lwi?W' i, rv7 TfffBswsr 'rS1' X 'iv- jk1.- 3eT"'Jt 's.li V-'j l-S m. v-h J KS ?$ ftvh - -. -r( i 7 c Vv .1 tH., - 15." V . fc- fc ' Wj3 f, - f rWS .7 - -?. -r - SSL-' l ? te fc " it THE .3 Si A. RadTord win ai zfve advice KUKE OK all nubfectn "tHTtaininc: to the : of buiMias for the reader of tbii Oa accoaat -ot hi wide expe- TJeace -aa Editor. Aathor aad Manutao nnr, he ta. without doubt, tne Mgnea -aathority oa all thww suhjocts. Addreas -a Inaatrlea to "William A. Radford. No. M Fifth Ave.. Chicago. 111., and tmtf -twa-cent stum for reply. B A seven room -cottage house that eaay be "built for about $2 9 aafler 'favorable circumstances is here given. Dowa stairs there is '-a parlor, dining room and kitchen with one bedroom aad a bath room with aa entrance from the "bedroom -and another en trance from the kitchen, which facili tates warming the bath room -from the kitchen whcn there is no Ire in the furnace. There is a convenient grade entrance to the cellar which may be reached by four steps down from the kitchen. This arrangement leaves room -in the corner of -the en trance for :a good sized refrigerator, a provision that is valuable in any house and -one that is appreciated by every house-keeper. The size of this little cottage is twenty-eight feet wide by thirty-eight feet long, exclusive of the porch, which Is not very largo on the ground "and not very high: lr.it there- is room for four rooms down stairs and three rooms up stairs with -a good un anished attic for storage, .and there is plenty of closet room. A woman never gets too many closets. Archi tects are oiieu worried -because of " the demand for more closets than they can find room for. One advant age or arranging bedrooms in the roof like this is that the low portions f the roof may be used to advant age for -tins purpose, some women prefer an attic over the bedroocSs. but many would rather have a store room of this kind because it saves climbing two pairs of stairs. It is impossible to have every good thiug included in -ojie plan. Cottage houses may be lighter in construction than .two -story houses and they are more economical where the t Jnf space is utilized as it is ia this 'bouse. The three bedrooms em the Mecond floor represent just that .mach room that you do not have to provide siding for. The roof answers 'for both cover and side enclosure. . Some years ugo a man built a house like this on a good street in .a thriv ing city. AJ1 the other houses on the street were iaajcor and lie was abused for building a small house, but he it p nicely, iplaated criaes . ia front and at .the -side the giound very rich te 'fjow plenty of grass for a green 4hrtftr laws, aad ia lees -than .a -year's aaaBttle cottage was pointed 1 vetng the most attractive honw street, Instead of heiag a ta other property .it was a vmlaaale acf uisttion. A great alaal depends en the way things are It ia easy to put ap -a big I a hoBse that no one likes and ht is Just as easy to build a cottage like this for a small outlay and It Into a very interesting prop- prsposiUoB. ptoae'eottaire. as he called his little was talked about and soon be- known away beyond its lmrae 'nelghborhoed because it was a aeax ana pretty nome. it was built boob after the hard times in the early nineties when building ma terials were plentiful and money was scarce: when grass grew between the Bfles af .Jaaaber in. the yards and lum ber wan rotting in the piles while good aiechisics were begging for werat at any kind of wages. The lot coat flit and the house was completed tamblag.- furnace and pip tor leas than fl.tw. auk yiaputj coat about $1.(71. m tH,Bore thaa the jpHbbESIs"- HHHBRumiu9IZJk r CEvTKKSf AaPii m SBsBswvwanu ?! -i BKf9nr ww aaaraa tbbc1I W Jg1 , Biiiiiusl- " an miin A. YtadTord will answer ? "- . -.-? -' V"'"-' . "v .n . -- '',.; -"" - s,- .fc1 -w- Jte r,1- v v i w 1' VJV"- V " . -fc J. !B&BBBHBBBSB9BBBBBBKak "" jtu Sfti jEt J9S V f ". "" " EbbbbbPbc IBpaVEsBaHsa 1 eBBBKBBBB39 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbt "t v s ' iaVK 'bbbk S v " SC'i"1 v vl Mviuvwti. ' - ".' V .bbKbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbbbbbsb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBbbW cWSSw 1 BCDMoor zmmGAoottf CD' I itVC I af I L TJ HiatHaarnaB time ewftai on the diate !Tssf& lawT 1H1 "11 1 ERICAS HOME BRADFORD EDITOR lender to advance sach a fmbaloaa. sum as $l,aaa and the borrower kai to put np personal security as a aide lasae to a money shark to get the deal through, all of which illustrates the difference "between doing haslarw ia good times aad bad times. It will be noticed that the noma, while not large, are big enough to ac commodate the necessary furniture and big eaough for comfort. There Is aot a room in the bonse that is small enough, to be awkward enough to 'be ashamed of. A house -of this size gives opportunity to have a bed room down stairs, a convenience that every house does not possess. There i - are generally in most families at least one old ierson who objects ta climbing stairs. It would "be difficult to -arrange a more comfortable bed room than this one. in fact -few large houses haVe.a room of this kind. As a usual thing when building too little attention is paid to "the comfort of the old 'people. They have spent their lives in the interests of the family and it isronly right that they -should be remembered in their old age: We frequently see aed people who are compelled to stay upstairs day after, day because they dread the trip aa and down. The appearance of this louse de pends a good deal on the ctlors aa.4 stninsjiscd for outside decoration. On general principles it is a good plaa to avoid .all shades of .green. G paint is .almost- certain to fade and during the process It is likely to take on some very' sickly shades of color that are extremely disappointing. .Nothing looks -better than a light t&ade of green when it is first put on. but nothing looks worse after it lias 'beeu exposed to the sun aad storms for five or six months. If a man ever wants to kick himself for doing something absurd in the decor ation line it is for painting a house sreen. Drabs and browns are .always agreeable and generally such pajnts are lasting, but colors depend so -much on the quality of the materials used that great care is necessary in making the purchase, if you bny the paint yourself, or in making a con tract if you have a painter do the Job. A movement is on foot to bring about government inspection of paints something after the present manner of food inspection. It seems ridicu lous that dishonest paint manufac turers are permitted to grind up aay sort of old junk and sell the pasty prodact for pure white lead. No won der honest manufacturers have he come disgusted with such work aad it is to be hoped their efforts to secure protection for honest goods will be saeceaafal. It makes a great' differ ence whether the painter, himself thoroughly understands the business. A man who knows paint ,1s" not likely to be badly deterred. If he gets pay sufficient he would much prefer to use good materials. There are two class es of painters to avoid, one doesn't know and the other doesn't care. Handicapping an Agent. "Can I talk to you a few minutes?" asked the life insurance agent. -Yes," replied the managing editor; 'if you don't mind walking about the building with me. I really haven't the time to sit down." "That's all right," said the agent, "I'd prefer that, really." The managing editor led the way out to the composing room, thence into the .telephone' department, atop, ping every Tnoment or two to converse with some operative, and took: his can. er at last into the macaine room, where the huge printing ""rhiarw were filing the air wftM their aaearta lydla. "Now." fee said, yetllag into the ear ' SCOftOOM BEDJlDOM cxo "trr&ill jr oep rooAt I B V r, dsolx-tfSG I aa j , ' I ooaI i ADVICE TO VICTIMS TELLS 4tEA0CRft HOW TO CURE ftHEUMATIfM AT HOME. Jy. Diractiaaa H, M1k a Simpl' tioa aaw'tha Oaae ta Talcs Over csmas Kldiiay and llsdatr "' Traubie Promptly." TJasre Is so mach' RheaaMtiBBi.eTery where that the ibltowfaj? jklvice fey aa eBHBentaathorlty.who writes for read en of a large Eastera dally paper, will be highly appreciated by those who aafer: Get froai 4tay goad phsraucy oae half omace Ftaid Extract Daadelioa, oae oaaceComppaad Kargoa. three ounces of Compotsid Syrap Sarsapa rilla. Shake these well la a botUe aad' take la teaspooafal -doses after each meal and.at bedtime; alsodriakpleaty of good water. It is claimed that there are few vic tims of this dread aad torturous dis ease who will fail to lad ready relief In this simple home-made mixture, aad ia most cases a permanent care is the result s , This simple recipe Is said to strength en and cleanse the eliminative tissues of the Kidneys, so that they can filter and strain from the blood and system the poisons, acids' aad waste matter, which cause not only Rheumatism, but numerous other diseases. Every man or woman here who feels that their kidneys are not healthy and active, or who suffers from any urinary trouble whatever, should not "hesitate to make up this mixture, ss it is certain to do much good, and, may save you from much misery and -suffering after while. Everything Bad. A prominent planter recently had occasion to. visit somexof his holdings in southern Arkansas. The land was situated several miles from a railroad, and it was necessary to finish the Journey in a buggy. So he took a friend with him and started out. After 'traversing -several miles of sparsely settled country, they came upon a farmer plowing corn on the side of a bill. The planter, wishing to appear civil to ,his neighbors, -stopped' his horse and yelled at the man, who came to the fence, mopping ids face with a red bandana '"Good morning." 'Mornin', mister!' "You live here, I suppose'" -Yep." "How's cropBT -Fair to mkldlinV "That's a bad hill you're plowing.'' "I know it. Bad hoss. paUm' th llow, bad juow, bad everything." "Why, you talk like yoa were the poorest man 1b Arkansas," laughed the planter. -I ain't, though." was the response, as the young fellow smiled good naturedly. "Another feller owns half o this crop.'" A Standard Measure. After being ten years in the mak ing there has Just been deposited in the government standard weights and measures strong room a new standard yard measure. It is made of 90 parts of platinum and ten of iridium; which when combined are not upset by either beat or cold. After the elabor ate marking It was submitted to a number of tests, coming through all with high honors. - Every year of the next ten years It will be examined. and if It varies by the millionth part of an inch it will be consigned to the rubbish heap? otherwise it will be come a standard. London News. Protecting His Magazines. "While waiting at the doctor's the other day. I picked up a magazine sfrom his table to pass the time." said the man who observes things. "All through the book, on nearly every other page was stamped his name, and it so irritated me that I spoke to him about ft. "'If I didnt fin that magazine up with my name." he said. It wouldn't last ten minutes in this place. Some body .would be. sure to carry it away. Eren as it is. I lose e every little Had Triad rt -"Yoa ought to wear glasses. They'll save your eyes." said his friend. "Nattln in it" contemptuouoly an swered 3111 de Bruiser. "I-t'ought dey would meself wunst. an I put on a pair when I heerd a big chap wuz lay In fur me. It's agin de law. ye know, to hit a man wid glasses on im. Well, sir. de big chap happened along. He reached over, lifted dem glasses off me face, an den he bunged me eye up, good an' proper." TAKE THEM OUT Feed Them Food They Study On. Can When a student Begins to break lawn from lack of the right kind of food, there are only two things to do; either take him eat of school or feed him property .oa food that win rebuild the feraia aad nerve edhv That food ia. Grane-Xuta. t i- A boy -writes from James towa.N. Y., saying: "A short time ago I got.Into j a bad condition from overstudy. but Mother having heard about Grape Nats food began to feed me on it It sathrled my nam better than any other.fbod. and the results were mar veioua. I got fenny like a goodfel- low. 4 My usual morning' headaches disappeared, aad I found I could study for a long period' without feellnsr'the elects of it "My face was pale and thin; but is now round and has considerable color. After I had been usin? Grape-Nuts for about two months I felt like a new boy altogether. I have gained greatly in strength as well as flesh, and It Is a pleasure to study now that I am not bothered with my head. I passed all of my ezaminationa with a reason ably good percentage, extra good in some of them, and It is Grape-Nuts that has saved me from a year's delay la aBtering college. "Father and mother hare both been improved by the use of Grape-Nats. Mother was troubled with sleepless alahts aad got very taia, aad oohed care warn. She has jguaedrher..nor- wefl: nights.; '"TbereV. a'Reaaaa.'- CACK GAVE OUT. A Typical Case af Kidaty Treuble and a Typical Cure. Mrs. Chide Page of : 5ie' S. Pitt 8treet, Alexandria.-Va., says: "JIy back hurtv me ter- i ribiy, I had shafp.'! -shooting pains J ,BBBBBBBTBBBBBaWaL T aBBBBBBBBBBl changing to a "dull, Browa (aeakiBg through the tele--draggla cache. I l nhone) My friend Sssith will diaa could not stand for any lengthrof 'time and my., hack, hart me whWlsatdowa. My feet and ankles were badly swoilea every evealag, and my stomach was oat af order. Doan's Kidney Pills eared me of these troubles in 1902. and for Ave years I have had bo return." All dealers. 60 cents a box. Fcs ter-Milburn Co. Buffalo, N. Y. THE NUMBER OP ANIMALS. Attempts ta Tabulate the Beast That Perish. Every now and then some natural iat;endeayors ta make an approximate numerical count of known t animal species. This kind of attempt Is sure ly not without interest, but it must be acknowledged that its results are very uncertain.. We are far. from knowing all species, and there is yet a delight- j fui prospect ahead for those who love systematic zoology and for zoologists who bestow mutual honors, by giving eachf other's names to 'some animal hitherto unknown. As Nurmann remarked to a recent meeting of naturalists at the museum, to which he presented, his ."Catalogues Manmalium," the species of rodents known in 1880 were only 970 in num ber; now they are' 1,900. The num ber has thus, at' least, doubled in 27 years. The number of living species of this creature now known is about 1,500, divided among 160 genera. This family is the most numerous of tho class of mammalia. WIssen fur Alle. BABY IN TERRIBLE STATE. Awful Humor Eating Away Face Body a Mass of Sores Cuticura Cures in Two Weeks. "My little daughter broke out all over her body with a humor, and we used everything recommended, but without results. I colled in three doc tors, but she continued" to grow worse. Her body was a mass of sores, and her little face was being eaten away. Her ears looked as if they would drop off. Neighbors advised me to get Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and before I had used half of the cake of Soap and box of Ointment the sores had all healed, and my little one's face and body were as clear as a new-born babe's. I would not be without it again if it cost five dollars, instead of seventy-five -cents. Mrs. George J. Steese, 701 Coburn St, Akron, O., Aug. 30, 1905." Ranchman's Novel Courtship. Louis L. Kramer came all the way from Yuma. Cal., to marry a girl he had never seen. The bride was Miss Flora Weise, a pretty young woman of Tazewell county. The groom wrote to his aunt here, Mrs. Patterson, to put him, in com munication with a girl who would make him a good wife, as he was lone ly on Ills ranch in Colorado. Mrs. Patterson recommended Miss Weise, a neighbor's daughter, and correspond ence was begun. The girl was taken with the ro mance of the affair and when, photo graphs were exchanged and proved satisfactory a proposal quickly fol lowed. An. acceptance was written and then Kramer came' east to claim his bride. The marriage, was celer brated the day after his arrival .and the couple departed immediately aft erward for Yuma. Denver News. Laundry work at. home would bv inch mora satisfactory if the right Starch were used. In order to get the desired stiffness. It Is usually neces sary to use so much starch that the , beauty and fineness of the fabric ia j hidden behind a paste of varying; ' thickness, which not only destroys th ; appearance; but also 'affects the wear-. ! ing quality of the goods. This trou j ble can be entirely overcome by using Defiance Starch, as it can be applied much mere thinly because of its great er strength than other makes. . An Ambition. "So you want to become an ambas sador," exclaimed the man of power. "Yes," replied fhe opulent person. '1 thought you were devoted to your automobile. When did you become in terested Jn diplomacy?" , "I'm not especially Interested, in diplomacy. What i want is to get some position where. Ill have govern ment protection against arrest for violating the speed regulation." "Single Bleeamg. Pearl They say blessings never come singly. ' Ruby Yes. but blessings come single sometimes. Peart Siagle? What do you mean? v Ruby Why; TJelle captured aa old bachelor-worth" a cool miUioh. He was a smgle hVuslac waaat he? Mwj Oenaace Starch a lair .trial1 try it for.both hot aad cold starching, and if you don't think you do' better work, in lees time and et smaller, cost, return it aad your grocer' will give yes ?ack your money. A .bachelor friend of mine says it isnt safe to ask a girl to' marry you unless you are sure she won't. Even then a fellow is taking a long chance. The man .who thinks he is weighty because he is wordy usually is short weight, when it comes to works! Hides, Pelts and Wool. Toget full value, ship to the old reliable N. W. Hide . FarCd., Minneapolis, Mian. jT : j If a man sleeps In church,herdoesn,t necessarily dream of aeayea. . "Saaoken have ta all for Lewis Sutrte Sal 1 . ' . w a at . yqcr cajar te gee K. xear' Mir,Jfactsrys. ?' BrW Baf.' 1jw hadi .a riteaV .. phone- reoaaettlan between, his c office phone- '.i and house aad was very much pleased with It, says the Home Magazine. "I tell you. Smith." be was 'saying, . "this telephone business is a wonder fur thing. I want yoa to dine with me this evenlag. and I wUl notify Mrs. Browa to expect you.' , with us this eveaing. "Now listen aad hear how plain her reply cornea, hack.'- ' Mrs. Brown's reply came back with startling distinctaese: Ask your friend Smith if he thinks we keep a hotaL" Her Recipe. A lady famed for her skill in cook lag wasentertaln!ag a number of her friends at tea. Everything on the table was much' admired, but the ex cellence of the sponge cake wus es pecially the subject of remark. "Oh!" exclaimed one of the guests, "it is so beautifully soft and light! Do tell me where you got the recipe." "I am very glad," replied the hos tess, "that you find it so soft and light. I made it out of my own head." Il lustrated Bits. Catarrh Cannot Be Cared With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as tbev tMNttofthilww. C'auurb !& blood or coeM Stttoul dtetaae. aad la order locate it you nattuke auaraal remedle. Hall'a Catarrh Core la ufcea In teraally.aad aeu directly oa ttio tloedaad nncon mrfacea. Hall'a Catarrfi Caret act a quack neOI etne. ItwaapreacrlbedbyoBeeribebtpl:jr!cUu ta thlaeoaatry fur yean and la ngulrr prewnptlou It la coopoaed of the beat tootca kaown. combined wKb tba ben bloodjrarlfert.actlBg directly ca tin Biccona aarface. TIM perfect cumbbMUi of tbc to Inaredlonu la what produces anch wonderful te alts la curio catarrh. Send for tci!moc'u. f rea. F. J. CBEKEV c CO., Prop., Toledo, O. Sold br Pmintbtii. prtco TV. Take Iiaira iamlly Pill fur ccaatlpalloa. Double Protection. ' T wish," a lady recently said to her husband with what Punch discreetly terms "considerable emphasis," "I wiah you wouldn't always sit on tho piano-stool when we have company. Everybody 'knows you can't play a note." "Neither can anybody else when I'm sitting there," returned the sage Youth's Companion. Starch, like everything else, is be Ing constantly improved, the patent Starches put on the market 25 years' ago are very different and inferior to those of the present day. In the lat est discovery Defiance Starch all in jurious chemicals are omitted, while the addition of another ingredient in vented by us, gives to the Starch, a strength and smoothness never ap proached by other brands. Undisturbed. "Does the strike you have on hand seriously inconvenience your com pany?" "No," answered Mr. Dustin Stax; "on the contrary, it affords us a bet ter excuse than usual for the bad serv ice that Is constantly complained of." , Washington Star. - Important ta Mothers. . Sncaoo carefully every bottto of CASTORTA, a safe and raro reatedy for infants aad cbUdrea, aad tee that it Bears the Signataraof - 0 la Vac For Over SO Years. Tfco Klod Yoa Hsva Alwca Boagfat. Wisdom of Experience. The Bachelor I wonder why a woman always lowers her voice when she has occasion to ask a favor? The Benedict Oh, it gives her- an opportunity to raise it higher in case the favor isn't granted. That an article may be good as well as cheap, and give entire satisfaction, is proven by the extraordinary salo of Defiance Starch, each package con taining one-third more Starch than can be had of any other brand for the same money. - The preservation of health is a duty. Few seem conscious that there is such a thing as physical morality. Herbert Spencer. . FITS, St. Vitus Dance and all Nervous Diseases permanently cured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. Send for Free 12.00 trial bottle and treat!. Dr. R. H. Kline, Ld.. 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. . Yon will never persuade the world to accept your religion when you took as though it made you sick. Lewis' Single Binder Cigar has a rich t-wtc. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory. Peoria, .111. No man is as dangerous as he thinks some woman thinks he is. aHmSHUaBlBBBBl 9IlslManmtBvlH SHJK HEADACHE feattl vely carred by these Kttle nils. ' Tnrj aiao rcllere Dia tisTroni OrspepeTa.lB- tilgenUoaandTooIIearfy atin&T. A perfect teaa- edj- for Dizziness, Nau sea, Drowsiness. Baa Ta te ia the Month, Coat ed Tonffue. Fain in the JSlde. TORPID UVEB. They regulate the Bowels. Pnrejy Vegetable. SMLLrlU. SIMUNSE. SHJIU PRICE. Genuine Mist Bear Fac-SimHeSJflfiature EFUSE SUKTITiTES. i Itctedwith l tCftwaiir A-WonfKI-thfr.r 1tt2irJJJi-j9r CARMS asBrrnr H Pills. CARTERS Fiver m. PUT Girlhood to Lydia E. , Pinkham's . ELLEN M. OLSON The responsibility for a daaghter'a future largely rests with the mother. The right influence and the infor mation, which is of vital interest to the daughter imparted at the proper time has not only saved the life bat insured the success of many a 'beau tiful girl. - ' When a girl's t&oughts become sluggish, with headache, dizziness or a disposition to sleep, pains in back or lower limbs, .eyes, dun, a desire for solitude; when she is a mystery to herself and friends, her mother should come to her aid, and remem ber that Lydta E. Piakhaai's Vege table Geaunotnd, made from native roots and herbs, will at this time prepare the system for the coming change, and start this trying period in a younjr girl's 'life without pain or irregularities. It has been than depended upon for two generations. Hundreds of letters from young girls and their mothers, expressing gratitude for what Lytlia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has done for1 them, are constantly being: re ceived. . Miss Ellen M. Olson, of 417 H. East St , Kewanee, HI. writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkbam : "I have had tho best doctors fa our town for my sickness and they all thought thr.t an operation was necessary. Ihsdheadache, No other remedy has such a record of actual cures of female ills. Thousands of women residing in every part of the Unittsl States bear willing testimony to the Wonderful virtue of Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compouncl and what it.has done for them. Lydja E. Plakkan's TcsrctzNc OnnA-mt: n Vofrnn' Rctkqv for Wagon's Ms. W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 & $&SO SHOES tS'woSlo afaawaHOCS FOR EVERY MEMBER OF E m THE FAMILY. AT ALL FRtOES. " S25.000 tZZJmEttmTJErZ2i rnleAriBl jf )awfw mmw'mS at &5g aahcaw atfWeBTnTeW (tMam ator anwananwjaBaajiBBfb THE RKASOX W. L. Douslaa ahoea are wura la all walks of life thaa aay other make, is bf cause of then ereeUeut style. easy-String, and superior wearing qualities. The selection of the leathers ami other materials for each part of the shoe, and every detail of the making ia looked after hy the moat cotnplateorganisition of saperintendeats.foremeBaail skilled shoemakers, who reeelTe the highest waces paid In the auoe inausiry. aii-i witnse woramsnsam eauaot 11 1 coniat-tKe yoa into my mi and show you how carefully W. If I conld tike yon Into my lane faetoriea at 1 show you how carefully W.L. Ilonclim shoes are miule. yoa uld then underfttaiMt why they liolci their shape, fit etter, ar longer aad are of greater Tatae tnauany other make. wouiq inen unaerftcaiM. wny u wear longer aad are of greater aWy eO0 amf SB.OO E UA.UXIO.Di I Too peuulne !u "So Substitute. Ask vonr dealer for W. L. direct to factory. Shoes seat ererywhere by Purest of the Pure. THE VERY PIANO! Lyea Healy's Wasbbarn Piano is the very piano von want for rmif bornenow offered at lowest act prices j end on easiest monthly terms. i The Washburn is mummuttml far lif ami I fa known far and wide asMAmericasIIonie Pamno"i because of its Uututy qmaiiUm and its nunous ttaymy Urn. ' If ia the anrket for a piana. bmQ this adrer- tMeBBeat todav with mar bum. mH LIpm. nnrf ncwntelairand name of local dealer, aad six wHunu new $3.00 Per Day cash, not promises (8 hours' work) is the salary I pay my representatives. The work is not hard you can do it Or tell your best friend, if you vc not uie nine, i give ex clusive territory. For details write ATKINSON, 1024 Race St, Philaddphia. READERS BSMBBMMBBBBB thi this pacer de- inn? ta f jy any thinc aJ veittsed tn its columns shonld insist cpon having what the? esk tor. relusiea ail snbsti- tutas or tauxiots. KFIMCi CtM Wafff SftfCl rata MaCaw.MaV W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 44, 1907. jl BntillTn?" TSTfBBrBBmi'?jlaa- Jrar I"bVa iaav awSi Mf in &e land is not t Jf always the most costly, p Kr BAKINGS V POWDER 1. Osffrjf--:,Sg. A aDV ' . 25 Ozmces fcr 25 Gents w 1 rr-Skc5-B Is tfcc rssult of modern Ideas. Costs Jjs? b'-XlaS ess oesetteror You must &S? BKaBJjta y to see a can on tr B EgBwH The baking wffl be vastly better, iV HCpfflH lighter and tastier or we pay J , SaSafVj fcrthecsa j WanVlnf. ' Baw ggp7 pBBBnlwSaaMaf ajaea aC. CaX BBB""-5K'S.Ji ClUCaCOk - .,, , I fBaBaaaawaaiaU PasnawaF asnuBaww I Adeaaes, 109 fi UALT. GHCAflO I TT, '$iTif . I'M 1 - 1 t MM! x . Vegetable Compound CLARA E.DARMSTADTER sidmebe. and arrftet were so aoml bardlvstand. I took twa bottles of Lydia B. Piakbastu VtgeUbhOiim il wsauaay perieds were tatatiliahid aad now 1 am perfectly weH Maawsaya aba went b without your medicine in the bear j. I havj told one girl what Lydia B. Pinthw Vegetable Cofapoand ha dene far aw aad aba hi takiag it now." . r Miss Clara E. Darmstadter, of 453 Breckenridge St.Bulfalo,N.Y..writes: Dear Mrs. Piakhann 'for about a year, except ihjriag jae part few months, I xuffered with severe paiaa every BMBta, with bactaacaea aad headaches, I had the Kucs so bad that I waste despair. It fa a pleasure to tell you that Lydia K. Pinkbam Vegetable Compound tan cured ms. The change hi asy appearance- woe derful and, I desire that; this good may muo to every sufferer. Anyoiie'dcsiriagtokiiow further details mr-r1 write to mo aad I shall be glad to give them." If yoa knotr of aay young- girl who is sick and needs motherly advice, nsk her to address Mrs. Piuicham. at Lynp, Moms., and tell her every detail of her symptoms, and to keep nothing back, hhe will receive advice abso lutely free, from a souroo that has no rival in the experience of woman's ills, and it will, if followed, put her on the right road to a strong, healthy and happy womanhood. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made from native roots and herbs cures where others faiL hv more dp rxeeiiei. Brocktoii.Mias TT. W41MAM ww 'mifBXail bbbbbbbjb? avay BBaaBTJwVsF 1 hare W. I. Douglas name aad price stamped on oottoin. Taker Itoual - v shoes. If he cannot sitMuv wu. semi mail. Catalog free. Y1 fta lai Brocfctso. Maaa EC for QuaSty i TLiTaan-al 1 atattwlavtiaB WESTERN CANADA Hew Kstricts Raw Opened far rf Hraaeat Sonw of tlie chsicet lands in tlvt Krai j ciow inc belts ot SasL-M'.be-wan and Albona tv recently becu opened for settZeaent ni.W the Reisl lloatcatead Regalaiicos of Canada. Thousands of Nune Steads of ifioafm each arenowavaiiauie.J.ZBe netf fcsntotions asake it po-;Mb for entry to be made by p-oay. the oppor tanitjr iliat atany ia the United S ates bate bee waJtinefor. Any number of a family assy itiaka entry for, aay other member of the family. 1 may ba ratitled to make entry for b msejf or beneir. Entry may bow be made before the Aeent or SaV Aaentof the Distrin by proay.toa certain coad. tiorslby the father, mother, aon.daacbur.bretkc orusterotintendinc homesteader. . r wliarad aaetton T Dniml.n adala Kaaltoaa. or tho Snrlh-Weat ImlMw. gfjg and at not r arad. nmy ho how- faded ay oa, pimam tho solo head of m rally, or amis OTor My oarsof ace. to tho osasst of oas ooanoraortton. of MS aero, mors mr laes." The fee ia each case will be tia". Chitrebo-. schools and markets convenient. HeahJayemaaue. aaieadid crops aad good laws, "iiin iraiiiiad cattle rabiac nriacreal industries. For fartaar partienlars as to rates. r-irTaa, ftaaj lime to ge aad where ta locate, aaety to 'V.v.nsTncrr. HBtwTarfel $2ffl!E22ii msm "LsBBBBnBBSLBBBnsnBnBnBnBnsnf PJTLESS SCALES I CMbeasaUaW TmtTfWfrTtfl AIYWflEKAimir 1MB I rMDKMIHaCBSjuermo I PVaawaaBsn I yi Cvpehln-workaiBjIjncrtrrt?ll I li asiteate farewr iLtfll j Hi .pSLjZjZm II ,' m Agrg"3 '""tat irminMTat u I.''so2SayUawlZ3a II; I s!?iafclJ.o4klaoMil B' M" "' aal i BBBnBBP"aBsnr1BaTBmmaBrBTl ISJMaaamjaad haaBBSavthaftMal BBsBHssanHsBBJIamTao Mo SStraafiHl SA VI . -1 .M j V ..v - ! ral i i 'l 5-i 1 ;i n s it It reantrad of the life iasuraacewma. 1 am' -The 'mr'wrxmz:imi i i tofadneea ta astern to you. Go ' ft i i mrera the IBB. Bw5LinWlIH BBBliftfiaBtaaBlBB "t. v. - - - y 's-t ,Z r ,. X. f&tht&&&jgSwJt m SVS ? f .& 'j-dAHx ..- '$ts, g'yx v esHi -& -. i Sl-SsAfSstf ? J-i- at- AtSe ynj&!CkVi3&' lSv"K- .-fE-4a Ii5 c,. --St? s-&.-i - i t3-'i.-W.- 'fU ' - AU-JlMxbiyA