The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 04, 1907, Image 2
L--faj3SI vga. 5S iVi'Sr-2 ." ,? - . - tj . - . j, ' V. .-.. bt v- j V . A ft, ' e . &' i-. r? -. IV . IV ' v - f- r X & ? U . ? ST r lv.- -. i:&:LiLa fc.-fc p& Columbus Journal R.t.fTMTHU, P. IC STHOTHKII, as American Universities. Many serious people are asking seri- sue auestioas: VVhat kind of atadents go to tkev American universities? What do they do while there? .What Mad of aa cpmo away? Is the uni versity a "place where pebbles' are polished and diamonds are blurred?" Is a real man hindered more than he la benefited by his four years of on dergradaate stady? The first signifi cant fact to be observed in certain large universities is that outside in terests are primary and university work proper Is secondary from the standpoint of the student. Athletics and social affairs of different kinds demand so much time, and the stu dents keep such late hours, that they are unable to do good work, even when they have any desire to do so. One Instance cited by the Independ enrwill illustrate: A professor of na tional reputation gives a course dur ing the year to seniors. A large num ber of the class have been absent as much aa one-third of the 'time. A inch larger number have failed to do the assigned reading and to take the work seriously. A student who shows his interest either by asking ques tions or answering them is laughed at. The student prominent in uni versity life is not often the one doing good classwork from day to day, but is a member of one of the many ath letic teams, debating teams, or Is prominent In fraternity circles for some reason entirely apart from good scholarship. The professor mentioned above remarks that he does not object to play as such, but does object to making play the primary object of col lege life. 9 New York can never hope to catch up with Chicago in some things, but must be content to trail behind, a hopeless second. In the matter of selling public buildings to perfect strangers the western amateur has been content to take a small amount of the purchase money to bind the bargain and slide away into obscurity. When the sacker came back with ex pectant eyes and $700 more to com plete the purchase of the Masonic Temple or the street car power house he was unable to find his former friend in order to thrust the money upon him. The New York shark doesn't go after any such small game, says the Chicago News. He sells a likely looking building to anyone who comes along and, by passing over a forged deed, gets the whole amount and the real owner doesn't know any thing about it until he reads In. the real estate transfers that somebody has parted with one of his tall apart ment buildings. Some day the New York confidence man will sell to a, gullible stranger for a pleasure yacht one of the choicest vessels in the United States navy. On the question of large families Gov. Floyd of New Hampshire and Prof. Edward A. Ross, head of the so ciology department of the University of Wisconsin, are paired. Gov. Floyd blames a shortage In the cradle for the falling off in numbers of New Hampshire farmers and the necessity for continually increasing state expen ditures for roads and schools in the farming districts. Prof. Ross de clares that large families have a ten dency to stimulate class antagonism, famine, war, saber-toothed competi tion, the dwarfing of women and cheapening of -men. And there you are! That Missouri clubwoman's sugges tion of a husbands hour Is new evi dence that women understand the art of 'igetting anything they want "I .have always liked Longfellow's idea of a children's hour,' she says, "but a husband's hour is an absolute neces sity. Have your husband's slippers .ready when he gets home, give him a good dinner and then take your John to one side for a cozy chat tell him just what you want politically and you can get anything A husband's hour is as good as equal sufferage and you .don't have to wait a lifetime to get results." And the lady isn't mar ried! - Commissioner Bingham, of New York, says that policemen should not be held responsible for the crime waves any more than firemen are re sponsible for the fire waves that oc cur now and then. It is just as well to admit while we are about .it, that a swell is not always responsible for the ocean waves. Inhabitants of the animal kingdom certainly are possessed of good rea soning faculties. At Tomahawk, Wis., the other day a pint beer bottle was found in the stomach of a fish, but tha cork had been extracted and the bot tle was empty. Women have discovered that wast ing their strength and time on useless tasks :1s foolish, says a Washington paper. There are still a number of women who try to reform men by marrying them, however. -The United States is to be visited by a real Filipino prince. But he is not valuable as- a matrimonial catch, -despite his title, as he already has tour wives, who will accompany their better half on the trip. In 1884 there were 1,477 divorces in France. In 1906 there were 16,224. If this rate of increase continue! it will not be long before' French' mentand womea who have never been' married will be getting divorced. - jar.-'--:!ir;". j&ait SP.'?"1, ;-.,' fcg- "V - - - 3T .V rtj ? l4t .a4V. The State Capital Matters af General Interest rtoti Nebraska s Seas af Prison Association Disclaimer. Inasmuch as some of the newspapers are placing a portion of the respon sibility for the 'Bancroft lynching on the Nebraska Prison association by reason of its 'connection with "con victs, members, of that organization have' come to the front In its-defense. The prison association, aa an associa tion, nor any member of It as a. mem ber of the. association, has ever as sisted in securing a parole or pardon for any prisoner. It is one of the rules of the association that it is not to interfere in any way with, the trial of the prisoner or in any wajrendeavor to shoren or change his 'sentence The sole object of the association is to assist convicts after.they have,be?n discharged from 'the penitentiary, f It has at committee of more than forty members scattered over the state'lfte dirty of which Is to secure employment forf these discharged 'convicts. 'Com mitteemen are further 'obligated 'to help, the convict to lead a correctrMfe and to make his own way. in the world. The membership of the prison ausecia tJon is not made up' of' hysterical women and 'hero '"worshippers, but of the substantial business men of i the state.. Practically all pf the business isg i EaflPAawa Wm The Pioneer Haymakers Lunch Beyond the Missouri." men of Lincoln belong to it, while part of September to meet with the there are more than fifty of Omaha's atorneys general of the several states busjnees men on the membership roll. xaese inciuae juages oi me uisinci courts, bankers, professional men and others. Crop Reports Coming In. Labor Commissioner J. J. Ryder has secured the services of a large num ber of reliable crop reporters and with their aid hopes to publish a bulletin in October containing an estimate of the yield in Nebraska. He has already received many reports and will con tinue to get them at Intervals until the estimate Is closed) In the fall. He has impressed the importance of ac curacy npon the men who will report conditions of growing crops, together with the yield, and with a view to making the report reliable has asked the privilege of publishing the names of his assistants. In most cases his assistants have written that they have no objection to being known as the' author of the reports from their com munties. McVan Amends Complaint E. J. McVann, secretary of the Omaha Grain exchange, amended' his complaint before the railroad commis sioners over the discrimination of the In favor of Minneapolis in grain ship-J ments to make the complaint run against the Wilmar A Sioux Falls road. He feared that the' order pro hibiting discrimination made against port, of State Oil Inspector Allen for disregarded by the Great Northern on the Nebraska lines on the theory that lines in Nebraska are a separate corporation. n Hopkins Applies .for .Place. Robert A. Hopkins, bookkeeper un der former Secretary of 8tate J Ga lusha, has applied for' the position of assistant under Superintendent Sherman of the Kearney Industrial school. Mr. Sherman has already of fered the place to one man, but it is not known whether he will accept Church Howe Coming -Home. Hon. Church Howe, who has re cently been appointed as 'United States consul to Manchester, England, is expected home from Montreal, Can ada, In a short time to spend half of a sixty days' vacation. The other half will be spent at Hot Springs 'Ark. - ' Want an Omaha Market Lincoln brick manufacturers want to ship brick o Omaha. They have insisted that the rate on brick from Lincoln to Omaha, be' at least as low as the" rate from Table, Rock and Hum boldt to Omaha. 'This demand was made by Secretary Whitten of the Lincoln Commercial club on General Freight Agent C. E. Spens of the Burlington. The present rate from Lincoln to Omaha is 5 cents. Lincoln brick men want at least a 3-cent rate and declare they will go to the rail way commission if not granted. Officials Draw Salaries Quickly. Since the auditor has compelled the university regents to file-vouchers for claims against the state treasury, some attention has been paid to the time officers draw salaries. The stat utes prescribe officers shall be paid quarterly.. During the fhird quarter, which began July 1, salaries have been paid'by the auditor as follows: Land Commissioner Eaton, July 5; Superin tendent McBrien, Jury 2J Governor Sheldon, August 12; Auditor Seaerle,. July 6; Treasurer Brian, August 19; Attorney General Thompson, Aug. 20. ' .j.!ygnfcjaLg3ML":wgrJ.L-'ji iMfr. ahXaUjsasmasahaaaipam sf BWcer?llaiM.K aa' J - bn m m tteslly' completed for the cefehfitkm of the ttUrtnriBthaamtversary of the Mtle iw ;BefcMrV Island, vW be held Wr Haider, thU state, Septaav ber 17. It is eexpected about twenty of the survivors of that sanguinary affray win be present The battle was fought September 17.-18C8, by a detachment of Kansas volunteer, scouts , under lieutenant t jQoJoael Forsyth, and took place on an island hi the- Arickaree river, "near Its junc tion with the Republican river. The fight tested eight? days, during which nearly half, of the command was .killed and- many others wounded. Among the, .killed was Lieutenant Beecher of the regular armya nephew of the late RevHenry Ward Beecher and from whom the Island receives Its name. During the fight the command had to subsist upon the putrid fiesh of slain horses. The party was fin ally relieved by a detachment from Forts Wallace and Hays, Kas., and were found In a most pitiable plight by the relieving party. The Indiana were under command of Chief.,' Roman Nose, who was killed, during the en gagement The number of Indians engaged hi the "fight was about 1,000, while Forsyth's .command consisted of about thirty men. In 1905 the Beecher Island' associa tion erected a monument on the Isl and to 'commemorate the fight, and the survivors of the fight and rescu ing party, hold annual reunions there. Urge Action on Lumber Trust Attorney General Thompson Is pre paring to go to St Louis the latter EfJB of the Mississippi valley taxdiscus3 the enforcement of legislation enacted by the various states relating to the control of corporations. Mr. Thomp son has received numerous requests for information regarding his prose cution of the. alleged Lumber trust which Is now pending in the supreme court Because of these requests and his interest in this suit the attorney general will urge the officials, at the conference to bring a united action against the alleged National Lumber trust Mr. Thompson contends that the lumber prices charged In every state In the union is controlled by a gigantic trust Burlington Will Refund Overcharge. Owing to the error In making a rate sheet as the roads claim, the overcharges collected on minimum rates from shippers will be paid back when a claim is made. The mini mum was recently changed from 25 to 40 cents. Complaints poured in upon the railway commissioners and this resulted in the return of the rate to its former amount The Bur lington has written to. one Beatrice poultry dealer that he may secure the overcharge and the same offer will apply to other shippers who lost slm- Uarly j Sub-Fish Hatcheries. I Chief Game Warden Carter has re turned from Cherry county where in company with Supeintendent W. J. i O'Brien ( he assisted In selecting two sub-fish1 hatcheries. The last legisla ture provided for the establishing of one sub-station in Cherry county, the f cost not to exceed $2,000. ' One is to be on the Minnechaduza river at Val entine for trout and" one eighteen miles southwest of Wood lake, for bass. The latter will be at or near Red Deer lake. Oil Inspector Reports. Following Isj a summar of the re por tof State Oil Inspector Allen for July: Number of barrels approved... Number of barrels rejected.... .17,904 7 , Total barrels, inspected. Jee for month 'June balance 17,911 ..$1,791.10 . . 900.00 Total receipts J2.691.10 'Salaries and loflice expenses... jl.057.4U Kxcess paid to state treasurer 73S.61 Balance on hand 900.00 Total $2,091.10 Offer to Lincoln Educator. Superintendent W7 L. Stephens of Lincoln has been offered the presi dency of a Wisconsin state normal school and is in the east negotiating with the regents. If the proper ar rangements can be made he will take charge of the college this fall. In case of such an issue the Lincoln schools will be without a superintend ent The offer was sudden and only recently did Superintendent Stephens j contemplate leaving Lincoln. Prof. Stephens has been a noted educator in Nebraska for several years. Will Not Test the Matter. Regent C. S. Allen of the state uni versity has come 'to the conclusion that 'he does not want to test the right of theuniversity to audit its own bills. He called on Deptuy Auditor Cook, Secretary of State Junkin and State Treasurer Brian, making them a proposition to file duplicate vouch ers with the secretary of the univer- islty and the- state auditor. These duplicate vouchers will contain in de tail the amounts expended and the articles for which they are expended. It was agreed this covers the case. THE SCHOOUOUSES WHAT THEY MEAN TO THE PEO PLE OP THE COMMUNITY. . AMD HOW THEY AIE BUILT K Is the Money That Stays at Heme Which Makes Goes' Ones Possible A Simple System That Works. , Your schoolhouses. Those of the town and those of the country dis tricts. Yoa know what they mean to you and to your children. They represent the difference be tween Ignorance and enlightenment They mean to your children the differ ence between signing their names with a mark or in writing. They represent the difference between the civilization of the twentieth century, as this'country knows it ud the bar barism of benighted Asia or Africa. You want the schoolhouse, do you mot? You would willingly make sacrifices to keep it would you not? You glory in the free educational system of this country, do you not? But Mr. Citizen, did you ever sit down and consider carefully what it is that makes possible the school houses of this country; the school houses that stand as beacon lights on the tops of a thousand hills; the schoolhousea-that carry cheer and en lightenment to the hearthstones of' the homes of a thousand valleys? It Is the taxes that you .and, your neighbor, and your neighbor's neigh bor pay Into the school fund year after year, is it not? , And why do you pay It? Because you own property real es tate, bonds and mortgages and be cause that property Is valuable. What makes your real estate val uable? It is the prosperity of the commu nity. As the community grows and prospers the value of your property increases. As your property increases in value and you write your wealth In thousands instead of hundreds, the amount you pay into the school fund increases. When the school fund in creases the old building gives place to a-new and more modern structure, In which your children and your neigh bor's children secure their instruc tion. And, again, the erection of the new building but adds more to the value of your property. It is an endless chain system that builds villages out of cross roads, and cities out of villages. Who are you, Mr. Citizen, and who Is your neighbor and your neighbor's neighbor, whose contributions to the school fund make the schoolhouses possible? You. and your neighbor. and your neighbor's neighbor, are the farmers, the merchants, the doctors, the blacksmiths. You are each and every man who go to make up the community in which you live, and it Is only when you work collectively that you accomplish results that you build up new schoolhouses. And how shall you work collec tively?, By a simple system of boosting one another. You, we win say, have oats to sell your neighbor buys them of you. He, you wilh say, has dry goods to sell you buy them of him. It is this system of mutual help that makes the town grow into the city, that increases the price of real estate in the town and in the community sur roundingjit that builds new school houses, j The dollar that is unnecessarily sent away from home never bought so much as a nail for a schoolhouse, never put a shingle on its root But the dollars that are unneces sarily sent away from home send back to the community which they left only rain. It is these dollars that prevent the replacing of the leaking roof, the broken door hinge or the worn out desk. It Is the dollars that are unneces sarily sent" away from home by you, and your neighbor, and your neigh bor's neighbor that decrease the value of your, and your neighbor's, add your neighbor's neighbor's real es tate. That makes the school fund 1 grow less year after year. That forces the discharge of the competent teach er for a less competent one. That re duces the standing of. your schools in the educational system of the coun try. Work it backwards, send your money for the things you need away from home Instead of spending it at home, and the system that builds vil lages out of cross roads, and cities out of villages, that Increases the value of your real estate and permits you to write your wealth In four figures where previously three .figures were enough, and you will make of the thriving little city but a village, and of the village but a cross roads. , Do you not believe, Mr. Citizen, and do you think your neighbor and your neighbor's neighbor should believe, that It pays best to keep the dollars In the home community? Keep the system moving forwards, help to make a city of your village. Boost your town's interests and you boost your own. WRIGHT A. PATTERSON. Pie Vender Had Kick Coming. There Is a certain man in a little northern New England town who sells home-made pastry at the county fair each year. The other day he called on the town officers to protest against the condition of the road vleadine from his house to the fair grounds. "Land sakes!" said he, "no custard pie would ever hold together to cros such roughness, as that" Criminals' Power Over Animals. Few criminals have possessed such power over animals as did the Span iard Guevarra, who was executed some years back in Newgate. England, for the brutal murder of a woman on Hempstead Heath. He caught and tamed two rats so that they would 'come at his call andyfoUow him about anywhere. The mice, too, would come running out of their boles at the sound of his voice. jy ..'j- ft -e& GAMES OF, SHARPERS. cA - s Seme of the Methane Smi Hr Seeu Hffl stewtwVjr slslvSyvGsiy Minions upon nUUione of, doners are fraudulently taken from 'the pockets of the people year after year through the operation of confidence mem. The schemes used by these mem are numer ous. Nearly all are .based upon ,the fact that the average person is' always willing to takethe best of a bargain. During the past few; mouths swin-' dlers have been operating in different parts of the country, and their method, while a modification of aa old swin dling game, has some mew features worthy of notice. Their usual proced ure Is to locate fanners who" are not wen known to local bankers and loan men. They approach the farmer and under pretext of seeking to purchase .farming land, manage In some way to secure his signature. This is general ly done by Inducing him to write a letter, or to sign some statement. Once 'the signature issecured. a ficti tious deed to the farmer's land is pre pared and this Is fixed up in such a manner as to show the seal of some notary or other offfcer. Then witr this deed the swindler Is In position to negotiate a loan upon the land. This game has been successfully worked in a number of western states. Residents of- agricultural districts should be continually on their guard against the signing of receipts or any kind of contract which may be pre sented to them by strangers. Within the past year some smooth swindlers have succeeded in securing thousands of doUars on fraudulent notes, secur ing from farmers, who were foolish enough to take for trial washing ma chines, refrigerators, etc., and to give their receipts for the same. These re ceipts turning up later as negotiable notes. The writer- of checks cannot be too careful in fillingin the amounts. The favorite methods of the check receiver 1 1s to insert after the words "six." "seven," "eight" or "nine" the letter "y" or "ty" and change the ciphers In the check accordingly. Thus It can be seen that a check written for eight dollars, by the addition of the letter "y" cad be made to read for eighty dollars and the changing of the amount if it be in numerals, by the addition of cipher, makes the forgery, when well executed, hard to discover. HELP THE TOWN. Some of the Virtues in Friendly Riv alry Between Merchants. Good, healthy competition and friendly rivalry, devoid of aU spirit of hoggishness, is a good thing for any town. Each and every business man and property owner in a town, .and the country immediately surrounding it should be Intensely interested In every project, particularly should every mer chant be active In matters that means general prosperity for the place, and which will increase trade for all the merchants of the town. People' gen erally like to do their trading in towns where there are weU kept stocks and plenty variety of goods, and where there is sufficient competition as to assure low prices consistent with good' business Judgment There is little use for the merchants of a place to blow and brag about their business, unless they can demonstrate that, they are "delivering the goods" and satisfying their customers. There is mo good to be looked for by merchants decrying the goods and the methods of their brother merchants.. There is no more effective way of killing the business' of a town than by fostering a spirit of petty Jealousy and of narrow selfish ness. Wherever such a spirit is found it will be discovered that trade is be ing turned to some other town where merchants and. business men work more in harmony with one another. TOWN BOOSTING TIPS. The visitor who trips over your broken sidewalk will not have a very high opinion of your town as a place of buslness.- The home town is the best place for the boys if you will make the home town prosperous. Keeping the money at home will do this. It means home' opportunities for your children. Don't drive around the hole in the road week after week. Get your neighbors together and fix It The home market for the farm prod ucts is the saving clause in our sys tem of government Take away the in your community. Not necessarily home markets and the farms will soon become unprofitable and valueless. No city mail-order house will ex--tend credit to you when times are hard, or crops fail. - Could you con sistently ask it of your home mer chant when you send your money to the city during the days of prosper ity? - Encourage small factories to locate by means of a bonus, but by keeping vthe children in the home town that .they may become factory employes, and get a home opportunity to raise in the world. Do not begrudge the money paid for taxes when it is used for road and town improvements. Such an ex penditure is like bread cast upon the waters it will return many fold. Roof Gardens for Berlin. It is 'proposed to introduce roof gardens in Berlin. A good many doc tors and professors arc doing all they can in favor of the scheme, and are agitating for the gardens, particularly in the narrower city thoroughfares. The idea would not be difficult- to carry out, the houses being mostly all of one height and it is already pos sible la many parts to walk from one street to the next along a good broad roof track. Belgian Girls Learn Housework. In Belgium girls are expected to give five weeks out of each school yar to learning -housework. The girl Is required to know not only how to cook a dinner, but to clean up and care for a kitchen,-do marketing, wash an iron. m jrSr . - . jt. z.'-.- ' . &, . , -i. Kaw -Vr "J SV.j JAMIE WASTED HO) TIME. Ha atenHiy. Oat 3 v . C. . !t wae Jamie's hath night: He hrf . several each week and he baaed alL Oa this particular might started, he soaked and ssJashed'te the tab for a fan half hour, them" mis mwtherhaled him. forth. He came out of-tme room InA his pajamas with his face an streaked aad dirty as it was when he went In. ' "Mercy!" cried his mother. "I thought you took a bath." "So I did!" answered-Jamie scorn-fully.- "A tmOy one!" -Bat your face is black!' said his mother. "Oh!" Jamie smiled understand iagly. "My face is all right I have to wash that in the morning, bath or mo bath. You don't s'poee I'm going to waste time bathing my face! I always begin Just below my ears and work down on my arms aad legs; but I always leave my face aad hands those ends I 'tend to In the morning! PRESCRIPTIONS IN LATIN. The Public Should Have Them Trans, lated by the Draojiets. What virtue Is there In the secrecy rith which the doctor hedges about mis profession? "Professional etiquette" occupies a prominent place in the curriculum of every medical school, and when strict ly analyzed "professional etiquette" seems to mean "doing what is best for the doctor, individually and col lectively." Among the-things that "Is best for the doctor" is the writing of his pre scriptions in Latin, and thus keeping the public in Ignorance not only of what it is taking for Its Ills, but forc ing a call upon the doctor each time a prescription is needed. In plain and unmistakable English the writing of prescriptions In Latin makes business for ther doctors. Let us say that you have the ague. You had it hist year and the year be fore. Each time you have visited the doctor and he has prescribed for you In Latin. You have never known what he has given you for the disease, and so each time you are forced to go to him again and give him an oppor tunity to repeat his prescription in Latin, aad his fee In dollars. If you ask the doctor why he uses Latin in writing his prescriptions, why he writes "aqua" when he means wa ter, he will give you a technical dis sertation on the purity of the Lain language, and the fact that all words are derived from it etc. It wUl be a dissertation that you may not be able to answer, but it will hardly convince you. It would be a good thing for the pub lic to devise a little code of ethics of its own; ethics that will be "a good thing for the public individually and collectively." iLet us apply one of the rules .of this code of ethics to you, the individual. t ' Yoa call In the physician when you have the ague, the grippe, or any of the other ills to which human flesh is heir, and which you may have again some day. The doctor prescribes In Latin, and you take this, to you, mean ingless scribble to the druggist to have It compounded. Right here Is where yoa come In, if you are wise. Say to the druggist that yoa waat a translation of that prescriptioa. It is your privilege to know what yoa are taking. While the doctor's code of ethics may not recognize this right it Is yours Just the same. With the. translated prescription in your possesslom you have two distinct advantages. You know what you are taking, and should you wish to call some other doctor at some time you win be able to tell him what drugs you have been putting Into your system, and also If you should have the same disease again you can save yourself a visit to the doctor, aad his fee, by taking this translated prescription to the druggist once more and having It refined. Jerome en Colored Evidence. District Attorney Jerome, of New York, said one day of a piece of sus picious evidence: "It is evidence that has been tam pered with, colored. It is like the lady's report of her physician's pre scription. "A lady one day in July visited her physician. The man examiaed her and said: "'Madam, you are only a little run down. You need frequent baths and plenty of fresh air, and I advise you to dress in the coolest most comfortable clothes nothing stiff or formal "When she got home her husband asked her what the physician had said. The lady replied: " 'He said I must go to the seashore, do plenty of automobiling. and get some new summer gowns.' " She Experimented. v A Uttle girl of five was taken tc church one Sunday, and listened with unexpected attention to the sermon which graphically told the story ol the stilling of the tempest on the Sea of Galilee, and how Christ walked on the waves. In' the afternoon her moth er missed her and began an anxious search of the house. As she neared the bathroom she heard sounds ol splashing, and hurried to the, door tc behold a small, excited face peering over the rim of the big white tub, and to hear a small, excited voice ex claim: "Say, mamma, this walking on the water is quite a trick." Not Entire. The aeronaut, after painfully ex tricating himself from the, wrecked balloon, limped to the nearest farm house. "Madam," he said to the woman who answered his knock, "can you ac commodate with a night's lodging a balloonist who has come to grief?" "I'd be glad- to," she hesitated, "but fou are an entire stranger to " "Not an entire one," he Interrupted, with some acerbity. "For I have left my left car, three teeth, and certain portions of my nose back there with the ruined car." Can Not 'Escape Thoughts. Man is a thinking being, whether he will or no: all he can- do Is to turn his thoughts the best way. Sir Wil liam Temple. fyx-. J -"-"" " ..Skf, i'l HE HAD TO HAVE FRUIT.' His Bay Ts James Wilson, the secretary of i share, was iters lag ta the' aid which mis the American fanner. He oat the benefit that had seem derive frees the mtressctiem of sarmn of the wheat-teetmg machine, the method of extracting a"mmite"rrr "la fact, saM-Mr. Wnsom, "I believe that-eventually oar products win be cheap enough to be within the reach of an. ' Them tme story of the boy and the hot-house grapes win be as dead andaatleuated as the theater hat stories of the mast. "This boy he was a bootblack entered a grocer's store one day, and. pointing to some superb grapes, said: "'Wot's the price o them therev. mister? "'One dollar a pound, my lad.' the clerk replied. "A look of anguish psssod or tae boy's face, and he said, hastily: "Them give us a ceat's worth s carrots. I'm dead ants oa fruit" Sheer white gooes, hi fact, amy mas wash goods when mew, owe much sT their attractiveness to the way they are lauadered. this being dome hi a, mamaer to enhance their textile ty. Home laundering would be iy satisfactory if proper attention gtvea to starching, the first essemtisl being good Starch, which has sumeieat strength to stiffen, without thtckealagr the goods. Try Defiance Starch aadL yoa will be pleasantly surprised at tasr improved' appearance of : swOTtls PlvC ww OtTsV Little Margaret's grandmother had: written for a photograph of her i sake, the "baby." For material sons it was advisable. that the Httle glrl should appear as well dressed as possible, and a cousin's new open-work , dress was borrowed for the occasfoa. On being arrayed for the picture Mar garet rushed to her father, crying: "Oh. father. Just look! These ain't worn holes; they is born holes." Har per's. Beware of Oiartmearts far tirmtCsaUim Mercury, as acTcair win rarely tetfny tto mm f coaplately derates tk wbuM jatesi wl catering H tkronich tk bmcom tarfaeaa, a nicies Moaia aeTar m mm exceK . noaa iroai repaiaoie pnyKciaaa, aa ue will do la tern fold to lb good jo caa rite froa them. HalTa Catarrh Care, n the, ty F. J. Cbeaey Cv. Toledo, O.. cnatataa aw car. aa m uiei nteraaiiy. acta directly ue eiooa ana aiacoss arraeee : toa aeatem. feariag HalTa Catarrh Cora ha aara yo cat ceaatee. It tatakea laterally aad madatM Tel Ohio. tyF. J. Cheney Co. Te BotdayDraaKbta. Prlea.15c aer hutOa. nee uau'a raauiy nua nr - A Knock. "Jimmy," said the father, "there's rip in your bathing suit Go am It up." "But papa," growled the boy, "moth er will sew it for me." "Never mind. I 'want yoa to learm to sew yourself. For," said the father, "some day you will get married, aad then yon won't have any mother yew will only have a wife." The extraordinary popularity of nms white goods this summer makes the choice of Starch a matter of great im portance.' Defiance Starch, being tree from all injurious chemicals. Is the oaly one which Is safe to use oa far fabrics., IU great strength as a stiffeaer makes half the usual Quantity of Starch necessary, with the result of perfect finish, equal to that whom the were mew. Celtegss Undsslrssts Fire Rleha. Colleges are mow regarded as undesirable insurance risks, aad it ha probable that the rate will he ga erally Increased. In 18 years 784 fires have occurred la college buUdtags, em talUng a loss of $1.5,M la moaey and a heavy loss of life. This mshss the average money loss over $13,Mft. "I woader why a dog taflr "A sense of economy." "Economy?" "Yes; caa't yoa see he is tryiag as make both ends meet?" Guns. Trass, Decoys, Eto. Lowest prices. Write for free catalecNeJ N. W. Hide ft Fur Co., Minneapolis Mma. Lots of people manage to keep the truth pretty busy with its struggles to rise. Lewis' Single Binder straight 8c cigar made of rich, mellow .tobacco. Your deal er or Lewis Factory. Peoria. HI. He alone Is poor who wastes his time and neglects his opportunities. - Yr children tnthlar MfleaatbeKone. AismatluQ. allays pdB.caieewaMlcoUu. ssea All men want to be able to but all men do not want to work. I0K HEADACHE Positively cared ay these Utderill. They also rellera Dis tress from Dyspepsia, I- digeHtitmaadTeo Hearty Eatlag-. A perfect reaa edy Xor Dizzlaess, Xaat sea. Drowsiness, Bad Taste iatheMoath, Ceas ed Tonga, Paia la ta Side, TORPID UVXK They regalate the-Bowel. Partly VegetaMa. $HUinu,swiLNSE.samrsa. ;-. ;..?. '-3!Xa;5u ',.3w ABB2afBBr2nMKaak BmaTlVltmamaalBVBaBlJftIVE CARTERS amssj- MIVER II PIUS. pidtemI Genuine Mat Inr CMOBO Fac-SiailtSianaw, LJlEFtSE SH&lllllUa Jr M y