J - IX - R-.-i'- &&?-.& CalumtrasSirortal aaMejaetSSS SBBS1 aaUSSf. fBSajS OVSUUeSBSiISaSJ. OaaaiBevsam,nanUUe naajaneu...e.a K. C SIKUIHHt F. K.ls)UIamV BcMtlieaa Ticket M.B.KXK8E. C8ABLES B. AHDEWOH, J.A.OOUPLAND. YT.CLAKKK. J.aMAinH. -C.E. ABBOTT. F.K.BTBOTHSB. FBABKBCHBAM. Cfcvk C DWrict Coast JOHMGII4DOBF. J.R.ALOOCK. J.L.8STABKAK Ceutr DB. W.W.FRAHK. JOHMMOFRTT. JOBM LKUBCHEH, A.B.PBIB8T, W.J.KEWMAH. Ib this judicial district then art two jedgn to be elected. The republicans have nomiaatfd two bright, clean men, J. C.Martin of Central City and C. E. Abbott of Fremont Mr. Martin, eapedallj, ia favorably spoken of in Columbus, as be was formerly a resi dent of this connty. This is a good yaw to vote the straight republican ticket, not a awn on it oat wnat irafrdajs timber. Wm. J. .Newman has served one term as supervisor and has made an excellent official Anyone who knows anything aboat connty affairs knows this is tree, and the voters will give him another term. And right here, we want to say that Louis Schwarz, thottgh a democrat, has made an ex cellent official. He is serving his first term, and if he keeps on attending to the dnties of his office as faithfully as be has-been, he will undoubtedly be returned for another term. iaa r At a meeting of the repablican cen tral committee of Taacaster county two candidates for chair- Senator E. J. Burkett and Chair man Rose of the atate committee. The latter had managed the primary cam paign of Jadge Been so successfully that he was named as the chairman of the .committee for the coming cam paign, which was very proper, -because Jadge Reese will be our standard in this campaign. Some of the with whom the wish is father to the thought, claim to see in this a great defeat for Burkett. We cannot ' see it that way, for we think it was the right thing to do. When the time of Burketfs re-election comes he will not alone control the Tancaeter county committee, but also the legislature. ' Unless the state of Nebraska follows sack states as Iowa, Massachusetts, and the New England and. southern ": states, sad keeps its senators and rep- ives in power for a number of bat changes them every time, just so long will Nebraska be of little - . ... . in the councils of the MMMWMMW"" 1 . .'..--' aaaB.raBaaaTafraaaaalJiaa)yanr 2Srtl UST 4m? ST tew. SZhMMIUkhlkili aawantaana, SSSS5L5igigfcMH.tt lendsaet uwh Bat ihwiBm(1 rat ''J 5USi S5 , 1 I fc.MII Tsil : COLORADO LAND IN SEDGWICK COUNTY. f HAVE i a good I live on HAVE cheap land that is good soil, 2 to 3 feet deep. Good water and plenty of it live on a farm 12 miles located there. should I? You are invited to come and see me at the farai.' Let me show yon a man that has lived there only two years and made ten thousand dollars. Let me take you to farmers that have lived there 20 years, so that you may see how they are doing. We will talk with the farmers. I wffl show you soring rye that wffl go 30 lmek to the acre, sfteHi 5X) bushels, wheat 30 to 40 bushels, and name very good u isaow of tae best bargain. You can not do better than to see lean show you nice unimproved land at from S8.40 to tlO uer want the settlers, but aaeenlntor. mrthisad is sure to double in price in a very short time. Just think of it, one crop more than pays for the land. Write me U phen you an coming and I wfll meet yon at the depot, take yon out yea around, mate and 'Yours lespsctfully, T. , -.-.? f . W , J - C-w '-rjr-J-rv . 0' feed. m IS THIS MR. LOOMtSf n Well, this editor is for Judge Ream for the aapromejbench and is against eoaus; in met, would have been against Loomis under any conditions,- for he is the rankest khntof a railroad tooL The writer served ia the legis-. lature with Loomis and knows whereof he speaks. These are bad times for men of Loomis sort to run for office in Nebrsaka. Sehayler Free Lance. This extract' from the Schuyler Free Lance is written by-Hon. John C. Spreeher, who was the floor leader of the populists in the session of 1901, and the records show that he is correct in saying that he served in the legis lature with Mr. Loomis, thus enjoying the best possible' opportunity to sise him up. No one ever impugned Sprecher's iategrity ef purpose or accused him of being subservient to the railroads, so that his characterisa tion of Loomisas "the rankest kind of a railroad tool" cannot be ignored or lightly brushed aside. If Jadge Loomis is to be the fusion candidate for supreme judge his public record will be legitimately before the people. It is a safe assertion that the people of Nebraska do not want by their votes knowingly to put "a railroad tool" on the supreme bench this year. Omaha Bee. It is surely no credit to any one that Platte county and Texas are surely democratic. Ton cannot compare Platte county with republican coun ties and my that our taxes are less and our improvements greater. It is no advantage to Platte county for the people to say, "Platte county is the strongest democratic county in Ne braska." It brings us no new indus tries, no new capital, no families who prefer this county in order to have better environments and educational facilities for their children. Toomaay of our people, especially our foreign born population, keep on voting the democratic ticket because their father and forefathers did. Young voters, examine the records of the two parties. See what the republican party has done, and what little the democratic party has done, tip stand up and vote for progress, prosperity and the republican ticket t The election of county officers takes place Tuesday, November 3. The nominations Are made, the committees are appointed. As a republican paper we shall ask all our readers to sup port the republican ticket, but we shall throw no dirt at the democratic nominees. We sincerely believe that it is to the best interests of the tax payers of this county to elect the re publican ticket There is, and should be, but very little politics in this elec tion. The law compels the county treasurer who has served two terms, to step aside for a new man. Public opinion should induce the county clerk, sheriff, clerk of the court and district clerk, who have all served two terms or more, to step aside, and if they fail to do so, the voters should emphasize the demand. John' C. Spreeher of the Schuyler Free Lance, is pretty good demo-pop authority, as he was elected by that party to the legislature the same year George L. Loomis, fusion candidate for supreme judge, was a member of it Spreeher says in his paper that he knows Loomis is a "railroad tool" Whatever that is, it is better to vote for a man who is accused of giving employment to his relatives than for a "railroad tool" Besides, while Judge Beese has been on the district and supreme bench, and is now supreme court cownmioMOBBr, Loomis is with out the least experience as a judge. It needs no argument, therefore, to prove that Beese is better timber for the supreme bench than Loomis. Attorney General Bonaparte is in favor of capital punishment for the habitual criminal, the man who has been convicted of four penitentiary In some rare cases such a good. It is nice smooth land with southeast of Juksburg. I am per- I don't want to sell out Why there is solendid chances for the see the old farmer, he wfll do you DbcCone, tetJ i afamnSmmmmunmlsUm kfafav HrviV'i-jfeg . . a jjteSgO -St'S-S J - wM. " ,4- '.?, t. C. E. ABBOTT, -Republican candidate for District Judge, Sixth district punishment may be just, but we would hardly favor it, and doubt if the great majority of the people would agree to it The tendency of the age is rather to abolish capital punishment, than to extend it for other offenses than mur der. Punishment for crimes commit ted is good for society, rather for its certainty and quickness than for -its severity. Delays and appeals on account of technicalities are often the cause of lynchinge and other viola tions of law and order. Coutkbub, Nan., Sarr. 16, 1907. The board of supervisors met in ad journed session at 2 o'clock p. m. Hon. M. E. Otother chairman and Joan Graf clerk. ( Boll called aad following present: Supervisors Goetz. Ne Scaaecher, Sehure, Sohwaxa and chair suaGlother. Abssntnpervisof-Friest ' The auBUtes of the prsvioos ncoeion of the board of supervisors .were now read and approved. The petition of Kent 6 Burke and others for the location and establish ment of a public road, 40 feet in width, coBiniencing at the aorthwest corner of section 33 town 17 range 3 west and running thence due east on section line three miles to the northeast ooraer of section 35 and thence south on section line one mile, was presented and read and on motion referred to the committee on roads and bridges. The petition of W. T. Ernst and others for the location of a public road, 40 feet in width, commencing at the northeast corner of section 7 town 17 range 1 east and running thence due west on section line one mile, was pre sented and read and on motion referred to the committee on roads and bridges. The following was presented: To the Hoe. Board of Supervisors. Gentlemen I hereby report that on the 13th day of June 1907, there was filed with me the petition of Gerhard Loseke and others for the vacation of the "Boettoher Road" in Bismark township and also for the location of a publio road 40 feet ia width, eommencing twenty feet south of the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section 11 town 18 range 1 east and running thenoe due west along the south side of the quartets section line one-half mile and terminating at a point twenty feet south of the northwest ooraer of the southwest quarter of the west quarter of said section 11 town 18 rnge least. At the session of the board of euper visors, Jane li, 1907, the prayer of the petitioners was granted aad the clerk directed to proceed according to law I then caused a notice to be pabliabed ia the Oolumbas Telegram, all objec tions thereto or claims for damages ceased by the vacation or location there of to be filed in the county clerk's office oa or before noon August 24, 1907. On August SO, 1907, John Ahrene andB. B. Held filed claims for damages. Oa August 94, 1907, 1 appointed Emil Held. David Lasohen and Jaliee Heibel to ssssm the damages by the location of said proposed haeof road, whose report was died in eountyeterk'somosSept. 14, 1907. No objections to the -vacation or location of said roads have been filed aad I herewith submit all papers in eoaaectioa therewith for yoer considers tioa. Bsspsctfmlly submitted. Jomv GnaF, County Clerk. Oa motion same was referred to the committee on roads and bridges. The following bills on recommenda tion of the committee' on roads aad bridges were on motion allowed by the board aad the clerk directed to issue warrants ia payment thereof on the county road aad county bridge funds HtM ii Bridge Co. seat; Himrk twp.f SSt St - - - - unstoBtwp.. us iv - - - Osmlwji. 1M7 m - - GisadFrairie MS SB All bflla oa file with the clerk wers oa 7 motion referred to appropriate Oa motion the board of now adjourned aatil 9 o'olook a. m. to- Ooumnns, Nan., San. 17, 1907. The board of supervisors parsasat to Mt at o'clock. Tsl and John Graf clerk BoB called r..-v-i j ,,v . i S n. . i A I it: Supervisors Goetz, New; 8ehascher, Sehare, Sohwars aid ehair maa Otother. Abssot-Superviebr Priest County Tieasurer D. A' Becker now addressed the board relative tdtmmti tor of the tax suit of the state agaisit certain paresis of land, entitled Nos: 186-1873 aad 1801 aad reqaeetod the board to direct' the county attorney to appeal said eaasefrom tie jadgmsnt of thedistriotcourtto the sanreme court of this state. Moved by supervisor 8ehaecher that thereqaest be granted and the county attorney directed to proceed as reqeest ed by county treasurer Becher. motion oarried. On motioB of supervisor Schwarz the board of supervisors now adjourned for committee, work, re-conveniag at 2 o'clock p. m. with all members prsssnt. The following was presented: To the Hon. Board of Supervisors. Gentlemen: In eompUaaes with your instmotione at the last session of the board. I have caused to be served up on the respective County Boards of Butler aad Polk counties dulyeertinsd copies of the resolution adopted by year honorable body at the session of August 16, 1907, relative to the msiatenanee of the Platte river wagon bridge, joint ly by the counties of Batter, Polk and Platte. And afterwards to-wit: On the 97th day of August-1907 the sheriff of Butler county amde his return of the service of said resolations on the Board of said oouaty'as follows: I "Statu of Nkbjusxa, Butler County, ) Received this writ Aug. 21st, 1907 and on Aug. 94th 1907, nerved the within writ on John GInek, chairman of the County Board of Batter County, Nebr aska, by personally delivering to and leaving with him n certified copy of the within writ and the endorsements there on. L J. Wbst, sheriff And afterwards' on the 27th day of August 1907 the sheriff of Polk county made his return of the service of said re soluttons on the Board of said county as follows: Statu op NmwASKA, ) Polk County, J Reeived this writ August 33. 1907. I hereby certify that on the 94th day of August 1907, 1 served the writ on J. B. Gilbert, chairman of the County Board of Polk county, Nebraska, by leeviag at his usual place of residence a tree aad certified copy of this writ. Wh. Ehlxks, sheriff. Respectfully submitted. Joan Graf, County Clerk. On motion of supervisor Newman same was adopted. The following was presented: To the Hon. Board of Supervisors. Gentlemen: The Platte river bridge between Platte, Batter sad Polk coun ties being in a dangerous and unsafe con dition for public travel aad needed im mediate repairs, therefore I undertook the matter together with the rosdjover eser, Otto Ernst aad others, and. have made temporary repairs to insure safety to the pablio ia Croatian; the bridge. Regardiag the resolutions adopted at the last session of the Board, I find that neither Butler nor Polk county have paid any attention to the matter, therefore I recommend that one-third of the costs arising by these emergency re pairs be charged to Batter county and one-third of the costs be charged to Polk county aad that the ckrk of this Board be directed to notify the respect ive county boards of this action. Respectfully submitted. IiooisScnWi On motion of supervisor N wm adopted. The following bills were on motion al lowed by the board aad the clerk direct ed to issae warranto tepejaMnt of same oa the 1908 county general fund: It H Lmtt. oo. . sslanr Siqpar. 1UW. .SMS SI WNHesHkr.ea.sttr M ' .. John Gimf. eo. elstk - " .. WBCaisehM.ee.Bhfl.M M " .. St SI O t Carrie, rtwlff mkn A, t to Pet. I. MS Hwa8 Iissil.iuss Oaumujmcns, m9om at as s WmO'BiisB. WaCTBriM. TEdHdDyk SM Wm CTBfiaa, etal a sktstal ...... IIS IIS IIS in fault JshnTi --&. vs.-tf fs,"';; . . f-.tjjjjjj, , ' '' i -li- - ' ... i I JanmwnaMat............7....... immmmmmmmmmmmlmmmmm v i Asc. Tl As Wni ashnnssams, viinswavtiiia Thames Jswankli .San JBB9HM' sunmsuav Ai i 'sr coMty.. MS SS snraiwtiM WVIdii Its s'sa. O WYiatsjoti a t las sciavur eka. 'ttouTsteva '.......r...:.:.;v...... S St; Jean Graf; a efcrfc. a iiiliri iy cieeUaa leaara-t IS NvamsaTaaaaavsMCa arrriee far so. omaata setm C J Cmnig, aVtrisT. hwaJn priaaw.. . 'IS 90 C ef VftfTlCt sanvaWsmH smUmmfJa . U IP JcaiaC On will Jssaanautafatiiat anart. nm JioaQlar. aaiaal woefc Soraoaatr SJ C M Qfawtharaaak aitaaaaaT Si Si 1H AemaWye Jm aws Joka Graf. M M - St D i sVCaVSt W en WNHaaalay O A Radar, seat. daL far tax efWI OVmamMy m aw TberlnimaofJohnFlakas 81&80 for arresting tassnsunsraon was ear advise of theeountyatoraevoa motion rejected by the board. , ., The foUowiusr hills ware oa motion) allowedny the board ' and the clerk cKiedtedto'iwue warrants ia payment of same on the county poor faad: joaauiat. aaaa ssianaaa s as The folk wing bills were oa motion aJlewed by the nsard 'and the eterk uireeted to issue warrants w uaymeatj thereof oa the cennty lead and county bridge fuads: I Wai afaalhr. seat. emj at Cshnsbaa.... SM vsmjsn nuuamuu amv W B Is amtmmmtmft sM0C BSaTMn tfifg. a ev 9 MatkNoaal " - 2 SI IsABimmmmfm tW.. mw 9 aWm Hrn 9 W L WoaaMaT. seat. JaMattwa 11 IS sCLaaetwa 4 8S aaeCHaawkiajtwa. I2SS Wseisliisl. sect. eieavUls -tap SSS CJCsarifcaaaCWamaftsf 4 Si MClatsansart Baall Craktwp MSS WmMsiajai.BBSt SaaUdaaktwa Si IS John laan a, ssar Hamwatwp U J MOIassoa. eat. Mantes tap 4fa - - - - -' " - aaaii WX Has&WtaaaiIaaOassfcsajp......... -mis ' The survey past aafald notes of the awinski Bnad ia -Jolist tewnshsp were prsseuted by county surveyor Rossitor aad en motion approved ay the board. Thefollewiag To the Hon. beard ef 8ui Osntlamnn and bridges to whom peUtion of Gerhard Loosfca and ethers for the vacation of taeMBesttohar Road" ia RismsA township and alee ibr. the lnoatina nf nahlin i nail It faaf ia sriaTth ' twenty feet south of the oftheas.'ai ef the &W.j of section 11 town IS range 1 east and raaaing theaos dne,west akmg' the south aide of the sjuarter seetloej line one naif mile and terenuetmaj ate' - -- -r"- i west ooraer ef the & WYJaf of the a W. jtfof said eeetionli, together with the spprsisers report end all pepere ineon nection therewith would report, that an on due investiaution we find that all provauoaeof the law for the location and vacation .of public roads have complied with, therefore we that ia compliance with the prayer of the petition the mid veostioe aad losa- ed, that tim report of the appraisers he approved end that ia exmtarauty there with daaMgsa be awarded to elsimaats aad the clerk of this beard be directed to issue warraata la payment of same on the'oouuty reed faad as follows: John Sliresa. seat, meajaiilaa SSt SI BRIUd.rt.Uufk'ta. M SS We further raosmmenil that the county surveyor he direeted to survey aad plat aaidnewroad aad file his sur vey and field nates with the clerk of this board. Bsspaetfally eubskitted. War. J. NawMAM JoawGoBia A.E. Oa motion of su was adopted. Ooatiaaedaext week. ef si Afraid to he A greet saving ef time and help to children In drssslag may be had by sewing a tape to peas under the of knit underwear. R makes It ariBMI awma w jmm w -- - - - - - - A mW'.mt' eutckly. To Make Them Unseat. l Consul Carl Bailey Marat, ef reports that' a started la 1 Where He'emt Hm ttorL Iike Chief Justice Wilson aad other men high in the public service ami tary Taft began Ma career aa a -De you think alent aa it wear -Ne,mdeed. lfethahT really the child etosp? It ana by staging a lullaby. rn ?? .7r Thaoiawl IsrilWaM. ISelet she Wfw-Mnn. r- -tslhasav asm ef fnw.sweat man at ffi - - vme eate to Itlfi. wished ir.,. ij; .L;.. ' aMMat Sa Sha) theseeiety. the lemur iiaslitH at the meat ahasats torms he eeuM find as h he saasni net a4sr- andheamUMafi tneuajht fsnmmnt -the .'ant aaava flonal aad toteraeikmsl srtlawlsee ha the promotion ef fsralgn trade. shan auutsaamUBt muumnuW 'mTW a; done everything yen could to ---. - i BeUIBEAEZ. IDKaD k WtOt MmuTan " V msummnEr - -. - iauuuuumni,,,.1 v .anuuuuuuuuTj- r r '4muummmnT .', mmwMSmw.i - jtx mwraSSmV -- -- - 4kBsLF J'-. m - -OVla. mUsmm "" .a aVaTsV X TaW vXfmununnKank 3 sK T ' i iSsnmnmumnnSnfV 's'mmwa v iX as4V4Sflmpaamuummmm"m4 fltv AnrV m akmsnlafflmmmmmuflr Tl- lnl--t MM-amammt lUtt '2 : samuEsaHammmmmmT "amn?" - Jsmntt" Samammammi 1 aflhma FauK ISa'smV namumvfesaaasmmm vKtXBnummmmmuWmV. muaTsF'T'snnmnr - "WAUJmt JaWTuamuaaBmuumg -fiB?aunmnL.uz mmmvV loC-?3 mwEfiBTsmwc? nr BKmBmmmmwmmmVa' I vt3IE 'n?muHmuumnvg7 KamawFV): rFi" mmmmvmmmmmmmV a z3 K-'. t-- .Uyg..-yyna "ensA. ,a .al VHam 3lraanm''xeJm fimsw-?--' vass'--""3tSI ari7aTsFri "TmSC $zlz?m BmmmmW'nmmawau '" smuuuumw, umMiav a auusnuv unusiany snnmmu' snmuvsTf nunurmv 1 mummnw smnTfaV 'muuum smSmmuaPiSS sm' mmumr a- - We have them, in all the most advanced sTinge-bremsted cuts with two or three but-, tons to close; in dfixklnrowii, gray, olive and blue toned worsteds, caamimeres, cheviots and tweeds, in handsome chedLm; stripenv overplaids and mixtures. Ton ran no risk in buying here we genwaaess to fit veu perfectly and will make good aay ferment ahouhl it ha iona. GREISEN BROS LONG-WINDED BORES I 3'. pkw rroRV-TCLLcm know WHEN. TO QUIT. Pernstfulwsns ef the Fast That -fJrsvHy te the ten! ef WHT Wisleuf sjeelett n Good -A fittto natty ef no the ether night Stone of the class enuurei an lnllc- tmn In the shape ef a story teller who did act know when to unit.'' aeti a member of one of the prominent New Tort clubs. "If he had seen aMe to make a aerial of ma narrative, with the fhrtffing points at the chap tor ends and given It in broken doses. one or two chapters at a time, his story might not have been so hard to endure, but the trouble was that he had to ten It an aad an about It. aad aa he waa a man whom no one would care to osTend, his listeners were outwardly nsneld and lawardry profane. "Memory for detail Is an excellent thing tohave If you are in a lavorrlag n great assay ten. aad. Indeed, meet enffiags are of this character, hat the man or woman whose memory Is so tenacious that It brtaga up by aesoclstton a host ef particulars cluatered round an event, and taatota en telling them an. Is one sf the worst auisaacea known to so ciety. In flash Times la Mississip pi an old hook of southern river sto rise, there la a character endowed wtth such a memory and ale acuualat- mulcted him on a sr Inducing him to tell the 'eartaenake story The principal fea ture ef this narrative waa the fact that nobody had ever heard the end of It. for there were so many little ate rjes haaglag to It that had to he. tsld. EKI mnuJufamuuuTmnuummnT r'msrsmiV UKE t Situated 15 miles on the "Tat Ofirland Rutt" Stopven permitted on Railroad aad PallmaaTick eta. Coanectioas made with the famous Union Paciac traia,"The Sverlaael Llroitfal' and other Through The Place to Rest e Iauuireef it G. BROWN. oi'Cia ua a li in j'fi oiifj ,:.- r - - ' ' -.. l . , . . HJV t. Sm Our Fad Sack Salts far Mm m . - -V est ste&auid bee UikmdaKiitttobe had in tliiw city rmdj-to-wmrs No nuttter bow PmrtaOOlsnT JOQeVl or what you may lmiicyin style mad iiistoriml, you cmn be sore o Ihsdins preoinlywhmtyoa want in oar large, qtfo-end-span new ooUeotkm of oele brated Sack Ssnas at $10 to $30 ale of one ef at Ms seat, oi for she could not ten the Into lamented said We are al ten without to her while Jogging toward the end other Journey. "Most ef us have WMow long ton Widow Bedott er the of a a irrfir sailer star derlag how people Hke theee through Ufe at an, er hew they coed In telling anythmg. The Is oae of mental perspective; te an occurences are of esjual taaee, aU objects are ef the sue and ao they find it :e a selection, and try to During the trtpef William Bourse to aad Egypt, he spent ef the with his wife hi a en the ef Sahara fsr the Oeckraa'a health. ef afro At Three A. M. Hie Wife Ton needn't excuses. John. It's an right; you'n Just In time to walk the baby far an er two. Puck. For fancy Wedding fframewCalhavoaraeWtfeM to let the Journal figure with yen. Hi A ' t TAHOE Traekee of , V . ,s ret, aaeTtfie aarrater asadsisd out ef the smen road into an many dee one paths aad byways that sseaethsng alwaya hsppsasd to break eC the story before the eameuasnant waa reached. While the yarn - .wan proareaumg the company wuuM aHp out one by one and leave the atrsnajar to ale fate. The Widow Bsdstt ts a iist imss Jadetaihl sumnu mismna, suaauennujeneamasaanawi ,m s have heard stories Mbe the earth- hTmumhsm mntaTTav'fF gaamfi1 uuASsamaTrue1 mmnauan YgMnuanunasuast an mji ! - ;m V I - -A.f a