock shall be paid
tinaa aatkahMiri of diHMtim shall diiM.
UncLiV. The hicheat amoaat of indented.
seas or liability to which the corporatioa shall
at aaytiawsaajeotttself, shall not exceed two
thirds (X) of the capital stock
AbthxbVL The affairs of tab corporation
shall be awaaced by a board of three (ajto ive
W directors to be ejected ny and from tae stoeav
noidsra,aaa a prestosat ana TMe
secretary aad a trsasat
the board of directors. Any two
aur time, be held br one and the
vacsnosM in tae sxmraoi directors my nsaueo
by the board.
AanCLBVII. Tne time or commencement or
to be elected by
may, at
more pcrsiotsntly than ever before, be
cause we know our ready-to-wear
garments will positively please the
most exacting man in every detail of
mshion, fabrics, finish and fit, and at
alasost half the cost of to-order-made-apparel.
; Fine GlwililM
thmeoniorstioashallbaatthetimeof iliac of
these artJelea aa reqaired by law. aad the eorpor
atioasBsUcontinasfor a period of thirty ()
years aakasai oner dmaolred by law or by ma.
Insl imaiiiit
AwnoLB VUL The board of diractora shall
hare faU power aad sathority to make all rales
and by-laws for the proper soTernmeat and eon.
trolof thebasiaesa atafas of tarn corporatioa.
sad may by majority Tote of all the members of
the board fafdirectora alter aad amend the same
AainouIX. No atoekholder shall be liable
for the debts of this corpontion in say amoaat
sreater than his napaid sabscriptioa.
AanouE X. These Articles of Incorporation
mar be mended oaLr by two-thirds ()rote of
all stock issned or sabscribed sad oalyatsres-
, s
(10 to (25
we will give you as good, if not better
filing garments and better materials
and tailoring than the custom tailor
would give you at from $25 to $50.
If yon are open to conviction, come
see, as aa example of our assertion! .The
Mpp SeKlt Suits
hi up-to-the-minute single and donb1e-v
breasted nmdels,madeof -e qtJll ICM AELS-STERH
enunmerns, tweeds, cheviots and FINE CLOTHING
" ? mmaaamaumS mt wawawammmn AV ama
wanteds In a wide selection of pat- ' nasTisis.a
terns and colorings. There isn't a tailor ia town that will match any
of Am suite nnder $35.
alar awetJa of the stockholders, or st say spec
ial meatinceallsd for that purpose by order of
the board of directors.
Ia witness whereof, we hare hereaato sat oar
hands aad toons ether orirfasl this 1Mb day of
Aajraet, A. D. 1SS7, ia the etty of Cotambsa.
coaatyofPmtteandststeof Nebraska.
PMBKj.GaBjuns, -
Connty of Platte, I
Be it known, that oa the 1Mb day of Aagnet
A. D. 19W. before aaal J. 6. Beeher. a notary
pnbUc. within aad for the eooaty of Platte, aad
state of Nwhiaika. jwrsnaally appeared ia the
said coaaty, Frank J. Gerhsrs and John Fryan,
snore named, .wao are personally aaowa to
their free
they sejrarally acknowledce that they exe--d
the shore AttieJes of Inoutporstion of
r free and rorantary set sad deed.
tesumonr a
y whereof, I hare
my notarial seal the
X-V- m
.-ggYr -
aad iMary weights of msriae
' " i"mmmm.
-I N . -c
pe --jr LiKk
-i--2? "T5aTi
jrj T !I
JL l--i.
. 9 "
" -i. T .
Bj "r awaaW wa
.?&&&&erir x
lalaml Home of the J
Elephantine is aa Island of the Nile,
where archaeologists jure nadiag aa
cleat curiosities. A sort of sanctuary
decorated with miniature obelisks and
covering a spot which was
burylas the bodies of sacret
waa found.. Tissue aaissals proved to
he rams carefully mununlied aad
hurled in sarcofmagl.of granite. The
of the mammies are1 abided
ted with pal
of a authological character and
Inscriptions. The ram wai
sacred animate of ITgypt, and sssms to
have been especially sacred to .the
principal deity of the Island. Many
fragments of testa have been found.
They are inscribed., upon pieces of
nottery and anoarn as ostraca. The
Inscriptions are ia hieroglyphic. Con
tie, Greek aad Arab. They show that
aa far hack aa the Iftu century, B. C,
the island waa Inhabited by Jews.
Papyrus inacrintiona had proved this
taionend to the Jaws.
fa the rwosrda, a
amtod ht
It Mini looked for by
1 just wanted tn nay, Mrs. Near
food; that Til have to change at the
end of my week on Monday .
Ton mean that you are going to
give up 'your room permanently. Mr.
"Yes. rve been here ever since!
came to Kansas City aad you see, I
have n friend who boards oat on the
south side, aad ha'a asked me"
"Well, Tm very glad you HMatioued
it as I was just putting of asklag
yon for your room. I didn't like to
disturb yon, hut there's a young man
Virginia a young Southern
esu anxious te ho
of our guests for the last
ith or two in fact, ever since he
to Kaasna City aad Is willing
able, too, to pay more a great
deal ssore for the acccmntodauoas
you've had. I don't Hke to ask any
one to leave, even If their staying is
a loss to ms una" Mr. Cnstia Patrick
Henry CustJs ia the geatleaaan's name,
and Ire s from one of the very oldest
of our famines nla father's great
great grandfather having been a cous
in once removed of Gen. Washington's
wife, and Mr. CJnstJs himself being a
direct descendant on his mother's
side of Mr. Henry has been living
at Baltimore simply waiting until 1
could find a place for him.
"I hope you'll remember, Mr. Latch
ky, that when you came here I treat
ed you aa oae of the family one of
my owa family rather than as a
hoarder. - rve had any number of op
portunities to rent your room for more
than I received from you, but you
seemed so hard to be trying to make
your way aad I realised that your
salary waa hardly sufldeat to make
both ends meet aa it was and I thought
it my duty to keep you. An for the
table, you were one of the very few
gentlemen who came for your lunch
eon aad. having no few friends, you,
of course, were here always for din
ner. Bati never permitted that to
affect me in my treatment of you, for
I realised that people are growing
more and more careful with their In
vitatloas. No, don't interrupt me at
least be courteous. I'm not complain
ing at all. Mr. Latchky, but I do
think that after all rve done for you,
an the interest rve shown in you a
smother wouldat have beea kinder to
her own- son your action Is close to
Ingratitude. Ton ought to know me
well enough to understand that rm
not forced to keep boarders not at
all. I come from one of the very best
families ia Virginia my mother's
own great-great-great grandfather was
oae of Gen! Washington's most trust
ed adviseflH-and it's only my desire
to give young -men who haven't had
the best of hoste influences the bene
fit of my; !y
. -That's all right. Mrs. Nearfood. but
you got jtour money, didn't you, every
Monday night, a week ia advance,
without aword of complaint on my T
If you're going to show your sor
dldneas sufldently Mr. .Latchky, to
make, this a fnanclal matter. I might
remind you of your statement, when
you came here, that you .were very in
timate with the best families socially
la Kaassa City.' Ton led me to be
lieve that yon had entree here, when
you know, and I know, you didn't even
possess a tuxedo coat. And goodness
knows I gave you every opportunity
to make a position for yourself meet
ing la my house, aa yoa do, the very
nicest" , '
"Why, of course, Mrs. Nearfood, I
was delighted with your treatmeat
aad thank you most earnestly.''
Ton have a most strange way of M
"But. my friend has asked me to
take him in aad I want you to let us
have the large front room on the sec
ond floor that's been vacant."
"Very 'gladly, Mr. Latchky. very
gladly. I dida't unite understand yoa
at flrst, you know. Have your friend
come at aay time be delighted to
have any of your friends Join our lit
tle family. If a a pleasure"
"I hope rm not interfering with Mr.
Washington FuatJs's
"Mr. Patrick Henry Cuatls-Cnstla,
It Is." said Mrs. Nearfood. "Boat
let that trouble you. No, indeed. Ton
know, these young gentlemen from
the old Southern families are Inclined
to be somewhat unreliable in their
youthful days aad if a Just as well,'
Mr. Latchky. just as well to let him re
main at the Coatee house. If neces-'
sary he can take your old room, you
know.' Tea. Hasn't this beea a warm
"Which puts It up to me," said
Latchky softly to himself aa he head
ed for. the corner, "to force Poler to
come here aad take a room with me.
And for a few seconds I thought 1
had moved. Talked out of it, aad
have to briag aaother victim to save
myself, rm In .for life for life."
City Times.
Commercial Term In Law.
The plaiatiff was stating his case:
Tour honor. I was walking alongside
of the waiting trala when this sua,
who Is a stranger to mev and without
aay cause whatever, reached out of
the car wjadow and pleated a couple
of powerful blows upon aty face."
"Ton honor," expostulated the de
fendant, ? was so enraged by the de
lay of that train and the nUserafele
service of that road ia general, that I
Just had to give vent to my fweUngs ia
aoase way. I couldn't restrala myself."
"I feel for you," admitted the Judge,,
who had had.occasioa to travel on the
road, "but I am compelled to
you, nevertheless. That pair of.
haatnre-downa will coat you Just $lt":
ef Lake Supsrisr Are
Out By Anslyiie.
The water in Lake
purest hi the great
to testa hr tha
rfs contains the
ef Ineruatanta. The
that the waters hold
Superior ia the
fa natation vary-
swnsmacy to form scale or mcrusta
atsna .on hoMcrs -are called hacrnst
a ammmmmmmat ' -V I Ur Ji
- -'-a.. Aen,xvnmBhw ay ,.
BBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmav B
To" ; , ; " , --y
Greisen Bros. tjfla-mmK
.AmmmWwmmmmmmmmmmmstmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmT !
Coat -Ktm
v iisjBiBiBiB
anmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmVwaH X
knOW ,, mm.m...W.......................Hl..B
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmw ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
it will m mmKmmmmum - I
mnmmmmP" UgBBmmmKsmlmmmmwmmmVmmWmmEn '
please '' m vMeHHBM:S
Auunmmu ummmmmn fmmmmmmmmjaa- x jmmsj
tSmmmmmmVsmmf mmmmmmmf V0""'v'""Wi::iH
uOU mnfammV.n.t..H H
fSSBammmmmmUr ABUmvwsmmmmV i smmmmf
' - ' ' 11J JbTbT Bmnf kr i-'V? . . smmmmV
We have B . Wf
i .mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmf S-fUUf
Vmm .ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmP
others from j r
0 10 S30 v aw' rfsss-,
mmSammmmmmmmmasmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmm I
Frwaa. 'I 13
Incrustaats. begunlag 'with the low
est, the lakes rang aa follows
or. Huron. Michigan. Ontario,
The waters of Lake MtchJaai
Lake Huron urn nearly Identical in
euallty aad the same may he said of
hose of Lakes Ontario and Erie. Lake
Superior, however, carries Just about
half the amount of incrustaats borne
by the other lakes. The reason for
this variatloa is found In the geologi
cal formation that surrounds the
lakes. The st rests flowing into
Lake Superior draw, areas
posed chiefly of crystalline rocks,
which yield scant quantities of miner
at water flowlag through them. Lake
Erie Is highest la incrustaats because
it receives abt only the waters of
lakes Michigan and Huron, hut the
drainage from Immense areas of sedi
mentary rocks la ladlaaa aad Ohio
and the province of Ontario.
flv AVViYsflUftt
Harsh en Those Unwed.
Although much has been written In
modern times in earnest and in fun
oa the taxatloa of bachelors, there are
not many comers of the earth where
such a system of taxation- la iatro
duced as waa done in the state of Cor
doba, la the Argentine republic, at the
beginning of the twentieth century.
There every male who haa passed hie
twentieth year la coaaldered At for
marriage, aad the state enjoins upon
him the duty of flndlag a companion
for life. If he remains single tin the
completion of his thirtieth strthday.
he must pay for his freedom a tax of
Ave dollars a asonth. Then tho tax in
creases tie a month at the age ef IS.
aad even to $3 a moath from the age
of SS to M. From the .age of Cd the
tax gradually decreases. Widowers
have only three years given to enjoy
their liberty, after which they have
got to get another wife or pay tha tax.
Proceeding with my studies of aa-
I could not help but be struck
with the Idiocy of the frogs. They
were much alarmed by my approach,
and leaped frantically, but instead of
leaplag away from me they leaped
toward me, assay of them, aad even
agaiast me.
There was one frog" especially, who,
la the utost fatuous manner hurled
himself agaiast my legs repeatedly.
"Why are you such a fool?" I asked,
at length.
. "That is easily answered," replied
the frog, with admirable courtesy.
"Ton are perhaps not aware of what
is aevertheless a fact, that American
frogs, with the exception of a few old
families la New Jersey, are descended
from the lrog who would a-wooing go.
whether his mother would let him or
no. In other words, oar idiocy is
Is it not singular? Life.
V I lien HwMt aPCOBJWa,
Most of us might aad ought to And
ia our owa household much more than
we look for. It Is necessary for those
who would live happily together that
they should try to show their best to
oae another.
They should try to show the best
of their minds. All things should be
In common. Every pleasant pleasant
experience, whether It be of books or
of life, ought to be shared.
ITxistence la maintained at a much
lower level of happiness than it should
he, simply because those who are
by the closest natural ties do
know how tc make each other
the time that should
he given to the arranging of the sonL
mmmmmm8tLj,J-Jmmil,,- '"JnW
SmmmmmV r"ra BKaBmsV?a
' For Speed
Safety. Surety
A solid roadbed is es-'
sential. Visibility &
Speed in the Under- '
wood (TabnIator)type
writer are supported
by perfectly bsJanced
fctVwetl TpMrifff
1617 Famam St.
Society There le
A traveler Just returned from Japan
tells some things which perhaps all
the world does not know. Says he:
"Of rank, there are eight classes after
the mikado aad the Zlogooa, namely
(1) the princes; (1) the nobles who
owe feudal service to the prince; or
the empire; (3) the priests; (4) the
soldiers. These four form the higher
orders and enjoy the privilege of
wearing two swords and petticoat
trousers; (5) taferior ossclsls and doc
tors, called respectable, allowed to
wear one sword, with the
(C) merchaata and
legs may not pollute
though by entering aa aomsetks to n
nun of rank they may enjoy the privi
lege of weariag one sword; these are
the only people by whom wealth
he accumulated; (7) artists, artlaaas
aad petty shop-keepers; (8) day labor
ers and peaaaata. Tradesmen who
work on leather, tanners, etc are ex
cluded from classlflcation. They
denied, and may not even Ave with
other men: they Ave in vffiaaun of
their own.
WW Try
Some of Its readera haviag criticised
the Loadoa Law Notes for beta "toe
Yankee la tone." the editor repSed:
-nam our candid friends aay
how dull the English law and lawyers
a.. mn hatalv? surely m
aay legal incident fat this country with
a grain of fan ia It. ueace r
nrtma to a vouncsr country.
lawyers. In common with the rest of
tha anamwtiOU. StiS IwtSJh swUM BOy
mat'tnetmcta and are net tee
with Als to eaiey n
am wfA trv to he lean T
We Now Have the
Exclusive Aerenc v
Into Many . - uw
mmmmm aaPanamBHBZasaBaanT JKfXArs
trousers; unm I ILLD JmmWJilJM a ff--fsJHeammiamg- yjfj
n, whose tA wSlm&S5agSgMgnEA. mMM
trousers, TbbV mmmmmmaWaSHBBamammm InmW
WtUv flUEnwawmwanw . -i-,"J-r .Aalur
are uuua waim naneamv mr mm UMJnnensvnni a. aw-
A S .. S. m aw . . a hki m aa aa s
I UaOPtV Vf?rniClCt CWSflC r(imTslrs?mSXa
saa ww ws assvBa s sstariasa mkWmBSC
I ssalfmam wlm fern am n aad slwjaysmaVsammammaapaf awim
I smicmiBawaaawdmiaTafiatTwf arahmemm fulj muni ssj I
I - - - " - ----- - -- -
Idea A 777". '.TTTT 7-7 - -.wajna- m
tnere i w essaaamm. m
wk7wT l .ASw.nsmWaW.KJm.Js. jr aWsTTSCxfa--emn-mn .
II II rfl r
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