The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 16, 1907, Image 4

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W1 zESSf
Colombost MoTor
Parser, ay
Xbi laoatae.. .
KKNKWALS-Tha rfat opposite mot
roar natior. or wtmtumt titumm to
eaharrintion is naid. Thus JaaAft eaowa
'partaont Hm hsra racwtwd ap to Ja.l.lM,
!s data.waMi
Ffltna to rab. i,mBdio ob.
ml be chaagsd aeoorUiagur.
DrtfCONT! XTJANCKH-Basnonaihla
er will eontina to rwive this Joeraal HI ass
aahlishars ara bkkIbmI to letter to iliauuatia ,
wfaeo all armartaa bmm( be paid. If joaaeaot
visa the Joornai onanaatd Zor aaot&er
earths Unas paid for
Bteiluasl notify aa to
ateae ia the address, aahscribers ahoakl be i
mtaatt omaawMiaai
Rfpublicaa Ticket.
For Sapraaie Jadge
University Bcgeats
Bailraai ComaUasioaer
District Judges
' , C.E. ABBOTT.
Coaaty Clerk
Clerk of District Coart
Coob'j Sheriff
County Coroner
Coostjr Assessor
Cosaty Sopervisors
A. K rniEST, '
The Hepsblican Stat Flattens.
, PolnH with pride to the snfvevemoBta of taa
Jlcpiblio in pan? an r the splendid leadership
of Tno-dore IfoosL'Tclt, an 1 leftists that his aac
cessor slia'l ba a min wh will 'ontiaee the
Bocscvelt p iliciea, and' suggest Secretary Taft
aienehn m-ta,
Comnradsthp present St te officials for their
care of the Stn'e iatifatioas, maintmfoing the
Craiit of the State, and redacing the State debt
Coauneads the Nebraska delegation la Coa-
Callsatteation to the inagniaoeBt record of the
last Legislatore which carried oot the plodgoa
of the Bepnblican party, as follows:
L A statewide direct primary.
2. Abolition of the free pass eriL
3. Comprehensive powers for the atate rail
wayeOBuaissioB. '
4. More equitable rates for transportation of
pastienpTs and freight.
5. Kqial .taxation of raiiroad property for
eity purposes. .
6. Abolition of fellow servant law and fall
employer' Jiibllity.
7. A pare food and dairy law.
8. Rigid economy in appropriations.
Endorses the direct primary, and pledges aoch
amendments as shall Improve its workings
Commends the good work of the state railway
commu-sioa, in its efforts to secure better freight
rates for the people of the state. Calls for the
rigid enf rcement of the anti pass law.
Declares th-it in salts at law corporationa
should be d-eml citizens of every state where
they have filed articles of incorporation or exer
cised the rights of eminent domain.
Favnrn an enartmont of the federal law for
bidding the federal courts from issuing writs of
injinctioa a.?ain4t stiti officers charged with
the enforcement of state statutes.
Howards with liish favor the nominees ob the
state ticket nnd invl'es voters who believe in
official probity au J efficiency to join in electing
The" republican ticket is worthy of
.the support of every republican in the
Vote it straight
- Platte county has been solidly dem
ocratic for many year?. If it has been
an advantage to anyone except to the
office holders, it U not visible to the
naked eye. Have taxes been less'
than in other counties? Not .much.
Have we fine public buildings, or fine
bridges and roads built by the county?
Not any. Is it necessary to always
reelect the same gang to hold down
the fat offices at the court house? We
do not think so. The republicans
have up a good, clean ticket, made up
of active, competent men. Voters
and taxpayers, give them a trial. . Let
us have a court house cleaning, and
toy a change.. In two years if the
change is not satisfactory, the voters
have the power to express their pref
erence again. Let us have a new deal.
Professor J. R. Alcock, the republi
can candidate for county superintend
ent, is in .every way qualified for the
position, as he has made educational
work a life study. He was educated
in thepubl$c schools of Independence,
and graduated from the Iowa State
noimal at Cedar Falls in 1882. He
has had twenty-five years experience
in school, work in Iowa, South Dako
ta and Nebraska, during which time
he has held the poation of principal
for eighteen years.. He is now serv
ing for the -fifth, consecutive year aa
principal of the Monroe schools, where
he has given the beet satisfaction.
During his incumbency at Monroe the
school has reached the point of efficen
cy in which the new standard course
of atady for first class ten grade schools
iafceiag amaintained, as per the new
high school kw.; Professor Alcock
awkkavyuwnsinnsl state .certificate,
issued apt year an exaaunation in
It k not soaaaaiy VtfjM ago tdto
i t
mm mart f Nebraska was
composed of two dosmocrsis and one
republican, Judges Holcomb and
SdHvan being tkdeamocrata, When
Ucaawtb the election of the third
judge, did anyone hear of the Oaaaha
World-Herald or the Columbus Tele
gram, or any other dWocratic paper
advocating a good republican, so as to
make the supreme court awn-partisan.
We ask, did any of these newspapers
advocateano-partitM judiciary then.
No, not that any court knows of. On
the contrary, they brought out what
they considered their strongest candi
date, frdee Conrad HoUenbeck of
Fremont. But now, when it would
help the election of a denwarat they
want a non-nartifam judiciary. In this
Sixth judicial diatrict the voters placed
one republican and one desnocrat on
the bench. James 6. Boeder, the
republican, proved Umfelf aa excep
tionally strong onactaL He was not
only .fir and impartial in all his de
decisions, but he has the faculty of
clearing up the docket, disposing bf
more cases than any judge we ever had
here on the bench. Everybody liked
him, everybody spoke well of him.
Men who have served on juries under
him praised him for. his kindness and
the courteous treatment they received
at his hands. The voters of thk dis
trict have repeatedly, approved of
Judge Hollenbecaras a district judge.
Here in this Sixth judicial district wm
a splendid opportunity to have a non
partisau judiciary. Did any demo
cratic paper or any democratic politi
cian openly 'advocate it? Vote for
Reese,1 Martin and Abbott.
a '
It would seem that Oaaaha is a city
big enough to have at least one train
a day start on time on the Union
Pacific railroad, without waiting for
any other connection. The train ser
vice now is such that nothing is on
time any more, either mail or peroen
ger. It does not seem that it should
be necessary to appeal to any railroad
commission, but that theUnion Pacific
system should of its own accord think
enough of its record to run its trains
somewhere near schedule time. One
train a day, at least, should start from
either Council Bluffs or Omaha on
time, and should be on time in Ne
braska at least
Four years ago J. L. Sharrar was a
candidate for sheriff on the republican
ticket He received every vote but
nineteen in his own township. Is not
that an exceptionally fine record?
Ifjat is an endorsement Mr. Sharrar
can be proud of as long as he lives.
Here in Columbus Mr. Sharrar wm
almost an entire stranger; and here,
where the heaviest vote is, he wm beat
on. But conditions are different now.
Mr.Sharrar is still strong with his home
people, who know him best, and here
in Columbus now has hosts of friends,
for they know him now, and they
know him to be the right man for the
place. '
It is plain that the campaign for
the fusion nominee for supreme judge
is to be urged on a plea for nonparti
sanship on the supreme bench.' Judge
Loouis, himself, gave the cue' for this
in his speech to the democratic state
convention, when he said:
I beUere that aablie eoaideace ia the eoart
of any atate is atraagtbaaed by tha fact that the
jadges of that ooart are not all of the aaaae
political party.
Following this up, the democratic.
World-Herald, after, attacking Judge
Reese m the republican nominee, de
clares: AdadtothiafatheargaaMrtforBOB9arti.
aaa judiciary; ia other words, a jaaJeiary ia
which both partial Bare repreaaaUtioa,
What buncombe this sudden con
version of hide-bound democrats to the
principle of nonpartiaaaship is may be
more readily understood by reviewing
a little recent history in Nebraska
politics. The demo-pop fuaonists first
secured a place on the supreme beach
in 1897, when they secured one of the
three judgeships by the election of
Judge Sullivan over Judge Post Two
years later they captured a second
place by the election of Judge Hol
comb over Judge Beese. With the
court thus consisting of twofusionists
and one republican the nonpartisan
ship idea would have required that the
third place continue to be occupied by
a republican judge. -
When the time came, however, to
choose another supreme judge in 1901
the bipartisanship of the deanoerats
and populists wm strikingly noticeable
by its absence. The republicans nom
inated Judge Sedgwick, who at that
time wm serving m a member of the
supreme court commiwion, to which
be had been appointed by the unani
mous assent of tike entire supreme
bench, including the two fusion judges.
His judicial qualifications were not at
and the argument for a nonpar
judiciary, "in other words, a ju
diciary ia which both parties have a
deanutded his unani-
electiou tothe place about to he.
by the
judge. But did the
above aartiseaehi and andcn the
sg ispukliuan
T -S-
bladMaeybT Jri Sedgwick k ottfaf
to keep the court from becoming
wholly partisan? Not at all. They
immediately put their party labels oa
Judge HoUenbeck, a dyed in the-wool
deafAcraVM the fusion nominee for
supreme judge and fought just m hard
to exclude the republicans from aay
representation on the supreme bench'
m they are fighting new to smuggle
ia another democrat
This record' fully exposes the hol
lowness of demo-pop Bipartisanship.
When the bench is occupied by repub
licans the demo popspokesmen beg the
people not to allow the court to be
made up of judges all from the same
party. But when there is a prospect
of filling the whole beach with fusioa
ists, nonpartisaaehip is thrown to the
winds and. the party lines are strictly
drawn. Omaha Bee.
Roland B. Molineux, whose own ex-
one or tne newspaper
a few years ago, mys that ao
human being, whatsoever his crime,
should be sentenced to a definite term
in prison. For this he says there are
"a thousand reasons," thefirst of which
is the financial. The prisons of the
United States cost a billion dollars a
year. Annually, he declares, this
country "spends 500 millions more on
a fruitless and farcical coatest with
crime than it does oa all its works of
charity, religioa and education."
- A second reason advanced by Mr.
Moliaeux for the udeterminate prison
sentence is that in almost every ease
our prison system releases the crimin
al a more dangerous menace than be
fore his incarceration. And in this
connection Mr. Molineux voices a vi
tal truth: "Our criminal law aims to
benefit society. In this it faiLxIt
should aim to benefit the criminal. In
this it could weeeed."
Whatever fault may be found with
the rest of Mr. Molineux's argument
we believe the words just quoted are
sound and, indeed, we have so said on
several occasions. Our penal institu
tions are "penal" in too strong a sense
of the word. We seek to punish
more than we seek to change the lives
and tastes and ambitions of the crimi
nal classes. Punishment at times is
accessary. The most severe punish
ment is frequently required. But
society has-a greater work to do. It
could .mve thousands of the
guilty ones if it would seek to lead
them . instead of lashing them. Of
course when a man is. so depraved
that he will not he helped, or led, or
lifted up, then he must be kept away
from the rest of uunldnd. His im
prisonment must then be perpetual.
On the subject of indeterminate
punishment Mr. Molineux nays:
The criminal' court should deter
mine but one thing the guilfr or in
nocence of the defendant HMhe,or
has he not committed the crime of
which he is accused? If guilty,
whether of murder or of disorderly
conduct, the one and unvarying sen
tence should be banishment The
criminal code should be stripped to a
bare list of the acts constituting crimes
and misdemeanors, and provision made
for a uniform treatment of .all those
coavicted. - '- .
Banishment, which should be spent
in prison, should be absolutely inde
terminate. By his own deed a man
has proven himself unworthy to dwell
among his fellow men. He must re
main apartfrom them forever, or un
til restored to citiseaship by a "court
of rehabilitation." Is not this equi
table? It has required a judge and
jury to deprive bint of liberty; only by
a judge and jury should it be restored.
The second judge and jury should
form the court' of rehabilitation. It
must be free from sentiment," have
nothing to do with pardon, remain
uninfluenced by political power or the
prisoner's friends, he actuated only by
absolute justice.
Do this, bring the question down to
the simple one of guilt or innocence,
let the sole permissible sentence for
any crime be banishment with the on
ly means of gaining freedom through
a court of rehabilitation, aad everv
evil of the criminal law will dhrnp-per.-
Lincoln Star.
J. C.
To the ritiseas of the Sixth Judicial
District of Nebraska:
Gentleman: As no political party
hM. adopted a platform for this judi
daf district, I deem it fair to the elec
tors of this district to advise them of
the following principles for which I
stead and which I would strive to my
utmost ability to enforce should I be
elected one of the judges of this
district, to-wit:
1. "EqaaHty before the Law."
2. Remove the law's vexatious
j del!
3. No politicBor favoritism known
on the Beach.' "'
4. Snhstantial jastice nnlhampered
by technicalities.
5 Purify the Courts by severe
puaushsaB for perjury.' -.
i. "To do right m God gives me
to see the right"
"-'' Joan C Majernr.
ran narrjaucABT candidatk von oouhtt
I respsetfully ask the support of the
votem regardless of polities who waat a
"Square Deal" ia the Aassssnrw omce.
MY MOTTO: UA tguare. deal' for
everybody ngttrdkm of poKUm."
' Lwcolw, Nebb Oct 14, 1907.
As the record of the Republi
party is scrutinised ia anticipation of
another election,, it is discovered that
ia the long list of creditable perform
ances of the past twelve-month, none
stands out quite so conspicuously m
i to assertion by legislative enactment
of the state's authority over the rail
roads. For many yean the undisput
ed right of the people to compell
through their state government' fair
treatment and reasonable rates from
the carriers to whom, they had given
special privileges, such m the right of
eminent domain, land grants and.
bonuses in one form and another, hM
lain dormant All political parties
have recognized existing evils in their
platforms, and legislatures have been
repeatedly elected under pleages to ooiv
net them. But the system of ree
passes and the wiles of the persuasive
lobbyist proved effective' factors in pre
venting any legislation calculated to
curtail corporate liberties until the
rejuvenated Republican party under
the leadership of such men m Norris
Brown, George Sheldon and uncle Dan
Nettleton assumed the reins of author-
The ground work for effective con
trol of railroads wm laid in the legis
lature of 1905, when the Cady amend
ment to the state constitution provid
ing for the creation of a State Rail
Way Commission wm submitted. This
aaaendment wm. adopted in the elec
tion by popular vote one year ago.
The most important duty which de
volved upon the ensuing legislature
wm the passage of a law which would
confer adequate powers upon the Com
mission thus created. That this duty
wm conscientiously performed let the
record of the Commission bear witness.
Although it hM been organised
barely six months, during which time
much of its attention has been devoted
to preliminary work necessary to the
intelligent solution of so intricate .a
problem m the adjustment of the
rates, the Railway Commission has
already accomplished definite results
in a great many cases that have been
brought before it Approximately
100 complaints have been -filed with
the Conunissioa during the first half
year of its existence, and about 50 of
these have been settled to the entire
satisfaction of the aggrieved parties.
While little attention has been at
tracted outside the city directly inter
ested, perhaps the most important de
cision rendered by the Commissioa up
to the present time wm in the cise of
the City of Lincoln against the street
car companies, in which an order wm
asked to compel the sale of six tickets
for twenty-five cents. The order wm
granted, and while on the surface the
issue involved appeared to be of lit-'
tie importance, this case established a
precedent which will be of far reach
ing effect in the future work f of the
Commission. Ia arriving at the rea
sonableness of the six fbra quarter
rate the commissioa followed the plan
advocated by President- Roosevelt in
fixing a definite valuation upon the
properties of the street car companies,
thus forever preventing stock-jobbing
schemes of high financiers or the eara
ing of more than a reasonable divi
dend upon the actual investment So
far as; known, this principle hM never
before been applied to the making of
rates, aad if followed in the more com
plex casmyH to coaM before the' Com
mission, it will place Nebraska far ia
advance of all other states in'the ef
fective regulatioa of transportation
Another important decision by the
Railway Comipiwioa wm rendered in
the application of the railroad and ex
pram companies, for penussioa to,
change rate oa milk aad cream. In
stead ef adopting the rates proposed
by the carriers or continuing the eld
desired by the bag creamery
the Communion promufr
gated a scandals of it. prh which W
detigncd toT build up meal creamery
interest throughout the atate. Al
though the new schedule will not go
into eueet "until November 1, its in
fluence laMalready been felt in a
great many of the smaller citie of
Nebraska, where the .creameries will
be eatabluhed within the mxt few
months. Asa result of-the Cummis
sioa's action uh crvam and milk rates
kia confidently expected that before
another year has pas! the output of
Nebraska dairies will be couveried in
to butter, cheese and i4her finished
uepdaets aear their point of origin in-
sued of being hauled hundreds of
miles to fatten the profits of the hf
donea centralised concerns now
exiatiagin this state.
" Still another important piece ot
work done by the Commission wm the
issuance of an order requiring the Mis
souri Pacific to repair its tracks aad
roadbed in Nebraska and place them
m safe condition for public travel. A
similar order has been made against
the Burlington with reference to the
"High line" running northwest from
Holdrege. Beth of these orders were
WKNsil iaveatigatioB by
of the Commaanea, the trips
of inspection being made oa freight
trains, hand cars, railroad velocipedes,
aartoaaohuca aad oa foot, instead of in
luxuriously furnished spuria! cars, m
hat been aad still is, with soawCom
aunuoaa. the custom.
Waa'WaBWn samiw UsaaaWMamaaw
Aside from, rate making and regu
lation, a very important feature of the
CVmimiBsion'a work is the adjustment
of minor complaints, each of little in
terest to the public at large but of
great importance to the rights aad
property of the persons aggrieved. A
poor widow is held up for $4 50 stor
age charges on" baggage which hM
gone astray through ao fault of hers.
She appeals to the Commmson nnd
through that agency is enabled to se
cure her property without cost A
numer whose claim for damages from
fire set by a locomotive has been
ignored for weary months lays his
grievance before the Commission and
secures prompt redress without the ex
pense of a law suit A shipper who
hM been discriminated against in the
furnishing of cars complains to the
Commission aad is thereafter given
fair treatment Gases of this kind
might be multiplied indefinitely, and
they would all prove the wisdom of
maintaining a department of govern
ment clothed with sumcient authority
to command respect, oae of whose
duties shall be to act m a medium be
tween the weak individual and the
powerful eorporatioa. -
Aad so it law come to pass that Ne
braska, once railroad-riddea nnd pow
erless to defend herself against corpor
ate aggression, today occupies a posi
tion in the front rank of states which
have asserted their right to control
common carriers. Wisconsin, under
the leadership of LaFollette, Iowa,
underCummins, Illinois, under Deneen
and Nebraska under Brown aad Shel
don, and Reese, and Clarke, aad their
coworkers are apreadiag the middle
westvdoctrine of equal rights to all
throughout the lead.
erlln'a Woman Chauffeur.
Berila's woman caamTeur la ataxia
m ane always iateaeee to do a
very good Uveuaooi. Clad In a atmpie
but secomlns coat aad aUrt-of service
able material. Fran von Papp drives
one. of tne Bedsa conrpaay's electro
droscakea with roasummato aMlL 8ne
la not, however, at fb beck aad call
of the general public, hut la In the em
ployment of the Kalaerhof hotel, aad
drives ita vkdtora alone. The womaa'a
story Is tetereatiac. Her huabnnd
an apparently well-to-do lawyer ' died,
leaving: her and three young children
pewBileaa. Fran von Papp always had
a fondness for aatoaeobUlag; and
quickly decided upon her profasalon.
Having satiated the poUee aathorttMs
m to her capabUltice.
her present, post aad la
self aad family In comfort
Only Thing Left
The schoolmaster wm trying
teach hie daw composition.
wm having great dlmealty.
If I should ask. What have I
1uumT the anawer should be. Tea
have aa apple In your hand.' "Now
suppose I should ask, What have 1
on my feetr what should yon sayr
M8hoes,w wm the fret reply. "Stock
lugs." replied another boy. "No." aaM
the teacher Impatiently, "both of you
are .wrong. Rememher what I have
Just said.'' For a moment no one
ed anxJons to try to answer the
tJoa; hut at last a lad raised hla hand
with an air which aaM euHe plalaly
that he wm perfectly sure of his
knowledge. "Coma!" ho anouted tri
umphantly. ,.
1 suddom it Is necessary that
ntea should he transacted; thsugu the
amount of business that does not a
tribute to anybody's comfort or ke
It la not overdone. I
that muemltttng attention to
hi the price of at cose, hut I dent
la. There tea
who wa all know, who awn a
It In
know what aeeeess
another ane num.
the rifjbta of tamer whelaavejat m
ImBaey 'Wsaaer. .
" OuW&atsE CuBBBfJUaWt? XBA
Correct Dress For Men
Te Clean Window ttadce.
We have all heard the story of the
woman who told the new maid to
waah the curtalaa meaning the lace
ones, and came Into the kitchen jest
In time to discover the newest window
shades melting In the boiler. But we
do not all know that when shades are
merely dust soiled the aurface can be
freshened by the application of hot
corn meaL The shade should Irat
be spread out flat on a large table and
the meal rubbed In with a circular mo
tion of the palm. Then if rubbed gen
tly with a soft, dry cloth the meal and
the daat it has absorbed will be re
moved without leaving any trace of
either. Country Life in America.
"Fh Ju" Brooch.
, A brooch which is unique, called
"Fa Ju," la worn by the Chinese aa a
charm for long life, happiness and
success. "Fa Ju," has been worn and
worshiped hy the Chinese people for
nearly 4.MO years, aad la Implicitly
believed In by them. The men wear
these pias on their caps and the
women wear them in a number of
waya, usually aa brooches and as
peadanta oa chains. They are being
Imported for American wear la
brooches, scarf pias, pendants and
hatpins, and will probably prove ex
tremely popular Judging from the
present vogue of Chinese articles.
What the Should De.
They were interested only ia their
own aflalra and didn't aeem to care
who heard them. "Gave me the icy
elbow on Mala street yesterday, didn't
yon? he began. "Cross my heart, I
didn't mean to." she replied. I Jast
dtdet see you. "But you looked right
at me." "Can't help it, I didn't see
you." "Huh! Well, if you didn't you
ought to go to one of these octogeaar
laaa aad get your eyea Axed."
As te tha Searchers. -"Do
many 'endurance race' aatce
paaa here?" asked the city boarder,
peering down the road. "Yeas, stran
ger,'' replied the old farmer. "They
are all endurance racers to us." "To
you?" "Sure. It la an endurance teat
of patience to keej from blazing away
at them every time they ran over n
cow or scare a horse.
VnLa aVBT?-
v Situated 15 miles from Truckee
on the Main Line of
"Thi Ovirland RtiV
Stop-overs permitted oa Railroad and Pullman Tide
eta, Connections made witk tie famous Union
Facile trau,"Tfce Overlaaw Limitcl"
and other Through Trains.
The Place to Rest
Inquire of
NOT a mutter ot
the price but ptire
ly a question of
value received.
Cheapclothes hare
little or n6 value.
Good clothes are the only
kind worth hawing be
cause you get a definate
If you want to be sure that
you get good clothes
isntit just as important
to be particular about
where you get them? -
Thiv is strictly a store of
good clothes for men and
there's an honest dollar's
worth for every hundred
cents you put in the gar
ments we sell
Waah and teniae fresh 'snenrmlnt
aad strip on ceAugh leavea te til a
ejeart howL Cover with snlhng water
aad steep for ten ssteuten. Strata,
chill and add one cup of grape Juice
aad oae cup of strawberry or rasp
berry Juice, either fresh or
Sweeten to taste, using a syrup made
by telling eeual euanUttoa of sugar
aad water for ten nUnutea. Thia aad
an similar drinks are much more
bland when sweetened with this ayrap
than when raw sugar ia need. Mlat
punch may he varied -by using these
fruits, such aa lemons or curranta; a
few tiny sprigs of nunt should float
on the punch howl or pitcher. kod
Take a pound of lean beef from the
shoulder or shin and cut In email
aucea. Spread these slices with sau
sagemeat (a quarter of a pound win
aassce), mixed with an canal quan
tity of stale bread crumbs. Ron up
the slices ef meat aad tie Brady. Sea
son with salt and pepper, dredge with
flour, then brown in n spider ia a Mt
tlehotfaL After browning put la an
earthern dish, with n little onion,
cataup or any other aeasonlngy aa pre
ferred. Cover with boillag water and
cook slowly, tightly covered, flar three
or four hours. -9
Causae Him to WarMe.
"How fanayf Grandpa has been
staging like a bird all the moramg."
"Tes. that ia on account of the mis
take the'eear old gentleman made At
breakfast" "What miataker "Why
he made a porridge out of the. pack
age of birdseed aad tbraiht It wee 'a
package of oatmeal. - ' 1
Put Hie Feet te It.
That'B n beautiful photo ef .youV.
"I am glad you taluk so, then youll
be willing to exchange that ugly one
you already have for it" "I'd rather
keep it, it is so much more like you."
For fancy Wedding
grama or (JalSawcarda, don't
the Journal figure with you.
te let
jjLvfvv- "a
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i' y,'T'fJ,gV'at'jaaati;
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