The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 16, 1907, Image 8

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nt-k JN
: Cj
" -i .
what THt teacher wo.
.- VW.
anum tea etar? that melag told oa
day aaaa class ia.Xorth Baltimore.
M feM beeatc Mother yean 'me
Mm aad .there' is a strong probabil-a-TB"nttKaovcr
happened at alTtothls
jjilkaiM jseag msa hat hie Meads,
have attached the esBiy ' hjm? an
asusa to Ma dwuumllari. he must bear
jit la the Brafrplace; hols twrbuA-
mama eBBBmBn tBAftViiBHBIBIWVxliWl3lBa"
w waunuwe m . "
that ha
a elara'ofyoua ladies, who had
of. taa
ypaag ladles watted while
'from tha othar atda of the room, where
a had beea the ipegldlag genius '
a class of sman boys. This hi Mr. T
.ladtoa," aaaouaced the supertntend-
'eat Ha has eoaaented to become your
'teacher, aad I am sure Jhe will lad
the poaUioa a most delightful one."
"Surely, surely," gashed Mr. T. 1
ahaH ha charmed, perfectly charmed,"
aad thaa as the saperlnteadent moved
away, leaving him bashful, mot to say
; scared, he rashed Into his duties at
i oaearfaad aow. ladle if yoa" wfll
i tel:aWryor formerleacher mh
ways Win we win try earrylag oat
J-the aame program.'' There was a few
bbobsuhib nwiita, wen m fciifiuuni
yeaag miss, casting down her glanofs
aiost efectiTeljr iurred: "Well, If yoa
really waat to do that .way. Mlw .Grace
i always hissed as good morning." This
I aaaT or star mot be tree, bat the
1'yoaagmaa declares the people who
j are telllag it are meaa. , . , .! . 1
- v
2t0 'f 0N OF CURRANTt. j
teem to Be Exceptionally
Fend ef Thia Frait.
Oar great-graadmothers, al'ongh
they had to pay a Tery high price fir
drled-:carrants,- considered them qalte
iadlspeasable to the compounding tf
1um nioa farmltlea and florentlnas
which were the pride of every hooap
i wife. Domestic 'catering must have
i haea aa ardMWjaaitertaklag hi thole
days, for carrants and other dried.
fralts were aot to be procured oat of
Londoa except once a year, at the an-,
anal fair of the local market towk.
The royal disa: of "plum' porridaJB,
which tt was the privilege of tie
archbishop of Canterbury to sera
tn m. bmtIt mawaml aerelan. Wi is
j comiaasd htrgejy bf cnrraata.thWfnat
helagsewe7str6nr bee?1ioap ep-
(. xteaed wita rea wine ana rea saca..
Now that the order has changed and
stealkMy la tha keynote of the high-
-' eat daaa cookery, we Britons- have
1 trebled oar appreciation of the home-
i ry aad whatasome earraat; aad al-
, jthaagh aVMattafas aad J8mm porridge
', I are jevheajof the jmat, no) jlessi thaa
a'toaa-rfcarraaffW every- yX
j ta tha maslag of bread cakes, pastries
aad aadiingi to tempt the British aa.
petite. Ladies' Pictorial. , j
Fad Party.' -
a., j m " . ' -
a. us mu ugnn a mTei enxer
j talaaaawtf At ja nseaat gathering of
j this aatare each gaest was reqaeejied
to wear aa emblem of his or her par
1 1 rJcalar fad. aad to leave, aa a maniaa.
to ef theWssk, his aatograph and
a peaaad-iak sketch of the chosea lad
fat a blank book designed for the par
pose. Among tha aoveltIee,wora rep
reseating tlwCaai fads' were; a'
mlalatare bicycle, a tiny tennis rac
aaet. a baaebaU bat, a golf stick a
amaU canoe, foreign stamps, a coribas
poster, a-pajatlrrtashanjl paiette a
mlalatare guitar, aad a small rae,
hoe 'aad ahoveL Prises were award
ad far the most afective sketch aad
for tha poorest one. '-?
You Can Get
at Half
', i J .1 .! iil
tiVH 1 v y
--yt - f-fi
!eay,aehool auperuteaeeat
Just "aa. thatr provloas twckr, wu
;dhitarMatT eaoughYThe prevtou teach
,er had seee a charming woma. aad
her loss was due te asarrlage
WasUagtoa maa. .The ehua
. 5
Was "a Little
prided afmielf
sag the largest geaeral latere
coaaty. "If maa wishes it, aa
made. I have it," was the alga over Ua
advertisemeata Aia the aewspapers.
"Winiam.- said. Mr. Brink eaa, mocav
lag, as he was givlag lstxactioas ,ta
a ' greca ' derkr-aa oaa;aBast avaf
leave tale store Has at maldag a par
chase. If a peraaa aoesat kaaw
what he waats. aaggest- soaaethlag.
Aad, remember; cwa. have everytaMg
from carpet' tacka to maaaoleami.'
William's list customer was a Msae
ly appearing chap, who gased aboat
carioasly. bat had ao defait object in
view." "Just kokiag aroaad," vhe ex
plained. "Woalda't yoa like to look
at oor'new liae of postal cards?" sag-'
gested the eager dark. "No, aot this
time," answered the straager; Tla
just a little short thJs.nwrai:" "Ak"
argod-tha aaw clerk; who was not fa
miliar .with the woaderfalexpaasive
ness of the langaage;-thea, perhaps,
yoa'd like to look-atoar line of aaw
and handsome stretchers r Harper's
Oa the' Death af Sabaw.
There' csa be hat aastere-aad seri-
thoaghts la an hearts whaa a
sabttma spirit makes Its majestic aa
nace'tatb aaothar life, whaa oae of
those" beings, who have long soared
above the crowd ba'tba visftlewings
of gealas. " aprakdlas) aU M
oace other " wings which' we
did aot' see, plaages swiftly
Into 'the inknown. No. it is aot the
aaaaowa; ao, a w aoc aigai, n is ngw
It is not the end. It Is the
It Is aot extinction, it Is eternity.
aot tree, such tombs' as' this demon
strata iaunortallty? la the-presence
of tha fflastrkms dead we feel more
distinctly the divine destiny of that
lateuigeace which traverses the carta
to. safer and to parify Itself waka
we call' man. Victor Hegri.
Explanation Was Necessary.
As the Pratta' dog waa at last del
tached from .the trousers leg of the
new milkman by Mr. Pratt's vigoroas
esTorts. the .victim of the oaslaaght
began to express, his mind with jo5b
slderable freedom., "I woaldnt keep
a dog like that," he said, indjgaantlyl
bat" Mr. Pratt broke in. before he had
time. to -say any .more, ."He's onli
playfal,. that's, all," he insisted, and
at the same time he. pressed, . some-
.thing into the aaw, milkman's hand;
The man glanced at .the wad of greenl
and then, as he transferred it to a sate
pocket, his expressloa. .changed. , "i
guess I csa takea little fan aa ireB
as anybody." he said, dryly.; "Bat pi
yoa explained it, I. had a aotiba thak
dog was la earnest whaa he bit that
piece oat of my troeeers." Toath'h
. .Beak Tea Much for Her. J
Minnie was a nice, welMMhaved Ut
ile girl, bat she was ."awfully partfe
alar", aboat what she ate. Of eoarsp
her mother tried every mesas ,to
break her of this habit So when she
saw Minnie eyeing tha agg. before, hair
aaspicioBsly, she. said, rather sharp
ly: "There's nothJag, the matter with
tha agg, my child; yoa. mast eat ail
of it" Minnie said not a word, bat re
signedly commeaced to test, the con
tents of tha egg. .Presently she .ap
pealed to her .mother. "Mamma," said
she; "mast I really eat tha beak.
toor . . .. . . ,
-. .
L Smart Decter. '
"My husband is troubled with is
baxxing noise .in his. ears. What would
yoa adviser. "I .would advise him 'tc'
go to the seashore for,-a month 1'
two." "Bat. he can't, get away." "Then
yoa can go." - v . 1 . 2
a Fall Suit
iKe Custom
" -.
that will fit as if made to
"your ineasore and showby
- me nwcenais ana wor
mansmp that it i4io dif
; ferent ixmtMtailsex
4 pensive produ-ctwDs.
-Come well -prove this
i to your entire satisfaction
. with our superb collection
" of the widely known, wide
ly worn
mWslerM-ahvfjril -
Flue 6lttfelf1
for mens and voump man.
Critically examine $ny suit
your fancy,- try on your
size g-arments, make any
comDarafonyon lik N- The
xnnca,na tnmminga are
thoroughly, cold-wmter j
shrunk before cutting,
everv garment Ts-scienti-fically
cut over perfect
patterns- in every sue and
is guaranteed to retain its
shapelines ancVgt t
iil the new siaaie sad doable
fcwstedsaylss sad fabrieaaf tetssi
weave acta for yoar'salsatioB as
FaU overcoats sad rata coaU of
the styl.uuality sad iaieh that
appeal to exactiaa ssea. ia all tha
ai-to $230
-J ir. .tiiV
' - S arVjf-"- M' mf'say-sWlal JbbbbbVW'vLB1
aa av'Sr'" as ' sa'mT saa bbY' ifmassasr aP-:Lhma'
- paa jBBBBBBsBTsaar .ma'
iMsbi JCtSbsI
.1 - BssaaBaraaasTV- '. - -JM-afchMlssllstB
' JKnBMuHKlfn - f 1r HW-asI ' I"
ssal v i " j1-" MfvS5-aTv' .bb1
gja " . -v . f -pTQ . aaaj
saa. v -X- aSBB, aa aaj
. Baa . - SBBBBWayjr w bbs,
BBB 4BBB-nSsV f Bm
gas -. - -- -. BftBBmw rr .Sm BBS'
BBsgaWaawyT'dsaT.saVarMayf TaaBBBBBBaSBTaBrn sal'
jj BBBBSBBaaSair
Cpeiaaed from last week.
oae were to expiaia aia
back to .ma.. Tea
1, how
what thia meai
he has become to-me
years -of kindness.
' "Tea have heard abthiagr '-r
Not a word." " , J" ' "J"
Brant drew a long, deep' hreathT Ha
had sapiweea'sheknew this.' At last
he said gravely: "Naida. -the trath
win isrove the kindest- aMsaage; I
think. He died la that aabrokea riag
of defeaders dastered 'aboat Gaa.
.Castor on. the blata of tha Little. Big
Mora." . 1
Her' slight Igare trembled ao vip
leatly that ha held her dose within
his arms.-
"There was a' smhe apoa his' face
whea we foaaia hlim. He performed
hhr fan daty, Nalda; aad died as-became
a soldier and $L gentleman;1 j
"Bat bat, this -cannot be! I saw
the pahllshed list; his aame' was noi
amoag them." -
''The man -who-fan .was Robert
Nolaa.w . . ' .
Gently he drew her dowa;to a seat
uSSa .p lum mwmS 4
seemingly dazed, her ayes yet ailed
Tv '
ZL r"" , . , .. -. - i
jwnen oit.' mj aur
He bent over toward her,
bis lips to her hair, aad stroking ft
tenderly with bis hand. -'
"Tea. Naida. darling: K was
Robert Hampton- Nolaa who died
battle,-in-the ranks of his old
meat died aa he. would have
to die, thank God! completely
of every stain upon his. honor. Gat
up. little girl, and listen while I te
yoa. There is in taa story no
which does act refect nobility a;
tha soldier's daughter" -f
She npUfted her white face.;- "Tel
me," she sa!d,-elmply, "aU yoa know.
He recounted to her slowly,
fully, the details ef that desperai
Journey northward, of their provid
tial meeting on tha Utile Big Horn,
of the papers left la his charge, off
- r & f
I - . v.i "
HeHeM Her Cleaa Within Hie Armk
Hamptoaks riding "forward with fthV
patches, .aad of his. death at' 'Castorts
sid& While he spoke, the girl scarce
ly" moved; her breath dune la abhs
aad her .'hands clasped hW ' j
-T-hese axe the papers, 'Naida. I
opened the envelope aa directed,' aad
found deeds to certsih'properties, ii
cladiag the mine lathe Black Raagj;
a win, duly signed and attested, nam
ing yoa aa his sole heir, together with
a carefully 'prepared letter, addressed
to yoa; 'giving a fall account of 'the
crime of which he was'coavicted. as
weU mmsm other matters of a'per
soaal aatare. That" letter yoa' mast
read atbaa as his last message; hat
the trath ef all he says has stace been
- She glanced ap at him quickly! "By
Murphy?" .
, Tes, bv Mnmhv. who is now rrlnr.
ia tbehospltal at .Bethaae, slowly re
covering. His sworn deposltioa has
been forwarded to the departmeat at
Washington, and will undoubtedly re
salt' la ,the hoaorable replacing of
your 'fatheVa' name' on t 'army list.
I win teU you briely the atan's coa
fessiosv together with the few ,atfdi-'
ttoaal facta necessary to ''iaaka it'
Clear. ,' ; .. I" ? '
Toar fatherland . mlae we, for'
maay. yeara friends and army com
rades. They saw service together dar-'
lag the.great war, and! afterward apoa
tha plains la Jadiaa .campaigning. TJa
fortaaatetly ' a alight misunderstand
ingarose hetweea thesa.. .One night
they, openly .quarreled r when .heated
by. wlae,. and arrhangstt blows. Tha
following : evening you father chanc
ing to be omeartif the gaard and oa
daty. my father, whose, wife had thea
beea dead. a. year, waa thoughtless
enough to, accompany. Mrs, Nolaa
home at a late hour from a postbaJL
It was merelyaaact of ordlaary eoar
tesy; hat gossips msgniaedthe tale.
. JaV..,leT.i"'s- Jmaaatl
jBrniHMBajm--B ' -SaiEf: -
aasstawSL aaPs3ftaa9BBB&
- - aasaJCsaBBaasaBajs j. w..
" '"M BBBBaMaaaf "
- --" ' &,SBBBsTfwa7 '
aw7V.aB'l!!'Ba '
- ... T
aBBBBBBBBwYai'.at: t!i "'
Sma bbbbbbbbfIbbPR
muBBL, bbbbbbbbT JLmaaupr '
1 "5-BBBBBW Ml
- 'awasvut -. - W - .Jsn
Mju t'MM VUteV
' asw i.uvui;,vaui7v ...
-from the former quairel, la which I.
fear my father was la the wrong, he
-left tha gaard hoase-wlU-i the openly
avowed mteatioa of seeltiag imme
diate satisfaction la the meaawhile
Slavla, Marphy, and a trooper namedt
nyaa, whoAad beea toNtowa. without
passes, aad" were hatf-draak-. .stole
through tha gaard Maes aad decided
to-make a midnight raid op the com
ael'a private casce. .Dodging atoag
behind tha powder soase, they raa
saddaaly aaoa 'my father, thaa oa tha
way to his owa qaarten. Whether
they were recognised by him, or
whether drink made them reckless of
conaeqaeaces. Is ankaowa, bat oaa'of
the men iaataatly Ired. Then they
raa,: aad acceeded ha galnlarthe har-t
fiiTf lnsasiitiiir il:VUii '
She sat as If fsaftaafad by his re
dtaL '
"Toor father heard the shot, and!
sprang toward the soaad. only to fall:
heaoIbng across .my tather's ttfeleasi
body. ' As he came heavtty down, his;
revolver was Jarred oat of lts -holsterr
aad dropped aaaoUced fca tha-grass.
Aa lastaatilater the. gaard came raa-;1
nlng ap, aad by .morning Capt Nolaa!
VS. JtSl
i r- ii- .-, ijm.- i. -JL
. troag his quarrel with, the mar
dered maa, his heated'. language'
few pnio the
lying beside the-body,- having two
chambers discharged, aad his being;
found there aloae with the man he had!
gone forth to seek. Slavia and FJynaj
both' strengtheaed tha case by poatl
tive testimony. As a result, a court-j
martial dismissed the prisoner In dis-i
fromthe armyr aad.a civil court!
to -tea. yeara' imprtei
. Aad my- mother?" Tha eestieaj
was-a treaibliag whisper from qatvarj
rag. Ups.. r , x
--"Toar mother,'' he said regretfullyj
"was aa exceedingly pi
longmg to a family of social proauM
aeacela theieast. 8he felt deep!'
the causeless gossip connecting hen
aame with the 'case, as weU aa thai
opea-disgrace of her -husbaad's-victioa;
She- rafasad to receive
farmer Meads; aad evea failed- la
loyalty to yoar father la his time o4
Mat It la imposetWe sow to ni
tha fault clearly, or to aceouat for her
actions. Capt. Nelaa turned over all his
property to her, aad -the momeatshe
could doejo'ssw.sasaapearsd from the,
fort. taUag yea -with her.' Fram that
hoar aoae of her old acquslntBacesj
eoaJdlesra aaythlng regarding hat
whereabojkta. 8Jae did aot retarn to
her family 4a the east, nor cerrespoad
withaayonela the army. Probablyat
terly brokeahearted. aha sought sef
clasloa ia some city. How Gillis obf
tained poassssioa of yoa remalas a
mystery." -"Is
that anr . - .
They kept silent for a long time, the
slow tears dropplag from her eyes!
her haada clasped la her: lap. - His
heart, heavy with .sympathy, would
-aot permit bim-to break la, apoa her
4eep sorrow with words of oosaforL
NaidV he whispered at last, fJthls
aot be the timetfor ma to speak
each words. but yoa are. all. aloae
bow. WiU yoa go, back, to Bethune
with me back to -the old regiment
as my wife?" . - . j
"A awmeat she bowed her head be
fore him; thea lifted it aad held eat
her haada. "i win." -- -
"Say to me agala what you oace
-DouaM. I love yoa." - '
' Geatiy he drew her dowa to him,
aad their Hps mat '
1 wish yoa to he very happy, Nai
da, "dear." ha whispered, drawing her
head teaderly'dowa until it found rest
apoa his shoulder. '
' '"tea, I feel-yoa da, aad I am; bat
it .cannot come ail at 'oace, Doaald,
for I have lost so mica ao
I I hope he knows."
1 (TheBid:) -
ef Other 'Days. -
' According- to aa aceouat ia aa old
folio baok. 17SS, tha ancient giants
reached the enormous -height, of S3
feat-It says: "PassUus relates, aad
from him Cluverias, that 1547 A. D
aear Panormum, la 8teily, the body of
a glaat was dag up: about 18 cubits, or
17- feat talL The aame author states
that A: D. Hit, aear Masereaa. la Sic
ily, thera waa fouad the body of a
wJaat 2f cubits, or tafeet. tall Furth
er, that A. D. IMS. aear Syracuae..wss
dug up aaothar body of the saate di
mensions. A. D. list , aear Eatella, m
81etty. was dag up a body IS feet.high,
aad-whose skull was aboat ltifsat ia
circamference. Thera hi described tha
corpse of a glaat of great sine, fouad
standing la a .vast, cave, aear Deuraa
aaa, la Sicily. A. D. 1341,, whose stag
waq nke tha mast of a ship, sad, the
forepart of whose skuD would ceaiala
a Wtf-Jea bushel, which, is
third of,aa.Amcricaa hasheL
'wVaVsK 'iff rwwsaWaps9uwe
Aa Itaaaa recently entered taa store
of a Portland street hardware- aad
paint dealer, says tha Bostoa Record,
aad ia Usbrokea Eagllah saked the
clerk: "Joha a, yoa got a
chine make a hot a coidr
clerk. Mad hard to
tha cuetpmer.waated, hat
uattl he started takiag him arpaad tha
oat tadrridaany
la. to hatiag.te the, stores -TauaaV; .tte.ljaus. WT m. J!Tm hasty aeried H ,) " WAL TTi "T 5 I 1
rrTr TfKff $ rT -gy-tf, aJHi l LllllL J j j
maiLm mfl AJj' 4. w. .fteA1 'Jiij. w 4i. 9 jmm . . BBBBBBBSrafBBBBBl g UBBBBBBBYBBUna
ii aia A ma ka UJ ki Am mm Bm Sja Mb avw. KUW T Tf - .- -- v t. Bl i. i
- ..rTr eute, mm aura, juui aa asm. uuuv w aapsBaasa, ,aaaa esBaaaauai other words, wa are aaoat w vpjypjp. .
.r ia khid. wM asaamers snake a hat avar a aBaaaasttf Saaasry. Tasaf'Sauag msaa- iMiHuA-aeuaBa: saul aa sate a rm9
. - V ' f i,i .. ..m. Jl - SUBvI . . r . VUBBUBU
" V tm" "" , " v-
.' t ' i
' ,.. '-Af-r, .-.- .-.r.-f . . . f ' ' '- ., - -." ' - --?i.-i... - . w -v . c a.M; . - -,. v ;,"' . k
- J
P-J! .
x -i
for your
it . .
II i:
.1. . .-i
- . . 'm ) . 1
for you
and we
it wvill -1
m 11 i .
'-!.-- ......
We have
others from -
$10 1() J30
Prussian Judjes. T
Ver"-'. 3 I
aensibie - casta' :j.-
The court at Sc lonsee.vras sitting
to hear licensing cases, and cspocialir
pleas' by' the local 'saloonkeepers for
aa exteasionof tha ciosiag hoar' from
11-to -!S:3a:.7 Tha; ssiooakeepersr ware
by-a -great- aasaher of wit-
who-teattaed that- 'the. wheie
town was for the change ta tha.later
hoar. Tha Judges retired to coaadder
aad whaa they appeared their chair
Bwsr aura: - we saau caaa great pieas
are la graatlag thawataaatoa. hat tha
plea, must he eaaaerted by the atgai
taree of at least taa asarrled waasaaJ
The aalooakeepers aad their -adher-
Mim w ! - - - - mm mm M Im
-- -b -- - -, m
frattiess search for these tea signs
tares. At Dortmaad there waa a girl
with war baby before the court clalai
Ing support from n asaa -whom--she
aliegad wsa-Hs father. Taa maa de
aied tha.aataralty aa taa volublf
maaaer.-la reply .to tha question of
the court, pouted oat tha diafaraacea
betweea his owafeataras aad those of
the 1ef aat "Toara the father right
enough,' said tha Judge. ' yoa'were
aot you would know nothing' of tha
baby's looks.' Tweaty auras (ft) a
. . . f
i . 7 i -
-- I
afsWfgfffJ qavawwa' law nu9wup"gHadTJRH aawVgVuvarS1
ef Fare Air.
aad overheated, many people have to
spend at least a part of their waktag
hours'la'a fetid atmosphsre, . says ;a
writer' la Tha Bellaeafor. .But there
Is ao excuse for sleeping mi aaeh-aa
atmosphere. Wa aaaad oaathtrd of
Uvea la, sleep; we. also breathe
deeply whaa asleep Uaa whea awake,
aad wa shouM, sleep, ia tha oaaa air,
or aa aear to it las posswle.' Walk
through 'a rssMsace street at night
aad 'look at 'tha bedroom
they ara aU tightly dosed.
ally paa la a stingy three or tear
laches dawa from tha top. Thasla doae
by soma advanced iadividaal fa let oat
the bad air. If all the had air weat oat
of that room there would be aa air
left; Thera ahoaht he no had air la a
the bedroom should staad wide
vary night la tha year. Taa air should
he the setae Inside as
asleep the Iwagsshbuld be
with outside sir. Just an they
at alght Just ss we
clothing to keep K
outside. Oaly the face Is
WararallswMuTsif AIM .HuTssf
De urtth Diealay.
: A weU knowa' ntustrafor who' visit
ed New Orleans grew moat eathuaias
tie with reeraaca to the aaalathesa
ty of the old town. 1 noticed a re
markably decbrative etect'la a street
aear taa Freah Mark said he to a
"Taa secona' and third story
of acertata" 'hoaae "'
with: pale yellow bamboo
rote perfectly alssaiad
an of tha sama-ahaaV yet yoa. aaa
form ao Maa bow .they net oa" tha old
place. They simply gforlaad K!
frlea a ttew Orleans n
xled! "I aosTt recall the
H-out tease tha an
viomity." A" day or two
raCsrred to.
from tha aorth -tiered aa
. R. ! k..
a rnrnm A
Greisen Bros. : .aamaBBassBBBVI
are whaa
L- SaBscleat eeverlng
keep the body warm
3 -
I Vi
Vernteeter Finde furse and Celn Hla-
aaa Nearly a Century Age.
- -;' - -I
Whip? Louis Granelle of Bridgewi
ter, Tt' wssr -tearinr'down'an'-ol
waU'of the Bridgewater town farm he
aaeartheda parse hidden, lna amall
vault . baUt . for the purpose, 'between
.tha stoaes. .The .leather, was. rottek
with, aaa and feU. apart, as soonau
haadled, bat the several coins which
it coataiaed were aa'briaht aad'fresn
as oa the day theyieft the mint' As,
the newest coin fat the lot was struck
oa? 7t years ago and the structure- was
buitt about tttl, Hla believed that the
parse has lain ia Its vault three-
quarters af a century. ..The money
found la the old wallet included lis
silver half dollars, ranging la date
from ltlt to 1832. and .aaother .cola.
.probably .aa.Eagilah .fqurpence, dateb
177C There were also three dimes
somed ia the its. Mr. Granelle wbakl
act' part with his souvenirs at any
price. j
Centinueaa indian Dance.
The Cheyenne and Arapahoes are
hoidlag .their annual squaw daace at
.this place. More .thaa 5.000 Indians
are encamped at the city park. The
daace Is a continuous one day and
night and wUl last 'for' several' days.
Tha bucks' sad squaws' all take part
la these festivities, and the little
ones seen imitating, their elders
by dancing around ail the time the
tomtom hi pounded. The garments
'worn by some of the tribe are things
of "beauty, bedecked aa they are 'with
feathers, beads and other ornaments
Seme have-bells 'on their wrists and'
aaklss sad the movements' made by
them seeav to be for. the- purpose of
getting as much noise. aa possible out
of .these things. Watanga Herald.
. . ..Leave It te. the .Lord.
A gentleman residing In a small
westera towni recently had the mis
fortune to lose his wife. In deference
to the last wishes of 'the deceased' the
remains were cremated. Bridget'Flan
algaa, a former servant In the family,
heard of her old master's trouble and
called to console him. "Oh, wirra,
wirra!" she cried, rocking herself to
aad fro. "Aa yer poor lady is dead!.
H Sure aa' if a miserable we' ail are, for
a more bllssed sowl niver Uved than.
Mrs, Barton." "Ton are very kind to
any so,. Bridget" "Aa' ye had 'em
hura her up?" fTes,' Bridget; she was
cremated." "Och; the saints presarve
as! Why didn't ye let the Lord tend
to thatr LlpDiacott's.
Correcting Hie Geography.
- Ia the absence of the information
editor, who was away oa his vaca
tioa, this questioa was referred to
the manager of the country circula
tion aupartaWt:! Wo wrote 'Hiw
Big Was; Alexander. Far." "I don't
know,'. he said." bat whoever did) it
waa away oR'tegeopraphy. There's
aa Alexsader aa Bllaois, oae la Iowa,
oae ta Kaaaas, others la Maine, New
York, North CaroUaa, South Caro-
BJest Vh-gnla and, Wy
hat If there's aa Alexander
ia Peaasylraala, by George, isn't
ha. tha aoatomce directory."." -' -
They ware eiepiag. aad the stera
aareat was supposed to 'be la pursuit
Bat ha want Oa the coatrary. a tele
gram awaited them at the aext towa.
Is It forgiveaeesr asked the sgiuted
w handed It to the.aageHc
read It through aad hurst
into tsars. Thaa tha startled youta
took K aad read Haloed. "Toarmoth
er aaIaKTlconaTatulatioas. Tear,
ftiad -" A- urlih our nanrovaL
Wa eaaiaeal earryeat; a plan that aa!
aac taat waa
yea with.
wa are about te
" ' 'IbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHsbbbI ;
' JbbbbbbbP sbbbbbbbbbK BBslBB:H!BBTBBBlfl'aar KwRsB
'Jm -V'HssaaHsawtwH ;
tHT' 'Jfm ""asBBSSssssB
h1 sslaw' TBMauaaBj-- Bw y. ..rf - . , ssbbbbbbbbbbbbI
.aSBBBBBBBm 0sav3?:5j;-:. bsbbf
. if BUBausauBauBauBauBam - bbbbbbbbw bp
ii iauMi 1 . 1 , y -4 rJkw n n , x aBBBBBBsi"-srr- -t,.-,
-aixakaBBaaaBaBBaak.7 e-
Said to Have Origia
ia aa
The phrase "crocodile tears" owes
its origin to the-isaaginaUba of some
of the old' travelers, who Invented-the
fable that the crocodile weeps over-Ms
prey. One of the earliest English
globe-trotters to mention, this actios
was Sir Joha Maadevilie. who in hie
"Travels'' (1499). 'speaking of "Aetai
op," "Tnde" and an "Tie clept Sttml"
says: "That Loud Is fall of Serpents
aad of CokadrilIes.,The!se Cpkadrillea,
bea a manner., of 'agSerpeBts,'za-'
.lowe and rayed aboven. and" had' 4
Feete and schoirte Thyes, sad! 'grete
Nayles as Clees or TaHoaas; " aad
there ben sUme that-had 5 Fadme ia
length; and'same of six aad- a halfen
day. And iathenyght the dweilea la
the Water, and oa the Day. won apoa
tha Load. iTheiseerpeates slue men.
.and.thei etea hem wepynge;.and.whea
thel eten the! ssoven the over Jowe,
and noughte the nether Jowe. sad thel
have no Tonge." Montreal ;
Where Jehnny Haa'tha Beet ef It aa
The twin boys, Johnny and Tommy,
aot only looked almost exactly alike
aad could wear -each-ther"a elethea
without the slightest mislt, but usu
ally weighed the same, there beiag a
difference of not more thaa aa ounce
or two between them, aotwfths'tandlag
the" efforts they were 'always making
to outweigh each other. "Tom." said
his brother one day, "let's go aad get
Weighed.!. J believe Icaa.beat iyoa
this time." Tomaiy' agreed, andthey
weat. to the grocery store wherethese
cutti.si8 were usiuuijr ueuueo. ion
get oa the scales irsCsaid Johnny.
Tommy complied, and his weight waa
found, to. be , .68 .pounds 13 , ouaces.
.Then 4 Johnny took his tarn. B tipped
the scales at exactly C9 (' pounds.
"That ain't fair!" exclaimed' tommy.
"And it don't count! I forgot about
that big boll on your arm!"" Touth'a
U n derwood
For Speed
A soM -rosdbed is es
sentisl Visibility 4b
Speed in the Under
wood (TabnlAtor)type
writer sure supported
fy lectiy fMiajced
ammmmmwBBBBJnrwaHpf Ib
. I
u..-. tAiS5!--ijiiiic is rrsri--"--. : . '
ttifc.BL'-; '-m-K.mT-..-rm-n.-t ,w,' Jt i!arJr-'.,Ci"S fii3X-i--'"f-r??r-- HTllll . W t " :---T- r--,-J-C-'r-i"t
iSP9maA ,.V"u rP&u5&EZS5J&5tsKq&zz