The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 18, 1907, Image 1

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Oonwdidated with the Ctolumta Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1, 1906.
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Mk s
ava W BBL r aBa' BBB BB B B BBT. Bw B '
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s .
i&i -
tWCtMCtM t tCt
i Becher,
S Hockenberger &
S Chambers
ia im! Mtate, either Hkb ks
or town Iota, it will be to you
interest to coMalt our liela. We
too have MTeral Rood dwelliaf
for rest ia OolaeibM, aad it will
payyom to ooBMeadesewB before
coapletiag yomr ewgeiwte.
Heaey to lou im aay
bort Botiee.
Fire, Totmado aad
Hockenberger &
Oeta 42
Wheat 31
Bye 64
CJoro . e
Brley 65
Hog. f5 25 tot5 50
Fileeef the Jomraal September 17, 1873.
Mr. Wbl Sauth sbowed me eoeae
Bfopiiacna nf nrr the other day, whieb
fercraM hooper aeaaoa, were aot bad
lance ears, plamp aad aolid frraiaa, ex
oept at the very tip oaly, where the
'"boppera" had takem it.
Talk aboat Nebraska aoQ weariac oat
ia a year or two. We kaow a pieee of
laad that baa beea cropped for the tost
thirteen yean, aowa to wheat last year,
aad raiMd tweaty buabeb to the acre,
this year. That doot look ataeh like
weakening, does it.
Mr. W. T. Callaway of this city, last
weeketarteda brick yard
reaideaoeoa North street He
te barn boat 100.000 to 304000 brick, ac-
favorable or
wOlbe ia fraat de-
next year, we tbtak, aad these
who are prepared to bara brick aad eetl
them as cheap aa they hare heretofore
been taraiebed. will sell all they can
The people of Batter roaaty are ripe
aow for a railroad eoaaectioB with
Colambaa aad Lincoln which will give
them two outlets to the oataide world.
Neither Batler nor Platte county are
hardened with bonded indebtedness, aad
both are in good shape to work together
for a railroad whieb will be mutually
bMieieial to both coaatiea. Batter has
a large population; a county towa as
Uavid City, ia to be built ap; the coun
ty is abuadaatly able to do bis share to
wards the construction of a road, aad it
mitfht as well begin this fall aa aay
time. It begun now, one year
would probably see it in operatioa.
Cart f Thanks.
To the many friends who so kindly re
apoadeJ with their eympathy and help
during the sickness and at the time of
the death of our dear mother, the late
Mrs. Margaret J.Ruasel, we wish to re
turn our heartfelt thanks. Ton have
tightened our burden, aad your tender
ministries and thoughtfulaess will aot
be forgotten.
John G. asd Makt Bvsbbx,
Charlbs A. Rcassx,
Clara Oabsom.
Mtos Esther BossitsrwiU teach danc
ing eehool at Colambua thia wiater pro
viding a dasa can be orgaatoed to pay
forao doing Papila wishing to take
lessons can sign paper left with Anne
Roaeiter for that purpose. Better sign
yearaelf aad tell your friends.
lOOAara Farm far fait
WeU Improved, 6 room house. 2 miles
aastofColambas. Address, Mrs. B. P.
Weatcott, 1014. 25 th ahdN street 8oath
m n.
Selected Patterns
IromCliioago and
all the eastern
H. H. Stires
The charging atadea for the new
block aigaalaoa the Union Paeilo, ia
bw completed aad ia operatioa. This
station charges the batteries which are
required to run the motors at each of the
gaala. Fifty batteries are charged at
atiam,aadaathlsistheirst charging.
it requires fifty hours, to complete it.
Sabaeqaeet recharging will require bat
eighteen hoara. There are oa band at
present 1.400 cells to be charged, bat
they will aot all be put in use at oaee.
Two of these batteries are aeed at each
signal aad they are renewed every
thirty days, which insures the system
woridag perfectly. These cells are seat
tothemaiataiacr, who attaches them
to the motor ia the signal. The atation
will be run continuously andgive
ploy meat to aaother num.
The Journal baa beea requested to
print that part of the game tow that
will enable our apoitsmsa to "keep in
the audoleof the road," and oat of the
dutches of the game warden: Theopeo
season for game birds aad fish to aa
follows: Prairie chicken, sage bens and
grouse, from September 15 to November
90; wild ducks, geese, brant, crane and
other game water fowl, from September
15 to April 10; jack snipe, Wilson snipe
aad yellow toga, from September 15 to
April 10; wild pigeons, doves sod plover,
from September 15 to November 90;
trout, from April 1 to October 1; other
tab, from April 1 to November 15; quail
from November 1 to 15. It to allowable
to kill carp, suckers and buffalo fish with
a spssr daring tac open
"Other kingly festivities have
good, bat the thirteenth, in 1907, is to be
better. Beginning September 16 and
continuing with increasing interest day
after day until October 5, there baa
beea nothing like it ever witnessed by
the people ia the Traas-Missouri. On
ly in the matter of form aad location
will the program resemble past efforts.
Greater attractions than have ever been
secured before, more wonderful aad
Bbore aaamroas, will be offered to the
crowds of visitors at Omaha aad the
experience of former years has taught a
namber of new wrinkles in the way of
producing more dazzling effects in all
the ether details of the ten days festal
of Humphrey was
m the city Wednesday last, retaining
4x)mirfiwmatrip to Colorado. He was
ao faint ably impressed with the country
around Kit Carsoa that he seeuied two
of which he bought and
i a sumsstaed reliaquiah-
meat. Mr. Msgasman Uriaka that a good
country, especially for amall grain, alfa
lfa aad potatoes, aad he will arrange
matters here eo that he can put in eon-
aiderable time looking after hie western
property. His corn crop near Humph
rey to a good one, and will average aay
where from 45 to 65 bushels to the acre.
Bath KeayoB of this eouaty,
who to one of the two delegatea from
Nebraska to the national convention to
be bald at Atlanta, G., next month, to
going to endeavor to have theeonven
tionaameOmaha as the next meeting
place of the annual convention. Mrs.
Keayoahasbeena delegate from Nebr
to the national convaatioa ever
the organisation, and has brought
Omaha before the convention at previous
aaer tings, and is of the opinion that at
this time there will be eaoagh in favor
of that city to land the next meeting
In honor of their thirteenth wedding
anniversary a namber of friends de-
lightfaUv surprised Mr. Mrs. O. a
Hardy Wednesday evening. Cards aad
games of various kinde were played.
Refrsehmente were served, after whioh
the guest wished Mr. and Mrs. Hardy
many asore yean of happy wedded life
and departed to their respective homes
la district court last Saturday, Jadge
Boeder granted n divorce to JosieSokup
husband, George Sokap.
as also given a divorce
from Alfred Knop aad also 9M0O ali
mony. Oa July 37, Mia, George Brad
ahaw was granted a divorce from her
husband, George Biadshaw. but tbto
Last Saturday O.E., Abbott of Fre
mont aad J. a Martin' of Central -City
were ia the city to make arraagemeata
for conducting the judicial oampaign.
W. A. McAllister of this city was eeleet-
ed aa ohsirmsa. bat the remaiader of
e committee have aot beea selected.
This will be done, however, at aa early
Mm. Dr. Lamb, who has beea a
at the heme of Mr. aad Mrs.C. H.
Matthews for the past week, returaed
to her home ia Caltforaia Thunder.
Mm Lamb will be remembered as Mm
George W, Oiother, who formerly lived
ia this city, aad at that tiaaeMr. Ctother
m the proprietor of thaOtother HotaL
Attorney W. M. Comelina aad Louie
Held weat to Central City Thursday ia
theiaterestof the gas plant project.
They report their investigation to be
sarisfsctory aad those hving iathe
ityefthenew gasptoat may mat
that the rumors relating te same
formerly of tbto
r, but who to
with a
vtoitedinthiadtyfora few daya
He waa oa hto way to Aftin
Kahsft vmit with
Mam, WisBSBBiBi.
Dr. Mark T.
Dr. W. H. Slater.
Dr. C.A. Allsabarger,
ia saw
8toteBaak building.
Try a loaf of Poeach's
bread. Everybody eata it.
Gray's Firth AMsiTenarj
8ale SeFtember t U 28.
Mrs. A. Drake went to Kearney Sun
day where aha will visit for
Myroa Gray left Sunday far
Forest, Illinois, to resume his collage
Dsisy Cash, of Albion
eeveral daya of laat weskia tbto city
visiting friends.
Mrs. Wm. Snyder weat to Omaha Fri
day to apead a few days with bar daugh
ter. Mrs. Fraak Baker.
Mtoa Grace Curtis returaed Thursday
f rem Dsaver, where ahe has beea spend
ing a few weeks vacation.
Mrs. Geo. Matthews who had been
raiting at the home of O. H. Matthew
returaed to bar home Thursday ia Enid,
Miss Matbldia Schneider returned
Sunday evening from Omaha, where she
spent the pest week visiting her sister,
John Costello, who underwent an
operation at St. Marye Hospital a abort
time ago to reoorted to be well oathe
way to recovery.
TomAekue, who iabaggagnaaa on
the Norfolk pamsager, was called to his
home in Weeping Water oa account of
the ecrioos illness of hie brother, at that
Professors Bike aad Bemlia gave
dance in the mnaaarohor hall Wednes
day evening.' About forty couples were
present and an enjoyable evening
reported. 3
C)hrtoBegats, of Trains da Sac, Wis
consin was the gusst laat weak of bis
brother Beery mtgaaa. Mr. ' Bagatz
was oa his way hauae frem Colorado
where ha baa
Frank Valaaek, who has beea runntog
the Park meat maihaw.tsr the last two
or three maaths. made aa aaaignmaat
for the bencft of bto erevera, , it to un
derstood that htobaaianm was ia each
shape that he would be able to pay one
huadred-oeate oa the dollar.
Freak Schram baa accepted a position
aotraveliag sslssmsa for an Omaha
wholesale grocery bouse and hie new
duties called him to Cheyenne. Wyo. for
which place be toft lste tost week. For
the present Mr. aad Mrs. Freak 8ehram
will continue to make tbto city their
Mr. and Mrs. Freak Baker, formerly
of this city, bat now of Omaha are the
proud parcels of a baby girl, who arrived
at their home Thuraday. Mr. aad Mrs
W. M. Snyder are overjoyed aa it to
their first graadohild. Mm, Snyder
went to Omaha Friday to become ac
qaaiated with the tittle Miss.
JoeGatamer, Mr. Fox, Wm. Kaaf
asana and George Bloedorn leftSundsy
for the saadbilla in the vicinity of Got
henburg. They expect to apead one
week hunting. Mrs. Fox and little
daughter Mildred accompanied them 1
far aa Gothenburg, where they will visit
The remains of Willie J infant son of
Mr. and Mm George Engal of Silver
Creek, were brought bare last Friday
afternoon and buried in the Shall Creek
cemetery, services being conducted by
Rev. Grauenhorst .of the Lutheran
church The little oaa had beea sick
about four months aad was one year, tea
itha aad
days old at the
time of hia death.
Last Thursday a maa by the name of
Lea Altoa, who had beea employed for a
few daya on the atone gang at the Union
Pacific bridge, west of towa, waa found
dead near the bridge, having beea badly
mangled by noma traia. Just how the
accident happened, no one kaowa, aa
none of the traia crews had seen him.
Hisremaias were brought to thia city
and relatives at North Platte notified,
who came here aad attaaded the funeral.
About two o'clock
fire waa discovered in the west end of the
Union Pacific yarda. aear the atock
yarda. An outfit oar waa oa fire and it
eooa spread to a way
making a good, hot
fire depart meat succeeding in getting
it under control, a flat oar aad some
bridge lumber bareed, the total loss be
iagaboutSSOO. Ia order to reach the
btowaboat three Uooks of hose had to
be!aidteeitualBMMtimpeestble to s
atafire ia that locaUty.
Mm J. A. Berkley aad two caiWrea.
who have beea vtoitiag at the borne of
MmBarkley'apareBta.Mr.aad MmL.
Gerrard for the last six naoatb expect
to leave the tost of thusMmth for their
hams mf Pert Ftisaheth, South Africa.
Thay go by the way of Eagtoad ami will
WaecempaaiedbyMtos Seme Wnsoe,
deagutarefW. D. Witooa of Oooaee,
whoexpeeta to mehe aeaat at, her
IsUeru eld heme hi Hiitlsai. Thai
vnOWaBna Witosae firet tree eerssa
Ueweaar,abe haviag Mved hi Platte
1 Best Advice
For the protection of your eye
m aigMM to visit our opHoaiaepan-
meet enee in a while.
We can tell you in .a" vary few
minutes what, if anything, should
We will test your eyas by the moat
uiodafB methods ' sad Itlrnsw tit
your eyes with scientific exacti
tude. That will
yon future eye
We give every case the utmost
care and atteation-ana with oar
facilities osn guarantee
Make it a point to sac as about
your eyes. If glasses are not
needed there will be no charge.
U. J.
Jeweler & Optician
Dr. Neumann, Dentist 18 St.
G. B. Prieb, painting and paper
Dr. D. T. Martya. jr., office new Colum
bus State Bank building.
Try a kmf of Poeseh'a famous milk
bread. Everybody eata it.
For Bent Furaiahed room with board.
Independent Telephone 894.
Dr. L. P. Oarstenaon, Veterinarian
both phones 219. Columbus, Neb.
Gray's Fomrtfc AwriYersary
Sale September 21 to 28. ;
' Tom Wake and family of Seward are
in the city for a short visit with relatives.
Wanted Place to work for board and
attend school by young man. Ball
phone No. 68.
For fancy Wedding Stationery, pro
grama or CMIingoarda,doB't fail to let
the Journal figure with you
Mm G. Ik: McKefvey returaed to her
homo ia Fallerton after spending a few
daya at the heme of her parents, Mr. and
Mm CH. Matthews.
The Quarterly meeting of the Meth
odist church will beheld next8uuday,
September 22, aad Bev. Dr. Main, pre
siding elder of thia district, will .preach.
Mtos Been Kavaaaugh entertained a
number or nerrxienaeinursaay evening.
Light refreshments were served. Musk)
and games were the chief amusements.
W. H. Swartsley came down from
Kearney yesterday and went to Albion
this morning, where he to to judge the
poultry exhibit at the Boone County
H. O. Foster, who baa been working
here for Jtbe past few months, aa a civil
eagineer left tsaturaay ror uBioago,
where ho will attend a school at that
a A. Mahood returaed Wedaesdayto
Liaooln to take up his studies at that
place after speoding a week at the home
of bto parenta, Mr. and Mm Samuel
Math T. Gitodorf aad Anna Greisen,
both of Humphrey, and GustafCBemdt
and Thresia Gmssn of Humphrey were
granted marriage licenses by Judge
Batteraaan the last week.
B. 8. Palmer the tailor, clean, dyes
aad repairs Ladies and Goats' clothing.
Hate cleaned and retrtpeked. Buttons
made to order. Agent Germania Dye
Works. Nebraska Phone. 9
Mm A. M. Maaaffy accompanied by
Mm M. V. Gray left Tuesday morning
for North PUttet where they will visit
for a abort time with L. L. Gray and
family, formerly of tbto city.
Next Monday Judge Holleubeck and
Geo. H. Thomaa, democratic condidates
for district judges, will meet in Colum
bus and eelect their judicial committee
and the chairman and secretary of the
Fred Henggcler of Bell wood waa in
the dty Tuesday oa his way hoase from
a tour of inepection in Buffalo county.
He thlnka that a fine country, aad says
it to good enough for him Mr. Hong-
gtor haa relatives living near Plessi
CW.McCane of Omaha, an old
Columbus printer who was employed oa
the Telegram iathe latter part of the
eighties, waa la the dty Teesdsy enroute
to8paldingoan fishing aad haatiag
trip. He is new employed oathe World
Herarld aa telegraph editor.
Bar. aad Mm O. G. Sawtdto, Presby
teriea misaioBsries, were ia the dty
Monday enroute to the Philippines, after
vtoitiag friends ap the breech. Bev.
8av.teUetoafrieadof Bev. Hayes aad
filled the Presbyterian pulpit in. tbto
dty whoa Bev. Hayes waa abeeat.
vTheaarmoa next Sabbath morning
at the (ongragatioaal church wfllbeoa
the eubjeot, "Jesus ae Savior." In the
evening will be preseated the firet of a
ssriss of ssrmoaa oa The Parables of
Jeans." A cordial iavitatioa to exteaded
toaflaoivrerahipiag elsewhere. G.A.
Laat Saturday aftaraooa the republi-
oaa eouaty candidates met at the Meri-
hotti lor the purpose of selecting a
eouaty central committee aad talk-
iagover the ntuliadnary details of the
Themeatiag was celled to order by
Obairmaa O. O. Gray of the central
oommlttee,aadthe candidates selected
J. K. Alcock of Monroe as chslrmss aad
Joha Lnsohaa of this dty aaeretary.
the following central
preference for cbairmaa
and the following to the
First Ward O. a
Second Ward-E. P. DuassU.
Third Ward C. O. Gray.
Columbus Towaship H. B. Bead.
Btoamrk Fred Cattaa.
" Burrowa Geo. N. Lamb.
Butler Henry Blaser.
Creston-B.B. Webb.
Grand Prairie Wm. Hoeffeli
Granvilto-Geo. W. CobeL
Humphrey J. G. Coohraa.
Lost Creek W. L. Smith.'
Loup Jacob Sohmid.
Monroe L. Franklin. ,
Sherman Frank Wurdeman.
8bell Creek Herman Kleuver. .
St. Bernard L E. Wemple.
Walker John Swanaoa.
Woodvilto J. W. Apgar.
Chairman Edwin Hoar.
Secretary Gue G. Becher. jr.
Under the new primary law,
eouaty eeade one delegate to the
convention, held at Lincoln for the pur
pose of draftiag a platform, aad E.H.
Chambers of this dry waa selected. A
new state central committee will aleo be
elected this vear. and Platte eouaty is
entitled to the member from thia asaa
torial district, who will be named later.
la Camittlt.
The democratic county nominees met
at the council chamber Saturday after
noon to select a new central committee,
the followiag being earned;
First Ward J.F. Carrig.
Second Ward & J.Byaa.
Third Ward Ed Bosaiter. v
Colambua Towaehip J. F. Belford.
Btomark EmU HshL
SheU Creek-Max Gettbarg.
Grand Prairie D. L. Braea.
Humphrey Ferdinaad Facha.
Butler E. J. Ernst.
Loup-J. B. Kyle.
Lost Greek-O. M. Greeather.
Burrowa Peter Schmitt.
GranvUle-P. E. MeKillip.
Monroe Oscar L. Crawford.
Jolist-Edmund Miles.
St. Bernard Henry 8chacher.
Woodrille William Biria.
Walker-Herman OtterpohL
Cbairmaa J. H. Johannes.
Treasarer-G. W. PhiUipa.
Secretary J. F. Carrig.
Tbcaame chairesan of the committee,
J. H. Johannes, waa again selected and
J. F. Carrig it the secretary for thia
year, aa O. M. Gruenther will devote hia
time to bis campaign.'
P.E.MeKiUiD coestoLinooIn as a
delegate to draft the platform.
Becher, Hockeaberger k Chambere
real estate agenta, report the following
real estate transfers filed for record in
tbeomoeof the ooaaty clerk duriag the
weak ending SepL 14th, 1907.
Oott Bib to J WaetricB. pt aw se BM7-
1 w., wd I eeee
ManrDaatytoPatOOaea.let 15 falk
12,lataddtoLiadK7 .
Nabr.StateB&LAMuto Tlllie Maa
tor,k17blk "B". Maarae. NearN
IOlackto R 8 DieUaeoa. part tee U
xwwa o q vstQ
PEMcKilUp to L Lewto. part -l7 21-
AIZ vF wu
C J Carrie! 18-
109 68
lfl w-a uFCI
U P R? Co to Wcatara OraiaCe.,pt hlk
Olf vOcauaaDVa)
ARiedertoKathZoioeki, lte 94 Mk
C L Maidoek to R 8 Dkktaaoa, It hlk
S. HieUaad Park add Celambaa.
H 8 Elliott, nteee, te Winifnd -Oor-aua.
so. H ha 7M blk MS, CelaaibM,
deed 175 03
Winifred German to Wm Zlaaeeker.
aame aa above, wd.... ........ ..1...... 599 09
Wm Ziaaeeker to Joa LStarek, same aa
abora,wd S5vB9
Hlblkl&Liada MOOS
J BFelkn to LCaaaiaaham,,
fid DUC 0 aWaaaaavjuf
KatoCGeaUemaato PK Laehetaaer,
MaisaisaiKsocaieiaea. te rane
U0utw8t RfimJun WvK
p E Meiaiip to s atnay Wnm isrood. e
The prompt action of the Oolambue
fire depsrtment tost Monday aeoraiag
undoubtedly saved away thouaaads of
dollars worth of Union Pacific matertol
from bdag destroyed, ead a number of
baildiaga. Of tote the department bee
eesnthesaeaasof aaviag oompany pro
perty aad have always responded pro
mptly the aame ea for any other fire.
There to ao doabt but that the
appreciates the work of the
bat it would be no more than right for
them to do soaaethiag ia aeubstaatiel
way. aad if tbto matter was brought te
theatteatioaof the froper authorities,
it would no doabt be dose.
After aaiOasse of four
the, Mar-
mil Beats!
uaaasdaweymet Fri-
day at her home in the
ville,Ky, January 17, 18H. IalSaOshs
to Nshraaks. settling at Brown-
ville, where ahe lived aatU about twenty
four yearn ago, aiaeevreiehtiaM she baa
home ia tbto dry. Her hue-
bead died an
two eons aad
of Lawtoa, Okie., Joha Basssll of Kaa-
eaa Oty, Mo., sad Mm Clara
of Grand Junction, Colo,
BuMsUofKaaaaaaty bee been here
her first sickness. The fun
eral wm held Moudey from the residenee
being ooadueted by her aeetor, Bev.
Lotan R DeWolf of the Methodist
church aad ahe waa laid to rest ia the
WAvmmaswgr macmxKu
After a lingering illness of rpaoid
pnemoaia, Walter Ernest Beohtel, on
ly eon of Mr. aad Mrs. A. J. Beohtel
psessd away at hie home ia aorta
Columbus Sunday aornin-He
been confined to hia bed for the pest
five weeks, and at no tisse had his ill
ness been considered aarioaa until Fri
day when he waa taken much worse.
Walter wan a kind coaMuentionsaoy aad
loved by his away asaoaistes, He waa
aetadentof the High eehool, haviag
completed hto Freahmaa year. The de
ceased was bora April fi. 1880, ia Seward
where he lived until about eleven months
ago, when with hie parents he came to
Columbus to make hto future home. Bs-
e leaves four sistets,
Mm Lena Wulleauaber of
Seward, Mm Lucy Withdrew, of
Hastings, Mm May Bsaaiaghoven, of
8eward aad Ireae Beohtel of tbto dty
to mora hto loss. The funeral waa held
Tuesday afternoon from the
Bev. Manioc, pester of the
Mttiag.aad latsrmsat
msde ia the Oolambus eemstery.
Dm, Peal aad Matxea, Deatiets.
tl nam St.
M. Comellias
uMoarae Friday.
Mr. R. R Webb of Creetoa was ia
the aty the fret of the week.
F.H. Abbott, editor of the Aurora
Republioian, waa ia the dty over Sun
day. Jack Elliott leftWedaesday for Rapid
City & D., where be to attendiag the
Bcbooleof aaiaes.
Barbara Kens haa filed a suit fore
divorce ia dtotriet court agaiaet her
husband, Mike Kane.
E. J. Niewohaer returned tost Friday
from a very plsaaest vtoit at hto dd
home in Burtiagtoa, la.
Mm Martia Bloedora and little daugh
ter Laura left Monday for Buriiagtoa,
lowu, for emonth'avirit with relatives.
returned Moo-
day from Kai
City, 8. D., where he
attended a
Patronise the old reliable
et. where vou bet everything to ant
class, aa aear es possible. & E. Marty
W.H.YsaAtotine was taken to 84.
Mary'e hospital Sunday, to be treated
for nervooe trouble, and at present hia
condition to unchanged.
Those desiring to order all kinds of
feed can do so over dther phone, lu-
deneadeat fL Bell 307. -Ernst
Brock, tdephoae Bed 307.
Mm. C J. Gerlow, aooompsaied by
her daughter Gwenddyn, toft forOma
ha Monday, where Mtos Gerlow will
study mode aad the
Editor J. H. Johannes of the Btone,
pentod by bto wife, wdl leave
Thursday for Peoria, 111, to attend a
press amodation meeting aadenjoy n
ytoaaeat vacation for a week.
J. W. Apgar, accompanied by hto sis
ter, Mtos Md Apgar of Dsaver, Colo,
returned Tuesday from a two weeks'
vtoit at their old home, Ptoaaaat Plata,
Ohio, aad also a short sojourn at Cin
cinnati. Tuesday Boon the engineer of No. 14,
the local passsnger, reported that ea ia.
iared maa was lying aear the track at
bridge No. 71, jest east of the Loup
bridge, and a gang of aeetioa ssaa were
atouce esat to bring him in. la a few
minatea they brought him dowa to the
depot aad be proved to be Joe Bay, who
hse been smpleycdaa a awitohama hen
for the tost few yeere. How he was ia
iursd to aot known, but at the tisse he
aessssd to he eaJhriag from brs
about the heed and aboalders. He
tsksatothehoswitdat eaes, aad
examiaatioa asede by
Ibatao brokea boaee
e rained a little
hie to talk, but hto
aot clear, aad he etill'
I Iks atsiils if hr 1 Jest how the
In aiilial hmiaiil wiU not be
nntflheiesovesssBsagh te UU
Si il
Nothimf Better aad Few
- awGoodai ."
Pthrtt ni
This is the time of jrear
to do your pamtiaf.
Gall and see oa before
having; your work done
as we can sere you 15
to 25 per cent
Pollock t Ck.
Mr. sad Mm D. i
tad at
CbaaOoapoato thiakiag stroagly of
the rreimrry husiaaee these deya.
At tbto writing it to very dry. aad we
are ia aeed of a good eaowar ofi
mobile, briagbaf it ap
The water melea found hi box 14
Tuesday by the
Thank you, H.D.
aasdiatdy briag reia.
crew would im-
Mr. and Mm
Friday boob for
tea days vtoH with relatives.
Mr. Bsanes of loate No.
L Platte
Center, visited a tody friend ea this
route Sunday aftoiaooa ami eveaiag.
The game of hall betweeathe Dove
favor of the Short Creeks, the
lag 5 to 7.
Owing te the high arises
farm cereals, nveeh of Hie
ed te the Oahimaun saathat bar
two, have
md wiU
trouble aa aguia. Bat ap frem
of the graca valley
of thetwinchta. dunk and
'Tie bat the echo of times aeu
with never a thought of strife, only
woaderfel, magical aterise told,
laformauaof tnei
D. BrunKea,
tost Sunday
f olke of
Jagemaaa w eo weu
will make her
t with
Mr. and Mm H
of route No. laad the
placed ia their hoame. It totaspesssbaB
to oaumsrsts the edvaatsges of tbto
wonderful iaveatioa, hat while eat
the route the words of the poet
oar Blind.
The bell to ringing,
ma my call upon the paoaa.
Oh, I beer the eaildrea ateging.
lattte votces, eo weu aaewa.
Oh. deer papa, did yoa bear aa?
Comes sosweetty o'er the Hue.
Yes, my darlings, yoa 1
And the mimic's ver
Then, aaeia we heart
More than tweaty miles away,
aging, -meet are o'er the river,"
Will you meet me over heme?
The Druggist ea the Corner 5
Columbus, W shraeha I $
Ureek resulted
rthaJagemaaa, who bee beea
asveral weeks at the heme of
was sgreeehly, surprised
eveaiag by fif young
the BSighBornoort, aad every
eveainc wee eeeat. Mtos
aauvaea toremeia. and
home for the araoaa
Paul Johannes, field secretary for the
College, has purchased a new meter
Miss Bees Pioaaska, who to 'enrolled
in theetoBographto diBartmaBt,hee ae
cepted a school ia her bouse emtrict.
Mtos Florence McFartoad, Bobert
Evans, Junior Boasitsr aad othsrs who
have beea attending the Cortege duriag
the summer ere sow enrolled ia the
pubHo sohooto.
Mire VsaatoBurrell, who has been a
student in the stenographic depertaaeat
went to her home aear StockviUe, Neb.
the first of tbto week. Mtos BeereUhae
bsea threstsasd with appeadidtto.
Bobert Beslerof the stsaogrepbie ae
partmeat, dspsrtad this week te Owgen,
where his ueraata have already goae.
Mr. Beeler would have eamplalsd the
iiteaographte coaree hi a short ttoeo.
Mealy B. Logaa aad Ctyae Parker,
weo recently
good positiona.
with the
with the Underwood people ia
The fall term of the
with the lnrgestsaralhaeat in Hsl
There are over tweaty-fiveetadsBtefrem
UMamoueuna viowty now amrouca.
8oareof the new studente from a amv
taace are: Mtos Mee Hoeeeck of Mon
roe. Mies Susie Nrimotor of
Wedaesaey aad TharaOev of tbto
Odambua eatertatoe the Neerssks
tail Deakre'
there wffl bona
dveabrthe Commardal Cmb ia
Preddeat Kerr of the
tor tW vtomereand wil
their two days
jatteai . eray'a MHliuvary
iaformal rinatiia
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