;&r - J s.'j ?r --yA nj v "V-s" T "S- V. VS :r.r'! JM j., ,t. , vr . j -. j -a- "t ', ilVf'" 1- i -31 A' '- -. ,HW ' ir . ' TS.'' " . t - - V : ;. & . I, ii J - T y nn !, if. mmUmhUmiik V BBIlMMmMWtiiimmMlnnmwM' S1 " aaaBSnUUUUaai BaBBSBnaBaBBBaaanBBaBBBBBBBBBBaaaaaaaaaaaaassasssssssss ii, OCV08B , mm. s SHKIraBii t Mwww . en nKrlHHb mm m aaaaamBwmBiSm " .,IWlWV ViHVKHiVI unw WiWBBB) ejBWSBBS JVUBnau eaaswisBelaai aaML Then JanM aaswe Baft ajiin ill haa saeTsusjtsflus JgJMjJg maEiLa3MMi&flr. SCBTAsWK Ol IDDOH-Whi ' sanasateumaasnusii i jil iwmmJ fc w Kffiklicu Ticket. CHABLB8 B. ABTOBwOK, J.A.OOUPLAMD. YT.CLASKK. J.aMAKTni. C.K. ABBOTT. r.K.IUaUTHJJL JOMMGXUDMF. J.B.ALCOCK. J.LCTAKRiR. DK.W.W1FBAMK. JOMSHOFFErr. LEUBCHKH,' W.J.MEWMAK. twitti die tetfca ehhninte of the r tho 11V1IM iBwfcwMp i that Us mo. mjJI b m whewfll cnirfiif. the 8eeratH7laft State oBdala for thetr the the State debt taCoav isHroad amyeitif for eity . AheUtiea. ef laOev lawaadfaU aaiiihiiai'a Ihliillli 7. Aamrefaoiiaa dhJryUw. & IgHaoni jte i ahall faevrore tta vorktmea. he aoea work et the atate nOwar , hi itaaSarto to eeeare hatter beiaht iterthepeepfeoC theatate. CaJbtorthe teftheaatiBaMlaw. is. eaKa at lav eorporatkMw 1 be eaeBsad dthnajaof erorr atate where they have fled axtaeka et iaeorporatioa or of the federal law for. from iaaaiaff writs of with with high few the aoatiBeaaoBthe inttea voters who beliere ia. tejoiaiBekctiac - MEN OF ALL PARTIEt V- JUDQK REESE ELECTION mu ttw puma kMaJuwill hi Hk MEM OP NEBRASKA, I wFJf MHf 9 till pMW NEXT TUESDAY JouL.Gibdorf m BukiBguac thretaiBBBibr Uie ofice of clerk oftlMdiatrictcoBrL BciagbomsAd mtke Bortken part of ike , ke is ao well aad fitTormblr i tktn, tkat dsej wast to give kiaB ckBBpn, aad tke people ib tkat Iwadiiy tkiak tke pnBBBt IacoBibeBt kaMMmue afker Berviagtwo cjfjktywta. 0fTWj0TBBl wifl.kTe takes skoe, ao tkiaia obp kat pteeleetioBi BpeeaL Of earaj, we Woeldlike to aee every aoa tke WewbeMlike to P ao tBM tftey obb aee tke M.B.BOHE. PihiiiMjlmili JnaamtJaneue- OjessyCksfc ISAXKICHBAM. JOES A. B. PRIEST j TM IffrtliM Ifato Vktfmi. la f nlil itoli eaniad eat the pledaaa et the BeaaMleaa eaity. m faUowa; L AatateviieaYnetptiaeur. 1. AholitkaiaCthafnepaMeTiL t. CeatatehaeaiTa pewen for the etate nil. 4. MarawftebhuMMfortmaaiiortatioBoC tfcjM mt beeanl a . BifiBiknatyefkBTBagB kw ckaB- -BBaiyeBiBtkBBiBiirrnBikaaikeMaBd ' iiiililliiBntegeeiiB ycont JmBwBv tTb MSB) Saaa, .kelWfB tken wiO ke b CBBBafBtaJi tiass. Letererj hBtiwwByBBaikelf tke Bseiwerk NEW FORM OF XBUST BUST ING. ' TkBctwBoftkBWerBiatkoritiei at Norfolk. Vs fciBBiiait of toe Brttiak obbj- BBBj,OBtke gnBBdtkat it ia tke abject of a tnaeactioB prokikhed by tke SkeraeaB aatt-tnaat law, it tke raoMBl atop yet takes by tke gov- iBitacajBpaiCB agaiaat law- kaatnaatB. It opeaa tke wa j, if tke iaaseoftkelkifatioBtkBtwm follow MidtofitToraWytotkeadBUBaitrBtioB, forBsewBMtkod of dealiaff directly ud effecdrrlr witk tkeae rwlatora of tke law. Tke aeuare waawaade BBder tke clanae of tke PanraMB kw wkick proridec Aay property owmed mader aay cofitractor by aay coabiaaioB,or panoaat to aay coaapiracy (aad be- iawtkeiwbiectikenof) aaeatioaedia sectioBoaeofthkact, aadbeiaf ia tke couree of tranaportatioB fioatoae atato to aaotker, or to a foreiga eoaa try, akaU be forfeited to the Uaitod States, aad may be aeiaed aad coa deaued by like proceediaga aa tkoae provided for by kw for tke forfoitur, aeimre and coadfaiaarioB of ptupaUy imported iato tke Uaitod Statea eoa-traytokw.- Tkia k tke firat efbrt of tke gorera flieat to eaforce forfetare of tke pro petty of treats; ia tke coarse of skip BMnt; aabjeet to aeizare aad coaderBaa tios. TkeextreaaeiaiportBBeeoftke power with wkick tke goTcauaeat k Tested aader tkk sectioa of the kw cannot.be aadwaetiBUtad. Witk such aothority, the offickk of tke goTecaBMBt need aot wait tke result oflosglitigadoBia tke oourta, bat could begin proceediaga by atoppiag ahipaaento fooad to be illegal, aader tkeproTiaioBaof tkekw aad tkrow the .bordea of the proof upon tke de fendant to the action. They coald suae property of the Tobacco trust, the Oil trust or aay other of tkeaaany combinationa and bring the atatter to an iame rery proaiptly. Ia each caaea, the coatpaay owning .the pro perty would hare to proTe that the seizure was unkwfuL IntkeVirgiBk. actios, if the Tobacco traat aeeka to recover poBwesioa of its property, valued at $7,000, it wiU be to preseat evideace that ita coatbinatioae and allied compankaare aot operated in restraint of trade and iaddeatally to reveal away aula of alee which tke govenuaeat kaa bees usable to obtain for ite prosecatioa of tkeao-called tobacco traat ia tke big can which kaa bees peadiag ia New York for some stostha. Tke chief ajgaificance of tkeactJoa, kowever,k that if the goveraaaeBa poaitioB k saatiiaed by the coarta it awqr poiata way by which tke entire buaiBeBi of an aalawful combiaatioa eagaged ia uteratatecoauBerceBughtbe atopped or suppressed by the goveranwaL OmakaBee. dgarv Howard, ia the Columbia Telegnua, k always afraid the doao crata of Platte coaaty are goiag to be fooled by Edwia Hoare. Oar eeteesi ed Edgar atast tkiak tkedenocrata.of Platte coaaty do aot act for tkeat selves. According to the Oaaaha Bee that great deaaocradc atate of lfiaskappl haa enacted a kw prohibiting every foreign bom child frost attaadiag the public school, and yet these southern gentleaiea woader wky tkey caaaot attract foreign inuaigratioB like the northern and western states can. We waat to repeat it again, aad this for the last tkae. C. J.Carrig, havibg held the poaitioa of sheriff for two foil terms, haviag a huge fiuna that hew looking alter lumaelf,aad being engaged in the cattle beyisg baameaB, aad having asade a positive pledge two years ago that he would aot this year be a. caadidate, should aot be re-elected, but J. L. Skarrar should be elected as oar next sheriff by a very decided auyority. Duriag the past week quite a panic kaa takes place ia the east, auialy ia tke city of New York, aad more eapeckllyia Wall street. Tkispaaic haa aot aftected tke west to aay Botioeable exteat Aa.loag aa we kave good crops, and get fair, prices fortkem,NekraakB kaa aotkiag to fear from Wall street. Aad we doubt iftherekatowaiathkoraay otker state wkere tke basks are aay safer orsaaaderor awre prospereaa tkaa awCtke four basks of Columkaa. TlacBBdUdatBi for saperinteBdeBt a mm or lae paouc acaooia or oar coaaty, oa bath ticketa, have oktaiaed per mkrioafrom thev respective boards topkeeaakatitatai ia tkeu sckook till ekesksi day, ao the ib iatervkw tawvoten. We are gkd tease tkk, aad we kope tke refmblkaa aoauaee. Prof. J.R. Alcsck,willaseet maay. people, mr ke imf isssia tkem witk tke csavietka tkat Wktaerigataaaa for tke im- aaMCtmmmws asawaQuaft. 4aaf amVammVammmmmwam atwaf pakHe Ikvoour, Octoant 2, 1907. AeajMucawe ot JaajraaaniaBHBua mat alkw tkeaaaelvea to be lalkd to sleep by tke idea that tke igkt kwoa be fore tke votra are oast.. Tke fawoaiata kave oa their eidexcertaia iBiaeseei' which will be able to coaceatratea! large body of voters oa abort actios, aad will aodoabt pka to aararka re psblicBM ia eoaatka where' tkere aaeaitobeBoooBVasts. TkeaafostaB k air every repebUcas voter togo to tke pslk early aad vote. The reoablicaa nartv of Nebraska k a ideal ooaduioa, asd sever before waaaoakktocomaaead iteselftotke iadividaal voter. Tkeofickk of tke state, and tke representatives ia kotk braacaes oCongrem aot only belong to the progressive eieasest of the par ty, bat they are geanise leaders, igkt- isg tke kettles of tke party ia tke op ea field. Tke goveraor aad bk IB tke atate souse are yoaag, bustBemHke,aadU dose touch with the seeds of the people. The two Uaitod States seas tors are aaagaincent yoaag -men, tke pears of say ia tke Uaioa in address aadgeBuiBeabUity bothbrilliaBt speakers aadleaderaia clean politics aad sUtOsBisssaip. The Coagressmea are aaea of experience, wkose service to tke atate bears tke closest scrutiny. The grand work of the republicaa legisktors k freak in tke public misd. Witk a coaditioa which briags to tke forefroat suck aaea, it should be a pleaaare to the voters to help roll ap a bk; auyority for the aosaiaees of tkk year. A full vote will akowaa ap precktioa of the past aad a confidence in the future. A vote for the re publicaa ticket will be anendorae asent of the Roosevelt policy aa it has been carried oat in the nation and in the state. Voters will not forget that it has been under the republican atate ad auaktrations that railroad casBieate have been increased aad corporate domination has been wiped out; that republicaa offickk have put the atate institutions on aound bask, and have stopped the scandals of incompetent employes which characterised fueioa control.' They will remember that republican offickk have nuuBtained the kelplem wards of the atate in and comfort, and have aot fed . tb onraacid butter, slops aad' wormy prunes, the sort of diet .which asade the iasum control faiaouB. Tkey will skowtkeir approval of tke preseat kappy conditions by rolling up a big majority for the republicaa ticket tkk fall The fusion stptesraea who are mak ing the feeble attempt to criticise re publicaa numageaieat of state in stitotioas are the same oaea who were responeibkforbuyiBffuptwo toaa of rottea butter aad storing it in soap boxes for the ose of oae iastitution, jmd feeding old soldiers oa wormy prunes aad buttorjae, and ejaarteriag their own relatives in the institution parlors at the expense of the state, wken tkey were in control. The way to rebuke tke hungry popoeratic horde whieh seeks to briag oa aaother reign of plunder k to1 vote for-a' coatiaua tioaofrepublicaakm and genuine re-' forpL WOES OF TELEPHONE LINEMAN.1 He Ws Ambftfeus, sat Grew River. Dizzy Fell late the "Nearly aayossvcaa become a good tetepBoae Haeasaa after tares or four years," aJd a Kaaaaa City electrician. "A fsw mea, taough, sever can leaxa tke trade 'becaaee they grow dissy wpsa they get to the"top of a pole.. "Safety belts have been wora only about ten yean. Juat a, little while before they came iato use I had a Bias working with me who couldat learn to control himself when on a pom. He could enmb sH right, but after he got there he couldat do say-. thing exceptto hsag oa ao tight that he left hk sail marks In the wood. "One, day v we were working on a telephone Has close rto towa, aad had a gooaalssi aadteBce watchlBg aa. Tale woald-ss lineman thomght he'd try to aaU aoass bracketa ap about It feet from the ground. He pat hk ax nvhte month aad aamaed ap the pots. Then hewtoppsa.. The-natives around to watch him and he did sat It was ao use. There he stayed Jor. a fansuaate aad eouftat pat hk hands ap to ast the ax. 8o he cease dows again. Hs tried sas day to cross oa a high trass we were whiag over the Mlseoa rl river.. We toM him he couldn't do it, bat he wsbA anead.:aBd. a laat control of Mnasilf and faO. we palled aim misd about heematag a Let- sr he want into the grocery Ctty Knew Hew as Maneaa Her. Mr. Kraft Henry, while at the tewshoae. Just ten amy wife in briag Mr. Topnotch hoaw to db aer with aee tonight Clerk Bag sard- oa. sir. set Mr. Topnoteh k tows tsday aad woa't hs bad teeI know It, sat IfesJ as If Td like to toa JDted him to a," -Ah! lever a reelly asarryaag ef re a - - , I m wa t MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMJ BMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMB R. LU8CHCN, aarcaucAB oabdiimxb fob cotnrrr I resBsotfally ask the eassort of voters regardless of pontics who ta "Square Deal ia MY MOTTO: UA tquare deal for evermbodf ngmrdlem of poUtim." J. C. To the dtkessof the Sixth Jodickl District of Nebraska: . Geatlemea: Aa ao political party kaa adopted a platform for tkk judi ckl' district, I deem it fair to tke elec tors of tkia district to advise them of the followiag principles for which I stand and widen I would strive to my utBMat ability to eaforce akould I be elected oae of the judges of thia district, to-wit 1. "Equality before tke Law." 2. Remove tke kw's vexatious dekya. 3. 4. 5. 6. No politics or favoritism kaowa oa the Bench. Substantial justice unhampered bjr technicalities. Purify the Courts by severe punishment for perjury. "To do tight as Uod gives me to tee the right" Johk C Mabtik. EFFECTS OF DRUGS VARIED VISIONS FOLLOW USE OF MEXICAN MESCAL. Feeling Throughout le One of Enjoy ment Alternate Delight and Despair Attend the Indulgence In Haochiaoh. As experimenter with the Mexican drag mescal ia rewarded by many and varied viafoaa. Before him flit myriada of dainty butterfly forma, gUstenlag, iridescent, fibrosa wiaga of insects, re volving vessels on whose highly poJ lehed concave surface of asother-ofn pearl many atrange aad vivid hues play. There are elaborate aweetmeata in OBdleos end appealing variety, and living arabesques of gorgeous base BBd(auperhuBMB deaiga. He auy take ap a pea for the par pose of making notes, but will And himself unable to use It A pencil, however, proves easy of manipulation. Aa he writes hk paper k covered with s soft, golden llghLand his hands, seen indirectly, appear bronzed, scaled, fantaatically pigmented and flushed with red. Tiring of the vktona, he may light the gaa, which immediately fllhi the room With a glorloua radiance, while wonderfully colored ahadowa of red, green aad violet flit here end there. Generally, it ia said, no feeling of de pression or physical discomfort fol lowa the dream. A medical experimenter in Ken; tacky, aooa after taklBg a huge dose of haacmach, began to feel very ex cited; n feeUng ef finer joyoBsaess possessed him; all fatigue seemed beatehed forever, and hk mind ran riot oae bizarre Idea, after another rapidly paaalag through hk Later hk brain seamed split la parte, ose.of which urged him to the performance of comic gestures, while the other aa iaalsteatly hinted aa Im pending death, aad suggested restralat and Instant medical advice. While waiting for a doctor he expe rienced alternate spells of lucidity, and periods when all connectlona be- hlBjeolf aad the outside world to be severed, whes a chaos of dkjoiated Ideas and wild reveries obsessed him. The duration of these tatter periods was never longer than two auBBtea, bat each aeemed' aa eternity. It appeared a hopeless teak to follow the aunato hand of his watch daring ita Infinite round; long before the ft eaeoade bad elapsed he gave up the atapeadoas task is deep despair. The departure of the doc tor aynchronlaed with the return of the feeling of laapeadmg death, bow asost horribly tatease. He Imaglasfl himaelf surrounded by msnsciag, cruel-vieaged He felt himoelf irriH'itg dUattag. dkeotvmg Isto space, aa he ascsadsfl steep precipices, covered with Brobdlgneglan cieaturea eome- Mke lizards, overhanging eaor abysses, the white he waa over- by a herrible, rending, unat- deepelr. The HabKa ef Wolves. Tke range of n pair of wolvee te of from ate to tea aulee fas hunter leans that welvee lean aeea and heard la a eer- locasty H may take several days of acoutlag before the dogs caa be get oa the trafl. The hunter mast look for signs In soft or The old lady wolf win, as a rate, go to the asarsst water to driak when leaving tke den, or go to get a drink as ahe returns from the hunt before going to tho dee, end its loan! Ky le often fsaad oa account of that A wolf trnek t from that of a ins two neat toensue are m the track wolvee are Mfrlghteaed, amklng a track that at ahBBty ateaes thetraokefa JOHN " 0LD-T7ME BASEBALL OREAT GAME FLAYED NAFOUS IN f. AT When the Jefferson Met the MenMsrs aaa Had as Work aa WI Oaiags ef Men Who Are SInee "In the early days of bsaeban it a wonderful thing' for our locaj teema to make visits to other towm dUes, aad our embryo tourists regard ed the trip down to AaaspoMs, where they met the future rulers of the as a top aotcher" said old Musty Rec ord aa a scanned the copy at the aportlBg edltora desk, according to tke WaahiagtoB Star. "It waa a pretty long trip la those Toa had to get ap witk the If yoa wasted to reach AunapoHa the same day. as the then fast going Bultteaors A Oats only had one train oat thut .connected with that alr Hue that worked its way from tho juac ttoas sad stopped at every stgasL like our oM-tiaae kersa cam. "Tke first team to visit aaaasolia tke Hvetar baneh of tke JeteraoBS, whs to tho frost la ISM aa tke leading ex-' aoaeate of their class of ban Tale visit took place day. ao yoa caa aee here alas that oa that aattonnl holiday baseball was the reel thing, though at thia scograsslve period It k football. Ia honor of the That great presaraUose wen our gallant naval eaacera to afialr notable. The naval acadeaay ekapi tkeawelveB the Monitors. In perhaps, of the then new craft the aavy had made historic, aad their uni form consisted of white flannel shirts aad knlckerbockera trimmed with blue, and blue stockiaga, unite prise for tke visitors, an the JesTer aona at that time, as aaost of the clubs elsewhere, except the faaeoue Stocktaga, were still weariag trousers as a part of their aaiaxm. ' "The game waa exceptionally bril liant for those ways. Some of fks fieldiBg catches of the midahfpmaa would reflect credit on the best pro fessionals now before the public sad would warrant extra space ta today's writeupe aa phenomenal. . Midshipman Camosn, afterward Ad miral Calhoun, played ate posltton like n Lajole, aa he went after sad tared everything that came hk with the ease and elegance ef n aoaed player, walk the backstop work of Dillingham waa as good as 'Dag A Moos showed with the mmoue Red Legs of nsriBsatl. Walawright, at left field, waa the ad.mlrsttos of the large, crowd, hk exeeDest work brlngV iag out asplansa from the JeEereoas. : "The Jeflersoas won the gams oa their sserlte, but at required the beet Individual aad collective work of the teem to surpass that of the saddles. Their clean-cut of friends, even among tan ;kow hard It te for ctviliaas aa mipreestoB oa the fair i brass buttons are. around. . "Thte opening event hi athletics at the academy waa aooa followed by visits from the other orgaalmMoBB ef Baltimore aad Washington, Is which not only baseball played as Important part, bat boat races sad other sporta included. These have sees asatn- hese aaaay ysara, aad it le rs- rkubte that tt per eeat ef the shlpsaan who havs figured an tk sale of athletlea havs also filled alcass la the history of our couatry and be- famouB In wnr and the devslos- of the t aetlnaal asthma fc probably the oahr oae that adopted as the rosuK of ai petition. The assstcal eommlftee ap poiatod te do the first rough work of selection, rejected all the aal seat is except two, the respective ita ef which were lett aer the himself as ewtermme. Oae was by Glinka, the renowned eompossr of "Life for the Czar;" tho other was by LvoaT. Glinka's anthem was thorough ly MBSBtaB In character, aad ia the of n march; LvoaTs waa aebrs bat mach lees original. Hs ywevor, that n highly nuntary style of InetrunkeataUsatloB would ap peal to the Imperial ear. aad hk dnsma aad trumpets decided Nkholaa te favor of tt. Easily abstained. The dty an "Look here!" he Marled. "Tou told Brthat yoa dMat pat water at your milk. I fous4 live evidenss te the asst paiL" "Live evidence," drawled the eM faraaer. bmadly. rWnntwaasL borr "Why, I found n frog." The old faraesr teagbed aad hk hmg yellow whiskers. ' "Ha, ha! Don't let that worry yoa," he aaawered. "That thar frog eaase from the food of the old brindte cow." "Aad what has aha heea eatiagr "Hops!" oae knows wwlawJ 1 lawsfjs -It aeeaas sneer." rsaseiliU thoughtful thlaker, "that hamn are need oaly la the summer." "What's Sneer about It?" en the deaae persoa. "The experience of the average would lead him to believe they built for the fan." explained thoughtful thfTiW. the tke A Street Car Aevestsre. m Amdy satereda Batttesore street ear aad, Juat se ahe was about to ait down, the car gave a lurch, throwing I her mte n gentsnan'a la Qsiikly .- . . , asarter af ware al-r m. a i AAHia Mar" mnannr- aa pi lanujltj lamifrTai -7Ht mU. I the mdy.1 flas asdeteeaa emarear I pea tt te hte peeaet. Ma.Bmlkai eean J '!-?--Baansasasaaan aaa aaaai aaaaaaamasnaasB, awsaaaaaBawawaswH nmV' ar1,Mme am . aaMMBBw aw naV smV ' - A PAI-CjAirMI BamBmBmBm-TS&nfnal aBsmmmmnmaamBBBam aad . BBwammmVaWaf nammammmmmijBs AaaBaBvaawmaaapaa CearrisfctUaTarBf VtisaS Bnthcta LV7 Milwaukee. J.I. COLUMBUS, Honey produdsg ia only oae of the misslias of the bee. Indeed, for actual profit, the honey le at n aslnor item. Seme years ago I moved to a small place ap the Hudson river. I wanted n bee farm and selected for that pur pose s spot among apple, cherry and pan trees, sesse of which had sever horse fruit, others none for years paoL My landlord toWnte I might cut down certain trees, es they worthless, sad hs Intended out some fine nursery stock. ' Being busy I did not cut the trees down. They blossomed freely and of we paid ao further heed to aaa to break btooaas by the armful whoa we wasted floral deco- The thsuj trees were, much to the owner's astonishment, loaded with very large, serf est fruit. He could not understand it; sack a thing had not happened for yeera. Early in the autumn while waiting for a awarm of bees to settle I ob- sd n number of fine npplea upon of the smaller condesaned trees. the landlord's attention waa called to them he waa completely mys tified aad called ia his neighbors to the wonder. Later we gathered from thte tree ly a barrel of the finest fail pip pins ever sees an that vicinity. No argument would convince the asna that them pesky bees" had any thing to do with the yield of fruit on the piece. He insisted that some sort of fertiliser must have bees used. anaee that time I have demonstrated by scores of experisaests that trees which had for many seasons borne lit tle good fruit, or possibly none at all, save been brought up to n high standi ard of productiveness by the presence of bees. They carried the pollen, f er- ths bsoseoms aad a bountiful ths result. of the honey crop, every fruit grower should have s few col or bees. If when the Moom sea ls past there te ao little nectar la flowers that the bees mast hs fed It la n decided economy to feed LAKE Correct aaaamamBaamsswM BEES MAKE FRUIT GROW. k VwVlwwJJf aWMal aWeaaasK wm tw9 a'a'wMlwas srepwsw SBWefty InMCtsaW Ktaated 15 miles from Truekee oa tke Main Lsae of 'ill Ovtrlutf Rill. Stopovers permittes oa Rnflrosa aad Pullman Tick em. CossectioBa made witk tkemmoaaUsMa PndBctraTweOverluswLlBitte'' aad otker Tkroefk Traks. The Place . G. BROWN. isl j n ut a matter ol the price but pii?e ly a qoestioii of aloe receiTed. COespcloUaeBhaTe little or no Yatae. Oood oaothes are the 011)7 kind worth IiaTiiig--be-canse yon get a deflnate iturnonyoiiinTeBTtment Kyouwanttobeaniiwthat yoa get good clothes isn't it just as important to be pavrtknilar about where yoa get them? This is strictly a store of good clothes lor men and there's an tamest dollar's worth for erery hondred cents you potto tlie Aver ments we selL GALLEY NEBRASKA. Dress For Men a strict se- valus of aaLtts, Ms Fa sssbi la Beautiful Belgium Neither are there Mieaearks of the up by fairly the tea da are cut oat of them, an tt were, es that when you are waauag m tae country of valley, with banks on either side ef The things that are chiefly cultivat ed ia Belgium are the beet rest, for making the cheaper hted of sugar, you know, and yoa can aee field upon field of their reedy-greea stretching, on either side ef yen walk alosg Flax le amo mach grows ever there, aad la summer time the fields ere such s pretty sight when the pels blue fiax. blossoms are out is fuM Belgian asparagus Is an over Europe. It has white of purple green tips, tths "Martha Smith, the village trees, le in n fine humor.' confided the rural mall carrier. "Goiag to get a raise Is salary?" asked the. city board er. "Nope! That wouldn't please her half ae much as the new postal scares." "New postal cards?" "Teen bet! Stace people are allowed to write ea both sides of them haa had twice as mach te Enters Frayer. The ether Bight little EsM. tired eat by s daya remplag, wee about to re tire for the night when her aaathei told her to aay her prayers, which she evMeatry wes asset te forget. ThJek what ahe said: "Oh. Lord, If yea knew everything, yoa know I sleepy, ao dsod-by till night!" First-ekes posting dons at the Jour aeloBee JosraaL TAHOE i- . f r j- . ""' M to Rest -- . . .jr them, as in cease where masst kaa haest kaavt tsa esah ubvobbbjb aawsna owejsajBBB, sauBawe Vjsuwst veaasaa orchard products skme has heea doubled by their eaaastasre tuburb- SCSI ti A' jh Pi ' n I & &. I T . vl ' 'aT .V 'l Ve V . s j t.V?2- . i. AiJZK w iJi&a-fli fa m )SaSfiag&SSs3i. iSi , rSRa-A aaSSmwagl :&.t?s a Vssi trii mgjufmMMj!' -v