CteSSa 34 wS 72?TWLC ;5i rt- -T&ysKsv: - . - "- zs '1Z --i rv -- t2J " &8$5 I V fr pV f- at ? lL M )' .- '$$: PSif 'I'-. . New Fall Styles in M Young Mens For the best Garment Gerharz $7.50, $10, $12.50 WE are adding this fall a new make of men Trousers, nwa 4-u 'tMUMMSI UUUU U1C mBrTBUMBUE. IHIiMVl once worn tor a single day means to the wearer, No other kind ever. Selling for $2.50 to $6.50 a pair, Boys Knee Pant Suits, all newest styles $2.50 to $5. Our line of Interwoven Hosiery has proven investigations are sometimes good tilings. Respectfully, The Gerharz Flynn Co. m HAMPTON PL ACER XtmmtCHrnmmrACJttezuBGttxt. Continued from Page Font "It will be no more than a pleasure to recover it .for you," he protested, gallantly. The stairs leading down from the hall entrance were shrouded in dark' Bess, the street below nearly deserted of loiterers, although lights streamed forth resplendently from the undraped windows of the Occidental and the hotel opposite. Assisted in his search by Mrs. Guffy, the officer succeeded In recovering the lost fan, and started to return. Just without the hotel door, aader the confusing shadows of the wide porch, he'came suddenly face to face with a young woman the unex pected encounter a mutual and embar rassing surprise. CHAPTER XV. An -Unusual Girl. The girl was without wraps, her dress of some light, fleecy material fitting her slender figure exquisitely, her head uncovered; within her eyes Brant Imagined he could detect the glint of tears. She spoke first, her voice faltering slightly. "Will you kindly permit me to pass?" f He 'stepped instantly to one side, bowiag as he did so. "I beg your pardon for such seeming rudeness," he said, gravely. "I have been seeking you all the evening, yet this unexpected meeting caughUme quite unawares." "Ton have been seking me? That is strange. For what reason, pray?" To achieve what you were once kind enough to suggest as possible the formality of an introduction. It would seem, however, -that fate makes our meetings informal." "That is your fault, not mine." "I gladly assume all responsibility. ANNOUNCEMENT! Having purchased the Keating & Schram stock of Groceries, locat ed at Eleventh and M streets, we will continue the business, at the same location. We are now in voicing the stock, and on Monday morning, September ,2, we will open the store to the public. We have purchased a nice clean stock of goods, and it shall be tur aim to serve -the public with the best obtainable. We solicit the pat ronage of all the customers of the old firm, and hope to be able to win new ones by offering good goods at lair prices, together with courteous treatment to all, and everyone. The new firm llame will.be BRUNKEN & HANEY. J, L. BRUNKEN, JAMES i. HANEY. & Boys Suits for your money see the Flynn Co and up to $25 Suite, 19 GXte i yoTTwilT "only" waive tne rormamy and accept my friendship." Her face seemed to lighten, while her lips twitched asif suppressing a smile. "You are very forgetful. "Did I not tell you that we Presbyterians are never guilty of such Indiscretions?" "I believe you did. but I doubt your complete surrender to the creed." "Doubt! Only our second time of meeting and you already venture to doubt! This can scarcely be construed :into a compliment, I fear." Yet to my mind It may prove the very highest type of compliment," he returned, reassured by her manner. "For a certain degree of iadepeadeace in both thought aad actloa Is highly commendable. Indeed, I am goiag to be bold enough to add that it was these very attributes that awakeaed my interest in you." "Oh, indeed; you cause me to Mash already. My frankness, I fear, Mds fair to cost me all my friends, and I may even go beyond your pardon, if the perverse spirit, of my nature so move me." "The risk of such a catastrophe is mine, and 'I would gladly dare that much to get away from conveatloaal -commonplace. One advantage of such meetings as ours is aa immediate In sight into each other's deeper aatare. For one I shall sincerely rejoice if you will permit the good fortune of our chance meeting to be alone sponsor for our future friendship. Will you not say yes?" She looked at him with greater earnestness, her young face sobered by the words spoken. Whatever else she may have seen revealed there, the countenance bending slightly toward her was a serious, manly one, inspir ing respect, awakening confidence. "And I do agree." she said, extend ingher hand in a girlish impulse. "It I wTCsZlessCfea therefore worth the trial eadeavor to restrsia i win spirit, to that yea win aot ha unduly He laughed, Mt placed eatlreJy at aae. "Yoar meed of mercy ia ap preciated, fair lady. Ia It jomr desire to return to tka halir sa ahook her bee positively. "A cheap, gaady show, air Muster aad rw&giuttf. Evea tao daaciag la a atera parody. I early tired of It" Thee tot aa choose the bettor part, aad alt here oa the beach, the Bight Ha coadacted her across the porch to the darkest coraer, where only rifts - at light stole trembling la between the shadowiag vines, aad there found con venient seats. A moment they re mained ia slleace, aad ha could hear her breathing. "Have yoa traly beea at the hall, aha aaesttoaed, "or were you merely ibbtag to awakea my iatereetr - "I traly have beea," he answered, , "aad actually have danced a measure with the fair guest of the evening." ' "With Phoebe Speacer! Aad yet yoa dare pretend bow to retala aa la terest ia me? Lieut Brut, yoa mast be a most talented deceiver, or else the strangest person I ever met. Such a miracle has aever occurred before!" "Well, it has certalaly occurred bow; BorhuB I in this aay vaia de ceiver. . I truly met Miss Spencer. I was the recipient of her most entranc ing smiles; I listened to her modu lated voice; I bore her off, a willing captive, from a throng of despairing admirers; I danced with her, gazing down into her eyes, with her fluffy hair brushing my cheek, yet resisted all her charms and came forth think ing only of you." 3 "Indeed? Your proof?" He drew the white, satin fan forth from his pocket, aad held It out to ward her with mock humility. "This, unbelieving princess. Dispatched by .the fair lady in question to fetch this bauble from the dressing-room, I for got my urgent errand In the suddea delight of finding you." "The case seems fully proved," she confessed, laughingly, "and it is sure ly not my duty to punish the culprit. What did you talk about? But. pshaw, I know well enough without asking she told you how greatly she admired the romance of the west, aad begged you-to call upon her with a recital of your owa exploits. Have I not. guessed aright?" "Partially, at least; soma such ex pressions were used." "Of course, they always are. I do not know whether they form merely a part of her stock In trade, or are spoken earnestly. You would laugh to hear the tales of wild aad thrilling ad venture which she picks up, aad actu ally believes. That Jack Moffat pos sesses the most marvelous imagina tion for such things, and if I make fun of his impossible stories she becomes angry in an instant" "I am afraid you do not greatly ad mire this Miss Spencer?" "Oh, but I do; truly I do. You must not think me ungrateful. No one aasN ever helped me more, and beneath this mask of artificiality she is really a noble-hearted woman. I dq not un derstand the necessity for people to lead false lives. Is it this way ia all society eastern society, I mean? Do men and women there continually 'scheme and flirt smile and stab, for ever assuming parts like so many play actors?" ' "It is far too common," he admitted, touched by her naive questioning. "What Js known as fashionable social life has become an almost pitiful sham, and you can scarcely conceive the relief it Is to meet with one utter ly uncontamlnated by its miserable de ceits, its shallow make-believes. It Is no wonder you shock the aerves of such people; the deed ia easily accom plished." "But I do not meaa to." Aad she looked at him gravely, striving to make him comprehend. '1 try so hard to be be commonplace,-aad aad sat isfied. Oaly there la so much that seems silly, useless, pitifully coa temptlble that I lose all patience. Perhaps I need proper traiaiag la what Miss Spencer calls refinement; but why should I pretend to like what I don't like, aad to believe what I don't believe? Cannot one act a lie as well as speak oae? And is it bo longer right to search after the truth?" 1 have always felt it was oar daty to discover the truth wherever possi ble," he said, thoughtfully; "yet, I confess, the search la not fashionable, aor the earnest seeker popular." A little trill of laughter flowed from between her parted lips, but the souad was aot altogether merry. "Most certainly I am not They ail scold me, aad repeat with manifest horror the terrible things I say, being unconscious that they are evil. Why should I suspect thoughts that come to me aaturaUy. I want to know, to understand. I grope- about la the dark. It seems to me sometimes that this whole world ia a mystery. I go to Mr. Wynkoop with my auesttoes, aad they only seem to shock him. Why should they? God mast have put all those doubts aad weaderiags lato Ha Draw Forth the Fan and Held ft my mlad, aad there mast be aa aa swer far them somewhere. Mr. Wya- la a good man. I traly respect I waat to please him, aad I aeV his mtanoctaal attaiameats; bat teat? I jmmSSmmfistmC? vShammfesmmmmE?' mmimlammmmEMmmrimmV "fJBVansBsn OsnmB- MEAT MARKET We invite all who desire ehoiea steak, aad the vary bast outs of' .. rall other-meata to sail at oar v market oaBeveathetreet. W , also handle poaltryaad lab ami -oysters ia searoa. S.E.MABTY&CO. Telephone No. L - Colarabue. Neb. loFmelo wanTCo Bow Cese GUngs? "Yoa merely ,efpraos clearly what thousands feel without the mora! cour age to utter it The saddest part of it all 1 the deeper we' delve the less we are satisfied la oar latellectual aa tares. We merely saccecd ia learalag that we are the veriest pygmies. Mea like t Mr. Wyakeop are simply driven back apoa faith aa a last resort abso lately tamed, by aa impeaetrable wall. against which they hatter mentally ia vaia." "Are yoa a eharch member?" "Yes." "Do yon believe these thlags yoa da aot understand?" He drew .a deep breath, scarcely knowing at that memeat how best to answer, yet siacerely aaxioas to lead this girl toward the light . "The majority of mea do aot talk much about such matters. They hold them sacred. Yet I will speak frankly with you. I could aot statte la words my faith so that it would be clearly appreheaded by the mlad of another. I am ia the church because I believe its efforts are toward' righteousness, because I believe the teachlags of Christ are perfect His life the highest possible type of living, aad because through Him we receive all the infor mation regarding a future existence which we possess. That my mind rests-satisfied I do aot say; I simply accept what is given, preferring a lit UB UKHl l IDUU (MrKIMra. Vy "But here they refuse to accept any one like that They say I am not yet ia a fit state of mlad." "Such a judgment would seem tome narrow. I was fortunate In coming under the influence of a broad-minded religious teacher. To my statement of doubts he simply said: 'Believe what you can; live the very best you can, aad keep your mind open toward the light' It seems to me now this la all that anyone can do whose nature will aot permitpf Mlad, unquestion able faith." "I am so glad you have spoken la that way," she confessed. "I shall never feel quite so much alone In the world again., aad I shall see these mat ters from a- different viewpoint .Is It wrong unwomanly, I mean for ma to question spiritual-thlags?" "I am unable to conceive why It should be. Surely woman ought to be as deeply concerned la thlags spirit ual as man." "How very strange it is that we should thus drift into such an intimate talk at our second meetlag!" she ex claimed. "But it seems so easy, so natural, to converse frankly with some people they appear to draw out all that Is best ia one's heart Then there are ethers who seem to parch aad wither up every germ of spiritual life." '"There are those la the world who truly belong together," he urged, dar ingly. "They belong to each other by some dlviae law. They may aever be privileged to meet; but If they do, the commingling of their minds and souls Is natural This talk of ours to-night has, perhaps, done me as much good as you." "Oh. I am so glad if it has! I I do aot believe , you aad Miss Speacer conversed la this way?" "Heaven forbid! And yet It might paxsle you to guess what was the mala topic of oar conversation." "Did it Interest your "Deeply.- "Well, then. It could aot be dress, or mea, or westers romance, or society In Boston, or the beautiful weather. I gaess it waa books." "Wrong; they ware aever Honed." : To be Continued. Beeher, Hoekeaberger k Chambers real estate agents, report the following real estate transfers Hied for record in the omoeof the coaaty clerk duriag the week ending Aug. 34th, 1807. WmJ Keller to Bulk of Monroe, lot 2 blG. East add toManroe $ 430 00 Mary Bonw to 8 F Niesaohler, part aw4 lS.M-2w.wd 1080 00 Boas FUkwra to H H Stirea, part lot 4 bl 84, Colaadma, wd 223000 Got Fiacker to John Fischer. w2 aw4, S4-20-2w.wd 100 Got Fischer to Mary Fischer, e2 aw4, 31204. wd 1 00 Got Fischer to Cams Fischer, s2a4. 27- 204w.wd. 1 00 Uaioo Laad Co to Fraak 8auth, lot 18, blS,Taraov .... SO 00 Fraat Sadth. to And Less, lot 18, bl 5, Tamer, wd. 90 00 Geo vT Webb to I W gJac. nS of i, 2 and S.UIS.Gerrafd'saddtoCoi.wd.. ... 1880 00 Clyde Ward to BridestQaiaa. lot 1.U M, Beeher Place add to Col, wd 1250 00 D K Diadaliaw to JWgraas.lota M. ' 11 aad 12. N. Gsnard's sab Mr ia 1-17- sw.wd. laoeoo W J Riekly to John Staab. lot 4. bl 100, CohuBbas wd. 150.80 SclMMlDistofCotambastoJokaStaab. lotSbllSa.ColsjBbaa.wd 1M08 Western Grata Co to T B Hord Grain Co. part lot S..7aad8.U81.Co- lsjsbas.Netk,wd 5010 00 Wat E Oeaa to B Webb et al. eS aw4 aada4aw4.U0.1s,wd 9BB60 BCHart to Hsary Enicht, se4. 2440. Iw.wd. 14,400 00 HBUliottto GesLnsee, lots Sand hi a, 8arirh's add to Colswbns. wd.... SUP 60 Trast of Methodist Charah to T B Hard Grain Co. part MMw.wd.: S OS gBHeldtDHsaryFBrsskwa.swsslO, awasl5.184e CM 00 W F Msharto Joha M Mahsr. lots 1 aad 8.bl27,PhateCsatsr 1M Tweatytmasf era. total $M.SMe mmtaaeK aaooan. I rirai rraajT- V SUJiftOO Sramamttaaamislessed tmw Iaenass t9jm m Sesty BMrtaaaw fled S smTiS Seayiiiilaiaiinlni'l MH Tf S 716 00 Xmmemms 7.9 , i 4, -KflSft." 'SS ". wm9-: YtjrfW -V71 !' w- - V i-r? k ! '"$ - Hand JnnlK and STREET FAIR COLUMBUS West Thirteenth Street Week Sept. I Attractions by lUje 1 Mer MlwwMl uO. "The Immaculate Shows' Sensational Attractions High Class -Shows Ferris Wheel Merry-QoRound Brass Band fWe Will Look for YOU on the Midway . n "j i I'll- i CMIW B S. tad aa cxoiUae: raaawav with W. J. Kewwaa's driving teem aad a hay rake. CaesMeareeaad brother from Ham. Bmaiag-at MePhanaa Lake they returned horn aaaat wfcwdayawith J. H. Driaaiaaad family, vkeatee.i. Fraak Ami had mi teams haalmg wheat to market ' His- Katie Bead mami b mm dy( fcfuf short visit with friends at betltuod Ches. Madura retamed i.oaiDuncn Monday, where he had beea visiting bis OMie.Jaoob Madura. Hoary Laeebea bads horse badly eat ia the wire some time ago, aad asitwa aot.getuag alee as, it aboald he called a veterinary to louk.after it. Mrs O. T. Weber sold hogs ia Oolam. baa Tuesday. A. L. Bray returned Taetday rrom n trip to J uiwburg Cola Fifty-six relatives aad frieode gather ed at the home of A.L. Bray aad held i family rename, and also a shoot. Miss Naomi Wait of Liaeola aad Miai aUtt... D -a a . " m oyiacaae, am, are guests of MiM Rachel Bray thai weak. Pearl HUliard, daaghter of J. R Hilh ard aad Jacob lloerle of Clearwater, Neb., will be married today. After the ceremony there will be a reception at the home of the bride.' loate JTe. t. MisaKcMe Gntzmer ie visiting this week at the home of her ancle, JoLs Kraycki. Mr. sad Mrs. Tborwagle returned to their home at Grand Island last week after spending a few dy t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bean. Mrs. Kay Stark aad the' Misses Har rier Kaafmaaa aadBvna aad Gladys TuraerspeBtTneeday of last week at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Phillips. Last Saturday af teranoa, while Aagast Hasmaa was harrowing, oae of hi bones dropped dead ia front or the har row. It had been in the field only half on hour. Beats Ye. 5. School begins ia district No. 4 next Monday with Mies Bebe Bryan as teach er. J. H. and Vera Hahn are. putting chains un the poets around the Uaha school house. Mr. and Mrs. JoeNitscb will move oa totheF.L. Oieott place and farm it next eammer. Sapervisor Sehwsrz is still repairing the Platte bridge aad will soon have it ia good eoatitioa for travel. mue Ida Hsssalbalch was called to Overton. Neb., Monday oa account of the dangerous illness of a aeice, the child of Mrs. Bert Powell. BoaUBa 3. A. C Aaderaoa sad family were at J. C Moschearoes' Saadny. Fraak Laaebsiager in patting up bay on his lsad oa route No 3. Mien Mary Kramlaad returned home Saiarday. after epeadiaga week ia town. Mies 8nmh Bnnz of Fremont is visit ing at the Seefield home for n few day. . Mm, J. D. Laeschea it expected home from Germany the latter part of Septem ber Quito a number of farmers oa the route, delivered hogs the first of the k. Milton Miller aad Sophia Helmer were at Herman Cattail's Thursday evening. Boad overseer Joha Baadall is doing some much needed grading on the Bhodeborst Mil. Miss Lizzie Hereheaaaa returned to Colambue the f rat of the week after a visit oa the route. - It is reported that a yonag man from 4Jfirn!? wraw LAKE Situated 15 miles on the Maia "Tin Ovtrland Rutt IHTMXmXAmTOFTMXfUKRRAS Stop-overs permitted oa Railroad aad Palimaa Tiek- ets. CoBBectioae made with the famoas Ubi'ob Pacific train,"Tk OrerlajMl LlmiiteJ' and other Through TraiBs. ' The Place to Rest iBqaire of E. G. BROWN. Underwood Standard Typewritei tmPummmmmmmmmmm 'HmimmBmmssnmmamBV For Speed w Safety, Surety A solid roadbed is es sential. Visibility 4b Speed in the Under wood (Tabulator) type writer are supported by perfectly balanced construction. 1617 Farnam St. Omaha Creetoa aad a yonag lady from township are to be married ia the f utare. Boys, get the belle ready. After a mouths' visit with her pareats Miss Phoebe Papeuhaatea left Moadty for New York City, when she is em ployed by the Thee. Senate publishing company. Mr. an J Mm. Fred Miadrap left for B6eheeter,N. V.. Monday, where they will make their noma for the preaeat aad Mr. Miadrap will eater the Baptist Theological Seminary. The bell game Sunday between the Short Creek Atheletea aad the Seel Greek Battermilks resulted in a victory for the Battermilks by a care effB to 3. There was a good atteedaaea, Aboat thirty yoang people gathered at the homeof Ferdaaad Seeneld Sun day evening, the oecaesioa Miag Mies Martha's tweatieth birthday. The eve ning was spent in social enjoy meat and taking flashlight pictures; Arnold Schraitt being the photographer. Walksc. Another shower of rain Sunday morn ing was welcome as it was getting very dusty. August Dahlberg has rested hie farm to Bea Nelsoa and ie now going to take it easy. , The picnic ft the M. E. ehareh'lsst Tuesday waa weH'atteeded and nil re port having enjoyed themselves. Mrs. Hans Johnson of Genoa was up on her farm hers this week -and while here was visiting in the delghboraood. A. very sad accident happened last Tuesday, when John L. Johnson, who lives just across the line in Juliet town ship, was driving along a fence with a hayrack the wheel eoaght oa a Mace post sad his horses started to raa aad threw him oa the wire feaco aad was cut so bad that he aearly bled to death. At this writing it ia reported that be is getting better. Acme of Art. Donald, who waa a Isaer. started to dress his owa gyhooks. He waa met by a create one day, who said: "I hear ye're begun to dress yer ala hooka boo, Donald'. Is that truer "It's a' that," answered Donald. "Aa can yer pat themmp anything aateral-llker Inquired the cronie. "I dlnna ken for taut," replied Don- oM, "but there wm a spMer ran awn wl two o them yesterday TAHOE from Truckee Line of ff J.I yea thmk K Is aa L lirr.. 'V. :; . J o. t :-fe& -. n 1.-X w-S-. Ci,- -.tcrji S?iW:,L t" 3t ..'. i kSrfgSSwva ( . , iSa. l?ii- "SkAI iS-a -v.T-V l'-'rij:is r&SsJi'is. ai :s:k- i-t2 rfB4Si t ' "v a S-f'-"-- - -v5& .i, t-vrs-'i