HjRIPIIPIIHMPP fi-wT .? iaSS!!- W-aiCi ,v . PPo.;- ys. l. ? - 4. " f-:-'-.v 2" -.V.;...-.. ;-;;-.f.: -r. :i .; v Niv , .. 4 . .3 Ik I . . . A. St K 3l & "r 3; J i-., i-te-nifi ..t.: ' , -91 t a if' ?! ai -V i s4 CtonjoUdated with the Oolumbcu Time April 1, 1904; witti the Flatfo .County Argua January 1, 1W6. . 4 0i Il J. Ill .ftSI -m T7 4 ' VOLUME XXXV JUL NUMBER 2& tf. OOLUMBU8, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1907. t.ij-ot a vi ii . 1 WHOLE 1,874. w if triil ir . -.'i t. ? -w , . . eggggLgf - jaanmanrnf-. w W i r - -, ajemw mmmWX " as sbi g&nggga sbVa . j-t dnH " .t am " . a i em ,o - a. - j -n . w-m - - ffw iTr-MMw ri-r H H 1H H ; m P H H P m P- k. 3VI1II I llilli .ih h ; m i 'm m m . . m' .- BPav. I .r eWAW 'BWrV . ' fe . - WaV .r i'Kmmmmvmmmw BBYeSV ab-dhxeBLBBmBW- 'Jm.mr9mtmmmmmmmW - HB iBr WaBBl UB- W W' B W 1 " JL Br BV.Mr BBiB- aW-1 v ' -Jl . ... i . .; . ii - . - ' .. . .. " -" ' ( .a? v . . -.,... - ; i., . ielP ii' - t t '' . . f -. ! i v i- ' J I ... I -I- '- u w T-r fc lk- r r M 5 ? . k l! 1 ft. Ift EC P? I Ear i a . .i '11aaIui-! Hockenbenser-lE Chambers- ll s i i .KM. ESTATE AID 10AK. ! :i raal Mtaie, eitki-r tana ortova-loU, it will h to'yoar k intAMHttn'aoBmlt our liala. ' We S ntao hsv Mvaral itood dwelling fnrratiaOolariwi.aad it wi!T 5- . - Lr. "-. j -..,- ii pyyoato ad i Mwbebn acearaU. J iaipletiac jwar amBfei . J? "fflWWfWSWWfW?" . Mo y to kwm w aay " 8 w) akort Bottoe. S Fire, Itotaado sad Isranuiee. i 9 ! w) I Hockenberger &; S Chamber!. f OOLVMIVUXABKBIt. ft DQw1 M Dyo 9 Hogs. S5 30 tolS 35 "" ii in muTiii in i I MAMT XEAKS AQO. .. : Files of the Joarnal, Oct. 16, 1873. j The Uaioa Panilc express traia atari, ed from Oaaaha oaa day .last week with If teas carloads of The hunters have a good tea ia thls vicinity, jatt now, .ia aaootiag wild geese, dacka aad eaickeas, .which appear to be pleatifaUy. Aaweeping prairie ireweat of. the city, .ea Saturday ereaiag; detitroyejl quite a aaatber of trees- for W,JU Oali- awsy, aad cane aear buraiag Mr. Fras catta honse. I .The large new brick acbool hoase heiag pushed forward by the work.aaak with omaaMadaaia rapidity. Jadgwg t mat the progress already aiadat the walla will be completed before the bad weather cosies. ' j i Front Warn. OoMa, we lean, that Geo. D Bendriekaloet.oaTlMuaaaylaat.by prairie Are, aboat 150 baahela af wheat is stack, 25 toa of hay besides setaMe, etc, The fra was aavage' aloaff the. valley. Mr.' OoMa relates that once he was aarmaaded by the Ire but'eztricat edhiauelf bybaraiaga track through, whiob, with hat wagoa aad child escaped. ' Wat. Ripp hasahowaBaalatterroBi . a Obicaga eoeiasiea aMrehaat. wader dale of October 7, 1873. ia which he aaya. "Cer8f2 iaepecta Na l.eighe. Bottada to the baahal; had is the heaveet wheat, by oaa 'foaecl, that haa hmo received by the C. AN. W. R B. this year." It was raised by Jos. 8wJth on the table lead north of Oolaaibas inty. At the High Ichati. A' wireless telegraphy aparatas has heeaiaaYaaadlbrthaphyslesllabaratory. Fraf. Ooan aad a aaatber of the teach, ars expect to attend the .aseetiag aad priactpals at.Lia- eolaaext - '! -f A. E. Davidsaafi head, of the agrieal teral acbool at the State aaivaraity, was hare Taesday aad gave a talk ia the High aohool oa the valaa of agrioaltaral education, aad what it haa done ler the state of Nebraska aad the wast. The biological departsseat, ia. I't j . iag for plaat aad aaiaaal life. a formation they were unable to classify. They f orwarded it to the State aarveraiiy and Dr. Ward writes that it is aa satire- ly aew iipeoiaien of alga which has aot yet The irat aaatber of the lecture coarse last Tharsday ereaiag was well attained aad the eatertaiameat plsSssd the ajadi- ladaMttoaa are ravoraoie to warraat holdiag the of the iaatertaiaawata ia the North opera house anetead of the High aohool gym. iaaaiaau . Walker. Oora is dryiag up very fast aadeora U picking will aooa ha ia faM 1 J. W.Palawr is;bufld4aa ; aad Joha Swaaaoa ia deiag . the work. I. E. Anderaoa lost two cewa aad aosae calves froai aatiajr alfalfa ia the teld last weak. Great Johnson sad Jeha Swaaaoa . sauppedaaarloadoffat hogs to South Oaaaha Moaday eight. There was nite aa iatereat takea in I the cancan last Taesday oa aecouat of the new road ovarsesrtoba I jast about a fall houee. heaa qaate a bit af railroad talk ia Walker township the last few days, aad if it is' kept aa I per- i aaass wa will eeea nave it ta 8eriesR- at the Oalamhaa Lead, LBaaAnwaanBBff Aaaa, is aawepeafor saaawiplsa af atask. PaymsBts hagJa Nev.l, ltw7. Far partieamra see 'the Ssontary, H. HaoaYBaajta. Tbeewdit of Moariair taw aaaaal io vaatiaa at the Natteaal aaaodatioa af Baral;Fra DaKtarj CarriaiafortBWBa a 1908 ia daa to Mm. Bath Ai Kanyoaof Maaroa, Naa., and 0ptaia H. B. FaU BMrNaABtaMatar atOwaa. Mia. Km yoa, who aaa'beaa a awaxberof taa rtral earner force riaoe the aataljliabaai of the systep ia Nabraaka, was in Oaaaha a few waaka ago aaroate ta Atlaata, Oa.,' aa a dakajata to the aatieaal eoafeatam. 8he aalled apoa Oaaiaia Friaer to eeare hit aanataaeaia locating the eoa- saatioa ia Oauae ler 1908. OapUin Palaaar aacceedcd ia intereatiag the OoauaerBial club ia the aiattar, TiaiUag the clabwith'Mta. Kaayoa. The alab' argad her to try for the ooaveiUoB if IKpaibJe. bat was a little akeptieal ahoat heraaosaajL Thare.ara 50,000 ratal free. delivery earriera ia '5tha eoaatry aad the Uatly iaeraaaiat. The to arias; at lsaat 10,000 atraagerp to the city. It will he held early iaOdUar, 1908. -OhmU Bee. Suaday awraiag Henry Bagats.-n-caived a telagrsai froaTTonatville, Oft," sayiactbat his daaghter, Miss tillje t veryaiekiandtoeoaMatoace. TUs a aaf surprise to1 the taauly as she was expected hoaw thia week, ac eompaaiedby Dr. W. H. Evans, who was. to BMet Iberia Salt Lake. Miss Ragata has been ia Oaliforaia thia awnW BMraadher frieade hoped the caaage' would beaeflt teruri untU tbe tete giaawaivieeejveBmpposaor she "was iatprTiagr afc .Bagatrleft for Califor aU. Suaday axHniag aad Dr! Evans was also asked to goto Oaliforaia, 'and thay expect to bring her.to Cloianibaa.as aooa ia able to traveL. A telagraBare- ceired aiace Mr. Bagatza departariaaid nhewasiatpraviag;' ' - - ! J i .' v. .1 . i I 9mm ftmidniafct Oetobnr 12 until aud- -""7TT-- - . .... .-... aigwt uetooer w every piece or aaaii that to seat oat of -the Coluatbas posp oMoeakaatbe weighed tbe;siaoBBt; jf ataatps or postage paid, 'oa it;taken toto accoaat aad made up ia a report. ."This. iaoaeof.taa reauits of theijctioa the kBpacTeaatfck ragndisg . JLhs jot' oMce departmeat, ia aa-aadeavor to rjr daoe the cost efit to the governmnajt Besides this every. oMce has been weigh iag mail niece July I, aad will eoaUnae aatil the Ant of the year. Duriag October a special United States weigher has beea at the Union : Pacife depot hate' to weigh all mafla. The eoauting far dae week iaoladaaaU post omceiia tie ..( oouatry. j. . w ..V . : J-sl1?" amaaajaj..B.iJ .JLaUB wyaar ana nw m wvw Mendny, after aaillnem -of about fodr mouthe, aged 26 years. SbewasborBa 8witaarlaBd aad came to this eoaatry withlier hasbaad about a year ago' lb. caUngat Stanton. Ttey caaieJtothJeJ city ia Apru octnis year, ner aaaonnn being employed in C. A. LaU'aahoa factory. 8he leaves besides berhaW" bead two boys, aged four aad seven years. The faaeral was held from the Catholis chafch Wedaeaday. boraing and the burial was in theCataolio oamiet tsry. ' H.H. Savage. a traveliag man from a gnest of the Thurstoa hotel, 1 withaa aooideat Taesday anorqiag that wffl lay Wm up for scene time. , He was goaag-to the depot ahoat 2 a. m to iaqaire aboat No. 11, aad when in front, of BaschmsaTs reetaaraat ha stepped oa to what ha thought was the' board walk. Bat he had aot reached the. walk' aad aaatead stepped off the edge of the side walk aad feU.breakiac -his legbetweea the lease aad aakW i Joht Wittka leaves Wedaeaday for aa extended visit across the .water for. the purpose of rjeoeflttiag his health. From New York he goes to Genoa, Italy, aad then through the Meditertaaeaa to Aaatria. After a atop at Vienna be wUl goto his old home, which is a abort' Bnatsace from there and remsis there aatil next spring, and then return to T i - Good old -Ben Davis" ia not suah a bad "ieUow" after all. Always accom aasaaaaaa; as aa emergeacy. This from ArliBgtoa, Nebs this year, abort apple crop, proves the saarrtioa: "Apple plck iaa; is ia fall progress ia this coaaty. Mast et.tha. varietiea are a light crop and the pries is high. Baa Davis apples are the heavy bearers this year." Bally' for OhrisBienzof the GroetU BetgkW hood returaed last Friday, from Tiria Falls and other potato ia Idaho. &is aoa Fred ttvrn aear Baal. Idaha, aid ia doing aioely. Mr.BieuwasweHplessd with the eoaatry, and aayathat if he were a yoaager ama he would be tsaipt ed to dispose of his Platte eoaaty hold, iage aad BKve there. Dr. 8. D. Mercer, a pioaeer physhWa of Omaha, aad well kaowaia thiseity. day last week aad his faaeral Sanday laat. Frank Shaa of thi place Kved with the doctor's family for maay years aad thiakiaa; it hia duty toward his old-time friend made the trip - Mam Stella Kummer was delightfally asmttasd by a anmber of her frieade Saaday evaaiag who gathered at her east, ltth atreetto help (her tthhiithday. Tari nanamats . st a leas hoar. All araseat la the little girls oaitsithnmiatawiBbe ta Oct. It, the tisas af ka t GRAY'S. Beaatif al Tafiiaa,. aik tC(y'S. Dr. W.H.' Slater. Jl'l .i. JjMl ' YoawUl Ionic. ,. Ask to i all your frieads"at the plaid, siasa at .i f . r - Dr. CA.,Alleabnrger, Sute.Baakbuildiag... ..; .. t baraar for -sale. Used two wia- ten, call Neoraskapaoae Black 104, Bora, oa Saaday,- Ooteher 8, ta Mr.4 andhlra. W. H. Bsahsm. a .f r Plaid ailke, Friday aad Satarday flc, .7c88cl. t atCrrtvy'g. LSrbbernaeti aadlr CHadr of Omasa ware iathe city oarhBiisiss -last . t ' 'Mrs; George Lesmaa'depai Than day for Paretvaj,: Iowa, wham she W01 viait4alativea.- . J. .:..- .j-. .. t Crrmy have tbe 'moat up to date liae -a ladies rtcaka aadatta-iB this part of the state, w. '; z... Hies Matilda Sswider speat Saaflay at noa:rf Mim Elkw Eraat, ia tie DnBcaaaeighborhopd. - ,.. .. t Mrs. "-Joe- Henry of Big- FeHe, Wya, is vieiliM ti homeof . her pareata, Mr. aad Mrs. .C.. Hammv, t.. ; .fc. ... j Aadrew Erb of Ceatralaty apest 8nodayia thia city at taa noma -at. his BUter.MraiJ.C. Burites. ,,, ui. 1 1 I Maw.FlorsawtWhitmoyar. left Thar. day fpr.KjBBSB.aty, where afe wUljviait relatives for a short time V The.Hiaaas Bertha aad Miaaie Glar speat Satarday and Saaday at tUe home of E, J. Ernst near Duncan, Mrs. WiU Hai returned to her Norfolk last Friday evening, after a with home folks ia this city. ' I -irt 4a fW 0. L. 8tfllmaa ,ol Laad, S. D arrived list. Tharsday to look after basiaaar matters aad greei am Oolambia friends. I i. 4 J -3 a "J Aatoa of Platte CaBter and .iit of Newauta Grove are aew acaaeeia as taa uommerc aollege. ' ' ": ,' '"' -. r .1 .W'-.m -t. 'Mia. Laaretta Ormamlv aao! Mim Km- Us Quian, bothef this city, hare catered sermai cojiegBwtn . i-. i j" .Ha. J.- a Tafaay retnraed Moaday from Onawa,. laws, where saw lawi beea i .l. twut'w I Bound Oak 8teel Baage. Mostjpop lsr 'steel raaga asW ia Ootambu. r . lHx.aadMra.DuTieaiag.aeaoaaaaaied hy Mim Margaerite. Dirkaaad.Dr.A. Hsiatx, were callers at the home of E. J. Ernst last Saoday. ! I will care, heycholega ia its worst stage; aad heaves ia Isorses. No cure bo pay. Will be at' J. J. Bnrkababe oa Setutdara-W.F.Dodde. " O'Brien From will be the aew Irm which'wfll ojpea ap aplaBt&oram' aad ahiaiBg patlor in the Saley baidiag ia Twelfth street aext weak. : aad bob, who have the home of her parents. Mr. aad Mrs. Albert Klag,1 retuiaed to her home at Otaaha last moaday. , ; The dance grveawt the Daaeaa hall by Wdl Ernst, jr.,- and Joha baas last Satarday, was wait attended. Those present reported a very good I tisse. ' MrTaadMrs. J. W.DoalaB, who have beea the gmmt of their aoa G. M.' Dong las and family for the past few days re tnraed Moaday to their home ta Bene dict. - t - - . FrsakLacaalt,irofBarkatoa,a D ieintheottythie week visiting his par ents and other relatives iaaad aroand Oolambaa. His last visit .here -was aboat four years ago. ? - ' n ' a: a Palmer .'the tailor, etoea djea aad repairs. Ladies' aad Geats' olothiag. Hate eleaaed aad xeblocked. Battona made to order. ., Ageat Germaaia Dye Works. NebnidnPaoae. ChUdrea's bear akin coats aad eps to match aay caaor yoarwaat at GRAYS. The Mama Loatoe Radat .aad Ida Oppliger, liviag ia the southwest part of towa, retnraed Satarday from Omaha where they had speat two weeks visitiBg with frieade aad relativea. - Mim Emma Hariow, stsaographic ta the XwmmerciBl. collage, re- Baaday evaaiag frem Brooks, Iowa, where aha was called last week by taasrioueillaamof who ie reported mach batter. All lepablieaa prseiaet.eommHtee- meawbehaveBetas yet tied tlmirre- oommsadstioaa for jadgsa aad clerks of slsctioa should do ao. at .aaea, as Clerk of the Oaart Graeathar wiU have to tht irrnietmrat airs. nof. w . n. weaver, artery aav- .' vieit here, departed Satarday for her.heme m Morriaea, BL, by.hsr three eaaldrea aad her V Mia. J. P. Becker, the latter to bmbb thsredariag the whiter. William L. Bisttnhir of this oky aad of to after W mJ.Mm - -- - -m . . wens married at the heme of the bride tier the rsags isn ale, nnahk Tf Uraai tTfaad-TTidass aeosptol arisr daw,Oa.lt.'-TBeywiU ha-at heme aaaeacemeat, their maay frieade at Calamams Nevemherl. t iiailaiiiiiiaawaaaaliiak FIX YOUft EYE! I .:.-. t1:. i I m i j 1 i . a- 1-- 'Hi' u VT-! ft. ,t . . X- I. t,ll . r-t s: Where? . Mott anywhere. If you find that yoa don't I see iTery- well when -yoa try it let, as give yoa more elaborate teste. - TlMra i .may oe someuung wrong. jWe can discover it if there f 1 ia and better yeLwe.can t t care it It itfooliBh to be J I bofJteredby.pooreyern.tht when correction therefor IB so easy and. so certain. in . - t;ai t - v. it : . . i i t ; I , tttii in It -i -,. Si '. .1 I HI 'I til Uf ii U. J. IEWNIEL S I Jeweler &0pticn-' "S 3S ' " . -. Ii Jr . "" - wBTggB;ga!gwi?waiiayaiwfiff Dr.' Natunaia; DeWtkt'lS St. -' - ' ' G. B. Prieb, paintug and paper hanging. "' ' : '- People who gat results advertise in the , - .-..at- -JI . i, Mt.F 1 ! JourftL Notice what your friends sayaboit ;. '- t V i - j i ill, i. .., ', the Lyric. -4 . .(j . 1 III J, ! bill f l . M.t Gome in and see the new China and Glassware at GRAYS. ' . a ,. it?' l - , Dr.D.T.Msrtyn.jrnc4ceriewOolun bas8tate Bank building. " Mrs. J. A. Berkley left Monday for Greeley, Cola, for a short visit. Dr. L.P. .Osxsteason. Vetermariah bath plfcnaas21f, Coiambas, Neb. . . Iat a-little wake poedle dog. tara to the Jonraal oMce and received reward. WatcltiPalaier'8 wiaitm fair rito frayeraw aai tratlifal i i -wa" UJM, . Have yoa exsmiaed Baokn aejrs?,.jrjp to taamiButs ta every, fed- fre.-rCrrmwfJ.. -r. . The subject, for the services at the CoagTegatioBal charah. aext Suadaj! will be: Morning. Hsavea on earth., and heaven above," evening, MA grain of mustard aeed." Mildred and Raymond .Thompson, ebildren of tbe Colnmbue High echool were entertained last' week for a few days at the residence of Dr:SixU; no says the Schuyler QuilU. , The' Coldmbus Roller Mill owned aad operated by Gas. Sohroeder was visited by8ome4atraders .lateThnrnday. ewea iag aadbram f xtares vaJoedtSt about Ifty doUara were stolea.. , A largM. braaa whistle, wiiioh m quite expensive was r M . a .. fa, . 4 " I . at aleo takea Mra. Leopold Jaeggi and daaghter "Hiss Gertrude returned from tlmir irip, to SwiUeriaad Friday evening- They were- accompanied home, from Liacdla by Mies Hedwigwho is atodiag musie tnliacoln. Mrs... Jaeggi. repsrts a de delightfal trip. ,. . ,., ., fc-.. About fifty members of "Ootumbas Gamp, Modem Woodmen f Aaserica aad their friends. enjoyed, a smoker at their ball Taesday evening. Plans for. the present campsiga for new members we' discussed and the outlook for n goodly anmber of additions to the camp good. ' vV --' ' T: Moersen Martin 8peicher, M. C. Oalto, Frank Schilz aad Godfrey- Friach hoB west toSpaWisgMeaday to initiate a anmber. of caadidates foe. Catholic Knights of. Aawrica at that place... The team' speak very highly of the treatment they received at the hands of the Spald ing Enigatsund report a very pleasant- time. " " l - " A. O Stevens of Monroe was before tbe insanity board thin week1 oa com plaint filed by parties from that -place. Steveashas beea. ia the aaylam .befoss andattisaes he.beeomee yiolant,hia.eon dititioa being tbe result of aa aooideat a aamber of years ago. ' Hie base was takea oader consideration aatb 'Moaday wbWtheboerd will act. S t . ii Tawaday eveaiag..a special Pull traia 'conveying; awlegatss to the anaaal uaeeting of the National Bottlers' Aaso- oiataOB psmed'throagh theoityl There was abmt 140 delegates abaard, mostly from New T-rk, Philsdslphis, Beatow: aadotbereastaraeitieB. rThe.traiawaa started from Jersey ttty, N. J., aad nm through without caaage A large gang of workman are. busy putting in the switch traeksfor the aew freigtt depot aad rearraagingtheUBiaa Paeiic yard. Whoa the presaat yards areeompieted the local switehJaawDl be done iatha east aad, sad the tracks to be builtin the west eadwfll beahle totake eare af amy traias that- amy tie aphere. With the layiaeTof theas aew tracks it is oaly 4 qasatioa of a ahert time aatil Platte street will be osiBid aad tbe aid r.n . . . r -. ,, x- v .. I fmight depot torn dewa, or at ataeawa aar Fifty Xaaaa naamaa vaaa omj S'SBnt Avanunms ef the aast UMhw fsaate wrNeaaakaJar the paalflyiyaasa, aomaOeilfjmm theracprdaof the gay. araamat weather aad from the books of E. Ia Obilol of HattamoatW. October 3 will be found to he the averaga'data. - Thai table has beea eompiled byDireotorO. A. Level sad. 1bB7.........0sw15 I SBBj. .... ....Oaw Bf U,i...AMLM L . 18H:. ...... .UeCU ........R. 9 u.'......OsL A ;..... mavaw' "Ja'aa JJ aVBBB v.wnt w) UnBms JaaBgT 5 .'i.'.l..4BBBtyBl - aU0V SM aanaaae M f MJlHtl aTsvflKe Ad 4aW w) avarBma MM 'aFa 9 i J. SBBBBBt-Ml bjpwbsw ana "t'Maia 0 hmWmt M aaaffm iBBhaat-XT manpUF bbssbsw ma , fggffh ' .' ffBmaBal ttawjma) anj aM DwM atw mVmw. BBBhV Am IMS OsCll aamat tUmmt M ABmaf aamywa saw i lffaW - tacat. amnvaj wJMBBa, w oat. s .ltl .Ost, s Owflw Am BPB aaa aewja anw A070 fJw A0 "J alMtZaal Vawsa Aa .oavm fmi A ....... ..... , A gaaeral. opiaioa prevails that aU crops liable to be injured by heavy.' kill iag; frosts mast be out, of the way rather early Tn September, for' that month oaiobee the majority of1 fiat ' faUiajr froem.i Followiag that idea farssers thiak that corawaich is aot yet oat of the way .of frost by the, auddle.of 8ep tember is jb coasiderable dsager. Lots !of worry resalts from thia adacowoaptioa. As a matter of fact the oompilatiorja of George A. Joveiand, United Stetes weather barsaa --direetor-at Liaoola. show that the average date for the first killing frost ia the past fifty years has bean October 3. And ia the past four years it has aot cbaie before the teath of 'this moath aad has arrived is bite sis i October 27.i It will be Beea from the tabwtbat theearlieat date recorded for a damaging frost was Angaet 9( ia 18B. The. aext early date was , in 1903 wbea the first visit of the frosty loag eame oa September 13. Huoa daavage raaalted in that year to the oofa crop triroughowt tbe state,-siaoe the crop, thoagh goad. was U rather a belated .stage, Alaige peroaatage.ef thecropofitae state was oaaght so prematurely thatit was unit for market, aad had to be fed to etock to get a value from it. , ' Few people know that' there Was" a geaerat frost over Nebraska sad adjoia- lag states Taesday eight, Oct. 8 .Vav ports ,to thewintbrrbasaia aaoaithat aU parts of: the. state were visited, aad the frost was. felt by the crone as far Boati' as the paahaadle of Texas. At Dodge; ysnsaa, the frost was reported heavy; - No daWsge was doae however, only tbe tomato viamaad other senst- tiv plants baiag bitlaa by ik. .This osol saap was foUowja a high pressure amm with perfaotlyelear weather. The aext Bight. Oot. 9, the high pressure area had moved eastward aad was over tbe Middle AUaatic states. Frosts' were reported over that region on that date.- ' a A lk.froatwm reported by tbe weather , observers ; ia . eastern Nabraaka and ia Borthera Iowa oa September 96, but bo traoaof it eouid be fouad aear Liacotebylnsaobawrvera.' Director Lovalaad says that the aotioa of aa early frost being the gsasral thiaa; has esassd ..maay amasiag iaqairiss at the weather. bureau. Qee maa UiafaU wrote to ask if then would be an early frost, or if the cbaaoes were 'good for oaa. ' He bad the bay fever, he asidVaad would leave the' state for a time nakss tbe oneness of aa early frost were good.. The director told him that if former years, were, nay valae as a oritsrioa he had. better go to the ssqaBtaiaa for a ,.- .., rufcr lead l JOn - The aew road law which placed towaaaip ia a ssparate district slao craat edaveryimpertaatomoe,that of towa aaip road overamsv SoforthefoUowiag nominations have, beea filed with the oooaty dark: BBPUBLICaH. Shell Creek, Freak Adams.' Moaroe; D. W. Jeekiaaon. - Oobimboa, Joha Baadall. Batler-, Hermaa Erast. ' . WoodrUIeH:N.Carmteaaso. Biamark, Adolpb Freese. Joliet, X N. Jones. " Grestoa, Joha Ganteaaea. Shermaa, Warn. L-Cattao. StBernard, Peter' Backus. Walker, a J. Jacobean. Lorn (keek; Nick Smith. DKKOCXAT. ,r, , Moaroe, ffn. NaaesL - 0olHmbaa,J.F.Belford. ' Bbell Creek, Jacob Lena. ; - Bsnmark, Tbeodors Krumlaad. -Lost Greek, Nick Smith. - Cisatoa, D. Hollasaa. Loap, Heetor Bimer. Ohermaa, Fred Lnedke. OraaviUe. Frank Hatbmaaer. St. Beraard. JooKarteabaoa. Humphrey, Walley Kraaa. .l Woodvffle, jWmaeter. ' v Barrows. Morris Laagaa. '' . . Batler, E. J. Ernst. Graad Prairie. T. R. Beraada. . Ia Walker township there iea datebypetrtioa, filed that way.- Did yen ass the Dsmenetistion of the. Bank's llet Blest far soft oaal? It a teas Beraer beat with the m nil 'll' i. .: 1 1 MimBwwminaaaaTvhwte. dolMhawgakdny. : ' '' i nrn iJBBssm was aaarawnau w. awawavwwaaar snnnmm amwaamaBmw rlera; oa Msaday Oct: tf, to Mr. ami Oharam' Gillette Mary aad Stella Wemh Hi. Qn!'. , i rj . t i s . : aTUftm. eamwl mMaVa XtmlA - . awafvamwaaaa manap, anmaaja sssmsmmv aaawjajum aawaaawawar 4 t 'i I 4i ' J. mi I., a .- --. ed the daaos at Berthalda Satorday Mim Miaaie KraggW of IIHaois 'is kiagthefamay of Frank Stoveaeea tbJsweek: ' i ' MiwSellB Welch atteaded the se at the Rev. Fifar and family of Fismuat are viaitiag thai .week with Est. Graaea- horataadfaauly. .J t t a. ( 1 lt I There, was a aaaep laat Satarday eyeaf iag at' Gottlieb Baektold'a. ' A .good crowd was ta sttsansscc aad a pleseaat tiaae!nMrted. " Mian Lnly Lucky eatertaiaed at her boms Thursday eveaiaa; ia honor of as, the Mie es 'Miaaie Krug- ger and data Geeta. -The evening was araml to games aad musie, afer which a three ooares laaehe was ssrved. While Croatia the.bridge aear Wmi Gerhold;e last 8atarday, Fred.Cattaa met with a very serious aooideat:. He waa'retaraing from towa, where be had old a load of srata'aad wbea ea the bridge, which had beea coademaed, it gave way with aha. ' He a aaepaoajoae aad fioated dewa sad wbea be easaeto.wasoataebaak. Boh horaaa were killed aad . . . , -aUaJeleiS. it Saaday at . f, i t Heary Braakaa was the sweat af Miai Augasta yjeaver oa Boate 4, Saaday. -i Heary Bhodehorat, areapeete to leave seoa for Cahforaia to apead the wiaterl I MM., tory he will oat to I n ia Columbus Moaday makiisr aaalioatioa for eitiiaa BBpaBSSS. Wa. Meake, who has beea aadcr the sather for tease time, was able to.be hi towa Moaday. . Mies Emma Bekeahus went to Garri- aon Satarday aaorninffto viaithet friend, Mim Dora Freese. - ... . . ' , Fred Biefkia. aad Miaa Mary Kram- laad atteaded the party at Joha Bakan haa Saaday'eveaiag; The young fotta of the aetghborhood ea joyed a aleasaat party at the home of Hermaa aad Wm. bsnaaa towaaaip, were.maklaf the dastfiy at U J. Bamoa Moaday. , Heary Barsman leavea .Thuraday for Riverdaks Neb., to visit hie brother Fred awdW.H.'8waraaley. HewUlbeaooom panied by Jaoob Backmaa of Shelby. T. R. Beraada, who is repeiriae; hie fathera hones, discovered a swarm of baas ia the roof while tosrisg off the shiagiee. They smoked them, oat aad assured a large amouat of fine hoaey. I af 1 BemtoaTe.e 4 a Miss Aaaa Gerhold, is improviac. Albert Haha of aear Shelb graia ia'Colambus Taeedey. Mtb:H.D. Haha of Silver Greek in Oolambas lent Saturday. Kuesxli Bibs, are etilipattias; up kay. Joha Spriak aad L. P. Haha Basrket- ed gram Taesday. Frem rjooaeidcame very Beer lomag a large aamber of cattle Taesday Baoraiag. He baa. aboat forty heed aad ass bees taraieg them into the alfalfa, field, for oaly a short time each day to getthea aeed'toit. He did aot thiak the shower of Monday aight would make aay'difl ereaee ahoat taraiatT them ia aa4 asaal bat Tueaday aaofaiag he eooa discover" edthsy were bloating. Prompt aotioa aavedaB bat three of hie heard, aa he dawjoveredthemia time. Omaha daily papers toll of a ssaal aad wife by the same of J. J. Header who were touad ia that dty m aatarviae: eoaditiea aad.rlsimsd to,be framthis city. Issjuky, however, failed to locate aayoae who kaaw them, aad tbe fact that the maa was able bodied aad williag to work, bat ceabl aot get iCBakes tbe story seaad rather improbable. We fiedthe faHowisc eoacerBiag a fersaer Colambae eitisea ia last week'. Alaiea Argna: "Krank Mathews, the ewnartalsBr; werfced ratheref a earpnsa oa the' psspls of -Aftiea by geiag aad gettlsg saurisd aad eayiag 'aotaaaa; aboat it. We all thoagh t that., be weat dowa to Colambas to ase his.nbildiBs. WeU, maybe he did, bat he i 4 pad ajatll be iw. a was married to Mrs. Alpha of Jopha. Mow Sept. fAd. They in tbe Mrs..KilaerB oa Fifth etoaat. The Aibws ax- ffMKUw EA ffbll BaKaakm i-. .--- NcntkiahxBettaVmwdFfiew m Goad as Imt Miw . Yarritiis -LM m the time of year to do your TWJntinw CkU aad aw m before hawiQfijyoor werk daair as we can aawe yoa 15 to is per cent. - v.- Drs.Panlaad , k Black aUks Ate. Tie. IBs, tl.fia, 11.7a, tt.0 per yard at GRAYS. y A oeaage of pragaam Thnjadayaad8atardayaattaaLyria.; With .the addWoa of list of post omcea at whs tsltba med, every eaVe toPlaUa tymaewaithatabam. Thmmesm of the duaet results af ery,ea a few years egs mm a ar m " ia tarn eeamty that h it of tbe sarviees tosX aot do a Hs have all beea amoaataaasd or edvastAi to the money Order elesa. W Daaisl Albert, eldest sea af IU at the family heaae a llagaiiBg ittoaaa. Bel withi bora May m, 1887, at Iowa Vale, la aad to tarn ettf with bie bry Oat. 13. at wiUbagia! 19th. Every body nxvitod. Oa aad after IA law7.oar wiU be oa Sundays. MaCaaaot. 8.E. MaBTT. Otto Ufmaaaf PnaVwat hVanl antaUnaBnaBaaBnYwaL eaWewaaj aaWaTwaT eBsaj eanraajsBBBBmgaarwg - A'commsa. etwyeay farm plow ased ta unloaalng the eargo -of Aauaoa at Saa I'raaciaea. Tbe satire hold was tiled wMh l.ee which had frosea late aad very hard. Ktploatvea ceaM aet be ased, aad picks aad too slow. As a Joke a iystsadsi gested they betteraes a plow. captaia, however, dsdasd to try tbe phva. aad bought a aad by mesas of a aad steam whack palled R forth the length of tbe hold. plow loosened the. alter aa fast aa a Mg gang could shovel It tale the eteel backets. Tale ia arebahly tbe oaly h staace oarecord where a ship'a waa discharged la thia Mecaaalca. Oae day Emperor was eaterlag a village to hia oa horseback sad was met oa Om oat- skirts by a hatcher who had ia.aoee, of catchtag: aa, early of the Aastrlaa kaiser. Tbe emi asked the hatcher the way to an tun. aad alter dlrecUeaa bad beea grrea the batcher ta tara taeatrei: '"Have yoa asea. Ojs kaiasr?" Tory teesat ly." answered Fraacls Jeaeph, , MAr yoa anret Do yoa know him ssrtsla fyr asked the eager batcher. "WeB. I ought to."! repMed the pumag oat ate cheat. 1 have htm oftea ranagh " "Ah, aad the court aaraer.' aald the batcher ;tasjweetrask toaae doffed am cap aad backed to the Try ttOnea. balky horsea aad mad ma horse sjets'the habR of might aa weO be takea oat at No eae kaewa exactly why ha It to supposed to be agry isa a md mad. astoalshed a let of by the heiag tried. aB aad there baa aot' be far. The bey-aaya the to aim." aad if It eare H wiU hi tea bad that ha S I - - j II I lllockwkOa i: The Dnaajmt aa aba Cenar 1 1 Bssaatewbra thraayeeraofaew,BadhMBvsdaates?ar oiaiio Be attaamedthe paaaaa asaanm aatil aompillii by ill health to give Bphmatsmm He was aa alaaast seav etant eampaaloa af hie fsAheraad toak great mteraatia hie aiaaii. ato leaves bemdeahmparaato twa smtevs aad t wa brethera. The faaeral was saawWadaas day, being conduBtad by Rer.DeWolf of the Methedmt aharah. efwaJehae was a msmhsr. awttaa. V r Be.rUBZJS---Jill .. fH T -- J? . -J, -.,.: -.;.Sfe 'j--r.i5-u - , , , ... . a-i.i,-?iit .j-. v ,-. -- atsJaSi tVt-a',.L ii!Zl.JtfFVi'l:.i