The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 16, 1907, Image 5

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In the Kitchen
Handy articles for
liness are just as
folly appreciated aa
parts of the houses
BBsaSnwflvM ELrmwrnu
snuBBBnsVssanf nV4-JZs Jssbbbbbbbbb.
Mors, Brushes, Brooms,
As well as clothes lines, Pearline, Sapo
lio and other items, can always be had
here, "Johnny-on-the-spot," and at low
est possible prices. Leave an order.
You know you need them.
13th St.
Trota the Gaaett.
Mr. and Mm John Ebel an feeling
hsppy over the arrival of a new baby
girl at their home this week.
According to reports hog cholera is
raging in some parts of Nebraska and
porkers are dying in large numbers.
Cliff Jadevine was up at Albion this
week calling on his "beet girl" and is
also thinking about buying a farm. It
looks like a tie-ap soon.
Mies Minnette Hopkins, who is about
to "jump the brass stick" wss tendered
a miscellaneous shower by the N. O. K.
girls Wednesday evening at the home of
Misstate Harper. A toothsome two
course lunch was served, and the shower
consisted of many beautiful and useful
presents; such as are necessary to go to
housekeeping with. All present spent
the evening Tery pleasantly. As near as
we can. learn, only about five of the N.
O. K'e. remain single.
From the Bepsblkaa.
Born on Monday, October 7, to
sad Mrs. Frank Oilmore, a son.
. Mr. and Mm.F. K. 8trother were the
guest of Monroe relatives Sunday.
Mm. H. Lubkerof Columbus was visit
ing her daughter. Miss Grace over Sun
day. Mrs. J. A. Barkley, daughter of L.
Garrard of Columbus, accompanied by
her little daughter, was the guest of
Monroe relatives Tuesday. v
"Mrs. Ruth Kenyon left last Friday for
Atlanta, Ga, where she will represent
Nebraska at the National convention of
the rural letter carriers' association.
Last Thursday the trustees, Isaiah
Llghtner and Was. Webster, sold the old
Truman place, the purchaser being
NorisFfneld and the price $3,750, or
about 980 per acre.
Some one in this locality is guilty of
some very careless shooting with a rifle.
A week ago Thursday Mrs. John Potter
was doing some work in the upstairs of
their new horns about 10:90 in the mora
ing, when she was called down stairs for
somethiag. In about thirty minutes she
returned and during her absence a rifle
bullet had passed through the window
near where she wss sitting, and had she
been there would have caused instant
death. The bullet made a hols in the
window and was found iu the room
partially isttcaad out. With houses so
close people should be very careful about
Gents9 Furnishing Goods
a -
406 11th Street,
comfort and clean
necessary and
articles for other
using such firearms.
Last week Mr. Keeler sad daughter
Mrs. Ben Nelson drove to Monroe to
meet Mrs. A. U Betty of Cedar Rapids
and Mrs. Jackson Beaty of Arkansas.
While returning home a bolt whichbeld
the tongue came down, scaring the
horses. The carriage was overturned
and all thrown out, Mrs. Nelson having
her collar bone broken and being other
wise bruised, while the others escaped
with alight bruises. Mrs. Nelson was
taken to the home of her sister Mrs.
Johnson, and Dr. Beathack was balled
to attend to her injuries. The sooideat
occurred while they were going down
a hill and they were very fortunate in
getting off so luoky.
From'tfae Times.
A postal received from Edward Per
rigo, sent from Canton Ohio, states that
he was one of the musicians that
marched in the parade at the unveiling
of the MeKinley monument, and heard
President Roosevelt deliver an address
to the assembled thousands.
Miles MeFayden, assistant agent at
the depot, met with aa accident Wednes
day morning which will place him on
the retired list for a few week. - He
clipped sad fell on his left arm, breaking
of the bones ia the wrist.
Harry Fonda, who with his wife, re
cently retarned from a trip through
southern Missouri, visited a locality
wheYe people lead the simple life. Down'
near the Osark mountains, soathwsst of.
8pringSeld. the inhabitants live aa their
fathers and grandfathers did before
them. The ( spinning wheel sad loom
from the material from which iclotbes
are made; crude mills grind tbecora
and moonshine whisky is a medium of
exchange. When the natives travel they
go on horseback along paths winding
over hills and through valleys. Hogs
and hominy is the principal food. Mr.
Fonda talked with one of the natives
wno aau aot seen a newspaper
Frost The World.
J. H. Pieper and Ei Wurdeman re
tarasd home from 8outh Dakota Tues
day eveaiag.
Arthur Rudolf, infant son of Mr. sad
Mrs. Rudolf Jenny, was baptized, last
Sunday at the church by Rev. Gee-
Paul Strey, a young
in the em-
ployofGerd. Korfhsge,
who lives six
-i ' i I
miles northwest of town, had a
lest Wednesday ia which I
blyeutupiaa barbed wire
Lawery was called to dress
and it is hoped the patiest will recover.
Last Monday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Ochsaer and Miss Hattie Me
Cardy started from the Ochsaer farm
to the home of Mr. aad Mrs. Walter
Barr, north of Stanton, when soma part.
of ins buggy in which they were
broke, startling the horses aad
them to raa way.
thrown from the
fores aad rendered unconscious for
some time while Miss MoCary escaped
with only a few braises. Mr.Osehser
dragged a. considerable
sad received oa ugly gash on
The trio was taken to 8taatoa where
their injuries were given the
From tha mcaaL
Mra.F.T. Walker aad children, of
Columbus, apaat Saturday last with her
sister, Mrs. Dan Msoksa.
Mrs. Alice Sullivan aad her sister.
Miss Katheryn Quiaa of Columbus ware
gasstof the Sullivan family ovsrSan-
Mrs. Martha Beaty, of Fayettavile,
Ark., in visiting old friends at Wattsv&e
this weak. She moved south about 18
years ago.
Mrs. Herman Brodfaehrsr, Mm, Ed
Ballon aad.Mrs. Roaald Ring aad child,
ren, of Columbus are visiting friends ia
town thisweek.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schils aad Mr.
aad Mrs. Martin Sohilx, of Columbus,
apaat Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pete
Schils, west of town.
Dr. Pugh's coyote escaped from prison
Isst Saturday. It hung sroang some
time bat always maaaged toskeep jast
out of reach. Finally it disappeared in
the weeds down by the creek aad has
not been seen since. No insurance.
Olint Wilber left a radish' in the
Signal oaoe last Saturday which is
large saosgh to give a good sized family
thestomach ache. It measured twenty
eight inches in length aad twelve inches
in droumfrence. Clint raised it ia hie
From The Past.
EdRossiter was-up from Columbus
Tuesday oa business.
Albert Rasmuoasn spent Sunday with
relatives at Columbus.
Miases Annie snd Minnie Heudrick
narrowly averted a serious accident
Monday while oa their way to Newman
Grove. The horse beoame frightened at
aa auto aad tamed over the baggy, but
no other damage was done except a pair
of broken shafts.
Paul Vrzai aad Mrs. Dorothy Aaa
Wilana were married Saturday, October
fi, at the home of Matt Reeves, Judge
Bates officiating. Ia the eveaiag a
crowd of young awn gave the aewely
married couple a lively serenade. They
will reside on Mr. Vrxal'a. farm north
west of this city.
.Two county clergymea had agreed to
exchange pulpits on a certain date. One
of them made tha followiag solemn an
noancement to his coagregatioa on! the
Sabbath previous to lbs event: ' MMy
dearbrethern sad ststers, I have the
pleasure of stating that on next8unday
morning the Rev. Zschariah B. Day will
preach for you. Lst as now siag two
verses of Hymn No. 480, "That Awful
Day Will Surely eome." And it took
him some time to discover why the coa-
ma tha
.. F. T. Walker, of Columbus, was an
over Sunday visitor in towa.
Mrs, Geo. Smith went down to Colum
bus Thursday aad accompanied Miss
Clara 3oopsr home from St. Mary's
Mrs. Peter SohnuUand children went
dowa to Columbus Thursday for a oouple
of week's visit with the lady's paraats,
Mr. aad Mrs. Fraas Lachait.
Mrs. P. S. MeKiUip aad son, Gene,
left Inst Sunday for Lansing, Michigan,
for a visit with friends snd relatives.
Mr. McKillip aoooaspaaied them as far
as Omaha.
' Robt Iianaberry- came over from
8palding laat Saturday eveaiag oa
account of his mother gettisg her limb
broken, sad has been here sines help
ing to cure for hsr
Miss Leas Fehriager, daughter of Mr.
aad Mrs. Nick Fehriager. west dowa to
Onumbus last Saturday to remaia for
sometime. Shewsssceompaaiedbyher
cousin. Miss Christina Germaa, who re
turned ia the eveaiag.
F. M. Oookingham west dowa to
Council Bluffs tat weak to represent
Hsary Mausbsek ia a suit which his wife
has' began for a divorce a the court
of Pbtowottomie county. 8he neks for
$1,000 alimoay aad 8900 temporary
attorneys fees. The esse will eoase up
for trial some time this winter.
Andrew ODonaeU. who will here
by many of the pioneers of
aaity at having been a rest-
dsat of . Humphrey a number of years
agevdied lsst weak ia Omaha. His son.
Peter ODoanell, married a dsaghter of
ftr. aad Mrs. John Wsiand ef UiapUoe.
For some time past-Mr. ODonasll had
been living ia Omaha.
Mrs.Jos.Iisnabsrry had the mmfer
tune to full last 8atarday aftsraeoa snd
break her limb a few, inches below the
knee. She was trying to catch a ehiok
saiaapigpea and ia sense way she
sHnped and fell, breaking her limb as
"above ststsd About n year ago Mrs.
liisssssnj suffered a similar Injury aad
just able to gat aroaad fakly weU.
to est
far a
Tn3vwmfc0vrEf La s Jr
PL-wVWsnunr9VmuT sWn.
wSmmunVT' ifluZSX IlSuS
cRw'sKsn EruBBEKOr JflmTnT
tih. nfrtgS!!!! '
lfflFi S'wl nVsHsf
n rtnWAASbal
Its Sweet
as well .
As Wholesome.
Bread, cake and pastry made from
Way Up flour caa be depended upoa
to be as palatable as it is autritioua.
aad taata saying a good deal, for it is
Bade by the best improTed awthoda
of maoufactare, which retain all the
desirable elements of the whole wheat
It has great "raising" qualities, too,
which all housekeepers appreciate.
Coliibis Riller Mills.
lire east of towa was'kioked ih the head
by ahorse last 8aturdny'aftsrnooa, aad
as a result of the injuries, the little fel
low died Sunday and was buried ia St.
Francis cemetery Tuesday afternoon.
The little fellow was extremely fond
of horses, sad unnoticed by others be,
slipped into the barn and .innocently
went to aear the horses. He was
broughtto town for medical attentioi ,
but his injury waa so serious little
relief could be secured.
Vidow Had Plan to Fix Things" ts
Jtm's Body.
At the cabin of a Tennessee aettler
where I stopped over night they told
mer-of a widow living three 'miles away
who, 'finding that the body of 'her hus
band had'been petrified after lying ia
the 'ground for five or six years, had
sold It to a showman for $50 In cash.
The people were not at all sentimen
tal, hut they didn't look upon the
transaction as just right. Next day,
as-1 journeyed along, I atoppeM at the
house of the widow named for a glass
of water. When she learned where I
had stayed over night she asked: "Did
they tell you about my 'dead husband
turning to stoner "Yes." "And
about my selling him to a showman?"
"Tea." "And they don't think It was
rlgatr "Oh, they didn't say-much."
"But I know what they have said to
others and how they feel about It
Mebbe It wasn't jest the right thing to
do,4utm tell you what's in my mind.
If I. kin get an offer from a rich man
111 marry again,-and the first thing
after that ni buy Jim's body back and
use it for a gate-post and have him
near me all the rest of my life."
Negro Knew What He Was After
. When He Lent the Money.
Ed was a mighty bright negro be
longing to a family In Columbia,
Tenn. He had been a faithful servant
for many years, and by saving and
carefully investing his wagea he had
belled the usual thriftlessness at
tributed with more or less justice to
the majority of his race. His master
was an attorney, and one morning, be
fore he had arisen, the lawyer waa
called upon by Ed. who said: "Say,
boss, Ah. wants yo' tor drwme up a
mawkgidge." "A mortgage?" asked
hlarmaster. "What do yen' want a
mortgage forr "Well. Aa's'done lent
line' Li8ha five dollahs, aor Ah wants
a .mawkgidge on his caw 'an caff.
"For how long have youVlent the
money?" "Fo one monfj? "One
month! Why, the interest, on that
amount for that time wouldn't pay for
the. paper a mortgage Is written on."
"Bitts." said Ed, scratching his head,
"Ah. ain't carta nuran fo'-dat Intrust
Ah-jes' wants dat nlggah!s cow an
caLM'---Judge. t
Quick Chanting Extraerdinary.
SUfcnorina Fa'tlma Mirls, who is cre
ating a' sensation on the Italian stage,
will shortly appear In London. 'Single
handed ahe has produced "The
Geisha," representing herself all the
15 principal parte and changing her
costume 175 times. Her performance
lasts three hours, and time la
she off the stage for more than ten
seconds. She has a marvelous fblce.
and can, sing soprano, alto, tenor and
barytone. The crimes declare that
8Ignorina Mirls. who is only 24 years
of .Ige. Is SIddons. Nellie- Farreu;
Florence St John and Fregoll rolled
Int? one. At present she Is perform
ing eat Bologna a piece entitled "La
Grande Via," In which se makes over
one hundred changes of costume.
itsdnsss la Penalty of Humor.
All the great htfmorists are sad
Cervantes, Moliere, Swift,' Sterner
Heine. Rlchter, Balzac, Dickens for
sadnessls the penalty which nature
has..annexed to that deefK searching
knowledge of life we 'call humor.
Hence Is the tragedy of! literature
If the man did aot weep' sometimes,
we would cease to laugh at his jests
la 'the cad he weeps too much, aad
thea we talk of, the failure of art!
Mfcjhael Monahaa la Papyrus. '
Angelic Ungerle;
Charlie had just retarned front
day school, when he asked his doting
Dhreai ' aa astonishing;.'.- question.
"Msntma, what kind of ujfterclothes
do.angels wear?" he inquired soberly.
MAajp9a--uauaerclothes! What la the
world do you mesa?" Evea Charlie's
motaer. mured to startling queries,
was stunaed. "WeU." murmured the
Httle chap, evidently punwd. "teacher
It is with sorrow that we ehroaiele the
downfaU of a msa with, whom we have
had hnainsss aad social ralatioas for
iy years, aad who has takea a prom-
t part, in assay ways ia oar little
city. While he is entitled to no sym
pathy ia aha eyes of Jastioa, few then
be that do aot depkrs the coaseqaeacss
to him aad those dspeadeat oa him.
When we went to press Isst week, the
had jast started, aad it took all the
to hear the enoeace. The jury
allowed to go home Saturday night,
and oa Moaday they returned to hear
the argameats bf the lawyers. County
L Attorney Hoedaam made the opaaing
argamsat for the State, aad thea to the
surprise of everybody the defense waived
further argument, which sent the case at
once to the jury.
Early Tuesday morning the jury sa-
meat, aad they were brought into court
aad ntade their reportendering a veri
diet of "guilty." Iaasmuch aa tha de
fsnas had made such a weak ease aad
had aot presented aay argamsat, there
was ao question in the minds of the'
public what the verdict -would be. The
aoaussd made no defense other than to
try, and blacken the character of the
TherewiU be the usual motion for a
new trial, which the defendant has three
days to tie, and if this is denied by the
court sentence will be" given. The pen
alty for the offense is iacaroeration in
the penitentiary for aot less than three
years aor more than twenty years.
Owing to the gravity of the case, the
time is likely to he well toward the ex
treme limit.
Ia addition to the ssonstrous crisoe of
which he was found guilty, the thing
that makes this msa to be so severely
denounced, is his gall and effrontery in
foroiag himself upon society and even
the church ia prominent capacities,
while engaged ia his nefarious praotieea,
thus bringing reproach and shams to
others, hirer since his preliminary
beariag he has assumed an attitude that
very few could have saramed had the
ebarges been true or false.
If there has been bo serious error in
the trial of the osse, the prisoner will
very soon begin his long servitude to
expiate, so far as human methods can
provide for, the great orime to his victim
sad society at large. Albion Newa.
And the Horse Retorts In Kind An
Incident of the Maine Woods. '
Three young men from Milltown,
near Calais, went out Into the coun
try districts recently to pass the day
and left 'their old horse standing se
der the shade of the, whispering pines
while they communed with nature
some little distance away, according
to the Kennebec Journal They were
startled by. the neighing and snort
ing of their steed and upon reach
ing the spot where, the animal was
tied they witnessed sa exciting en
counter between a bull moose and the
horse. The monarch of the forest just
happened along and found the horse
encroaching upon his domain aad
very naturally resented the Intrusion.
He made a run for the unfortunate
steed and a bow-on collision was al
most a sure thing, when the old
horse's fighting blood got up and,
Instead of waiting to berammed like
a fishing boat la a fog,"Be stood up
oa his hind legs and caught the bull
moose a swat fair upoa the nose with
both forefeet Both animate sat down
suddenly to think the matter over, the
moose from the surprise of the shock,
aad the horse because he lost his
balance, and it would doubtless have
gone hard with the flatter, which, was
Incumbered with-the harness and rig
ging, had not' the young men set upon
the forest king with yells just aa he
waa about to resume the attack upon
his helpless adversary. Any one who
remembers the. noise which' a Mill
town man is capable of making when
out for a good time will -pardon
the moose for his sudden and undigni
fied retreat.
Hwnereue Comment Mads hy
Visiters fiwm the City.
The questions and answers of little
boys and girls upon their first visit to
the country are of tea truly amusing.
One little boy from the city slums waa.
with great dlmculty, coaxed to" go. Ha
said he heard there were "thrashing
machines" in the country, and he
didn't want to go there to, be thrashed.
The same little boy, when asked why
the chickens interested him so great-,
ly, replied, "I've only seen them that's
been peeled In the city." Another lit
tle boy once went to the country pa a
visit Seeing his aunt plucking the
feathers from a chicken that evening,
he naked: "Auntie, do you undress all
the chickens before putting them to
bed?" The cows were favorites with'
Lottie, a little girl of eight. She begged
to be permitted to' milk, and. finding
herself rather unsuccessful, thought
she'd "better begta on a calf first"
Lottie also wanted to know If you had
.to buy gum for the, cows to chew on
aad whether the milk that came from
a separator waa the' same that came
from the cows. She thought it waa so
funny, too, that "all heas ate with
Leutetsna'a Freg Industry.
The revenue from the frog industry
,ia Louisiana la something over I !.-
MS per antfhm. ' The frogs are ship
ped alive .la Barrels, packed In moss.
Over LSSMet barrels of this Jiving
freight are shipped yearly some go
lag west as far aa California. Of
course, they are bo ordlaary frogs, hut
are carefully raised aad fattened, be
tas led -aa bread, meal aad crackliags.
Hew True,
Mildred Of course. I "carelnBore for
a maa'a true jsve' than for the amouat
of money he speaaav" Clotallde "Oh, I
of coune!" Mildred "Qat still. It's
People in Doubt m
Place to
13th St,
Filling the Plate.
A. aegro preacher whose supply of
food was running low decided to take
radical steps to Impress upoa his
Sock the necessity for contributing
Hhsrally to the church exchequer.. Ac
cordingly, at the. close of the sermon,
he made aa Impressive pause, aad
thea proceeded as follows: "I hah
found It accessary, on account ob de
stringency 6b de hard times, aa de
gtaeral deficiency ob de drculatln' me
jum la connection wid dls chu'eh, V
laterduce me new ottermaUc election
box. It Is ao arranged dat a half dot
lah or a guahtah falls on a red plush
cushloa wldout Boise; a nickel win
ding a small bell distinctly heard by
de congregation, aa' a auspeadah but
ton, my fellow mawtels, will fish off a
pistol; so you will govn yo'selves ac
cordingly. Let de election now p'oceed.
Wile I takes off me hat an gibs out a
Curiosities In Divorce.
Some curious facte appear from aa
International table of divorce statistics
that has been published la Paris.
Frost this It appears that the little
cosmopolis known as Switserlaad la
pro rata most proline la divorce, the
numbers being 40 per thousand mar
riages. -France follows with 21, and
Germany comes next with 17 per
thousand. In France divorces have
grown from 1.87S in 1884 to 14.92 in
1S04. It also appears that nearly twice
aa many women are divorced aa men
on the ground of misconduct not that
men are more virtuous but that they
have more' opportunities of conceal
ment aad women are readier to for-
India's Sasrsd Trees. '
There are- many sacred trees of
Iadla which enter largely into the re
ligious Ufa of the Hindoos. .Chief
among these Is the sami tree and the
trembling peepuL Nearly all the
higher hills snd rocks In the plains
are crowned' each by a temple, shriae
or sacred tree. The peepul is known
ao the king of trees. It Is the most
holy, aad the three great spirits of
the Hindoos dwell therein. The wor
ship of the tree is the worship of the
triad Brahma, Siva and Vishnu. ' Al
most every Indian village has Its pee
pul tree, with a raised platform or al
tar around it The devout remove
their shoes before it aad nuke obei
sance before proceeding oa their way.
Shew Place.
"This Is one of our greatest show
places," ssid the' man who waa show
llg a friend about his town. "Why it's
only a vacant lot!" replied the friend
"Sure; but that's where the circus al
ways shows when It comes to towa."
Toakers Statesman. -
Oh, Oh, Oh. -Mrs.
Henpeck Why is a husband
like dough? Mr. Henpeck (inspira
tloaly) Because a woman needs him.
Mrs. Henpeck Not at all. It's because
husband's hard to get off one's hands.
Dates can be made at the
Journal Offce
i . JSwamsBBB
fcVJwTf bbW
fsmaf ' bbbI
ibbbu wmnf
uhbbT sbbT
sf aV
nana unaf
naaf asm
1 Chasm"
I PURE, healthful, grape cream
of tartar
kind that
out impairing the healthfulncss of
the food. Makes the biscuit,
cake and pastry more digestible
and wholesome. Absolutely free
from alum and phosphate of lime
Chcmkal snalyses show Urn
ef slum tocoatam hwae
of amm to contain large usiBtkiri of ssfrhsne nan, TTM
A sad thmsportkm of the skat worn amm bakmg fw ,
A a take slam aad satpsBvic adds law year ssbbwcbw "msm
mBl- -, '. v sshBBBBBBBBBBBBBBainnnnnnBV
I , r - "M.
aad tamaportkm eftbeamm
l :
to Where ii the
Buy Their
Should Fust CtyaTo
- k
FawsseMJlisfc M0 iwunW
After that it m easyweaunuW
Agent for the Hurt, Shsrtner Mux
Suits arKTOvercosts. . Abo ageat ; for tbt
House of Kuppenheimer. StwtsTifir
and Champion Hats. Sefac andCW.
Snow's celebrated Shoes Bear in mind
our prices are one and the same to alL
OolumlKii, Nefar.
. i
Let us build yea can. We put.
aothiag but the very bast material
snd workmanship ia them. ' The
price is right
, Bring hi your teste
implements to he shamoaed-
aad repaired bow. It will save
you time when the spring work,
opens up.
We keep only the latest aad
! ni wtaiegtuV
..Fan liplmiite,
tVOar Horseshoes stick dad
don't lame your horse try
Louis Scbnirir.
.- i j
TknVm I TTmw
aaPwi vVanaMuVMH, waBBUvnFJ .
Eleventh Street.
We iavite all who desire choice
steak, aad the very best cuts of
all other sseata to call at our
market oaKleveathstreat. We
also handle poultry aad ash aad
oysters ia sssroa.
Telephone No. 1. - Columbua. Veh.
powder, the only
can be used with
low priced powders
uMUtuiri of
the food! Yea
stuns .
11 4
t -A
r 1 l
I " -1
'I i
t w
It :'$
f W
that Abraham entertained the
awfully hard to bom a
W i
Uu. '
kj&mi$ku'Jii Ja&giWitei '