The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 16, 1907, Image 7

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mm ef KMumTiwMw.
hfargaret Emmerick, of Clin
ton 9t, Napoleon, O. nays: 1 "For
years I was great aataTer
from kidney trem
bles. My back palmed
se .terribly. Every
tarn or snore 'canted
sharp, snooting
pains. My yesfgkt
appeared hefore me,
and I had dlszy
For tea years I could aot do
rk, aad for two years did aot
sjet est of the house. The Kidney se
cretions were Irregular, aad doctors
were aot helping me. Doaa's Kldaey
Pills brought me quick relief, aad
flaally eared me. They saved my life."
Sold ky all dealers. 50 eeats a
ftoster-MIIlbura Co.. BaCalo, N. Y.
One Western Idea That la Papular
with Eastern Maidens.
She was a Japanese college . student,
little and thin, bat very graceful la
her Paris gown.
"The.klss," she said, blushing faint
ly, "was unknown in Japan 50 years
ago. Now, among the aristocracy, it
is becoming quite renowned.
"Yet it comes as a great shock -at
first. It fs so different, you know,
from anything in a Japanese girl's ex
perience. I have known maidens who
fainted at a first kiss that was per
haps too warmly tendered. Yet these
very maids became afterward ardent
advocates" of the new western em
brace. "Frankly, I like the kiss myself. Its
stimulus, and the feeling, as of red
satin, when mouth touches mouth
with a warm, soft shock yes. frank
ly, I like the kiss, and I find it ex
tremely difficult to deny an eager
young man so innocent and so delight
lightful an embrace.
Surely Time for Hubby to Do a Live
ly Sidestep.
Mrs. Wilson's husband was often
obliged to go to New York on busi
ness, and frequently did not reach his
home until the arrival of the midnight
train. Mrs. Wilson had been in the
habit of sleeping peacefully at these
times without fear, but a number of
burglaries in the neighborhood during
one of her husband's trips to New
York had disturbed her calm.
On the night of his return Mr. Wil
son wa3 stealing carefully up the
front stairs, as was his wont on such
occasions, so that his wife would not
be wakened, when he heard her voice,
high and strained:
"I don't know whether you are my
husband or a burglar," came the ex
cited tones, "but I am going to be on
the safe side and shoot, so if you are
Henry you'd better get out of the
way." Youth's Companion.
Willing Hand. .
There is a good story going the
rounds In Pittsburg of a young man.
formerly a stock-broker, who dropped
many thousands In speculation during
the early spring.
One night shortly after going to
bed. the Pittsburger was awakened by
strange signs. At his first motion to
jump up he was greeted by a hoarse
voice. "If you stir, you're a dead
man!"' it said. Tm looking for mon
ey." "In that ease." .pleasantly answered
the erstwhile speculator, "kindly al
low me to arise and strike a light I
shall deem it a favor to be permitted
to assist in the search." Harper's
Mr. Malaprep Just Hams tram Rama.
A regular Mr. Malaprop recently
came home from his first visit to Eu
rope. He grew enthusiastic
'It was Inc." he declared, "to go
into them churches over there and
see the eld tombs -dgarrophagusses,
they callem. And then the Six
teen chapel Is great, aad as for the
Vaccination, where the pope Uvea,
But his stock of compliments give
out when he got to the subject of
"I always refused them pennies,"
he said, "because, you see, I didn't
want to set a bad prestige!"
What's in a Name
"Old Amy, yon know, who is famous
for being arrested, has been sent to
Jail again. But as she weighs nearly
300 pounds and is a good fighter. Jt
took nearly all the reserve force to get
her in the wagon."
"Then the magistrate who sent her
to Jail ought to be arrested, too."
"Why so?"
"Didn't he commit big Amy?" Bal
timore American.
To Stop Flow of Blood.
To stop the flow of blood bind the
wound with cobwebs and "brown sugar
pressed on like lint or with fine dust
of tea. When the blood ceases to flow
apply laudanum.
He is great who confers the most
benefits. He is base and that is the
one base thing in the universe to re
ceive favors aad render none. 1
Shouts the
Spanked Baby
The "Golic" of "Colliery treated by a Doctor of
Divinity. J
Look for the 'Bod Hoo" article in this, paper.
Alike, Yet in Many Ways Punnamsnt
ally Diffsrsnt.
Wit aad tumor axe such elemental
fundamental things that it has always
beea found difficult to analyse them,
says a writer in The Atlantic Upon
.some points.' however, those who have
essayed this puzzling task agree, for
they all hold that wit is an Intel
JtectauJ, -humor an emotional, quality;
that wit is n perception of resent
Mance, .and humor .a perception of
contrast, of -discrepancy, c. incongru
ity. The incongruity is that which
arises between the, ideal and the fact,
between theory and practice, between
promise and performance;, and per
haps It might be added that it is al
waya or almost always a 'moral In
congruity. In the case both of wit
and humor there is also a pleasurable
surprise, a gentle shock, which ac
companies our perception of the hith
erto unsuspected resemblance or In
congruity. ' A New England farmer
.was once describing in the pres
ence of a very humane person the
great age and debility of a horse that
he formerly owned aad used. "You
ought t to have-killed kim." Interrupt-
, ed thex 'humane .person: indignantly.
fWeU.: drawled the farmer "we did
In Torments with Terrible Sores on
Face and "Bodjr Tore at Flesh
.--Cured by Cutjeura. "
. "My,, little son, .when about a. year
and a half old bean to have"sore3
come outra his face. They began to
come on his arms, 'then on .other parts
of his body, and then one. came on his
chest, worse than the others. .At the
end of about a year and K& half of suu
ferine he crew so bad I had to tie his
hands in cloths at .night to "keep, titar
xrom scratcmng toe sores ana tearing
the flesh. He got to bca mere skele
ton and was hardly able to walk. 1
sent to the1 drag store and got a cake
of Cutlcura Soap and a box of Cuticura
Ointment, and at the end of about two
months the sores were 'all well. He
has never had any sores of any kind
since, and only for the Cutleura Rem
edies my precious child would have
died from these terrible sores. I used
only one cake of Soap and about three
boxes of Ointment Mrs. Egbert Shel
don. R. F. D. No. 1, Woodville, Conn.,
April 22, 1905."
Bible Names for Colts.
A hostler from the Blue Grass has
Just found employment lrionc of the
stables of a New York man. His
darky1 dialect is so quaint and his
stories of "Ole Kaintuck" so unique
no member of the household misses
an opportunity to speak to him and
have him say a word.
His employer said to him a few
days ago: "I suppose your mas
ter down south had a good many
"Dat we did. sah. dat we did! And
my -ole master had 'em all name
Bible names. Faith. Hope and Char
ity, Bustle, Stays and Crinoline, was
all one Spring's colts!"
Not a Hit as an Improviser.
"Did you ever hear anybody impro
vise?" he asked.
"No," said she, and he sat down to
the piano and improvised for about an
hour and a half. At the end of that
timo he turned around, his face full
of expression, and said to her!
"What do you think of it?"
"Lovely!" she exclaimed. "Beauti
ful! I never heard anything like it!"
But this iswhat she said to the hall
boy when he was gone:
lf that long, lank lunatic who Im
provises asks for me again, you tell
him I am out"
A Yaung Cemneetr.
Rachel, aged 12, wrote an compo
sition on wild lowers in which. she
praised the arbutus, the liverwort,
the spring besaty. the blood root, and
an of the .other 'blosaosss. of dell and
date. But she wrote on both aides
of her sheet of paper, and when she
asked her father, who was an editor,
to publish her article, he called her
attention to that fact
"You've written on both sides of
your paper." said he.
"Wen." was the reply, "and don't
you print on both sides of yours?"
Cats as Plague Preventive.
An Italian correspondent of the
North China Dally News writes: "The
newspapers have latterly been full of
an sorts of suggestions for the stamp
ing out of plague.kFor instance, never
kill rats; if you do the fatal rat flea
may be driven to feed on you. Also,
compel each householder to keep
cats. In fact let the cult of the cat
as it prevailed in ancient Egypt be re
vived In India. Plenty of cats, no
Wagner aa a Curative Agent.
Vernon Lee has told somewhere the
'story-of the marvelous effects of Wag
ner on a headache. One does, after a
time, succumb Ho "what Is a kind of
hypnotism; the sound seems almost to
clear the air. or at least to lull one
into a kind of dream In which only the
sense of hearing exists.
Lightning in Town and Country.
Lightning Is most destructive In
level, open country. Cities, with their
numerous projections and wires, am
comparatively exempt
? -'TO .,
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A -. -J t .
ciousi ppurfc -
Filled' with" Nuts they Make a Dainty
an) is
the most easily aJgastod any Hrsy
of serving apples, but taerea uned:
apples and baked apples. -
For variety's sake, " try peeling
fhem before baking. Pael and core
the apples carefully, fill the hollows
with sugar, "and-any -spice preferred,
lay in an enameled baking pan, pour
ing just enough water, to cover the
bottom, then bake in a .moderate
oven untO tender , and delicately
crisped on the surface. Sometimes a,
bit of -butter is placed, on top of each
apple before puttJngVfn ?the even.'
Meantime take the. cores and' peel
ings, cover with water and stew gent
ly for an hour. Strain, sweeten slight
ly, add a' little nutmeg, cinnamon or
lemon, and pour over 'the; apples, cool
In the pan' in 'which 'the appleV arfe.
baked, then serve, cold 'with cream :,.
Apples should never be baked In
tin, which darkens both applesrlahd.
Juice. k r k- t, -,
Fillings for Baked Applaa-As , a
variety is the spice of life, even in
baked apples, here are a few good
fillings that may be- used from time to
time. Nuts are specially nice for
this. Any kind may be used, but p4
cans, black walnuts, hickory nuts or
butternuts are perhaps best . For a
dozen large apples, a cup and a half
of the meats will be required. Chop
fine and mix with sugar, allowing a
dessertspoonful for each apple. Fill
the cavities and bake In the usual way.
A. half banana sprinkled with sugar
and lemon juice makes a good filling
for an apple. - Figs and dates steamed,
chopped and rolled in sugar, chopped
nuts with strips of lemon .or orange
peel, or honey and butter -are all ap
propriate 2nd usually approved.
Baked Apples to Serve with Meat
Wash and core tart apples; then fill
with equal parts crumbs and mush
rooms. Season with 'catsup or fine
l.erbs as preferred. Put a bit of but
ter on top of each apple, add a little
water to the baking pan and bake un
til tender.
Fried Apples. These are also excel
lent served with any form of pork.
Select large, firm apples rather tart
and wash without paring. Core, cut
in slices half an inch thick, then
brown in pork fat or butter, turning
with a pancake turner, so as not to
break. They should be tender but not
broken. If preferred a .trifle sweet,
sprinkle sugar and cinnamon over the
uncooked side just before turning.
Fried Apples are especially nice with
fried pork or sausage.
Apple Croquettes Put over the fire
in a saucepan one cup stale bread
crumbs and a half cup milk. Cook,
stirring constantly, until smooth, then
add one .large apple chopped fine, and
a dozen almonds, ground, the yolks of
two eggs beaten with a tablespoonful
lemon juice and the grated yellow rind
of half a lemon'. Cook until thickened,
thenrturn out on a platter to cool.
When quite cool form into croquettes;
roll in fine crumbs and fry in smok
ing hot fat Serve with caramel sauce,
maple sugar or powdered sugar.
Indian Relish.
Peel, and chop. one white cabbage
and 'six. white onions-and arraign rin
layers In stone jar, covering each lay
er with salt Stand for, 24 hours, then
rinse in cold water and drain In col
ander. Bring a pint of vinegar to the
boiling point with one-half pound .of
brown sugar.- one-half teaspoon ot
alum, a heaplag teaspoon each of
turmeric, mace, black pepper, allspice
aad ground cinnamon and two tea
spoons each of celery and mustard
seed. Stir this spiced vinegar into
cabbage and onion rmixture, set aside
overnight InrthemornIng
the vinegar, heat -to ' boiling point.
again aad pour It over the pickle. Do
this, again on the next day. then, set
aside over night ftow turn the vege
tables and vinegar into a kettle, boil
hard for five minutes.' :Theu: set aside,
until eold and pack in jars. -
Fried 'Corn.. . .
- Cut the corn cnrefuUy from six ears
of nice sweet corn. 'Bo not score, and
be careful not to cut any. of the cob
with the corn, but have each i grain
separate. Put one tablespoonful of
butter In a frying pan; put In the corn
and fry until a nice brown, .stirring
often. Draw the pan away from the
hot lire, add half a cupful of hot cream
and salt and pepper to taste. Serve
at once In n hot dish. Nice for break
fast or lunch.
Buying Window Curtains.
Yhen buying window curtains al
ways aHow sufficient for a ,deep hem
both top and bottom, one wide, enough
to take the lath. On .the top hem sew
a strip of tape, through which 'to put
the nails or" :cllps ."which 'secure the
blind toTthe roller. When soiled at the
bottom .blinds ..made, in this way can
easUy be turned upside down and need
to go to the cleaner's not nearly so
often as If made in the ordinary way.
Saving the Boiler.
When the boiler Is dried and ready
to put away after the week's wash. set
It on the stove.' and while hot rub It an
over the inside and around the seams
with laundry soap. It prevents rusting,
and the boiler wUl keep new and last
very much longer.. All the soap is not
lost either, ss it is dissolved in the wa
ter for the. aext week's wash.
Harper's -Bazar.
Laundry Convenience.
For taking tire rust and starch from,
Irons take a flat' piece of board about
ten inches square and tack on it a
square of 'emery cloth. Take a com
mon piece of Ironing war aad rub well
an over the emery 'cloth and run your
Iron over it This win take all -the
starch off and ive a Veantlfal luster
to the) iron. J.
Ohe'cup grated cheese; add one1
cap xjut, half of a aman-cup nutter
and a quarter teasptwnful salt; knead
9 together nwtil ef the tkt ceaatot
eney to roBwlahastmuavelinyt haka:1
wwwvSvaJwrM9 4Ta'wW"wnu
Buy the latrediawts fram Any Druf-
fltot m YaarewiTand.Shake
Them in a Battle to
Mix This. - .
A wettknown authority on Rbeu
matlssi gives 'the readers ,of a, large
New York dally paper the following
valuable, yet simple and harmless
prescription, which any one can easily
prepare at hosset
riura KXOTci uemoeiion, one-naii
ounce; compound Kargon, one ounce;
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three
Mix by shaking well in a bottle, and
take a teaspoonful after each meal
and at bedtime. .
He states that the ingredients can
be obtained from .any '.good prescrip
tion pharmacy, at small cost, and, be
ing a t vegetable extraction, are 'harm
less to take. C '
-This pleasant mixture, If taken reg
ularly for a few days, is said to over
come almost, any case of Rheumatism.
The pain and swelling. If any, dimin
ishes with each dose, until permanent
results are, obtained, and without in
juring the stomach.. While there are
many .so-called Rheumatism remedies,
patent medicines,, etc:, some of which
do give relief, few really give perma-'
nent results, and the above will, no
doubt be' greatly appreciated by-many
sufferers here at this time.
Inquiry at the drug stores of even
the small towns elicits the information
that these, drugs are harmless and can
be bought separately, or the druggists
win mix the prescription. If asked to.
Russian Girls Risk Life for the Cause
of Liberty.
"When the university opened last
autumn I started to work again
among the soldiers," said the young
woman. "As you know, the revolu
tionists are at present working very
hard to win over the army, and one
of the means is to talk freedom di
rectly to the soldiers. For this girls
have been found to be more effective
than men; the yonng peasant soldiers
are more willing to listen to girls,
and are far readier to protect fhem
.from arrest So all over Russia hun
dreds and hundreds of girls are now
nightly meeting with groups of. sol
diers, in working men's homes, and in
barracks.. To go into barracks and
talk revolution to the soldiers, hard
ly anything Is so dangerous for the
girl caught is tried by court-martial
and In a day or two is executed.
From Lerpy Scott's Interview with a
Russian Woman, in Everybody's.
Man Whose Memory Was Bad.
For more than an hour a witness
for the defense bad dodged questions.
Ills faulty memory was particularly
exasperating for the counsel for the
plaintiff, who was seeking to recall
to the witness' .recollection van event
of four of 'five years- previous. Event
ually the man remembered "some
thing about it"
"Ah," continued the lawyer for the
plaintiff, "what dd you think of it
at the time?"
"Really," said the witness, speak
ing before the lawyer for the defense
had time to interpose objection, "It
was so long ago I can't recall exactly,
what I thought of it"
"Wen," shouted the cross-examiner,
excitedly, "if you can't recall, tell
ns what you think now you thought
A Break In the Ceremony,
little Tom was two years old and
talking before his proud parents took
him to be christened . Though limit
ed, his vocabulary included one or
two choice words pteked up from his
fhthar.. Of course.- he looked like a
'verfeet:UttIe cherub on the .eventful,
dayi with his wide blue eyes and shin
ing curls and mother had got -him up
in great shape for the ceremony. At
the moat impressive point Tom 'turn
ed to his father and exclaimed in ag
gravated tones: "Why, dacn it, he
wet my head!"
Reason This Out
An EngUsh quarryman was charged
with assaulting one of his mates, and
when the case was carried into court,
an eyewitness of the occurrence gave
some curious evidence. v
"He tuk a pick an he tuk a pick."
the witness began, "an he hit him
wid his' pick, an' he hit him wld his
pick; an' if he'd hit him wid his as
hard as he hit him wld his, he'd have
near Uned him, and not him him."
"With a smooth Iroi aa Defiance
8tarch, you can launder your shirt
waist just as weU at home as the
steam laundry can; it wUl have-the
proper stiffness and finish, there will
be less wear and tear of the goods,
and It wCTMrn-aposttrve pleasure to
use a Starch that does not stick to the
Iron. '
Most Unhealthy Work.
According- to a German physician.
Dr. Horn, miners age so rapidly be
cause of their unhygienic 'surround
Ings that they present all the aspects
of senUe decay at 'the age of 50, be
yond which few are able to ply. their
Problems Concerning, Wealth.,
It's easy to understand why so few
of on have money. Those who know
how to make It don't .know how to
keep it' and 'those ''who can keep it
cant get it and that's the only reason
why they can't keep It
That aa article may be good'as well
aa cheap,' and give entire satisfaction,
Is proven by the extraordinary sale of
Dafanoe Starch, each package con
taining onehlrd more Starch7 than
caa be had of any other brand fdr the
ItatMae-fsa te wUiJsnsarica
naJiana to the number of u13t,too
amlgiated last year fo South Ameri-
ports,, aa against , 27.0.who
to. the. TJaeatStates. , , .
ynttAgoiiike faster lafter being
eott or a $10
! .
. r "r "
. it
Sannwy (Fair the Rises to Sea ft at
i Ra.Baat, , . t -?
y. , M
w n-c
If yonNwoaM see-! horse strap
ped, booted, braced -and geared to
the limit, you must seek such a
rack as yon see at the old-time
country fair. Here comes an awk
ward flea-bitten gray, which never
went under ,2:5 In his life. He hi
hobbled and checked and goggled, and
hitched up sidewlse. lengthwise and
crosswise until -there is morn haii
nessthan horse. Ton wonder how.
I his driver ever got him Into this rig
ging, and how he will get him out
agaia. without cutting him free with
a iackknlfe. A farmer with a.
gray beard and twinkling eye' ob
serves to his neighbor:
"Last; time John Martin had that
plug out on the road I told him he
had the" old cripple overloaded with
fust-aids-to-thclnjur3d. Them straps
that was callated to hoist up his
knees must ha'-palled too tight aad
the critter was yanked, clean off the
ground. What .John was .gettin'
ready for was a race, for flyin' ma
chines, not a hoss trot" From "The
Country. Fair," by David. Lansing, in
Outing. , , f ..
''Didn't Need .Cyclopedias. ')
The' canvasser for a cyclopedia
camesto the home of a colonel, whos6
record he T had ' carefully" studied be
fore, his' visit ' The colonel wa? $
peciany proud of some of his sons,
vsb the canvasser began'wltln "
" "Those are very fltte boys of 'yours,
colonel." !- - - v .
' "They 'are, replied the colonel
"I reckon yon are ready to buy any
thing those boys want?"
"I am so," said the father of the
fine boys, ' " '
' "Well, then. let me sell' you ' this
cyclopedia.- There's nothing will Ho
your sons so- much good."
- But the colonel looked r at him
aghast. "Why, them -lads of mine
don't need any cyclopedia. They ride
Laundry work at home would be
much more satisfactory if the right
Starch were used. In order to get the
desired stiffness, it is usually neces
sary to use so much starch that the
beauty and fineness of the' fabric la
hidden behind a 'paste of varying
thickness, which not only destroys the
appearance, but also affects the wear
ing quality of the, goods. This trou
ble can be entirely overcome by using
Defiance Starch, as it can be appUed
much mere thinly because of Its great
er strength than other makes.
"I supiose." remarked the coy widow,
"that yon are an advocate of early
"Oh, yes. I am," replied the scanty
haired bachelor. .
"Then," continued the c. w., "why
is it you are still a bachelor?"
"That's quite another matter." an-
,sv.-ered the Bachelor. "The only-mar
riages I believe in are early ones, be
cause there is some excuse for youth
ful follles-HChlcago News.
Deafness Cannot Bs Cured
fcjr local &p?l!cm:!on. m they cannot reach the dl
eaeU purtfon of the or. . Tnere U only one way to
cure deafnefi.asd lliar i by constitutional remcdlsa.
Deafness Is caused by an lnfla:ned condition et tbo
mucoa lining of ibe EunUcblaa Tuba. .When tbl3
tahela Inflamed 71m nave a tumbling sound or Im
perfect hearinc. and when it I entirely closed. Deaf
ne la tbe result. and unlcM tho Inflammation can be
taken out and tlila tube rratored. to Its normal condi
tion, bearing will be destroyed forever; nine case
oat of ten are canted by Catarrh, which la notblnz
bat an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any ease of
Deafness (eaared by .catarrh) that caanot be eared
by UalTs Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free
K.J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold br Dramttsts. 73c
Take ton's Famllyfliu for constlpadsB.
Well Qualified.
"So you want the position ot ad
vance agent for our circus?' .inter
rogated the manager. "Well, we need
a man who can rtir up. some life
everywhere he goes." "Thafa me,
boss," hastened the .applicant "Had
any .experience in stirring up Ufa?"
"Ton bet! I nse to drive ,a, street
sweeper and stirred wp millions of
senna every day."
' Starch, like everything else la be
ing constantly improved, the patent
Starches put on the market 25 years
ago are very different and Inferior to
those of the present day. In the lat
est discovery Defiance .Starch all in
jurious' chemicals are omitted, while
the addition of another ingredient, in
vented by us, gives to the Starch a
strength and smoothness never ap
proached by other brands.
Bush Over Buried Treasure.
There is a tradition in Germany
that it was customary in the Middle
Ages to put an elderberry .plant over
buried treasure. A farmer at Oels
dorf while plowing close to such a
bush unearthed, a vessel containing
2,300 silver coins of the eleventh cen
tury. y
Intporfant to Mathers.
;aunfc carefWly every bottle of CASTORTA.
a sale aad rare remedy for Jafaats sad chHdrea,
and tee that it
hi TJso For Over SO Years!' "
Tab Kiad Yob F,t Afwcys Bomu
Police of World's Cities.
Berlin's patrolmen are one to 340,
Liverpool's' are one to 449, London's
one to' 496, and Philadelphia has'one
"patrolman for every Sll citizens. On
Manhattan island there is but 'one
policeman' to every 643 inhabitants.
By following tBe directions, which
are plabaly printed on each package of
ueuance starch. Men's Collars and
Cuffs can be made just as stiff as de
sired, with either, gloss or domestic
finish. Try it. 16 c. for 10c, sold by
all good grocers.
Peculiar Ornament. "
An African1 queen, the second wife
of King Lobengula, wears for a head
dress on state occasions a carved and
decorated bust of her husband's 'first
wife. . '
. lewis , Satgie Binder straight 5c cigar
vsmdeof rich, mellow tobacco. Tonr'deal
t or Lewis' Factory, Teoria, DI.
t: ?-: 1
"Wherever we meet mitery we owe'
pity. iyde , ., v ' '
BnuBnea awfAwawa aajajjA SkaenwaBwa4awzsal awaawhsssi ailtia f--- ana
"I cannot hate thinking of the
derful thought displayed in your
dsnghter'r.commeneemcnt, essay last
June." Yes,"i. answered Mr. Cnmrox.
"judging from t that essay,yoa would -think
she was' aa mucn'mterested in,
!The Subservienea of Individual Am
bition to EteraaL Destiny; ns she is
in ice cream soda. But she Isn't"
Hides, Ports and Wool.
To t ftD vame, dup to the W rehsble
N. W?Hide furCbJGaneapoka, Mum.
to a place and
M ahv.T-Shakcspeare.
Lewis' Smcfe Binder itnigat 5c. Many
smokers prefer them to 10c csjus.- Yosr
dealer or Lewk factory, Pcena, ST.
Ills which fate
it: bear. Theoeritaa.
Are both symptoms of1 organic de
rangement, and nature's warning to
woinen'of a trouble which will soon
er or later declare itself.
Howoftendo we hear women say.
,It seems as though my back would
oreaK.;.,. ye tuey wuuuuc w urag
albnsf and suffer with aches in the
small of the back, pain low down in
the aidsK'drasirmR sensations, arv-
owsncss-iuKi! up wiuuiwoo. ,t -k
They do not realize that the back
a diseased condition of the feminine
'and pains will 'continue until tho cause is removed. .
Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound
miiln fmm rif 5vV' Vnnts uTirl herbs
nccessful remedy in such cases. No otlicr medicine has such ar record
at cures of feminine ills: "' .. . , ,
Miss Lena Kagel. of 117 Morgan St., Buffalo, N. Y.t writes: I was
completely worn out and on the. verge of nervous prostration. My back
ached all the time. I had dreadful periods of pain. was subject io fits
of crying and extreme nervousness, and was always weak and .tired.
Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound completely cured me.' -
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cures Female Complcints,
such as Backache. Falling and Displacements, and all Organic Diseases.
Dissolves and expels Tumors at an early stage. It strengthens and
tones the Stomach. Cures Headache and Indigestion and invigorates
the whole feminine system. c
Airs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women
Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to
write Mrs Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free.
S3.O0 & 93JBO 3HOE8 JSZSi
TILE BEASON W. L. Ooaglas shoes are worn by more peplo
la all walks ot Ufa than any other make, la because f their
excellent sty)), easy-fitting, and superior wearing qualities.
The selection of the leathers -and other materials for eaeh pars
of the shoe, and every detail of the making is looked after by
skilled phitcmakers, who receive the highest wages paid in the
.clie industry, an.l whose workmanship cannot be excelled.
.g If I cottM fciko yon into my large factories at Rroukton.Mass.,
und show.yon liow carefully AV.J. Donglas shoes are in:ide, yon
would then understand why they hold their shape, fit ltter,
wear longer and are of greater ralue thati any other male.
Mx 34.00 aMMT aat aitm a
CAUTION! Tlio genuine uavo W.X- luglaa
10 Snhst itnte. Asu your ureiicr for W. h.
uircci. ;u laciury. ouues sent every wiiero oy
Positively caved hy
these iMU riQa.
They also reliere Dto
trefts from Dyspepsia, Ia-
digmtionandToo Hearty
Eating.. A perfect rem
edy for Dizziness, Nan- j
kj.. Srowsiaess, Bad
Taste in the Xontn. Coat
ed Tongne. Pain ia the
They rejrn'.ate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-SiM Signature
Efery Wathban Sells
at the lowest Chicago wire as
most liberal terms of awatbly pa;
w Jiii'rH!? &!? t J tawwa as -Asjerlea .
Home rtaao", becasscit has the trae mnmini
tone d wpimreedor !( by LyAttSy.
wtew-S.SS"8 iria-aktneam Ki
Wasnbara catalog explains ererytnisc
tLsemStfew.f0r a Phn "il ""
JSIJiSSS'.!?? yoarname sad address sad
IS? 2l2cJ5,?L?a,ne local piaao dealer.
-- -- ..t.kui wateuiiu aew ptaai
r Behind the Dough! !
TnaflannnnnS 25 aananaGahfi nVhf 5 aahsjatat Lana
(ISrall A real power that raiies and mitiinj the Ml ,
I 1D && & lofcc ccrtaintjr. No B? !
kott5J failures. A cake natxle wihS K C
W&JBfmm fonHot (alt m
aaBgSfl e "" HP00 fcYutsrEug .jour , J
linteliBnL ' Ke7 trial does BOt 'f
ISSSm convince yo. m ', -1
aWoiZTdlannV 'anTanfanfar
W1' Jaakw - .annnTanTaw 4
Ia-5wcaes L.tiffJ BHsaJBnnaw .aanr i
V'TasP annnnnnnnn annnfannnnnnnnnv "
5JnnW BBanfBF Tunn nftj n.
anHnnfnrYs! nT1
1 PIU.S.
sf MannnnaVnanssssBJanTanTi
Bnnncm i
- - - - , rt - , r . fanaaaaaannf nananw
mtosferewtth nto.
r miss lenanageu
onrans or kidneys, and that
has been for man v -Tears tlie-
OF r
name and price stamped .on bottou Take
IVuela. shoes.- If be cannot snpplv you. send
mail, vataioe iresw '
Some of tfie el
lamls in tho grata ti
ins belts of Sa4-sKe- '
wan ami Albeita'ibve
recently been eaeaes)
for settlement nar
the Revised llomesteasl
Reg nlations cf Caaada.
Tbonsa'nds of hesse
steads of 160 acres eaeai
are now available. Tbe aew j emulations stake it
possible for entry 'to be made by ptoiy. the oppor
tunity that many ia the United States bae beea
waittnc lor. Any member of a family may :
entry ror aay other member of the family, wbe naa
be entitled to make entry for'li:ni?elforheneK.
Entry may bow be made before the Asent or Sab
Aeeot of the District by prosy, fort certain coeel
tioest by tbefatber. m ether, sob. daughter, btetast
er sister of intending homesteader.
Airy eyes- wembsrsS . mrMim ofl
a la naaltaee or the Berth-Wit I
nesMlawa aad Si. aot remrved. m bo
steaesd by aay persee the aste a nt a family,'
v. 9-wwr tmj esrv n ag. 1 trni as
Tbe fee h eacS case will be fio.eo. Chnreaes,
cnooisanq asaraets coavenieat. iieaitnycnasi
tpleadid eroBS and good laws. Grain-giowiagt
caitie ratsiag prwcieai laoestnes.
For farther serricekws as to rates, rootes. I
siaie to go aad where to locate, apply to
W-N. O, OMAHA, NO. 42; Iflgf.
Ha to a
. Hna.
nT. sTnssV
ansEjc abbhssk.
nnsswr assnf
istal Uaeral ffaasesleaal
atesjlattoasa) is
Haw MsMcav hew w
CWt ha aselaned eassBBBsesssssBBsasBW
wo owewteasatasnno jwBnwaanfJW
Cirstnlarwark asi Uakr I iFrrucssI ul
anJkwJaiaiBsfr It scaut IWjM
aasaBlanaewTr7T'f BBj
fc .. m naf .wBBBBBnsawfJ
WMt fnmmEtWmWL
- $
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t; yferaat;
ifA.v.'vr- at
.tj&JIJ:. S
-'-.vAfj j 'i , ji,:;-A. Vf c1".- . . -