v-r-.--. ?;irt: - s?r fr ; e -t . '? - av .i4? r ! ; & -w ' fs. -'. K sf Oomolidatod with the Columbus Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1, 1006. l3 VOLUME XXXVIIL NUMBER 26. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1907.: WHOLE NUMBER 1,872. i . . F --rT v Cp Cokmlras v 4 n v .umw ? s3 ra r t-- j- -una -" & at " " A " , I Becher, 1T1M.1UM. V Chambers JEM. ESTATE AID LOAIS. Mi S Whenever desiring mvestmcet ia real estate, either farm lands or town Iota, it will be to your interest to consult oar beta. We alao have several good dwellings for reatw Columbus, and it will pay yon to come nud see as before completing year arrangements. Money to loan in aay abort notion, J Fire, Tornado and Aeoident Insurance. .. ,, Becher, I Hockenberger is 2 Chambers. S u COLUMBUI Oats xyo Corn Bitriey Hogs....... ...... . 43 w av W . . . DO ....$55 to 95 60 MAinr TEAKS AGO. Files of the Journal, Ootober 1, 1873. John McMahon has purchased the lot on which his business boose stands, together with the one adjoining, f ormer ly occupied by W. T. Bickly. In the coarse of time it ia proposed to make the entire block brick which will present n mach better appearance than now. 'Orlando Rose has just completed n brick building, each, for ChaaReinke and John Held, who reside eight miles northeast of Oolumbns, on Shell Creek, for which he had taken the oontract aad which he completed ia the very short space of the month of September. When the eize of the building ia known, this fact will be appreciated. Each bnilding is twenty-eight by thirty-fonr fast, two stories high, twelve iaobes thick, with a one story brick kitchen, fonrteea by twenty feat to each. - - Thursday aftarnssa lest the fro ease, paay of Oolnmbns repaired to the Loup river to give their new fire angina a trial. Under the direction of John Hnber, fcremaa, they soon got the engiae in position aad foreman Brandt soon had twohaadredand fifty feet of hone ran out. The wind was blowing n strong gale from the aomth. the foreman laid oat the hoae toward the north, and en gineer Wells directed the watertobe pat on and the little engine seemed to do its work well, both on aingle aad doable streams. Including the length of hose the engine forced the water aboat three hundred nod seventy feet, and from the mouth of the hose about nti hundred and tweaty feet. 8U.VKB CRBBK. FroatheSud. A few auantea after eleven o'clock last night fire broke oat in theOaanon barn south of the Leeland hotel, aad was oompletly destroyed. The building was formerly used as a livery atabb) but of late Las been unoccupied except transiently, and there was noth ing to bumbnt the frame work and sheet iron and the toss was not great. The origin of the fire ia naknown, but the members of the Naaoe-Merrick eoaaty A. U. A. were at the lire and will un doubtedly ferret the matter out. After a search lasting nearly S weeks, sheriff Hollister finally secured posasa aioa of Clara Hunt, the 15 year-old oaaghter of Eli Hnnt who disappeared from home September 1. It was sup posed that she had been brought to Sil ver Greek by Henry Havens and from here ehe left with Henry's mother, Mrs. Tillie Laaigan. It was supposed that they had gone to Omaha and this turned out to be a fact. After Havens arrest ia Fremont aheriC Hollister of this county aad eherin Baamsn of Fremont have been trying to trace Mrs. Laaigan thro her numerous relatives, many of whom reside in Fremont and Omaha, and last 8eturday the women and the girl were found at Browuell Hall ia Omaha. Mrs. Laaigan was working in the laund ry and Clara was a kitchen maid. They were taken to Oeatral City Saturday night aad Monday sheriff Hollister brought Clara down ham and tamed her over to her pareata who took her home. MmLanigaa was detained in enstodv in Central City until Monday night when aha wan released on giving her personal mcogaisaace in the sum f fiuehnadrsd dollars. Her nmlimin. anrexaminatien waa set far October 7. i date that Havens is to Well Improved, 6 room house. 2 east of Columbus. AsMreea, Mrs. B. P. Weetcett,10U.thaedN street South Omaha, Neb. Watch Painter's wteiww for trite frvYvrto ami trrtfcftal and procured Cor the Baakv heater? It Will he givea away Ever since the orgaaiaatioa of the Commercial dub one of the mattota that haabesarbrought before it ia the encour agement of the nee of the Kiag road drag. The fact that better roads leading iato Columbus were needed was empha sized, and the olab had a number of these drags made. According to the in ventor of this drag, the proper time to use it is just after a heavy rain, the idea being to noddle the surface of the road jast the same as the bottom of a reser voir is paddled to hold water, and a very good opportunity to test this pro see ted itself after ihe three inch and a hall rain of the last week. Road over seer John Kendall desired to give the drag a good trial and put it ia use on the four miles of the Meridan road, just north of this city. The result was a nice smooth road, aad with continued dragging thia will aoon be a model piece of road, instead of full of rata and bumps. The experiemeat on this stretch will thoroughly test the oMoieacy of the drag, aa a portion of the road ia under water when Lost Creak gets high, aad if the work with the drag will make it aolid enough to withstand this, aaditia claimed it will, it will certainly be n It makes quite a difference as to what time the ground is plowed for winter wheat, or at least that is the experience of John Groesnicklaus. From one piece of bis wheat yielded thirty-five bushels to the acre and another field but twenty bushels. The secret of the large yield lies ia the fact that the land was plowed in August and was not planted until September, when the twenty bushel field plowed aad pleated immediately. Of course, it is not always convenient for n farmer to plow hie land in August, but the difference in the two yields should bean incentive for early plowing if possi ble. Mr. aad Mm. Byron a Defenbaoh of Sandpoint, Idaho, were ia the city bat Thursday on their way to Texas. They stopped here to aee old friends of former days, both having lived their childhood in thij county but eay they were sadly disappointed in the many changes that have taken place. Mr. Defenbaoh has prospered ia the west, and has held various reeponaibls positions.- Mm. Defenbaugh waa a daughter of the late John Wise. They report Mason Beall aad family, formerly of thia city, as wall aad prosperous ia their new home at Saadpoiat. The High school desires to place the lecture course ia the North open house thia year if it can be done. It is a strong coarse, worthy of a good patronage. 8ince the cost of a ticket remains at $1.50, or thirty cents a number, the peo ple of Columbus will surely give the coarse the encouragement it deserves. Buy a ticket now and encourage the committee of High school students who have the unenviable task of selling the course. The usual Ak-aar-ben erowds passing through this city-from the bra aches are agaia a forcible argument for a new passenger depot for Columbus. Every year the crowds increase, and with bad weather they are packed into the depot like asrdiaea. Even a little extra heavy travel tile up the waitiag roomaand when in a rush like tuis week cornea tnere ia simply no room to take care of them. Tuesday of this week occurred the big double wedding at 8L Anthony, the brides being the Misses Thresia and AnnaOwiaen. daughter of Henry Greit en of St. Anthony, and the grooms Ous tav a Berndt of Shelby and Math T. Gilsdorfof Humphrey. A number of Columbus relatives were in attendance. Four marriage licensea were issued by Judge Batterman during the last week as follows: Frank Haatreiter, Madison, Anna A. Maag, 8k Bernard, Orville Barnard, Cheyenne, Zella Lyon, Evans vi!le,Iud, Fred A. Walker, Aaaa C. Oiesn, Monroe, William J. Drawbridge, Grace M. Francis, Columbus. Two new canes of small pox were quarantined by City Physician Vosa the fimtof the week at the home of Wm. Farrell in the western part of the city. Mr.FarreU's fifteen year old daughter aad a man by the name of Heaeley, who hss been working on the railroad are afflicted with the diseasa. Grace church aotwicea Sunday. Oot 6. 9:90 a. m., holy communion; 11 a. m., choral celebration and sermon; 7:30 p. m., evening prayer aad sermon. Pro fessor 8ike will play a violin solo both morning and vreuiag. Sunday school 10 a. si. All cordially iavited to the a J. Oarrigbns been sheriff of this county for two terms. He has a valu able farm aad other property uterests, aad is also actively engaged ia the cattle baying business. He shoald not beau omce seeker agaia. Tote for J. L. Sharrar for sheriff. The republicans of Oolumbns are re quested to meet at thecoanoUehamber Tuesday evening, October 8, between the hemof 7aad8,forthepuraoseof placing in nomination candidates for and justice of the peace. iyof Mormon Elders have this Una of daek coats tar seen sum hoys you will find at the Gerharx FlynuOo, Dr. Lneaohaa Oconlist and Dr. Mark T. McMahon, dentist, v Dr. W. H. Slater, 96. Jacob Glur made a trip to Madison Monday. Dr. a A. Alleobarger, State Baak building. Try a loaf of PoesoVs famous milk bread. Everybody eats it. For Sale dean empty barrels, sui table for kraat, at Leavy's. Mies Leame Gray, of North Platte ia thegueat of Mies Mabel Douglas. Mm. John Seipp went to Omahn Tues day for a abort visit with friends and relatives. o Miss Grace Carriek, of Omaha ia visit ing at the home of her sister Mm Her man Frieke. See tbeuew assortment of Ivory bak ing aad puding dishes, 10 and 15c each, atSethBraun'e. Ansa Brodfuehrer and Emma Hoppen went to Omaha Suaday to take ia the carnival. Mies Marguerite Dirks of South Auburn, ia visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Tiesing. Mr. and Mrs. Gas Lake and daughter Lclu went to Omahn Saturday to take in the Ak-Sar-Bea. Mies Bertha Sohupbach spent Satur day and Sunday at Omaha visiting frieads and. relatives. Mrs. Kipple and Mm Will Eastman of this city were over Sunday guests of J. E. Morrow of Monroe. Go to Poesch's fo your school tablets 10c tablets for 5e. Call aad see them at Poesch'e Candy Factory. For fancy Wedding Stationary, pro grama or Calliagoards, don't fail to let the Journal figure with you. Miss Maxie Magill returned home Mon day evening after visiting a week with friends and relatives at Oreston. Misses Louise and Anna Marty left for Omaha Sunday, where they will spend the week with friends and relatives. Miss Hattie Brodf uherer left Tuesday noon for Omaha where she will spend a few days at the home of Miss Dot Bruit. Patronise tbe old reliable meat mark et, where you bet everything ia first ammyaa near aa nssaible. . 8. .E. Marty A Co. ' Mr. and Mm Jim Haney. living in the east part of town, are the proud parents of a new baby boy, which arrived last Friday. The Misses Eloise and Susie Boen, and Clara Boeder, left Sunday for Boston, where they will attend school the coming year. Those desiring to order all kinds of feed can do so over either phone. In dependent 98. BeU 307. -Ernst ft Brook, telephone Bed 907. Mr. and Mm Waa. Schroeder return ed Saturday from Madison where they spent the past week visiting friends and attending the Madison fair. The ladies of Grace church Guild will hold a rummage sale ia the Fntspat rick building on Thirteenth street, on Ootober 9th, 10th, aad 11th. Miss Louise Badat, living five miles aouth of Oolumbaa left last Thursday for Omaha where ehe .will 'spend two weeks visiting friends aad relatives. The subject for next Sunday at the Congregational church are, morning, The Personal Influence of Jesus Christ", evening. MA Grain of Maetard Seed. Miss Nora Lyons who underwent an operation at St. Mary's hospital a week ortwoagoisreooveriag nicely and will be able to return to her home aoon again. B. 8. Palmer the tailor, clean, dyes and repairs Ladies aad Gents1 clothing. Hats cleaned and mblooked. Buttons made to order. Agent Germaaia Dye Works. Nebraska Phone. Boy From arrived home Thursday evening from the east. He has pot in the past summer in the show business, doing the outside spieling." and goes iato snug winter quarters for a rest. Mm W. O. Pagsley of Monroe town ship waa ia the city Tuesday enroute for 8ing8tng, N. Yn where ehe goes for a months' visit with relatives. Her Ralph of Monroe accompanied her. The general advance ia prices of every thing to eat m responsible for the nn nounoement of the Clother hotel of this city that after October 1 the rata per day will be 91.90, a raise of twenty-five ta. Last Friday's Omaha Bee puta it neatly, Uaely: -Columbus has made applioatioa to Governor Sheldon to be deelsred a city of the first class. Colum- a first dam city for a loag Mr.aadMrs.aB. Pollock left Wed nesday for Fraaklia Grove, DL, where they wdl visit Mr. Pollock's mother for two weeks, and then go to Bartalaville, L T where L. O. Pollock, Mr. Pollock's Mian Hattie Klag eatertaiaed the adatyof ttteOar- churehat her Albert Latz. Be i FIX YOUR EYE ! i 9 -9 a 9 9 -9 9 ' s a? a s I 4 Where? Most anywhere, f If youfindthat you don't 1 see very well when you I try it let us give you more 9 AlafwumfA rflara TIumi BV may be something wrong. We can discover it if there t I is and better yet we can t core it It is foolish to be bothered by poor eyesight when correction therefor is so easy ana so certain. I 9 Ea. J. IKWIIIEE. Jeweler &;0ptician &94W&MMW&WMM&WMWMMW&1( Dr. Naumaaa. Dentist 13 8w 72 in. Table Damask at GrmT'S only 42c G. B. Prieb, painting andpaper banging. People who gat reeults advertise in the Journal. G. A. Scott is in Chicago on buainesB this Dr. D. T. Martyn. jr., omce new Oolum bus State Baak building. Try a loaf of Poeeoh'e famous milk bread. Everybody eata it. Fr Bent Furniebed room with board. IndependentJTelephone 314. Mm Fred Hollenbeck is visiting with friends in Omaha this week. The Boiiad Oak stoves have stood the test for 90 yearn. CrMaJTuV Dr. L. P. Carstenson, Veterinarian both phones 219, Columbus, Neb. Attorney Wm. Oomeliua was transat- ing buaiaeas in Osceoln Tuesday. See Gerharx Flynn Go's, line of men's wool underwear and flannel shirts.. O. J. Garlow was in Lincoln this week argning a case before the supreme court. Tom McTaggart, jr., is spending the week in Omaha, enjoying the sights of Aksarben. Mr. and Mm Wm. Sharp of 8U Edward were guests of Mr. and Mm O. W. Hol liday'Taeedey. Mr. and Mm Wm. Sharp of St. Ed ward were the guest Tuesday of Mr. and Mm O.W. Holliday. TheGerharz Flynn Co. keep the cele brated A. C. 8taley wool underwear and shirts. No better made. Miss Marguerite MoTaggart returned Tuesday evening from Denver, Colorado, where she has been the past month. Beginning with Ootober the boon for holding Sunday evening services in all the ohurchea will be 7:30 instead of a Miss Cook, who has been the guest of Miss May Beed for the past week re turned to her home in Fremont Sunday afternoon. We will donate n sine board to any purchaser of a base burner or heater on the days of demontration, Oct. 7 and & Good only for these days. Ontys refrf H. F. GREINER m 93 S m m m m m s m 9 m m m m 9 9 S ; I 9 a a w m w m m We are sole agents in Columbus for this celebrated brand of Coffee 9 ; 3 i w w s i JM COFFEE I! Oaltaihaj a City f tfca lint Ctosi mocLAiunoK bt thk oovkrhob. tatoof Nebraska, Executive Msnaioa Iiacoln, Nebraska, Seat. 3i, 1907. PnOCLAXATIOK DelariBgthetyof(3olambUiPltte county, Nebraska, a city of the first d ass hayiag a population of mom than Five Thousand aad less than Twenty-five Thousand inhabitants. Whereas, Section 2 of Article 3, Chap ter IS, Compiled Statute of Nebraska for 1906, provides aa follows: "Whenever say city of the second dens shall have attained a population of mora than Five Taoaeand (1,000) inhab itaate aa hereinafter aaeertained aad omcially promulgated by the census return and enamemtion taken under authority of the lawa of the United States or under the authority of the laws of the 8tate of Nebraska or by authority of the mayor and city council of any such city, the mayor of such city may certify auch fact to the governor, who, upon the filing of each certificate, shall by proelamatioa ao declare and thereafter auch city ahall be governed by provisions of auch act, upon auch pro clamation being made by the governor each and every officer of auch cities shall, withia 90 days thereafter, qaalify and give bonda aa provided by thia act." And, whereas, satisfactory evidence has thia day been filed in the executive office by the mayor, G. W. Phillips, of the city of Columbus, Platte county, in the state of Nebraska, in which it ia proven that the said city of Oolumbaa contains a population of more than five thousand inhabitants, and in accordance with the facta aad the requirements of the law, as above set forth. Therefore, L George Lawaon Sheldon, Governor of the State of Nebraska, do hereby issue my proclamation, and de clare the City of Oolambus a city of the first clem having more thanTive Thous and and leas than Twenty-five Thousand inhabitants, aad subject to the provis ions of an net to provide for the incorpo ration, government, regulation, dutica and powers of all cities having more than Five Thousand aad lees than Twenty- five Thousand inhabitants, and which act waa denominated "Senate File No. 74," duly passed and approved. In testimony whreeof, I have hereunto net my hand and caused to be affixed the great ami of the State of Nebraska. Dona at Lincoln this twenty-fifth day of September, ia the year of our Lord, One Thousand Nina Hundred and Seven. By the Governor Gnoses Lawbox Shzldoh. Geo. O Jcmcxn, 8ecy. of State. The above proelamatioa means much of Columbus, and besides marking an important change in the government of the city it places it in the same class as Grand Island, Fremont and Hastings. It also means that Columbus will take a more important position among Nebr aska cities aad indicates that the city is slowly but surely going ahead. In the matter of city government there will be n number of changes, one be ing the addition of another ward, which means two .more councilman, and will divide the work of that body among more members. Under the new regime the water commissioaer will be elected instead of appointed, and a raise can be made inthe salaries of the city officials, but this is not likely to be done. Changing to a city of the first class will not necessarily increase the burden of taxes, but at the same time places the city in n position to make improvements that must eventually come with the con tinued growth. It will make quite an amount of work to get everything in running order to meet the requirements when the additional officers and the main change will take place after the election next spring. 'Four or seven miles of the gas mains to be laid by the Columbus Gas company have been hud and the work m progres sing nicely after the delay caused by the raiu. Besides the regular mains three miles of Uteraki will be hud to connect service pipes where it will be too expen sive to lay mains. The gas holders aad seven carloads of machinery havebeea shipped, and are expected to be here and ready for placing by the fifteenth of this moath. The oompany'a office has been fixed and will be in charge of Otto Boen, who will be superintendent of the com pany. The plant iteself will be in charge of Mr. Peaaiagtoa. Wednesday morning contractor Par ker begun laying the brick for the new Y. M. C. A. buildisg, H. F. J. Hocken berger, who' has been one of those who have worked so faithfully to nuke thia building a reality had the honor of put ting the first brick in position. The work will now be pushed steadily, aad it w expected to have the building enclosed by Christmas. The only delay antici pated by the contractor, will be ia receiv ing the stone. The heavy rain partially filled the excavation with water, but thia has been pumped out. That it waa getting pretty dry shown by the way in which the rainfall of last Friday and Sunday and Monday of this week soaked ia. According to C. O. Gray'e government gauge the rain of Friday measured 1.98 laches, while that of Sunday aad Monday waa 92 in- ikiag a total of 3i8 laches, under ordiaary ra'rnimstSBcee to enaaa quite a fiocd. ' However the rainfall was gentle aad steady and put the fields in fine eoaditioa for the winter The five attraetioao aecared thia am son by the High school, promisra to give one of 'the strongest courses in the his tory of the lecture platform in Oolumbua, Oot.Ml TheKfoloaial Octette of Bos ton, composed of eight 'singers aad director, will give the first masieal ai ber. The voices have beet rehearsed by Mr. Ulmer H. The program embraces mixed doable quartets, quartets of mean voices and qaartets of women's voices. It ia a pro gram of aaaaaal variety aati exeelleaee. Nov. II. Lecture. "Ov Namea; Its Probieau aad Progress, by J. Adam Bode, "the hamorist of the howse," con gressman from Minnesota, will bo a number of live iaterest, aad we feel sure Oongrsmsssa Bede will have a largo audieare hi Oolumbua. Dec. 3. Thia lecture by the Bight Bav. J. Henry Tihen, rector of the cathedral of St. Aloysiua in Wiehitn, Kansas, will be able, scholarly aad pat riotic. Father Tihania said to be one of the strongest speakers on the platform today. His great qualities of mind and heart ao blend into hie charming lan guage aa to reader his apeakiag of great dramatic force. ' s Jan. 23. The Temple Quartette, the best musical attraetioa of ita load that will visit Nebraska thia year, will give us one of its splendid programs. There has been no change of personnel suoe last year. Miss Lucy Lee is their reader. She is one of the most popular readers in Lyceum work. Feb. 20. An evening of song, music and story with Ralph Bingham, person ator, humorist and violinist. Biagham is the leading funny man of the day. Be will delight and please any andieaee. It will be an evening of mirth, merriment and laughter. Doat fail to enjoy Biagham: Thia course, which at regular rates. would coat over 9000, has been contract ed for, aad the ticketa placed oa sale at the old price of $1.50 for the five aam- bers. If wo can not increase the sale of ticketa on account of the strength of the course, we cannot uudce expenses. We behave the people of Oolambus will appreciate our placing auch n course on this year, and iacrease the patronage aecordiagly. Let us have your name at for ticketa for the course. For by members of the class. Respectfully, Hm Bibcock, Free, - BnsBiBMuHBO,8ee'y. - y- r letteJTe.3. Ed Bakeabas saarkered his hoga Tues day. N - F. B. Berends ia making some improve ments on his residence and remodelling it. Niok Adamy left last week for Ger many, where ho will make aa extended visit. Mies Augusta Kluever m again on routs 4, after epending the summer with Wm. Behlen and family. Wm. Behlen purchased a two and one half horsepower gasoline engine to do the pumping and feed grinding. Mm Mary Miller left for Missouri Tuesday for a abort visit with her par eata, Mr. aad Mm Richer, formerly of this county. " Bev. Wm. Papenhausen returned home Tuesday from his visit in the east which iacluded Buffalo, Boston, Roch ester. New York and New Castle, Pa. JohnBrunken andlHenry Bakenhus, officers of school district No. 65, were in Columbus last Saturday aad bought a large heating stove for the school house. KMtele.4 . E. M. Brora and wife were in Colum bus lsst Saturday. Otto Bolt shipped a ear load of stock era and feeders to South Omaha Tuesday evening. Mm M. Fish went to Council Bluffs Tuesday for a visit with her sister, Mm Frank 8helles. Wm. Plageaaan and John Eleuver were helping the Bolt Bros, with their cattle Tuesday. The Mimes Sylvia and On Moore left Saturday for a ten days' visit with friends and relatives at Cashing,. Neb. The Misses Neville and Boy Bray, Charles Mayberger, Lawrence Weber and James Moore are Aksarben visitors this Battel. 5. John Spitz soelled his com last Tues day. John Coffey took out n now manure spreader Tuesday. Mm Julia Leonard left Tuesday for Cody, Wyo., to visit her daughter. Mm Emma Manning. i AnnaGerhold. who has been sick foreometimcaaaaweUdeveloiMd of typhoid fever. Fred Thomas, who went west about a year ago, has sold out them aad iahere looking for a place to rent. August Fickel returned Tuesday even ing from Boelas, where he waa looking at land. The country suited him all right, but. the price asked for land too high. tm MM MM ..1. ,tt ! A tram the iaqairea, the asm been reed, which gees to .advertised aadjadgisg arnat have show that it E99wn; B S NothuMxBetterand Few as Good as TN Shtnrii- Willins Pants Uu YanisbK i ! i i ! i 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 This is the time of jrear to do your painting. Call and see m before having your work done as we can aave you 15 to 25 per cent Pollock Go. The Druggist oa the Coraer ! I i 9 9 9 9 9 9 Obb i Township Gaaaua. The republican votem of Ooiambua township are hereby ceiled to meet at the town hall on Tneaday. October a, be- the hoars of 7 aad 9 p. effort be purpose of placing in nomiaattou a township ticket, the traaoaotlag of aay other buiaess that mnvnronerivi before them. H. B. Rmmo, Oommitteei Pre. Paul aad Mstaea, Dr. TaQiar, ( Wanted Place to work for board aad attend school by young awn. Bell phone No. 68. The rcpuhHeaa county central com mittee and candidates have bean culled to meet in Oolumbua next 8atanlayt October 5, to iagtotheo Mm Will White and children, who have beau visiting Mm A. Banaraad family for the past few. days departed Tuesday afternoon far their heme in Maninclg; Missouri. W. J. Drawbridge and Grace M. Francis ware married at the home of the bride's pareata. Mr. aad Mm D. hV rasmw, Wednesday of L. B, DeWelfoal wis ting. Martin Laugtey, who has been employ ed in the baggage mam at the Union Pacific for some time, goes to Grand Island to take the posUioa of night bag gageman, whfch ho will fill for a short time aad then be promoted to day hag- geman. His pJaoe ham hi taken by Ed.' Williams. Dr. Wilbur F. Crafts, general secre tary of tlMuternatioaal reform hureaa, will lecture in the Methodist ehureh next Tuesday evening, October a Dr. Crafts is n lecturer of world wide pro minence and it ia aa unuoual epportua ity to hear him. He ia enroute from China aad Japan to Washington. D. G. and is stopping at a few points in Nebr aska. There will bono admission fxaa charged. M. J. Pedemoa aad Mies Jessie Bul lock, both of Alliance, Nebr., ware mar ried at the Methodist parsonage Wednes day afternoon, Bev. DaWolf oMciatiag Mr. Pedemon in a brother of Martin PedenoB, mail clerk on the Oolumbua aad Albion, and Lewie Pedersea of the Clother hotel. He ia a Burlington con ductor with headquariera at AUiaace. The bride is a resident of AUmnoa aad ia a 'neice of H. & Kinase aouth of the river. meutalVL Bob McOray aad wife spent Suaday aad Monday with Rudolph Miller. Mr.aadMmOarlKbrta aremjotoiag over the arrival of a boy at their heme last Friday. Joseph Heaggelerof StockviUa arrived bat Saturday to close up a deal for oaa hundred and eighty acres of his farm. the purchaser being Albert Lemp aad the consideration S14.000. Mr. Heag geler returned tohwhonwatStookvillo Wednesday. BETTER J! Our Next Excursion to Thins Ci., Kaisas TueoiUy, Oct 15th, '07 Conditions were never brighter for another prosperous year. Land Is going up in price In while if s cheap EWNT, SKRE1 M. P. O. Block, Columaua, Nek -? xi I L at a late aays to advertise in thaJowraaL r.ja.- rw f tv LW -V . . i-" gjfeir.aas4Sal r-at,aJ,feggS - n - --11'- .w &. jVfsSjtt&iSyiz., dSsA&feSaS.V: i - &&&JktH'Z6Zk &k&ms&irjmmi &m i ia'Tj &m&e&Sz . . -. . ,- i -2fea 8 at 8 p.m. GnaJS. "