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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1907)
. y "--; -5S x- :f - -g:-'. "K ' '--- . l it ,tJ ":-'. KHM&fo VA,; y?VfyrLarj- .v.. i:is&&$rjiz a OoDMlidaled with the Columbus Timet April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argui January J, 1906 volume xxxvm. 90. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1907. HOLE NUMBER 1,866. . Js- ".fn' 1 13. t vAtwk' W ' " A. A 'ha? Wmv - . !PaWawaV WM am xMMmttas AW AriiriMVtVI iOW rammi ' -; --- P flMH H H H H - unV'H AaaV aa 'bb v JV JmJLJmf' awV WaV'TeBy'BWaw) ' "4 " " f M Becher, Hockenberger b Chamber! ! REAL ESTATE AN IMIS. Whenever desiring iai 2 .- ral eetste. either farm S or town lota, it will be to yoar interest to consult oar uete. we also have several Rood dwellings I for rent in OoluBibM, ed it wUl n!1vvontoieBdeeebefot cnp!eting yor I Jloaey to loae w My akort BOtiee. ?:- Toinedo aad i & :" e V it OJ Becher, Hockenberger k, Chambera. 9 i , Pre !!.-H-BritailTieiWdr UttTeeiaBL Edwardebet me. .. AVTBD-Thne tmraiehed rooawfor hght inMihuiajaA. J. W. Peck, eera Ha. Edward Bnehael, wmoaaabeM diec lonely ill for tbje.peet week ie r. Hiee Violet Woetoey retiiraed Friday froat 8t Edward where eke epewt tee peet week VieUing frieeda. Mia Teete Slater left tor Oaklaad. Iowa, k Wedaeaday where she will ntts focteiffkt with friewde. Mrs. Voaa, Mr. Newaua aad Mte. Hieriae will gww tea at the hoase of thefomer, WedMeday Amg. 38th. Mra. Joha Kettisf who has bees iuag relatiTse u this oity for left for her hoate is Dearer! Ssaday J ThefoUoninf isalkt of the jadfes aadekrka appoiaUd for the eUetioa to beheld September la doss set iaolode those far the city f Gelaaibas.astha.lietis aot a yet eeenlato ajwaa awaawaaw 1 Ooluaibae towaehip Jadges, Henry Xaffel H B Seed. Williaai Sehraiber; clerks, Fred. Sehoteld, Joseph Belford. Burrows Jadges, Joha Paprooki, Pe ter Schmidt; J T Evans; clerks, JasMs ThosMxin, Miehsel Coooey. Bieaurk Judges, 8eibsrt Heibel, Fred Osttaa. Diedrich Bertels; clerks, EmU Held, Edward Loaeke. Shenaaa Jadges: George wDehaelson Adoipb Saaders, Frank Wardeauui; clerks, adolpa Groteleuecaea, Fred aMa)a)aiwwwwwwaaia)wwwwwwwf w m m The 1 Best Advice COLUMlUf 0ta.... Wheat . . HVr) - Corn flirley flo..- .. .. ...... 37 7W 52 36 .S5 00 tot5 90 Mr. aad Mrs. G. A. aaaoaaeed tibe eagageaaeat of their daaghter Letitia Ella to.. Dr. Mark T. Tws lira Ust Sunday saoraiag daring the hoar TLea must of the people wereatteadiag ibe iiouses of worship that weired dread ful undof the fire whistle etartled the worshipers and for a time it looked u'tbouRutbere really was a oonaagra o,i, judging from the aoiee made oat Lit The are ladies responded jiTouiptly and in a very few auautes vue on tbeeosaa aad reedy for aetaaa. Anslarmhad beeaseat in from the TeidenoeofE.H.Caaaibeiaaad it was dweovered that their bara was oa Ire. It .lot not sees to be known jast how the blaze started bat it origtaated ia mm rubbish jast outside the bara aad oi0 to the high wind had been ewept uwide. Oaly.the timely IdjeooTery by Mre. Chaatbere atwreated what might u?a bMWdiaastreas blaze The wiad .fibkwiac agate aad had the fire got um wail etsrtedahafe whole part of the citv would hae b a ia einmi. I-aer of being wiped out. Jewtrt thaassaesat Mre. Cbambsre raa oat to gwe the fclurm Mr. J- Maloae happened to be pueinK bv aad seizing the lawa hose he turned the water on bat to his dismay the water woald aot reach the fire by ibnut four feet and had to be carried in paiN. Had it aot beea for this the blaze coald have been eaeiry eztiagoisb rd However ft ie to the credit ef Mr. SUIone that the lire was kept ander con Uo until the fire boys arrived, when work allayed farther aaaoyaaoe. Aain at aboat aevea O'clock Moaday morning the whiatle blew and the Daue rani: and the later alumberers weia itanled to leara aaotber fire had broken out. Tbw time it was asat in from the veeteodof the city and proved to be alotofbridlHliagawawa. ThapilHg was laid along thaUnion Paciae tracks ouiontnebraach. The piling had been thoroughly foaked ia aoase eort of pitch solution and as ignited by a apark from the engiaa. The fire boyaiaspoad- td and soon aat the fire out of T.ittio Ammirm was done ia either i,... .l -iAm.o nt ibia flitv bsst well be proud of their fire team and thoagb lheirservioea are not waated every day iu ti.e year there are times when they we needed and right bad, aad had either 5 .mttan t.h atari of the water maay ioi)le miffht have atukniaiir u Kntii davs were saoa fire would have beea the moat dreaded Mr. aad Mrs. Joseph Daweoe of Kea sas Gty are viaiting relatives ia taia locality. Mra. Dawson ia Mra. George A, 8eott's sister. Mra. Beaaoa Poaad of Lincoln ar rived Wedaeaday eveaiag for a abort vast at the home of her aareata, Mr. and Mra.L. Garrard. Dr. H. J. Arnold of Natioaal Oity. Calif oraia. arrived Moaday eveaiag for a short apjoara ia thw oity, oombiaiag buwsam with pleasure, W. 8. Wiaklemaa. local ohairmaa of theOrder of Railway Telegraphers, called to Denver Moaday oa bi coaaoctkm with the order t Mm Balsa Saanaoa retaraad Frkmy.from a abort vieit at Oaaoa OHy aad other aoiate hi Coloraae, aad left Mayday for Dae Meiaes. Robert Oresasp baa retaraad to hie some at Bicklaad for a two week's vaea- tioabefereetartisgoB his leal year of etady at the Fiemnat NormaL The Mimii AamvKamph aad Ida retaraad Friday from a very t trip to Deever Uoloradoaad while ia the beaatifal asaaataia; atate visited maay alaeesof iatsreat. Mrs. Oban. Plata of Terriagtoa, Wya- auag; arrived ia tarn city Tharsday for a skirt visit with that the aaotir is fox relauves. Bbaiaaanai q m. Iaaaieaajayiagmiiiiiiiiikpi-i-iii-. Msa4M. DeagW sesesaaaaied by her sow Clyde ami timle iaaghtar ' Orestoa Judges: G D .Clark., WO Jacksoa. H O Btadley. clerks, R O Mor- aa, J. L. BrowB, Hamphrey Jadges: Jacob Krebs. Oliver Aldereoe. Joseph Braun; clerks, Wade Braitt. Franz Frerricha. .Graad PrsirisJudgss, Joha pa Bergea,Joha'H. Braes, Kilart Baken hsi; clerks, John Bseher, Wm Hoeffel maaa, jr. . Shell Creek-Judges, Wm Dodds. B C Began' Herman Kleaver; Clerks, Thos Laach; Wm. Laage, jr. Lost Creek Judges, Peter Carey, W L Smith. Chas Schaler; Clerks. T S Hoare, Walker Hitchcock. Grsadville Jadges, Henry Kersuh. Aston Fiase. FM Oookingham; Clerks, Okas Achats, B P Drake. 81' Berasrd-Jadges, Wm Bamackers, jr.. Jacob Korth. Albert Carlson; Clerks, Joha Sohaoker. Joha Purtser. Joliet-Judges, I N Joaes, Ed Ooanel ly, Mease Williams; Clerks, J O WUkaca RaiaaRade. Moaroe JsdMS. P H Gleasoa. John Leooa, Arthur Uttle; Clerks, L Franklin W J Walsh. WoodviHe Judges. Heary OrosierA G Rain, J M Carrier; Clerks, RayGreig Gaa. Aadersoa. Wsllrer-Jadges, Oscar Oisoo, Fred Nalana. O H Bleaker; Clerks. Emil Hed berg, Henaaa OUerpohl. Loap Judges, 8am Imaot, J B Kyle. John Eieenman; Clerks, Ernest Bienz GottieibCsma. Psier Koslowski, Sam Ernst; Oterka, Heary Bbmsr, RJ Prishv aaiatiag and w t a m m a m 9 9 m m m m m B. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 For the protection fit your eye tight is to visit our optical depart ment once ia a while. .' We can tell yoa in a very few minutes what, if anything, shoald be done. We will test your eyes by the moat modera methods sad fit lenses to your eyes with scientific exactitude. s a s s fr e m S: C s a s t s s m ft ft ft ft eye That will assure you future comfort. We give every osis the utmost care and attention asa with our facilities can guarantee 'satisfac tion. - Maks rt a point to see us about your eyes. If glasses are not needed there will be no charge. J. Jeweler & Optician eiste)ssipsieij"'s"'")aJ been bomelees. that moraiag pro- b? the last Msyse Dr. Lueacbea OccalUt aad Dr. W. H. Slater. B. U. Keeler left Tuesdsy for Wichita, Kan. i.-..r ranmr WMldina? Stationery, rrNms or Calliag cards, doa'tfaU to let the Journal ggnre with yoa. Two marriage licaaaas ware County Judge BatteraiaadariB( i. Uonm n Tehait aad QrifSn, both of Lindsay, aad JoeNitsch of Columbus and Msble Beard of Bf" wood. wraA znomr md hw daaghteT, Maw vi. a n Miltoa. left for New York City to Sieueer. who bw ch,wi nf rt in Maine aad ill spend some tie at the Jaametowa t-xpoeition. ' Bnrney Byraes received .a last Sunday moraiag k-rimm Mdent which baa bis brother and he left i tt,.. ., . RDft lfoataaa; e.uVnt was caaeed by a wire cable ol a elevator in a aune -Antim.ti hM.iu ehecked the force accelerated speed, or the ccapeats ihe doomed cage would have ow ed to pieces. r fcb mediately lor ' Theac- of of On Sundays Aag. lBtfc aad Union Pacific will raa special traiaa w Ohaahaiaa ieavw Follertoa Columbus at 890 hereatsboat audaight Fare far the round trip tl.36. Ethel. leftSataawaymaraiag far Terk. where they will visit with relatives for a few days. Thomas Braaigaa retaraed Saaday from a abort trip to Sidney aad other points in wastera Nebraska, la apeak isg of 8aadayTa wiad, he aaid that ia that portion of the state it was ageauiae hot wind. Mrs.. Read and Mrs. Will Todd. who here bean gaeets at the home of Mm. Fraak. Coltea aad family for the past week, left Thaiaaay for Araadia, Nebr., where they wfll visit a few weeks before retaraing to their home in Hew York. Mr. sad Mra. F. H, Lamb of Chicago areexpactad taia eveaiag for a abort visited at the borne of J. D. Stires. Mr. brother of Mra. suras aaa of Oolambas prior. to tea years ago, when ha waa engaged in the merchaatile basiaees. There's sessettiagidoisgat the Colas- bae greea hoaaea at the present Ume in the war of iaiprovemeate. Mr. A. C. Aaderaoa. the proprietor is ooaatructiag ew buildings ssd is maloag tne ma terial Bmwlf which w of cesseat blocks. He ia building two kwge greea bosses of 100 feet ia length with foot L" aad aa iadepeadeBt boiler aon Harato'oraMr. Aadersss has beea I .: t hm choieast flowi whukeat deeply iato his prplts and he to go into a esore extensive aad raies theasest there in at The old bmldiags ware meoe- qnate aad with the new uaproveBMBta he will have ae good a plsat far hie ftaiafoaadU the state. lah in ,"kha Iskes of Northern woald do wall to refuse to MBceaaythiag that looks like bate for the neat meath or two as wass. mi. Mdlira. R. B. RobiaaoaaadMr.aad aim- 3LJ. 8ulivaa left far those parts .wkr far a two weeks' oauag . nsUaw. They go with the iataa .. TWj tb. nnt the lakes aad to taat the record of RH. Chambers, who eame back two yaara ago wd us -lactaokle aad a forty or fifty poaad fwhotory. It all depeadeoa the ability rf the party to engender a reasonable 1-Ktwtam the etory they bnag haateaa to wbather it will be givea its pto the first ranks of the category. m-.wtietare show located en thirtnrk atreet iwaad , by Fraak !Tw- a Oeoraa McFarlsad waa ws"""" .i m-m riwA old lest week to parMe. w- .-- SlXMa--1- " MdJ.U' Gr-t, who took ?? jrrhe The aew owners are old haada at toe iiismr-" wr the eawuwn. --!.sadthay anticipate a Drosperoas ir.Sf2Sr. Aatothaold firm mmmwm- u.j : s auras wm aad aaistear veatara. . aood eihibitieas and mtimm rsndevoaa for aaarwnwawaa, wa - - wheteok ia tne Dr. C.A. Alleabaiawr. nwse ia new State Bask Duildiag. . MkwOriebet Wake, of 8ehayler is at the heme of her ooasia, 8te!laeeber. Abes, the UttU daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wat Shea. Uviag ia the south part of town, ievery sick. Mr. sad Mrs. Otto Kummer sad two daaghten, Stella aad Heme, retaraed Monday evening from aa azteaded vieit st Marengo, III. These desirisg to order all kinds of fsedeaado ao over "either phone. In deavadant S8. Batt 307. -Ernst lkook,ie06O4ive St. Miss Blanch Oookmshem of Hi nhrsv. who baa been the auest of Mary Newman, retaraed home last borne. ther were l waa their first E.G. i? their stoee I (hose who Itowa. akhtsaf the Josenh Rsaesch, foraserly a mail clerk oa the Oolambas aad AUMon, aad quite a prominent in OoUmbae maaiosl cir- oles st that time, waa in the city over Saaday He is now located at Omaha. Th Ckdamhaa bell team woe from David City. last Sandsy by aaooreof to-d The home team put ap a good game aad the work, of the battery, JjasieaakiaadDohuvwaa fine. The Misses Lyda Taraer aad Hulds Malm retaraed from their trip to the a test week. They weat to attead the Natioaal Teachers Associa tion arid spent some time in sightseeing along the coast. Miss Malm will spend the ramsiadnr of her summer vacation at her homeia Weston, Qeito a aamber of people from Oolum bas attended the Fullerton Chautauqua teat Saaday. Whea the special train left here i was jast comfortably filled aad was composed of five cere. It ie aaid that after lesviagGeaoa the train laaamblBil aaore the condition of a well Uted eardine can than aaythiagelse. who atteaded eay there wassn crowd oa the Ohaataaqua groaada, hi fact the bwgest crowd is the htetory of the orgaaiaatioa. They al so report the program to have beea a most excellent one. RnM of there friends were put next bat the most of them were aot aad con sequently there was a surprise ia store S most of the friends of Mr. Ed Braai gaa aad Mma Emma Lsdeaburg last Wedaeaday evening whan the couple in question took the trsia for Denver. It wass plain oase of a wadding journey aad on their arrival ia that city the oeremoay was performed by a priest of the Ostbotia aaarea. it ia str. ana Mm. Branigan's iateation to make Dee ret their future boast, aa Mr Braaigaa thinks that climate ia more beneficial to his health. Miss Ladeabargis a daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Moritz Ledeaburg and is agradaata af StFranois academy aadhsa slargsoirelsof friends which m only limited by bar acqasisteace. It is hoped that the. dimate at Daaver vritt prove to be a qaiok lacaparative and that before leag they stay bath re tire and amke their resideaes ia this aitj. Here's ' hearty eoagratalatioas (with the usaal Drs. Paul and Mstzen, Dentists. Dr. Nauasann, Dentist 13 St. Dr. Mark T. McMahca. deatiat Geo. A. Soott, jr., waa in Norfolk from Monday until Wednesday of this week. Wanted Place to work for board and attend school by young man. Bell phone No. 68. Fredie Riokljr, of Omaha is visiting with relatives here, and will shortly goto Oklahoma for n visit with hie uncle Al. before returning to school. Miss Edna Linstrum entertained a number of her young lsdy friends Fridsy afternoon in honor of Mies Jenette Barnes who is viaiting at her home. R. & Palmer the tailor, clean, dyes sud repairs Ladies' and Genta' olothing. Hats eleaned and reblooked. Buttons made to order. Agent Germania Dye Works. Nebraska Phone. H. B. Robinson's bay gelding "Tao lan," will go in the 3:90 pace, and L. H. North's "Black Douglas" will start ia tke 2J4 pacet thettteteFsir. '"These are the only ColnrabuS; horses we be lieve thst will be at Lincoln this year. The Misses Costms xZack and Anna Bender, who have been attending the Normal at Fremont, were the guests Fri Hv of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Msier. The former will visit relatives in this city for several days, while tbe latter left the same evening for a short stay in Colby, Kansas, fi. J. Niswohner returned Tuesday from Boise, Napa aad other points in Idsko. He has some mining interests in that state which he has beea looking after, and incidentslly he noted the im provements in the locality since the ad vent of irrigation. He cays that county is ordinarily a desert, but water makes it one of the moat productive sections of the country. Mr. snd Mrs. Boy Tslbot arrived in Mitchell yesterday from Columbus, Neh, snd will begia living at once on their new country home which is in the Dutch Flats neighborhood. Mr. Talbot hae been manager of the leading restaurant in Columbus the past four years, but the wonderful advantages' of the Mitchell valley for a young man, induced him to come out some months ago and take a piece of land. He is here to atay this trip, and will begin work oi improve ment on tbe homestead at once. While Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Talbot were What fetes tay Abemt Ov The Spirit of The West, published at Des Moines, Iowa, has tbe following to esyia regard to our race meeting: The remarkable raes masting of the year in Nebraska closed August 8 on the Colum bus Driving Club's track. It waa re markable, beoaase the 'fastest time made on the Nebraska circuit taia year waa cored ia two races. In the 2.46 pace Fred Robere'e good horse, Spill, made the aula ie 3:10 fiat. In the 2:32 pace J. Earyn'e Dick Allsa paced the fastest mile paced this year in the United States in the 3:23 class. The official time was. 3:15j aad maay private watches made it less. This was the first meeting con ducted by the Columbus Driving Club, and it was a saooees ia every way. Ten thousand people attended the four-day amstiag, and the receipta were sufficient to pay all purses fn full and leave a big, cash balance is the treasury. Ths sixty foot track was nsw, bat the visiting horsemen pronounced it excellent, snd predicted that with a Utile age it will become the star track in Nebraska. Especially pleased were tbe horse own ers with the magnificent stable accomo dations, and .with the courteous treat ment accorded them by the Colambua management. Before leaving the citv Friday evening a large number of the horsemen called in a body on Secretary Speioe and President Robinson to ex press thanks for treatment received, and also to give assurance that they would certainly get ia early ia UeCoIumbas entries for next year. Tim management was fortunate in ensuring the services of Ust veteran starter, Nick Bonia. who is a favorite with all race crowde and with all Chris Gaas was in Rogers over Sun day. Mr. aad Mra. H. O.Stadley of Oreston were in the eity Moaday. Dr. D. T. TKere wass"speeil at the Commercial elub liondf aw g to consider, the proposition f tbe Beaaoa MaaafactursagsO - o es tablish a factory ia Columbus lur the manufacture of the Beesos Seed cleaner aad Grata grader. The maeaiae'waa on exhibition at the dab room and the de monstration proved that it woald do everything claimed for it A lssjge number of the representative citizens of Columbus were present, and all seemed satisfied as to the merits of the machine. TbepropositioH to establish the factory was submitted to our business mee, the condition being the subscribing of $16, 000 worth of stock for the right to sell in five states and ateo to equip and oper ate the factory, Messrs biggins and Mspleot Schuyler who are interested in the company, were present, aad spoke very highly of what had beea done to wards placing the machine on the mar ket ia this section. One of the reasons advfnoed for Columbus eecuring tbe fac tory was tbe shippiag facilities and the location here would place the manufac- tnrinff nlant in the center of tbe terri tory where tbe product is used, thereby making s big saving in freeght charges and insuring prompt delivery. v t i i e a : 9) i 9) a 9) 9) 9V I 9) 9 9) 9) 9) 9) 9) 9) AaWamnvmLenmnaanaaW 7fiyaVJBVWeTeyWMir Chinese JOSS STICKS Keep away Moruitoes Over 200 tor 25c Pollock & Co. The Druggist oa the Coraer Oolumbas, Nebraska People who gat results advertise in the Journal. haildiag. in guests af Mr. and Mm. "Dooley" Brod f nearer. Mitchell Star. Of late a number of complaints have been made on account of the Platte bridge being impeccable for an ordinary load of grain. In speaking of this s Colambas business man eaid that this city waa loosing a large amount of grain because of this, to say nothing of what our merchants would be benefited, aad also that the grain market here had been an inducement for trade outside of tbta territory to' come here. No doubt those having this matter in charge are doing all they can to have the bridge put in repair, as it now comes ander tbe nrovisionsof snew lsw.and a mistake on their part might result in Platte county having to foot the entire bill, in- steaa or tne eounues oi trow ana oauw paying their ahare. It is not the desire of Tbe Journal to criticise anyone In the matter, but merely call attention to it, so that perhaps some of those inter ested might be sole to render eorae as sistsnee in getting the matter strsigLtea ed out snd the bridge at least repaired. Gas. jipes-nar of Omaha was in the city Thursday. Time ie dealing very geatly with Mr. Lookner. He looks tbe same to us as ha did thiity yeare ego. I have some fine farms around North Platte, Paxton aad Ogallala, Nsb that I can trade for Platte county farms. Better aee ate soon as these opportuni ties will not teat F, T. Walker A Co. The headquarters of the signal de partmeatof the Usiee Pacific, which has charge of iastalliag'the black sign als along the road, was moved to the city last week, ami ofaoes rested inthe German National Bank building. Aaewtime card went into effect on the Union Pacific Sunday, but there are but two material changes, no. v tne Fast Mail, arriviag forty minutes later and No. 6 arriving at 1:38 instead of 1:56 nineteen minutes earlier. Mrs. Ann Samoa, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Westcott arrived in this city from Omaha test Wednesday and were the guests st tbe home of Mrs. Westcott's daughter, Mr. A. W. Clark. Mra. Westcott expects to remaia with her daughter for some time. Sootty, the Death Valley millioaaire passed through the city Tuesday oa the Los. Angeles, Limited. He ia as old time friend of George Turner of the Joarnsl, with' whom ' be traveled while with Buffalo Bill, and he always re members him when ha makes a trip, across the continent. Bert MoFarland, who left here six yean ago, know visiting friends in this city. At the time he left be waa in tbe employ of the railroad and it would seem that Bert strack a piece of prosperity during his travels through the state of Montana. He now owns a three chair barbershop at Glasgow, Montana, a piece of soil aad a nice boms and a family. He also brings to us the in formstios that Oscar Webber, a former resxdaatof,thiacity,is now in his em ploy end has charge of his barber busi- V ! i i ! ! ! m m I 1 i ! I i (ftftftftftftSVSftftftftftftft laaajsjsnnjHanm MAJfT TEAMS AGO. 18 I IlllfHJ LIME Ml Protect it with good Sii Proof Paiat Sold by -K LfiflVY aaLtiawua nemmkii fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMtiimmi There ie a law in science which often experimented with hat each exper iment only strengthens the real facts, aad when each experiments , are made the natural result is always disastrous to one body rf not to both. Intheosee of the freight traiaa trying to occupy the same space on tbe aame track teat Wednesday sight the inevitable took place aad three box oars left the track to give the:qgteeof tbe other train room to proccoa. Aue buuh ui u tetter train, was slightly put oat of bus iness, but fortunately ao one was injur ed. The aceideat was caused by one train backing into the other. To provide ample loome for tesms to get to and from the new Union Pacific frieght depot when it is put in ase, the city council at their meeting last Fridsy ii.t ordered L. W. Weaver A son to move their coal sheds, and also served Botioson tbe B. & M. to widen tbe alley crossing from sixteen to thirty-two feet. The bill of Andrew Rosewater for $100 fur his services aa consulting engi neer regarding a surface sewer system, waa allowed. In order to ascertain wnetheror not Colambas ia elegible to the bat of cities over 5.000 population, a census was ordered taken. Should the citybeeteigiblaitwill place ua in the aame class aa Kesmey, Beatrice, Graad Island aad Fieaaoat. if AMI AND 80FT COAL- OBDEBS FILLED PROMPT LY. P. D. SMITH lilMJEK CO. G. W. Viergutz transacted business fihnjasj in Omaha last Friday. Dr. L. P. Carsteason, Veterinarian, both phones 218. Columbus, Neb. W. L. Ohenowetk left test Thursday for Chicago, where he goes in the inter est of the Gray Mercantile Co. At the regular meeting of the legal voters of the Methodist Episcopal caurch of Columbus, held on Thursday evening August 16th 1907, Jadge T. H. Saunders was elected to the Lay Electoral Con ference that meets at Omaha September 4th 1907 and J. B. Erskinb was elected alternate delegate. Thirty yeare ago Judge Saunders represented this same church in this capacity. W. Sohupbaoh, with E. E. Bruce and Co, wholesale draggiats, Omaha,, has been in the city since Friday. The past two months he has been doing house work with the Ann. snd on Tuesday eve ning departed for Sheridan, Wyoming, where he makes headquarters while traveling for the firm. Mrs. Sehapbach will remaia here two weeks before joia iaf her husbspd. . The Mission festival of 8t. Joha's Lutheran church of Shell Creek, Rev. L. Graaenhorst, will be held on Sunday August 25. Services will be held in the morning st 10 o'clock, snd in the sitor noonatt:90. Services will be conduct ed by Rev. I.H. Dircksof South Au burn, Nebr.; snd Rev. O. Klstt of Schuy ler, Neb.; Rev. F. R. Gensichen of Leigh; Bev. R. Neumarker. of Columbus. A cordisl invitation is extended to alL The dedicatory eervioee for tbe Methodiet church will beheld next Sun day, August 3 at 10:30, Rev. T. C. nit, D. D ,L. L. D., of Denver preaching the sermon. At ,the evening eervied either Dr. lit or-Pramdisg Elder G. H Main will have, charge of the service. Taia ia to be a union service all day, and invitations have been extended to the other churches to participate, aad they have signified their attention toaocept. There will also be a union Young People's meeting at 7 p. m. The re modelling of the church, which has practically changed the entire bailding, was done at a cost of between 94,000 sad 95,000, and as a result of this outlsy the Methodists now hsve s church edifice that will ample for their needs for soms time to come, aad one to which they can point with pride. One of the largest bee keeping con cerns in the west will put on a daily attraction at the State Fair, September 2-6, in the form of special demonstra tions of practical apiary work and rear ing of queen bees, usmg the famous caueaesion bees from Russia for the pur pose. The crowde which thronged the bee building test year to witness a simi lar demonstration gave suficient evi dence of its practical value to justify extensive preparations for this special exhibit, which will be free to all. At a apecial meeting of tbe board of education teat Saturday evening Prof. E. B. Sherman was released by the board in order to permit him to accept the appointment of superintendent of theBoy's.Industrialechool at Kearney, tendered him by Governor Sheldon. Thia action was not taken nntil after tbe situation had been gone over very care fully, ae the best interests of tbe Oolam bas schools were to be considered. After the motion to release Prof. Sher man has prevailed, the aslection of bis successor was' taken up, and from the list of applicants Prof. U. S. Conn of the Fremont Normal faculty was chosen, at a salary of $1,350. Prof. Conn's re commendations were first class and such that carried weight with tbe hoard. In thia connection it may be stated that this year the city echo 1 will open the eecond Monday in Septem ber, which is the 9th. Files of The Joarnsl, August 30. 1873. Columbus is now a city of the second olasa. Itseeaae to be beyond doabt that the very best wheat raised here ia oa early fall plowing and quite a aamber of farm ere are bow taming over tbe soil to re ceive the fertilizing rains. The corn has aot beea nearly ao badly injured by grasshoppers ae was some time since supposed. There will be a considerable quantity of ilia Neb rests, notwithstendisg- tbe 'boppere. bat wa imagine that there will aot be ao mack need forfuel'ee there wan last winter. The farmers are bringing their wheat to the Colambua market aad for several dsys the wheat market has beea lively. .On test Saturday we couated seventeen teams at J. P. BeokerV ware house waitiag their tarn to be ualoaded. Twelve hundred bushels weat iato Beck ere wsrehoaas oa Saturday. We were informed that the market at E. J. Baher'a. on Nebraska avenue, waa alas lively -ea iVFrklay and Saturday. Oa Saturday Mr. Baker took ia one thousand bushels.' A cellsr is beiag dag east of HikJe brand's store on Eleventh atreet, aad we learn that Galley Bros , (Jas. H. aad Samuel) are aboat to erect a brick baild ing for business purposes. They are" gentleman who are well and favorably known in the community aad we predict suoceas for them. A great stride forward was taken when the State Fair Maaagera decided on s new and modern fish baUdiagC Toa) will fiad the fish in tbe new building oa tbe opening day and every one of them on dress parade. 'There will be fish of all kinds, large fish sndasall lab. ash Kby the dozen, by the hundred sad fish by the thousand. The new brick fish building has abroad porch around the entire building. The fish aquariums made of large plate glass froate are' brought to the openings and you view them as you pass aroand; not through the building, thus avoiding the cmahiag crowds of other years. Advertised Letters. When calling for aaail ia thia adver tised list please say, ''Advertised Let ters." CE Barlow, Hazel G Buck. F Orea ds!, Francie W Dinsmore, Edward Faehrer, John Johnson, Mrs D Livey, Edward McEulla, Mack McFadea, Hen ry Nelson, S A Koddie. L A Story. Mrs Bridel Teazer, George M. Hancock. 8am uel Mortenson, George B Rutnarford, T J Smith. FOB SALE. A farm of 145 acres, adjoining town site of Moaroe. Good improvements A large part of the Isad est to alfalfa. $60 per acre n bargain. Monroe, Neb. B-eatele.4 There was a birthday party Sunday at the home of JonaScaarffiB hoaor of his daughter Mary. Henry Labartas of Monroe" township i caller at the Sieste home teat week, aad also transacted baainsss in Dress The Boy ROW THE GERHARZ-FLYNN CO. are offering boys sad childrea'e Suite at very reduced prieee. A lot of good dependable Wool Suite are being dosed at 91.50 aad 92.50 goods worth op to $4.00. TkeGeriuurz-FlyiiCt. 1 ' ; 1 i