aTTFJiJ ifesSSy -e-M&r? Tjre? & 'lA'TrV rJSiiilfSifa. VMW-J?!L " -UtJHWl?r&S&?SriBfECm 57 4-. VrS-', 5W' rmmwkWsW' rWnJR.'FI SW.RSlWi T--JLT'V- .v;--riv:sri. $? tf'VUR"w.?A ."B tra -,v F--. iii' '- - - - -s tf ; 7 -!- YrfV, Jl. : VJk. s - .: I. rroin1- ;1 i ir & L t-: .r- H .3 ' v. low ABOUT Have you made up your mind to take a look at land where One Crop Pays fir a Fail 0 The homeeeekers that acoompui ied our Mr. Elliott on thelait excursion returned enthusiastic over the future prospects in - Thomas Comity. Kansas They are now advising their friends to join our next excursion TOM, OCTOBER 1st, 11 This is the time of the year when you can leave, so get ready and A go along with a good jolly crowd and convince yourself that we are trying to make you money Phone, Write or Call ELLIOTT, SPIKE aCOMPiST Postoffice Block, Columbus, Nebr. MB HAMPTON f PLACER miutmmmTtUMKm TrnKiUKGE Continued from laat week. ""Wen, Bin?," was Hampton's friend ly greetlag, rare they keeping yon fair ly buy with wars and ramors of van' these dsysr "Nethia' tola' just now.- was the cheerful reply. "Everything goto ter Cheyenne. The Iajaas are gitttn themselves bottled ap la the Big Hon country. ' "Ok, thafs It? Tkea maybe yoa saaaga to rask a message for aw to Fort A. Lincoln wttkont diecommodiag Uacle Sam? aad Hsmptoa placed a coin upon the rough tabled -Bare; writ It oat" "Here It Is; now get It of early, my lad, aad Bring tke answer to me orer attkekotaL There'n be another yet boy waiting whea yoa come." Tke reply arrived soma two koars L Iineou. Jnw XL UMBcmia: eraatn gone west; probably Yeltow- Brant with then. ICurpfey. ot- at Cheyenne waiting or BITTON, Coaaiandina. Ha erasked the paper la bis hmad, tklnldng thinking of tke past, tke atcseat, the future. Ha aad borne smack la these last years, mack mis representation, mack kmellaess of soaL To ran this' Murphy to cover remalaed bis final kope for retrieving tkose dead, dark years. Ay, and there was Nalda! Her future, scarcely less tkaa kla own. kang trembllag la the balance. Tke sudden lashing of that asms Into bis brain was like an elec tric shock.. He cursed his inactivity. Great God! had he become a child again, to tremble before, imagined evil, a mere bobgoblin of the mind? He aad already wasted time enough; apw he mast wring from tke lips of that mtoshapom savage tke last vestige of kla secret He dressed for the road; for hard, saarMag service, buckling his loaded cartridge belt outside his rough coat aad testing his revolvers with unusual ears. He spoke a few parting words of Jastractioa to Mrs. Guffy and went aufotlyout Tea minutes later he was la the saddle, galloping down the dusty stage road toward Cheyenne. CHAPTER XXVII. - The Trail of ajjoat Murphy. Dr PRICES CifTjim f, - ksmV--T aamBTm. m.V rwaV MWMSMmr-W ay . JhmaBruBjsmlmimwmmmiK' .mt ms aw Btssmam Mmhr km mta if mu dome whisper. It was he who tod the - .... v .. V . ' - .1-- .- .. .- ... mlowlv Bnlmaal rtwmrt tk akallmr :. . T I . . "XBU U m A wum. mot a no c-. t-r .-. same mm . mm -m- - . -. " -" vvu' aww .".. .. "" WT ZTZ BomsBosj loom ime nseny ox SMsnssg . , i,t,,- COOflurilCtlorL. i -w armaw wmmmagegw warn wuraam wmsaummai sossewmat nvoaale. Kvem Iadiaa-ecoex- we monaera mmxw. amor , fc,w - - M n-mi - - . $r mi-5 SlllraM, Ul UK WOfM . Kt imjmmlmammmmm tretehed a broad ptote, tke s-r- JnfjKaffsUtm kelrmltefmnte T ow ttTa toagh," retorted Hamp- t i Jv . Jl " " uiwmiiBjiwiiB . . . .. t - . - . warn, nam arove we una nun auavsa , u aHaat. rnniT nia V y- i'' at toot au w. .mM -tHmtomtTfllr flBM rocky aad amavaa, the mor therm w i.v. - - v . som, wxm esawsarsiasg coofuess. ma sb-j.-. v . TBlli 111 UMsY"" Irrifl - mSiHmtt'9""" iter, .kmsmrmt by rldga. ef higher ZJmSSl iW-a - -' ' "i TfpiWllSJ ti' TZLmT llr aJLTdTuZl m Z-?&P r Bat -mddealy there waa tke taint ? Marphy aramptiy twhla TSTwm TmZSm?LX iaat wte aaato, If a g to be doae. I UmSi ' zP ;tJst fifftCfif fiamy WJlat aaw JCsBrJ waaj apm cerarmawe! IssV " arartrlrmt aT hramch te Tmla toft ami korse the ssur. siever oae giaBmg -. imfsra. I waa aetiaar ma asasaraf hmaw yoa far too weU to take ckaaces VWBBB"7 12? - r "&. MW - :----r ,,7,Tmtoilfi la;,wmlla the other hmkstod ale TjgE g amyomrgaa. fcaallmher." 1C17 FarmassSt Ommkm M I ' -. The young Ihfanfrymair who had been detailed for the Important serv ice of telegraph operator sat In the Cheyenne office, his feet on the rude table, bis face burled behind a mews paper. "Could yoa Inform ma wkere I might find Silent Murphy, a govern ment scout?" ' The voice had the unmistakable ring of military authority, and tke soldier operator instinctively dropped kla fast to the floor. "Well, my lad, yoa are not damb, are you?" The telegrapher's momeatary kest tatloa vanished; his ambition to be come a martyr to the strict laws of service secrecy was not sufficiently strong to cause him to take the doubt ful chances of a lie. "He was here, but has gone." "Where?" "The devil knows. He rode, aorta, carrying dispatches for Custer." "When?" "Oh, three or four hours ago." Hampton swore softly but fervent ly, behind his clinched teeth. "Where Is Custer?" "Don't know exactly. Supposed to be with Terry and Gibbons, some where near the mouth of the Powder, although he may have left there by this time, moving down the Yellow stone. Murphy's orders were to Inter cept his column somewhere between the Rosebud and the Big Horn. No other scout along this border would take such a detail. But that old devU of a Murphy Just enjoys such a trip? He started off as happy as aver I sea him." "How. far win he have to ride?" "Oh, 'bout 300 miles as the crow flies, a little west of aorta, and the better part of the distance, they tell me, it's almighty rough country for night work. Bat then Marshy, ka knows the way all right Sorry yoa didn't come along a little earlier," be said, genially. "Bo yoa know Mar phyr Tm not quite certain. Did yoa happen to notice a peculiar black sear on tke back of bis right hand?" "Sure; looks like tke naif of a pear. He said it was powder under the skin." A new look of reviving determine IT? O -' - maHssaiBt environments many times V dowm the bank, the four horses .--- tkta T ,,. j,, --. mmtT' . . . . Hon swept eyes beyoad doubt tkla mi be kla "How dldhekave?r "DM yoa overhear him as; definite aboat.kJa plans for tke trip?" "What, aim? He never talks, that fellow. He catdo aothiag bat spat ter If he.tries. .But I wrote oat kla or- aad they give him to the Xth to the Big Horn. Touwssnt to strike oat after aim. yoar "I migkt risk it if I oaly tkoagkt I could overtake klm witkla two days; say haslBoai la of soma Importaaee." "Wall, stranger. I should reckon yon might do that witk a dog-gome good outfit Murphy's' sure to take things pretty easy today, aad he's almost certain to follow the old mining trail aa far aa the ford over the Bella Vomicae, aad that's plain eaoagk to traveL Beyoad that point tke devil oaly knows where ke win go, for tkea la wham ate hard ridin begins." The moment the operator mentioned that odd sear cm Murphy's head, every vestige of hesitation vanished. Be yoad amy possibiUty of doubt he was cm tke right scent this time. Murphy waa riding north upon a mission as desperate as ever man was caUed apoa to perform. The chance of his coming forth alive from that Indian haunted mad was, aa the operator truthfully said, barely oae out of a hundred. To the end., to the death If meed were, ha would follow! The memory of his old plain craft would mot permit any neglect of the few necessaries for the trip. He bought without haggling over prices, but insisted on the best So it was four In the afternoon when he finally struck Into the trail leading north ward. He rode a mettlesome, half brokem bronco, a wicked-eyed brute, which required to be conquered twice within the first hoar of travel; a sec oad aad more quiet animal trailed be hind at the end of a lariat, bearing the necessary equipment He had, by persistent questloalag, acquired considerable Information, dur ing that busy hoar spent In Cheyenne, regarding the antracked regions lying before him, as weU as the character and disposition of the man he pur sued. Both by instinct and training he waa able to comprehend those brief hints that must prove of vast benefit la the pathless wilderness. - The night waa already' dark, but stars were gleaming brilllaatly over head, and tke trail remained easily traceable. It became terribly lonely cm that wflderness stretching away for unknown leagues la every direc tion, yet Hampton scarcely noted this, so watchful was he lest he miss the trail. To his Judgment Murphy would aot be likely to ride during the night until after he had crossed the Fourche. There was no reason to suspect that there were any hostile Indians south of that stream, and probably therefore the old scout would endeavor to con serve his own strength and that of his horses, for the mora perilous travel beyoad. About midnight the tran becoming obscure, tke rider made camp, confi dent he must have already gained heavily cm tke man he pursued. He lariated his horses and flinging him self down on some soft turf, almost immediately dropped asleep.- Ha was up again before daylight aad, after a hasty meal, pressed on. The nature of the country had changed consider ably, becoming more broken, the view circumscribed by towering cliffs and deep ravines. lAto in the afternoon he reined ap his horse aad gased forward into a broad vaUey, bounded with precipi tous bluffs. Tke trail tod directly dowa toward where a considerable stream of water shone silvery In the sun, half concealed behind a fringe of willows. And yonder, close in against those distant willows, some black dots were moving. Hampton glued bis anxious eyas to the glass. The leveled tubes dearly revealed a man on horse back, leading another horse. The ani mals were walking. There could be little doubt .that this, was Silent Mar- phy. Hampton lariated his tired horses behind the bluff and returned to the summit lying flat upon the ground; with the field-glass at his eyas. The dlstamt figures passed slowly forward Into the midst of the'wtilows. and for half am hear the patieat watcher scanned the surface of the stream be yond, but there was no sign of at tempted passage. The sun sank lower and finally disappeared behind those desolate ridges to the westward. Hampton's knowledge of phtinscraft readered Murphy's actions sufficiently' clear. This was the Fourche; beyoad those waters lay the terrible peril of Indian raiders. Further advance mast be made by swift secret alght riding, and never-ceasing vigilance. This was what Murphy had been saving himself and bis horses for. Beyond conjec ture, he was resting now within the shadows of those willows, studying the opposite shore and making ready for the dash northward. Hampton be Ueved he would linger thus 'for some time after dark, to see If Indian fires would afford any guidance. Confident of this, he passed back to his horses, rubbed them dowa with grass, aad them ate his lonely supper, not ventur ing to light a fire, certain that Mur phy's eyes were scanning every lack of skyline. Darkness came rapidly, while Hamp ton sat planning again tke details of his nlgkfrwork. Then, with the two aalmals traUlag cautiously behind, he felt sis-slow way on foot down tke steep bluff, lato the denser blackness of tke vaUey. CHAPTER XXVIII. The Haunting of a Crime. Murphy rested on his back in the midst of a thicket of willows, wide awake, yet not quite ready to ford tke Fourche and. plunge Into the dense shadows shrouding the northern shore. Crouched behind a log, he had so far yielded unto temptatiom aa to light his Pipe. Jast amvtroamemte many times groom voTferal hi, UT TlsMeaaAasosa. asHarsliut readme m the grass, some scowling coyote, probably; theft his .tease mascles kmmailaOly re laxed, sad he euraed hanvsstf far being so startled, yet km 'csattasid to grasp the "4i" la hie right mama. Ma eyes alert "Marshy! Tkat sJagM ward, kartod tkaa maex- sBBBmnsraBii"raesBmwsaasiBSs f sUbSZsk- E3mnnnsvmvr9FT 9&aMKmsw "Hampton Glued Hie Anxleos Cyse to tHeGlaos.- pectedlyoutof the black alght startled him more tham would a volley of rifles. Ha sprang half erect them as swiftly crouched behind a willow, utterly ma able to articulate. For the Instant his very blood ram cold; ka appeared to shrivel up. "Oh, come, Marphy; speak up, mam; I know you're In here." That terror of the makmowm instaat ly vanished. This was the famUiar language of the world, and, however the fellow came to be there, It waa assuredly a man who spoke. ."Who the hoU are ye?", ha blurt ed out The visitor laughed, the buakea rustling aa he pushed toward the sound of "the voice. Ifa an right old, boy. Gave ye quite a scare, I reckon." Murphy could now dimly perceive the other advancing through the Inter vening willows, and his Colt shot ap to the level. "Stop! ye take another step an m let drive. Te teU me first who ye be." The lavader paused, but. he realised the aervous finger pressing the trigger and made haste to answer. "It's nil right I ten ye. Fm one o Terry's, scouts." "Te are? Jlst the same Tve heard yer voice afore." "Likely 'nough. I saw service In the Seventh." Murphy was still a trifle suspicious. "Howd ye git yere? How'd ye come . ter know whar I wua?" The man laughed agata. "Sorter hurts yer perfesstousl feelins, don't It old feller, to be dropped in on In this unceremonious way? Bat It was dead easy, old man! Te see I happened thro Cheyenne only a couple o' hours behind ye, with a bunch o papers far the Yellowstone. The trail's plain enough out this far, aad I toped toag at a pretty fair hickory, so thet I was ap on the bluff yonder, and saw ye go into camp yere Just afore dark. Tom was a-keepln' yer eyes skinned across the Fourche. and' aaturally dlda't ex pect mo esHers from them hiDs be hind. The rest was nuthin", aa' hero I am. Ifa a darn' sight ptoassnter ter her company traveUn', ter my aotioa. Now kla I cum On?" Murphy reluctantly lowered his Colt every movement betraying annoyance. "I reckon. But I'd a damn sight rather risk lt-ratone." The stranger came forward without further hesitation. The night was far too dark to reveal features, but to Murphy's strained vision the new comer appeared somewhst slender In build, and of good height "Whar'd ye say ye wus bound?" "Mouth o' the Powder. We kin ride tergether fer a night or two." "Te kin do as ye please, but I ain't a huntin' no company, an' I'm a goto' 'cross now." He advanced a few strides toward his horses. Then suddenly he gave vent to a smothered cry, so startling as to cause the stranger to spring hastily after him. "Oh! My God! Oh! Look there!" "What to It man?" "There! there!- The picture! Domt you see?" "Naw; I domt see nuthin. Te ain't gone cracked, kev ye'? Whose pic ture ?" It's there! O Lord! it's there! My God? can't ye see? An' it's, his face ail a-gleamln' with green flames Holy Mary an' I ain't seen it afore in 15 year!" He seemed suddenly to collapse, aad the stranger permitted him -to drop limp to the earth. "Dara If I Ua see anythin', old man, but IT1 scout 'round thar a bit Jest tor ease yer mind, aa' see what I kin skeer up." He kad kardly taken a half dozen steps before Murphy caUed after him: "Don't don't go an' leave me it's not there now thet's queer!" The other returned and stood gazing down upon kls kuddled figure. "You're a fine scout! afeard o spooks. Do ye take these yere turns often? Fer If ye do, I reckon as how I'd sooner be 'ridin' atone." Murphy struggled to his feet aad gripped the other's ana. "Never bed nuthin' like It afore. Bat but It was thar an creepy am' greenain't seem thet face la is year." "What facer "A a fallow I knew oace. He no's dead." The other grunted disdainfully. "Bad lack tar sea thesa sort" ha volun teered, solemnly. "Blame glad It warm't ae aa sea It am I domt know aa I keer mack right aow 'boat keep la company witk ye fer very toag. However, I reckom if either of us cal culates cm doia' muck ridin' teralgkt we better stop fooUm' with ghosts, am' go ter saddlln' ap." They made rapid work of tt, the proviag somewhat loqua cious, yet holding his voice to a Judi cious whisper. It was he who tod the way dowa the beak, the four .horses slowly sptoahfag tkrougk tke shallow water to the mortkerm shore. Before stretched a broad plain, tke sur- rocky aad mmevem, the by ridges of Murphy promptly fare kla tke saur tm , wkfle the other They rode' ssteetly. The way; he- 4lmTAamaaTaaamrwm alSnsBBa flmsafl nVmaTsaTsk mmu' fjmssrV scared the sUrs. yet through the rifts tkey caught fleeting glimpses aum damt to kokt them to their course. And the' aacroacklag affle swept te pocket yet aver Finally they attained te the steep bank of a ebmsMorable stream, found the water of aafltotomt depth to compel swimming, aad crept ap the opposite shore dripping aad miserable, yet wkh ammunition dry. Marphy stood swear ing dtsjofatodly, wiping tke blood from a wound la kla forehead where the Jagged edge of a rock had broken the skin, kut suddealy stopped witk a quick Intake of breath that toft him panting. The other mam crept toward him, loading ale horse. "What to It mow?" ke asked, graflty. "HeV ye got em agin?" The daaed old scout stared, pout lap directly across the other's shoul der, his arm shaking desperately. "It's tkar! am' It's kls face! On, God! I know K IS year." The mam gmmead Backward Bttem darkness, hat without moving kla body. -there's aathin out there, leas tt s a awsfly," he taaiaTea, sa a tome or tempt "Toafre plum crasy, the sight's got cm yer to tt ye think ye seer "His face. I toll ye! Domt I know? If s all green and ghastly, with snaky flames playim' abomt tt! But I know; If years, am' I ain't f ergot" He sank down feebly sank until he waa on his knees, kto head craned for ward. The mam watching touched the miserable, hunched-up figure compas sionately, aad tt shook beneath his hand, endeavoring to' skrimk away. "My God! was' thet yoa? I thought it waa him a-reachia' fer me. Here, let me take yer kaad. Oh, Lord! Am' cant ye see? If s Just tkere beyoad them horses an greea, crawlla', dev ilishbut It's him." "Whor "Brant! Bramt IS year!" "Brant? Flfteem years? Da yoa meaa MaJ. Bramt the one Noma killed over at Betkuner "He ke didn't" The old mam heaved forward, mis head rocking from aide to aide; them suddealy he toppled over cm his face, gasping for breath. Hto compamlom caught him aad ripped open the heavy flannel Shirt Them he strode savage ry across In front of hto skriakiag horse. tore down the flarlag picture, aad hastily thrust it Into hto pocket, the light of the phosphorous with which It had beea rubbed being reflected for a moment am his features. "A dirty, miserable, tow-dowa trick," ke muUered.- "Poor old devil! Tet I've go to do It for the little glri." He stumbled back tkrougk the dark ness, kto kat filled witk water, and dasked It lato Murphy's face. "Come am, Marphy! Taste's one good tking 'bout spooks; they don t hang 'round fer toag at a time. Likely es not this 'am to gome by mow. Brace ap. man, for you am' I have got tar get oat o here afore morula'." Then Murphy grasped kto arm aad drew himself slowly to hto feet - "Tkmt see aathia' mow; do yer "No. Where's my korser The' other silently reached him the loose rein, marking aa he did so the quick, nervous peering this way aad that the starting at the slightest sound. "Did ye say. Murphy, aa how it wasnt Nolan after an who plugged the major?" Tm damned If I did. Who else wasitr "Why, I dunno. Sorter Warned odd though, thet ghost should he a-hauat-la' ye. Dara If it alat creepy 'nough ter make a feller believe moat amy thin'.", ' Murphy drew himself up heavily lato his saddle. Them an at oace ke shoved the muzzle of a "45" lato the other's face. "Te say anther word 'bout thet am' in make a ghost outer ye blame lively. Now. ye shet ap if ye ride with me." They moved forward at a walk and reached a' higher level, across which the night wind swept bearing-a touch of cold la Its breath as though coming from the snow-capped mountnins to the west There was reaowed life la this invigorating air and Marphy spurred forward, nia companioa pi lag steadfly after. Whea the first signs of day appeared la the east the two toft their horses In a aarrow canyon, aad crept to the summit of a ridge. Below lay the broad valley of the Them Murphy turned hto head looked back latoxtke other's face, CHAPTER XXIX. The Verge of Cenfasslsa, Murphy uttered oae sputteriag cry of surprise, Singing his head Instinct ively to his hip, but attempted mo more. Hampton's ready weapoa waa thrusting Its muzzle into tke astound ed face, aad the gray eyes gleaming along the polished barrel held the fal low motioaloss. "Hands ap! Not a move. Marphy! I have the drop!" The voice waa tow, but storm, aad tke old frontiersman obeyed mechanically, although his face waa fairly distorted with "Tom! Duma yoa! I thought h t voice." "Yes, I am here an right odd place forms to meet tent It? Bat, you see, you've had the advantage an these years; yoa knew wkom yoa were running away from, wkile I waa compelled to plod along tm tke dark. Bat rve caught up Just the same. If It has beea a toag race." ' "What do ye waat me ferr The took la the face was cunning. "Hold your hands quiet higher, fool! Thaf a tt. Now. domt play Witk bm. I koaestiy dldat know for certain I did waat yoa. Murphy, wham I first started oat cm this. trip. I merely suspected tkat 1 might things I took the Hberty of atanr sack te a poker-roam at drove the kaifs kat by mistake, I eaaaeed to ef the a sear am tt. I PUBLIC At my turn ooe-hIf mile OityNebrmskmon . Thurs., Odotor 10, 1907 Sale to commence at 1 o'clock p. ml SI Had PM Ota lass 30 tors i IS GUIs m Sows with biters by their side, four of the titters are sired to " ALLERTON CHIEF 29187, my her boar. Ha weigaa 800 poaads im breediBs; condition, and is oae of the heat hunliai boars u the state of BIG SMOOTH PIGS. The hoan am the tot that I have erer had the pleasure to oier to the public. Theyare large amd groathy Ibr their age. They have had the ram ofaaaatare aad will be ofereil im jast mice breedimg eoaditioa. There will be four fall boars sired by DELIGHTFUL 37lw, and two of them are good enough to head a good pure bleed hsrd. There will be 26 spring boars sired by Allertum Chief aad there an some herd headers amomg thesa. The gilts are aot quite as large as the boars, but they arm a mice evem tot una wui mwge mae onood sows, faraes tl that bought laat year, please bring pedigree with yea. Tp?mB-0" year's mfJriUfJ $20.00 aad er giviag approved security. Cattle Sale O. E. COL. T. H. CALLAHAN, Auctioaeer. RALPH STANLEY, Clerk. ben aaeTjaa? as rturaed fhe corner of the old powder-house "there came n sudden lash, a report, a sharp cry. I sprang forward oaly to fall headlpag over a dead body; but la that dash I had seem the hand grasping the re volver, aad there was a scar oa the back of it a very peculiar scar. It chanced I had the evening previous slightly quarreled with the ofscer who was killed; I was the oaly person known to be near at the time he was shot; certain other circumstantial evi dence was dug up, while Slavin and oae other no, it was not you gave some dsmaglsg. manufactured testi mony against me. As a result I was held guilty of murder la the second degree, dismissed from the army la disgrace, aad sentenced to tea years Imprlsoameat So, yoa see. It was aot exactly you I have beea haatmg. Marphy. it was a scar. Murphy's face was distorted lato a hideous grin. I- aotice yoa bear exactly that kind Of a scar, my man, and you spoke Inst night aa if you kad some recollection of the case." Tke Blocking grin expanded; Into tke kusky voice crept n snarl of de nance, for now Murphy's courage had come back he was fronting flesh and blood. "Oh, stop preachin' an' shoot an' be damned ter ye!" Toe do me a grave injustice. Mur phy. Tour slashing at me down in Glencnld hasat toft so much as a sting behind. It's completely blotted out forgotten. I haven't the slightest desire to hill you, man; but I do want to clear my name of the stain of that crime. I waat yoa to tell the whole truth about that night's work at Be thune, and when you have done so, yoa cam go. I'll never lay a finger om yoa; yoa csa go where yoa please. "Bak! ye ain't got no proof ante. me 'sides, tke esse is closed tt cut be opeaed agin by law." Tom devil! I'd be perfectly jnstJ fled Im killing you." exclaimed Hamp ton, savagely. Murphy stared at him stupidly, the cunning of incipient Insanity in his eyes. TBa' whar do ye expect me ter say all this, pervidln. of fule 'nough ter do itr "Hands Up!. Net a Meve, Muftery! I Have the Drop!" "Up yonder before Custer aad the oflcers of the Seventh, when we get te.- "They'd nab aw likely." "Now. ase tere, yoa say it Is Impos sible for them to touch you, because tee ease Is closed legally. But rve to safer for yoar crime. Murphy. for If years, tea of them behind walls; aad there are others who have saCered with me. It has cost ase love, acme, all tkat a ataa holds dear. The very toast yoa cam do la ordiaary decency is to speak the troth aow. it wffl not hart yoa, but it will lift me oat of hen." I might Anyhow. IT! go om with ye. Kla I sit up? Im dog tired lyln yere." "Unbuckle your halt aad throw that Aw la g! felagfk2 ffiHHp'7HMg t3dmnmunimw.m BmaBmauWBmaVto .BiBmaBmaBVil m' jtmev vtj SALE ot Bisliic tisae will be givea oa all suass overstTperceMiaterestpmrc) Dec. 12, 1907 WADE coatempteoueTy. yo afeard o Ta4mt fer I'm bo good tar "Tom are perfectly right Tom arm quite a plriloaopaer Im Tom would be no good te sae but yoa might prove faUy aa valuable maimed. Now I'm phyla this to the ttsstt, aad that Mask to about reached. Tc I count tern, yam murderer, er IH aaeil both yoar hands!" The mocking. Murpky's feati "Unllmber! It'a the toat cafl.' With a snarl the scout bia army belt dropped tt to aad sultoaly kicked It Hamptoa. "Now aow yoa. yoa gray eyed devU. klm I att apt" The other nodded. He had drawm the fangs of the wolf, aad mow that he ao longer feared, plninable feeling of possessioa of him. Marphy apattewed aad swore, hut his victorious loa neither spoke nor msvsj were several distant amokes oat to tke northward bow. evidently the an swering signals of different haada of savages, while far away, beneath the shadow of the tow Mumm horderiac the stream, numerous black, ssovis began to show against the light background. Hamptoa, noticing Murphy hud stopped swearing to swung forward kla meld glasses far a better view. "They are Indians, right eaeuam,"he suhtntlaat "Here, take a took. Mur phy. I eomld count about M ha that bunch aad they are traveling Berth. The older sum adjusted the tabes to kto eyes aad at the party. "They declared, anally. the other'a face, att bravado I' "There's uaather let bucks, all e 'em west smudge we wus te a pochst as ve KnwiHmBBi mie "WeU. Marphy, yoa are the at thla "Me? Why. we Ida keep dark trust ter ban lack am1 'aather dash. Ifa how. "Tom, Underwood Standard Typewriter For Speed Safety, Surety A solid roadbed hi ee SWltLfX VMMffiy & Speed in the Under wood (TibrJator) type writer are rappotted by perfectly hehmrcd ' famaummuBBBBt ssostly lack, amy- meaajBwjrinmldatert aewr ' ToaeOsattemed. """""aauBaun JkaBBmuBmummBfhs. ttwBWBmBflmmHL WwSanBrnmmmHmBm ftf. H rs4U '1 f ' -ii