The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 25, 1907, Image 5

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-- inOBlMBHW'
the Kitchen
Handy articles for comfort and clean
liness axe just as necessary and as
fully appreciated as articles for other
parts of the house.
U I I I I !
Mops. Brushes, Brooms,
As well as clothes lines, Peariine, Sapo
lio and other items, can always be had
here, "Johnnym-the-q)ot,w and at low
est possible prices. Leave an order.
You know you need them.
Mm-O. M.Qramtasr
Bipp, who an
hmpital ia Ooln
J3c Marys
tor this
Cedar Sapid to Platte Om
its will
sn.vzm CKXBK.
Flow las flans'
Prairie ehiekaaa Litems ripe last 8bb-,
day aad mmmdiately took to tkc oorm
fields. We have heard of no large bags
by local porta.
Hoa. Ohm. Wooster hta been appoiat
ad by Got. Sheldon ai one of the Ne
braska delegates to the Farmers Nation
al OoncreaB to be held at Oklahoma
City, Oklahoma, Oat 17 to 22 aext.
Wen qualified ai a lawyer, aa able and
upright dtima. for a quarter of a een
Uiy a prastitioBer before the bar of this
district. Jefca a Martia has the unqual
iledaapportof 8aad for jadgeof the
Sixth Jadkial diatriot court.
Fimai Uic ttfw bMcan.
Joaaa Welch caaae ap from Columbus
last Satarday to look after hie interest
in this locality.
Inaiah Lightaer. who baa been riaitiag
friends ia Iowa aad Illinois, is expected
home this week.
Mrs. A. M. Work waa the guest of
Colaatbua relatives from Friday natil
Moaday last weak.
P. E. Liadlad. who ia ia the hospital
at Colambm, is improving aad will soon
be able to return home. "'
George HoDiagehead aad W. J. Jen
kinaoB left Moaday for Gaaado, Tana,
torieit relatives, aad while there Will
expects ta look at aoaae laad.
P.O. Priest returned to Monroe for a
abort visit with his brother after epead
lag the eaauaar ia northwestern Oaaada.
Phil says that coaatry la all right, aad
t 'Miioved a tctt pies as at so
Morris, assisted by Dr. Long of
redaeed the fraotaro, aad the ohild k
gettiag along as well as could be ex
From The StstsssHa.
Mia. Earl S. Wearer
Colembu aa Wednesday
for a
J.L. 8harrar; J. O. Cbehranaad B. B.
Webb were visitors at Cohunbaa on
Satarday last.
.C.B. Campbell claims to haTe
the arize head of cabbage ia this
borhood. TlMhfladofoabbsgawaiffbad
Heorich Sohulu. P. Ffttje. aad Mr.
nod Mrs. Henry Kaplea and two children
left the irat of the week for a risitia
their native country, Genaany.
The fiveyeareldeoa of Frank Bar
gees fell oat of a wagon last Satarday
eveaiagaad broke his left ana. Dr.
gross the 0 tta.
Bern Mnlgme was over from Oolnm-
has Sunday visiting with bis "beat girl."
The freight train from the south
scored another victory Taeaday moraiag
by arriving at Colambaa before the pas
asagtr traia left for Lincoln. Three set
of men are now engaged raaaiag the
freight traiaa between Oolambne and
The roan seople of 8t Mary's Cath
olic church on .the valley will give a
grand harvest aocsal oa Taeaday, uo.
1st, in the park, near aaid charch.
Ladies are requested to please bring
A toe program ia beiag pre
pared for the event. . Everybody iavited.
While in the bar field north of Bell-
wood on Wednesday of last week, Loo
Pruett aet fire to some rabbish; bat in
an instant the fire jumped into winrowa
of hay near by aad not uatU about su
of hay waa coasumed waa the fire
It'a a pretty quick way of
staokiag, but not a profitable one.
After having served ntwenty-lve year
aaatanee in Sing Sing priaoa, Michael
Haakatt, a former New York policwsa,
ia free, thaaks to n pants granted last
webr the board of aardoaa. Haekett
entered the prison in 1882, and during
all these years ha has not had a glimpse
of the outside world, and all of his im
bed bssa formed fromoeea-.
cioaal papers and pictures be had bean
able to obtain. He had aever asm a
trolley ear nor an automobile and a eky-,
ssrapsrwasamarvaL Even the dresses
of women of today are novelties and
f rom objects of curiosity. This is n new
visit I world for me," he said, oa reaching the
city five houra after his release. "As a
policeman twenty-five years ago, I
thought I knew every crook and corner
otthecity.bat the people are dilerent,
the buildings new and so built that I am
bewildered. If you had suddenly placed
the heart of the city. I would haTe
been lost aa completely as it I had never
here before." It was noticed that,
is continually fumbling in hie,
pockets aad taking out their contents.
T -t-J tW ... 1i 1 Mla
savour: I haven't had pooketa in my.
elsthas for twenty-five years and am not
used to them. I'm alwaye afraid the
things I put in them will get losK"
J The first tramp poster that we have
assn ia two years drifted ia to town from
the north Wednesday.
oaass he said it wore oat the seat of his
There is vary little corn in this vicinity
that would beinjurad by frost. Thadry,
sot weather and winds for the past two
weeks has hastened the bulk of that
crop beyond the danger line.
Than is to be a double wedding at St.
Anthony's ehuroh Oct 1st. MissThere
sis Oreisea aad Mr. Gustav a Bernttot
Shelby, and Miss Anhn Greieen aad Mr.
Matt T. Gilsdorf. Humphrey, are the
parties. The ladies are as aghters of Mr.
aad Mrs. Haary Oriissn.
Wa learn that Missis Katie, Agues,'
Msggia sad Lisrie Gleeeea, daaghtara
of & W. Gleasos, have purchased of
Dietriok Harms his house and lata in
thmplnoa. Thiskkaowa as the William
Bloedara property, aad is a fine pines..
The family wifi make their home there
in the spring.
,vThe editor of this paper received sev
eral postal cards last Saturday from his
brother, Pater J. Gmsather. dated at
Nome, Alaska, which allayed the fears
he had entertained for several months
that he was dead. The last word re
ceived direct from him was a letter
dated at Noma. Inly 8th, 1908; in which
he stated that be was about to start for
Seattle While he was not a frequent
writer ha wss in the habit of keeping
his relatives posted ss to his where
abouts, aad no word couaug from him ia
ness. Last April Dr. Pagh received a
letter from a man in 8esttle, in which it
was said that'.he had ia his posiBssinn a
life insurance policy belonging to Peter
J. Gmentber. issued at Platte Center,
Nebraska, in which Dr. Pagh was the
ysieisn, The policy waa
papers in a aatehelfall of
-gage which had been eold.
The letter wss tamed over to this editor
ecaroh for traces of sis brother. All
that eould be learned wm that ha landed
in Seattle July 26, ltt. There the trail
waslost. The cards from Peter coavey
no information except that be had jast
landed at Nome t rom Bast Siberia, where
he had spent last winter, and that be was
coming back to Seattle. A few words
from him would have saved his relatives
mach worry, aad not an inconsiderable,
rMUCS ams?TMnrmml
msssl9eVssnnBmBBia9 ifinnuasSSV' StA
fsssr sssssPmsssswattsf rifflnmlnW mavl
m -wssssBSSssssssLBBSBSsssnnaCvl.. ,,j wgsV.H
politely bat firmly declines ta use any
flour bat the Way Up, made btht
celebrated CtUmhgg Keller Mills.
8he has tested many others, but none
meets all requiremento jrarity, rais
ing qualities, taste and natrimeot like
theWayUfhrand. What cook sap
about flour is worth your attention.
Give her a heeding ear. .
bliihis nillir Mills.
him "Jack" beoaase we hive called him
that for twenty years, and expect to
contiauatoeeil him thusly until after
election when we will be compelled to
call him Hon. Jack) was in the city
the last of the week looking after
his pplitksl fences. He has been nom
inated for district judge on the re
publican ticket and is going to be elect
ed assure as election day arrives. So
get ready to vote 'for martin forjudge
and assist in electing n district judge
from this end of the district for once.
We have aever had one and here is a
chance to elect one of the best attorneys
ia the district.
We am pained to be called upon to
record the death on Sunday last of Mrs.
Frank Danford at her home near Kent
ranch. Mrs. Danford had been ill for
several weeks and the last of the week
an operation was performed upon her
from which she failed to recover. The
duncuaml wss the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. 8. E. Vaaght of this city and be
sides her husband aad aged parents
leaves two brothers, Elbert and John
Ynught. to mourn her demise. The
Leader joins the entire community in
extending to the bereaved relatives
heartfelt sympathy in this their hoar of
dire sffliction. The funeral was held on
Taeaday aad the remains laid at rest in
Bkeedee cemetery.
U'aihMkt TMaafUv. fUai. SitkL I
Van rkstsr AntoniaSuh celebrated her
96th annrssrmry Monday, as a sister.
The parochial school: was doped that
Themarriage banns of Frank Hos
treiter and Miss Anna Magg, were pub
lished tor Uw first time in the St. Ber
nard Csthoho church, Sunday.
Rev. Father FJoraaeioua of Humphrey
aad George Bender of Gomlea' visited in
this locality Moaday. They were also
using up opUeotioae for toe new Catho
lic akuron ia Comlea.
P. W..Peder8ou, while haaliag hay
Tuesday, had the misfortune of break
ing hie tog and twisted kin ankle. The
loadia some manner upset with him,
pinning him underneath.
Mrs. John Sullivan vand eon John of
Omaha are visiting old time friends this
week. The Sullivans left here about
twenty years ago and Uriels the first
time they have bean back to vhat.
Mms EUstoa accompanied by Miss
Clara Gogan returned to her home at
Columbus, Wednesday after an extended
visit here. Miss Gogan will be the
gneet of Miss Ellstoa for a few days.
Joan Soresson met with a very pain
ful accident Satarday. While mowing
along the road the wheel of the mower
slipped ia the ditch, throwing Mr. Sor
enaon in front of the sickle. He had
the muscle of "his right arm near the
shoulder out besides receiving many
other bruises.
'She Wm Strictly Up to Date.
"Modernity Is all very well," said
an elderly woman, "but In aueplsode
the other day I think It was carried
too far.
Tn response to an advertisement
a housekeeper called to see about tak:
log a position with me. She was an
Intelligent, capable young woman,
trim and pretty, and I thought highly
of her tin she took out a silver cigar
ette case and, extending it to me,
"Do take a cigarette, madam. One
can discuss things so much mom
comfortably over a -smoke.'
- t.
1 !
4. v "-
Wwtmm tka
Mrs. Fred Hellbuseh of Bellgrade,
arrived ia towa Wedaesday evening on,
a visit to her sister, Mrs. John Eggers
and family. The lady formerly lived ia
this county. -.
Miss CUm Cooper is at St. Mary's
hospitsl in Columbus, when aha was,
taken last week for medical treatment.
Miss Cooper's many friends hope that
the treatment them will result in her
health bsiag restored.
The many friends of JoeOlmer warn
pleased to greet him in town Wednesday
for the first time sauce his serious injury
several weeks ago. He ia still naturally
very weak, but ha looks waU snddoee
not aanear to be any worm of by reason
ofhisdsngeromexserieaos. It will be
some time, however, until he will be able
to do mach of anything on his farm.
While painting a bam for Henry
Foltz, who lives southwest of town,
Bobsrt Ksrsch sist with an aecideat last
Friday that wfll put him out of tmaiaess'
for a while. Whoa ap on a high ladder
a pesky old hog came along aad rooted
the ladder from under him. He fell
about twenty feat to the ground and sus
tained a hrokea wrist aad eeveral bad
bruins about the face and body.
Jos. Brockhaus,oneof our iadastrioas
wnancr fsnssra srho resides aouth of
town, has bssa honored by Gov. Sheldon,
bvbainsr unooiated ma delegate from
Nebraska to the National Farmers Coa
gress which ooaveaes in Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma, about the middle of October.
Mr! Broskhaus informs us that he in
tenda to attend the ssesting aad the
Democrat will add that the state of Ne-
Mike Kaus,of the 8t. Bernard neigh-,
borhood, wm arrested last Friday by
Sheriff Osrrig and taken to Columbus on
the charge of wife bestiag, the charge
beiag preferred by hismffe. He had bis
hearing last Srtarday before Judge Bat
termaa and. the Judge imposed a fiae of
bainsT unable to my the fine, he is now
boarding it out in the cons tyjaU. Mm.
Khas has applied for a cbvorm aad the
same will come ap for heariag at
next term of the district court.
Kewlande Eloquence.
Senator Newlands of Nevada
soaring In debate one day. soaring so
high he hit the celling. He realized
he was getting a trifle flowery and, to
excuse himself, said: "Indeed, Mr.
President, perfervld oratory may be
pardoned, for this subject furnishes nil
the food eloquence needs.'' That
sounded pretty good to Newlands, but
he was a bit abashed when he read
In the Congressional Record next day
that he asserted his topic "furnished
all the food elephants need." Chicago
t- " ; J-., ,.-jiJllilJHItM
amMf&t'T ' wvBmmasaxflS9aV
Wf v ctnanssmsFw:
m.saK.'AAbSL: -nHSmnssmKBV'
aMafcaav- vmnMnr- sTasssssmTw
I Bil wffK. yassm!
smmmt ssMtT slV TMC F
SMcusna. svcaii a ce.
CMtSTKM. m. .
Vfe are ready with the larg
est and finest collection of
iaU Suits, (ert)at, Hats and
Caps that has ever been oar
lot to offer for your inspec
tion. Most noteworthy in
the 'seasons stowing are the
celebrated Micheal, Stern
fine clothing. If you want a
fall Suit or Overcoat that
is somewhat different in style
and character from any oth
ers you may see, and that is
at the topmost notch of ex
cellence in tailoring, finish
and fit, then you should not
fail to see the unmatcha
ble values, we offer in lien's
Suits and Overcoats at
$7.50 to $25
$2 to $6.50
-At the-
Gerharz Flynn Co
Columbus, Nebraska
Front the TIbmb.
Congressman J. P. Boyd arrived in
Genoa Thursday morning of last week
and nMBsinad until the train went west
in the afternoon. During his stay in
Genoa Mr. Boyd, visited the Indian
school and wm abown through the diff
erent departments by Superintendent
Davie, and promised that he .would do
all he could to further toe interests 'of
the school before the Indian department
in Washington. Several old soldiers
who desired to ham pension matters
adjusted, called on Mr. Boyd, and their
oases will receive his prompt attention.
Mr. Boyd ia the first congressman ever
elected in the third district to call on
his constituents for the purpose of learn
ing their desires and offering them ss
sietance in his official capacity. This
wm the plan adopted by Henry Clay and
other congressmen of his day, but for
some reason the statesmen of the pres
ent day are not in the habit of dropping
around once a year, previous to their
departure for the national capitoL to
ascertain what good they can accomp
lish for the people they serve.
Fro The PMC
Mrs. Daa Holleran is again able to be
about after a siege of sickness.
if ii Rmeklav made a business made
a business trip to Columbus, Satarday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sticknev of Loup
City are visiting relatives and friends
around Lindsay this week.
Iavibitiona are out announcing the
marriage of Mim Get trade Sohacher and
Freaks of Natur.
Ton never Urn tell about natur.''
said the BUlvUle brother; "she Is all
the time cuttln' of the most oaexpect
ed capers. I remember when ol' Jinks
seen the Icicles hangln' on his peach
trees that cold spring we had how he
got mad an' sold out fer $, and the
man who bought him out that year
made 9e0 on the deal; but be had ter
gtt the high sherlfi an' two deputies
to go with him to gather the crop, for
oT Jinks always met him with a shot
gunloaded to the morale."
The right kind of a wlfeever harps
upon her husband's misdeeds, still 1ms
does she remind him of his mister
tnnM. No woman should marry a
man unless her love for him be of the
fiber which hopeth all things, belleveth
all things, and la not easily provoked.'
says Home Chat. ' The right kind ol
wife helps a man when he falls an en
courages him to try again, Instead of
railing at him for the stumble after he
h risen to his teat.
Enjoying His Ailment.
Blobbs What a disagreeable oM
fellow Grouch Is.
Slobbs But you must remember ha
suffers from dyspepsia."
Blobbs Suffers? Why, I believe he
actually enjoys it-
Cut Flowers.
To nreserve cut flowers a
lump of ammonia should be placei m
the vale. This wiu not only
them fresh, but will also help to
stray the unpleasant odor
often arises from flowers
stalks have a tendency to
slimy. Flowers of this
should have a wm bit snipped from
their stalks every time the water Is
changed and aim before
them for the first time.
Wanted an Understanding.
Ton have alienated my wife's af
fections,' said the visitor, and there
wm a glint In his eye. "And," said
the man addressed, with a covert
sneer, "you propose to seek financial
salver "Salve nothing." replied the
visitor. 1 came merely to offer sym
pathy and to remark that If my home
Is broken up the bull pup Is my pen
sonal property, and don't you for
get it"
sum s
Siamese Object ta Walking.
The Siamese, above all nations Is
the world, hate to walk; bo such mode
of progression Is tolerated by a Siam
ese If he or she can' by any means
ride. Venetian gondolier will walk
sometimes; even a Hollander win ride
on his rough cart; but a Bangkok man
not If he can help it. His famllv
tor him. -Windsor Magazine.
Economical Governor.
Gov. Stokes, of New Jersey. Is cut
ting down extravagant appropriations.
He thinks his state spends too much
for memorials and has disapproved
of an $8,000 item for removing the re
mains of Gen. Phil Kearny and provluV
Ing monuments.
m . BSSBUm
I - Crestou, Weh. I
I Dates can be made at the I
I Journal Office I
. .
&SSr -- th i i ll v oSVtmif
asm kTrzzW ". Jtfeft.laX' svwaaluMfiunffsnTCMnn I1T amW VWWXlULi sml
jar A-MasnsB0tssWsvamUaBBi llflWilBWJOBwJlmiJJWmaXls fiSfffV VVsUuSbt mm
HiMi5L Q H K H 14 aiPr I
ItV F" I I I "V .;
BBmsmmSCsaBwSs wTsmVU 1 m I mails I msssasfl Ib f I CAT I T mm
llSSS-C Comi& Aufoinojbile Paradft- RW3
Mmsms7s1mV9rBmVii TUt-SDAY MIGHT. OCT. 1.11 StFW WM
SBsHsasmlLsBTS Grand electrical Parade-' mvL l . WVml
Jk, 1 ssaism eJaafsf ' .sssnmW Wt mmsfsw '
dSSt WasssmW manV bssTbsi am am as Jfj
asi - . MMMssssMnnnnnmBBBBBBBmmmBr
Provided Already.
Beggar Kind sir, give me two sous
for mv three children.
Kind Sir That Isn't dear, certainly.
but I don't think I'll take them. I
have four already at home. Noa Lois-
Sneaking Belligerently.
"Have you heard the rumors of
Hortense's engagement to Clarence?"
"Oh. dear, that's net an engage
ment Tint's onlv a skirmish."
Wa am dad to resort that Witt
who hm bam suffering from sa attach
of typhosd fever, as improving rapidly
aad mpsota to be out again ia a few
PfflPP L?v?ai
Mr.sjMmFTed Jaoksoa ecpeotto
depart this week fay OabJarais where
theywUl spend the winter aad will
nrebably laoate ia that country But
they'll eosse back to Godts souatry ia
406 11th Street, ..
ZZXLK.tJili Oh I&
Welch ia ia receipt of a letter
i aoa, Was. Welsh of Moaree
towamip, who is traveliag ia the newly
Mr. Walsh reports
it erem of small graia m
this mse. Ha mm mm wheat
. .-.-. -.-- . -. .ZTv 'i- -
hi jam
Let us build you cue. We put
nothing but the very best material
and workmanship ia them. The
price is right.
FainmerS, Bring in your tools
and implements to be shsrpened
and repaired now. It will ave
yon time worn the spring work
opens up.
We keep only the latest sad
best in
All hinds of
..Farm Impleuots..
lyOur Horseshoes stick and
don't lame your horse try them.
Louis Schreiber.
Ibl9li6n t mfsawT
Eleventh Street
We invite all who desire choice
steak, and the very best cuts of
all other meats to call at our
market on Eleventh atreet. We
also handle poultry and fish aad
oysters ia sea? oa.
Telephone No. 1. - Columbus. Neh.
Iearry the bsst of everything
in my line. The drinking pub
lmmmvitsdtoeomeiu aad am
IS Twelfth Strm
Ho m
Jask Martia of Omtrsl Csty(wecaU
x&djs&i& jjjriA t&-&&iN?kzJi&
- T.