vs ' ,jy , vy . mv j- . -. mr. t;1 " "? t; "i !.' ansafla B .a. laavji .aaviah, ALf aw saafcfrjaW-aaW tv jM ryt H B " --"BBS BaUiUan UaXaUBBar1E-aB.jBaBSBa?BUBr .BUbUbUT. BBaun i- Mt'Ms v Ms C',B: H- '1'HvB' B,iBm em nuTnmiBUBi--iv" m?-&& X. )M: tr.sastrjc -:" few f " s j S-JSJLT t"J' " i t"" T?rJ - " JU" T "rf ? J?. X". F- i i- vi ' -i T.. t-t . . ll"S?r3-tf :; tf'. 7t . "v'' VA . 5 ts- r-.T?f A-:1J&i. - r faKV- 1 '-''fe. . T-- .j fc -s- ets , a d :" - .. -it-TJ -- JS. . f -. A v O . i ,if'- '7Tr . A-T .C-Slfj-." ' -. ' If.-? v v (.? -. OftwolMtea with ttir Pot bw Tlmw April 1, 1904; wltii the Ptotto Ooonty Aro Jnunr 1, 1M& 1. f-&- - WLf Cr a. v m, i.fr'f . n. V!Z VM.UMK xxxvin. 27. OOLX7MBUS, NEBRASKA, X8DAT OCTOBER 9, .1907. WHOLB NUMBCB 1,873. H -CnB-v. r b xvJv mm Hl Wl . -r- KzWl-fBm rJfKri B? P-PJPrMP BWaawz, . aSWi , waTL-erwaW war r r W -Tusr:'' aWr'WB-Bn7mr "" " - r .- , - , - - , m. - n . - -v .--'x n. :- v ; h rimMBTawir- 'V l : k ' y r- i Lv V- IV l-1 I lv I ? T1 f Beober. I HcMenbecger i ! i i Chambers JUL ESTATE Ml 1MB. S famd Ml atote, aillMr torn In I nlitifilW toyrar f uttwmw Mfr toM. W J bCTWTnl Mi iatllhui 1 tkOtartM wd it wiU f tot it wfll S iatamttft i foriwtM i ptyjMto S i ItoMj to Iom im aay umi -I Fk. Tmamim aad i i Becher, l ! ' Ohunben. OOLVHIUI MMMOTt. iPbsL1 49 JSttfHjy v flL0 V Bf v9 w fv I MAVT TXABS AGO. vl FOm C tto) jMraal, Oototoir 8, 1871. TtMaarrcfteg Prtj aBdtosopalwfe KkattM NrthB toa tbairwagrhMM.. It lieoMBMMIMeMIIMtM tOVMOT Ue railrtwd etabliAhed. J. J. Bwflott atoble by prairie fro om fight tost week. Itwmweriij Attor oCaootdMit that allhtoatoak aot baraed with thaatahla,aait lata at akat wham the aba waa dbeeratad. Thtee yean age, ia a trip boat Golem baMtoMadMoaaloacthetowaahiproad aeaaefiauieveaBaat efaay eort ae- tweaBSBeUOceak aad Mtaiana, Now of eight apj whei'a aloag the toata. at the held at Boatoa, which joawjotia' ofo eiltet mtitl aad ifty doBam. We learn that the eeiBiiitae to ihargn of the taut boat lfobTaBka.TetaiBtheaaoaey to the treaeaier. bat rataiaad thesOrer Are yoa a good repablioaa. the anaeai ef yoar party to thiaeoaatr? ITeo,yoawllloapport the aoaatoaai of yoar party to a ataa. Doat eoratoh yonr ticket foraawa that Waewthie aad aowthat. Mrtbtof loaff at a ttoja, aad aething etroag. The awe to awear byaretBeaaeawho are pcetty aiaeh the eaiae every day to the year, aad whose bogle gives forth bo At tha Siffh IdaftL There wfll ha afoothaU gassi OolaaibaB aad North Bead at North Bead aezt Batwreay. State Baaartoteadeat MeBriea has re agmaMdOahsBftbaeasoaeortaeacheola fktodfor.aoYsssl high school traiato this carrto) with it aa approsnattoa of ttfO Tssriy. The aew osaipalaory attaadsaes law leaaires allahildrea betweaa the ages of aeveaaadsiztseaisi city distttots to at tead the entire atoe ssoatha, tost sad of sixaMBtbs, as fenssrly. Thapsaalty f br bob ooatpliaaos iaa taeof aotlssa thaatlaor ssore thatSX. The board cf edacetioa have appeiated tteahssf of BeHeetraaat oaaosr. aad aaless there aresesM apsedy earoUsssata the Tame of the law wfll asoa be tasted. The law is so plaia that there iaae epttoa ea the part of school oakecs. Iatheesaa try districts the law reqaires sttsadsaes 4ariagoBly two thuds of the year aad sue age nan m Bm A Chassbsrs teal estate streets, resort the f ollowiag real estate transfers Had for-record to heetaseof the eoaaty clerk dartof the 1 Oet.Stb,U07. CM Oasaaweat bbbbT twaaaaaTfMa. taa aa asjwwBBBBsmssBSKa, awssssswa was v. to ggW esoiasjsVsBBV vawBBai ' CJartA S.Mkal cri aiS.Uk9 C W I aaneU toCaM A Dwta, lstt Mk ai SVSartMt Kehteeka took Mr prawieai ea fMtoi ftiaoriraa iwmlaiti al ainetiai:! (MM BJfJf aafsaowi"BVsWooo MBBy vBF laliiarrti aasvaeBS aaar.sx iaUBBlIacka'UtoOal.wa MSS ahaaaaa to Jao uewa. ma i, s ' ,r. msssassuawiiiiii .. tothiseity hes ssada it animsiythat iattUsdby MmsGaHay, whoisagrsd- wssgrressadthenmsisJeref theevea- gjT n,ii Alsiiiaii TaswesTiTlimiitnia J nwssmr senss aBoain so manoa ana sMOTtsweoussje. . bmt oevotea ss nsnraag xne masaaar- overto V i.saiiamvivarasnj.fti.wi. ssMVlumlmsnntosed oa the mar- ai. sx jorn, st,.. , ehor orohsatra faraiahadeasseoaallaat , i TsTanaCsnT at Oanls1Vawn am ananaTnanm 0 FfMMfMjL aWaPma vamwanhidt nVwP ftHhsx nMaafTnaaaH. aannvl slannnntBBaT anawJ 7. .. ..-. . tmmam BBWB BBWB IWH I mkiw s. . SSS) OSrSBSOS wwMtolleDlrastoeeti , Mr. aad aim. Henry Wilckeaeretarnsd i foe tsopsat avrnth. departod Tsos- Jall Wrftar .. the niaasara of Mm, - wwaaaamaiw .- -.- . m ti,j - t' . ' ZZ - Jena wawer, -0000 aaw aaoaoarasm: f , - lfc-F.-lleaeae.w................ aa tost Thamday from Ueir western trip, dey far their hosse to BIBsssps, Toxss. .1oMto.di8d Thwsday atais beam afar r- , iCAaaMaaunwuwm.iMi WtoM) aaamt tasy viewed aaanswsrof Thaw wm - v as. .aal 7 . -.--. ' M. w.. - .-4iykitoahaaL(Hvi... . . f . ,- tT9 .V L""-".-1"1 . - T toHamphray, sgedSl years. Mr. WmV &r? ; irToetoawtotiaw.lata ZTZT - . . TT . - nam.jeama,iBtoaaa sss mm ijosass fj-.ti-o- 8heB Creek wmi Ltod- beLhrn f- rz,rz . , paw xsasa, sjss nasnirs. oaa JTrsssnase oaaanflL whatosaad to. ssshn tsnarfnt. . .. ..- m.. . .. v .- v anaW 4 TaataW- WMf W JfawnWnTHaJh WBwBf eWJWwBWm WsW awawmamsj BsmBsaa; Asmif aaw fm 1b gVf fliffL Vansnl bbbMR aJa?BaaBHsTV . ir2BcL'toBMWvtoiiam.latL TkatM. -... any SB WO eany oaija woaw, w maMy J1 afc.v m.w.... w wm r:: zr z. ..'-. 7r smssssmwa - took a aossssteea. He cenmee ie'il . - - - - .saaneas . . sti Taw a iw k Bawatoonaaflsle uus eoaaty am aoass. Z "' " - u i !.-- wa Jki. faaOv hassL ' fU waa ainag Folk OOOB & 'texati - "The fasmhatosa eoaaty matralesss- f, Mrim, aaHmli asaasaawtonhsir kaoasj by bIbibsI bmj issiilml otPtotte assde - - -.- w - --- tvaaa. ssMtos aad the iisaskasB aaaasiasm - h - ... : tr. iiiiiilrv these who had Hvod ssaat fcfcrfT BaWsmBBaV warn, waavw m m m w mj . ... " w wsbiwwjw waaaww waawawBB awkoaawssmsmo off -- assf i Mt ima. A snawmwrnj W vnnM WmwnnWsl Ws asMtw "ws4 ssWsW) MHfsswfl'wssnnnm TrVasa awmmmm m m. Umanm. snmsw gggmumtd-k Amf twaTaans. TLaats) fanawasnfaal l& nl. ifaT 11, li.Blmm.BsrmrpemefeTam d-nriTdtZ to miMtokii thtocaf ItoT dOM to Um With t o( Ike RMfadtOM0BrHi atop at New York, aad thee the for svprsMSgi hsre. Ia thai Platte soasty ajoitasna are ate, Cor we have' right here to Ooltwabas, lias BoHiaa, who dariag the pest year has saessadsd ia rsistog frass three birds the haaa laytof aa average of sixty egga each, aad ia their wild state reiss trosi Ifty to sixty birds saoh. They are a hardy bird, roost ia trees, aad very fast oa the wiag. birds osa be asoarsd at per sd there hi a sssvesssat oa aow to qasto a aasiber ef these buds hotheads where they osa be looked after aad smtoetod by the George C Miller aad John O. HOI, the two bmb charged with robbtof freight she wdtogs at Thasisssl aad ty, had their Thsusday.aad both waived, ersaiinatina aad wars bemad over to the dJstriot coartaad placiad aadsr boads of $1,000 Miller's father, who is a wealthy ; rssidisg to 8srpycoaaty,asar Valley, waa prsssat at the heanag, aad aad tos aoa was released fross Bfll wsa aaable to faraiah bail aad reasaaded back to jail. Theajsawfllbe trhWaAtaoregmlar fall tarsi of tbedis triet ooart whtoh coavoaia at Usatral ty, Motaaibsr 1L At their prsbsM aary hsaitos; the assa were rsprsssatsd by AtteraayDoaohosof.OsishB Millar isaUatoB Paeiae coadaotor aad Hfllia bis biakssaaa, aad both are well kaowa tottoscity. . EUsaheth Hiaas iillsi waa bora to Shelby eoaaty, Iadtoae, May th, 1817. Oa the 17th of Jaaaary, 1834, she was ssarried to Jassss Bllis, at Caatoo, I1L, havtos; pcevioasly ssoved to that state with her faauly. Ia 1870 aha ssoved to Nstosata with her fassily asttltoc ia Doagtos eoaaty, where she resided tow fear years, asattojt thee to Platts eaaaty where aha Bvad coaUaaoasly aatil the jsseasop,FrieV;psbor:4,i HOT, aged W years, 4 aaoatha aad W daya. Whoa aboat 86 years of age aha asade pahfic profeasioa of hsr faith to Ohrtot aad maited with the Method church at Csatoa,IlliaohO Faaeralasr- i coadaoted at the hoass aorth- of Colajabaa at 3 o'clock p. ss., Saaday, October 8th, the Est. a A. Muaro oalcistisg. Iatsnasat was to the Oatasmbas osssstory. Ever sines rursl free delivery apersssasatpart of the post osacade partsMBt, the oaktola have reabaed the ofspsBlsl raleathiabraaahefthe Jastwhati eealdereeald aot do baa to he referred to ssaat. BatthishasaowliMBuisiesaiSBy theissaaof a book of ralss aad rsgala twesforthegvidsaceot raral carriers, which li Is ii thedatissof the earriera as well se tofarsssttoa as to what the patroas have a right to expect. Miss Sadie Wflsoa, dsaghtsr of W. D. Wilson of Ocoaos. Isft tost Satarday for Bcotland, where aha expects to rcsasia a year aad stady music Ma, J. A. Bark ley, dsaghtsr of Mr. aad Mm. L Gar rard, expeoted to seeosspaay her end re tara to her hosse ia Port Blixsbsth, 8oath Afries, bat a oablegraai from Mr. Berkley delsyed her departare iadef akely. The foltowiaa; sasrriege Ikeaaeswere by Jadge Bsttonaaa the tost Nsls J. Psderssa, Jessie LBeJ- leek. Alliance; Gtomras A. Mat, Osdsr atopies, Christies A. Schaeth, Hass phray; Mark T. MoMahea, Letitfa B. Speios, Oohuabas; Robert B. Worksasn, Mae Sauth, Belgrade. The last ooaple wareaurrisd by the jadge. Aatoag these who attaaded the of the comer atoae of St. Oseslials cathe dral in Omaha Saaday were a J. Byan AUFrisahhslT, Joha Oarry.Ooa Kaat- iafvFredGerber, Frank Taais, Martto OoatsUo, Taos. Wade, John Bnttarassa, Jasma Haaey. Adolph Bapprecht, Freak Gerharx, J. aByraes. J. T. Osx, Was., trnrioa aad x. u. uogan. Fortheirsttisss eieos its ergaatoa. tton, the Oelambas Lsad, Loss sad Ballalag amwesrioa wfll tome t dartog the year. The an; forbalMing tothiseity has suae it aheald he isaptoasd oa the Dr. Dr.W.H. Tea wfll see aU Lyris. " f Or. GJL Altoal s. foi X t.1 Xthal of North Platte Wfll asriowslyaUtbspsattwo Mrs. SethBraaa toft for OsMhowaereehswiU visit frisads far a Mies Leafy Gray, rstaraed to hsr ? IsMiBft frioaito aad rstotivss to the city. Mr. aad Mrs. L. F. Oottsobslk tone frosi their .toar of thssastera rtoc had a.ssost aajoyahle trip. Fatroatos the old reliable assat ssark- et where yea bat: evstythtog ia fret uaearasaossiDle. a RMartr AOe. Mary Kippla retaraed Tharadey frost Missoari whore she had speat the Mr. sad Mrs. M. V. Grsy wsat to Ulysses Batarday where they wfll visit for a tow daya, hsfore gotoffto Wasooav sto to spead the wiator. MmFrsd OppBger, livtog ire miles eoath of Oolasabaa, rstarasd Saaday from Omaha where she had spent the pent week Tisittog relatives. Mrs. M. J. KsUey of Ohtosgo is visaV tof at the hosse of her pareata, Mr. aad Mrs. Osrl Krssssr. aad toteade reatom toff several weeks in the eiry. Mhwea Ismtos aad daas Marty re taraed hosse Satarday evening from Omasa, where they had speat the past weekvasHtog friends sad relatives. . ' RaPalsssr the toitor, olesn, dj'es aad repsira Ladies aad Goats slothing. Hats eleaaed aad rablooked. Battepa sasdeto order. Ageat Gerassnia Dye Works.' NsbrukaPhoae. AaewtiamtaUewaat totoefleotOB the Union Paoiic Saaday, aad tor the toa.kjas; white, the tuss of ,aot rhsBsad,oaly i oatheNor- retaraed to Oarambas Ha hadaesa osaed to a wank or two ems, oa seeoaat of the death ef am brother. A aew order haa book tomed forbid dine railroad employes to haadle Uaited States assU oatside the rsgaJsr sssfl sack, ae whoa yoa take assil to the train yoa will have to nasil it yoarself if it goes. Mm, F. A. Bssmsjsrt, (i Hoshsa). of DoaTiDa, . H. K. Hchimsi; (aea ofSorflmsr. Nebraaks, are to the city this week, gnosis at the hoass of Mr. sad Mrs. L. F. Oof Isnhallr i MmOtoiaaee Wflsoa sad chfldrsa of CorBiaftIa.,aadMr.sndMm.ChrietOB aaa of Osssha ware aisitiag- at the hosse of Fred r3tishorstthm week. Mm. Wfl soa aad Mrs. Caristensen are daaghtors of Mr. and Mrs. Stiahorst. Bobert Id ward, the tofaat aoa of Mr. aad Mrs, R. F. Avery, died last Thars dsy after a abort illnsss. The faasral wsa held Friday from the hosse, eoath of town. Est. DeWeK of the Methodtot eharch condaottof the Mrs. D. G. Bartella sad dsakters, Biases LUli and Balsa aad two sons, Milton aad BUssr. Uriss; north of town retaraed . Satarday aftomoon from seat the past W. Waittaker held the aamhsrthst entitled him to the Backs ,hot blast stove that waa givaa away by the Gray Merosatils Co. Tamday afteraooa. The tret two names called were not present, aadbaiheias; the third the stove. Mtoa Looins Wagner retaraed home Thamday from 84. Anthony where sheatteadsdtha doable wedding of the laaGiaissn. And t to Platte Coster she visited at the Bf7TJ"W thmsaftotohtolsjam sfislst . Tom AskssvhsksTMomsa folk aesesagsr, lsst fmiaiilaf waste she waited at the hosse of Miss enSnawSBaf aaTsTVOKawemTsi Mms Bmma Harlow, itsasgisphto toseher in ths Costsmoisl soBigs. was eallsd to Breeas,Iows, Tneedsy by a prsosaoatsd mimsgs aaaaaaams; the smtoas illness MssaaereaorhaJ,BeT.NeBsmrksrlmmff paiaisiis othsrsrssimntfcsr The vseaasy is so- taessoskersftaeeTsatog. A.program jiiBiiBiiiiaVs1iWiiiaaa FIX YOUR ETE ! r - 1 Where? Most tnir1iere. ! I If jxwfiitlsit yw don't i I see very wen," when .yoa J s try it ec us nr yon more i elabotBte tehti There WKjueBommntng wtodbj. j We can diflcorer it if tbera is and better yet we can S - 54. T4- &. m1&.1. 4-a twk t) a cure iu xv m awubu w rmb l.ntl.n.n.1 kn IWIAB MM UUUH1CU UJ Mr? VJCBUUU when conectidri thereior 1 issoeesy audio certain, i r W 5? S m S a. j. iebmiek. Optician ae)igfJlPJejejsmBSjsjsjBjsjsjsiii Dr.Nsamaaa.DeatistlSSw : G. B. Prieb,' paisamg 'sad paper hsngtof. : . v x . ! Journal. - Notice what yoar frisads say the Lyric. N - Dr. D. T.Martyn. jrn omosaewbnlass has Stste Beak boJldlag. Dr. L. P. Oarstsaaoa, Tetertoariaa both phoaeaait, CeramDas, Neb. Watch Palsaer's wiBitw far trite. , praycrl uhI .trithfal tayiags. t. ; Waated Ptece to work far board sad - sttead aoaool by yoaaff sssa. BeU phoaeNo.sU Mr. aad Mrs. George Glass of the Pnl- noigheoraood ware to Oolamhas tost Satarday..- The Miasm Sosie sad Mianie Thossas retaraed last Tharadsy Irpm.a three athsvmit st BasTsloNcT. K -.,- ' L. A. Baaey of the Oolambas peat oftoe force, is tahtog hie aaaaal vacatioo aad visitiar frtoads aad, letotivea to Gelesosrjr.HL Iwfllcare sag onotery iaitor worst etage, aad heeves ia horses. No no pay. , Wfll be at J. J. Bark's Saturdays. N. F, Dodds. The tret frost for 1907 coearred Osto- bsr a This to mnoh later than naaal, hboat the aaiddtoof Ssptembsr betog the tisss fortbefrat kflltoff frost. -mi . i i- I . wtu urn t Fl ""17. tli- i. "m a w -l vice to she OoanTegational ofaarch next I SeMiath daT.hotoBsaraian aad owmtoa. I The ssoralBg asrssoa wfll be based upon the text, "He eoald there do no mighty work Decease pf their unbelief.'. The subject for the evening- earasoa is "Par. feetioa.n to the call iamed by Com- BBitiesssaa Bssd, twentT-tve repahliosa voters ssetat the votiag puce to Calam bas township aad aomiaatsd the follow- ias;' ticket: Township road John Randall; treesarer, HUtoa White, jastiee, Mart Fish, clerk, W. F. Bhode- horst, jastice, A. M. Maaaaey. Joseph Zwilasr, aged 73 years, died last Friday st 8WMsry6 hospital. He lived for amay yean eoath of the river to Batter eoaaty, aad ssoved to Golambas eix years ago. One soa and three dangh tora sarvive, Joseph Zwilasr, Mrs. Joseph Alt, Mrs. Joha Disoher aad Mrs. Daniel ThalaaL The faneral wsa. held Monday asoratog at 10 oolook. Speoisl Hsrreet TssaskiTJaesrvice, at the Grace ohareb wfll be held oa Saa day, October 18, both saoratof aad ere aisg. totaessorniasjaqaarsttewfllbe oaas; by Mesdaasm Evans aad Chambsrs aad MinmB Swaia aad 8shVon. Setmoa will be pienehsd by the Rev. T.J. Collar. The evening otertory wfll be eongby Mr.F. Ssffron. Preaober, Dr. Westcott. OoUectioos ia sid of Clark aonbospiULOmshs. German Day, which eommomorates theleawtoffot the irat German asttto- t ia thiB eonatry at Gstmaatowa, Pa was ftttegly obsarved Satarday toff by the local. lodge of Bone of The exesrsmss were held is WonMyonbeaoveitr Oor old frisnd L.L. Snider has gone ead aakl.that bsaatifal wsHsbbi ef his ia Smith hetesmhaitobnildsnoth. ofW.D. Dram. Mr. J.H. JsrsaBwWnbseareernltoe: mshssIUsttos nosss to msssia, lor D. F.8eaaf,aadto Oolamhas sa a gsod There has bean the asael aassaat of real astete shsaasd hands as tiMriid to the eoaaty etorks office at ssaayaf oar cittteaa.are tsertogdowa sadbmlatoff gieator, or to attar words esllisff oat aad bnytog , Osasola psoetowm Bar. WiOiam Crisp oa his latara am eaatern That of ssversl atonths at the OMhosseto Mioaigma aad New York, aad Kiaprasamsd that od lsst week it waster The good ladies of eharch f aratoasd laaoh to all themia&v ton aad lay dslsgstm at the aaaaal at Osssha tost week. There a groat erowd, there was a heap of good tsaaga toyed- away by sU that par- Mrs. O. A. Gadeka bos ery, that aha wfll aeed oa her Texas farm aad leaded them oa cam at Colnnv baa'Ue latter part ef last weak, aad with her family started for that state this week. The good people of Oolambas Bay that they were very glsd to extend the right asadoffsUowaUpto Walter Mieheaer aad family aad waat it dasttoetly .aadsr otood that if Oawsoto has aay ssore each to seed them sJoaa aad room wfll be ssada tor them. Grsadlstead district of she North Nebrsskseealereeoehas two isp rtem tathres as dclesjatof;to, the asmaral con ference that meets at Bstaanesa, Mo next year, Pissidiag Elder G: H Mato, D.D. of Central City aad Bayard Fatoe of Grand intend. if . B. J.Jarmto ofOolnmbas uesmevor to Osceola from his Oolamhas hosss on Batardsy to visit with hie pareata a tow days,gotoff from hsr to the Geneva Nonary to got the stock, for fall de livery. Bis employer D. F. Sshaf, hat- tog presedsd him to ' i -- ivaiii Cm. aad Mm L. J. Vsahossea of Oawsoto have had as their gnestoMr. aad Mm. H. Drnmmoad of Oolambas. m -TTinmmimd hi the Ausghter of the trstaaassdpertimeadsaoHkostoeosse over aad tryseeas of ssother asotber'a goodoooktoff. They retaraed to their Oolambas heme oa Satarday. Rer. L. a DeWolf, the Oelambne pastor ef the Methodist charoh blew the gospel trampet at Peeri Memorial eharch of Osssha tost Sunday ssorning, end it is very sals to say that Omaha had the best nrsschis last Sahhath " ' zT Zr?rr7 F P warn aaasmiKwiw aaeaaww f . Oassoto haa farakhsd ssore than a doaeastadeato that waat to he doctors aad tsatists There are no amay of them that we osat afford topBbhahsll theaaams bat feel amend that whan they get the title of D. S. -a that they osa pall a tooth without pain (to them selves) as well as ths bsstof thedentiote. Wait for thess. J. a Welch of Oolambas pat to a little of hie saleable tisseia aad aboat Osceola atteadtoff to basisam aad ia eidsataUy taktoff ia the Polk eoaaty fair, where he sasst doseoeof the old frtoadn sad made aow oaes by the score. Everybody sroand Ososela are always glad to greet Boas,svenlf he does Uve iaaoityof tea irst etess, itdoat ssske Urn pat em say ssore sirs. Mr., and Mrs. U L. Iter of Oeatral Otty visited at the home of their dsngh ter, Mm, Joseph Hartsssa, sad enjoyed ths eights of the Pb& eoaaty fair, have retaraed to their boobs. It is needless to say that they wsat by the way of Oolnsshas for the residents of the eoaaty begie to feel that that way istheooly sals way, aad will be eootineed aatil the bait Mae is estsbHshed thatwfllraa ap on the south side of the Platte aad dowaoa the north side. ; Graadma Welch ef Osceola ssst with asevera aseidsat last 8atarday. She wasoaasrwayap to the eqaare, oaly atoMtaUeekfrom slipped oa tip Md Mm. Wetehwhe ken been boarduffat the home of Ishtor aad Mrs. H. A. Walrath, aad is ssore then atoety old, aad a imhair of the orril Her sea J. a Welch, of Colambae. the y at the hosse of Mr. aad Mfltoa ColweU east, of tweety yearn tost day of September, Judge a Camp- sad done it swjnin, thatm toasyUat he es judge pmfeisscd the y for Mr. Lather B. Liadoatot MmsOalwaU aad this happy couple ty aw tffl death .do ha SltodosJet. received by the friends at Oslsmhas andOsiiiln NewTsrkOh, ssmeemeiBsT the asnrri, Bgeef her aamghtsr, MseOofilatea.toDr. Bert aad thto they weald ha MMHama"sf- tor the let ef Nsvsmber,- 1H7. at New . West lMehStreet N. Y. Oky, Mm. Msy- eta m sho'daaghter ef Mir. DnntelJahntoef Mvsdst OaMila. mr eenVnheod daye aad iariag Joha Knfcib sek, sa old tamer of Otear Crssspceetoct to Polk eoaaty, aad who ealdhis mm sad toteade to Uve tos Taxes, was over to Ool- stetaiaay toedtog hie that ha has oeossssd so loeg, within the or tifcti thai laashmsai rsadar isde ssoeeyloteof ii, to the ssomthaaathird of aesatarythat ha hashesa to Peek eoaaty, aad we rsgr toase the old tisssra teavtog. Polk eoaaty looses oae of im beetoitissae aad JCmHaldaFanlkof Stromsbarjr oathe wsy to visit with Jadge Saaadsraaad fssEJlystOstomkns, aad wfll go tram there to visit her brother aad frisads to Osssha, aad from there to the aortheni partof theatate, aad will likely stay a flsoath. aalamaa they ssy. Tto bleak loaf should be tamed ap to her, wfll pall oat for her Stresasbarg the Deputy bar position to away laate Jla. 9. aT. Lssmsssrketod hiapotstses to OolnsBhas tost week. - Mr. aad Mm. B.A. Paillipe visited frieada to Osssha last week. Jacob Qerber wwChaarieg bafledhey to Oolambae lest Satarday. The Mtoms Louise Budat aad Ida OpplisBKnse vieitias; frieada aad re ktivena Omaha, aTa.4- Mpued a ear of fat hogs to Snath Omaha Monday. r RsnoUl wdotog good work ea tbnroaonv Hole Xtocisnmdiwffwaetef town which is a r.--ar: viaitia Oamhs, Wfll Gadeke wsssUsncUngtothefi white they were abseat. Mm Oihe cshdraB ef Deavar, Celo , arrived Friday vWtias; aV the home of their uaele aad aunt, Boyd aad Miss Jeauie Dawaoa. D. PI Dwaegue aad wife retaraed last Wsdeesdayttomthsir visit to their old sobm to Intend, where they spent the mar. They report a ametisse,hat woaldaotoare-to ssske their horns to try agato. Oa the return trip they cease through Montreal aad others potototoCsaade. la.1. oa reate oae am busy ig. George flselsld waa at Osssha last Okas Madam aad wife were iaOol bus test Satarday. Bora, last Saadsy, October ,to Mr. and Mm, John Ahrene, a son. Bead overseer W. T. Eras see beoa doing aosse maeh aeeded work oa reate Most of the farmers oa the route are diswtosjtasir potatoes this weak. The quantity ia not large, bat are all good. Dr. Oaralsassa was at Gerhard Losshss tostSatardsy dotos; sosse work oa a Issrse'a foot that had basa eaegged. Meaya mat Adolph Groteteue- thm week with his boose ssoviag oatftt, Bsovtoff aosse boikliage tor Mr. retaraed tost Sat urday from Wolbaoh with hie stock cattle, whtoh hove besa in hie posture at leataHe.S. Fred Bsrgmaan waa a eaUeratthe BarteUe home Saaday. Mr. aad Mm. John Blohm visited to the Grand Prairie neighborsood . Sun day. Bar. aad Mrs. Hiteisger of Ptotta Cshtorworeoaltem at the Sssfsld Moaday. aBhnxmaad Mr. a stteaded the fonoral of Kllia Saaday. A amrry party of yooni phnwaatto eatortotoed by Mms Fall BMiHaffia aboat thorn is but little thraahaag to do yet. Nearly all ef .the potatoes have party at the vuawne;, a larga aambsr of yoaaff f eahs ef the Mr. and Mrs. by the ef Joha aadisaoto sBjpnBksnjsn-BSjmakaa 9J h enm koth-uxBrftwr aaGotsiat 4 Til SIWaTisr- ewlHsWasiW feifJS Hi ' VvriSalS it the time of to do your CsOl aisdi-e m before bayiBf yovr work done Bfr WO CBB smum yosj is tazoper Pollchok t Oa BmseuejoaMs)sto JndxeT. H. from bto triptonmelisjs, B.T, he attended ths aatisael eaasmsw a? the Grand Arssv ef the Bmssm. lie. Tie say that he enjoyed thO trip would be nutting it ssfld, ssBew Teak to hie old aosse istsse. Wnfle thaea too oae of ell otbetofftheeary Oae of the pretttest aew muoiamnea at the of Mr. aad Mm. Oharlm A. Beetos oa mWamaBmBBBW BBMBffgBBJB ggM; BBy BJ aasVp ameFwa aeeordfaff to tan ritual ef the teslwere Mam Lstitta Dr. Mark T. ateMahoa, to ef the Biata relatives fees, the happy yooag ooaple took the of friiBil mesaiii I aatflheBsssedaway. Ye kaowa to this city, havtos; speat asset of nm early manhood hero. He had besa ployed aa travetaes: ssiessssa for the ae whslsmls honee hie father worked ror aao waa eeessoerea eejoocsnorsssm; young sssa of this etfy. The fuasenl wfll he held from the home ThsKOday afteraooa at 2 p, im . Bar. DsWesf of the Metbodietenareh wfllbetoi a a vMrJ. Have yea assa that hntle Bash's to oar wtodowf Wa are to give it to the Bttle eiri of ego waa ettoa nam the ae the grsessst aasaberef ear bIbt or loeal edls. Oaatest 90th. TBBttosmesmevwrrHtttosjItl M love to nave ss is a tomiaiatare. Itieeai window. Come ead ess k.- Mrs. L. A. Ooehsea ia issprovsBseata ssada aa her r Uoassrie pattiasTaa hmi crop of prairie aay. tor NshmatB. Gotfried Meyer, who ttvas ea the StSBger ptoee. has tented the ilpm hawk fsrss, owned by D. TssmmSrSadispnt- , ttogtofaUwasat there. V Oa aid after IS. 1907. oar assa wfll bsotessd oa Sundays. M.aCUasrn. -v ai Ono Ut 51 OOtwULK wfll Oat. 19th. Bvsrybsdymvited. BETTER Jl Our Next Ezciintonto I BSTBBjgfav vB3t aamsWara Oct 15th. '07 Conditiotsi were iierer brighter for another , II XmTtosaaT the JeSaet',aaa Bttoadsd a haaeast givaa to sssssham of the TToyeosmtypssaa, whtoh wmattrad ed by about two hniamd aswaeoaer assa, and asade e short task whtoh wsa d. He had the haaar mpramaiBlifa from the weaushs? tear. Quite a aamhsr tsnar xoaasr to the trato.Badef iubbs, thsmwua thsneuelssmworof rise. Traon,soaof hTi. aenVarm. J. M. BmkiasvdiBd ;.at.aieAaosse totttoey wnsaattrnT Issant. wnTwton aaaBftaaam awaanah aannavBa vBanmawnaJanaaaBaw mrmuBaa saVBfm WamV BPJBBBB9 BBBBM Wssnum MaBBfaWBBBjBfJBB BsawnawaunaV BBfaanaUaannanW. hsnaunl sVffWw VBaaUl WJeaUBaaUaf ' aTanSSBUs) WTsnBw faSBVBBB Land ' lagoingapiii price Get ' In while nfa cheap -; tlLIOTT, SKNE t Jt. P.O. Block, Cetomaws,jToa. -- a M Sx tl l m i ii i-l iTVl -..? ntthoLyrie. kwBmmMMM 33 m '!- : ! i- - tr - - - V .r ?2&USrr? Silf4-7S."!taX .Kl'V-oElZCfcfV ff-5n -sssjr3 ?i-i' yrr s-i '' i ef WjS -: ' $ - BBwnWsa'aFamntuff onaMBBBBifaaBWBBHaWBBM w BjaWBBjvBWMnm onw wmnWmf WsankH omnnVP wVantaasW 7"""""" gWBBB ehWaaato mewssagmsBBBwaa r: j r - . 'vr-'.. " - - - ? r . X- -.?3&af' r -iwt .a- A ..-.., ,- V Vk A T ' . 'J LlilJ 1 II i.i. ..Ji.' Ill II IWIH . .. -V,