m m. s Columbus Journal OTMTHK Air Rights. Tke extension la the use of the mil itary balloon has led Germaa legal aad ariMtary writers iato some later estiBg discussions regarding the boy ereiga rights ia the air. The entrance of aa anted force of one nation iato the territory of another withoat spe cial perarisakm is forbidden; bat if a war hallooa carrying bombs should be driven across the German frontier into the apper air of France, what right would the French have to Are poa the airship? It has been sug gested that aa international agree-. Mat aright be reached under which the air above a given distance, say two miles, should be regarded as neu tral. Jast as the ocean three miles front ahore Is free to all nations Of coarse there would at once arise the questioa whether the two miles re ferred to sea-level or to the level of the land above which the balloon was sailing; or. to carry into the air the contentions of the British respecting headlands and sea neutrality, whether the three-mile limit was to be meas ured from, the top of the highest mouataia. peaks in a given country. If ballooning .should be pursued as a sport, aa rich men now use the auto! mobile, this question of rights in the air will grow serious for every house holder who in theory owns a pyramid the apex of which is at the center of. toe earth and the base on the outer most rim of infinite, space. But if the theory Is carried, too far, the man would have a good case against the stars for trespassing. on his aerial do main. There must be some point, de clares Youth's Companion, between terra Anna and infinity at which space becomes common property. ' He certainly must have been a man of method who won the lady fair after proposing jast 24 times in four years. If he hadn't marked them all down how would he know the exact num ber of proposals? Maybe he kept a diary ia which there were 24 entries scattered at intervals reading like this: "Proposed to Maytne to-night. Nothing doing." The average man who wias oat a girl after she has told him that she can't bear to have him aboat the place doesn't know jast how many times he has proposed be fore he gets the answer he was look ing for. A man who feels that way gets started and if he doesn't propose 24 times every' night he calls' the girl fears that his love is growing cold and that maybe she would better grab him before he changes his mind. Twenty-four proposals are not many to scatter over a period of four years. The average man would feel that he was just getting started after propos ing to a girl as often as that The action taken by the Boston ed ucational -authorities indicates the growing attention paid to protecting the health of pupils. Radical changes have been made, and one of the inno vations is the employment of a corps of physicians and trained nurses, whose duty it will be to keep aa eye on the children, treat them for any ailment that may develop and take such steps as shall assure proper sanitation aad ward off danger of con tagion. This may be objected to in some quarters as unduly "paternal." bat it really is In. precise accord with the principle of public education. If iastractJon Is to be provided at pub lic cost It is logical to take steps that ahall lessen risk to health aad la every way guard the phyafdal welfare "of the paptls who are beneficiaries of the system. Sept. 29 New York will have a taximeter automobile cab service startlag with 30 cabs. Six -undred motor cabs have been order-! ed from France, to be delivered at the! rate of Co cabs a. month. Eventually the company will register automatic alb the exact amount the passengers should pay, and the charge will be 30' cents for the first halftone, v10. cents for each additional quarter-mile, and at the rate of $1 an hour while the cab la at rest, say. for shopping, calls, etc. Newark, N. -J- is so sorry that Diogeaea sever lived to see it There Mves a maa la that town who found a package coataialag cash and jewelry to the value of $1.M0. got the owner's. name through aa advertisement and seat k hack, registered, through the 'New Jersey has hrokea the wtth that hcaest sought for la. getting la? a' harry. Mhecrlbsra,! that city requested to quit saying they ask for a aumber. It takes too much time. Sosie day the people down there may over take the .handlers if they don't watch There Je.thie tone said about Well 'snaa'a failure to -make a determined dash, lor .the -pole he has a chance aa try agate. If he had persisted, he let have had another chance. , It is said that the hand-made famine will this year turn Its attentioa to And yet there ought to be ufamarV law la the land to ap with its workings. .A CMeago BoUeemaa has MMM0H ? -a uBssaaw anwir-rn mmm asaae aa arrest Thy praay. The arrested maa w fiaawtyaa he wilhag to take his - s aayasg aMjaeaMawea to atMrs f r -- m THE. CHiDUl CROPS THREMUATtt;b THAYER. ' AGE YIELD IS REPORTED. THE FAKMERS DO NOT LOSE Increased Prices far Grain. Mere Than Compensates Them far the Da- erases in Quantity Reports tram Crap' Exaerta. Most of the steles of the uakm felt the unusually severe wiater el ltdC-7, and the elects jof the succeedlag lata spring were everywhere apparent Cora was planted two aad sometimes three times, the wiater wheat suffered aad 'generally there was a nervous feeling as the retarded growth was la evidence. From the Dakotas to Texas .the feeling of dread existed, aad the fears were entertained that the crop of corn, wheat oats and barley would be a distinct failure. How far this was the case Is best left to those who passed through the experience. Natur ally the same conditions were preva lent through the proviace of Mani The proceeds of this field of wheat, grown in western Canada, were sufficient to pay out of 'the one crop the price of every acre of land upon which It was grown. " toba. Saskatchewan and Alberta, in western Canada, and with from 259. 000 to 300,000 farmers there from the United States a large degree of inter est was manifest in almost every state of the union, for every "state has, some, representative there. This interest was a nervous one and caused consid erable indecision on the part of friends and others intending to follow. Those interested in Injuring the country cir culated stories of ruin and disaster, but the effect was lost, as it had been long enough in the limelight to prove its high standing amongst the agri cultural sections of the continent. The heavy strain placed upon it was not, too great; it has shown that the faith placed, in it has been warranted, add The above Is the reproduction of a photograph of the .hoate of a recent settler from Germany, who has been settled in Saskatchewan, western Caa ada. for two years. It Is this year producing undoubted ev idence that in, agricultural possibili ties and resources it stands among the first of food producers. A late spring delayed seeding from the usual early April period until late in May, andjn many cases well. on Into June. And with what result? It is a little early to tell the result; but that there will be a three-quarter crop is almost ab solutely certain. The yield of, wheat In 1906 was 95,000,000 bushels; 1907 it will be hetween 70,000,000 and 80,000, 000. It coald not be expected that June-sown grain would mature and ripen in any country. The May-sown ripened, and this' Is the feature that has proved' western Canada's superior ity as a grain-growing country. It demonstrates that the length, of sun shine is so great that the growing and ripening season, although shorter ia aumber of days thaa In parts farther souta, ia hours is as great or greater. A correspoadeat of the Toronto Globe. THE CROPS Advices from one who Is la close touch with the crop aad commercial coadltioas la. Alberta Western Can ada, in the most southerly IM miles of the province, state that the fall wheat crop Is phenomenal, threshing from 30 to 60 bushels per acre aad grading Noa. 1- aad 1 northern: The price realized is 75 to 85 cents per bushel. The balance of Alberta north to Edmonton aad east to Uoydmlns ter hat mostly spring crop. It Is large ly a dalryiag. beef and pork raising country. The excessive rains fa late August and early September delayed ripening of the crop on the heaviest soil, and consequently was consider ably damaged on the. arrival of fall frosts. Oa lighter soil the crop waa fair to 'good. Oa the soil between Calgary aad Edmonton spring wheat waa seriously damaged, hat will pro dace? a. large auantity f lew-grade mOliag aad feed; -early-sown eats are xceUeat feed -eaaHtyi' "hat htfe-eown are aertoaafy damaged -ami a small' will be led . the straw. , u 2lmEaBBV9m9aBBm1BBafflB&? fwakafsnBBmBBnamsH I&fmuaamwSimaBUBBjmaBUBm JfifSKvfimfMfMfK las from Winnipeg. Manitoba, says: "Excellent fcceercat la the precast iamvrrtiarthexrep fate m1 " Mdfty has been made. The days have keen fairly warm considering the sea tee of the year and while the aneuatet ae per day Is Has .than in aa h mrreat the armla has nwUared weB. The reports from far.aad aear.shsjsjttaax the aggregate yield for the wJMhyfrala-grewtag- country to likely te hehaffje. aad there are these who assert that' the, quantity will be' equal to about 7& pet cent of that secured-last season. Tne, quality will be the lBuportaotconsldera tlen especially In view oLthe steadily rat ing markets, lefcs' wheat? to.-JHwusog closed yesterdayat U.1U4 per Fort WllUam.oVMverr.-The rot and fcajutllnr'fnr wht strikes SB age of lie per-mumefcftthetTeholetwest. This means that the average price to farmer ,for contract wheatett prairie country to exactly tl per huanel The farmers have heea Jooking tor the day when-dollar wheal would rule aad they have K now. Some old 'Wheat to stta coming forward from the elevators, and a little of last year's crop remains. la the hands of the farmers., This nearly alt amJlM im 'to thr eaatract. aad it means a great gala for those who held It The a it The nr at which contracts, oabeb) of new wheat to still aramac Tery wen. when one considers, the coadttteas which It was produced. Out of sst in tva dave contained wheat would answer for delivery on contracts. In ether words over x.Me bushels oi wbeat which wouM ' Jf?! Doesn't It make your -blood run cold average of about H per Msbev .racnsqi ... , v j t i Wlnnlper la two days. The stgnlfieance I wham you picture your daughter slt of ts.M worth of wheat being passed Uiag oa' a beach:. in tfie park with her by, the inspectors in two eays mx me w of an admittedly unfavorable season should not.be allowed to sink out of slsht at a time when returns from agri cultural activity in the west are being anxiously awaited. These figures do not taxe account of the lower grades, of which there were 131 cars. More than one third.. of these, contained milling wheat which would remunerate the farmer at the rate of 93c per bushel on the basis. or to-day's closing figures. The balance consisted of low grade stuff which would show great "spreads" in prices. "The approximate value of the two days' receipts of wheat however, would be .more than $100,000 calculating the ca pacity of a car at 1.009 bushels and elim inating the cost of freight and handling. as many or the modern cars 'contain more than 1.000 bushels and as the freight rate to Fort William is less than 15c per cwt. on most of the wheat which Is now coming forward, the' estimate of $100,000 is low. The circulation of $280. 099 per day among the fanners will not continue for the whole year, of course, but that figure is likely to be exceeded before the present rush, of wheat to the market- abates. . The- conversion of the crop Into money may be said to bo pro ceeding In a most satisfactory way and there is no doubt that millions of dollars will have gone into the pockets of the farmers by the time navigation on the lakes closes. Even then only a small proportion of the wheat will have come out. Experience has shown that the rail ways do not carry "very much of the wheat to the Lake Superior ports before the freeze-up" comes, and the propor tion will probably be smaller than usual this year on account of the lateness of the thrashing season. "On the whole the prospect is a 'most cheerful one. the likelihood being that the satisfactory returns for the past few days will be greatly exceeded in the com-, tng six or seven weeks. The fact that wheat of any kind Is bound to bring a re munerative price this season m the corn fortlng feature of the situation and there is no occasion for concern over tho1pos sibiUty of the 'general quality of the grain being below that ef previous years. The high standard of the wheat raised In the west In 19S5-190S was undoubtedly a great advertisement for 'the country and It would have been well If that ex cellent record could have been continued, but it is not reasonable to expect that W per cent of the wheat will be of contract grade every year as it was In the? years mentioned. If 75 per cent or even SO per cent of this season's yield be up to the contract standard there will be room for congratulation. The west will reap a large return of its 'investment of money, time and labor this year as It did In any preceding season; and" by 'so do. ing it will have .done its whole duty to those who have placed faith in Its fertil ity and resourcefulness. The breathing spell If it comes will enable the transpor tation companies and other elements in the trade of the country to catch up with some of their obligations and the Im provements effected by that means will more than offset any inconvenience which will result from ,a relatively smaller production. The general commercial out look Is bright .enough and jonly. depressing factors are 'due to the position of a few communities widely separated In which there to a small return from the crop. Sublimity ef Forgiveness. George Saad: To forgive a fault la another Is more sublime thaa to ha faultless one's sell IN. ALBERTA. i Oa the Canadian 'Northern, from a point 40 miles east .of Edmonton to Lloydminster, oats aad barley are gen erally excellent; wheat is somewhat damaged aad tfiere is some loss of late-sown oats and barley. South of High river there is an enormous crop. From High river to Edmonton and from Edmonton to Ltoydminster there is an average crop of over 50 per ceat of last year and the price. Is from 5t to 100 per cent higher than last year. The root crop is excellent and the live stock in splendid condition. ' At the time' of writing it is difficult to determine even approximately the quantity of wheat that Central Caaada will market this yearC The threshers' returns will tell the story. Opinions of experts .may well be taken In the meantime. Fraak O. Fowler, secre tary of the grain exchange, Winnipeg, wires: "Expect 7,M,otal bushels ,m1mt,,4,ato.aM)bsaek of, it, good mffllag. The' crop wiir realise more aioaey thaa last year; wheat aad bar ley are Mc, aad lax 2$c higher. , r . r- r ' - I K r J t STIRRED , , . tlw YweBfcr Pttple Stai t Tla Tfej Are aj en Over the jCaitiwi k;d Past . Havana, Cuba. Think of takiag jpar fiancee to the opera without -a 'eaaperoa! Cam you Imagine anything f&pa lavite her to have aa Ice cream anything be more im- (. . - ....".. -.... t: un jvi umiwiu ex any Miriwfiu- tnvttine. Urn girl who has to, he his wife to'ao for a xarriee wjth ; him without asking mother to go, too'?' " r t hhes L C tha i, Caa-the humaa Imagination compre hend anything so daring aa aa auto- ihlle ride withoat a chaperon? Could anything be more shocking thaa boat ride In the moonlight mi0ae with the woman you love? Riaad -nestttnie in the hand of the man has promised to marry? Wouldn't you, kill your future son- Mn-law if you caught him kissing your daughter before the-church-had made '.her his wife? And what would you' do if he had the audacity to smile at her as he passed her on the street, if good man ners were so totally., lacking In' his makeup thathe stoppedi to cbat'with her on the public corner, if he were so badly bred that he knew no better than to meet her anywhere without beliographing for the chaperon to make a double-quick march to her rescue? ' Ancient Spanish Etiquette. You will laugh at the thought of ideas so absurd and prudish, but down ia Cuba the thought of a mother's daughter going to the opera unchap eroned, sitting over a glass of ice cream soda with her lover, going for a car ride with her affianced husband, automobiling with him. boating with him In the moonlight, daring to let him hold her band, bold enough to permit him to steal a kiss, and so destitute of good manners as to tip his hat to her on a public plaza, is S Tf N talBBaaaaaaTi I -' ZfJsiaffll&t BsBsHSasnacKsJ ' 'MaaaasL smaBBBBsssssssSssHswml I cvaMMszzfcrTaatiy' enough to make a Cuban father's hair turn white. All these questions of propriety have been settled in America, and the chaperon has lost her Job. Down in Cuba they have been settled, too, for centuries, but now that the Americans have brought American customs to the island the pretty Cuban maids are clamoring for another kind of a set tlement They want to abolish the duenna and the barred window they want to make love in the American way. And' the fathers and mothers of Cuba, still clinging, to the old tra ditions and the time-worn customs, have 'risen up to oppose them. Family Controversy. It is a controversy between parents shocked by the advanced American methods of making love and the daughters of Cuba who have tried the American way and like it The par eats have delivered their ultimatum. They have told their blushing daugh ters that they will be disowned and dhuaherited if they stoop to con- &iH00k000000m00- MAGIC OF THE MAORIS. Feat That te Defy Explanation. Toaoto waa the last-of the old "to anmgas, or aative magicians of New Zealand. A writer says: "The num ber of his yearn could hardly be guess ed; he was almost a Methuselah of the Maori. I visited him several times la the 70s; but so extremely sacred was his person heTd that it was only after repeated delays that I was al lowed to see him; indeed, he, con sidered that white people were not fit to associate with, as they bad no system of tapu (consecrated and sacred), nor did they regard things which were tapu to the Maori with any reverence. From the first he had resisted all efforts of the mission aries to Induce him to abandon his ancient faith for Christianity. As he stm had a large following who for his sake refused to recognize Christianity, his coaversloa was greatly desired. . "New Zealand's greatest bishop laid stage to the old heathen at Makota. that tree-clad late la Lake Boteraa to which the beautiful Hlawaoa a DP THINGS IN CUBA N ejuer the American wooer. They have told them they mast coatiaue to' make love from behind the bars of their queer windows with a dueaaa within earshot. They have forbidden them to smile as jthey pass their suit ors oa the plaxas, they have ordered them to cling to the old Cubaa cus toms that are so distasteful to them. Aad the girls of Cuba are oa the point of rising ia rebellion against their parcats. They say they don't care If they are disinherited, that they'll marry men who are able to support them. They say they are hound to he courted in the American way. to be recognized as human beings worthy of trust, as women of judgment and common sense. They object to being bidden away and kept centuries be hind the times. -Bold American Sets New Style. An audacious Yankee, college bred, tall, broad-shouldered, determined, in white flannels from head to foot a dashing figure lifted his hat to a dark eyed Cubaa girl as he passed her on the plaza In Havana. She smiled back at him. He stood still and out stretched his hand. She came up to him and took it A motor ride and an engagement followed and now all Cuba is discussing the scandal, not be cause it wasn't a good match, but because the Cuban girl violated the most sacred and ancient customs of her country by flirting with a stranger on the public street, by motoring with him without a chaperon, and because the Yankee, instead of doing as Cuban lovers do, openly disregarded the tra ditions and scored the marriage cus toms of the island. But for his hurried departure with his- dark skinned bride on a honey moon trip to New York the Yankee lover would have paid the penalty for his folly and his audacity. It's the paternal bullet that makes Cupid toe the mark in Cuba and protects the sacred institutions of the little repub lic the home and marriage. By the time the audacious Yankee and his bride reached New York the father had relented, but ever since that day all Cuba has been discussing the American invasion of their cus toms. Say Americanization Goes Too Far. It has become a national problem in Cuba and it soon- may become a national issue, to be inscribed in the platforms of the two leading political parties, to be settled at the polls on election day. The Cubans of all classes are crying out that the Americaniza tion of the island has gone too far. The retiring, modest senorita who from time immemorial has been court ed as she pressed her face against the Iron gratings, of her' barred. win dow, with the face of the. watchful duenna beside hers, must not be wooed and won oa the. streets or in the plaza. The. doors to her house must be kept shut against the suitor until the day of her marriage. She must not permit even the tips of her fingers to be soiled by the touch of wxwwvxwvy For hours the bishop eadeavored earn estly to win the priest over. Bufc-bis powers of persuasioB for once failed utterly. Tohoto sat unmoved, in moody silence. At length he lifted his head. 'Hearken unto my words.' he said. 'If you can do this I will accept your God.' Thea picking up the dead leaf of a cabbage tree which had flut tered to the ground, he held it out loosely between bis fingers at arm's length. "His withered body was naked to the hips; the sun was high in the heavens; no deception was possible. After repeating an incantation he in vited his visitor to look. Lo, the leaf had become green! The strong-minded, highly educated Englishman had no belief in either Tohoto or his pow ers, yet by some mental Influence the decrepit Polynesian was able to make the virile white maa believe that what he saw was a fresh, green leaf; yet It was in reality still a dry. brown one. Quite a aamber of womea ia Ger- are devoting theawelves-to-the art ef coaductiag heads, aad orches tras. . ,' . ;w ..... ,- vows have been marmuredv. These are the .cries that jare raised by the mothers and fathers ef Cuba, aad the pretty seaorKaa are muttering, complataiagly; for 'already they have grown to like the American way. It's less trouble aad 'the tore story moves more rapidly to the "flals. There are not the long, agon izing hours behind tthe barred win dows .with the face of the watchful: critical duenna there, too. There is real romance In the America- way. the girlish hearts cry out romance such as the warm hearts of the senoritas aever knew before. Puaim G'rts' Scheel Rebel. Ia the girls schools ia Cuba glee clubs have been orgaaizew aad banjo and mandolin aad guitar clubs, and the parents are ap la aims. "Oar senoritas have ao business to be seem la public," they moan. "Their place is ia the home. They are getting too independent They are getting too much like the 'new woman." And to this outcry the Cuban maidens are beginning to laugh scorafully. "We've been behind the times," they protest to their .indignant moth ers and irate fathers. "Every girl ia the world is allowed some liberty except the girls of Turkey, perhane. and you wouldn't want us to be like the-Turkish maidens, would you as ignorant, as unsophisticated, as ab surd? The rebellion of the girls against their parents began when the Yankee was forbidden to woo them in the Yankee way; it grew into a revolution when the good mothers and fathers of Cuba attempted to pufan end to the girls' glee clubs. Just what it is now is indescribable since basketball was introduced in one of the Americanized schools, since the athletic American girl made her appearance on " the island and tantalized the senoritas by winning soft glances from the senors; since American candy stores and ice cream soda parlors began to dot the Havana streets and plazas. The senoritas say they like the American way. They have pleaded; they have protested; they have threatened, but to all their pleadings, protestations, and threats their fathers have made a determined answer "No!" Senoritas Like the American Way. But in spite of the resolute. "No," a few glee clubs have survived, and la certain liberal schools new ones are being organized. Basketball has spread from the one Americanized school to others, and so have the oth er "fads' of the Americaa school. Girls are being taught the same suh- jects in many of the schools that the boys are taught. Motor cars, driven by Yankees, still spin along the ave nues. Yankees still make love to the Cuban senoritas whenever they get a good chance, and the senoritas shyly return their glances if they are sure that papa or mamma or the 'duenna isn't looking. And of course they still sit behind their barred windows and listen to the poetry and song and the protestations of love of the Cuban suitors, aad the duennas sit behind the same bars and listen with them. But it is no longer their way-rthe senoritas like the. other way and "many a handsome senor has lost the hand or his loved one because he was not bold enough or brave enough to run the risk of a parental bullet to satisfy his senorita's whim for Ameri can made love. Where it will end the triangular struggle between the parents, the senoritas. and the American ways no one is ready to predict, but it is a safe bet that the struggle has only just begun, for already there are signs in Cuba, in the progressive schools built by American enterprise and capital, of the approaching introduction of co education. And that, as everybody in Cuba knows, will be the last straw. It will become a question of obedience or of open rebellion against parental authority, aBd will the senoritas win or will the palm of victory fall to the solicitous mothers and fathers of Cuba who are clinging so technically to the old traditions and customs? It will take an election to settle the question, say the wisest of the Cu bans. Imagine an election, a national election, to decide how girls shall make love! Kind to His H "A certain American boys iastitu tloa boasts a brass band made- up of the boys of the school. The band had been engaged to play at a village some distance from the school, and a wagonette had been hired to take the boys there. On the way the young leader of the band suggested that they should "have a tune." but the driver of the wagonette at once objected. "No toons while I drive," he de clared. "But why?" persisted the mas!-1 Hans. "Snrelv the horses wouldn't I run away?" "No," said the driver, "they wouldn't!" "Then why object?" "Simply becos the poor beggars couldn't ran away if they tried." was the grim retort. "Their runnia'away days' is over, aa as long as I drives yoa ain't agoia' to take ao mean ad vaatage of em! That's why I aez ao tooaair , The toys subsided, aad there "aa teams" oa that Joaraoj. amiaBUBBBBBkl VL-'BBaBaaasssBJB-' " ;'r ' ' ' BUS mrXBr JXT Travelers return lac from Faglaad tofl of twevhabsti ef ana aeophet that comttry which Impressed them. One at the average Fagllshman'a averalea to shotting; the door behind abm. "I don't know how K ia ia the Eag ttau auaaes." remarked oao who re tamed recently fvom .ahread. "for I waa not ft one of thorn, oat I stayed ia a hotel ia Leadoa where there wore sway FagWah people, aad a times daily 1 had to get op aad shut a door to keep the draught away. "It dtdat snaki whether it waa a who weat throat, the deer waa left oaoa. This' waa ha tha sating of the year, too, whew the weather waa chil ly. I Boticed the same thaag a, rail way coaches aad hotels of smaller towns." The other Faghsh pscoljorifq is a prefereace for riding backward oa trains. The Fnghehmaa wMI make for the seat with Its hack to the engine every time, plant hhmself dewa ia it with every . evidence of comfort aad look wonderfagly atv aayboay "who picks oat a seal facias the direction the train is going. Not once dM oao American traveling ia Eagiand see a aative choose a seat facias the front of the train unless there were ao other seats. TOth a smooth irot Starch, you can launder your shirt waist just as well at home as the steam laundry can;, it will have the proper stiffness and finish, there will be less wear and tear of the goods, and it will be a positive pleasure to ase a Starch that does act stick to the iron. Reciprocity. "Every father thinks he has the finest baby in the world." "Yes answered the cynic, "and once In awhile, but not nearly so often a baby grows up to think it has one of the finest fathers ia the world." Their Natural Place. "Don't you believe balloon inven tors are visionary people?" "Well. I must say. that as a rule,' they are usually up in the air." Chnaha Directory The Lowest Death Rate of any Americaa Compear is enjoyed by the Bankers Reserve Life Co. of OMAHA. NEBRASKA. Thereby increasing" the profits of the po! icy hold ers. Get a policy. Good positions available for reliable agents. B. H. ROBISON. President We are sole Nebraska agents for the Ostermoor Mattress the kind that never mat or pack. An extra heavy, patent Elastic Fek Oster moor in French Art Twin ticking, soft and luxurious, shipped anywhere ia the state, freight prepaid for $15.00 They are absolutely sanitary, gersn-prooi and water-proof, and can oe cieanec a brush, soap and water. OwCHARD & WHJKUs OMAHA, NEB. SOLS STATE AGXNTS vhh WE WANT CREAM Yo Wapt More Homey If we have ao agents in your town, ship direct or write as. We also bey BUTTER AND EGGS KOtSCHBKAUN a SONS OMAHA. MSB. HiDES-t-'-FURS That.!. a Far Oa. Highest prices. No Fan information, t oa aopKcatJon. A trial i you tnat it pays to amp as. KffsMUBIssCtllS you are Ship Your Cro to the Fa Omaha, Nebraska. - BYea Year LIVE STOCK Sup to ALEX C MKHAmUi A SON u Burnt Ciiswiisi una i Se.OBMhs.Hckw 93 Te 1 NDREWS' PLUGS Mlao O orsssrvs . le-w rise. As 5P5fl31tii A SKSTOSN.HKS 0TBIN6 AND CLEAHTM6 Write for earjsteelM ass lfcrMMn djelB of all Uses ef wcsrls ssmjwI ova fcriBrsrtelvwMeaadcMrta (Mi do JtMtRMI, will Beb. WESTERN LAMOg-H Jo in STEAhT EMPLOTMENT prices sBfusshed .Jfc. TMX rJKMf THAT IsKMffa MaT SehVH -., PI bM I WVB Aif.4MH.aMMMitnrii ZaNBjgB9BLina.Ba.tinftOT.gtoMMIIaSmaSn.Wffc MTTafMaVDa .MS-M. JVStUaS kWe. CO. (JUf Oaiai.Sai metmVoioimao.vmmmtm n jvmr mums, aplck. Write far pls.msM ii iiidiUis. jgSjarafcg5&S IT : rr .. -r' i : 'Si u - R T4 . Zf. .X2 .- Jl-.JTf rtJLS.'.iJJ-' flxtt3iS .-x . .V43 VgmA Or5p.K .-.-T- . i.r 'A i."w"rr..i. ir-, Nt- &. J. ,- sal Mi tasMBY--