SlisHkit j&2r- ?& t-rf t3f r?T - i s - v fT', '' - - " r- V - -jb1 Vj . , f V? -, 5 r ;V v i ijr . Ooniolidttfced with the Columbus Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1, 190& 4 VOLUME XXXVliL NUMBER 30. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1907. WHOLE NUMBER lt876. Wwmm PHlwMOwaaaaaFmaSWPaaaBaBaBB : Jasis sns'ia? F3HBaaaw?2vK'8SM oks $ j??&sa !SNB?R:??sf a.t sws twsaf mpt- . .m A tmmmf wmwr - A a mv m jKb-.vJ' .1 - '. 7Wm .awe - , ar .. . m t annnnnnamu masnuw' 1 t' - m l$X ' .? I lr -v If Rr t- k i Becher. S Hookenberger fc Chamber! t i KKmRn .KM. ESTATE All 1MB. m Wbaeever desiring MvestsMat n real estate, either farm loads rtowa lata, it wil h to yor 9 intarast to eoaaalt pur ttsta. We 9 niao have mtothI tuot dvwllisipi $ t i at s U h w vukwim iMy yon to comb aad dm as befora i-owptotiag yar arraaicfcatcata. Moaay to loaa ia aay it OB abort Botiea. Fire,, Totaado aad laaaraBO. ! Becher, Hockenberger ic Chambers. -; . commoi moMxn. Uttl o " H0aj 3R& Sya 72 Oora 68 Biiriej. .... 70 Hosa. 95 10 tot5 25 1 J MAIT TEAMS Ada Files of tbeJoBraal October 29, 1873. 8. L. Barrett k aboat to erect a sew building on Eleventh street a few doors eaJof the Journal offios. to be aseu aa Brastaarant. Two huoterslrom West Poiat, while oat hasting the other day, killed a bhb ber of perfectly white prairie chickens. They are the rat white prairie chiekea we ever heard of or read aboat. We hamblyeaggeet toouroitixeaa the propriety of iaaporting from Howard coaaty a very alaable dog reaidiag there, who aiakee it his busiaess to watch for' fires. If acooanta be tree, he wnald aiake a good fire watehataa. Aaaoag hie list of aecoaipliBhBiBBtaw is Trains oa the U. P. paaa thia poiat so hastily that we aeldoai laara the char acter of freight or paaaeagera. ualass de atiaed for Colaaiaaa. fferJaam froai the Bee that asfaral cam mi teaaad twenty-three of. cattle cease hi freat the west II oaday ereaiag last. Froai the aame paper we leara that the Union Pacific Transfer traia oa last If oaday saoraicg was a very heavy one, eoataia ten coaches full of psuaengera. A ire broke out Monday ia Mr. Kich ael'e f urnitare store, ia the abseaee of Mr. Weaver. The alarm waa imaaediate ly givonbyMr. John Haber, aad the ire waa put oat by him. Aa the wind waa blowing a brisk gale oa Moaday, it the Are bud got under headway, it coald sot have been stopped antil it would have done a great deal of damage. Every man, woman and child who baa langa and a mouth, should, ia ease the alarm of. fire ia given, immediatedly set ap a cry that would spread the alarm all aver town. Fritz Haerzeleraad Frieda Laedi married at the hoaae of the brides' sister Mrs Paul EjBfli, oa Monday afternoon. NeuBMrkw. performing tae cere- ay. Theweddwg was a qaiet only relatives being present Five marriage licenses were issued by County Judge Batteraaaa the last week, aa follows: Fred Staab aad Margaret llereheBhaa, Columbus; -Patrick D. Powers, Hasan E. Abta, Columbus; Frank Thelen, KatberiaeGikdorf,Ham phrey; John Kuta, Abbb Iwaa, Daaeaa; FritE Huerzaler, Freida Laedi, Col' Ac noon aa the stone arrives the Masonic grand lodge of Nebraska will my the corner stone of the new T. M. O. A. haikKag. Everything ia expected to b ready ia about tea days, aad the ionasina will be nude a public day. The fearteen ledges aad aodeties of the city aad fourteea Masoaic lodges from other paiata, hasidss the aahoal childrea mill participate ia the $484 Will Buy a High Grade FancyPattern FLUSH LAP ROBE this week. 12 per oeot distount on all Flush Robes from $3.00 up. ' L W. Wum - 4sa. The Aaaaal Coavoaatloa of the Epav eopal CHergy of the dioeetvof Kebraaka willite held ia Grace church at Colam has from November i to 8 and will he attaaded by aboat thirty priests. The opaaiagee vice will be held on Taeaday eveaiag.Nov. 5th at 7:30 p. when the whea the eenaoa will be prearhed b the Right Reversed Arthur L. Williams D.D.BamopOiadjatorofthedioceseof Nebraska. Oa Wedsssday awraug there will be a choral celebratioa oftbe Holy Commaaioa, 8 o'clock at m hich the bishop wOl oafeiate aaaisted by Dean Beecher aad Rev. Canon Bell On Wednesday evening the Ladies Guild will serve a banquet at the rectory in hoaor of the bishop aad clergy, at which theaaembers of the Meaaetab aad otben will be iavited. The, Ceavoeataoa will close oa Tharsday eveaiag with a. great MJs ioaary arrviee. The eembiaed eboiiB of Oolambaa aad Schayler ' will reader the music and addresses will be gives by the Rev. F. C Taylorof Alaska aad the Very Beveread Dean Bode of LaraaueOatbadraL After this service s reeepUoa willbegivea at the rectory to which the geaeral public are iavited Following is the order of Ooavooatioa baaiaeas aad the clergy aad laity of the various charchas ia tbecity are eordially iavited to attend. The aboadoaing of the Uaioa Paeifio freight depot this week removes another of the lead aaarkaof Columbus, and one of the aaost iaterated spectators to the change waa Col J.R. Meagher of this city. The old building was pat ap ia 18K, aad baa been ia coastaat aae ever siaea, for a period of forty-one years. Mr. Meagher, however, was aot appoint ed agent natil 1872, coming from Julea barg,Cok(andaaeeeediag W.B. Dod dridge, afterwards general aaaaager of the Miasoari Paeifie. Mr. Meagher oooupied the old atatioa dariag the balmy daya of western sattlesaeat, whea every eamigraat to the aorthwestaaload ed at this poiat. aad they oaaae ia by the traia load, aad the receipts of the offiee reached the earn of $137,000 par moath. Oae year from September to the first of the year Mr. Meagher billed from the old depot 300 car loada af wheat, consigned to Toledo, Ohio. Ia 1878 the the structure was too email to traaaact the baaweaa ia aad aa additjoa waa built oa the west ead. This saaaoad oa Ul 1867 whea the prtasat pamiagar de pot waa projected, aiace which time the old stracture has served aa a freight de- pot. Ia 1879 Jay Coald, tee fsmoaa financier, aad Sidney DUloa, apeat the aaost of oae day iatbe building. Ia Platte oouaty the coatee t for district jadge appears to be nude solely oa the bssaa of giviag a fat job to local repor ters, entirely ignoring the qaestioa of the good of the public aervice aad the qualification of the jadges ia detenaia iag their election. The repabtieSB eaadidates for dietriet jadge ia thia dia triet are both clean capable men aad de eerviag of the support of every repabli caa ia the district and the party ia Platte county ought not to forget that ia the peat the other eouatiss ia the ia the district have loyally stood by Platte oouaty nominees for the district beach aad that their eaadidates now are entitled to their full party etreagth ia thia contest. Oa Taeaday BMraiag the Uakm Pacific freight depot was aaoved iate the new brick depot, which has been completed for some time, bat oa aocoant of the tracka aot being laid coald aot be occu pied. Ia the new building are eoaaodioaa oatom for Freight Ageat Doaglaaa aad his aasietant, Fred Gerber. In additioa there ia a private omce for Agent Brown, which also contains Road Master Wadea desk. The sheds and store rooma are ample to take care of the freight aad all an aagsBH nta madeia keeping with the it of business handled. The claim of the Oolambaa Telegram far eapport for George H. Thomaa aa diaUict judge on the gronBda that he hi a home aaaa, will acarcely appeal to the ettueae of Platte oouaty agaiaat John C. Marthm, aa Mr. Martin waa aa early eet tlaria thia coaaty where heaMrried aad has aaaseroaa relatives bow living, aad who Eaa always beam ooaaidered a Platte couaty aaaa. while Mr. Taoaaaa has never opeaed a law omce ia Platte oouaty or eatabuehed a eeparate reaidaacethereiB. ie-ia. saitiag at Gray's worth ap to 90c only 48c Regarding the fiaaacial aitaatioa hi thia city, the beaks are takiag care of their caatomers aa aaual, and protsctiag' theaasslves by aot payiag oat earreacy oaeheoka or drafts that wiU take the aaoaeyto other towaa. Aaamher of the railroad laborers who weredmcharg ad preseated certificates of deposit oa Freaaoat aad other baaka aad asked for the earreacy. These were refased, bat were offered New York ezehaage, which weald be quite as conveaieat for whea returning to Earope. Aa item ia the Omaha dailies of last concerning the death of Father Kelly, "the patriarch priest of Nebraska, wfll bring back memories af long ago to maay Columbaa eitixsaa, aad especially these af the Catholic faith, as ia 18M he bant the first church of that lie feet the fret ehnreh bailaV haiKiathmcHy. Mr. aad Mra, W. IL aw from vieitsd Un. Paul aad: D&LaeaeheaCeelk4aa4aariet. Dr. W. H. Stater. M. Special' priees oa salad Grays. at Dr. a A. Alleebarger, State Bank building. F.T. Walker left for OityUst Friday oa a baaineaB trip. Frank Schilz aad family Saadayed with relatives ia Hamphrey. Orajr the puce you eaa gat the aeweat taiags out ja Jadaes salts. Mrs. Was. Brewer leaves Satarday for Lincoln where aba will visit friends for a fewdsys. Mr.aadMra. Frank Radat are the proud janreata of a baby girl, wba arrived at their tome Saaday eveaiag. Prof. J. R Alcock, repablioaa candid ate for saperinteadeat, was ia the city last Friday ia the iaterest of his eaadi- daoy. For Sale Haraces ahop doing good bueiaeaa, also ahoes repair ahop in con aeotioB. Call on or address Pster Mna ter, Moaroe, Neb. I will care hog cholera in its worst stare, aad heaves in horses. No cure bo pay. Will be at J. J. Bark's omce on Saturdays. W. F. Dodda. Mrs. Geo. Loahbaagh returned Friday eveaiag from a weeks visit with f rieada ia Omaha. Geo. went down Wedaesdsy aad accompanied her home. . JohnC. Martin, one of the republican didates for District Jadge, will be re- membered by maay of the old aettlera of Platte county, his early home. O. L. Manaaaaoa aad J. J. Welch of Moaroe township were in the city Isat Friday and Saturday oa bueiaeas coa aectioa with aettliag aa estate. TbeEpworth Lsagae of the M. E. church will give a HaUowe'ea eocial in the eharch parlors Friday evening. A oordial iavitkm ia extended to the pablic. Not aaying much, but still doing "Ladiesreated with doe re Coarteoaa treataaeat to all. Twelfth street Shining Parlor. Daa O. William, prop. KaPakmer the tailor, ekaa, dyes aad repairs Ladies' aad Geate elothiag. Rata cleaned and labloekecL , Buttons aaede to order. Ageat Genaaaia Dye Works. NebraattPhoae.- - - Mra. A. W. Clark eatertained a aam barofherfrieade8atardayafteraooBin hoaor of her sixtieth birthday. Gaaaes were played aad a luncheon waa served at five o'clock. Maay useful preaeats were received. Miss Bertha Cover delightfully en tertained a number of her frienda Fri day eveaiag. Music aad aa old fashion ed taffy pall afforded the amusement for the eveaiag after which light refresh- ts were served. Under the aew law the District Judges are allowed their traveling expenses, actual aad aeceaaarily expeaded indis posingbf jadoial business, sad as Cen tral City-iawilhia one bour'a travel by rail, a litigaat at Columbus would suffer Boincoavieaceby the electioa of Mr. A.E. Priest, sapet i iaor from dietriet No. 4, composed of Joliet, WoodvUle aad Moaroe towashipe, has aaade a record on the coaaty board that his constituents eaa be proud of, aad hia democratic ooUeagass have, recognhied bis ability ia a aubataatial aaaaaer by giving him ae of the choice appointaaents. ' Work oa the gas 'plant has been pro giaaaiBg rapidly danag the aloe weather. The gaa hoaee has been practically com pleted aad theeagine placed. The large steel taak for the credo oil has arrived and will be placed ia position in a few days. The contractors expect to have the plant ia operation by December 1, the time origiaally set. The McTaggart ease was up before Police Judge O'Brien last Friday' and took up the greater part of the day. The resalt was $25 aad costs aad a $500 peace boad for Barney McTaggart aad $10 sad a 0100 pesos boad for Tom Me- Besidea the fines the court are coaaidteable, and takiag every thing into eoneideratioB, it was quite aa axpaaaive scrap. -Tto recently financial flurry in Wall attest, which affected the Uakm Pacific, respoasible for, laying off the aaen buildiag the aew aide tracka to the freight depot, and also those who were to work oa the proposed switch to Bworka. The tracks to the freight wiU ia all probabiUty oooa be ipletad, bat the track to the gaa will have to wait. Dariag the aavea daya of October, hna MiHaiht fVtohtr 19 antil wniA.i eight Oeteher It. the Colambaa post ofitee haadlefi ieB79 pieces of out going mail, divided aa follows: 6$3 letters, 2,89 posts! cards, 1,507 aewspaperaad 3,145 piscss of other maU. Thia coaat for aavea daya waa kept aader iaetrae tkmefrem thedepartmsBtaad will form part of the report la ooagrtmat the iTtasssina. Thehojaatthepostomce m nemnmiBB reaerttamas alight week aad aot al that passes threaga the eases. thsa, wadiiag relatives here for aame time, left Taea- frisaaa at Fart ilay sveaaagasr MitehiltnTshr.aad ether aafaai Osaala sX laagjagaaiaaiiiaiiiaaaiiM Why is Jt? I 4 Whea people wish te re member eosae frieadwkh aoaae tokea ef esteem, they aaturnltyexneet the aaost auiUble artialaa ia a jewelry store? 1 This IsWhy 9 9 9 9 9 9 a 9 w 9 Because aowhere else eaa they obtaia eaeh daiaty peal to the artiatie eeaes. It effera opportanities for ' " tbe indulgence of pet al preie Oar etoek la alwaya ready, to the poiat of complete ness. We reaaest aa ex amiaatioa of it, whan in interested ia pressats ao matter for what oeoa aioB. E4. J. IIEVSHEa. Jeweler & Optician nmmm99mmMMmmm9m9m Dr. Naumaaa. Deatist IS St. Hand painted ebinn at Glay G. R. Prieb, painting aad paper hanging. Wanted-Girl for general hoaaework. Mrs. F. K. 8trotber. Dr. D. T. Martyn. jr., oMos aew Oolam baa 8tate Bank bnJldiag. Dr. L. P. GsntHaeon, Veteriaarian both phones 212. Corambae, Neb. BeautifalUne of mM dishes at very low prices this week VQa7a7aV Miss Ore Beard of Bellwood was viaitiag friends in this eity Satarday. For fancy Weddiag 8tatioaery, pro grama or o,ainngcsrda,aoe'tcau to tie tbe Journal figure with you. Paul Gertach and wife, of aorta of Monroe, were the guests of their dsagh ter, Mra. H. B. Feaiaaore, over Saaday. Wm. Boremaaa was called to Albioa Monday by a aseassge anaouncing the serious niaeaa of his brother Herman Boaemaaa.. vVy -"-'- Ohauacy Hegel went to IsbcoIb yes terday far a few daya viait with hia brother Mike, who'ia head clerk at the Windaor hotel. Mrs. Frank Stovieek, who has beaa visiting relatives ia this city for the past week returned to her homeia Seward Saturday moraiag. Mr. and Mra. Nate Cannon of Polk county left Taeaday eveaiag for Cali fornia where they will aaake their futare home. Mm. Cannon' ie a daughter of Rev. and Mra.- Frank Lohr of thia city. Will My let of Lost Creek township baa eugaged in the horse bosiaees at the A. D. ranch near Moaroe. He receatly purchased three teams of mules aad two of bones, after diapering of the large bunch of horses be bought last winter. Saturday, November 2, ia aoaedalefl aa Bryan day at Hamphrey, whea the "Peerless leader" will expound demo cratic doctrine. A large number, from tine eity will in all probability be ia at tendance, and the morning freight will be held natil 7 a. nu- f or their eon venienor. Tuesday, evening Oolambaa Camp. 299. M. W. A., held their adoptioa rally and added fifteen new members to the order. Among those who were present were State Deputy Kester, Depety W. C James, who has been eonductiag the campaign, and a aumber of aaembera from other camps. There will be a vacaaey for the office of justice on 'the democratic ticket ia Burrows townebp. Alex Vols, who has held that position aad was a candidate for re-election, was given a promotion this week by bis employers, the Omaha Elevator company, and moved to Elk horn, Nebr., to have charge of their elevator at that potato 1 1 Pfiischs Luch Rfffihi 1 1 NOW OPEN Hot Coffee 5c Ham Sandwich 5c - Fresh PampkiB Pie...5c Freeh Ctanaason Rolkugc N0TI6E Evsrs Satarcai wt Will ffUVS a CmaMlB sals. Tsakee Peaaat. 10c Aagel Food Tai....10c H H Coagh TaUetB...10c Assorted Chocolates... 30c Toa will alwavs fiad oar prices eqaal to aay ia town, if anf hattai CITY OF FREMOKT,NItJL Gao. F. Wots, Mayor Frsaaoat, Nehr Nor. 1, 1907. Tothevetersof the ttxth Jadamal Die- triot Mr. Ohm S. Abbott of Dodge ssaaty ma candidate for electioa as daa of the jadges of the dmtriet coarl of the Sixth The voters of your eoaaty have aot the acquaintance with Mr. 'Abbott that the people of hia home eoaaty have, aad ia as mashes I have had exceptional opportaaity to kaow him aad his naerits I feel that I should address you. Mr. Abbott baa been city attorney of Freaaoat for foar aad one-half yean, aad ia bow eerviag his third term. Aa mayor I have been throwa ia direct con tract with ah. Ia thia city of tea tboneaad people the legal affairs are maay aad varied. Mr. Aabotthea performed them with uni form impartiality, aad he has at all times had the full eoafideaea of the mayor aad aad other omeiala of theoity. Ia the htigatioa the city has had ia the dietriet Saprsms aad Federal coarts he has heea alaaoet aaiformly aamiiaaf ul, aad iatbe iaaaaaea of improvement bpada aad the levviag of special asseiamaata, both re quiring extreme teohaioal handling hie reeorde have been' approved by the ex pert attorneys employed by eeetera boad Hemaauwoftheatrietest iategrity, aadiBtaadisshsrgeofhis duties does so without hesitatioa whatever be the iaterest iavolved. Very traly, Gaa F. Wolx, Mayor. AtthHlf teheal. The High school basket ball team will play the Hamphrey High school team next Satarday at that place, immediate ly after the ekwe of Bryaa'a epeech. Amoag those who attended the euper iateadeat aad priaoipala msstiag sad visited the cityscbools at Lincola last week were Superiateadent Conn, the Misses Bedaar , Hoassholder aad Dar row, Mrs. Theeaaeea and Prof. BriteU. The High aettfbl waselossd two. daya ia order to permit them to attend tbe meet ing, -j Prof. Huatemer waa ia Omaha Thars day aad Friday of laat week, iaepeetiagj tbe maaual traaing departaMat of the achools of that city. The botaaioal departsaeat has heea laaavaeibrtaaadditiaa nf forhytwo slides for aee iatbe stereeeticoa, dlas- tratanf the hahita of growth aad pro pajatiaa of tweaty typical pmBtaia the botany course. Thia week aada the second asoath aad are busy makiag ap cardi aad thly lamUlaS. J. F. Godekia ia haviag a telephoae put ia this week. , Aboat the best field of oora oa the route beloaga to J. F. Godekia. Itia yielding forty-five busbele to the acre ana tae qaauty m ane. Last week we forgot to meatioa the arrival of aa elevea pound girl at the home of Mr. aad Mrs. A & Krammad. Fred Bereade aew home m receiviag the finishiag touches, also the homes of Wm. MasoB aad Peter Lutjeaa arahaiag completed. Owiag to the bad weather the gather iag of the gewea cereal has beaa sas peaded for the present. The first oae to fiaish haskiag oa the route ia Nick Adamy. James Jenkineon and family aad Richard Jeakiasoa aadfaaailyof Colaav boa were at Moaroe last Sunday attead iag a family reaaioa at the home of D. W. Peter Sehmitt has pat ia a aew head at hie mUl dam, and placed a new $300 steel aeale, besides other improvemeate. John Randall, whohaa beaa road over aser oa a portion of route 3 for the last aeveral years, is bow a candidate for township road -overseer, which oaVaal baa charge of all the roade ia the town ship. Dariag his term aa road overseer Mr. Randall baa saade an enviable re cord, aa he has alwaya endeavored to maJataiB hie roade ia the best condition possible at the least expanse. He has alwaya perforated his work faithfully aad takes a peraoaal pride ia eeeiagthat the roade are ia proper eoaditioa. Oolaaabue towaahip c a well be assared that ao mistake will be made ia ptaeiaa; Mr. Baadall ia charge of their roade, aa hem aadeabtedly the right aaaa for the Bewtels.4 Mr. aad Mrs. Heary Kleaver an ex pected hesse Wedaesday from a viait with their daughter at Glaaville, Near. HaaryKIeavar ia ba3diae; a aew milk hoaee aad cistera. The milk hoaee will have a esaseat four. Joha Seharff shipped a car load of fat lambs to Soath Omaha Moaday. Mr. aad Mrs. L. F. Eby have' beea viaitiag their daughter at Grand Islaad. Mn. Shy returned Moaday aad MrShy D. E. Bray departed Satarday eveaiag Three HaUews'ea parties an bailed forthereute.eaeatJ.J.Beraes'.oaeat D. D. Brayssad the other at J. C. forthaaaadhiUv,fora haaL He was aeeempsaied by Auguet. Wagaer aad Lse'Geitxea. iV ? mmmmmmmm Jj WfilkaT af9laWM9aaVBVhaBaW- - AagaatDehrtaryahespaiaimlisiof tT , .YE . heps to nth Omaha mm .madNr. W Ale Afate IW iht F? Peter aad Joaa K. Dahlsasdt sMpsed 5 raWM t akmdofcettm Wedaeaday. j I ' ' AndrawAadsraon and Aadrew Peter- f-T1y t,,,7,,.!, , t ' aaaairamaamalcadaf fataattleS MXM llllaVW t aadoaeaariaaalof hewe fjoaa IJadaav t, . w . W mmmm mmummmtj, v Joaa Swansea aad fasaUy, Fred Nord- sad family taak dinner with A. I " is Vtfir - " ww mm iiwmu vd M ooaf Cora iathe hail dietriet is taraiageat all the way from almost nothing to tweaty beahele per acre. The average yield will he somewhere aear eight to tea bushel to the acre. KeatanTt, L lembera of .the Geraaaa Lataeraa chareh oa Loseke creek, who live at a distsace. have patap a substaatial storm shed for their hones dariag the water. waSe the owaera are atteadiag ehareh. Gerhard Losk waa hauling htmher from Biehkad aad buildiag a large eattieehed. Road Overseer Krumlaad ie doiaga large amoaat of good work oa route 1. Read Overseer Wm.Eraat has deepea ed the ditehoa the mile east fi old aheep raaeh, eo the aarplaa eaa be carried away. Thia improvement has beaa Beaded for aoaae time aad Mr. Ernst ia to ha an laato Sa. . Ed. Straek haa bailt a aew bara. Geo. Galley expects to build a corn crib as soon as he can get the psatere to do the work. Joha Kata sad Aaaa Iwaa wee mar ried at the Oataolie eharch Moaday aeoning at aiae o'clock. Road Overseen Wm. Eraet aad Was. Morgan an doing aoaae good work oa the roads oa thia roate. -- Jast received a large it of nfivaiCrmy'l The home of Jacob Grar aader uuarsatine Wednesday, Utile bob Carl being afilieted. Frits Jasggi, who haa beaa here for iaome tiaae lookiag after his milliag mteresta. left Taeaday saoraiag for Omaha, aeeompaaisd by H. S. Baboock. ' Mrs- J. W. Oartia entertained a few of her frienda Friday afternoon. A three eouree naeheoa waa eerved at foar o'eioek after which varieasgnuMa ware played, the prise wwaen beiag MmJ. B. Curtie aad Mra. J. H. Baadall. Laat Tharsday aaoraiag the authori ties closed St. Francis Academy oa ae ooaat of aeveral cases of diphtheria !e velopiBg aaaoag the aoardiag pupila. . At pressat then an five mi d cases, bat tbe phyaiciaaa ia charge thiak they have the disease aader ooatrol and the aehool will eooa be re-opsaed. Waa. J. Neamaa haa beea eaa of the aapervisoraef this dietriet. He has at tended to the duties of the omce well evaa to the detrimeat of hia owe affairs. As he has served the oouaty well, he shoeddbereturaed for another term. Thia ia aot hia first term n that capacity sa he was elected from another towa ahip aad with credit. Then will be a special msstiag oftbe board of sapervisora Tharsday of this week to coasalt with the eoaaty com Biiasiosersof Polk eoaaty, who will be here 6a that day. Uaderthe aew law the adjoiaiag conaties an required to bear part of the expense of aaaiataiaing oa the eoaaty liae aad the eom- of Polk eoaaty expect to reach an aaderataadiag. Sofar Butler oouaty, which ia also liable for a por tion of tbe expenee, haa aot respoaded, but aa they have a similar ease with Oolfax oouaty, aad tbe asatter ia beiag settled ia the eoaita, they will ao doubt await a decision. He Was Interseted. "It was ao nice of you to see me borne," she said.' "I hope the trip has not been very tiresome to you." "Oh, no. aot at all. not at all," he replied. "Ia fact. It has beea rather interesting." "You cannot know how glad yoa have made me. Do you really meaa It. Mr. Worthwads? I shall be delighted to have you call at any time. Caat vna come over to-morrow evening? I felt the first time I ever saw yoa that we were destined to become - "Excuse me. Miss Oldua. I am afraid yoa didn't quite understand. I have foaad the trip interesting because I supposed we had the moat foolish ad vertisements ia the trolley can out oar way. I find that the ones ia these can sre evea more fusay especially the rhymed ones which the advertis ers have composed themselves." Thne and tax. Have Changed. Mea aowadaya are ashamed aV solately ashamed of teaderiag to women aay of the little delicate al teatioas aad courtesies taat ia the past eadeared them to womaahood. A. ana now raises his hat to a woman aot ss a tribute to the sex, a sign of respect aad observance, bat saore as the eaforced fulfillment of aa irksome defy. Where are the graceful curves aad fioarlahea of the hat, the step back, the deep how aad courtly smile af the Mvaataeath, aay evaa the eight eenth century? Then It was a tkasaia to meet a'maa hi the street; oaa felt sway of sex. Who Is sow iacHaed to sckaowleage a hideous aisntlat toach of a hat aamJady. This Guanntee Oftrfa Every RexaH PMrklf Thif pvfiptntkm it ffiannteed to aat wfactiori; if it does aot; come back and get yoar money, it belongs to youaUadwawaWtyon to haveit Pollock 06. aal Beeher, Hoeheaherget k real estate ageata, nport the real estate tnaafan fised for thaosVeof the esaaty clerk weak eediag Oat. Jfith, 1S07. Hcfa Wnrliaiaa te Wa MB Watts teKgfeM While, wesw.a neftsnenwlS-na 1 DLyaehteThMV leash, at aw M V8 w ed ; laosF Leash tePC nasiv. wm.. rCAaawaaatslllsB KVSwvd Aufastleiaaaam te Gam V raftas7aB8iB hat . Hair wm AiMKMkl..(WWMk,it al aiaaa w" aataaFaai aaaVa o OOBsraaam Lmmwa LassaVm. has lewtele.1. Miss Bertha NitsehefJ oa a vast te the ham MiasIdelOicett visited Man Gerhold last Satarday. LaM Tharsday the ttriemen of rieiag baptised eeveral aew eeaverta byimmeniMMCIaar Creak, hi J. W. John Spriak marketed 1 aad Taeaday of thia week, Cora haakiagaas heea hi fall bleat the last week. X.P.aadJ.W.Haha loeoeef wheat Taeaasy. Joha Paproeki is haJHiag a i Grass Ctotaa. Friday moraiag. November!. eu, in Grace eharch, than wiHbe are- quern eeleoratiea of the mely maaioa for departed aaaashen friends of the ehareh. The ass viees will be held oa Saaday, News 3th. Dr. Westeott anil aaoraiag aad eveaiag . Series R" of the Columbaa Loan Building Aaaa., ia for eabscriptoa of etoek. Payaaeato Nov., l$07. For partieulan sea secretary. H. H SathM. -Childrea desiriag to take lessoaa will meet at the Man Satarday af teraooa isat aad af on Nov. 2. Underwear UNION SUITS 'We have the agency for the famous Massing Uaderwear, the best popular priced Uaiear Oaim oa the saarket. Prices ss aaeala from $1.10 to $4.50. Prieas hi boya' from 50c, 75c, $1 ami SllB. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS la two a apleaoid Uae ready for year from fOc to $2 fits early while the sises an GRAY'S g awe juraamas aa eaa ussaar i m OolamhsB, N. msaaa Wm9-m.-- - , - --w flL1l-a aya v- araTw W9wW9ww9wWWW9Lr ar. a sfiaaaasaa aral aVBa aa TSnseearCeteuna aaasaaatt, letl aaa w fJraMa98Je a?aT. aav Sa awjajfiw avals aaSw Sv BWSBBawamnj g SB ttMkMt Kaamai latk adi te "sWaamal Bw $ Sw SB CBcaayamle J W ITbhib. awnwb " aaw aw. aaeaay. aaaa SB kmLewaeatomianief J W Tin i a ata.aasw.'aewtawaw.aawaXal . w9wwmw'wmw9wimwmwwmmwmm asvanw BB Ivemkr aval bbbbb aam "a -. SSaT SSI " m -a--i Tut arra n . v-... ...... .............. auwsa & 7 '". i t-v?1 v, JEftfara r I" -, a1?-! ftwTaZfe' ?; iisi Sij CT; -sa,ate2si.i? SrA-r