'"tgtmTig'Q&Z&a&i- CSasrSSif? 3 c' -3.-e'f vfc53 JKi ry fr - '" rZJ. . ' VSL.-.T hi m annral. 4 aaa2ZiT2anB7 jiimyiM jjimgguifc.m' fl- vr 'ft?' Coiuolidated with the Cklnmbus Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1, 1906. VOLUME XXXVIIL NUMBER 29. OOtUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1907. WHOLE NUMBER 1,875. (firunftte B . - r i v rfmmmmm 1 1 t Becher, Hockenberger & Chambers s .REAL ESTATE AID LIARS. Whenever dewing investment ia real estate, either fans lands r town lota, it will be toyour interest to consult our lists. We lao have several good dwellings for rent in Columbus, and it will pay yon to ooaae and aee us before completing your arrangements. Money to loan ia say amount on ahort notice. Fire, Tornado and Accident Insurance. i Becher, Hockenberger & Chambers. COLUMIUI Oats 43 Wheal' 92 Rye 72 Corn 52 Barley 70 Hogs. S5 10 to 15 25 TEAMS AGO. File of the Journal, October 22, 1873. The Postmaster General has estab lished a Bew poet office near the reear ra tion, which will bear the name of Keats catoose, and Lester Wi Piatt has bean appointed postmaster. This oSee is directly on the route from Golnmbna to Albion, Booae county. Neb. A very important and heretofore much disputed question has recently been de cided by the supreme court of New York. The question decided by the court was that a man caa piek all the fruit from a tree growing on his own land though it hang over on a neighbor's land. Mr. Platte Baker has purchased two valuable lots on the corner of Washing toa Avenue and Fifteenth street We learn that he iatends erecting thereon a dwelling house. In the last two years the vicinity of Fifteenth street baa made many improvements by the way of new buildings. Fearful prairie fires are reported in different places throughout this state, and great damage done to individuals by loss of property. B. Butlerof Schuyler, and McOlung of Butler county lost about 11,000. GapL Curry and R. B. Briggs. eeh tl&O. The saddest statement we have heard la one that comes from a fire between Beatrice sad Crete where the fire surrounded some school children and bnrned ooventeen of them to death, and badly burned ten others so that several of them will die. Jadges ami Clerks tf UtetiMi far the 1M7 Fit ward, citjrof Colamfaas Jadfea. Leopold ruth. M. C. CaUo, Gu W. Vierants; clerks, Jhn Pittmsw. J. A. Ernst. Second ward, city of Colambas Jndgas, J. B. Geitnen, A. W. Clack. M. O. Karr; clerks, Chaa. Welch. Bert J. Galley. Third ward, city of Colnmbaa-Jadces, a W. Freeman. C. F. KUaa. George W. Ektoa; clerks, J. K. Xcagner. A. L. Koon. Colamtms Townahip Jadf" W. M. Mason, 8teve Bsrnssrh. H. B. Bead; clerks. J. Otto Erart. Fred Scofiald. Kbsiurk Judges, Fred Losecke, Joan Held, F.rdinaad Serfeld; clerks. William Biekert. George Battels. Shermaa-Jadsea. Ooa Herchenlisa Ootfried Marty. Ed Lueaofaea; clerks, John Johannes, Carl BoMbe. Creston Jadges. G. D. Clark. Andrew Iw son. L. Wescott; clerks, L. Wagner, J. I Brown. 8heU Cr ek-Jadees. W. H. Dodds. B. C. Be. can, H. 1. Bargmaa; clerks. Torn F. Lynch. Wm.Lange.jr. Graad Prairie-Jadgea, Phillip Gearing. Yin eent Wetoer. A It. Hoefelman; clerks, Fred Becher. Wm. Hoeff lawn, jr. Humphrey-Jadgee, William Weber. Sidney smith. G. G. Wright; clerks. William Hayer undWadePmitt. Batler-Jndges, Peter Koalowski. Julias Sa dat, 8am W. Erase; clerks, J. P. Sokol, D. H. Harrington. Loap Jadges, Gottlieb Lamp. 8am Imboff, Joha EiseamaaB; darks. Ernst Bienz, Ed Eiaeamaan. Lost Creek Jadges. Fiaak Taasler, D. J. Cronin, W. L. Smith; clerks. Loa Hoars, Fred Bipp. Barrow. Jadges, Heary Greisea. jr., Barney Slhra. Looie LoMeke; clerks, Ed Koegh. Joha T.Eraas. UraaTille-Jsdges. Nick Vaa Dyke. John Itonaa. Ed Krase; ekrka, B. P. Drake. George H. Bender. Monroe-badges, Fred Jernberg. O. L. Craw ford. Paal Gertach; clerks. Daa Nooaaa, B. J. lmrley. Joliet-Jadges. James Laaaett, Albert Taylor, Andrew Hanson; clerks. Albert Stengel. Martin Chriatenaon. 8t. Bernard-Jadges. HabeK Bsmaekers. Sam Connelly. John Partner; clerks, Albert Cartoon, Henry Ddinmaa. WoodTille-JadgM. John Zimmerman, Fred Werner, George Mabood; clerks. Alien Bennett, J. W. Carrier. Walker Jadges. Herman Otterpehl, Ernest Carlson, Oecar Peterson; darks. Josanh Baett- aer. Albert .t Seriea'R" of the Columbus Land Loan t Building Aaau , is now open for subscripton of stock. Payments bagia Nov.l, 1M7. Far nartiealars see the Secretary. H. emSev.2. Sttstt. OhiMren rlsajrfng to take dancing lisiasswiUanastattaMsaareharhall Last Thursday, CoasUble Ed Rosaitsr brought down Abe Larue, Mike Kush and if ike Sak, who live south of Genoa in Platte county, on a warrant charging them with cattle stealing, the complaint being made by Arnold Oerber. It seems that Gerber who hid some cattle in a pasture belonging to Martin Kargas, which is located near where these people live. On October 9, he had cocas-ion to go into it and look after some cattle be was going to sell. It was in the evening and after he had gone a ahort distance he saw a man walking through the pasture with a gun. and he also notioed that the cattle were excited. He went on a little further and discovered that the man with the gun .was Sak. He asked him what he was doing with the gun and he said he was hunting ducks. Kargas drove over n sand knoll and there discovered a young calf that had been shot in the head aad had its throat cut. A little further on he discovered a wagon with a boy in it and a calf tied in the wagon. He questioned the boy about it, but the boy refused to answer. Kargas 'then talked with Larue and Sak about it and also had the dead calf taken to Duncan to Arnold Gerber, to whom it belonged that he might see what had become of it. In the meantime Kargas offered a reward of -450 for proof as to who shot the calf. Albert Gerber and Mike Wisenfluh concluded they would try and earn the $50, so they started out to do so. They at first interviewed Sak and Kush and finally got a sworn statement from them saying that Kush killed the calf, but did so at the request of Larue They then went to see Larue, who attempted to settle it by paying Gerber $15 for the calf, and paying the tfto re ward and also $10 to Kargas. After they were brought down they were re leased on their promise to be in court Friday morning. Larue and Sak were on hand but Kush decided that a change of climate would be beneficial and de parted during the night. Larue aad Sak were bound over to the district court by Police Judge O'Brien, aad the bond placed at $1,000, which was furnished. Last Friday evening John T. Burke of Omaha presented a proposition to the city council in regard to the electric lighting plant. In substance his propo sition is this: He proposes to install a new and up-to-date system, furnish day power and pump the dtj water for seven cents per thousand gallons. He asks the city for n five year contract for pumping water, the city to furnish the machinery aad he to keep it ia repair. A twenty-five year franchise for the lighting is asked, and he submits a schedule of prices for lighting that is lower than the present one, and he also agrees to put into effect the Philladel phia moonlight schedule for all night service. Mr. Burke and Mr. Heintz agreed on n price for the present plant, which he will purchase should the coun cil be favorable to his proposition. He will then select a new site for the plant aad install an entirely new, aad up-to-date equipment as soon as possible, work to begin within sixty days after the franchise ia granted. He also agrees to place tan city in a position to success fully compete with any locality in the price of power for manufacturing purposes. The scale he presents is a sliding one and the more electricity used the cheaper it comes in proportion. The matter has been referred to the lighting committee and will in all prob ability be brought before the council for action in the near future. Mrs. Maria Ernst, living near Duncan, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Engle, Sunday evening, aged 81 years. Mrs. Ernst came to Nebraska from Switzerland, where she was born and rained, forty-one years ago with her husband and settled on the old home stead near Duncan, where she has since resided. She has been sick for some time aad the last year has made her home with her daughter so that she could take care of her. Mrs. Ernst leaves besides her husband, one son John Ernst, and two daughters, Mrs- John Engle and Mrs. Honser. Thai funeral was held Wednesday at the Methodist church in Duncan. Wojeoh Ourule, father-in-law of De puty Sheriff Thos. Jaworski. died Tues day, aged 80 years. He was born in G&llacia, Austria, and came to America about thirty years ago, locating in Iowa, and moving to Columbus in 1884. He was married in Austria and his wife still survives htm, also four children, Mrs. Paul Wysocki and one son Joe, who lives ia Chicago, and a son George who lives at FarweU. Neb., and Mm. Thos. Jaworski of this city. The funeral will be held at the Catholic church Thursday raorain; at 8 o'clock aad the burial will be iu the Catholic cemetery. As n result of n lively scrap Tuesday morning warrants .were issued for and Barney MoTargart. It that the trouble started in front of the Thurston hotel over some bag gage, aad after n short round Barney was a fit sua ject for the doctor's care. There has been bad blood between these two for ansae time, ia fact ever since Tom started the second baggage line, and this is not the first time there have been blows. ThematterwUl is all probability he aired in the police court this week. Mrs.Gari&auKr,Mra.J. O. Bender and Mrs. J. B. Geitssn of this city and Mra. W. Frank of Monroe want to Grand Island Monday to atteadahowse party at the home of Dr. A. J. Baksr, formerly ef this city. Follow the crowd to the Lyric. Dr. LossohcB Oocnlist and aurist. Dr. W. H. Hater, veterinarian, phone 9S. There is only oae place to go. That's LYRIC. ur. Ui. Allenburger, once in new State Bank building. J. E. Nichols of Omaha is visiting at the home of A. W. Clark. 8pecial sale on Sateen and Heather bloom petticoats at OvtnT,a Mrs. A. Anderson went to Omaha Tuesday for a few days' atay. P. E. McKillip and B. R Oowdery of Humphrey were in the city Tuesday. Mm. 8cheets of Spalding was n guest at the home of 8. E. Marty last week. For Sale All my household furniture. Call 421 W. 18th street. Adam Beehtel. Miss Katie-Zinggof Platte Center was the guest of Miss Louise Marty last Saturday aad Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Apgar of near St, Edward in this county, were in the city Friday, on their way to Norfolk. Mrs. Frank Baker of Omaha ia visit ing at the home of her parents in this city, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. L. Westcott of Craston were visiting relatives in Columbus last Saturday, returning home 8unday. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. McMahon returned last Friday from their wedding trip to Chicago and other places in the east. Mrs. Henry Fritz, who underwent an operation at 8t. Mary's hospital a few weeks ago is getting along very nicely. Louis Baaey of the Columbus post office force, who has been enjoying his vacation, returned to duty Wednesday. The Misses Masie MsgUl and Hazel Clark spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of their uncle, Ottie Clark, east of Columbus. The C. E. society of the Presbyterian church will give an ice cream social at the parsonage Friday evening. Every body invited. For Sale Harness ahop doing good business, also shoes repair ahop in con nection. Call on or address Peter Mnn ter, Monroe, Neb. Mrs. Ottis Clark living irMhe east park of Columbus, left last Saturday for Omaha where an will visit relatives and friends for a few days. I will cure hog cholera in its worst stage, and heaves in horses. No cure no pay. Will be at J. J. Burk'a office on Saturdays W. F. Dodds. Adam Beehtel has sold his residence on Eighteenth street to E. P. Dussell and purchased a home in Lincoln, where he will move in the near future. O. A. Newman has gone back to North Dakota to remain for a month, shapeing up his business affairs, and will then re turn home where he can keep warm during the winter. Adam Lockaer, an old time Columbus boy, was in the city from Saturday until Monday, Mrs. Lockner, who came with him, will remain for n visit with home folks, the Burger family. B. 8. Palmer the tailor, clean, dyes and. repairs Ladies and Gents' clothing. Hate cleaned and reblocked. Buttons made to order. Agent Germania Dye Works. Nebraska Phone, Mrs. G. W. Westcott of Omaha, who has been visiting friends and relatives in Creston, arrived in Oulumbus last Saturday, and will visit with friends and relatives here before returning to her home. The Misses Lillie, Anna, and Clara Ernst, aad Master Boy, living south west of Columbus returned home last Sunday from Shell Creek where they had spent a few days visiting at the home of their uncle Adolph Ernst. Mr. aad Mrs. J. B. Ford and two children of Sherman county, stopped in the city from Saturday till Monday with the Terrell and Jenkins families. They had been back to the old home in India na, where they had a splendid visit, but are glad to get back to the farm life in Nebraska. W. A. Way returned last week from his summer outing in the mountains of Idaho. Mr. Way brought home with him some specimens of rich ore taken from a mine, he ia interested in. He haa been superintending work on this mine, and the proposition looks mighty good to the owners. Henry Ragatz. aecompaaied by his daughter. Miss Lillie, and Dr. W. a Evans, arrived 8unday evening from Youatville, Calit, where Miss Bagats had been during the summer. The pa tient stood the long journey very well aad the return home will no doubt be beneficial to her. Buy the Munaing underwear at Gray's. - Mr. and Mrs. Boy Clark of Woodville township ware in the city last Wednes day afternoon, euroute from n trip through the east, which included the Jsmestown exposition and other noiata of interest. Mr. dark did not think inch of the exposition, but said the ,val dnittlaj was good. Thev snent in Washington and other citias, tsnur stay being honttwoweeka. OPHAX M THE OCTOBER BIMTMSTOMX i Wedding Rings t That little golden circle will look well on her fin ger, boys, we have the very kind you want. : s ay a ft THE TUT ANY a Made under our special instructions without a joint or solder. Just f PURE GOLD 9 a 9 -9 4 9 That's all. We have extra wide ones, too, if you pre fer them. Look for the stamp inside. : -i 4 4 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 Ei. J. MEWOIIEI. Jeweler & Optician P -T ""J-r1- T F(r Dr. Neumann, Dentist 13 St. Read Gray underwear ad in this paper. Jar loose. Spend that dime at the Lyric. G. R. Frieb, painting and paper hanging. Oontinuous performance, 7:90 to 10 p. m., at the LYRIC. Dr. D. T. Martyn. jr office new Colum bus State Bank building. Youget the beat underwear made for ladies and children at Gray's. Dr. L. P. Carstenson, Veterinarian both phones 212, Columbus, Neb. Postmaster Frank Wake of Genoa was in the city Tuesday visiting hia parents. Tom Hill of the Monroe neighborhood was transacting business at the county seat Tuesday. ' For fancy Wedding Stationery, pro grama or Calling cards, don't fail to tie the Journal figure with you. A. O. Slevcns, a-kowab before the in sanity board the last week, was discharg ed, the hoard considering the evidence insufficient to commit him to the Nor folk asylum. Mrs. Leroy Hopper and two ohildren of Mace, Idaho, arrived last week for a visit with Mm, Hooper's sister, Mrs. F. N. Stevenson. Mrs. Hooper waa form erly Miss Clara Inlay of this city. Mrs. Leopold Plath ia in Norfolk with her daughter, Mrs. J. R Carter, who hsa been sick with .typhoid fever. Mrs, Carter is improving and her mother ex pects to return by the first of the month. A good store is a real OOOBOBnW. You do not have to bay more than one or two stoves in a life time if you buy good ones. Besides, a good stove saves fuel and repair troubles at the same time giving the best service.-' If you want a good stove or range we ask you to examine our complete line and compare our pricee.- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Druker of New York City, arrived in the city Thursday Mr. Druker remained until ' Sunday, when be started on bis return home. Mrs. Druker will be remembered as Miss Emma Cornils, who lived here a number of years with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Oehl rich, Mrs. Oehlrich being her aunt- She will make an extended visit with her aunt. In the case of Greig vs. Smolinski and Kober, the Woodville chivari case, whioh waa up before Police Judge O'Brien last week. County Attorney Heneley dismissed the case and the de fendants paid the oourt costs. This ease has attracted much attention in the northwestern part of the county and re sulted in considerable ill feeling in Woodville township. Poeschs Lunch Riera NOW OPEN 1 Hot Coffee. 5c Ham Sandwich 5c Fresh Pumpkin Pie 5c Fresh Cinnamon Rolls..6c N0TI6E Evtm fcatuirdahj Ws Will flaws a Gantfn Salt. , Yankee Peanut 10c Angel Food Taffy 10c H H Cough Tablets.. .10c Assorted Chocolates... 30c Toa will always find our prices equal to any ia town if not better. tatlMGltaj Tromntiyat 2 JO p.m.. Saturday, Oct 19, 1907,occnrred the marriage of Milton a Smith and Delia E. Newman, at the home of the bride three miles east of Columbus, the Rev. Lotan B, DsWolf of the Methodist Episcopal church pro nouncing the .solemn words that made them man and wife. Only the relatives sad a few intimate friends of the couple wit n ss c d the ceremony. The home was haadsosacly decorated in green and white, the flowers being roses aad ear nations. The bride wore a gown of wite chiffon with lace trimming and carried a boquet of bride'a roses. The groom was attired in the ragulatioa black. Tan presents were numerous, valuable and useful. The guests sat down to a daiaty four-cours luncheon by the following young ladies: The Missps Mary E. Newman, Belle Newman. Ethel Elliott. Blanch Niewohner, Buby Newman and Mary Newman. After the luncheon all appeared on the lawn where fifteen pretty girls entered a contest for the bride'e boquet tossed high in the air by the bride. The contest brought forth loud applause from the assembled guests, Miss Mary E. Newman triumphantly carrying off the valuable prise. The bride, a petite blond, tall, grace ful, with an amiable, aunny disposition, ia the only daughter of C. A. Newman, one of the honored and respected pio neers of Platte county. She was born and grew to womanhood iu Columbus I where her parents resided until they moved to the farm six years ago. She is a graduate of the Columbus High school and of University Place, Lincoln. She has been a prominent kindergarten teacher in the state the past three years and was very successful in her school work. The groom is a prominent young business man of Crete, Nebraska, where he haa lived most of hia life. He is a young man of pleasing address and stands high in the estimation of hia numerous friends. At five o'clock p. m. the young couple entered their carriage, the bride attired in a custom of blue silk with hat to match. Showered with rice, flowers aad other things, the good wishes and bless ings of all present, they were driven to the station in Columbus where they took the Los Angelas Limited forasboit eastern trip, after which they will begin housekeeping in a home already provided by the groom in Crete. They will be at home to their multitude of friends about the middle of November. The Journal extends to the happy couple its sincere congratulations for a long and pros perous life. 8even marriage licenses were issued by Judge Ratterman during the last week aa follows; Frank Lssnok, Columbus, Clara Mallek, Tarnov, Milton O. Smith. Crete, Delia Newman, Columbus, John Kuta, Katie Kasak, Columbus, James A. Richards, Maude J. Webster, Osceola, William R. Snell, Ida M. Pittman. Columbus, Anton Freiaces, Geaieae Meyer, Platte Center, Willard J. Belk nap, Creston, Carrie Wilkinson, Homer, Neb. The last named couple were well along in life, the groom being 71 and the bride 63 John Henry Miller, one of the old settlers on Shell Creek, died Saturday morning, aged 83 years. He was born in Weigman, Hanover, Germany, March 7, 1831, and waa married in that country in 1846. In 1869 he emigrated to Ameri ca and settled ia Wisconsin, where he remained two years, when be moved to Platte county. He leaves three ohil dren two sons. Fred and William Miller, and one daughter, Mrs. Kumph. The funeral was held Tuesday at theXoacke Creek: church, and conducted by Rev. Deninger. Buffalo Bill's Wild West show closed their present traveling season last Saturday at Biohmond, Va. Prof.. Wm. Sweeney, director of the Cowboy Band will arrive ia the city this week, and on Saturday, in company with Capt, Geo. Fairchild, P. J. McCaffery, Judge W. N. Hensley, J. A. Turner, O. L. Bak er, Lee Jenkins, Jim Nelson and G. W. Turner will start on a camping trip of a week or more. This array of talent will doubtless make a great commotion among the finny tribe. Joe. 8. Haney, George Bloedorn. C. J. Oarrig, Jerry Carrig, James Coulter and Francis Walker comprised a fishing party to the "Honey Pike Waters' ia Colfax county over Sunday. The boys report fine catoh of pike, and all enjoyed themselves, and came home resolving to again try their lack in a week or so. when they intend to go better prepared aad camp over Saturday night and get an earlier start, in order to have more time to devote to larger hauls. W. M. Pollard of Monroe township was in the city Tuesday on business. He had just completed a deal for the purchase of B. M. Walker's farm of 190 acres, which adjoins hia home place, the price being 9S5 per acre. Mr. Poll ard has been a resident of Platte county for some time, aad his purchase of ad ditional tend shows that he has faith ia the future of this locality. The first of the new steel passenger coaches being put ia service bjtthe Union Pariae passed through - en the west bound local Tuesday. The -ear is of a different pattern front the ordinary coach, aad more like a motor oar, the windows beiag round aad the entrance on the side. Tnenewcoaoh masid to be collision proof aad is of tan type that wmcoaMMtoasMralass on this road. FoUow'iag are the candidates nomi nated fur election in the townships of the county: City of Oalumbas Justice of Peace, Wm OBrieswdem, John Sohmoek- er, dem, Thoaaaa H Saunders, rep. John K Brock, rep; constable. Edward Rossi ter, dem, Wm Baksr, dem. OolumbuaTowaahip Treasurer, Hen ry Engle. dem, Hilton White, rep: clerk. J G Newman, dem, W F Rhodehorst, rep; justice of the peace, LO Draper, dem, Mert Fish, rep; constable, Hugo Sehaad, dem, A M Mahaffey. rep; road overseer, J F Belford. dem, J H Ran dall, rep. Bisasark-Treasurer. John Ahrens, dem aad rep; elerk, Fred Cattau, rep; justice, Emil Held, dem and rep; con stable, George Saalfeld, dem, Louis Wilke, rep; road ovsteasi, Theodore Krumlaad, dam, Adolph Fresse, rep. Sherman Treasurer; George Michael son, dem aad rep; clerk, Ed Luedtke, dem and rep; justice, B H Wurdenum, dem aad rep; oonstable, Henry Grote Muschen, dem and rep; road overseer. Fred Leudtke, dem, Wm L Cattau. rep. Creston Treasurer. 8 T Fleming, rep, F E Clark, dem; clerk, TF Stevens, rep. F F Clark, dem; justice, H O Studley, rep, Wm Weak, dem; constable, Frits Vens. rep. Willis Decker, dem; road overseer. John Carsteaaen, rep, D Holl man, dem. '8hell Creak Treasurer, Emil Sshoea, rep, J F Blessen. dem; clerk Louis Saalfeld. rep, Max Gottberg, dem; jus tice, Wm Lang, sr, rep, H D Clausen, dem; constable, Henry Reins, rep, Joha Dodds, dem; road overseer, Frank Adams, rep, JaooVLaun, dem. Lost Creek Treasurer, Heary Sobei del, rep and dem; cletk, J C Burns, rep and dem; justice,-8 B Allen, rep and dem; constable, D H. Carrig, rep and oem; roaa overseer, iuck smitn, rep and dem. JoUet Treasurer, J P Borsnssn, rep, Peter M Jensen, dem; clerk, Rhine Bade, dem; justice, Andrew Peterson, rep, J L Johnson, dem; oonstable, Louie Hansen, rep, J O Williams, dem; road overseer, I N Jones, rep, J M Williams, dem. Monroe Treasurer, H J Hill, rep, JT Gleasou, dem; olerk. W H Pugeley. rep, John Miller, dem; justice, Fred Read, rep, Charles Miller, dem; constable, T Coman, rep, Charles Kerr, dem; road overseer, David Jeakinson, rep. William Nanselfdem. 8t Bernard Treasurer. Wm. Brovoa aky, rep, M J Ramseker, dem; clerk Arthur Carlson, rep, Fred Sneper, dem; justice, Hugh Williams, rep, Charles Kopiets, dem; constable, Walter V Palmer, rep, J JDucey,dem;road over seer, Peter Backus, rep, Joe Kartenbacb, dem. Butler Treasurer, MikeFurman,dim; clerk, Heary Blaser, rep, Frank Gslue. dem; justice, Christian Wuethrich, rep. Albert Gerber, dem; constable, Frank Cunpla, rep, Jacob Gerber, jr., dem; road overseer, Herman Ernst, rep,E J Ernst, Woodville N O Nelson, reo. Ji Green, dem; clerk, Geo. Anderson, rep, O P Ohristenseu, dem; justice, Roy Clark, rep. Henry Crosier, dei stable, MBWelin,rep, Frank dem; road overseer, H N rep, Joe Bauster, dem. Walker Treasurer, C. A. Peterson, rep; clerk, John Anderson, rep; Justice, A M Olson, rep; constable, Joha Hog lung, rep; road overseer, O J Jacobson. rep, Lewis Jacobson, by petition. Burrows Treasurer, Tony Jaworski, dem; clerk. Frank Fuger, dem; justice, Alex Vols, dem; constable, W E Sohure, dem; road overseer, Morris F-fiitgnn Granville Treasurer,. Jos Laehnit, dem; clerk. Joha P Steffes, dem; justice, Chas Schueth, dem; constable, 8am Lang, dem; road overseer, Frank Huth maeher, dem Grand Prairie Treasurer, J F. Hell buscb, dem; clerk, Hubert Braun, dem; justice, WmHcbelp, dem; constable, Olemena Wemhoff, dem; road overseer. TRBereods,dem, Loup Treasurer, Wm Kummer, dem; elerk, Albert Harner, dem; road over seer, Hector Blaser, dem; justice, J B Kyle, dem. Humphrey Treasurer, Jacob Kerbs, dem; clerk, JosM Veik, dem; justice, Jos Braun, dem; constable, Jos Bruck ner, dem; road overseer, Wslly Kraus, dem. W. H. Snell and Miss Ida Pittman, both of this city, were married at the Methodist parsonage Wednesday morn ing, Rev. DeWolf performing the cere mony. The couple leave for a short vis it ia the east, and after their return wil be at home in Columbus at Eighth and Ernst streeta. The groom is a clerk in the rjcutoSce. having been recently ad vanced from substitute carier to that po sition.' John, the sine year old son of Mr. sad Mrs. Paal Rodak, died Wednesday. Oct ober, 23, after a short illness. He waa taken sick a week ago aad luag trouble developed, which oaused his death. He was bora ia this' city May 9, 1898, aad lived here with his parents until his death. The funeral will be held at the Catholic church Thursday, 'aad will be conducted by Father Scxaralia. Attorney H. a Vail of Albion thecity test week, rsturaing from oote, where he had aeeured a ter A. R. Leedom of that city, who seatsaeed to six years w the penitenti wm ia 'nanmnnnnnmBnnnnnnnnnnBk Forth.! I ay i J We Are A rum ts For ths Famous ! ! m s 3 s This Guarantee Offer on veiy Rcxall Package This preparation it guaranteed to prs sst irfactk;if itooas not, come.buaBdfwtyour money, it bevongs to you and we want you to have it S I m m m PoUockskCto. E.RB msrrangiag new horse barn. John Bonk spent Saturday day ap.N mail oa this route. Dan Cupid OB route Sunday evening. Milton MUkr eeJkrng oa Miss Mary Coupons rtuaday e William Langs, jr, lain Ni this week lookiaa? after kin hm Chaa Coupons purchased a buggy white in Oolambwa Tiiailij Geo. Ssifkia was calling ea ia the north part of the eouaty Sunday. J. F.Gookm shipped two ears of fat aogeto8outhfrnahaTussdey mates,. Augan BruakM reamts that ho will leave for Oregon about the first of the Lewis Newman reportea piusast time at the home of Ruby Milter Sunday eve- John Brunken, jr.. and family Sun- dayedatthehomeof on route 4, Mr. and Mrs. Ja ia Naaes eouaty test some of the oountry. Fred Brunken and Mian Martha Jsgs man oruolumbuo were Anna Beunken Sunday. Miss Maad Barnes, after severs! days ssaiitiag Mra. Wm. Maeoa. returned horns Taaudav. InaelBMn Bros, have 'a run WithtaWthweantiaWI and pulled in last Thuruslay. Frank Cooper, who is an smliUal on tkefarmof Wm.BsoJeu, wan takiaga tioa a part of test aerftho first nart of this week. ' ' w Msrv Monday aigat from SaeJdiag. whteh was , his headquartors white haating. It ia needlemtosaytaatMervhadaameesanv falhnnt. Mrs.aj. Kesemsadsister Lucy of Bokeet were in Cam and. Pierce seuatv. svveruoaysisstweekvanttiag Mrs. F. W. Meyer. MruBissoi crope mwADeUer teen thaw here. Mr. Meyer, she says, threshed forty loads of oats from sixty acres Corn will yield Bisaon was much pleased with that oountry. Monday.white ataOmeJa waa driviag a cow from near Platte Csoter to Oalum- bus, the bovteo 1 iutoMr. Oteusea's( Mr. C4aaeo attempted to drive her eat oftheleld,sheaaadeavieiesje dive for him, throwing him to the guinea. In somemaaaer ho escaped injury, aad wnatae exception of a had out all right, RevtoHe. L Everybody is busy kuskteg Hugo Sehaad aad family ware vistUs ia the Jeaay neighborhood. John Wurdomaa aad Fred have completed and eeiated baras they have been huildaug thassui or. Lut8undeyabouta Carrie Raider's friends i it was her eighteeath Birthday' anal her a ptoasaat surer asthereeipieat ofa aumhsrof eats, aad the afternoon was pleasantly. John Hoary Milter, oae of the eld settlers oa the route, died Saturday. eSJ years. The funeral, whteh waa aeMTueadays the T sense OTQshrjhrew aad conducted by Rev. DseJagor, waa attended by a large aamherof aad aeqosintaaeas of the ' Dm. Paul aad Mataea, DaaOiaus. Dr. Tallter, Oatiuath. R Big valuta ia Pettteoata at Gray's aauai s The Drumymt on the Corner S J Oolmnhun, Retesamm SfttifitfigigiisjigMsnW ltat9.3. to tomU a Urn- mtim. rehearing Oa ar.d after Snadai --- 1907. oar asset msrheta witt ho alaaei oeSandays. M ff fTiaw Orw man BmWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWam -!vjgju,....,..ji. .r.nto- ..,.-.. v:-.... ' .. . aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa , ---ag s a '; i r. LaV, - . pj g5lJIV